**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** MOTIFSIM - Motif Similarity Detection Tool Version 2.2 **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** INPUT **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Input Parameters Number of files: 4 Number of top significant motifs: 10 Number of best matches: 5 Similarity cutoff: >= 0.75 Matching motif database: UniProbe Mus Musculus Motif tree: Yes Combined similar motifs: Yes Output file type: All Output file format: All Input files and motif counts File name Count of motifs Dataset # DREME_DM01.txt 51 1 MEME-CHIP_DM01.txt 9 2 PScanChIP_DM01.txt 27 3 RSAT_peak-motifs_DM01.txt 40 4 **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** RESULTS **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************** Best Matches in Database for Each Motif (Highest to Lowest) ***************************************************************** Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 6 Motif name: Motif 6 Original motif 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.417017 0.582983 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.503151 0.496849 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: CCCASCMC Reserve complement motif 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.496849 0.000000 0.503151 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.582983 0.417017 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: GYGSTGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 6 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00093 Klf7_primary Original Motif Original Motif Forward 5 8 0.009211 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.204514 0.198353 0.171218 0.425915 0.167188 0.296785 0.246082 0.289946 0.267330 0.148001 0.398674 0.185994 0.549386 0.060167 0.337100 0.053347 0.050746 0.900013 0.022169 0.027073 0.037905 0.920332 0.008360 0.033403 0.410356 0.566702 0.016267 0.006675 0.009526 0.982354 0.001060 0.007060 0.204292 0.001084 0.748567 0.046056 0.003955 0.988490 0.002821 0.004735 0.004264 0.988826 0.004311 0.002598 0.002758 0.929549 0.001244 0.066448 0.260332 0.421683 0.024720 0.293265 0.184798 0.247697 0.085237 0.482268 0.347537 0.197344 0.139961 0.315159 0.255281 0.166620 0.242297 0.335802 Consensus sequence: HBDRCCMCGCCCHHHD Reverse complement motif 0.335802 0.166620 0.242297 0.255281 0.315159 0.197344 0.139961 0.347537 0.482268 0.247697 0.085237 0.184798 0.260332 0.024720 0.421683 0.293265 0.002758 0.001244 0.929549 0.066448 0.004264 0.004311 0.988826 0.002598 0.003955 0.002821 0.988490 0.004735 0.204292 0.748567 0.001084 0.046056 0.009526 0.001060 0.982354 0.007060 0.410356 0.016267 0.566702 0.006675 0.037905 0.008360 0.920332 0.033403 0.050746 0.022169 0.900013 0.027073 0.053347 0.060167 0.337100 0.549386 0.267330 0.398674 0.148001 0.185994 0.167188 0.246082 0.296785 0.289946 0.425915 0.198353 0.171218 0.204514 Consensus sequence: DHHDGGGCGRGGKHBH Alignment: HBDRCCMCGCCCHHHD ----CCCASCMC---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00539 Gli2_v016060_primary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 13 8 0.009246 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.137831 0.118922 0.394177 0.349070 0.190108 0.163633 0.138507 0.507753 0.346002 0.332315 0.228621 0.093063 0.113254 0.287554 0.373285 0.225908 0.272578 0.125402 0.328963 0.273057 0.333973 0.115165 0.194267 0.356595 0.381054 0.086215 0.501679 0.031052 0.002232 0.007405 0.966087 0.024276 0.834741 0.112115 0.052053 0.001091 0.009034 0.983239 0.000766 0.006960 0.002054 0.988103 0.003138 0.006705 0.805772 0.171299 0.008415 0.014515 0.020076 0.976846 0.000894 0.002183 0.079914 0.917273 0.001179 0.001634 0.013983 0.950545 0.004205 0.031267 0.789407 0.039441 0.108645 0.062507 0.055453 0.161271 0.595249 0.188028 0.333424 0.128169 0.373270 0.165136 0.536103 0.109520 0.062980 0.291397 0.346477 0.090909 0.279533 0.283081 0.045892 0.190183 0.584314 0.179611 0.088294 0.406148 0.251647 0.253912 0.202467 0.447159 0.162802 0.187571 Consensus sequence: DTVBDDRGACCACCCAGDWDGBH Reverse complement motif 0.202467 0.162802 0.447159 0.187571 0.088294 0.251647 0.406148 0.253912 0.045892 0.584314 0.190183 0.179611 0.283081 0.090909 0.279533 0.346477 0.291397 0.109520 0.062980 0.536103 0.333424 0.373270 0.128169 0.165136 0.055453 0.595249 0.161271 0.188028 0.062507 0.039441 0.108645 0.789407 0.013983 0.004205 0.950545 0.031267 0.079914 0.001179 0.917273 0.001634 0.020076 0.000894 0.976846 0.002183 0.014515 0.171299 0.008415 0.805772 0.002054 0.003138 0.988103 0.006705 0.009034 0.000766 0.983239 0.006960 0.001091 0.112115 0.052053 0.834741 0.002232 0.966087 0.007405 0.024276 0.381054 0.501679 0.086215 0.031052 0.356595 0.115165 0.194267 0.333973 0.272578 0.328963 0.125402 0.273057 0.113254 0.373285 0.287554 0.225908 0.093063 0.332315 0.228621 0.346002 0.507753 0.163633 0.138507 0.190108 0.137831 0.394177 0.118922 0.349070 Consensus sequence: DBCDWHCTGGGTGGTCMDHBBAH Alignment: DBCDWHCTGGGTGGTCMDHBBAH ---GYGSTGGG------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00021 Zfp281_primary Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 8 0.012180 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.201535 0.165213 0.201324 0.431929 0.136153 0.443451 0.179132 0.241264 0.263149 0.555137 0.067983 0.113731 0.142183 0.737634 0.045722 0.074461 0.044982 0.884112 0.045356 0.025549 0.246434 0.590578 0.022655 0.140333 0.123049 0.591257 0.033072 0.252622 0.018153 0.944742 0.010254 0.026851 0.035459 0.953844 0.003988 0.006709 0.020000 0.954344 0.005966 0.019690 0.015299 0.964390 0.006755 0.013557 0.028565 0.936152 0.011660 0.023623 0.300127 0.517309 0.029700 0.152863 0.159063 0.513443 0.051834 0.275660 0.158172 0.647055 0.133256 0.061516 Consensus sequence: DBCCCCCCCCCCMYC Reverse complement motif 0.158172 0.133256 0.647055 0.061516 0.159063 0.051834 0.513443 0.275660 0.300127 0.029700 0.517309 0.152863 0.028565 0.011660 0.936152 0.023623 0.015299 0.006755 0.964390 0.013557 0.020000 0.005966 0.954344 0.019690 0.035459 0.003988 0.953844 0.006709 0.018153 0.010254 0.944742 0.026851 0.123049 0.033072 0.591257 0.252622 0.246434 0.022655 0.590578 0.140333 0.044982 0.045356 0.884112 0.025549 0.142183 0.045722 0.737634 0.074461 0.263149 0.067983 0.555137 0.113731 0.136153 0.179132 0.443451 0.241264 0.431929 0.165213 0.201324 0.201535 Consensus sequence: GKRGGGGGGGGGGBD Alignment: DBCCCCCCCCCCMYC --CCCASCMC----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00033 Zfp410_primary Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 4 8 0.014495 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.302837 0.133017 0.249940 0.314205 0.378542 0.186425 0.250700 0.184332 0.184780 0.144329 0.262766 0.408125 0.308569 0.039689 0.235695 0.416047 0.817738 0.108938 0.033419 0.039905 0.018996 0.007718 0.013175 0.960112 0.009278 0.002422 0.973921 0.014379 0.005587 0.002693 0.985088 0.006633 0.005874 0.004232 0.976927 0.012967 0.951309 0.011835 0.023187 0.013669 0.005927 0.004521 0.005701 0.983851 0.146443 0.003009 0.840720 0.009829 0.002553 0.044504 0.542059 0.410884 0.406299 0.375782 0.133922 0.083997 0.256884 0.160184 0.271190 0.311742 0.388381 0.141811 0.214600 0.255208 0.340877 0.274387 0.205585 0.179151 Consensus sequence: DVDDATGGGATGKMDDV Reverse complement motif 0.179151 0.274387 0.205585 0.340877 0.255208 0.141811 0.214600 0.388381 0.311742 0.160184 0.271190 0.256884 0.083997 0.375782 0.133922 0.406299 0.002553 0.542059 0.044504 0.410884 0.146443 0.840720 0.003009 0.009829 0.983851 0.004521 0.005701 0.005927 0.013669 0.011835 0.023187 0.951309 0.005874 0.976927 0.004232 0.012967 0.005587 0.985088 0.002693 0.006633 0.009278 0.973921 0.002422 0.014379 0.960112 0.007718 0.013175 0.018996 0.039905 0.108938 0.033419 0.817738 0.416047 0.039689 0.235695 0.308569 0.408125 0.144329 0.262766 0.184780 0.184332 0.186425 0.250700 0.378542 0.314205 0.133017 0.249940 0.302837 Consensus sequence: BDDYYCATCCCATDDBD Alignment: BDDYYCATCCCATDDBD ---CCCASCMC------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00022 Zfp740_primary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 4 8 0.017512 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.136946 0.396508 0.135309 0.331236 0.185528 0.417538 0.215409 0.181525 0.171276 0.341901 0.172832 0.313991 0.145641 0.590572 0.146376 0.117412 0.138035 0.660416 0.114016 0.087533 0.222728 0.750532 0.007528 0.019212 0.024633 0.963314 0.001894 0.010159 0.009557 0.979956 0.000642 0.009844 0.010416 0.977424 0.000541 0.011619 0.026401 0.956740 0.001544 0.015314 0.195502 0.755959 0.011060 0.037480 0.491291 0.364785 0.025613 0.118311 0.305153 0.398160 0.071680 0.225008 0.253497 0.232647 0.213246 0.300610 0.156964 0.297876 0.144683 0.400477 0.179549 0.292514 0.319462 0.208475 Consensus sequence: HVBCCCCCCCCMHHHB Reverse complement motif 0.179549 0.319462 0.292514 0.208475 0.400477 0.297876 0.144683 0.156964 0.300610 0.232647 0.213246 0.253497 0.305153 0.071680 0.398160 0.225008 0.118311 0.364785 0.025613 0.491291 0.195502 0.011060 0.755959 0.037480 0.026401 0.001544 0.956740 0.015314 0.010416 0.000541 0.977424 0.011619 0.009557 0.000642 0.979956 0.009844 0.024633 0.001894 0.963314 0.010159 0.222728 0.007528 0.750532 0.019212 0.138035 0.114016 0.660416 0.087533 0.145641 0.146376 0.590572 0.117412 0.171276 0.172832 0.341901 0.313991 0.185528 0.215409 0.417538 0.181525 0.136946 0.135309 0.396508 0.331236 Consensus sequence: BHHDYGGGGGGGGBVD Alignment: BHHDYGGGGGGGGBVD ---GYGSTGGG----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 24 Motif name: Motif 24 Original motif 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.326715 0.372692 0.300592 Consensus sequence: CACGB Reserve complement motif 0.000000 0.372692 0.326715 0.300592 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: BCGTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 24 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00097 Mtf1_primary Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 9 5 0.000000 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.220880 0.102939 0.418146 0.258035 0.154303 0.210788 0.420671 0.214238 0.229141 0.160788 0.412818 0.197253 0.167193 0.404248 0.092489 0.336070 0.025978 0.931335 0.023830 0.018857 0.009150 0.002023 0.977342 0.011485 0.044768 0.024113 0.039091 0.892028 0.007577 0.008370 0.973767 0.010286 0.005251 0.264996 0.004018 0.725735 0.009165 0.002428 0.980566 0.007841 0.021296 0.956027 0.008893 0.013784 0.982532 0.003341 0.005773 0.008353 0.500983 0.226027 0.143944 0.129045 0.544466 0.285936 0.044719 0.124879 0.321158 0.168428 0.261827 0.248587 0.271460 0.263221 0.199083 0.266236 Consensus sequence: DBDHCGTGTGCAAMDH Reverse complement motif 0.266236 0.263221 0.199083 0.271460 0.248587 0.168428 0.261827 0.321158 0.124879 0.285936 0.044719 0.544466 0.129045 0.226027 0.143944 0.500983 0.008353 0.003341 0.005773 0.982532 0.021296 0.008893 0.956027 0.013784 0.009165 0.980566 0.002428 0.007841 0.725735 0.264996 0.004018 0.005251 0.007577 0.973767 0.008370 0.010286 0.892028 0.024113 0.039091 0.044768 0.009150 0.977342 0.002023 0.011485 0.025978 0.023830 0.931335 0.018857 0.167193 0.092489 0.404248 0.336070 0.229141 0.412818 0.160788 0.197253 0.154303 0.420671 0.210788 0.214238 0.220880 0.418146 0.102939 0.258035 Consensus sequence: HDYTTGCACACGDHBH Alignment: HDYTTGCACACGDHBH --------CACGB--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00050 Bhlhb2_secondary Original Motif Original Motif Backward 11 5 0.018469 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.120938 0.344851 0.124072 0.410138 0.220931 0.169844 0.422396 0.186829 0.127752 0.260812 0.103811 0.507625 0.140641 0.405473 0.287668 0.166218 0.296957 0.155579 0.301094 0.246370 0.219647 0.287193 0.154072 0.339087 0.049294 0.026059 0.121789 0.802859 0.520042 0.289284 0.173423 0.017251 0.049190 0.943472 0.004308 0.003030 0.902609 0.006767 0.074770 0.015854 0.003221 0.971329 0.005512 0.019937 0.019937 0.005512 0.971329 0.003221 0.015854 0.074770 0.006767 0.902609 0.003030 0.004308 0.943472 0.049190 0.003497 0.088920 0.685942 0.221641 0.802859 0.121789 0.026059 0.049294 0.334544 0.155170 0.275193 0.235092 0.275957 0.132104 0.454982 0.136957 0.134097 0.254352 0.422940 0.188611 0.396163 0.432784 0.051281 0.119772 0.276474 0.115627 0.419844 0.188056 0.160759 0.088061 0.649863 0.101318 0.203314 0.166595 0.106821 0.523270 Consensus sequence: YDYBDHTMCACGTGGADDBMDGT Reverse complement motif 0.523270 0.166595 0.106821 0.203314 0.160759 0.649863 0.088061 0.101318 0.276474 0.419844 0.115627 0.188056 0.396163 0.051281 0.432784 0.119772 0.134097 0.422940 0.254352 0.188611 0.275957 0.454982 0.132104 0.136957 0.235092 0.155170 0.275193 0.334544 0.049294 0.121789 0.026059 0.802859 0.003497 0.685942 0.088920 0.221641 0.003030 0.943472 0.004308 0.049190 0.902609 0.074770 0.006767 0.015854 0.019937 0.971329 0.005512 0.003221 0.003221 0.005512 0.971329 0.019937 0.015854 0.006767 0.074770 0.902609 0.049190 0.004308 0.943472 0.003030 0.017251 0.289284 0.173423 0.520042 0.802859 0.026059 0.121789 0.049294 0.339087 0.287193 0.154072 0.219647 0.296957 0.301094 0.155579 0.246370 0.140641 0.287668 0.405473 0.166218 0.507625 0.260812 0.103811 0.127752 0.220931 0.422396 0.169844 0.186829 0.410138 0.344851 0.124072 0.120938 Consensus sequence: ACHRBHDTCCACGTGYAHHBMHM Alignment: YDYBDHTMCACGTGGADDBMDGT --------CACGB---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00050 Bhlhb2_primary Original Motif Original Motif Forward 9 5 0.019322 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.347837 0.112349 0.403713 0.136102 0.298329 0.175329 0.324534 0.201809 0.421791 0.222553 0.113615 0.242041 0.387506 0.130670 0.161435 0.320389 0.197183 0.244864 0.304611 0.253342 0.345884 0.188786 0.278290 0.187041 0.228203 0.142148 0.408269 0.221381 0.037126 0.006772 0.231775 0.724328 0.055214 0.942800 0.001192 0.000794 0.974119 0.004466 0.015535 0.005880 0.000300 0.958145 0.007498 0.034056 0.034056 0.007498 0.958145 0.000300 0.005880 0.015535 0.004466 0.974119 0.000794 0.001192 0.942800 0.055214 0.724328 0.231775 0.006772 0.037126 0.015720 0.466476 0.315208 0.202596 0.173670 0.355170 0.210710 0.260449 0.407419 0.261539 0.134430 0.196612 0.351478 0.209698 0.262426 0.176399 0.207869 0.284582 0.198951 0.308598 0.434482 0.113724 0.184408 0.267386 0.211144 0.363745 0.173978 0.251133 Consensus sequence: RDHDBVDTCACGTGASBHVHDH Reverse complement motif 0.211144 0.173978 0.363745 0.251133 0.267386 0.113724 0.184408 0.434482 0.308598 0.284582 0.198951 0.207869 0.176399 0.209698 0.262426 0.351478 0.196612 0.261539 0.134430 0.407419 0.173670 0.210710 0.355170 0.260449 0.015720 0.315208 0.466476 0.202596 0.037126 0.231775 0.006772 0.724328 0.000794 0.942800 0.001192 0.055214 0.974119 0.015535 0.004466 0.005880 0.034056 0.958145 0.007498 0.000300 0.000300 0.007498 0.958145 0.034056 0.005880 0.004466 0.015535 0.974119 0.055214 0.001192 0.942800 0.000794 0.724328 0.006772 0.231775 0.037126 0.228203 0.408269 0.142148 0.221381 0.187041 0.188786 0.278290 0.345884 0.197183 0.304611 0.244864 0.253342 0.320389 0.130670 0.161435 0.387506 0.242041 0.222553 0.113615 0.421791 0.298329 0.324534 0.175329 0.201809 0.347837 0.403713 0.112349 0.136102 Consensus sequence: DDHBHBSTCACGTGAHBBDHHM Alignment: RDHDBVDTCACGTGASBHVHDH --------CACGB--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00060 Max_primary Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 7 5 0.023178 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.234855 0.152539 0.301720 0.310886 0.199226 0.147959 0.439250 0.213565 0.582926 0.274768 0.075866 0.066440 0.138829 0.475428 0.305884 0.079859 0.024979 0.969691 0.001811 0.003520 0.966345 0.003728 0.022320 0.007607 0.000598 0.907006 0.008160 0.084236 0.084236 0.008160 0.907006 0.000598 0.007607 0.022320 0.003728 0.966345 0.003520 0.001811 0.969691 0.024979 0.149140 0.241218 0.389598 0.220044 0.066440 0.075866 0.274768 0.582926 0.186990 0.346199 0.250066 0.216745 0.273437 0.225889 0.300738 0.199936 0.160893 0.111177 0.477963 0.249968 0.171790 0.101256 0.424580 0.302375 Consensus sequence: DDASCACGTGBTBVDD Reverse complement motif 0.171790 0.424580 0.101256 0.302375 0.160893 0.477963 0.111177 0.249968 0.273437 0.300738 0.225889 0.199936 0.186990 0.250066 0.346199 0.216745 0.582926 0.075866 0.274768 0.066440 0.149140 0.389598 0.241218 0.220044 0.003520 0.969691 0.001811 0.024979 0.966345 0.022320 0.003728 0.007607 0.084236 0.907006 0.008160 0.000598 0.000598 0.008160 0.907006 0.084236 0.007607 0.003728 0.022320 0.966345 0.024979 0.001811 0.969691 0.003520 0.138829 0.305884 0.475428 0.079859 0.066440 0.274768 0.075866 0.582926 0.199226 0.439250 0.147959 0.213565 0.310886 0.152539 0.301720 0.234855 Consensus sequence: HHVBABCACGTGSTHD Alignment: HHVBABCACGTGSTHD ------CACGB----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00060 Max_secondary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 6 5 0.024590 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.127991 0.202889 0.399822 0.269298 0.156940 0.244015 0.182364 0.416681 0.046494 0.050598 0.744311 0.158596 0.196142 0.365183 0.183389 0.255286 0.019306 0.946805 0.015210 0.018680 0.924839 0.022113 0.027620 0.025428 0.007478 0.672138 0.027789 0.292595 0.046702 0.026044 0.906146 0.021107 0.117335 0.610863 0.025132 0.246670 0.044431 0.053581 0.722748 0.179240 0.543713 0.149809 0.190030 0.116447 0.241148 0.722386 0.022547 0.013919 0.265412 0.113032 0.270602 0.350954 0.226186 0.143504 0.332746 0.297564 Consensus sequence: BBGHCACGCGACDD Reverse complement motif 0.226186 0.332746 0.143504 0.297564 0.350954 0.113032 0.270602 0.265412 0.241148 0.022547 0.722386 0.013919 0.116447 0.149809 0.190030 0.543713 0.044431 0.722748 0.053581 0.179240 0.117335 0.025132 0.610863 0.246670 0.046702 0.906146 0.026044 0.021107 0.007478 0.027789 0.672138 0.292595 0.025428 0.022113 0.027620 0.924839 0.019306 0.015210 0.946805 0.018680 0.196142 0.183389 0.365183 0.255286 0.046494 0.744311 0.050598 0.158596 0.416681 0.244015 0.182364 0.156940 0.127991 0.399822 0.202889 0.269298 Consensus sequence: HDGTCGCGTGDCVB Alignment: HDGTCGCGTGDCVB -----BCGTG---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 25 Motif name: Motif 25 Original motif 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.519243 0.000000 0.000000 0.480757 0.380269 0.000000 0.000000 0.619731 Consensus sequence: TTTAWW Reserve complement motif 0.619731 0.000000 0.000000 0.380269 0.480757 0.000000 0.000000 0.519243 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: WWTAAA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 25 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00180 Hoxd13 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 6 6 0.000000 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.279189 0.316791 0.190404 0.213616 0.297705 0.175638 0.191020 0.335637 0.333485 0.203858 0.174034 0.288623 0.046444 0.540349 0.083237 0.329969 0.016780 0.648667 0.003870 0.330682 0.679959 0.116873 0.002745 0.200422 0.936496 0.002013 0.026876 0.034615 0.004741 0.008734 0.003861 0.982665 0.904624 0.000869 0.005345 0.089162 0.967883 0.002295 0.001003 0.028819 0.980087 0.004768 0.002887 0.012258 0.898523 0.041633 0.022776 0.037069 0.246903 0.292446 0.069240 0.391411 0.192528 0.300908 0.105655 0.400908 0.247610 0.343317 0.190760 0.218313 0.246702 0.253595 0.176298 0.323404 Consensus sequence: HDHYYAATAAAAHHHH Reverse complement motif 0.323404 0.253595 0.176298 0.246702 0.247610 0.190760 0.343317 0.218313 0.400908 0.300908 0.105655 0.192528 0.391411 0.292446 0.069240 0.246903 0.037069 0.041633 0.022776 0.898523 0.012258 0.004768 0.002887 0.980087 0.028819 0.002295 0.001003 0.967883 0.089162 0.000869 0.005345 0.904624 0.982665 0.008734 0.003861 0.004741 0.034615 0.002013 0.026876 0.936496 0.200422 0.116873 0.002745 0.679959 0.016780 0.003870 0.648667 0.330682 0.046444 0.083237 0.540349 0.329969 0.288623 0.203858 0.174034 0.333485 0.335637 0.175638 0.191020 0.297705 0.279189 0.190404 0.316791 0.213616 Consensus sequence: HDHHTTTTATTKKHDD Alignment: HDHHTTTTATTKKHDD -----TTTAWW----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00134 Hoxb13 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 6 6 0.009306 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.376100 0.272625 0.202253 0.149021 0.479072 0.116315 0.274952 0.129661 0.297412 0.328646 0.182054 0.191889 0.052067 0.771717 0.088083 0.088133 0.018222 0.666056 0.006952 0.308770 0.755568 0.122362 0.001339 0.120731 0.915413 0.001023 0.052340 0.031225 0.002612 0.028396 0.000695 0.968297 0.831092 0.001851 0.005615 0.161442 0.927869 0.001839 0.001169 0.069123 0.967747 0.009603 0.002871 0.019778 0.843186 0.073812 0.055868 0.027134 0.371084 0.143031 0.086222 0.399662 0.264976 0.212885 0.118960 0.403179 0.215633 0.345186 0.105518 0.333663 0.221910 0.297212 0.329310 0.151568 Consensus sequence: VRHCCAATAAAAWHHV Reverse complement motif 0.221910 0.329310 0.297212 0.151568 0.215633 0.105518 0.345186 0.333663 0.403179 0.212885 0.118960 0.264976 0.399662 0.143031 0.086222 0.371084 0.027134 0.073812 0.055868 0.843186 0.019778 0.009603 0.002871 0.967747 0.069123 0.001839 0.001169 0.927869 0.161442 0.001851 0.005615 0.831092 0.968297 0.028396 0.000695 0.002612 0.031225 0.001023 0.052340 0.915413 0.120731 0.122362 0.001339 0.755568 0.018222 0.006952 0.666056 0.308770 0.052067 0.088083 0.771717 0.088133 0.297412 0.182054 0.328646 0.191889 0.129661 0.116315 0.274952 0.479072 0.149021 0.272625 0.202253 0.376100 Consensus sequence: VDHWTTTTATTGGDKB Alignment: VRHCCAATAAAAWHHV -----WWTAAA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00121 Hoxd10 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 6 6 0.010612 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.405345 0.293266 0.220907 0.080482 0.398063 0.099034 0.333525 0.169378 0.049753 0.190411 0.336789 0.423048 0.243698 0.226261 0.324346 0.205696 0.030873 0.549741 0.008321 0.411065 0.714225 0.228092 0.020960 0.036723 0.833992 0.010944 0.021918 0.133146 0.008898 0.026169 0.008341 0.956591 0.811684 0.004889 0.004751 0.178676 0.952107 0.004322 0.004587 0.038984 0.925365 0.008360 0.006811 0.059464 0.850659 0.058250 0.065237 0.025855 0.193369 0.242985 0.049515 0.514131 0.266774 0.080601 0.239781 0.412844 0.335522 0.125500 0.188170 0.350809 0.407171 0.120540 0.187300 0.284989 0.281181 0.242348 0.160247 0.316224 Consensus sequence: VDKVYAATAAAATDDDH Reverse complement motif 0.316224 0.242348 0.160247 0.281181 0.284989 0.120540 0.187300 0.407171 0.350809 0.125500 0.188170 0.335522 0.412844 0.080601 0.239781 0.266774 0.514131 0.242985 0.049515 0.193369 0.025855 0.058250 0.065237 0.850659 0.059464 0.008360 0.006811 0.925365 0.038984 0.004322 0.004587 0.952107 0.178676 0.004889 0.004751 0.811684 0.956591 0.026169 0.008341 0.008898 0.133146 0.010944 0.021918 0.833992 0.036723 0.228092 0.020960 0.714225 0.030873 0.008321 0.549741 0.411065 0.243698 0.324346 0.226261 0.205696 0.423048 0.190411 0.336789 0.049753 0.169378 0.099034 0.333525 0.398063 0.080482 0.293266 0.220907 0.405345 Consensus sequence: HDDDATTTTATTKVRDB Alignment: HDDDATTTTATTKVRDB ------TTTAWW----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00061 Foxl1_primary Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 8 6 0.013532 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.323208 0.152915 0.185111 0.338766 0.428132 0.056109 0.099487 0.416272 0.659386 0.039965 0.035805 0.264843 0.647143 0.049206 0.078984 0.224667 0.208834 0.076592 0.071631 0.642943 0.341077 0.003865 0.649511 0.005547 0.016627 0.001866 0.001715 0.979792 0.952319 0.045294 0.000870 0.001516 0.988834 0.004620 0.000720 0.005826 0.989346 0.001005 0.006467 0.003182 0.001093 0.784230 0.001235 0.213442 0.991209 0.002017 0.001737 0.005037 0.801581 0.037084 0.023060 0.138274 0.528554 0.089350 0.107501 0.274595 0.208802 0.268646 0.368022 0.154530 0.280218 0.221367 0.340497 0.157918 0.146611 0.250725 0.293524 0.309140 Consensus sequence: DWAATRTAAACAAWVVB Reverse complement motif 0.309140 0.250725 0.293524 0.146611 0.280218 0.340497 0.221367 0.157918 0.208802 0.368022 0.268646 0.154530 0.274595 0.089350 0.107501 0.528554 0.138274 0.037084 0.023060 0.801581 0.005037 0.002017 0.001737 0.991209 0.001093 0.001235 0.784230 0.213442 0.003182 0.001005 0.006467 0.989346 0.005826 0.004620 0.000720 0.988834 0.001516 0.045294 0.000870 0.952319 0.979792 0.001866 0.001715 0.016627 0.341077 0.649511 0.003865 0.005547 0.642943 0.076592 0.071631 0.208834 0.224667 0.049206 0.078984 0.647143 0.264843 0.039965 0.035805 0.659386 0.416272 0.056109 0.099487 0.428132 0.338766 0.152915 0.185111 0.323208 Consensus sequence: VVVWTTGTTTAMATTWD Alignment: DWAATRTAAACAAWVVB ----WWTAAA------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00133 Cdx2 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 7 6 0.013832 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.314704 0.147028 0.248638 0.289630 0.358628 0.179740 0.325491 0.136141 0.298646 0.303363 0.300590 0.097401 0.188478 0.055557 0.664045 0.091921 0.171259 0.033449 0.790542 0.004751 0.002849 0.464940 0.000596 0.531615 0.576948 0.399193 0.001565 0.022295 0.968872 0.001511 0.028582 0.001035 0.006970 0.003535 0.000486 0.989010 0.878078 0.003399 0.000389 0.118134 0.951183 0.000842 0.001555 0.046419 0.939504 0.006021 0.000818 0.053657 0.567732 0.151536 0.050535 0.230197 0.172713 0.264434 0.122553 0.440299 0.142175 0.107265 0.258247 0.492313 0.215178 0.302818 0.133613 0.348391 Consensus sequence: DVVGGYMATAAAAHKH Reverse complement motif 0.348391 0.302818 0.133613 0.215178 0.492313 0.107265 0.258247 0.142175 0.440299 0.264434 0.122553 0.172713 0.230197 0.151536 0.050535 0.567732 0.053657 0.006021 0.000818 0.939504 0.046419 0.000842 0.001555 0.951183 0.118134 0.003399 0.000389 0.878078 0.989010 0.003535 0.000486 0.006970 0.001035 0.001511 0.028582 0.968872 0.022295 0.399193 0.001565 0.576948 0.531615 0.464940 0.000596 0.002849 0.171259 0.790542 0.033449 0.004751 0.188478 0.664045 0.055557 0.091921 0.298646 0.300590 0.303363 0.097401 0.136141 0.179740 0.325491 0.358628 0.289630 0.147028 0.248638 0.314704 Consensus sequence: HRHTTTTATYMCCVBD Alignment: HRHTTTTATYMCCVBD ----TTTAWW------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 53 Motif name: Motif 53 Original motif 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.223169 0.335605 0.441227 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.356048 0.000000 0.643952 0.000000 Consensus sequence: TSTGTR Reserve complement motif 0.356048 0.643952 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.223169 0.441227 0.335605 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: MACASA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 53 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00026 Zscan4_secondary Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 6 6 0.000000 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.275231 0.387763 0.112851 0.224155 0.269193 0.327669 0.360934 0.042204 0.439403 0.233641 0.022359 0.304596 0.409796 0.139856 0.390450 0.059899 0.038409 0.011231 0.936209 0.014150 0.067382 0.909014 0.021244 0.002359 0.962897 0.009563 0.009687 0.017854 0.043757 0.937596 0.007648 0.010999 0.970698 0.005379 0.016825 0.007098 0.066033 0.636556 0.043955 0.253456 0.797406 0.066726 0.011988 0.123879 0.774632 0.121694 0.017773 0.085901 0.324017 0.235408 0.213365 0.227210 0.365796 0.192247 0.134547 0.307410 0.299601 0.246867 0.098395 0.355137 0.328229 0.242048 0.251143 0.178579 Consensus sequence: HVHRGCACACAAHHHV Reverse complement motif 0.178579 0.242048 0.251143 0.328229 0.355137 0.246867 0.098395 0.299601 0.307410 0.192247 0.134547 0.365796 0.227210 0.235408 0.213365 0.324017 0.085901 0.121694 0.017773 0.774632 0.123879 0.066726 0.011988 0.797406 0.066033 0.043955 0.636556 0.253456 0.007098 0.005379 0.016825 0.970698 0.043757 0.007648 0.937596 0.010999 0.017854 0.009563 0.009687 0.962897 0.067382 0.021244 0.909014 0.002359 0.038409 0.936209 0.011231 0.014150 0.059899 0.139856 0.390450 0.409796 0.304596 0.233641 0.022359 0.439403 0.269193 0.360934 0.327669 0.042204 0.275231 0.112851 0.387763 0.224155 Consensus sequence: BHHHTTGTGTGCKHVD Alignment: BHHHTTGTGTGCKHVD -----TSTGTR----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00042 Gm397_second Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 6 6 0.004234 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.360404 0.193218 0.248888 0.197490 0.286498 0.224597 0.426555 0.062349 0.347032 0.440548 0.033161 0.179259 0.337062 0.193658 0.385751 0.083529 0.108793 0.005723 0.878300 0.007184 0.015151 0.973406 0.009324 0.002118 0.972117 0.003915 0.019783 0.004185 0.010144 0.980912 0.003106 0.005839 0.974864 0.007532 0.015914 0.001691 0.012441 0.939195 0.029256 0.019108 0.759620 0.106164 0.073819 0.060397 0.157234 0.818234 0.007449 0.017083 0.050076 0.063608 0.505171 0.381144 0.131903 0.538163 0.124608 0.205325 0.367623 0.286526 0.240931 0.104919 0.357798 0.317606 0.097711 0.226885 Consensus sequence: DVMVGCACACACKCVH Reverse complement motif 0.226885 0.317606 0.097711 0.357798 0.104919 0.286526 0.240931 0.367623 0.131903 0.124608 0.538163 0.205325 0.050076 0.505171 0.063608 0.381144 0.157234 0.007449 0.818234 0.017083 0.060397 0.106164 0.073819 0.759620 0.012441 0.029256 0.939195 0.019108 0.001691 0.007532 0.015914 0.974864 0.010144 0.003106 0.980912 0.005839 0.004185 0.003915 0.019783 0.972117 0.015151 0.009324 0.973406 0.002118 0.108793 0.878300 0.005723 0.007184 0.337062 0.385751 0.193658 0.083529 0.347032 0.033161 0.440548 0.179259 0.286498 0.426555 0.224597 0.062349 0.197490 0.193218 0.248888 0.360404 Consensus sequence: HBGYGTGTGTGCVRVD Alignment: HBGYGTGTGTGCVRVD -----TSTGTR----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00026 Zscan4_primary Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 4 6 0.009805 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.203927 0.157260 0.307071 0.331743 0.360341 0.265216 0.147327 0.227115 0.251195 0.298806 0.241051 0.208949 0.487186 0.122472 0.214362 0.175980 0.122838 0.051062 0.055773 0.770327 0.020467 0.009992 0.965816 0.003725 0.005887 0.026663 0.006808 0.960643 0.030656 0.002167 0.965099 0.002078 0.002078 0.965099 0.002167 0.030656 0.960643 0.006808 0.026663 0.005887 0.003725 0.965816 0.009992 0.020467 0.770327 0.055773 0.051062 0.122838 0.044808 0.382307 0.042920 0.529965 0.751320 0.047417 0.044482 0.156781 0.362742 0.228898 0.085373 0.322987 0.436635 0.111479 0.217284 0.234601 0.303930 0.285374 0.195872 0.214824 Consensus sequence: DHVDTGTGCACAYAHDH Reverse complement motif 0.214824 0.285374 0.195872 0.303930 0.234601 0.111479 0.217284 0.436635 0.322987 0.228898 0.085373 0.362742 0.156781 0.047417 0.044482 0.751320 0.529965 0.382307 0.042920 0.044808 0.122838 0.055773 0.051062 0.770327 0.003725 0.009992 0.965816 0.020467 0.005887 0.006808 0.026663 0.960643 0.002078 0.002167 0.965099 0.030656 0.030656 0.965099 0.002167 0.002078 0.960643 0.026663 0.006808 0.005887 0.020467 0.965816 0.009992 0.003725 0.770327 0.051062 0.055773 0.122838 0.175980 0.122472 0.214362 0.487186 0.251195 0.241051 0.298806 0.208949 0.227115 0.265216 0.147327 0.360341 0.331743 0.157260 0.307071 0.203927 Consensus sequence: HDHTMTGTGCACADVHD Alignment: HDHTMTGTGCACADVHD ---TSTGTR-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00042 Gm397_primary Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 9 6 0.016633 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.248614 0.321010 0.201723 0.228654 0.332381 0.190810 0.184854 0.291955 0.253802 0.119338 0.331394 0.295466 0.577827 0.100884 0.130066 0.191223 0.180374 0.011174 0.042942 0.765510 0.009131 0.024996 0.962422 0.003450 0.003308 0.034731 0.002930 0.959032 0.063907 0.001099 0.933714 0.001280 0.001280 0.933714 0.001099 0.063907 0.959032 0.002930 0.034731 0.003308 0.003450 0.962422 0.024996 0.009131 0.765510 0.042942 0.011174 0.180374 0.026456 0.256356 0.130672 0.586516 0.589555 0.285548 0.036864 0.088034 0.265828 0.529813 0.031915 0.172445 0.209015 0.104817 0.374275 0.311892 0.224283 0.292805 0.144270 0.338642 Consensus sequence: HHDATGTGCACATAMDH Reverse complement motif 0.338642 0.292805 0.144270 0.224283 0.209015 0.374275 0.104817 0.311892 0.265828 0.031915 0.529813 0.172445 0.088034 0.285548 0.036864 0.589555 0.586516 0.256356 0.130672 0.026456 0.180374 0.042942 0.011174 0.765510 0.003450 0.024996 0.962422 0.009131 0.003308 0.002930 0.034731 0.959032 0.001280 0.001099 0.933714 0.063907 0.063907 0.933714 0.001099 0.001280 0.959032 0.034731 0.002930 0.003308 0.009131 0.962422 0.024996 0.003450 0.765510 0.011174 0.042942 0.180374 0.191223 0.100884 0.130066 0.577827 0.253802 0.331394 0.119338 0.295466 0.291955 0.190810 0.184854 0.332381 0.248614 0.201723 0.321010 0.228654 Consensus sequence: HHRTATGTGCACATHHD Alignment: HHRTATGTGCACATHHD ---TSTGTR-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00041 Foxj1_primary Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 7 6 0.021348 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.446042 0.209997 0.124191 0.219770 0.271534 0.218131 0.245258 0.265077 0.368646 0.184693 0.168482 0.278180 0.348384 0.034204 0.583335 0.034077 0.040365 0.085618 0.013162 0.860855 0.824790 0.156631 0.004063 0.014515 0.835134 0.069381 0.003505 0.091980 0.967572 0.009280 0.006259 0.016890 0.009507 0.909577 0.004492 0.076424 0.947956 0.006994 0.008177 0.036873 0.599204 0.170666 0.065622 0.164508 0.708795 0.035865 0.070557 0.184782 0.303191 0.287145 0.184748 0.224917 0.285550 0.184167 0.248662 0.281621 0.235315 0.210836 0.254428 0.299421 0.220038 0.158539 0.286552 0.334871 Consensus sequence: HDHRTAAACAAAHDDD Reverse complement motif 0.334871 0.158539 0.286552 0.220038 0.299421 0.210836 0.254428 0.235315 0.281621 0.184167 0.248662 0.285550 0.224917 0.287145 0.184748 0.303191 0.184782 0.035865 0.070557 0.708795 0.164508 0.170666 0.065622 0.599204 0.036873 0.006994 0.008177 0.947956 0.009507 0.004492 0.909577 0.076424 0.016890 0.009280 0.006259 0.967572 0.091980 0.069381 0.003505 0.835134 0.014515 0.156631 0.004063 0.824790 0.860855 0.085618 0.013162 0.040365 0.348384 0.583335 0.034204 0.034077 0.278180 0.184693 0.168482 0.368646 0.265077 0.218131 0.245258 0.271534 0.219770 0.209997 0.124191 0.446042 Consensus sequence: DDDHTTTGTTTAMHDH Alignment: HDHRTAAACAAAHDDD ------MACASA---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 54 Motif name: Motif 54 Original motif 0.585317 0.000000 0.414683 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: RGAAA Reserve complement motif 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.414683 0.585317 Consensus sequence: TTTCK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 54 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00018 Irf4_primary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 6 5 0.000000 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.302723 0.390309 0.162248 0.144720 0.263298 0.109753 0.466266 0.160683 0.314007 0.079943 0.170722 0.435328 0.657943 0.042407 0.054822 0.244828 0.175125 0.281452 0.069422 0.474000 0.014866 0.891988 0.005489 0.087657 0.012252 0.001771 0.982933 0.003044 0.985642 0.006248 0.005379 0.002731 0.933526 0.002109 0.003143 0.061222 0.988146 0.003436 0.001669 0.006749 0.021771 0.945675 0.026522 0.006032 0.029305 0.568908 0.017908 0.383879 0.396869 0.133807 0.324146 0.145178 0.326865 0.278882 0.198196 0.196056 0.506287 0.142988 0.165503 0.185222 Consensus sequence: VDDAYCGAAACYDVA Reverse complement motif 0.185222 0.142988 0.165503 0.506287 0.196056 0.278882 0.198196 0.326865 0.145178 0.133807 0.324146 0.396869 0.029305 0.017908 0.568908 0.383879 0.021771 0.026522 0.945675 0.006032 0.006749 0.003436 0.001669 0.988146 0.061222 0.002109 0.003143 0.933526 0.002731 0.006248 0.005379 0.985642 0.012252 0.982933 0.001771 0.003044 0.014866 0.005489 0.891988 0.087657 0.474000 0.281452 0.069422 0.175125 0.244828 0.042407 0.054822 0.657943 0.435328 0.079943 0.170722 0.314007 0.263298 0.466266 0.109753 0.160683 0.302723 0.162248 0.390309 0.144720 Consensus sequence: TBDKGTTTCGMTDHV Alignment: TBDKGTTTCGMTDHV -----TTTCK----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00074 Isgf3g_primary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 7 5 0.002259 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.276786 0.305435 0.213026 0.204753 0.396362 0.114731 0.248667 0.240240 0.461284 0.092047 0.334734 0.111936 0.775091 0.019703 0.057075 0.148131 0.860742 0.032827 0.020878 0.085553 0.318035 0.134940 0.114054 0.432971 0.031989 0.819436 0.031529 0.117045 0.038741 0.005309 0.945956 0.009995 0.961581 0.018494 0.013401 0.006524 0.943392 0.004223 0.007869 0.044516 0.964748 0.010789 0.003727 0.020735 0.029401 0.875794 0.079869 0.014937 0.034572 0.294928 0.012201 0.658299 0.370121 0.165750 0.227886 0.236243 0.803710 0.072510 0.054519 0.069261 Consensus sequence: VDRAAWCGAAACTDA Reverse complement motif 0.069261 0.072510 0.054519 0.803710 0.236243 0.165750 0.227886 0.370121 0.658299 0.294928 0.012201 0.034572 0.029401 0.079869 0.875794 0.014937 0.020735 0.010789 0.003727 0.964748 0.044516 0.004223 0.007869 0.943392 0.006524 0.018494 0.013401 0.961581 0.038741 0.945956 0.005309 0.009995 0.031989 0.031529 0.819436 0.117045 0.432971 0.134940 0.114054 0.318035 0.085553 0.032827 0.020878 0.860742 0.148131 0.019703 0.057075 0.775091 0.111936 0.092047 0.334734 0.461284 0.240240 0.114731 0.248667 0.396362 0.276786 0.213026 0.305435 0.204753 Consensus sequence: TDAGTTTCGWTTKDV Alignment: TDAGTTTCGWTTKDV ----TTTCK------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00040 Irf5_primary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 5 5 0.004349 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.337548 0.193688 0.194039 0.274725 0.279950 0.185928 0.199501 0.334621 0.357304 0.160203 0.278768 0.203725 0.499782 0.069569 0.166858 0.263790 0.832538 0.022992 0.085287 0.059183 0.144788 0.434769 0.040595 0.379848 0.016035 0.943520 0.003379 0.037067 0.014208 0.001713 0.982579 0.001500 0.985572 0.004274 0.008722 0.001432 0.894404 0.001440 0.007585 0.096571 0.991307 0.002706 0.001993 0.003994 0.011143 0.973529 0.013241 0.002087 0.016468 0.532173 0.009621 0.441739 0.462373 0.120288 0.237126 0.180213 0.392685 0.223865 0.229697 0.153753 Consensus sequence: DDDWAYCGAAACYDV Reverse complement motif 0.153753 0.223865 0.229697 0.392685 0.180213 0.120288 0.237126 0.462373 0.016468 0.009621 0.532173 0.441739 0.011143 0.013241 0.973529 0.002087 0.003994 0.002706 0.001993 0.991307 0.096571 0.001440 0.007585 0.894404 0.001432 0.004274 0.008722 0.985572 0.014208 0.982579 0.001713 0.001500 0.016035 0.003379 0.943520 0.037067 0.144788 0.040595 0.434769 0.379848 0.059183 0.022992 0.085287 0.832538 0.263790 0.069569 0.166858 0.499782 0.203725 0.160203 0.278768 0.357304 0.334621 0.185928 0.199501 0.279950 0.274725 0.193688 0.194039 0.337548 Consensus sequence: BDKGTTTCGKTWDDD Alignment: BDKGTTTCGKTWDDD ----TTTCK------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00011 Irf6_primary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 6 5 0.013687 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.256714 0.363080 0.149403 0.230804 0.312941 0.135162 0.190389 0.361507 0.255033 0.128823 0.354898 0.261246 0.667588 0.053933 0.205778 0.072701 0.199950 0.339707 0.114445 0.345899 0.029853 0.908514 0.006383 0.055250 0.019621 0.002231 0.976266 0.001882 0.983875 0.005320 0.008639 0.002166 0.698671 0.002741 0.006725 0.291864 0.990097 0.003609 0.003047 0.003247 0.008905 0.975208 0.011495 0.004392 0.022092 0.611448 0.018828 0.347632 0.538109 0.125313 0.241515 0.095063 0.456841 0.205124 0.177213 0.160822 0.372926 0.189134 0.195747 0.242193 0.217155 0.198027 0.300393 0.284425 0.277630 0.187849 0.237049 0.297472 Consensus sequence: HDDAHCGAAACYAVDDD Reverse complement motif 0.297472 0.187849 0.237049 0.277630 0.217155 0.300393 0.198027 0.284425 0.242193 0.189134 0.195747 0.372926 0.160822 0.205124 0.177213 0.456841 0.095063 0.125313 0.241515 0.538109 0.022092 0.018828 0.611448 0.347632 0.008905 0.011495 0.975208 0.004392 0.003247 0.003609 0.003047 0.990097 0.291864 0.002741 0.006725 0.698671 0.002166 0.005320 0.008639 0.983875 0.019621 0.976266 0.002231 0.001882 0.029853 0.006383 0.908514 0.055250 0.345899 0.339707 0.114445 0.199950 0.072701 0.053933 0.205778 0.667588 0.255033 0.354898 0.128823 0.261246 0.361507 0.135162 0.190389 0.312941 0.256714 0.149403 0.363080 0.230804 Consensus sequence: DHDBTKGTTTCGHTHDD Alignment: DHDBTKGTTTCGHTHDD -------TTTCK----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00043 Bcl6b_primary Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 10 5 0.014122 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.346550 0.082299 0.202982 0.368169 0.169328 0.599178 0.046508 0.184986 0.085619 0.105820 0.059390 0.749172 0.128756 0.084682 0.076780 0.709782 0.032381 0.009923 0.016477 0.941220 0.013184 0.868651 0.009399 0.108766 0.018397 0.104497 0.450474 0.426632 0.800902 0.010911 0.015982 0.172205 0.141166 0.055397 0.762379 0.041059 0.073467 0.021239 0.811630 0.093665 0.878497 0.015031 0.044964 0.061509 0.875924 0.027013 0.013780 0.083283 0.205684 0.213313 0.040936 0.540067 0.244336 0.228277 0.168227 0.359160 0.208971 0.304437 0.148473 0.338119 0.201607 0.294079 0.334889 0.169425 Consensus sequence: DCTTTCKAGGAATHHV Reverse complement motif 0.201607 0.334889 0.294079 0.169425 0.338119 0.304437 0.148473 0.208971 0.359160 0.228277 0.168227 0.244336 0.540067 0.213313 0.040936 0.205684 0.083283 0.027013 0.013780 0.875924 0.061509 0.015031 0.044964 0.878497 0.073467 0.811630 0.021239 0.093665 0.141166 0.762379 0.055397 0.041059 0.172205 0.010911 0.015982 0.800902 0.018397 0.450474 0.104497 0.426632 0.013184 0.009399 0.868651 0.108766 0.941220 0.009923 0.016477 0.032381 0.709782 0.084682 0.076780 0.128756 0.749172 0.105820 0.059390 0.085619 0.169328 0.046508 0.599178 0.184986 0.368169 0.082299 0.202982 0.346550 Consensus sequence: VHHATTCCTYGAAAGD Alignment: DCTTTCKAGGAATHHV --TTTCK--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 55 Motif name: Motif 55 Original motif 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: TTTAAAA Reserve complement motif 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: TTTTAAA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 55 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00173 Hoxc13 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 6 7 0.000000 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.329750 0.218875 0.126085 0.325290 0.359529 0.208886 0.161839 0.269746 0.422361 0.147886 0.154953 0.274800 0.109858 0.231755 0.365475 0.292912 0.026731 0.838331 0.133884 0.001054 0.001860 0.034063 0.001665 0.962411 0.018979 0.887508 0.000421 0.093092 0.394654 0.000419 0.598992 0.005935 0.001269 0.017200 0.000611 0.980919 0.897441 0.000397 0.003712 0.098450 0.958993 0.000593 0.000873 0.039541 0.981006 0.004963 0.001000 0.013032 0.645464 0.081310 0.051136 0.222090 0.298300 0.138406 0.094463 0.468832 0.158954 0.229153 0.156589 0.455305 0.325279 0.092193 0.241621 0.340907 Consensus sequence: HHDBCTCRTAAAAWHD Reverse complement motif 0.340907 0.092193 0.241621 0.325279 0.455305 0.229153 0.156589 0.158954 0.468832 0.138406 0.094463 0.298300 0.222090 0.081310 0.051136 0.645464 0.013032 0.004963 0.001000 0.981006 0.039541 0.000593 0.000873 0.958993 0.098450 0.000397 0.003712 0.897441 0.980919 0.017200 0.000611 0.001269 0.394654 0.598992 0.000419 0.005935 0.018979 0.000421 0.887508 0.093092 0.962411 0.034063 0.001665 0.001860 0.026731 0.133884 0.838331 0.001054 0.109858 0.365475 0.231755 0.292912 0.274800 0.147886 0.154953 0.422361 0.269746 0.208886 0.161839 0.359529 0.325290 0.218875 0.126085 0.329750 Consensus sequence: DHWTTTTAMGAGBDHH Alignment: DHWTTTTAMGAGBDHH ----TTTAAAA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00061 Foxl1_primary Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 8 7 0.002694 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.323208 0.152915 0.185111 0.338766 0.428132 0.056109 0.099487 0.416272 0.659386 0.039965 0.035805 0.264843 0.647143 0.049206 0.078984 0.224667 0.208834 0.076592 0.071631 0.642943 0.341077 0.003865 0.649511 0.005547 0.016627 0.001866 0.001715 0.979792 0.952319 0.045294 0.000870 0.001516 0.988834 0.004620 0.000720 0.005826 0.989346 0.001005 0.006467 0.003182 0.001093 0.784230 0.001235 0.213442 0.991209 0.002017 0.001737 0.005037 0.801581 0.037084 0.023060 0.138274 0.528554 0.089350 0.107501 0.274595 0.208802 0.268646 0.368022 0.154530 0.280218 0.221367 0.340497 0.157918 0.146611 0.250725 0.293524 0.309140 Consensus sequence: DWAATRTAAACAAWVVB Reverse complement motif 0.309140 0.250725 0.293524 0.146611 0.280218 0.340497 0.221367 0.157918 0.208802 0.368022 0.268646 0.154530 0.274595 0.089350 0.107501 0.528554 0.138274 0.037084 0.023060 0.801581 0.005037 0.002017 0.001737 0.991209 0.001093 0.001235 0.784230 0.213442 0.003182 0.001005 0.006467 0.989346 0.005826 0.004620 0.000720 0.988834 0.001516 0.045294 0.000870 0.952319 0.979792 0.001866 0.001715 0.016627 0.341077 0.649511 0.003865 0.005547 0.642943 0.076592 0.071631 0.208834 0.224667 0.049206 0.078984 0.647143 0.264843 0.039965 0.035805 0.659386 0.416272 0.056109 0.099487 0.428132 0.338766 0.152915 0.185111 0.323208 Consensus sequence: VVVWTTGTTTAMATTWD Alignment: VVVWTTGTTTAMATTWD -------TTTAAAA--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00245 Hoxc10 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 5 7 0.003958 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.239959 0.241480 0.127526 0.391035 0.393451 0.123294 0.236504 0.246751 0.425440 0.162608 0.183192 0.228759 0.342619 0.136379 0.294758 0.226245 0.081913 0.061733 0.855044 0.001310 0.001643 0.036832 0.001170 0.960355 0.018825 0.976078 0.000606 0.004492 0.295691 0.001892 0.701303 0.001114 0.002726 0.002441 0.002823 0.992011 0.854003 0.002752 0.000601 0.142644 0.986219 0.001475 0.002415 0.009891 0.976476 0.009547 0.001650 0.012327 0.495998 0.130830 0.145385 0.227787 0.217852 0.326165 0.152819 0.303164 0.206308 0.256598 0.289657 0.247436 0.137871 0.148598 0.304153 0.409378 Consensus sequence: HDDDGTCGTAAADHBB Reverse complement motif 0.409378 0.148598 0.304153 0.137871 0.206308 0.289657 0.256598 0.247436 0.217852 0.152819 0.326165 0.303164 0.227787 0.130830 0.145385 0.495998 0.012327 0.009547 0.001650 0.976476 0.009891 0.001475 0.002415 0.986219 0.142644 0.002752 0.000601 0.854003 0.992011 0.002441 0.002823 0.002726 0.295691 0.701303 0.001892 0.001114 0.018825 0.000606 0.976078 0.004492 0.960355 0.036832 0.001170 0.001643 0.081913 0.855044 0.061733 0.001310 0.226245 0.136379 0.294758 0.342619 0.228759 0.162608 0.183192 0.425440 0.246751 0.123294 0.236504 0.393451 0.391035 0.241480 0.127526 0.239959 Consensus sequence: VBDDTTTACGACDDDH Alignment: VBDDTTTACGACDDDH ----TTTAAAA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00246 Hoxa11 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 6 7 0.005440 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.250495 0.214554 0.138272 0.396679 0.492850 0.123424 0.196803 0.186923 0.540281 0.151603 0.140529 0.167586 0.428463 0.099563 0.270775 0.201200 0.102254 0.050731 0.845038 0.001977 0.001884 0.019008 0.001029 0.978079 0.016931 0.973797 0.000596 0.008676 0.258728 0.001705 0.738135 0.001431 0.003545 0.001680 0.003370 0.991405 0.832666 0.002250 0.000866 0.164218 0.983610 0.001278 0.002546 0.012566 0.980677 0.005645 0.001242 0.012435 0.599219 0.090422 0.088183 0.222176 0.212685 0.399896 0.114218 0.273202 0.287588 0.220283 0.249419 0.242710 0.152138 0.145873 0.312609 0.389380 Consensus sequence: HDADGTCGTAAAAHDD Reverse complement motif 0.389380 0.145873 0.312609 0.152138 0.242710 0.220283 0.249419 0.287588 0.212685 0.114218 0.399896 0.273202 0.222176 0.090422 0.088183 0.599219 0.012435 0.005645 0.001242 0.980677 0.012566 0.001278 0.002546 0.983610 0.164218 0.002250 0.000866 0.832666 0.991405 0.001680 0.003370 0.003545 0.258728 0.738135 0.001705 0.001431 0.016931 0.000596 0.973797 0.008676 0.978079 0.019008 0.001029 0.001884 0.102254 0.845038 0.050731 0.001977 0.201200 0.099563 0.270775 0.428463 0.167586 0.151603 0.140529 0.540281 0.186923 0.123424 0.196803 0.492850 0.396679 0.214554 0.138272 0.250495 Consensus sequence: DDDTTTTACGACDTDH Alignment: DDDTTTTACGACDTDH ----TTTAAAA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00183 Hoxa13 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 5 7 0.005483 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.349550 0.172903 0.163906 0.313641 0.315011 0.194211 0.195948 0.294830 0.368766 0.201805 0.178542 0.250887 0.145880 0.295376 0.295376 0.263368 0.015331 0.929453 0.054675 0.000540 0.001365 0.028771 0.001559 0.968304 0.010908 0.940311 0.000350 0.048431 0.197963 0.000370 0.796987 0.004680 0.001758 0.010551 0.000808 0.986883 0.926536 0.000378 0.002732 0.070353 0.969248 0.000662 0.000790 0.029301 0.981050 0.005733 0.000805 0.012411 0.621561 0.122585 0.047087 0.208767 0.297436 0.133532 0.093665 0.475368 0.178579 0.227666 0.232495 0.361260 0.234668 0.133863 0.220639 0.410829 Consensus sequence: HDHBCTCGTAAAAWBD Reverse complement motif 0.410829 0.133863 0.220639 0.234668 0.361260 0.227666 0.232495 0.178579 0.475368 0.133532 0.093665 0.297436 0.208767 0.122585 0.047087 0.621561 0.012411 0.005733 0.000805 0.981050 0.029301 0.000662 0.000790 0.969248 0.070353 0.000378 0.002732 0.926536 0.986883 0.010551 0.000808 0.001758 0.197963 0.796987 0.000370 0.004680 0.010908 0.000350 0.940311 0.048431 0.968304 0.028771 0.001559 0.001365 0.015331 0.054675 0.929453 0.000540 0.145880 0.295376 0.295376 0.263368 0.250887 0.201805 0.178542 0.368766 0.294830 0.194211 0.195948 0.315011 0.313641 0.172903 0.163906 0.349550 Consensus sequence: DVWTTTTACGAGBHDH Alignment: DVWTTTTACGAGBHDH ----TTTAAAA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 64 Motif name: ARID3A Original motif 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.037037 0.333333 0.000000 0.629630 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.740741 0.000000 0.037037 0.222222 Consensus sequence: ATYAAA Reserve complement motif 0.222222 0.000000 0.037037 0.740741 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.629630 0.333333 0.000000 0.037037 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 Consensus sequence: TTTMAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 64 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00212 Lhx5 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 5 6 0.000000 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.192127 0.348816 0.300474 0.158583 0.251871 0.201197 0.314740 0.232192 0.469240 0.195840 0.137749 0.197171 0.620351 0.063061 0.196615 0.119973 0.026357 0.096838 0.024928 0.851877 0.010301 0.066114 0.000301 0.923283 0.980649 0.007663 0.010886 0.000802 0.981397 0.001294 0.004654 0.012655 0.012655 0.004654 0.001294 0.981397 0.000802 0.010886 0.007663 0.980649 0.923283 0.000301 0.066114 0.010301 0.851877 0.024928 0.096838 0.026357 0.528438 0.142302 0.071537 0.257724 0.296647 0.115284 0.062688 0.525382 0.401193 0.235971 0.157675 0.205160 0.309966 0.315367 0.145959 0.228708 0.089761 0.287439 0.205359 0.417441 Consensus sequence: VDHATTAATTAAAWHHB Reverse complement motif 0.417441 0.287439 0.205359 0.089761 0.309966 0.145959 0.315367 0.228708 0.205160 0.235971 0.157675 0.401193 0.525382 0.115284 0.062688 0.296647 0.257724 0.142302 0.071537 0.528438 0.026357 0.024928 0.096838 0.851877 0.010301 0.000301 0.066114 0.923283 0.980649 0.010886 0.007663 0.000802 0.981397 0.004654 0.001294 0.012655 0.012655 0.001294 0.004654 0.981397 0.000802 0.007663 0.010886 0.980649 0.923283 0.066114 0.000301 0.010301 0.851877 0.096838 0.024928 0.026357 0.119973 0.063061 0.196615 0.620351 0.197171 0.195840 0.137749 0.469240 0.251871 0.314740 0.201197 0.232192 0.192127 0.300474 0.348816 0.158583 Consensus sequence: VDHWTTTAATTAATHHV Alignment: VDHATTAATTAAAWHHB -------ATYAAA---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00130 Lhx3 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 5 6 0.001462 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.226746 0.289244 0.371785 0.112225 0.256971 0.229670 0.248726 0.264633 0.556784 0.228344 0.038490 0.176382 0.631659 0.088282 0.196624 0.083434 0.021306 0.098213 0.006109 0.874373 0.016974 0.029949 0.000343 0.952734 0.971885 0.004194 0.023228 0.000693 0.983076 0.001653 0.004793 0.010478 0.010478 0.004793 0.001653 0.983076 0.000693 0.023228 0.004194 0.971885 0.952734 0.000343 0.029949 0.016974 0.874373 0.006109 0.098213 0.021306 0.425814 0.086548 0.127397 0.360241 0.343977 0.034349 0.079320 0.542354 0.412597 0.281154 0.077380 0.228869 0.338396 0.315969 0.106509 0.239127 0.112285 0.233324 0.310745 0.343646 Consensus sequence: VDAATTAATTAAWWHHB Reverse complement motif 0.343646 0.233324 0.310745 0.112285 0.239127 0.315969 0.106509 0.338396 0.228869 0.281154 0.077380 0.412597 0.542354 0.034349 0.079320 0.343977 0.360241 0.086548 0.127397 0.425814 0.021306 0.006109 0.098213 0.874373 0.016974 0.000343 0.029949 0.952734 0.971885 0.023228 0.004194 0.000693 0.983076 0.004793 0.001653 0.010478 0.010478 0.001653 0.004793 0.983076 0.000693 0.004194 0.023228 0.971885 0.952734 0.029949 0.000343 0.016974 0.874373 0.098213 0.006109 0.021306 0.083434 0.088282 0.196624 0.631659 0.176382 0.228344 0.038490 0.556784 0.264633 0.229670 0.248726 0.256971 0.226746 0.371785 0.289244 0.112225 Consensus sequence: VHHWWTTAATTAATTDV Alignment: VHHWWTTAATTAATTDV ----TTTMAT------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00169 Lmx1b Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 5 6 0.002118 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.336931 0.220707 0.306671 0.135692 0.251068 0.126246 0.394767 0.227919 0.318914 0.086872 0.150663 0.443551 0.368649 0.051170 0.092361 0.487819 0.359682 0.088506 0.064771 0.487041 0.019535 0.162692 0.015925 0.801848 0.015902 0.024224 0.000652 0.959222 0.974698 0.006086 0.002334 0.016882 0.978085 0.001281 0.005421 0.015214 0.015214 0.005421 0.001281 0.978085 0.016882 0.002334 0.006086 0.974698 0.959222 0.000652 0.024224 0.015902 0.801848 0.015925 0.162692 0.019535 0.242323 0.115688 0.116364 0.525625 0.283782 0.097563 0.188384 0.430271 0.252386 0.255982 0.135946 0.355686 0.141430 0.249462 0.350759 0.258349 Consensus sequence: VDWWWTTAATTAATDHB Reverse complement motif 0.141430 0.350759 0.249462 0.258349 0.355686 0.255982 0.135946 0.252386 0.430271 0.097563 0.188384 0.283782 0.525625 0.115688 0.116364 0.242323 0.019535 0.015925 0.162692 0.801848 0.015902 0.000652 0.024224 0.959222 0.974698 0.002334 0.006086 0.016882 0.978085 0.005421 0.001281 0.015214 0.015214 0.001281 0.005421 0.978085 0.016882 0.006086 0.002334 0.974698 0.959222 0.024224 0.000652 0.015902 0.801848 0.162692 0.015925 0.019535 0.487041 0.088506 0.064771 0.359682 0.487819 0.051170 0.092361 0.368649 0.443551 0.086872 0.150663 0.318914 0.251068 0.394767 0.126246 0.227919 0.135692 0.220707 0.306671 0.336931 Consensus sequence: BHDATTAATTAAWWWHB Alignment: BHDATTAATTAAWWWHB -------ATYAAA---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00213 Hoxa9 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 6 6 0.002704 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.386110 0.122124 0.336396 0.155370 0.214951 0.503652 0.200027 0.081370 0.227199 0.070231 0.558705 0.143864 0.087364 0.155173 0.659970 0.097493 0.088468 0.597073 0.010847 0.303611 0.237567 0.630916 0.020446 0.111071 0.883692 0.003551 0.103622 0.009135 0.022994 0.004161 0.003712 0.969134 0.630635 0.007085 0.003697 0.358584 0.954551 0.003419 0.003818 0.038212 0.932582 0.012322 0.005304 0.049792 0.758713 0.022612 0.031347 0.187327 0.320450 0.163437 0.062031 0.454082 0.174953 0.127720 0.167458 0.529870 0.511837 0.131729 0.146649 0.209785 0.382191 0.090904 0.276475 0.250430 0.383323 0.080173 0.111038 0.425465 Consensus sequence: DCGGYCATWAAAWTADW Reverse complement motif 0.425465 0.080173 0.111038 0.383323 0.250430 0.090904 0.276475 0.382191 0.209785 0.131729 0.146649 0.511837 0.529870 0.127720 0.167458 0.174953 0.454082 0.163437 0.062031 0.320450 0.187327 0.022612 0.031347 0.758713 0.049792 0.012322 0.005304 0.932582 0.038212 0.003419 0.003818 0.954551 0.358584 0.007085 0.003697 0.630635 0.969134 0.004161 0.003712 0.022994 0.009135 0.003551 0.103622 0.883692 0.237567 0.020446 0.630916 0.111071 0.088468 0.010847 0.597073 0.303611 0.087364 0.659970 0.155173 0.097493 0.227199 0.558705 0.070231 0.143864 0.214951 0.200027 0.503652 0.081370 0.155370 0.122124 0.336396 0.386110 Consensus sequence: WDTAWTTTWATGKCCGD Alignment: DCGGYCATWAAAWTADW ------ATYAAA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00188 Lmx1a Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 8 6 0.004295 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.163027 0.506393 0.246327 0.084254 0.173471 0.211164 0.477036 0.138330 0.431859 0.182416 0.155298 0.230427 0.420560 0.127574 0.126915 0.324951 0.060842 0.128686 0.037075 0.773398 0.032236 0.035967 0.001358 0.930439 0.938541 0.008352 0.007051 0.046057 0.964464 0.001596 0.003362 0.030579 0.030579 0.003362 0.001596 0.964464 0.046057 0.007051 0.008352 0.938541 0.930439 0.001358 0.035967 0.032236 0.773398 0.037075 0.128686 0.060842 0.498149 0.057242 0.091924 0.352686 0.520755 0.121277 0.054120 0.303848 0.483290 0.175070 0.069683 0.271957 0.221557 0.366894 0.153619 0.257930 0.167920 0.342643 0.169856 0.319581 Consensus sequence: CVHHTTAATTAAWWWHB Reverse complement motif 0.167920 0.169856 0.342643 0.319581 0.221557 0.153619 0.366894 0.257930 0.271957 0.175070 0.069683 0.483290 0.303848 0.121277 0.054120 0.520755 0.352686 0.057242 0.091924 0.498149 0.060842 0.037075 0.128686 0.773398 0.032236 0.001358 0.035967 0.930439 0.938541 0.007051 0.008352 0.046057 0.964464 0.003362 0.001596 0.030579 0.030579 0.001596 0.003362 0.964464 0.046057 0.008352 0.007051 0.938541 0.930439 0.035967 0.001358 0.032236 0.773398 0.128686 0.037075 0.060842 0.324951 0.127574 0.126915 0.420560 0.230427 0.182416 0.155298 0.431859 0.173471 0.477036 0.211164 0.138330 0.163027 0.246327 0.506393 0.084254 Consensus sequence: BDWWWTTAATTAAHHVG Alignment: BDWWWTTAATTAAHHVG ----TTTMAT------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 69 Motif name: NKX3-1 Original motif 0.650000 0.050000 0.150000 0.150000 0.000000 0.050000 0.000000 0.950000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.950000 0.000000 0.050000 0.050000 0.000000 0.000000 0.950000 0.050000 0.000000 0.000000 0.950000 0.950000 0.000000 0.050000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: ATACTTA Reserve complement motif 0.000000 0.000000 0.050000 0.950000 0.950000 0.000000 0.000000 0.050000 0.950000 0.000000 0.000000 0.050000 0.000000 0.000000 0.950000 0.050000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.950000 0.050000 0.000000 0.000000 0.150000 0.050000 0.150000 0.650000 Consensus sequence: TAAGTAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 69 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00154 Dlx3 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 6 7 0.000000 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.157148 0.217687 0.304518 0.320647 0.318275 0.425158 0.119826 0.136742 0.273337 0.201589 0.374243 0.150831 0.265663 0.415436 0.246477 0.072424 0.286693 0.118521 0.299277 0.295508 0.606385 0.039818 0.228390 0.125406 0.004445 0.031749 0.000450 0.963356 0.981242 0.002051 0.002953 0.013754 0.991934 0.001618 0.001926 0.004523 0.004360 0.002257 0.001886 0.991496 0.006754 0.002610 0.007184 0.983452 0.746718 0.000881 0.247141 0.005260 0.073590 0.571797 0.121013 0.233601 0.345116 0.490403 0.053716 0.110764 0.180424 0.304469 0.365948 0.149159 0.368505 0.201561 0.128879 0.301055 0.283893 0.384010 0.129498 0.202600 Consensus sequence: BHVVDATAATTACMVHH Reverse complement motif 0.283893 0.129498 0.384010 0.202600 0.301055 0.201561 0.128879 0.368505 0.180424 0.365948 0.304469 0.149159 0.345116 0.053716 0.490403 0.110764 0.073590 0.121013 0.571797 0.233601 0.005260 0.000881 0.247141 0.746718 0.983452 0.002610 0.007184 0.006754 0.991496 0.002257 0.001886 0.004360 0.004523 0.001618 0.001926 0.991934 0.013754 0.002051 0.002953 0.981242 0.963356 0.031749 0.000450 0.004445 0.125406 0.039818 0.228390 0.606385 0.286693 0.299277 0.118521 0.295508 0.265663 0.246477 0.415436 0.072424 0.273337 0.374243 0.201589 0.150831 0.318275 0.119826 0.425158 0.136742 0.320647 0.217687 0.304518 0.157148 Consensus sequence: DHVRGTAATTATHVVDV Alignment: DHVRGTAATTATHVVDV -----TAAGTAT----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00110 Dlx4 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 6 7 0.000607 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.148890 0.250744 0.298395 0.301970 0.196587 0.552942 0.118457 0.132014 0.300532 0.225189 0.321815 0.152464 0.220403 0.484478 0.170471 0.124648 0.282659 0.126893 0.291900 0.298548 0.543480 0.066796 0.238211 0.151513 0.008757 0.043674 0.001328 0.946241 0.965904 0.003560 0.005827 0.024709 0.991903 0.001679 0.003111 0.003308 0.005813 0.003047 0.002398 0.988742 0.009065 0.005398 0.012094 0.973444 0.760080 0.001219 0.230062 0.008640 0.196565 0.523905 0.138530 0.141000 0.291872 0.485094 0.060293 0.162741 0.173083 0.264513 0.398406 0.163998 0.496161 0.139574 0.111645 0.252620 0.216899 0.530982 0.122796 0.129323 Consensus sequence: BCVVDATAATTACMVHC Reverse complement motif 0.216899 0.122796 0.530982 0.129323 0.252620 0.139574 0.111645 0.496161 0.173083 0.398406 0.264513 0.163998 0.291872 0.060293 0.485094 0.162741 0.196565 0.138530 0.523905 0.141000 0.008640 0.001219 0.230062 0.760080 0.973444 0.005398 0.012094 0.009065 0.988742 0.003047 0.002398 0.005813 0.003308 0.001679 0.003111 0.991903 0.024709 0.003560 0.005827 0.965904 0.946241 0.043674 0.001328 0.008757 0.151513 0.066796 0.238211 0.543480 0.298548 0.126893 0.291900 0.282659 0.220403 0.170471 0.484478 0.124648 0.300532 0.321815 0.225189 0.152464 0.196587 0.118457 0.552942 0.132014 0.301970 0.250744 0.298395 0.148890 Consensus sequence: GHVRGTAATTATDVVGV Alignment: GHVRGTAATTATDVVGV -----TAAGTAT----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00108 Alx3 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 7 7 0.003196 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.296149 0.033726 0.127017 0.543109 0.366485 0.200783 0.243220 0.189512 0.405110 0.180765 0.159571 0.254554 0.534568 0.154903 0.228026 0.082504 0.039813 0.476598 0.008603 0.474987 0.003992 0.080226 0.001293 0.914489 0.986740 0.006235 0.003288 0.003738 0.985422 0.002561 0.008596 0.003421 0.003421 0.008596 0.002561 0.985422 0.003738 0.003288 0.006235 0.986740 0.914489 0.001293 0.080226 0.003992 0.474987 0.008603 0.476598 0.039813 0.078830 0.442223 0.054744 0.424202 0.068037 0.145671 0.102838 0.683453 0.239872 0.271585 0.339298 0.149245 0.434309 0.190824 0.135524 0.239342 0.262173 0.253994 0.285560 0.198273 Consensus sequence: WVHAYTAATTARYTVHV Reverse complement motif 0.262173 0.285560 0.253994 0.198273 0.239342 0.190824 0.135524 0.434309 0.239872 0.339298 0.271585 0.149245 0.683453 0.145671 0.102838 0.068037 0.078830 0.054744 0.442223 0.424202 0.474987 0.476598 0.008603 0.039813 0.003992 0.001293 0.080226 0.914489 0.986740 0.003288 0.006235 0.003738 0.985422 0.008596 0.002561 0.003421 0.003421 0.002561 0.008596 0.985422 0.003738 0.006235 0.003288 0.986740 0.914489 0.080226 0.001293 0.003992 0.039813 0.008603 0.476598 0.474987 0.082504 0.154903 0.228026 0.534568 0.254554 0.180765 0.159571 0.405110 0.189512 0.200783 0.243220 0.366485 0.543109 0.033726 0.127017 0.296149 Consensus sequence: VHVAKMTAATTAKTHBW Alignment: VHVAKMTAATTAKTHBW ------TAAGTAT---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00202 Dlx1 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 7 0.006930 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.163842 0.291218 0.273647 0.271293 0.132817 0.241988 0.127403 0.497792 0.169467 0.114132 0.606759 0.109642 0.447414 0.244155 0.212138 0.096293 0.352705 0.065283 0.403228 0.178784 0.285954 0.141939 0.371251 0.200856 0.008260 0.119989 0.001052 0.870700 0.987317 0.005592 0.005756 0.001335 0.990185 0.002369 0.001821 0.005626 0.007233 0.001028 0.002257 0.989482 0.003462 0.007126 0.008135 0.981277 0.942617 0.000920 0.045030 0.011433 0.408909 0.192781 0.197071 0.201240 0.076008 0.358323 0.120230 0.445440 Consensus sequence: BHGVRDTAATTADY Reverse complement motif 0.445440 0.358323 0.120230 0.076008 0.201240 0.192781 0.197071 0.408909 0.011433 0.000920 0.045030 0.942617 0.981277 0.007126 0.008135 0.003462 0.989482 0.001028 0.002257 0.007233 0.005626 0.002369 0.001821 0.990185 0.001335 0.005592 0.005756 0.987317 0.870700 0.119989 0.001052 0.008260 0.285954 0.371251 0.141939 0.200856 0.352705 0.403228 0.065283 0.178784 0.096293 0.244155 0.212138 0.447414 0.169467 0.606759 0.114132 0.109642 0.497792 0.241988 0.127403 0.132817 0.163842 0.273647 0.291218 0.271293 Consensus sequence: MDTAATTAHMBCHB Alignment: BHGVRDTAATTADY -----ATACTTA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00214 Hoxb5 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 4 7 0.007334 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.519855 0.226056 0.139921 0.114169 0.270805 0.347521 0.193242 0.188431 0.169746 0.085791 0.648156 0.096307 0.124863 0.148105 0.376769 0.350263 0.007732 0.069768 0.000873 0.921627 0.904797 0.086327 0.004962 0.003914 0.984428 0.006566 0.002976 0.006029 0.006029 0.002976 0.006566 0.984428 0.003914 0.004962 0.086327 0.904797 0.921627 0.000873 0.069768 0.007732 0.189293 0.292570 0.409589 0.108548 0.096307 0.648156 0.085791 0.169746 0.284851 0.246932 0.103460 0.364757 0.283475 0.438817 0.110037 0.167671 0.678071 0.045424 0.141143 0.135362 0.222932 0.161863 0.139544 0.475661 Consensus sequence: AVGBTAATTAVCHHAH Reverse complement motif 0.475661 0.161863 0.139544 0.222932 0.135362 0.045424 0.141143 0.678071 0.283475 0.110037 0.438817 0.167671 0.364757 0.246932 0.103460 0.284851 0.096307 0.085791 0.648156 0.169746 0.189293 0.409589 0.292570 0.108548 0.007732 0.000873 0.069768 0.921627 0.904797 0.004962 0.086327 0.003914 0.984428 0.002976 0.006566 0.006029 0.006029 0.006566 0.002976 0.984428 0.003914 0.086327 0.004962 0.904797 0.921627 0.069768 0.000873 0.007732 0.124863 0.376769 0.148105 0.350263 0.169746 0.648156 0.085791 0.096307 0.270805 0.193242 0.347521 0.188431 0.114169 0.226056 0.139921 0.519855 Consensus sequence: HTDHGVTAATTABCVT Alignment: HTDHGVTAATTABCVT ------TAAGTAT--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 94 Motif name: yrTCWCAAyr Original motif 0.207792 0.324675 0.116883 0.350649 0.441558 0.155844 0.272727 0.129870 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.012987 0.987013 0.000000 0.000000 0.727273 0.000000 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.974026 0.000000 0.025974 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.155844 0.441558 0.064935 0.337662 0.259740 0.155844 0.415584 0.168831 Consensus sequence: HVTCACAAYD Reserve complement motif 0.259740 0.415584 0.155844 0.168831 0.155844 0.064935 0.441558 0.337662 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.025974 0.974026 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 0.000000 0.727273 0.012987 0.000000 0.987013 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.129870 0.155844 0.272727 0.441558 0.350649 0.324675 0.116883 0.207792 Consensus sequence: HKTTGTGABH ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 94 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00004 Sox14_secondary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 5 10 0.001806 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.191264 0.345487 0.212142 0.251106 0.105033 0.130838 0.338939 0.425191 0.126539 0.333031 0.233364 0.307066 0.641901 0.114039 0.195933 0.048127 0.153349 0.532437 0.272427 0.041786 0.934680 0.009395 0.019668 0.036257 0.013611 0.927298 0.037729 0.021361 0.964293 0.018416 0.006724 0.010568 0.962181 0.018004 0.014592 0.005223 0.229593 0.016301 0.007632 0.746474 0.268456 0.030092 0.519349 0.182102 0.201484 0.107350 0.588833 0.102334 0.253726 0.259057 0.242924 0.244293 0.168663 0.203061 0.347898 0.280378 0.175853 0.339716 0.301724 0.182707 Consensus sequence: BKBASACAATRGHBB Reverse complement motif 0.175853 0.301724 0.339716 0.182707 0.168663 0.347898 0.203061 0.280378 0.253726 0.242924 0.259057 0.244293 0.201484 0.588833 0.107350 0.102334 0.268456 0.519349 0.030092 0.182102 0.746474 0.016301 0.007632 0.229593 0.005223 0.018004 0.014592 0.962181 0.010568 0.018416 0.006724 0.964293 0.013611 0.037729 0.927298 0.021361 0.036257 0.009395 0.019668 0.934680 0.153349 0.272427 0.532437 0.041786 0.048127 0.114039 0.195933 0.641901 0.126539 0.233364 0.333031 0.307066 0.425191 0.130838 0.338939 0.105033 0.191264 0.212142 0.345487 0.251106 Consensus sequence: BBDCMATTGTSTBRB Alignment: BBDCMATTGTSTBRB ----HKTTGTGABH- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00041 Foxj1_secondary Original Motif Original Motif Backward 5 10 0.003493 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.429896 0.169787 0.168088 0.232229 0.190254 0.276130 0.200621 0.332995 0.343686 0.190490 0.369834 0.095991 0.078541 0.193671 0.230405 0.497384 0.186618 0.538905 0.189075 0.085402 0.810627 0.032606 0.147596 0.009170 0.041554 0.548182 0.044008 0.366256 0.846634 0.028936 0.070184 0.054247 0.796757 0.135823 0.033695 0.033725 0.100601 0.796656 0.061882 0.040861 0.693155 0.033021 0.119214 0.154611 0.521886 0.143922 0.177720 0.156472 0.174184 0.391236 0.228569 0.206011 0.441326 0.195996 0.225002 0.137676 0.230751 0.446170 0.149990 0.173089 Consensus sequence: HBVBCAYAACAABVH Reverse complement motif 0.230751 0.149990 0.446170 0.173089 0.137676 0.195996 0.225002 0.441326 0.174184 0.228569 0.391236 0.206011 0.156472 0.143922 0.177720 0.521886 0.154611 0.033021 0.119214 0.693155 0.100601 0.061882 0.796656 0.040861 0.033725 0.135823 0.033695 0.796757 0.054247 0.028936 0.070184 0.846634 0.041554 0.044008 0.548182 0.366256 0.009170 0.032606 0.147596 0.810627 0.186618 0.189075 0.538905 0.085402 0.497384 0.193671 0.230405 0.078541 0.343686 0.369834 0.190490 0.095991 0.332995 0.276130 0.200621 0.190254 0.232229 0.169787 0.168088 0.429896 Consensus sequence: DBBTTGTTKTGVVVH Alignment: HBVBCAYAACAABVH -HVTCACAAYD---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00062 Sox4_primary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 6 10 0.007032 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.427843 0.231210 0.119424 0.221523 0.196506 0.239531 0.304906 0.259057 0.302488 0.156922 0.290190 0.250401 0.433872 0.149126 0.196496 0.220506 0.258426 0.076511 0.475100 0.189963 0.841714 0.046453 0.099915 0.011918 0.983853 0.001612 0.001362 0.013174 0.003460 0.982032 0.005728 0.008780 0.989743 0.002253 0.002020 0.005984 0.990761 0.003397 0.002843 0.003000 0.770864 0.003540 0.001549 0.224048 0.235342 0.002598 0.757383 0.004677 0.371426 0.089574 0.529959 0.009040 0.480804 0.196949 0.240413 0.081833 0.187158 0.355102 0.216599 0.241142 0.248006 0.232182 0.157452 0.362360 0.403367 0.177684 0.164649 0.254300 Consensus sequence: HBDDDAACAAAGRVBHH Reverse complement motif 0.254300 0.177684 0.164649 0.403367 0.362360 0.232182 0.157452 0.248006 0.187158 0.216599 0.355102 0.241142 0.081833 0.196949 0.240413 0.480804 0.371426 0.529959 0.089574 0.009040 0.235342 0.757383 0.002598 0.004677 0.224048 0.003540 0.001549 0.770864 0.003000 0.003397 0.002843 0.990761 0.005984 0.002253 0.002020 0.989743 0.003460 0.005728 0.982032 0.008780 0.013174 0.001612 0.001362 0.983853 0.011918 0.046453 0.099915 0.841714 0.258426 0.475100 0.076511 0.189963 0.220506 0.149126 0.196496 0.433872 0.250401 0.156922 0.290190 0.302488 0.196506 0.304906 0.239531 0.259057 0.221523 0.231210 0.119424 0.427843 Consensus sequence: HHBBMCTTTGTTHDDBH Alignment: HHBBMCTTTGTTHDDBH -----HKTTGTGABH-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00069 Sox1_secondary Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 2 10 0.007670 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.311195 0.320761 0.168207 0.199837 0.167435 0.254705 0.172347 0.405512 0.455008 0.141912 0.238795 0.164285 0.073716 0.141297 0.053296 0.731691 0.568590 0.149220 0.096523 0.185666 0.713176 0.043537 0.154070 0.089217 0.052174 0.056918 0.031611 0.859297 0.054048 0.062932 0.047885 0.835134 0.062609 0.086497 0.830338 0.020556 0.019412 0.026926 0.041178 0.912484 0.025514 0.121633 0.159655 0.693198 0.589206 0.202387 0.156463 0.051943 0.139529 0.144613 0.355594 0.360265 0.099136 0.393670 0.195997 0.311196 0.221257 0.260915 0.363263 0.154565 Consensus sequence: HBDTAATTGTTABBV Reverse complement motif 0.221257 0.363263 0.260915 0.154565 0.099136 0.195997 0.393670 0.311196 0.360265 0.144613 0.355594 0.139529 0.051943 0.202387 0.156463 0.589206 0.693198 0.121633 0.159655 0.025514 0.912484 0.026926 0.041178 0.019412 0.062609 0.830338 0.086497 0.020556 0.835134 0.062932 0.047885 0.054048 0.859297 0.056918 0.031611 0.052174 0.089217 0.043537 0.154070 0.713176 0.185666 0.149220 0.096523 0.568590 0.731691 0.141297 0.053296 0.073716 0.164285 0.141912 0.238795 0.455008 0.405512 0.254705 0.172347 0.167435 0.311195 0.168207 0.320761 0.199837 Consensus sequence: VBVTAACAATTADVD Alignment: HBDTAATTGTTABBV ----HKTTGTGABH- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00030 Sox11_primary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 3 10 0.008537 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.351812 0.238467 0.143954 0.265768 0.195246 0.235838 0.281473 0.287443 0.349478 0.172616 0.210739 0.267167 0.484061 0.110438 0.173131 0.232370 0.276692 0.070713 0.479604 0.172991 0.859124 0.044167 0.083951 0.012758 0.975608 0.002029 0.002285 0.020079 0.006422 0.978485 0.007124 0.007969 0.987489 0.003025 0.002868 0.006617 0.987739 0.005463 0.002730 0.004067 0.693013 0.004067 0.002445 0.300475 0.189100 0.003677 0.801408 0.005814 0.352090 0.072517 0.567737 0.007656 0.542316 0.176545 0.192768 0.088371 0.196382 0.304176 0.205985 0.293457 0.289415 0.201358 0.182937 0.326290 0.385801 0.216362 0.152363 0.245475 Consensus sequence: HBDDRAACAAAGRABHH Reverse complement motif 0.245475 0.216362 0.152363 0.385801 0.326290 0.201358 0.182937 0.289415 0.196382 0.205985 0.304176 0.293457 0.088371 0.176545 0.192768 0.542316 0.352090 0.567737 0.072517 0.007656 0.189100 0.801408 0.003677 0.005814 0.300475 0.004067 0.002445 0.693013 0.004067 0.005463 0.002730 0.987739 0.006617 0.003025 0.002868 0.987489 0.006422 0.007124 0.978485 0.007969 0.020079 0.002029 0.002285 0.975608 0.012758 0.044167 0.083951 0.859124 0.276692 0.479604 0.070713 0.172991 0.232370 0.110438 0.173131 0.484061 0.267167 0.172616 0.210739 0.349478 0.287443 0.235838 0.281473 0.195246 0.265768 0.238467 0.143954 0.351812 Consensus sequence: HHBTMCTTTGTTMDDVH Alignment: HHBTMCTTTGTTMDDVH -----HKTTGTGABH-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 96 Motif name: mdAAcCAACG Original motif 0.357143 0.261905 0.214286 0.166667 0.309524 0.071429 0.261905 0.357143 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.190476 0.642857 0.119048 0.047619 0.000000 0.952381 0.047619 0.000000 0.952381 0.000000 0.047619 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.023810 0.785714 0.047619 0.142857 0.142857 0.047619 0.761905 0.047619 Consensus sequence: VDAACCAACG Reserve complement motif 0.142857 0.761905 0.047619 0.047619 0.023810 0.047619 0.785714 0.142857 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.047619 0.952381 0.000000 0.047619 0.952381 0.000000 0.190476 0.119048 0.642857 0.047619 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.357143 0.071429 0.261905 0.309524 0.166667 0.261905 0.214286 0.357143 Consensus sequence: CGTTGGTTDB ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 96 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00227 Duxl Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 4 10 0.003554 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.059324 0.549998 0.101788 0.288890 0.350238 0.047771 0.474127 0.127863 0.770996 0.015441 0.164902 0.048661 0.063151 0.673997 0.105494 0.157359 0.021548 0.664224 0.091845 0.222383 0.002154 0.741020 0.002050 0.254777 0.987687 0.008317 0.000992 0.003004 0.973679 0.023948 0.000878 0.001495 0.002325 0.007546 0.001364 0.988764 0.001171 0.979424 0.000772 0.018633 0.968044 0.001410 0.000963 0.029583 0.830222 0.031401 0.088899 0.049478 0.053145 0.528291 0.175613 0.242950 0.245422 0.250649 0.275044 0.228886 0.314555 0.186237 0.342207 0.157002 0.279193 0.196590 0.151908 0.372310 0.199093 0.291226 0.335413 0.174267 Consensus sequence: YRACCCAATCAACVVHV Reverse complement motif 0.199093 0.335413 0.291226 0.174267 0.372310 0.196590 0.151908 0.279193 0.314555 0.342207 0.186237 0.157002 0.245422 0.275044 0.250649 0.228886 0.053145 0.175613 0.528291 0.242950 0.049478 0.031401 0.088899 0.830222 0.029583 0.001410 0.000963 0.968044 0.001171 0.000772 0.979424 0.018633 0.988764 0.007546 0.001364 0.002325 0.001495 0.023948 0.000878 0.973679 0.003004 0.008317 0.000992 0.987687 0.002154 0.002050 0.741020 0.254777 0.021548 0.091845 0.664224 0.222383 0.063151 0.105494 0.673997 0.157359 0.048661 0.015441 0.164902 0.770996 0.350238 0.474127 0.047771 0.127863 0.059324 0.101788 0.549998 0.288890 Consensus sequence: VHVVGTTGATTGGGTMK Alignment: VHVVGTTGATTGGGTMK ---CGTTGGTTDB---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00030 Sox11_primary Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 10 0.008551 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.351812 0.238467 0.143954 0.265768 0.195246 0.235838 0.281473 0.287443 0.349478 0.172616 0.210739 0.267167 0.484061 0.110438 0.173131 0.232370 0.276692 0.070713 0.479604 0.172991 0.859124 0.044167 0.083951 0.012758 0.975608 0.002029 0.002285 0.020079 0.006422 0.978485 0.007124 0.007969 0.987489 0.003025 0.002868 0.006617 0.987739 0.005463 0.002730 0.004067 0.693013 0.004067 0.002445 0.300475 0.189100 0.003677 0.801408 0.005814 0.352090 0.072517 0.567737 0.007656 0.542316 0.176545 0.192768 0.088371 0.196382 0.304176 0.205985 0.293457 0.289415 0.201358 0.182937 0.326290 0.385801 0.216362 0.152363 0.245475 Consensus sequence: HBDDRAACAAAGRABHH Reverse complement motif 0.245475 0.216362 0.152363 0.385801 0.326290 0.201358 0.182937 0.289415 0.196382 0.205985 0.304176 0.293457 0.088371 0.176545 0.192768 0.542316 0.352090 0.567737 0.072517 0.007656 0.189100 0.801408 0.003677 0.005814 0.300475 0.004067 0.002445 0.693013 0.004067 0.005463 0.002730 0.987739 0.006617 0.003025 0.002868 0.987489 0.006422 0.007124 0.978485 0.007969 0.020079 0.002029 0.002285 0.975608 0.012758 0.044167 0.083951 0.859124 0.276692 0.479604 0.070713 0.172991 0.232370 0.110438 0.173131 0.484061 0.267167 0.172616 0.210739 0.349478 0.287443 0.235838 0.281473 0.195246 0.265768 0.238467 0.143954 0.351812 Consensus sequence: HHBTMCTTTGTTMDDVH Alignment: HBDDRAACAAAGRABHH --VDAACCAACG----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00145 Barhl2 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 10 0.010733 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.461695 0.224449 0.118884 0.194972 0.573918 0.178052 0.084607 0.163423 0.509202 0.299283 0.046830 0.144686 0.781754 0.035879 0.132996 0.049371 0.909629 0.018003 0.066327 0.006042 0.185305 0.442819 0.168153 0.203723 0.004152 0.938941 0.000741 0.056166 0.952728 0.004094 0.036915 0.006262 0.962648 0.006522 0.001095 0.029735 0.002949 0.002007 0.002143 0.992902 0.002773 0.003794 0.001682 0.991751 0.985960 0.000635 0.003183 0.010222 0.728479 0.023198 0.141457 0.106866 0.100754 0.330009 0.347597 0.221641 0.392007 0.211701 0.147142 0.249150 0.323968 0.271247 0.123950 0.280834 Consensus sequence: HAMAAHCAATTAABHH Reverse complement motif 0.280834 0.271247 0.123950 0.323968 0.249150 0.211701 0.147142 0.392007 0.100754 0.347597 0.330009 0.221641 0.106866 0.023198 0.141457 0.728479 0.010222 0.000635 0.003183 0.985960 0.991751 0.003794 0.001682 0.002773 0.992902 0.002007 0.002143 0.002949 0.029735 0.006522 0.001095 0.962648 0.006262 0.004094 0.036915 0.952728 0.004152 0.000741 0.938941 0.056166 0.185305 0.168153 0.442819 0.203723 0.006042 0.018003 0.066327 0.909629 0.049371 0.035879 0.132996 0.781754 0.144686 0.299283 0.046830 0.509202 0.163423 0.178052 0.084607 0.573918 0.194972 0.224449 0.118884 0.461695 Consensus sequence: HHBTTAATTGDTTYTH Alignment: HAMAAHCAATTAABHH -VDAACCAACG----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00062 Sox4_primary Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 10 0.011025 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.427843 0.231210 0.119424 0.221523 0.196506 0.239531 0.304906 0.259057 0.302488 0.156922 0.290190 0.250401 0.433872 0.149126 0.196496 0.220506 0.258426 0.076511 0.475100 0.189963 0.841714 0.046453 0.099915 0.011918 0.983853 0.001612 0.001362 0.013174 0.003460 0.982032 0.005728 0.008780 0.989743 0.002253 0.002020 0.005984 0.990761 0.003397 0.002843 0.003000 0.770864 0.003540 0.001549 0.224048 0.235342 0.002598 0.757383 0.004677 0.371426 0.089574 0.529959 0.009040 0.480804 0.196949 0.240413 0.081833 0.187158 0.355102 0.216599 0.241142 0.248006 0.232182 0.157452 0.362360 0.403367 0.177684 0.164649 0.254300 Consensus sequence: HBDDDAACAAAGRVBHH Reverse complement motif 0.254300 0.177684 0.164649 0.403367 0.362360 0.232182 0.157452 0.248006 0.187158 0.216599 0.355102 0.241142 0.081833 0.196949 0.240413 0.480804 0.371426 0.529959 0.089574 0.009040 0.235342 0.757383 0.002598 0.004677 0.224048 0.003540 0.001549 0.770864 0.003000 0.003397 0.002843 0.990761 0.005984 0.002253 0.002020 0.989743 0.003460 0.005728 0.982032 0.008780 0.013174 0.001612 0.001362 0.983853 0.011918 0.046453 0.099915 0.841714 0.258426 0.475100 0.076511 0.189963 0.220506 0.149126 0.196496 0.433872 0.250401 0.156922 0.290190 0.302488 0.196506 0.304906 0.239531 0.259057 0.221523 0.231210 0.119424 0.427843 Consensus sequence: HHBBMCTTTGTTHDDBH Alignment: HBDDDAACAAAGRVBHH --VDAACCAACG----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score UP00037 Zfp105_primary Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 10 0.013525 Species: Mus musculus Original motif 0.363104 0.182807 0.145232 0.308856 0.419707 0.133742 0.222546 0.224005 0.164481 0.418263 0.052397 0.364858 0.715575 0.117639 0.064914 0.101872 0.883836 0.026985 0.032584 0.056596 0.558797 0.151280 0.033120 0.256803 0.267037 0.403488 0.026746 0.302729 0.939762 0.013627 0.034579 0.012032 0.897072 0.009878 0.035642 0.057408 0.305904 0.516040 0.055311 0.122746 0.880940 0.027958 0.048350 0.042752 0.710082 0.052464 0.040250 0.197204 0.246712 0.125155 0.318627 0.309506 0.429749 0.181755 0.176892 0.211603 0.339643 0.097216 0.355250 0.207891 Consensus sequence: HDYAAAHAAMAADHD Reverse complement motif 0.339643 0.355250 0.097216 0.207891 0.211603 0.181755 0.176892 0.429749 0.246712 0.318627 0.125155 0.309506 0.197204 0.052464 0.040250 0.710082 0.042752 0.027958 0.048350 0.880940 0.305904 0.055311 0.516040 0.122746 0.057408 0.009878 0.035642 0.897072 0.012032 0.013627 0.034579 0.939762 0.267037 0.026746 0.403488 0.302729 0.256803 0.151280 0.033120 0.558797 0.056596 0.026985 0.032584 0.883836 0.101872 0.117639 0.064914 0.715575 0.164481 0.052397 0.418263 0.364858 0.224005 0.133742 0.222546 0.419707 0.308856 0.182807 0.145232 0.363104 Consensus sequence: HHHTTRTTDTTTKDH Alignment: HHHTTRTTDTTTKDH ----CGTTGGTTDB- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results created by MOTIFSIM on 06-18-2018 16:26:48 Runtime: 858.068729 seconds MOTIFSIM is written by Ngoc Tam L. Tran