**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** MOTIFSIM - Motif Similarity Detection Tool Version 2.2 **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** INPUT **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Input Parameters Number of files: 2 Number of top significant motifs: 1 Number of best matches: 1 Similarity cutoff: >= 0.75 Matching motif database: Jaspar Core Motif tree: Yes Combined similar motifs: Yes Output file type: All Output file format: All Input files and motif counts File name Count of motifs Dataset # U20231121_R_11-21-23_1450_InsertFile1.txt 57 1 U20231121_R_11-21-23_1450_InsertFile2.txt 57 2 **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** RESULTS **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************** Best Matches in Database for Each Motif (Highest to Lowest) ***************************************************************** Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 1 Motif name: Motif 1 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reserve complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 1 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0060.2 NFYA Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 15 0.022958 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.536953 0.172787 0.112112 0.178148 0.135379 0.112568 0.522354 0.229699 0.404653 0.257299 0.247263 0.090785 0.137203 0.339074 0.453695 0.070027 0.208257 0.267336 0.035698 0.488709 0.021898 0.095119 0.546077 0.336907 0.027030 0.842153 0.054859 0.075958 0.001825 0.113253 0.027600 0.857322 0.025319 0.116104 0.819001 0.039576 0.975707 0.000228 0.017108 0.006957 0.000570 0.005931 0.000912 0.992587 0.001141 0.000570 0.000570 0.997719 0.003307 0.001141 0.994526 0.001026 0.001369 0.007984 0.990306 0.000342 0.042997 0.305315 0.001711 0.649977 0.052464 0.449703 0.213618 0.284215 0.175297 0.476277 0.253992 0.094434 0.485972 0.129562 0.308736 0.075730 Consensus sequence: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR Reverse complement motif 0.075730 0.129562 0.308736 0.485972 0.175297 0.253992 0.476277 0.094434 0.052464 0.213618 0.449703 0.284215 0.649977 0.305315 0.001711 0.042997 0.001369 0.990306 0.007984 0.000342 0.003307 0.994526 0.001141 0.001026 0.997719 0.000570 0.000570 0.001141 0.992587 0.005931 0.000912 0.000570 0.006957 0.000228 0.017108 0.975707 0.025319 0.819001 0.116104 0.039576 0.857322 0.113253 0.027600 0.001825 0.027030 0.054859 0.842153 0.075958 0.021898 0.546077 0.095119 0.336907 0.488709 0.267336 0.035698 0.208257 0.137203 0.453695 0.339074 0.070027 0.090785 0.257299 0.247263 0.404653 0.135379 0.522354 0.112568 0.229699 0.178148 0.172787 0.112112 0.536953 Consensus sequence: KVBACCAATCAGYMSBCT Alignment: KVBACCAATCAGYMSBCT ---VCTCTGATTGGKKKM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 2 Motif name: Motif 2 Original motif 0.604108 0.033729 0.354128 0.008035 0.002973 0.001014 0.871554 0.124459 0.003952 0.000035 0.951913 0.044100 0.001421 0.017084 0.057802 0.923693 0.001015 0.836140 0.066773 0.096072 0.973219 0.000035 0.026710 0.000036 0.587432 0.029330 0.326513 0.056725 0.857762 0.004040 0.136777 0.001421 0.001015 0.001014 0.991267 0.006704 0.011211 0.000035 0.856914 0.131840 0.000036 0.001014 0.050375 0.948575 0.010231 0.687100 0.146505 0.156164 0.876860 0.000035 0.118174 0.004931 Consensus sequence: RGGTCARAGGTCA Reserve complement motif 0.004931 0.000035 0.118174 0.876860 0.010231 0.146505 0.687100 0.156164 0.948575 0.001014 0.050375 0.000036 0.011211 0.856914 0.000035 0.131840 0.001015 0.991267 0.001014 0.006704 0.001421 0.004040 0.136777 0.857762 0.056725 0.029330 0.326513 0.587432 0.000036 0.000035 0.026710 0.973219 0.001015 0.066773 0.836140 0.096072 0.923693 0.017084 0.057802 0.001421 0.003952 0.951913 0.000035 0.044100 0.002973 0.871554 0.001014 0.124459 0.008035 0.033729 0.354128 0.604108 Consensus sequence: TGACCTKTGACCK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 2 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0677.1 Nr2f6 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 13 0.000000 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.347032 0.155251 0.372146 0.125571 0.552430 0.028133 0.404092 0.015345 0.028571 0.020000 0.891429 0.060000 0.031609 0.022989 0.876437 0.068966 0.013825 0.041475 0.057604 0.887097 0.018092 0.860197 0.029605 0.092105 0.953782 0.012605 0.016807 0.016807 0.828460 0.021442 0.081871 0.068226 0.924025 0.004107 0.071869 0.000000 0.006079 0.006079 0.972644 0.015198 0.011940 0.002985 0.937313 0.047761 0.004484 0.022422 0.033632 0.939462 0.001439 0.883453 0.030216 0.084892 0.885602 0.013807 0.086785 0.013807 Consensus sequence: VRGGTCAAAGGTCA Reverse complement motif 0.013807 0.013807 0.086785 0.885602 0.001439 0.030216 0.883453 0.084892 0.939462 0.022422 0.033632 0.004484 0.011940 0.937313 0.002985 0.047761 0.006079 0.972644 0.006079 0.015198 0.000000 0.004107 0.071869 0.924025 0.068226 0.021442 0.081871 0.828460 0.016807 0.012605 0.016807 0.953782 0.018092 0.029605 0.860197 0.092105 0.887097 0.041475 0.057604 0.013825 0.031609 0.876437 0.022989 0.068966 0.028571 0.891429 0.020000 0.060000 0.015345 0.028133 0.404092 0.552430 0.347032 0.372146 0.155251 0.125571 Consensus sequence: TGACCTTTGACCKV Alignment: VRGGTCAAAGGTCA -RGGTCARAGGTCA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 3 Motif name: Motif 3 Original motif 0.228594 0.472591 0.077948 0.220868 0.170586 0.783108 0.032422 0.013884 0.997310 0.001762 0.000896 0.000032 0.948827 0.003494 0.003494 0.044185 0.259257 0.247341 0.436230 0.057171 0.999040 0.000031 0.000031 0.000898 0.001763 0.002628 0.000896 0.994713 0.000032 0.000031 0.999905 0.000032 0.003495 0.001762 0.975665 0.019078 0.014750 0.967006 0.000031 0.018213 0.030333 0.136316 0.745518 0.087833 0.095624 0.074485 0.729432 0.100459 0.260986 0.603536 0.059767 0.075711 0.144105 0.445607 0.233641 0.176646 0.273973 0.212860 0.361775 0.151391 Consensus sequence: HCAAVATGGCGGCBV Reserve complement motif 0.273973 0.361775 0.212860 0.151391 0.144105 0.233641 0.445607 0.176646 0.260986 0.059767 0.603536 0.075711 0.095624 0.729432 0.074485 0.100459 0.030333 0.745518 0.136316 0.087833 0.014750 0.000031 0.967006 0.018213 0.003495 0.975665 0.001762 0.019078 0.000032 0.999905 0.000031 0.000032 0.994713 0.002628 0.000896 0.001763 0.000898 0.000031 0.000031 0.999040 0.259257 0.436230 0.247341 0.057171 0.044185 0.003494 0.003494 0.948827 0.000032 0.001762 0.000896 0.997310 0.170586 0.032422 0.783108 0.013884 0.228594 0.077948 0.472591 0.220868 Consensus sequence: VBGCCGCCATVTTGD ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 3 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0570.1 ABF1 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 4 15 0.078414 Taxon: Plants Original motif 0.000000 0.090909 0.727273 0.181818 0.181818 0.045455 0.636364 0.136364 0.431818 0.363636 0.000000 0.204545 0.000000 0.795455 0.181818 0.022727 0.977273 0.000000 0.022727 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.863636 0.136364 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.386364 0.318182 0.204545 0.090909 0.136364 0.545455 0.204545 0.113636 0.295455 0.136364 0.477273 0.090909 0.454545 0.250000 0.250000 0.045455 0.272727 0.431818 0.295455 0.000000 0.295455 0.272727 0.386364 0.045455 0.227273 0.136364 0.522727 0.113636 0.295455 0.204545 0.454545 0.045455 Consensus sequence: GGMCACGTGGCVCRVVVGV Reverse complement motif 0.295455 0.454545 0.204545 0.045455 0.227273 0.522727 0.136364 0.113636 0.295455 0.386364 0.272727 0.045455 0.272727 0.295455 0.431818 0.000000 0.045455 0.250000 0.250000 0.454545 0.295455 0.477273 0.136364 0.090909 0.136364 0.204545 0.545455 0.113636 0.090909 0.318182 0.204545 0.386364 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.863636 0.000000 0.136364 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.022727 0.977273 0.000000 0.181818 0.795455 0.022727 0.204545 0.363636 0.000000 0.431818 0.181818 0.636364 0.045455 0.136364 0.000000 0.727273 0.090909 0.181818 Consensus sequence: VCVVBMGBGCCACGTGYCC Alignment: GGMCACGTGGCVCRVVVGV -HCAAVATGGCGGCBV--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 4 Motif name: Motif 4 Original motif 0.156402 0.383176 0.198104 0.262319 0.161481 0.279260 0.372435 0.186823 0.415599 0.129516 0.408899 0.045987 0.004256 0.029660 0.009937 0.956147 0.001247 0.002464 0.933357 0.062932 0.991796 0.000029 0.000840 0.007335 0.000030 0.976780 0.001246 0.021944 0.021944 0.001246 0.976780 0.000030 0.007335 0.000840 0.000029 0.991796 0.062932 0.933357 0.002464 0.001247 0.956147 0.009937 0.029660 0.004256 0.045987 0.408899 0.129516 0.415599 0.186823 0.372435 0.279260 0.161481 0.262319 0.198104 0.383176 0.156402 Consensus sequence: BBRTGACGTCAYVV Reserve complement motif 0.262319 0.383176 0.198104 0.156402 0.186823 0.279260 0.372435 0.161481 0.415599 0.408899 0.129516 0.045987 0.004256 0.009937 0.029660 0.956147 0.062932 0.002464 0.933357 0.001247 0.991796 0.000840 0.000029 0.007335 0.021944 0.976780 0.001246 0.000030 0.000030 0.001246 0.976780 0.021944 0.007335 0.000029 0.000840 0.991796 0.001247 0.933357 0.002464 0.062932 0.956147 0.029660 0.009937 0.004256 0.045987 0.129516 0.408899 0.415599 0.161481 0.372435 0.279260 0.186823 0.156402 0.198104 0.383176 0.262319 Consensus sequence: VVMTGACGTCAKBB ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 4 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0834.1 ATF7 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 14 0.016941 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.202897 0.341749 0.215261 0.240093 0.265391 0.126229 0.377600 0.230781 0.822161 0.015653 0.160442 0.001744 0.000567 0.000206 0.002218 0.997008 0.001231 0.000331 0.915156 0.083282 0.995981 0.000412 0.002989 0.000618 0.001028 0.993779 0.001697 0.003496 0.004068 0.000463 0.995263 0.000206 0.001286 0.000823 0.003959 0.993932 0.122081 0.874615 0.002308 0.000995 0.996803 0.000103 0.002527 0.000567 0.003020 0.269001 0.016203 0.711776 0.291169 0.419887 0.110145 0.178799 0.293829 0.254513 0.304795 0.146863 Consensus sequence: BDATGACGTCATHV Reverse complement motif 0.293829 0.304795 0.254513 0.146863 0.291169 0.110145 0.419887 0.178799 0.711776 0.269001 0.016203 0.003020 0.000567 0.000103 0.002527 0.996803 0.122081 0.002308 0.874615 0.000995 0.993932 0.000823 0.003959 0.001286 0.004068 0.995263 0.000463 0.000206 0.001028 0.001697 0.993779 0.003496 0.000618 0.000412 0.002989 0.995981 0.001231 0.915156 0.000331 0.083282 0.997008 0.000206 0.002218 0.000567 0.001744 0.015653 0.160442 0.822161 0.265391 0.377600 0.126229 0.230781 0.202897 0.215261 0.341749 0.240093 Consensus sequence: VDATGACGTCATHB Alignment: BDATGACGTCATHV BBRTGACGTCAYVV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 5 Motif name: Motif 5 Original motif 0.018027 0.948244 0.030758 0.002971 0.003490 0.974176 0.000967 0.021367 0.025298 0.971351 0.001513 0.001838 0.000050 0.998168 0.001732 0.000050 0.050443 0.067747 0.189964 0.691846 0.005797 0.994106 0.000047 0.000050 0.000050 0.996131 0.000825 0.002994 0.015371 0.933319 0.003112 0.048198 0.189734 0.735530 0.013820 0.060916 0.176968 0.648148 0.052400 0.122484 0.161842 0.423218 0.074422 0.340518 Consensus sequence: CCCCTCCCCCY Reserve complement motif 0.161842 0.074422 0.423218 0.340518 0.176968 0.052400 0.648148 0.122484 0.189734 0.013820 0.735530 0.060916 0.015371 0.003112 0.933319 0.048198 0.000050 0.000825 0.996131 0.002994 0.005797 0.000047 0.994106 0.000050 0.691846 0.067747 0.189964 0.050443 0.000050 0.001732 0.998168 0.000050 0.025298 0.001513 0.971351 0.001838 0.003490 0.000967 0.974176 0.021367 0.018027 0.030758 0.948244 0.002971 Consensus sequence: KGGGGGAGGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 5 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0516.1 SP2 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 11 0.038469 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.094899 0.150059 0.609727 0.145314 0.023132 0.481020 0.152432 0.343416 0.030842 0.822064 0.000593 0.146501 0.000000 0.995848 0.004152 0.000000 0.000000 0.974496 0.000000 0.025504 0.103203 0.000000 0.759193 0.137604 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.982206 0.000000 0.017794 0.000000 0.657177 0.000000 0.342823 0.122183 0.709371 0.000000 0.168446 0.068209 0.575919 0.058719 0.297153 0.110913 0.328588 0.192764 0.367734 0.134045 0.425267 0.237841 0.202847 0.135231 0.470937 0.241993 0.151839 0.120403 0.441874 0.250297 0.187426 Consensus sequence: GYCCCGCCYCYBBBB Reverse complement motif 0.120403 0.250297 0.441874 0.187426 0.135231 0.241993 0.470937 0.151839 0.134045 0.237841 0.425267 0.202847 0.367734 0.328588 0.192764 0.110913 0.068209 0.058719 0.575919 0.297153 0.122183 0.000000 0.709371 0.168446 0.000000 0.000000 0.657177 0.342823 0.000000 0.000000 0.982206 0.017794 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.103203 0.759193 0.000000 0.137604 0.000000 0.000000 0.974496 0.025504 0.000000 0.004152 0.995848 0.000000 0.030842 0.000593 0.822064 0.146501 0.023132 0.152432 0.481020 0.343416 0.094899 0.609727 0.150059 0.145314 Consensus sequence: BBBVKGKGGCGGGKC Alignment: GYCCCGCCYCYBBBB -CCCCTCCCCCY--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 6 Motif name: Motif 6 Original motif 0.950956 0.029202 0.001287 0.018555 0.001289 0.001289 0.000044 0.997378 0.023089 0.019749 0.000044 0.957118 0.190448 0.001289 0.000044 0.808219 0.148421 0.030735 0.815985 0.004859 0.070206 0.924266 0.000044 0.005484 0.996860 0.001289 0.001805 0.000046 0.000046 0.005693 0.000044 0.994217 0.787713 0.030430 0.119742 0.062115 0.539414 0.116508 0.050547 0.293531 0.195900 0.437322 0.164896 0.201882 0.605422 0.102847 0.080866 0.210865 Consensus sequence: ATTTGCATAWHA Reserve complement motif 0.210865 0.102847 0.080866 0.605422 0.195900 0.164896 0.437322 0.201882 0.293531 0.116508 0.050547 0.539414 0.062115 0.030430 0.119742 0.787713 0.994217 0.005693 0.000044 0.000046 0.000046 0.001289 0.001805 0.996860 0.070206 0.000044 0.924266 0.005484 0.148421 0.815985 0.030735 0.004859 0.808219 0.001289 0.000044 0.190448 0.957118 0.019749 0.000044 0.023089 0.997378 0.001289 0.000044 0.001289 0.018555 0.029202 0.001287 0.950956 Consensus sequence: TDWTATGCAAAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 6 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0627.1 Pou2f3 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 5 12 0.014922 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.160000 0.200000 0.200000 0.440000 0.240000 0.220000 0.150000 0.390000 0.190000 0.130000 0.400000 0.280000 0.090000 0.120000 0.040000 0.750000 0.990000 0.000000 0.000000 0.010000 0.000000 0.010101 0.000000 0.989899 0.000000 0.000000 0.940000 0.060000 0.000000 0.919192 0.000000 0.080808 0.740000 0.000000 0.000000 0.260000 0.910000 0.000000 0.010000 0.080000 0.990000 0.000000 0.000000 0.010000 0.020000 0.000000 0.020000 0.960000 0.150000 0.160000 0.290000 0.400000 0.460000 0.240000 0.110000 0.190000 0.292929 0.161616 0.353535 0.191919 0.414141 0.242424 0.181818 0.161616 Consensus sequence: BHDTATGCAAATBHDV Reverse complement motif 0.161616 0.242424 0.181818 0.414141 0.292929 0.353535 0.161616 0.191919 0.190000 0.240000 0.110000 0.460000 0.400000 0.160000 0.290000 0.150000 0.960000 0.000000 0.020000 0.020000 0.010000 0.000000 0.000000 0.990000 0.080000 0.000000 0.010000 0.910000 0.260000 0.000000 0.000000 0.740000 0.000000 0.000000 0.919192 0.080808 0.000000 0.940000 0.000000 0.060000 0.989899 0.010101 0.000000 0.000000 0.010000 0.000000 0.000000 0.990000 0.750000 0.120000 0.040000 0.090000 0.190000 0.400000 0.130000 0.280000 0.390000 0.220000 0.150000 0.240000 0.440000 0.200000 0.200000 0.160000 Consensus sequence: BHHVATTTGCATAHHV Alignment: BHHVATTTGCATAHHV ----ATTTGCATAWHA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 7 Motif name: Motif 7 Original motif 0.000104 0.000099 0.999693 0.000104 0.132582 0.663035 0.183477 0.020906 0.990120 0.000099 0.009677 0.000104 0.002907 0.153738 0.000099 0.843256 0.001505 0.111395 0.816347 0.070753 0.346943 0.650987 0.001966 0.000104 0.002903 0.257109 0.000099 0.739889 0.001267 0.001262 0.997367 0.000104 0.000104 0.000099 0.999693 0.000104 0.002907 0.002900 0.992222 0.001971 0.891133 0.002902 0.002902 0.103063 Consensus sequence: GCATGMTGGGA Reserve complement motif 0.103063 0.002902 0.002902 0.891133 0.002907 0.992222 0.002900 0.001971 0.000104 0.999693 0.000099 0.000104 0.001267 0.997367 0.001262 0.000104 0.739889 0.257109 0.000099 0.002903 0.346943 0.001966 0.650987 0.000104 0.001505 0.816347 0.111395 0.070753 0.843256 0.153738 0.000099 0.002907 0.000104 0.000099 0.009677 0.990120 0.132582 0.183477 0.663035 0.020906 0.000104 0.999693 0.000099 0.000104 Consensus sequence: TCCCARCATGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 7 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0088.2 ZNF143 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 2 11 0.057281 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.042773 0.250246 0.075221 0.631760 0.587980 0.000000 0.008055 0.403965 0.013019 0.985741 0.000620 0.000620 0.001241 0.998759 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.995668 0.000000 0.002475 0.001856 0.000000 0.551082 0.036659 0.412260 0.740847 0.081808 0.177346 0.000000 0.958537 0.000000 0.040854 0.000610 0.003713 0.000000 0.000619 0.995668 0.035607 0.021726 0.937236 0.005432 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.891459 0.090747 0.001779 0.016014 0.137615 0.425608 0.005983 0.430794 0.041599 0.464111 0.005302 0.488989 0.187163 0.010289 0.743753 0.058795 Consensus sequence: TWCCCAYAATGCAYYG Reverse complement motif 0.187163 0.743753 0.010289 0.058795 0.488989 0.464111 0.005302 0.041599 0.430794 0.425608 0.005983 0.137615 0.016014 0.090747 0.001779 0.891459 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.035607 0.937236 0.021726 0.005432 0.995668 0.000000 0.000619 0.003713 0.000610 0.000000 0.040854 0.958537 0.000000 0.081808 0.177346 0.740847 0.000000 0.036659 0.551082 0.412260 0.001856 0.000000 0.002475 0.995668 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.001241 0.000000 0.998759 0.000000 0.013019 0.000620 0.985741 0.000620 0.403965 0.000000 0.008055 0.587980 0.631760 0.250246 0.075221 0.042773 Consensus sequence: CMMTGCATTKTGGGWA Alignment: CMMTGCATTKTGGGWA ----GCATGMTGGGA- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 8 Motif name: Motif 8 Original motif 0.283115 0.000095 0.716691 0.000099 0.000099 0.072475 0.036502 0.890924 0.122406 0.877400 0.000095 0.000099 0.999711 0.000095 0.000095 0.000099 0.000099 0.897273 0.000095 0.102533 0.102533 0.000095 0.897273 0.000099 0.000099 0.000095 0.000095 0.999711 0.000099 0.000095 0.877400 0.122406 0.890924 0.036502 0.072475 0.000099 0.000099 0.716691 0.000095 0.283115 Consensus sequence: GTCACGTGAC Reserve complement motif 0.000099 0.000095 0.716691 0.283115 0.000099 0.036502 0.072475 0.890924 0.000099 0.877400 0.000095 0.122406 0.999711 0.000095 0.000095 0.000099 0.102533 0.897273 0.000095 0.000099 0.000099 0.000095 0.897273 0.102533 0.000099 0.000095 0.000095 0.999711 0.122406 0.000095 0.877400 0.000099 0.890924 0.072475 0.036502 0.000099 0.283115 0.716691 0.000095 0.000099 Consensus sequence: GTCACGTGAC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 8 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0636.1 BHLHE41 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 10 0.008188 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.302309 0.109266 0.582263 0.006163 0.013032 0.002261 0.243484 0.741223 0.000358 0.998925 0.000538 0.000179 0.993583 0.002139 0.003743 0.000535 0.000179 0.998746 0.000179 0.000896 0.000359 0.000179 0.999462 0.000000 0.003378 0.002844 0.002844 0.990933 0.000179 0.000179 0.999641 0.000000 0.815747 0.179862 0.001024 0.003366 0.008609 0.648441 0.114588 0.228362 Consensus sequence: RTCACGTGAC Reverse complement motif 0.008609 0.114588 0.648441 0.228362 0.003366 0.179862 0.001024 0.815747 0.000179 0.999641 0.000179 0.000000 0.990933 0.002844 0.002844 0.003378 0.000359 0.999462 0.000179 0.000000 0.000179 0.000179 0.998746 0.000896 0.000535 0.002139 0.003743 0.993583 0.000358 0.000538 0.998925 0.000179 0.741223 0.002261 0.243484 0.013032 0.302309 0.582263 0.109266 0.006163 Consensus sequence: GTCACGTGAM Alignment: RTCACGTGAC GTCACGTGAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 9 Motif name: Motif 9 Original motif 0.025112 0.869543 0.105231 0.000114 0.000114 0.985234 0.014538 0.000114 0.000114 0.000109 0.999663 0.000114 0.000114 0.000109 0.999663 0.000114 0.999668 0.000109 0.000109 0.000114 0.803318 0.000109 0.000109 0.196464 0.038430 0.000109 0.961347 0.000114 0.000114 0.000109 0.000109 0.999668 0.346729 0.054491 0.556464 0.042316 0.526447 0.201069 0.228759 0.043725 Consensus sequence: CCGGAAGTRA Reserve complement motif 0.043725 0.201069 0.228759 0.526447 0.346729 0.556464 0.054491 0.042316 0.999668 0.000109 0.000109 0.000114 0.038430 0.961347 0.000109 0.000114 0.196464 0.000109 0.000109 0.803318 0.000114 0.000109 0.000109 0.999668 0.000114 0.999663 0.000109 0.000114 0.000114 0.999663 0.000109 0.000114 0.000114 0.014538 0.985234 0.000114 0.025112 0.105231 0.869543 0.000114 Consensus sequence: TMACTTCCGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 9 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0640.1 ELF3 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 4 10 0.012056 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.465048 0.119941 0.105960 0.309051 0.920260 0.008950 0.003255 0.067535 0.040641 0.781912 0.159702 0.017745 0.090053 0.817540 0.092407 0.000000 0.083280 0.914784 0.001937 0.000000 0.001412 0.000000 0.998588 0.000000 0.000000 0.002797 0.993939 0.003263 0.998328 0.000836 0.000836 0.000000 0.987664 0.000822 0.000000 0.011513 0.059902 0.000000 0.935181 0.004917 0.014599 0.023114 0.006691 0.955596 0.580503 0.038994 0.267925 0.112579 0.487013 0.109668 0.258297 0.145022 Consensus sequence: WACCCGGAAGTAD Reverse complement motif 0.145022 0.109668 0.258297 0.487013 0.112579 0.038994 0.267925 0.580503 0.955596 0.023114 0.006691 0.014599 0.059902 0.935181 0.000000 0.004917 0.011513 0.000822 0.000000 0.987664 0.000000 0.000836 0.000836 0.998328 0.000000 0.993939 0.002797 0.003263 0.001412 0.998588 0.000000 0.000000 0.083280 0.001937 0.914784 0.000000 0.090053 0.092407 0.817540 0.000000 0.040641 0.159702 0.781912 0.017745 0.067535 0.008950 0.003255 0.920260 0.309051 0.119941 0.105960 0.465048 Consensus sequence: DTACTTCCGGGTW Alignment: WACCCGGAAGTAD ---CCGGAAGTRA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 10 Motif name: Motif 10 Original motif 0.013243 0.819188 0.108398 0.059171 0.714007 0.243108 0.036203 0.006682 0.000121 0.000116 0.000116 0.999647 0.003402 0.996361 0.000116 0.000121 0.009962 0.000116 0.000116 0.989806 0.052608 0.016518 0.930753 0.000121 0.003402 0.996361 0.000116 0.000121 0.013243 0.000116 0.003396 0.983245 0.006682 0.023080 0.006677 0.963561 0.023084 0.013238 0.914347 0.049331 0.124788 0.004756 0.860494 0.009962 0.950441 0.000116 0.039481 0.009962 0.039489 0.006677 0.914348 0.039486 0.858577 0.059170 0.039483 0.042770 Consensus sequence: CATCTGCTTGGAGA Reserve complement motif 0.042770 0.059170 0.039483 0.858577 0.039489 0.914348 0.006677 0.039486 0.009962 0.000116 0.039481 0.950441 0.124788 0.860494 0.004756 0.009962 0.023084 0.914347 0.013238 0.049331 0.963561 0.023080 0.006677 0.006682 0.983245 0.000116 0.003396 0.013243 0.003402 0.000116 0.996361 0.000121 0.052608 0.930753 0.016518 0.000121 0.989806 0.000116 0.000116 0.009962 0.003402 0.000116 0.996361 0.000121 0.999647 0.000116 0.000116 0.000121 0.006682 0.243108 0.036203 0.714007 0.013243 0.108398 0.819188 0.059171 Consensus sequence: TCTCCAAGCAGATG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 10 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0060.2 NFYA Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 14 0.047987 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.536953 0.172787 0.112112 0.178148 0.135379 0.112568 0.522354 0.229699 0.404653 0.257299 0.247263 0.090785 0.137203 0.339074 0.453695 0.070027 0.208257 0.267336 0.035698 0.488709 0.021898 0.095119 0.546077 0.336907 0.027030 0.842153 0.054859 0.075958 0.001825 0.113253 0.027600 0.857322 0.025319 0.116104 0.819001 0.039576 0.975707 0.000228 0.017108 0.006957 0.000570 0.005931 0.000912 0.992587 0.001141 0.000570 0.000570 0.997719 0.003307 0.001141 0.994526 0.001026 0.001369 0.007984 0.990306 0.000342 0.042997 0.305315 0.001711 0.649977 0.052464 0.449703 0.213618 0.284215 0.175297 0.476277 0.253992 0.094434 0.485972 0.129562 0.308736 0.075730 Consensus sequence: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR Reverse complement motif 0.075730 0.129562 0.308736 0.485972 0.175297 0.253992 0.476277 0.094434 0.052464 0.213618 0.449703 0.284215 0.649977 0.305315 0.001711 0.042997 0.001369 0.990306 0.007984 0.000342 0.003307 0.994526 0.001141 0.001026 0.997719 0.000570 0.000570 0.001141 0.992587 0.005931 0.000912 0.000570 0.006957 0.000228 0.017108 0.975707 0.025319 0.819001 0.116104 0.039576 0.857322 0.113253 0.027600 0.001825 0.027030 0.054859 0.842153 0.075958 0.021898 0.546077 0.095119 0.336907 0.488709 0.267336 0.035698 0.208257 0.137203 0.453695 0.339074 0.070027 0.090785 0.257299 0.247263 0.404653 0.135379 0.522354 0.112568 0.229699 0.178148 0.172787 0.112112 0.536953 Consensus sequence: KVBACCAATCAGYMSBCT Alignment: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR ---CATCTGCTTGGAGA- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 11 Motif name: Motif 11 Original motif 0.854702 0.012527 0.115718 0.017053 0.903549 0.096316 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.982813 0.000066 0.017052 0.977594 0.000066 0.019236 0.003104 0.999799 0.000066 0.000066 0.000069 0.233541 0.052302 0.000066 0.714091 0.656501 0.000066 0.343364 0.000069 0.045220 0.000066 0.954645 0.000069 0.299646 0.304924 0.389900 0.005529 Consensus sequence: AACAATRGV Reserve complement motif 0.299646 0.389900 0.304924 0.005529 0.045220 0.954645 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.000066 0.343364 0.656501 0.714091 0.052302 0.000066 0.233541 0.000069 0.000066 0.000066 0.999799 0.003104 0.000066 0.019236 0.977594 0.000069 0.000066 0.982813 0.017052 0.000069 0.096316 0.000066 0.903549 0.017053 0.012527 0.115718 0.854702 Consensus sequence: VCKATTGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 11 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0445.1 D Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 9 0.021435 Taxon: Insects Original motif 0.034483 0.275862 0.241379 0.448276 0.000000 0.862069 0.000000 0.137931 0.000000 0.586207 0.000000 0.413793 0.689655 0.000000 0.000000 0.310345 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.103448 0.896552 0.068966 0.000000 0.931034 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.034483 0.068966 0.137931 0.758621 0.137931 0.344828 0.206897 0.310345 0.206897 0.034483 0.034483 0.724138 Consensus sequence: BCYATTGTTBT Reverse complement motif 0.724138 0.034483 0.034483 0.206897 0.137931 0.206897 0.344828 0.310345 0.758621 0.068966 0.137931 0.034483 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.068966 0.931034 0.000000 0.000000 0.896552 0.000000 0.103448 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.310345 0.000000 0.000000 0.689655 0.000000 0.000000 0.586207 0.413793 0.000000 0.000000 0.862069 0.137931 0.448276 0.275862 0.241379 0.034483 Consensus sequence: ABAACAATKGV Alignment: ABAACAATKGV --AACAATRGV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 12 Motif name: Motif 12 Original motif 0.032627 0.908456 0.058839 0.000078 0.225018 0.002186 0.748615 0.024181 0.006413 0.993434 0.000075 0.000078 0.863754 0.063423 0.045294 0.027529 0.014859 0.071869 0.069759 0.843513 0.002190 0.000075 0.997657 0.000078 0.008525 0.991322 0.000075 0.000078 0.002190 0.000075 0.995545 0.002190 0.010636 0.710437 0.004298 0.274629 0.833319 0.029635 0.062186 0.074860 0.029641 0.482557 0.430712 0.057091 0.194347 0.064298 0.079079 0.662276 0.297679 0.191005 0.336335 0.174981 0.140320 0.284975 0.488412 0.086294 Consensus sequence: CGCATGCGCASTVS Reserve complement motif 0.140320 0.488412 0.284975 0.086294 0.297679 0.336335 0.191005 0.174981 0.662276 0.064298 0.079079 0.194347 0.029641 0.430712 0.482557 0.057091 0.074860 0.029635 0.062186 0.833319 0.010636 0.004298 0.710437 0.274629 0.002190 0.995545 0.000075 0.002190 0.008525 0.000075 0.991322 0.000078 0.002190 0.997657 0.000075 0.000078 0.843513 0.071869 0.069759 0.014859 0.027529 0.063423 0.045294 0.863754 0.006413 0.000075 0.993434 0.000078 0.225018 0.748615 0.002186 0.024181 0.032627 0.058839 0.908456 0.000078 Consensus sequence: SVASTGCGCATGCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 12 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0376.1 RTG3 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 6 14 0.049810 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.393788 0.145291 0.330661 0.130261 0.220441 0.147295 0.267535 0.364729 0.357715 0.322645 0.207415 0.112224 0.164329 0.176353 0.295591 0.363727 0.156156 0.121121 0.250250 0.472472 0.535070 0.113226 0.203407 0.148297 0.034068 0.027054 0.663327 0.275551 0.019038 0.954910 0.019038 0.007014 0.906814 0.005010 0.081162 0.007014 0.005010 0.950902 0.016032 0.028056 0.028056 0.016032 0.950902 0.005010 0.007014 0.081162 0.005010 0.906814 0.007014 0.019038 0.954910 0.019038 0.275551 0.663327 0.027054 0.034068 0.152305 0.332665 0.156313 0.358717 0.111222 0.270541 0.187375 0.430862 0.398798 0.122244 0.276553 0.202405 0.275275 0.257257 0.296296 0.171171 0.323647 0.165331 0.033066 0.477956 0.249499 0.396794 0.108216 0.245491 Consensus sequence: VDVBDAGCACGTGCBBDVWH Reverse complement motif 0.249499 0.108216 0.396794 0.245491 0.477956 0.165331 0.033066 0.323647 0.275275 0.296296 0.257257 0.171171 0.202405 0.122244 0.276553 0.398798 0.430862 0.270541 0.187375 0.111222 0.358717 0.332665 0.156313 0.152305 0.275551 0.027054 0.663327 0.034068 0.007014 0.954910 0.019038 0.019038 0.906814 0.081162 0.005010 0.007014 0.028056 0.950902 0.016032 0.005010 0.005010 0.016032 0.950902 0.028056 0.007014 0.005010 0.081162 0.906814 0.019038 0.019038 0.954910 0.007014 0.034068 0.663327 0.027054 0.275551 0.148297 0.113226 0.203407 0.535070 0.472472 0.121121 0.250250 0.156156 0.363727 0.176353 0.295591 0.164329 0.112224 0.322645 0.207415 0.357715 0.364729 0.147295 0.267535 0.220441 0.130261 0.145291 0.330661 0.393788 Consensus sequence: DWVDVVGCACGTGCTDVBDB Alignment: VDVBDAGCACGTGCBBDVWH -SVASTGCGCATGCG----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 13 Motif name: Motif 13 Original motif 0.523602 0.134025 0.281755 0.060618 0.297767 0.265740 0.241995 0.194498 0.023912 0.045496 0.008789 0.921803 0.032548 0.964980 0.000153 0.002319 0.088687 0.023904 0.002312 0.885097 0.000160 0.997368 0.000153 0.002319 0.022646 0.010949 0.966245 0.000160 0.000160 0.966245 0.010949 0.022646 0.002319 0.000153 0.997368 0.000160 0.885097 0.002312 0.023904 0.088687 0.002319 0.000153 0.964980 0.032548 0.921803 0.008789 0.045496 0.023912 0.194498 0.241995 0.265740 0.297767 0.060618 0.281755 0.134025 0.523602 Consensus sequence: RVTCTCGCGAGABY Reserve complement motif 0.523602 0.281755 0.134025 0.060618 0.297767 0.241995 0.265740 0.194498 0.023912 0.008789 0.045496 0.921803 0.002319 0.964980 0.000153 0.032548 0.088687 0.002312 0.023904 0.885097 0.002319 0.997368 0.000153 0.000160 0.000160 0.010949 0.966245 0.022646 0.022646 0.966245 0.010949 0.000160 0.000160 0.000153 0.997368 0.002319 0.885097 0.023904 0.002312 0.088687 0.032548 0.000153 0.964980 0.002319 0.921803 0.045496 0.008789 0.023912 0.194498 0.265740 0.241995 0.297767 0.060618 0.134025 0.281755 0.523602 Consensus sequence: MVTCTCGCGAGABK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 13 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0154.3 EBF1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 14 0.047745 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.718912 0.074482 0.107513 0.099093 0.166343 0.178641 0.216181 0.438835 0.020408 0.127965 0.000000 0.851627 0.000000 0.997416 0.001938 0.000646 0.001912 0.984066 0.002549 0.011472 0.000000 0.996129 0.000000 0.003871 0.363754 0.253074 0.040777 0.342395 0.503238 0.049870 0.134715 0.312176 0.013367 0.003819 0.982813 0.000000 0.064497 0.004822 0.930681 0.000000 0.003817 0.000000 0.982188 0.013995 0.925105 0.010186 0.050330 0.014380 0.391192 0.379534 0.093912 0.135363 0.161917 0.235751 0.052461 0.549870 Consensus sequence: ABTCCCHWGGGAMT Reverse complement motif 0.549870 0.235751 0.052461 0.161917 0.135363 0.379534 0.093912 0.391192 0.014380 0.010186 0.050330 0.925105 0.003817 0.982188 0.000000 0.013995 0.064497 0.930681 0.004822 0.000000 0.013367 0.982813 0.003819 0.000000 0.312176 0.049870 0.134715 0.503238 0.342395 0.253074 0.040777 0.363754 0.000000 0.000000 0.996129 0.003871 0.001912 0.002549 0.984066 0.011472 0.000000 0.001938 0.997416 0.000646 0.851627 0.127965 0.000000 0.020408 0.438835 0.178641 0.216181 0.166343 0.099093 0.074482 0.107513 0.718912 Consensus sequence: AYTCCCWHGGGAVT Alignment: AYTCCCWHGGGAVT MVTCTCGCGAGABK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 14 Motif name: Motif 14 Original motif 0.871094 0.000188 0.128521 0.000197 0.894854 0.000188 0.021707 0.083251 0.204073 0.622296 0.114001 0.059630 0.999427 0.000188 0.000188 0.000197 0.979664 0.000188 0.019951 0.000197 0.185798 0.797218 0.016787 0.000197 0.999427 0.000188 0.000188 0.000197 0.919910 0.021157 0.036584 0.022349 0.000197 0.983726 0.015880 0.000197 0.999427 0.000188 0.000188 0.000197 Consensus sequence: AACAACAACA Reserve complement motif 0.000197 0.000188 0.000188 0.999427 0.000197 0.015880 0.983726 0.000197 0.022349 0.021157 0.036584 0.919910 0.000197 0.000188 0.000188 0.999427 0.185798 0.016787 0.797218 0.000197 0.000197 0.000188 0.019951 0.979664 0.000197 0.000188 0.000188 0.999427 0.204073 0.114001 0.622296 0.059630 0.083251 0.000188 0.021707 0.894854 0.000197 0.000188 0.128521 0.871094 Consensus sequence: TGTTGTTGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 14 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0870.1 Sox1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 10 0.059750 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.591105 0.170984 0.153713 0.084197 0.930868 0.020498 0.014469 0.034164 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.991863 0.005139 0.000000 0.002998 0.876941 0.123059 0.000000 0.000000 0.005582 0.000000 0.000000 0.994418 0.627612 0.001866 0.133955 0.236567 0.337505 0.219249 0.226586 0.216659 0.001664 0.963394 0.021215 0.013727 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.095312 0.904687 0.000000 0.006009 0.000000 0.993991 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.029119 0.095835 0.021379 0.853668 0.095896 0.142117 0.114471 0.647516 Consensus sequence: AACAATAVCATTGTT Reverse complement motif 0.647516 0.142117 0.114471 0.095896 0.853668 0.095835 0.021379 0.029119 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.993991 0.006009 0.000000 0.000000 0.904687 0.000000 0.095312 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.001664 0.021215 0.963394 0.013727 0.216659 0.219249 0.226586 0.337505 0.236567 0.001866 0.133955 0.627612 0.994418 0.000000 0.000000 0.005582 0.000000 0.123059 0.000000 0.876941 0.002998 0.005139 0.000000 0.991863 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.034164 0.020498 0.014469 0.930868 0.084197 0.170984 0.153713 0.591105 Consensus sequence: AACAATGBTATTGTT Alignment: AACAATGBTATTGTT -----TGTTGTTGTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 15 Motif name: Motif 15 Original motif 0.000074 0.850641 0.014976 0.134309 0.000074 0.995643 0.000071 0.004212 0.852861 0.122145 0.006935 0.018059 0.019000 0.051316 0.000071 0.929613 0.208673 0.000071 0.791182 0.000074 0.020178 0.000071 0.979677 0.000074 0.020980 0.751451 0.006102 0.221467 0.665656 0.000071 0.260192 0.074081 0.997774 0.000071 0.002081 0.000074 0.000074 0.999781 0.000071 0.000074 0.252834 0.320671 0.376279 0.050216 0.185062 0.123658 0.635099 0.056181 Consensus sequence: CCATGGCAACVG Reserve complement motif 0.185062 0.635099 0.123658 0.056181 0.252834 0.376279 0.320671 0.050216 0.000074 0.000071 0.999781 0.000074 0.000074 0.000071 0.002081 0.997774 0.074081 0.000071 0.260192 0.665656 0.020980 0.006102 0.751451 0.221467 0.020178 0.979677 0.000071 0.000074 0.208673 0.791182 0.000071 0.000074 0.929613 0.051316 0.000071 0.019000 0.018059 0.122145 0.006935 0.852861 0.000074 0.000071 0.995643 0.004212 0.000074 0.014976 0.850641 0.134309 Consensus sequence: CVGTTGCCATGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 15 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0138.2 REST Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 8 12 0.063781 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.132621 0.109365 0.230044 0.527970 0.036318 0.168441 0.091421 0.703820 0.047589 0.855354 0.031309 0.065748 0.906367 0.018727 0.058677 0.016230 0.021197 0.027431 0.945137 0.006234 0.076012 0.609346 0.201246 0.113396 0.980697 0.004359 0.007472 0.007472 0.001868 0.987547 0.007472 0.003113 0.021793 0.922167 0.012453 0.043587 0.568847 0.125234 0.100935 0.204984 0.136534 0.233791 0.077307 0.552369 0.024314 0.004364 0.966958 0.004364 0.012469 0.003117 0.983167 0.001247 0.877105 0.069869 0.021210 0.031815 0.008125 0.800000 0.145625 0.046250 0.983750 0.005625 0.004375 0.006250 0.026349 0.008156 0.959849 0.005646 0.128688 0.632141 0.114878 0.124294 0.229899 0.019472 0.432161 0.318467 0.133962 0.586792 0.200629 0.078616 0.112579 0.700629 0.023270 0.163522 Consensus sequence: TTCAGCACCATGGACAGCKCC Reverse complement motif 0.112579 0.023270 0.700629 0.163522 0.133962 0.200629 0.586792 0.078616 0.229899 0.432161 0.019472 0.318467 0.128688 0.114878 0.632141 0.124294 0.026349 0.959849 0.008156 0.005646 0.006250 0.005625 0.004375 0.983750 0.008125 0.145625 0.800000 0.046250 0.031815 0.069869 0.021210 0.877105 0.012469 0.983167 0.003117 0.001247 0.024314 0.966958 0.004364 0.004364 0.552369 0.233791 0.077307 0.136534 0.204984 0.125234 0.100935 0.568847 0.021793 0.012453 0.922167 0.043587 0.001868 0.007472 0.987547 0.003113 0.007472 0.004359 0.007472 0.980697 0.076012 0.201246 0.609346 0.113396 0.021197 0.945137 0.027431 0.006234 0.016230 0.018727 0.058677 0.906367 0.047589 0.031309 0.855354 0.065748 0.703820 0.168441 0.091421 0.036318 0.527970 0.109365 0.230044 0.132621 Consensus sequence: GGYGCTGTCCATGGTGCTGAA Alignment: GGYGCTGTCCATGGTGCTGAA --CVGTTGCCATGG------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 16 Motif name: Motif 16 Original motif 0.000556 0.000531 0.000531 0.998382 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.884567 0.114321 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.464555 0.223038 0.254710 0.057697 0.634016 0.000531 0.000531 0.364922 Consensus sequence: TCCCGCCVW Reserve complement motif 0.364922 0.000531 0.000531 0.634016 0.057697 0.223038 0.254710 0.464555 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.114321 0.884567 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.998382 0.000531 0.000531 0.000556 Consensus sequence: WBGGCGGGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 16 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0758.1 E2F7 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 4 9 0.020454 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.210826 0.068376 0.172840 0.547958 0.039832 0.007338 0.018868 0.933962 0.000000 0.003106 0.000000 0.996894 0.000000 0.001044 0.000000 0.998956 0.000000 0.997921 0.002079 0.000000 0.000000 0.989701 0.010299 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.002004 0.001002 0.996994 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.981910 0.017085 0.001005 0.994547 0.000000 0.000000 0.005453 0.989362 0.001064 0.003191 0.006383 0.950221 0.002212 0.000000 0.047566 0.672566 0.002212 0.002212 0.323009 Consensus sequence: TTTTCCCGCCAAAA Reverse complement motif 0.323009 0.002212 0.002212 0.672566 0.047566 0.002212 0.000000 0.950221 0.006383 0.001064 0.003191 0.989362 0.005453 0.000000 0.000000 0.994547 0.000000 0.017085 0.981910 0.001005 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.002004 0.996994 0.001002 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.010299 0.989701 0.000000 0.000000 0.002079 0.997921 0.000000 0.998956 0.001044 0.000000 0.000000 0.996894 0.003106 0.000000 0.000000 0.933962 0.007338 0.018868 0.039832 0.547958 0.068376 0.172840 0.210826 Consensus sequence: TTTTGGCGGGAAAA Alignment: TTTTGGCGGGAAAA --WBGGCGGGA--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 17 Motif name: Motif 17 Original motif 0.882197 0.013080 0.085812 0.018911 0.139869 0.051935 0.808123 0.000073 0.000073 0.001053 0.994863 0.004011 0.000073 0.006810 0.014123 0.978994 0.000073 0.000070 0.999784 0.000073 0.195484 0.097474 0.000070 0.706972 0.043827 0.003232 0.934915 0.018026 0.999787 0.000070 0.000070 0.000073 0.947931 0.037325 0.014671 0.000073 0.541093 0.128626 0.164340 0.165941 0.452987 0.064182 0.162829 0.320002 0.407393 0.232107 0.263998 0.096501 Consensus sequence: AGGTGTGAAAWV Reserve complement motif 0.096501 0.232107 0.263998 0.407393 0.320002 0.064182 0.162829 0.452987 0.165941 0.128626 0.164340 0.541093 0.000073 0.037325 0.014671 0.947931 0.000073 0.000070 0.000070 0.999787 0.043827 0.934915 0.003232 0.018026 0.706972 0.097474 0.000070 0.195484 0.000073 0.999784 0.000070 0.000073 0.978994 0.006810 0.014123 0.000073 0.000073 0.994863 0.001053 0.004011 0.139869 0.808123 0.051935 0.000073 0.018911 0.013080 0.085812 0.882197 Consensus sequence: BWTTTCACACCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 17 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0800.1 EOMES Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 12 0.012608 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.460287 0.092647 0.231262 0.215804 0.826080 0.013275 0.105781 0.054865 0.127551 0.072147 0.706525 0.093777 0.002291 0.009162 0.979185 0.009362 0.001809 0.057137 0.004761 0.936292 0.000914 0.000812 0.997970 0.000305 0.041371 0.128709 0.008191 0.821730 0.018147 0.047529 0.849637 0.084687 0.984874 0.002805 0.009917 0.002404 0.608378 0.121032 0.063239 0.207351 0.470633 0.207601 0.140778 0.180987 0.410597 0.142463 0.142899 0.304041 0.254373 0.262103 0.198739 0.284784 Consensus sequence: DAGGTGTGAAHDH Reverse complement motif 0.284784 0.262103 0.198739 0.254373 0.304041 0.142463 0.142899 0.410597 0.180987 0.207601 0.140778 0.470633 0.207351 0.121032 0.063239 0.608378 0.002404 0.002805 0.009917 0.984874 0.018147 0.849637 0.047529 0.084687 0.821730 0.128709 0.008191 0.041371 0.000914 0.997970 0.000812 0.000305 0.936292 0.057137 0.004761 0.001809 0.002291 0.979185 0.009162 0.009362 0.127551 0.706525 0.072147 0.093777 0.054865 0.013275 0.105781 0.826080 0.215804 0.092647 0.231262 0.460287 Consensus sequence: HDHTTCACACCTD Alignment: HDHTTCACACCTD BWTTTCACACCT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 18 Motif name: Motif 18 Original motif 0.000147 0.000140 0.999566 0.000147 0.443904 0.420321 0.094367 0.041407 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.041391 0.100559 0.114564 0.743486 0.770238 0.003210 0.193532 0.033020 Consensus sequence: GMTAATTA Reserve complement motif 0.033020 0.003210 0.193532 0.770238 0.743486 0.100559 0.114564 0.041391 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.041407 0.420321 0.094367 0.443904 0.000147 0.999566 0.000140 0.000147 Consensus sequence: TAATTAYC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 18 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0904.1 Hoxb5 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 7 8 0.017652 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.520000 0.230000 0.140000 0.110000 0.270000 0.350000 0.190000 0.190000 0.168317 0.089109 0.643564 0.099010 0.120000 0.150000 0.380000 0.350000 0.010000 0.070000 0.000000 0.920000 0.909091 0.090909 0.000000 0.000000 0.980000 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 0.980000 0.000000 0.000000 0.090909 0.909091 0.920000 0.000000 0.070000 0.010000 0.190000 0.290000 0.410000 0.110000 0.099010 0.643564 0.089109 0.168317 0.282828 0.252525 0.101010 0.363636 0.280000 0.440000 0.110000 0.170000 0.673267 0.049505 0.138614 0.138614 0.220000 0.160000 0.140000 0.480000 Consensus sequence: AHGBTAATTAVCHHAH Reverse complement motif 0.480000 0.160000 0.140000 0.220000 0.138614 0.049505 0.138614 0.673267 0.280000 0.110000 0.440000 0.170000 0.363636 0.252525 0.101010 0.282828 0.099010 0.089109 0.643564 0.168317 0.190000 0.410000 0.290000 0.110000 0.010000 0.000000 0.070000 0.920000 0.909091 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 0.980000 0.000000 0.010000 0.010000 0.010000 0.010000 0.000000 0.980000 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 0.909091 0.920000 0.070000 0.000000 0.010000 0.120000 0.380000 0.150000 0.350000 0.168317 0.643564 0.089109 0.099010 0.270000 0.190000 0.350000 0.190000 0.110000 0.230000 0.140000 0.520000 Consensus sequence: HTDHGVTAATTABCDT Alignment: HTDHGVTAATTABCDT ------TAATTAYC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 19 Motif name: Motif 19 Original motif 0.000166 0.999509 0.000159 0.000166 0.000166 0.976138 0.006245 0.017451 0.781168 0.000159 0.003512 0.215161 0.390222 0.000159 0.000159 0.609460 0.988173 0.003432 0.004591 0.003804 0.003804 0.004591 0.003432 0.988173 0.609460 0.000159 0.000159 0.390222 0.215161 0.003512 0.000159 0.781168 0.017451 0.006245 0.976138 0.000166 0.000166 0.000159 0.999509 0.000166 Consensus sequence: CCAWATWTGG Reserve complement motif 0.000166 0.999509 0.000159 0.000166 0.017451 0.976138 0.006245 0.000166 0.781168 0.003512 0.000159 0.215161 0.390222 0.000159 0.000159 0.609460 0.988173 0.004591 0.003432 0.003804 0.003804 0.003432 0.004591 0.988173 0.609460 0.000159 0.000159 0.390222 0.215161 0.000159 0.003512 0.781168 0.000166 0.006245 0.976138 0.017451 0.000166 0.000159 0.999509 0.000166 Consensus sequence: CCAWATWTGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 19 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0083.3 SRF Original Motif Original Motif Forward 4 10 0.000000 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.138243 0.080749 0.051680 0.729328 0.043029 0.087206 0.656340 0.213425 0.404777 0.394448 0.092963 0.107811 0.000000 0.991601 0.008399 0.000000 0.001648 0.981868 0.006044 0.010440 0.925142 0.010578 0.014646 0.049634 0.033109 0.000000 0.003679 0.963213 0.998283 0.000000 0.001717 0.000000 0.000616 0.003079 0.004926 0.991379 0.986418 0.000000 0.000000 0.013582 0.287869 0.007869 0.000000 0.704262 0.004182 0.004705 0.991113 0.000000 0.004235 0.001059 0.991001 0.003706 0.152060 0.060940 0.388857 0.398143 0.213697 0.648700 0.091947 0.045656 0.690620 0.047655 0.074130 0.187595 Consensus sequence: TGMCCATATATGGKCA Reverse complement motif 0.187595 0.047655 0.074130 0.690620 0.213697 0.091947 0.648700 0.045656 0.398143 0.060940 0.388857 0.152060 0.004235 0.991001 0.001059 0.003706 0.004182 0.991113 0.004705 0.000000 0.704262 0.007869 0.000000 0.287869 0.013582 0.000000 0.000000 0.986418 0.991379 0.003079 0.004926 0.000616 0.000000 0.000000 0.001717 0.998283 0.963213 0.000000 0.003679 0.033109 0.049634 0.010578 0.014646 0.925142 0.001648 0.006044 0.981868 0.010440 0.000000 0.008399 0.991601 0.000000 0.107811 0.394448 0.092963 0.404777 0.043029 0.656340 0.087206 0.213425 0.729328 0.080749 0.051680 0.138243 Consensus sequence: TGRCCATATATGGYCA Alignment: TGMCCATATATGGKCA ---CCAWATWTGG--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 20 Motif name: Motif 20 Original motif 0.290155 0.069748 0.190793 0.449304 0.319026 0.242842 0.336811 0.101321 0.000078 0.007491 0.000075 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.000078 0.965744 0.000075 0.034103 0.541215 0.013846 0.007491 0.437448 0.437448 0.007491 0.013846 0.541215 0.034103 0.000075 0.965744 0.000078 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.000075 0.007491 0.000078 0.101321 0.336811 0.242842 0.319026 0.449304 0.190793 0.069748 0.290155 Consensus sequence: DVTACWWGTABH Reserve complement motif 0.290155 0.190793 0.069748 0.449304 0.101321 0.242842 0.336811 0.319026 0.000078 0.000075 0.007491 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.034103 0.965744 0.000075 0.000078 0.541215 0.007491 0.013846 0.437448 0.437448 0.013846 0.007491 0.541215 0.000078 0.000075 0.965744 0.034103 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.007491 0.000075 0.000078 0.319026 0.336811 0.242842 0.101321 0.449304 0.069748 0.190793 0.290155 Consensus sequence: HBTACWWGTAVD ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 20 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0941.1 ABF2 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 12 0.034137 Taxon: Plants Original motif 0.230769 0.307692 0.230769 0.230769 0.307692 0.230769 0.230769 0.230769 0.191000 0.268000 0.191000 0.350000 0.274274 0.120120 0.403403 0.202202 0.699000 0.177000 0.103000 0.021000 0.000000 0.840841 0.000000 0.159159 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.917918 0.000000 0.082082 0.019019 0.019019 0.942943 0.019019 0.019019 0.019019 0.019019 0.942943 0.218000 0.059000 0.664000 0.059000 0.212787 0.129870 0.286713 0.370629 0.229229 0.229229 0.229229 0.312312 Consensus sequence: BDBDACACGTGDB Reverse complement motif 0.312312 0.229229 0.229229 0.229229 0.370629 0.129870 0.286713 0.212787 0.218000 0.664000 0.059000 0.059000 0.942943 0.019019 0.019019 0.019019 0.019019 0.942943 0.019019 0.019019 0.000000 0.000000 0.917918 0.082082 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.840841 0.159159 0.021000 0.177000 0.103000 0.699000 0.274274 0.403403 0.120120 0.202202 0.350000 0.268000 0.191000 0.191000 0.230769 0.230769 0.230769 0.307692 0.230769 0.230769 0.307692 0.230769 Consensus sequence: DDCACGTGTHHBB Alignment: DDCACGTGTHHBB HBTACWWGTAVD- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 21 Motif name: Motif 21 Original motif 0.098587 0.007268 0.813627 0.080518 0.087706 0.005158 0.888466 0.018670 0.040132 0.899861 0.020531 0.039476 0.017541 0.954333 0.006998 0.021128 0.939320 0.016395 0.031420 0.012865 0.000727 0.991624 0.000177 0.007472 0.000185 0.008489 0.956274 0.035052 0.000727 0.984964 0.000189 0.014120 0.000441 0.997171 0.001529 0.000859 0.026255 0.860189 0.001883 0.111673 Consensus sequence: GGCCACGCCC Reserve complement motif 0.026255 0.001883 0.860189 0.111673 0.000441 0.001529 0.997171 0.000859 0.000727 0.000189 0.984964 0.014120 0.000185 0.956274 0.008489 0.035052 0.000727 0.000177 0.991624 0.007472 0.012865 0.016395 0.031420 0.939320 0.017541 0.006998 0.954333 0.021128 0.040132 0.020531 0.899861 0.039476 0.087706 0.888466 0.005158 0.018670 0.098587 0.813627 0.007268 0.080518 Consensus sequence: GGGCGTGGCC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 21 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0742.1 Klf12 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 10 0.000000 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.105363 0.022082 0.730599 0.141956 0.505023 0.010046 0.484932 0.000000 0.026989 0.948864 0.011364 0.012784 0.007246 0.971014 0.017391 0.004348 0.967120 0.030612 0.002268 0.000000 0.013081 0.981105 0.000000 0.005814 0.136076 0.000633 0.853165 0.010127 0.000000 0.994211 0.000000 0.005789 0.000000 0.969780 0.012363 0.017857 0.000000 0.982143 0.000000 0.017857 0.404738 0.118460 0.000000 0.476802 0.248175 0.228363 0.103233 0.420229 0.334419 0.259501 0.091205 0.314875 0.245361 0.191753 0.120619 0.442268 0.284664 0.220588 0.148109 0.346639 Consensus sequence: GRCCACGCCCWHHHH Reverse complement motif 0.346639 0.220588 0.148109 0.284664 0.442268 0.191753 0.120619 0.245361 0.314875 0.259501 0.091205 0.334419 0.420229 0.228363 0.103233 0.248175 0.476802 0.118460 0.000000 0.404738 0.000000 0.000000 0.982143 0.017857 0.000000 0.012363 0.969780 0.017857 0.000000 0.000000 0.994211 0.005789 0.136076 0.853165 0.000633 0.010127 0.013081 0.000000 0.981105 0.005814 0.000000 0.030612 0.002268 0.967120 0.007246 0.017391 0.971014 0.004348 0.026989 0.011364 0.948864 0.012784 0.000000 0.010046 0.484932 0.505023 0.105363 0.730599 0.022082 0.141956 Consensus sequence: HHHHWGGGCGTGGKC Alignment: GRCCACGCCCWHHHH GGCCACGCCC----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 22 Motif name: Motif 22 Original motif 0.707249 0.049454 0.154135 0.089162 0.038998 0.614849 0.232283 0.113870 0.000193 0.929217 0.070397 0.000193 0.988971 0.000185 0.010651 0.000193 0.999437 0.000185 0.000185 0.000193 0.005427 0.010651 0.983729 0.000193 0.047293 0.005418 0.947096 0.000193 0.999437 0.000185 0.000185 0.000193 0.000193 0.089165 0.910449 0.000193 0.110106 0.000185 0.884283 0.005426 0.010660 0.089161 0.000185 0.899994 0.021126 0.038988 0.026351 0.913535 0.694946 0.000185 0.047286 0.257583 Consensus sequence: ACCAAGGAGGTTA Reserve complement motif 0.257583 0.000185 0.047286 0.694946 0.913535 0.038988 0.026351 0.021126 0.899994 0.089161 0.000185 0.010660 0.110106 0.884283 0.000185 0.005426 0.000193 0.910449 0.089165 0.000193 0.000193 0.000185 0.000185 0.999437 0.047293 0.947096 0.005418 0.000193 0.005427 0.983729 0.010651 0.000193 0.000193 0.000185 0.000185 0.999437 0.000193 0.000185 0.010651 0.988971 0.000193 0.070397 0.929217 0.000193 0.038998 0.232283 0.614849 0.113870 0.089162 0.049454 0.154135 0.707249 Consensus sequence: TAACCTCCTTGGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 22 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0308.1 GSM1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 4 13 0.065392 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.322645 0.207415 0.190381 0.279559 0.160160 0.172172 0.229229 0.438438 0.219439 0.289579 0.168337 0.322645 0.461924 0.124248 0.184369 0.229459 0.349349 0.201201 0.233233 0.216216 0.342685 0.144289 0.281563 0.231463 0.567134 0.022044 0.017034 0.393788 0.850701 0.009018 0.020040 0.120240 0.400802 0.164329 0.182365 0.252505 0.003006 0.917836 0.010020 0.069138 0.004012 0.177533 0.038114 0.780341 0.003006 0.986974 0.001002 0.009018 0.000000 0.974925 0.025075 0.000000 0.000000 0.030060 0.968938 0.001002 0.136273 0.004008 0.850701 0.009018 0.710130 0.060181 0.197593 0.032096 0.289870 0.183551 0.439318 0.087262 0.164164 0.172172 0.205205 0.458458 0.373747 0.101202 0.232465 0.292585 0.225451 0.168337 0.299599 0.306613 0.322969 0.212638 0.195587 0.268806 Consensus sequence: HBHDDDWADCTCCGGAVBDDH Reverse complement motif 0.268806 0.212638 0.195587 0.322969 0.306613 0.168337 0.299599 0.225451 0.292585 0.101202 0.232465 0.373747 0.458458 0.172172 0.205205 0.164164 0.289870 0.439318 0.183551 0.087262 0.032096 0.060181 0.197593 0.710130 0.136273 0.850701 0.004008 0.009018 0.000000 0.968938 0.030060 0.001002 0.000000 0.025075 0.974925 0.000000 0.003006 0.001002 0.986974 0.009018 0.780341 0.177533 0.038114 0.004012 0.003006 0.010020 0.917836 0.069138 0.252505 0.164329 0.182365 0.400802 0.120240 0.009018 0.020040 0.850701 0.393788 0.022044 0.017034 0.567134 0.231463 0.144289 0.281563 0.342685 0.216216 0.201201 0.233233 0.349349 0.229459 0.124248 0.184369 0.461924 0.322645 0.289579 0.168337 0.219439 0.438438 0.172172 0.229229 0.160160 0.279559 0.207415 0.190381 0.322645 Consensus sequence: HDDVVTCCGGAGDTWDDDHVH Alignment: HDDVVTCCGGAGDTWDDDHVH ---ACCAAGGAGGTTA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 23 Motif name: Motif 23 Original motif 0.026202 0.914786 0.001623 0.057389 0.010933 0.951299 0.000395 0.037373 0.039093 0.899441 0.030339 0.031127 0.059420 0.000246 0.005402 0.934932 0.002541 0.947455 0.000246 0.049758 0.000258 0.945538 0.000962 0.053242 0.012405 0.870351 0.063684 0.053560 0.048845 0.823294 0.077233 0.050628 Consensus sequence: CCCTCCCC Reserve complement motif 0.048845 0.077233 0.823294 0.050628 0.012405 0.063684 0.870351 0.053560 0.000258 0.000962 0.945538 0.053242 0.002541 0.000246 0.947455 0.049758 0.934932 0.000246 0.005402 0.059420 0.039093 0.030339 0.899441 0.031127 0.010933 0.000395 0.951299 0.037373 0.026202 0.001623 0.914786 0.057389 Consensus sequence: GGGGAGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 23 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0079.3 SP1 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 8 0.024602 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.098122 0.204488 0.489008 0.208381 0.000000 0.711587 0.073506 0.214907 0.011335 0.767460 0.000000 0.221204 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.991642 0.000000 0.008358 0.155599 0.000000 0.529425 0.314976 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.764713 0.000000 0.235287 0.120678 0.727845 0.000000 0.151477 0.074651 0.568926 0.084039 0.272384 Consensus sequence: BCCCCKCCCCC Reverse complement motif 0.074651 0.084039 0.568926 0.272384 0.120678 0.000000 0.727845 0.151477 0.000000 0.000000 0.764713 0.235287 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.155599 0.529425 0.000000 0.314976 0.000000 0.000000 0.991642 0.008358 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.011335 0.000000 0.767460 0.221204 0.000000 0.073506 0.711587 0.214907 0.098122 0.489008 0.204488 0.208381 Consensus sequence: GGGGGYGGGGB Alignment: BCCCCKCCCCC --CCCTCCCC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 24 Motif name: Motif 24 Original motif 0.034110 0.037242 0.029187 0.899461 0.036959 0.118935 0.834263 0.009843 0.008663 0.000101 0.991131 0.000105 0.102578 0.887233 0.000101 0.010088 0.007541 0.000101 0.992253 0.000105 0.032572 0.218687 0.742933 0.005808 0.002951 0.004136 0.989955 0.002958 0.984251 0.000101 0.001283 0.014365 0.918863 0.000101 0.065485 0.015551 0.726083 0.082826 0.121080 0.070011 0.427098 0.113963 0.187310 0.271629 0.176926 0.187680 0.136022 0.499372 Consensus sequence: TGGCGGGAAADH Reserve complement motif 0.499372 0.187680 0.136022 0.176926 0.271629 0.113963 0.187310 0.427098 0.070011 0.082826 0.121080 0.726083 0.015551 0.000101 0.065485 0.918863 0.014365 0.000101 0.001283 0.984251 0.002951 0.989955 0.004136 0.002958 0.032572 0.742933 0.218687 0.005808 0.007541 0.992253 0.000101 0.000105 0.102578 0.000101 0.887233 0.010088 0.008663 0.991131 0.000101 0.000105 0.036959 0.834263 0.118935 0.009843 0.899461 0.037242 0.029187 0.034110 Consensus sequence: HDTTTCCCGCCA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 24 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0541.1 efl-1 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 4 12 0.028283 Taxon: Nematodes Original motif 0.300091 0.334542 0.087942 0.277425 0.266999 0.177244 0.367634 0.188123 0.262919 0.362194 0.075249 0.299637 0.159565 0.142339 0.396646 0.301451 0.041704 0.521306 0.404805 0.032185 0.027652 0.009973 0.962375 0.000000 0.004986 0.993654 0.001360 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.561650 0.438350 0.000000 0.060290 0.284678 0.655032 0.000000 0.950136 0.024932 0.008160 0.016772 0.911605 0.011786 0.070716 0.005893 0.645512 0.062103 0.080236 0.212149 0.315503 0.097008 0.077516 0.509973 0.144606 0.176337 0.159565 0.519492 Consensus sequence: HDHDSGCGSGAAAWT Reverse complement motif 0.519492 0.176337 0.159565 0.144606 0.509973 0.097008 0.077516 0.315503 0.212149 0.062103 0.080236 0.645512 0.005893 0.011786 0.070716 0.911605 0.016772 0.024932 0.008160 0.950136 0.060290 0.655032 0.284678 0.000000 0.000000 0.438350 0.561650 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.004986 0.001360 0.993654 0.000000 0.027652 0.962375 0.009973 0.000000 0.041704 0.404805 0.521306 0.032185 0.159565 0.396646 0.142339 0.301451 0.262919 0.075249 0.362194 0.299637 0.266999 0.367634 0.177244 0.188123 0.300091 0.087942 0.334542 0.277425 Consensus sequence: AWTTTCSCGCSHDHD Alignment: HDHDSGCGSGAAAWT ---TGGCGGGAAADH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 25 Motif name: Motif 25 Original motif 0.130504 0.675408 0.144489 0.049599 0.000144 0.000138 0.007940 0.991778 0.089873 0.824021 0.043052 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.004039 0.004045 0.000144 0.004039 0.000138 0.995679 0.046961 0.097671 0.749889 0.105479 0.921555 0.066459 0.011842 0.000144 0.980073 0.011842 0.000138 0.007947 0.000144 0.000138 0.000138 0.999580 0.958945 0.000138 0.036872 0.004045 0.464732 0.019644 0.039151 0.476473 0.043058 0.035249 0.109374 0.812319 0.074270 0.339926 0.039150 0.546654 0.874740 0.074262 0.015743 0.035255 Consensus sequence: CTCATGAATAWTYA Reserve complement motif 0.035255 0.074262 0.015743 0.874740 0.546654 0.339926 0.039150 0.074270 0.812319 0.035249 0.109374 0.043058 0.476473 0.019644 0.039151 0.464732 0.004045 0.000138 0.036872 0.958945 0.999580 0.000138 0.000138 0.000144 0.007947 0.011842 0.000138 0.980073 0.000144 0.066459 0.011842 0.921555 0.046961 0.749889 0.097671 0.105479 0.995679 0.004039 0.000138 0.000144 0.004045 0.000138 0.004039 0.991778 0.089873 0.043052 0.824021 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.007940 0.000144 0.130504 0.144489 0.675408 0.049599 Consensus sequence: TMAWTATTCATGAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 25 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0791.1 POU4F3 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 14 0.056383 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.423586 0.161742 0.220835 0.193836 0.057822 0.063564 0.060000 0.818614 0.147559 0.051722 0.653160 0.147559 0.469937 0.506667 0.006038 0.017358 0.939551 0.012090 0.010363 0.037997 0.023155 0.005065 0.006030 0.965750 0.623283 0.025825 0.027260 0.323632 0.774370 0.030167 0.031414 0.164049 0.096115 0.022420 0.036848 0.844617 0.107231 0.014775 0.043430 0.834565 0.573225 0.120377 0.145895 0.160503 0.981213 0.005408 0.007116 0.006262 0.046892 0.078522 0.039814 0.834771 0.131353 0.111415 0.528799 0.228434 0.485646 0.216653 0.142109 0.155591 0.238963 0.195281 0.403878 0.161878 Consensus sequence: DTGMATWATTAATGHV Reverse complement motif 0.238963 0.403878 0.195281 0.161878 0.155591 0.216653 0.142109 0.485646 0.131353 0.528799 0.111415 0.228434 0.834771 0.078522 0.039814 0.046892 0.006262 0.005408 0.007116 0.981213 0.160503 0.120377 0.145895 0.573225 0.834565 0.014775 0.043430 0.107231 0.844617 0.022420 0.036848 0.096115 0.164049 0.030167 0.031414 0.774370 0.323632 0.025825 0.027260 0.623283 0.965750 0.005065 0.006030 0.023155 0.037997 0.012090 0.010363 0.939551 0.469937 0.006038 0.506667 0.017358 0.147559 0.653160 0.051722 0.147559 0.818614 0.063564 0.060000 0.057822 0.193836 0.161742 0.220835 0.423586 Consensus sequence: VHCATTAATWATRCAD Alignment: VHCATTAATWATRCAD --TMAWTATTCATGAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 26 Motif name: Motif 26 Original motif 0.083420 0.895974 0.007905 0.012701 0.001776 0.003786 0.000432 0.994006 0.005484 0.005476 0.985636 0.003404 0.002390 0.035513 0.000187 0.961910 0.007913 0.980705 0.003043 0.008339 0.934068 0.053149 0.009064 0.003719 0.971161 0.028456 0.000187 0.000196 0.000196 0.000187 0.000187 0.999430 0.021363 0.975046 0.000187 0.003404 0.991318 0.000187 0.006105 0.002390 0.202954 0.581148 0.000187 0.215711 Consensus sequence: CTGTCAATCAC Reserve complement motif 0.202954 0.000187 0.581148 0.215711 0.002390 0.000187 0.006105 0.991318 0.021363 0.000187 0.975046 0.003404 0.999430 0.000187 0.000187 0.000196 0.000196 0.028456 0.000187 0.971161 0.003719 0.053149 0.009064 0.934068 0.007913 0.003043 0.980705 0.008339 0.961910 0.035513 0.000187 0.002390 0.005484 0.985636 0.005476 0.003404 0.994006 0.003786 0.000432 0.001776 0.083420 0.007905 0.895974 0.012701 Consensus sequence: GTGATTGACAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 26 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0070.1 PBX1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 11 0.064224 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.277778 0.333333 0.111111 0.277778 0.166667 0.500000 0.166667 0.166667 0.888889 0.055556 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.055556 0.000000 0.888889 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.944444 0.055556 0.000000 0.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.000000 0.055556 0.944444 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.888889 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.666667 0.000000 0.055556 0.277778 0.444444 0.111111 0.111111 0.333333 Consensus sequence: HBATCAATCAAW Reverse complement motif 0.333333 0.111111 0.111111 0.444444 0.277778 0.000000 0.055556 0.666667 0.055556 0.055556 0.000000 0.888889 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.888889 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.055556 0.888889 0.166667 0.166667 0.500000 0.166667 0.277778 0.111111 0.333333 0.277778 Consensus sequence: WTTGATTGATBD Alignment: WTTGATTGATBD -GTGATTGACAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 27 Motif name: Motif 27 Original motif 0.057628 0.886005 0.054916 0.001451 0.982880 0.006696 0.009911 0.000513 0.020869 0.000259 0.975452 0.003420 0.002599 0.003387 0.993802 0.000212 0.000191 0.000505 0.001634 0.997670 0.702081 0.000183 0.283578 0.014158 0.866434 0.045273 0.036173 0.052120 0.104797 0.034038 0.857650 0.003515 Consensus sequence: CAGGTAAG Reserve complement motif 0.104797 0.857650 0.034038 0.003515 0.052120 0.045273 0.036173 0.866434 0.014158 0.000183 0.283578 0.702081 0.997670 0.000505 0.001634 0.000191 0.002599 0.993802 0.003387 0.000212 0.020869 0.975452 0.000259 0.003420 0.000513 0.006696 0.009911 0.982880 0.057628 0.054916 0.886005 0.001451 Consensus sequence: CTTACCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 27 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0103.2 ZEB1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 8 0.006672 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.240788 0.409283 0.233474 0.116456 0.000000 0.841350 0.000000 0.158650 0.336709 0.093671 0.121238 0.448383 0.000000 0.891702 0.000000 0.108298 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: VCWCACCTG Reverse complement motif 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.891702 0.108298 0.448383 0.093671 0.121238 0.336709 0.000000 0.000000 0.841350 0.158650 0.240788 0.233474 0.409283 0.116456 Consensus sequence: CAGGTGWGV Alignment: CAGGTGWGV CAGGTAAG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 28 Motif name: Motif 28 Original motif 0.895024 0.021137 0.083690 0.000149 0.009544 0.014725 0.975582 0.000149 0.000149 0.971247 0.000143 0.028461 0.000149 0.000143 0.999559 0.000149 0.224858 0.774850 0.000143 0.000149 0.000149 0.999559 0.000143 0.000149 0.249556 0.424734 0.290531 0.035178 0.000149 0.838028 0.000143 0.161680 0.000149 0.999559 0.000143 0.000149 0.053713 0.063813 0.028826 0.853648 0.619472 0.000143 0.341664 0.038721 Consensus sequence: AGCGCCVCCTR Reserve complement motif 0.038721 0.000143 0.341664 0.619472 0.853648 0.063813 0.028826 0.053713 0.000149 0.000143 0.999559 0.000149 0.000149 0.000143 0.838028 0.161680 0.249556 0.290531 0.424734 0.035178 0.000149 0.000143 0.999559 0.000149 0.224858 0.000143 0.774850 0.000149 0.000149 0.999559 0.000143 0.000149 0.000149 0.000143 0.971247 0.028461 0.009544 0.975582 0.014725 0.000149 0.000149 0.021137 0.083690 0.895024 Consensus sequence: KAGGVGGCGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 28 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0531.1 CTCF Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 5 11 0.042244 Taxon: Insects Original motif 0.160883 0.460568 0.211882 0.166667 0.164564 0.603049 0.115142 0.117245 0.240273 0.201367 0.434280 0.124080 0.355415 0.412198 0.184017 0.048370 0.135121 0.375394 0.045741 0.443743 0.806519 0.000526 0.100946 0.092008 0.106204 0.000000 0.893796 0.000000 0.518927 0.000000 0.479495 0.001577 0.001052 0.002103 0.163512 0.833333 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.001052 0.000000 0.868559 0.130389 0.065195 0.864879 0.001577 0.068349 0.000526 0.000000 0.950053 0.049422 0.041535 0.796004 0.004206 0.158254 0.121451 0.406414 0.075710 0.396425 Consensus sequence: BCVMYAGRTGGCGCY Reverse complement motif 0.121451 0.075710 0.406414 0.396425 0.041535 0.004206 0.796004 0.158254 0.000526 0.950053 0.000000 0.049422 0.065195 0.001577 0.864879 0.068349 0.001052 0.868559 0.000000 0.130389 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.833333 0.002103 0.163512 0.001052 0.001577 0.000000 0.479495 0.518927 0.106204 0.893796 0.000000 0.000000 0.092008 0.000526 0.100946 0.806519 0.443743 0.375394 0.045741 0.135121 0.355415 0.184017 0.412198 0.048370 0.240273 0.434280 0.201367 0.124080 0.164564 0.115142 0.603049 0.117245 0.160883 0.211882 0.460568 0.166667 Consensus sequence: KGCGCCAKCTMRVGB Alignment: BCVMYAGRTGGCGCY ----KAGGVGGCGCT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 29 Motif name: Motif 29 Original motif 0.019154 0.759638 0.088523 0.132685 0.044380 0.879480 0.012837 0.063303 0.012847 0.006523 0.006530 0.974100 0.000233 0.000223 0.999311 0.000233 0.050689 0.000223 0.948855 0.000233 0.025461 0.000223 0.974083 0.000233 0.588128 0.063304 0.145293 0.203275 0.955173 0.000223 0.000223 0.044381 0.000233 0.983213 0.016321 0.000233 0.044390 0.000223 0.955154 0.000233 0.980399 0.000223 0.019145 0.000233 0.000233 0.038065 0.955162 0.006540 0.690161 0.063292 0.158013 0.088534 Consensus sequence: CCTGGGAACGAGA Reserve complement motif 0.088534 0.063292 0.158013 0.690161 0.000233 0.955162 0.038065 0.006540 0.000233 0.000223 0.019145 0.980399 0.044390 0.955154 0.000223 0.000233 0.000233 0.016321 0.983213 0.000233 0.044381 0.000223 0.000223 0.955173 0.203275 0.063304 0.145293 0.588128 0.025461 0.974083 0.000223 0.000233 0.050689 0.948855 0.000223 0.000233 0.000233 0.999311 0.000223 0.000233 0.974100 0.006523 0.006530 0.012847 0.044380 0.012837 0.879480 0.063303 0.019154 0.088523 0.759638 0.132685 Consensus sequence: TCTCGTTCCCAGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 29 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0085.1 Su(H) Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 13 0.086621 Taxon: Insects Original motif 0.100000 0.300000 0.300000 0.300000 0.000000 0.400000 0.000000 0.600000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.300000 0.000000 0.700000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.500000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000 0.100000 0.700000 0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 0.200000 0.400000 0.300000 0.400000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.300000 0.100000 0.400000 0.200000 0.400000 0.300000 0.200000 0.100000 0.200000 0.100000 0.200000 0.500000 Consensus sequence: BYGTGGGAAMCBDDVD Reverse complement motif 0.500000 0.100000 0.200000 0.200000 0.100000 0.300000 0.200000 0.400000 0.300000 0.400000 0.100000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.400000 0.100000 0.400000 0.200000 0.300000 0.100000 0.100000 0.700000 0.100000 0.000000 0.500000 0.000000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.300000 0.700000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.600000 0.400000 0.000000 0.000000 0.100000 0.300000 0.300000 0.300000 Consensus sequence: DBHBBGYTTCCCACMB Alignment: BYGTGGGAAMCBDDVD -CCTGGGAACGAGA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 30 Motif name: Motif 30 Original motif 0.592812 0.057334 0.322688 0.027166 0.000175 0.004891 0.000167 0.994767 0.004908 0.000167 0.958430 0.036495 0.933479 0.045428 0.007447 0.013646 0.019821 0.979837 0.000167 0.000175 0.000175 0.006482 0.973699 0.019644 0.048914 0.000167 0.000167 0.950752 0.999491 0.000167 0.000167 0.000175 0.027936 0.288710 0.552121 0.131233 0.219724 0.093803 0.270734 0.415739 Consensus sequence: RTGACGTASD Reserve complement motif 0.415739 0.093803 0.270734 0.219724 0.027936 0.552121 0.288710 0.131233 0.000175 0.000167 0.000167 0.999491 0.950752 0.000167 0.000167 0.048914 0.000175 0.973699 0.006482 0.019644 0.019821 0.000167 0.979837 0.000175 0.013646 0.045428 0.007447 0.933479 0.004908 0.958430 0.000167 0.036495 0.994767 0.004891 0.000167 0.000175 0.027166 0.057334 0.322688 0.592812 Consensus sequence: DSTACGTCAK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 30 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0097.1 bZIP911 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 10 0.040605 Taxon: Plants Original motif 0.030303 0.000000 0.939394 0.030303 0.515152 0.000000 0.484848 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.030303 0.969697 0.000000 0.030303 0.000000 0.666667 0.303030 0.333333 0.606061 0.030303 0.030303 0.030303 0.969697 0.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: GRTGACGTGGMC Reverse complement motif 0.030303 0.000000 0.969697 0.000000 0.333333 0.030303 0.606061 0.030303 0.030303 0.666667 0.000000 0.303030 0.000000 0.969697 0.030303 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.484848 0.515152 0.030303 0.939394 0.000000 0.030303 Consensus sequence: GRCCACGTCAKC Alignment: GRCCACGTCAKC -DSTACGTCAK- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 31 Motif name: Motif 31 Original motif 0.085342 0.902116 0.000539 0.012003 0.000456 0.956309 0.018423 0.024812 0.022883 0.942353 0.007912 0.026852 0.987096 0.004120 0.003773 0.005011 0.029767 0.910491 0.046969 0.012773 0.943272 0.021586 0.012744 0.022398 0.946310 0.050673 0.000436 0.002581 0.000456 0.002279 0.000436 0.996829 0.032323 0.226246 0.723814 0.017617 0.000456 0.998652 0.000436 0.000456 Consensus sequence: CCCACAATGC Reserve complement motif 0.000456 0.000436 0.998652 0.000456 0.032323 0.723814 0.226246 0.017617 0.996829 0.002279 0.000436 0.000456 0.002581 0.050673 0.000436 0.946310 0.022398 0.021586 0.012744 0.943272 0.029767 0.046969 0.910491 0.012773 0.005011 0.004120 0.003773 0.987096 0.022883 0.007912 0.942353 0.026852 0.000456 0.018423 0.956309 0.024812 0.085342 0.000539 0.902116 0.012003 Consensus sequence: GCATTGTGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 31 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0088.2 ZNF143 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 5 10 0.015535 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.042773 0.250246 0.075221 0.631760 0.587980 0.000000 0.008055 0.403965 0.013019 0.985741 0.000620 0.000620 0.001241 0.998759 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.995668 0.000000 0.002475 0.001856 0.000000 0.551082 0.036659 0.412260 0.740847 0.081808 0.177346 0.000000 0.958537 0.000000 0.040854 0.000610 0.003713 0.000000 0.000619 0.995668 0.035607 0.021726 0.937236 0.005432 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.891459 0.090747 0.001779 0.016014 0.137615 0.425608 0.005983 0.430794 0.041599 0.464111 0.005302 0.488989 0.187163 0.010289 0.743753 0.058795 Consensus sequence: TWCCCAYAATGCAYYG Reverse complement motif 0.187163 0.743753 0.010289 0.058795 0.488989 0.464111 0.005302 0.041599 0.430794 0.425608 0.005983 0.137615 0.016014 0.090747 0.001779 0.891459 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.035607 0.937236 0.021726 0.005432 0.995668 0.000000 0.000619 0.003713 0.000610 0.000000 0.040854 0.958537 0.000000 0.081808 0.177346 0.740847 0.000000 0.036659 0.551082 0.412260 0.001856 0.000000 0.002475 0.995668 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.001241 0.000000 0.998759 0.000000 0.013019 0.000620 0.985741 0.000620 0.403965 0.000000 0.008055 0.587980 0.631760 0.250246 0.075221 0.042773 Consensus sequence: CMMTGCATTKTGGGWA Alignment: TWCCCAYAATGCAYYG --CCCACAATGC---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 32 Motif name: Motif 32 Original motif 0.955089 0.010536 0.019260 0.015115 0.992318 0.000121 0.000121 0.007440 0.690570 0.074094 0.155609 0.079727 0.000127 0.640177 0.252280 0.107416 0.961750 0.000886 0.005874 0.031490 0.940555 0.000121 0.017280 0.042044 0.916933 0.000121 0.030628 0.052318 0.805746 0.051856 0.106621 0.035777 0.000127 0.911309 0.039461 0.049103 0.770662 0.128915 0.074635 0.025788 0.757024 0.195689 0.013608 0.033679 Consensus sequence: AAACAAAACAA Reserve complement motif 0.033679 0.195689 0.013608 0.757024 0.025788 0.128915 0.074635 0.770662 0.000127 0.039461 0.911309 0.049103 0.035777 0.051856 0.106621 0.805746 0.052318 0.000121 0.030628 0.916933 0.042044 0.000121 0.017280 0.940555 0.031490 0.000886 0.005874 0.961750 0.000127 0.252280 0.640177 0.107416 0.079727 0.074094 0.155609 0.690570 0.007440 0.000121 0.000121 0.992318 0.015115 0.010536 0.019260 0.955089 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTTGTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 32 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0296.1 FKH1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 9 11 0.051515 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.177533 0.287864 0.207623 0.326981 0.247495 0.192385 0.334669 0.225451 0.520521 0.084084 0.098098 0.297297 0.527054 0.076152 0.129259 0.267535 0.365365 0.073073 0.150150 0.411411 0.119238 0.146293 0.133267 0.601202 0.146293 0.004008 0.848697 0.001002 0.007021 0.003009 0.000000 0.989970 0.961886 0.037111 0.000000 0.001003 0.978958 0.011022 0.001002 0.009018 0.991984 0.001002 0.002004 0.005010 0.001002 0.926854 0.001002 0.071142 0.991984 0.001002 0.003006 0.004008 0.875752 0.039078 0.016032 0.069138 0.672345 0.049098 0.070140 0.208417 0.248497 0.191383 0.407816 0.152305 0.374749 0.158317 0.296593 0.170341 0.284569 0.184369 0.330661 0.200401 0.205411 0.116232 0.452906 0.225451 0.421844 0.192385 0.248497 0.137275 Consensus sequence: BDWWWTGTAAACAAAVDDDV Reverse complement motif 0.137275 0.192385 0.248497 0.421844 0.205411 0.452906 0.116232 0.225451 0.284569 0.330661 0.184369 0.200401 0.170341 0.158317 0.296593 0.374749 0.248497 0.407816 0.191383 0.152305 0.208417 0.049098 0.070140 0.672345 0.069138 0.039078 0.016032 0.875752 0.004008 0.001002 0.003006 0.991984 0.001002 0.001002 0.926854 0.071142 0.005010 0.001002 0.002004 0.991984 0.009018 0.011022 0.001002 0.978958 0.001003 0.037111 0.000000 0.961886 0.989970 0.003009 0.000000 0.007021 0.146293 0.848697 0.004008 0.001002 0.601202 0.146293 0.133267 0.119238 0.411411 0.073073 0.150150 0.365365 0.267535 0.076152 0.129259 0.527054 0.297297 0.084084 0.098098 0.520521 0.247495 0.334669 0.192385 0.225451 0.326981 0.287864 0.207623 0.177533 Consensus sequence: BHHDVTTTGTTTACAWWWHV Alignment: BHHDVTTTGTTTACAWWWHV -TTGTTTTGTTT-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 33 Motif name: Motif 33 Original motif 0.998602 0.000459 0.000459 0.000480 0.951342 0.047719 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.000459 0.998581 0.000480 0.998602 0.000459 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.946719 0.000459 0.052342 0.859002 0.000459 0.018716 0.121823 0.998602 0.000459 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.909107 0.000459 0.089954 0.638504 0.000459 0.054530 0.306507 Consensus sequence: AAGACAACA Reserve complement motif 0.306507 0.000459 0.054530 0.638504 0.000480 0.000459 0.909107 0.089954 0.000480 0.000459 0.000459 0.998602 0.121823 0.000459 0.018716 0.859002 0.000480 0.000459 0.946719 0.052342 0.000480 0.000459 0.000459 0.998602 0.000480 0.998581 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.047719 0.000459 0.951342 0.000480 0.000459 0.000459 0.998602 Consensus sequence: TGTTGTCTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 33 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0029.1 Mecom Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 9 0.022022 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.518519 0.074074 0.222222 0.185185 0.740741 0.037037 0.074074 0.148148 0.000000 0.037037 0.925926 0.037037 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.037037 0.370370 0.000000 0.592593 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.962963 0.000000 0.037037 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.111111 0.000000 0.888889 0.888889 0.037037 0.000000 0.074074 0.851852 0.000000 0.148148 0.000000 0.222222 0.259259 0.259259 0.259259 0.555556 0.222222 0.111111 0.111111 Consensus sequence: AAGAYAAGATAABA Reverse complement motif 0.111111 0.222222 0.111111 0.555556 0.222222 0.259259 0.259259 0.259259 0.000000 0.000000 0.148148 0.851852 0.074074 0.037037 0.000000 0.888889 0.888889 0.111111 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.037037 0.962963 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.592593 0.370370 0.000000 0.037037 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.925926 0.037037 0.037037 0.148148 0.037037 0.074074 0.740741 0.185185 0.074074 0.222222 0.518519 Consensus sequence: TBTTATCTTMTCTT Alignment: AAGAYAAGATAABA -----AAGACAACA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 34 Motif name: Motif 34 Original motif 0.631628 0.070065 0.060582 0.237725 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.999278 0.000237 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.000237 0.999278 0.047183 0.952332 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.130430 0.000237 0.869085 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.314845 0.073991 0.186833 0.424331 0.414847 0.465124 0.000237 0.119792 0.313698 0.598649 0.000237 0.087416 0.000248 0.146025 0.027058 0.826669 Consensus sequence: ACATCCGGGDMMT Reserve complement motif 0.826669 0.146025 0.027058 0.000248 0.313698 0.000237 0.598649 0.087416 0.414847 0.000237 0.465124 0.119792 0.424331 0.073991 0.186833 0.314845 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.130430 0.869085 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.047183 0.000237 0.952332 0.000248 0.999278 0.000237 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.000237 0.999278 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.237725 0.070065 0.060582 0.631628 Consensus sequence: ARRDCCCGGATGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 34 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0308.1 GSM1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 8 13 0.073086 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.322645 0.207415 0.190381 0.279559 0.160160 0.172172 0.229229 0.438438 0.219439 0.289579 0.168337 0.322645 0.461924 0.124248 0.184369 0.229459 0.349349 0.201201 0.233233 0.216216 0.342685 0.144289 0.281563 0.231463 0.567134 0.022044 0.017034 0.393788 0.850701 0.009018 0.020040 0.120240 0.400802 0.164329 0.182365 0.252505 0.003006 0.917836 0.010020 0.069138 0.004012 0.177533 0.038114 0.780341 0.003006 0.986974 0.001002 0.009018 0.000000 0.974925 0.025075 0.000000 0.000000 0.030060 0.968938 0.001002 0.136273 0.004008 0.850701 0.009018 0.710130 0.060181 0.197593 0.032096 0.289870 0.183551 0.439318 0.087262 0.164164 0.172172 0.205205 0.458458 0.373747 0.101202 0.232465 0.292585 0.225451 0.168337 0.299599 0.306613 0.322969 0.212638 0.195587 0.268806 Consensus sequence: HBHDDDWADCTCCGGAVBDDH Reverse complement motif 0.268806 0.212638 0.195587 0.322969 0.306613 0.168337 0.299599 0.225451 0.292585 0.101202 0.232465 0.373747 0.458458 0.172172 0.205205 0.164164 0.289870 0.439318 0.183551 0.087262 0.032096 0.060181 0.197593 0.710130 0.136273 0.850701 0.004008 0.009018 0.000000 0.968938 0.030060 0.001002 0.000000 0.025075 0.974925 0.000000 0.003006 0.001002 0.986974 0.009018 0.780341 0.177533 0.038114 0.004012 0.003006 0.010020 0.917836 0.069138 0.252505 0.164329 0.182365 0.400802 0.120240 0.009018 0.020040 0.850701 0.393788 0.022044 0.017034 0.567134 0.231463 0.144289 0.281563 0.342685 0.216216 0.201201 0.233233 0.349349 0.229459 0.124248 0.184369 0.461924 0.322645 0.289579 0.168337 0.219439 0.438438 0.172172 0.229229 0.160160 0.279559 0.207415 0.190381 0.322645 Consensus sequence: HDDVVTCCGGAGDTWDDDHVH Alignment: HDDVVTCCGGAGDTWDDDHVH -ARRDCCCGGATGT------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 35 Motif name: Motif 35 Original motif 0.594971 0.133285 0.062151 0.209593 0.906540 0.074799 0.000157 0.018504 0.949239 0.000157 0.050440 0.000164 0.873819 0.000157 0.125860 0.000164 0.000164 0.576703 0.000157 0.422976 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.000164 0.971186 0.000157 0.028493 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.790493 0.118223 0.000157 0.091127 Consensus sequence: AAAAYAAACAA Reserve complement motif 0.091127 0.118223 0.000157 0.790493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.971186 0.028493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.576703 0.422976 0.000164 0.000157 0.125860 0.873819 0.000164 0.000157 0.050440 0.949239 0.018504 0.074799 0.000157 0.906540 0.209593 0.133285 0.062151 0.594971 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTKTTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 35 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0481.1 FOXP1 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 11 0.045271 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.331190 0.347267 0.154341 0.167203 0.421222 0.183280 0.176849 0.218650 0.498392 0.125402 0.128617 0.247588 0.578778 0.135048 0.170418 0.115756 0.443730 0.019293 0.282958 0.254019 0.254019 0.035370 0.710611 0.000000 0.228296 0.012862 0.000000 0.758842 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.051447 0.893891 0.032154 0.022508 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.565916 0.247588 0.183280 0.003215 0.781350 0.057878 0.073955 0.086817 0.327974 0.135048 0.414791 0.122186 Consensus sequence: HHDADGTAAACAAAV Reverse complement motif 0.327974 0.414791 0.135048 0.122186 0.086817 0.057878 0.073955 0.781350 0.003215 0.247588 0.183280 0.565916 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.051447 0.032154 0.893891 0.022508 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.758842 0.012862 0.000000 0.228296 0.254019 0.710611 0.035370 0.000000 0.254019 0.019293 0.282958 0.443730 0.115756 0.135048 0.170418 0.578778 0.247588 0.125402 0.128617 0.498392 0.218650 0.183280 0.176849 0.421222 0.331190 0.154341 0.347267 0.167203 Consensus sequence: VTTTGTTTACDTDHD Alignment: HHDADGTAAACAAAV --AAAAYAAACAA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 36 Motif name: Motif 36 Original motif 0.965138 0.000241 0.034369 0.000252 0.984666 0.000241 0.014841 0.000252 0.000252 0.000241 0.000241 0.999266 0.999266 0.000241 0.000241 0.000252 0.000252 0.987812 0.000241 0.011695 0.985616 0.007066 0.000241 0.007077 0.000252 0.999255 0.000241 0.000252 0.971979 0.000241 0.000241 0.027539 0.000252 0.090385 0.000241 0.909122 0.000252 0.716824 0.163372 0.119552 0.144210 0.333372 0.015079 0.507339 Consensus sequence: AATACACATCY Reserve complement motif 0.507339 0.333372 0.015079 0.144210 0.000252 0.163372 0.716824 0.119552 0.909122 0.090385 0.000241 0.000252 0.027539 0.000241 0.000241 0.971979 0.000252 0.000241 0.999255 0.000252 0.007077 0.007066 0.000241 0.985616 0.000252 0.000241 0.987812 0.011695 0.000252 0.000241 0.000241 0.999266 0.999266 0.000241 0.000241 0.000252 0.000252 0.000241 0.014841 0.984666 0.000252 0.000241 0.034369 0.965138 Consensus sequence: MGATGTGTATT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 36 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0040.1 Foxq1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 11 0.048001 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.222222 0.222222 0.166667 0.388889 0.722222 0.055556 0.166667 0.055556 0.277778 0.111111 0.000000 0.611111 0.166667 0.000000 0.000000 0.833333 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.000000 0.055556 0.222222 0.722222 0.333333 0.000000 0.166667 0.500000 Consensus sequence: HATTGTTTATW Reverse complement motif 0.500000 0.000000 0.166667 0.333333 0.722222 0.055556 0.222222 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.055556 0.944444 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.833333 0.000000 0.000000 0.166667 0.611111 0.111111 0.000000 0.277778 0.055556 0.055556 0.166667 0.722222 0.388889 0.222222 0.166667 0.222222 Consensus sequence: WATAAACAATH Alignment: HATTGTTTATW AATACACATCY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 37 Motif name: Motif 37 Original motif 0.952012 0.000309 0.038628 0.009051 0.888827 0.012260 0.016229 0.082684 0.048811 0.109366 0.687312 0.154511 0.039820 0.006633 0.919991 0.033556 0.000324 0.010876 0.009012 0.979788 0.956090 0.036662 0.000601 0.006647 0.974971 0.000309 0.024153 0.000567 0.978671 0.001491 0.000309 0.019529 0.009036 0.918368 0.036291 0.036305 0.964863 0.024153 0.000556 0.010428 Consensus sequence: AAGGTAAACA Reserve complement motif 0.010428 0.024153 0.000556 0.964863 0.009036 0.036291 0.918368 0.036305 0.019529 0.001491 0.000309 0.978671 0.000567 0.000309 0.024153 0.974971 0.006647 0.036662 0.000601 0.956090 0.979788 0.010876 0.009012 0.000324 0.039820 0.919991 0.006633 0.033556 0.048811 0.687312 0.109366 0.154511 0.082684 0.012260 0.016229 0.888827 0.009051 0.000309 0.038628 0.952012 Consensus sequence: TGTTTACCTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 37 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0852.1 Foxk1 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 10 0.028602 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.340000 0.190000 0.210000 0.260000 0.405941 0.118812 0.277228 0.198020 0.600000 0.070000 0.120000 0.210000 0.710000 0.040000 0.050000 0.200000 0.120000 0.120000 0.180000 0.580000 0.200000 0.010000 0.790000 0.000000 0.020202 0.000000 0.000000 0.979798 0.920000 0.080000 0.000000 0.000000 0.970000 0.010000 0.000000 0.020000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.890000 0.000000 0.110000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.808081 0.060606 0.020202 0.111111 0.565657 0.090909 0.101010 0.242424 0.270000 0.300000 0.290000 0.140000 0.340000 0.220000 0.250000 0.190000 0.151515 0.272727 0.323232 0.252525 Consensus sequence: DDAATGTAAACAAAVVB Reverse complement motif 0.151515 0.323232 0.272727 0.252525 0.190000 0.220000 0.250000 0.340000 0.270000 0.290000 0.300000 0.140000 0.242424 0.090909 0.101010 0.565657 0.111111 0.060606 0.020202 0.808081 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.890000 0.110000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 0.010000 0.000000 0.970000 0.000000 0.080000 0.000000 0.920000 0.979798 0.000000 0.000000 0.020202 0.200000 0.790000 0.010000 0.000000 0.580000 0.120000 0.180000 0.120000 0.200000 0.040000 0.050000 0.710000 0.210000 0.070000 0.120000 0.600000 0.198020 0.118812 0.277228 0.405941 0.260000 0.190000 0.210000 0.340000 Consensus sequence: BBVTTTGTTTACATTDD Alignment: DDAATGTAAACAAAVVB --AAGGTAAACA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 38 Motif name: Motif 38 Original motif 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.073234 0.706346 0.000570 0.219850 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.909080 0.004724 0.085600 0.798002 0.000570 0.200832 0.000596 Consensus sequence: CGCCGCCA Reserve complement motif 0.000596 0.000570 0.200832 0.798002 0.000596 0.004724 0.909080 0.085600 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.073234 0.000570 0.706346 0.219850 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 Consensus sequence: TGGCGGCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 38 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA1034.1 Os05g0497200 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 8 0.008311 Taxon: Plants Original motif 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.661662 0.332332 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.495000 0.005000 0.495000 0.005000 Consensus sequence: CGSCGCCR Reverse complement motif 0.005000 0.005000 0.495000 0.495000 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.332332 0.661662 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 Consensus sequence: KGGCGSCG Alignment: CGSCGCCR CGCCGCCA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 39 Motif name: Motif 39 Original motif 0.000354 0.000339 0.975654 0.023653 0.886037 0.027036 0.060805 0.026122 0.942588 0.024686 0.027348 0.005378 0.000354 0.000339 0.995375 0.003932 0.840909 0.027463 0.041496 0.090132 0.927373 0.010257 0.039062 0.023308 0.000354 0.000339 0.969032 0.030275 0.925046 0.021751 0.011717 0.041486 0.760183 0.099095 0.067264 0.073458 Consensus sequence: GAAGAAGAA Reserve complement motif 0.073458 0.099095 0.067264 0.760183 0.041486 0.021751 0.011717 0.925046 0.000354 0.969032 0.000339 0.030275 0.023308 0.010257 0.039062 0.927373 0.090132 0.027463 0.041496 0.840909 0.000354 0.995375 0.000339 0.003932 0.005378 0.024686 0.027348 0.942588 0.026122 0.027036 0.060805 0.886037 0.000354 0.975654 0.000339 0.023653 Consensus sequence: TTCTTCTTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 39 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0377.1 SFL1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 4 9 0.034731 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.272272 0.183183 0.130130 0.414414 0.368737 0.262525 0.124248 0.244489 0.281563 0.244489 0.332665 0.141283 0.382382 0.256256 0.117117 0.244244 0.314629 0.098196 0.349699 0.237475 0.368368 0.221221 0.198198 0.212212 0.727728 0.030030 0.124124 0.118118 0.127127 0.178178 0.108108 0.586587 0.506507 0.261261 0.226226 0.006006 0.018036 0.010020 0.961924 0.010020 0.957916 0.016032 0.005010 0.021042 0.960922 0.009018 0.021042 0.009018 0.022044 0.047094 0.807615 0.123246 0.616617 0.129129 0.218218 0.036036 0.597194 0.134269 0.036072 0.232465 0.536072 0.221443 0.048096 0.194389 0.256513 0.156313 0.146293 0.440882 0.492986 0.096192 0.217435 0.193387 0.431864 0.067134 0.099198 0.401804 0.369739 0.123246 0.146293 0.360721 0.410231 0.121364 0.072217 0.396189 Consensus sequence: HHVHDHATMGAAGAAAHDWDW Reverse complement motif 0.396189 0.121364 0.072217 0.410231 0.360721 0.123246 0.146293 0.369739 0.401804 0.067134 0.099198 0.431864 0.193387 0.096192 0.217435 0.492986 0.440882 0.156313 0.146293 0.256513 0.194389 0.221443 0.048096 0.536072 0.232465 0.134269 0.036072 0.597194 0.036036 0.129129 0.218218 0.616617 0.022044 0.807615 0.047094 0.123246 0.009018 0.009018 0.021042 0.960922 0.021042 0.016032 0.005010 0.957916 0.018036 0.961924 0.010020 0.010020 0.006006 0.261261 0.226226 0.506507 0.586587 0.178178 0.108108 0.127127 0.118118 0.030030 0.124124 0.727728 0.212212 0.221221 0.198198 0.368368 0.314629 0.349699 0.098196 0.237475 0.244244 0.256256 0.117117 0.382382 0.281563 0.332665 0.244489 0.141283 0.244489 0.262525 0.124248 0.368737 0.414414 0.183183 0.130130 0.272272 Consensus sequence: WDWDHTTTCTTCYATHHHVHH Alignment: WDWDHTTTCTTCYATHHHVHH ---TTCTTCTTC--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 40 Motif name: Motif 40 Original motif 0.011012 0.010995 0.977601 0.000392 0.042872 0.754552 0.053474 0.149102 0.000392 0.988221 0.000375 0.011012 0.032251 0.010995 0.000375 0.956379 0.011012 0.010995 0.966981 0.011012 0.011012 0.053473 0.871405 0.064110 0.011012 0.032234 0.032235 0.924519 0.680209 0.010995 0.276545 0.032251 0.021631 0.010995 0.956362 0.011012 0.988238 0.000375 0.010995 0.000392 0.011012 0.021614 0.935123 0.032251 0.170341 0.021614 0.797033 0.011012 0.000392 0.966982 0.000375 0.032251 0.000392 0.021614 0.000375 0.977619 0.945759 0.010995 0.021615 0.021631 Consensus sequence: GCCTGGTAGAGGCTA Reserve complement motif 0.021631 0.010995 0.021615 0.945759 0.977619 0.021614 0.000375 0.000392 0.000392 0.000375 0.966982 0.032251 0.170341 0.797033 0.021614 0.011012 0.011012 0.935123 0.021614 0.032251 0.000392 0.000375 0.010995 0.988238 0.021631 0.956362 0.010995 0.011012 0.032251 0.010995 0.276545 0.680209 0.924519 0.032234 0.032235 0.011012 0.011012 0.871405 0.053473 0.064110 0.011012 0.966981 0.010995 0.011012 0.956379 0.010995 0.000375 0.032251 0.000392 0.000375 0.988221 0.011012 0.042872 0.053474 0.754552 0.149102 0.011012 0.977601 0.010995 0.000392 Consensus sequence: TAGCCTCTACCAGGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 40 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0139.1 CTCF Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.087117 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.095290 0.318729 0.083242 0.502738 0.182913 0.158817 0.453450 0.204819 0.307777 0.053669 0.491785 0.146769 0.061336 0.876232 0.023001 0.039430 0.008762 0.989047 0.000000 0.002191 0.814896 0.014239 0.071194 0.099671 0.043812 0.578313 0.365827 0.012048 0.117325 0.474781 0.052632 0.355263 0.933114 0.012061 0.035088 0.019737 0.005488 0.000000 0.991218 0.003293 0.365532 0.003293 0.621295 0.009879 0.059276 0.013172 0.553238 0.374314 0.013187 0.000000 0.978022 0.008791 0.061538 0.008791 0.851648 0.078022 0.114411 0.806381 0.005501 0.073707 0.409241 0.014301 0.557756 0.018702 0.090308 0.530837 0.338106 0.040749 0.128855 0.354626 0.080396 0.436123 0.442731 0.199339 0.292952 0.064978 Consensus sequence: YDRCCASYAGRKGGCRSYV Reverse complement motif 0.064978 0.199339 0.292952 0.442731 0.436123 0.354626 0.080396 0.128855 0.090308 0.338106 0.530837 0.040749 0.409241 0.557756 0.014301 0.018702 0.114411 0.005501 0.806381 0.073707 0.061538 0.851648 0.008791 0.078022 0.013187 0.978022 0.000000 0.008791 0.059276 0.553238 0.013172 0.374314 0.365532 0.621295 0.003293 0.009879 0.005488 0.991218 0.000000 0.003293 0.019737 0.012061 0.035088 0.933114 0.117325 0.052632 0.474781 0.355263 0.043812 0.365827 0.578313 0.012048 0.099671 0.014239 0.071194 0.814896 0.008762 0.000000 0.989047 0.002191 0.061336 0.023001 0.876232 0.039430 0.307777 0.491785 0.053669 0.146769 0.182913 0.453450 0.158817 0.204819 0.502738 0.318729 0.083242 0.095290 Consensus sequence: BMSMGCCYMCTKSTGGMHM Alignment: YDRCCASYAGRKGGCRSYV ----GCCTGGTAGAGGCTA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 41 Motif name: Motif 41 Original motif 0.958323 0.020473 0.000699 0.020505 0.040280 0.020473 0.938516 0.000731 0.918775 0.040247 0.020473 0.020505 0.020505 0.950095 0.000699 0.028701 0.899001 0.000699 0.079795 0.020505 0.978097 0.020473 0.000699 0.000731 0.000731 0.040247 0.020473 0.938549 0.000731 0.020473 0.938517 0.040279 0.020505 0.000699 0.000699 0.978097 0.020505 0.839627 0.119363 0.020505 0.060057 0.158928 0.780284 0.000731 0.997871 0.000699 0.000699 0.000731 0.000731 0.000699 0.978065 0.020505 Consensus sequence: AGACAATGTCGAG Reserve complement motif 0.000731 0.978065 0.000699 0.020505 0.000731 0.000699 0.000699 0.997871 0.060057 0.780284 0.158928 0.000731 0.020505 0.119363 0.839627 0.020505 0.978097 0.000699 0.000699 0.020505 0.000731 0.938517 0.020473 0.040279 0.938549 0.040247 0.020473 0.000731 0.000731 0.020473 0.000699 0.978097 0.020505 0.000699 0.079795 0.899001 0.020505 0.000699 0.950095 0.028701 0.020505 0.040247 0.020473 0.918775 0.040280 0.938516 0.020473 0.000731 0.020505 0.020473 0.000699 0.958323 Consensus sequence: CTCGACATTGTCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 41 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0114.3 Hnf4a Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 13 0.079572 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.300837 0.094434 0.529601 0.075129 0.312909 0.004432 0.681696 0.000963 0.001161 0.000000 0.998646 0.000193 0.034602 0.002296 0.846507 0.116596 0.024916 0.011111 0.094949 0.869024 0.000189 0.975803 0.000945 0.023062 0.969754 0.000376 0.029870 0.000000 0.984739 0.000000 0.013163 0.002098 0.990027 0.000000 0.009973 0.000000 0.000000 0.000194 0.999226 0.000581 0.000000 0.000966 0.001353 0.997681 0.020207 0.808584 0.020520 0.150689 0.000000 0.963599 0.000747 0.035654 0.835115 0.006565 0.132996 0.025324 0.416118 0.214839 0.217164 0.151879 0.197366 0.206082 0.175479 0.421073 Consensus sequence: RGGGTCAAAGTCCAVH Reverse complement motif 0.421073 0.206082 0.175479 0.197366 0.151879 0.214839 0.217164 0.416118 0.025324 0.006565 0.132996 0.835115 0.000000 0.000747 0.963599 0.035654 0.020207 0.020520 0.808584 0.150689 0.997681 0.000966 0.001353 0.000000 0.000000 0.999226 0.000194 0.000581 0.000000 0.000000 0.009973 0.990027 0.002098 0.000000 0.013163 0.984739 0.000000 0.000376 0.029870 0.969754 0.000189 0.000945 0.975803 0.023062 0.869024 0.011111 0.094949 0.024916 0.034602 0.846507 0.002296 0.116596 0.001161 0.998646 0.000000 0.000193 0.312909 0.681696 0.004432 0.000963 0.300837 0.529601 0.094434 0.075129 Consensus sequence: HBTGGACTTTGACCCM Alignment: HBTGGACTTTGACCCM -CTCGACATTGTCT-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 42 Motif name: Motif 42 Original motif 0.127996 0.107061 0.036596 0.728347 0.133268 0.865993 0.000361 0.000378 0.940721 0.000361 0.010554 0.048364 0.000378 0.919889 0.079355 0.000378 0.000378 0.108257 0.890987 0.000378 0.000378 0.000361 0.000361 0.998900 0.000378 0.000361 0.865993 0.133268 0.956612 0.000361 0.042649 0.000378 0.000378 0.916339 0.000361 0.082922 0.000378 0.941795 0.000361 0.057466 Consensus sequence: TCACGTGACC Reserve complement motif 0.000378 0.000361 0.941795 0.057466 0.000378 0.000361 0.916339 0.082922 0.000378 0.000361 0.042649 0.956612 0.000378 0.865993 0.000361 0.133268 0.998900 0.000361 0.000361 0.000378 0.000378 0.890987 0.108257 0.000378 0.000378 0.079355 0.919889 0.000378 0.048364 0.000361 0.010554 0.940721 0.133268 0.000361 0.865993 0.000378 0.728347 0.107061 0.036596 0.127996 Consensus sequence: GGTCACGTGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 42 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0093.2 USF1 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 10 0.032321 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.287733 0.223489 0.425246 0.063532 0.087401 0.442228 0.177117 0.293255 0.002553 0.997447 0.000000 0.000000 0.984028 0.000000 0.000000 0.015972 0.011163 0.610319 0.055338 0.323180 0.095297 0.035328 0.869374 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.876499 0.000000 0.081641 0.041860 0.000000 0.781736 0.000000 0.218264 0.108123 0.589360 0.066085 0.236433 Consensus sequence: VBCAYGTGACC Reverse complement motif 0.108123 0.066085 0.589360 0.236433 0.000000 0.000000 0.781736 0.218264 0.041860 0.000000 0.081641 0.876499 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.095297 0.869374 0.035328 0.000000 0.011163 0.055338 0.610319 0.323180 0.015972 0.000000 0.000000 0.984028 0.002553 0.000000 0.997447 0.000000 0.087401 0.177117 0.442228 0.293255 0.287733 0.425246 0.223489 0.063532 Consensus sequence: GGTCACKTGBV Alignment: VBCAYGTGACC -TCACGTGACC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 43 Motif name: Motif 43 Original motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GACAGAGGGTCAGAC Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GTCTGACCCTCTGTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 43 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0729.1 RARA Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 15 0.085635 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.325521 0.001302 0.667969 0.005208 0.933702 0.001842 0.064457 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.001305 0.000000 0.973890 0.024804 0.000000 0.008850 0.001770 0.989381 0.002721 0.961905 0.035374 0.000000 0.992481 0.000000 0.007519 0.000000 0.734637 0.000000 0.039106 0.226257 0.929329 0.000000 0.005300 0.065371 0.983051 0.009416 0.007533 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.998684 0.001316 0.000000 0.000000 0.881871 0.118129 0.005464 0.000000 0.000000 0.994536 0.000000 0.997171 0.000000 0.002829 0.998152 0.000000 0.001848 0.000000 0.685751 0.045802 0.038168 0.230280 0.003584 0.000000 0.408602 0.587814 0.000000 0.207957 0.408680 0.383363 Consensus sequence: GAGGTCAAAAGGTCAAKK Reverse complement motif 0.000000 0.408680 0.207957 0.383363 0.587814 0.000000 0.408602 0.003584 0.230280 0.045802 0.038168 0.685751 0.000000 0.000000 0.001848 0.998152 0.000000 0.000000 0.997171 0.002829 0.994536 0.000000 0.000000 0.005464 0.000000 0.881871 0.000000 0.118129 0.000000 0.998684 0.000000 0.001316 0.000000 0.009416 0.007533 0.983051 0.065371 0.000000 0.005300 0.929329 0.226257 0.000000 0.039106 0.734637 0.000000 0.000000 0.007519 0.992481 0.002721 0.035374 0.961905 0.000000 0.989381 0.008850 0.001770 0.000000 0.001305 0.973890 0.000000 0.024804 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.001842 0.064457 0.933702 0.325521 0.667969 0.001302 0.005208 Consensus sequence: YRTTGACCTTTTGACCTC Alignment: GAGGTCAAAAGGTCAAKK ---GACAGAGGGTCAGAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 44 Motif name: Motif 44 Original motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GCTCCGCCC Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GGGCGGAGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 44 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0685.1 SP4 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 6 9 0.023182 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.138895 0.314247 0.184075 0.362782 0.517012 0.037116 0.015465 0.430407 0.567190 0.031850 0.357548 0.043412 0.163731 0.001046 0.832432 0.002790 0.055237 0.943913 0.000000 0.000850 0.000432 0.969357 0.001079 0.029132 0.751376 0.247874 0.000750 0.000000 0.000429 0.999571 0.000000 0.000000 0.001811 0.002535 0.985696 0.009958 0.000427 0.998720 0.000853 0.000000 0.000633 0.998944 0.000422 0.000000 0.000000 0.984184 0.000633 0.015183 0.423378 0.559135 0.002071 0.015416 0.020632 0.780719 0.003834 0.194815 0.214528 0.168799 0.044035 0.572638 0.137621 0.285174 0.085836 0.491369 0.229582 0.280152 0.132004 0.358262 Consensus sequence: BWRGCCACGCCCMCTYH Reverse complement motif 0.358262 0.280152 0.132004 0.229582 0.491369 0.285174 0.085836 0.137621 0.572638 0.168799 0.044035 0.214528 0.020632 0.003834 0.780719 0.194815 0.423378 0.002071 0.559135 0.015416 0.000000 0.000633 0.984184 0.015183 0.000633 0.000422 0.998944 0.000000 0.000427 0.000853 0.998720 0.000000 0.001811 0.985696 0.002535 0.009958 0.000429 0.000000 0.999571 0.000000 0.000000 0.247874 0.000750 0.751376 0.000432 0.001079 0.969357 0.029132 0.055237 0.000000 0.943913 0.000850 0.163731 0.832432 0.001046 0.002790 0.043412 0.031850 0.357548 0.567190 0.430407 0.037116 0.015465 0.517012 0.362782 0.314247 0.184075 0.138895 Consensus sequence: HMAGRGGGCGTGGCKWV Alignment: BWRGCCACGCCCMCTYH ---GCTCCGCCC----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 45 Motif name: Motif 45 Original motif 0.000296 0.986675 0.000283 0.012746 0.908360 0.000283 0.091061 0.000296 0.075190 0.890025 0.034489 0.000296 0.765810 0.012306 0.221588 0.000296 0.104313 0.884446 0.010945 0.000296 0.799679 0.027660 0.116249 0.056412 0.121477 0.703706 0.000283 0.174534 0.986234 0.000283 0.013187 0.000296 0.000296 0.991748 0.000283 0.007673 0.754153 0.000283 0.169793 0.075771 0.263760 0.735661 0.000283 0.000296 0.847695 0.000283 0.139792 0.012230 0.000296 0.999125 0.000283 0.000296 Consensus sequence: CACACACACACAC Reserve complement motif 0.000296 0.000283 0.999125 0.000296 0.012230 0.000283 0.139792 0.847695 0.263760 0.000283 0.735661 0.000296 0.075771 0.000283 0.169793 0.754153 0.000296 0.000283 0.991748 0.007673 0.000296 0.000283 0.013187 0.986234 0.121477 0.000283 0.703706 0.174534 0.056412 0.027660 0.116249 0.799679 0.104313 0.010945 0.884446 0.000296 0.000296 0.012306 0.221588 0.765810 0.075190 0.034489 0.890025 0.000296 0.000296 0.000283 0.091061 0.908360 0.000296 0.000283 0.986675 0.012746 Consensus sequence: GTGTGTGTGTGTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 45 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0538.1 daf-12 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 1 13 0.042704 Taxon: Nematodes Original motif 0.141026 0.128205 0.724359 0.006410 0.455128 0.000000 0.083333 0.461538 0.211538 0.000000 0.788462 0.000000 0.147436 0.333333 0.038462 0.480769 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.333333 0.000000 0.666667 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.096154 0.160256 0.089744 0.653846 0.000000 0.128205 0.621795 0.250000 0.006410 0.000000 0.000000 0.993590 0.000000 0.006410 0.987179 0.006410 0.000000 0.506410 0.102564 0.391026 0.205128 0.000000 0.538462 0.256410 0.108974 0.128205 0.179487 0.583333 0.108974 0.275641 0.358974 0.256410 Consensus sequence: GWGYGTGTGTGYGTB Reverse complement motif 0.108974 0.358974 0.275641 0.256410 0.583333 0.128205 0.179487 0.108974 0.205128 0.538462 0.000000 0.256410 0.000000 0.102564 0.506410 0.391026 0.000000 0.987179 0.006410 0.006410 0.993590 0.000000 0.000000 0.006410 0.000000 0.621795 0.128205 0.250000 0.653846 0.160256 0.089744 0.096154 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.666667 0.333333 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.480769 0.333333 0.038462 0.147436 0.211538 0.788462 0.000000 0.000000 0.461538 0.000000 0.083333 0.455128 0.141026 0.724359 0.128205 0.006410 Consensus sequence: BACKCACACACMCWC Alignment: BACKCACACACMCWC GTGTGTGTGTGTG-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 46 Motif name: Motif 46 Original motif 0.920402 0.000551 0.047303 0.031744 0.000576 0.998297 0.000551 0.000576 0.016160 0.000551 0.982713 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.016134 0.982739 0.000576 0.935956 0.062892 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.000551 0.998322 0.016160 0.343505 0.000551 0.639784 0.998322 0.000551 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.998297 0.000551 0.000576 0.951570 0.000551 0.047303 0.000576 0.000576 0.016134 0.000551 0.982739 0.000576 0.935959 0.000551 0.062914 0.094084 0.000551 0.904789 0.000576 Consensus sequence: ACGTCTYACATCG Reserve complement motif 0.094084 0.904789 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.935959 0.062914 0.982739 0.016134 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.047303 0.951570 0.000576 0.000551 0.998297 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.000551 0.998322 0.639784 0.343505 0.000551 0.016160 0.998322 0.000551 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.062892 0.935956 0.000576 0.982739 0.000551 0.016134 0.000576 0.016160 0.982713 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.998297 0.000576 0.031744 0.000551 0.047303 0.920402 Consensus sequence: CGATGTMAGACGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 46 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0513.1 SMAD2::SMAD3::SMAD4Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 13 0.094902 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.184650 0.480534 0.186874 0.147942 0.218020 0.083426 0.037820 0.660734 0.015573 0.008899 0.975528 0.000000 0.036707 0.050056 0.114572 0.798665 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.117909 0.256952 0.599555 0.025584 0.234705 0.139043 0.311457 0.314794 0.000000 0.996663 0.003337 0.000000 0.850945 0.021135 0.020022 0.107898 0.033370 0.818687 0.147942 0.000000 0.130145 0.648498 0.052280 0.169077 0.122358 0.238042 0.038932 0.600667 Consensus sequence: VTGTCTGDCACCT Reverse complement motif 0.600667 0.238042 0.038932 0.122358 0.130145 0.052280 0.648498 0.169077 0.033370 0.147942 0.818687 0.000000 0.107898 0.021135 0.020022 0.850945 0.000000 0.003337 0.996663 0.000000 0.314794 0.139043 0.311457 0.234705 0.117909 0.599555 0.256952 0.025584 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.798665 0.050056 0.114572 0.036707 0.015573 0.975528 0.008899 0.000000 0.660734 0.083426 0.037820 0.218020 0.184650 0.186874 0.480534 0.147942 Consensus sequence: AGGTGDCAGACAV Alignment: AGGTGDCAGACAV CGATGTMAGACGT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 47 Motif name: Motif 47 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AATAAGCTAGTT Reserve complement motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AACTAGCTTATT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 47 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0788.1 POU3F3 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 12 0.058382 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.534323 0.069573 0.127087 0.269017 0.352282 0.032826 0.104884 0.510008 0.097139 0.042922 0.048193 0.811747 0.953139 0.009726 0.010610 0.026525 0.021097 0.027848 0.041350 0.909705 0.018395 0.008361 0.901338 0.071906 0.017869 0.687939 0.075303 0.218890 0.467221 0.003693 0.000923 0.528163 0.865863 0.008835 0.061847 0.063454 0.968553 0.005391 0.013477 0.012579 0.045572 0.017197 0.010318 0.926913 0.141509 0.083137 0.139741 0.635613 0.419405 0.066510 0.089984 0.424100 Consensus sequence: WWTATGCWAATTW Reverse complement motif 0.424100 0.066510 0.089984 0.419405 0.635613 0.083137 0.139741 0.141509 0.926913 0.017197 0.010318 0.045572 0.012579 0.005391 0.013477 0.968553 0.063454 0.008835 0.061847 0.865863 0.528163 0.003693 0.000923 0.467221 0.017869 0.075303 0.687939 0.218890 0.018395 0.901338 0.008361 0.071906 0.909705 0.027848 0.041350 0.021097 0.026525 0.009726 0.010610 0.953139 0.811747 0.042922 0.048193 0.097139 0.510008 0.032826 0.104884 0.352282 0.269017 0.069573 0.127087 0.534323 Consensus sequence: WAATTWGCATAWW Alignment: WWTATGCWAATTW AATAAGCTAGTT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 48 Motif name: Motif 48 Original motif 0.000199 0.999412 0.000190 0.000199 0.999421 0.000190 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.000190 0.999412 0.000199 0.999421 0.000190 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.999412 0.000190 0.000199 0.470915 0.000190 0.408044 0.120851 0.999421 0.000190 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.919099 0.000190 0.080512 Consensus sequence: CAGACRAC Reserve complement motif 0.000199 0.000190 0.919099 0.080512 0.000199 0.000190 0.000190 0.999421 0.120851 0.000190 0.408044 0.470915 0.000199 0.000190 0.999412 0.000199 0.000199 0.000190 0.000190 0.999421 0.000199 0.999412 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.000190 0.000190 0.999421 0.000199 0.000190 0.999412 0.000199 Consensus sequence: GTKGTCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 48 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0925.1 sma-4 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 8 0.030707 Taxon: Nematodes Original motif 0.331000 0.223000 0.223000 0.223000 0.273000 0.228000 0.300000 0.199000 0.033000 0.033000 0.033000 0.901000 0.000000 0.000000 0.917000 0.083000 0.083000 0.000000 0.000000 0.917000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.215000 0.000000 0.785000 0.000000 0.027000 0.027000 0.836000 0.110000 0.360000 0.242000 0.256000 0.142000 0.217000 0.349000 0.217000 0.217000 Consensus sequence: DVTGTCTGGVB Reverse complement motif 0.217000 0.217000 0.349000 0.217000 0.142000 0.242000 0.256000 0.360000 0.027000 0.836000 0.027000 0.110000 0.215000 0.785000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.917000 0.000000 0.000000 0.083000 0.000000 0.917000 0.000000 0.083000 0.901000 0.033000 0.033000 0.033000 0.273000 0.300000 0.228000 0.199000 0.223000 0.223000 0.223000 0.331000 Consensus sequence: BBCCAGACAVB Alignment: DVTGTCTGGVB ---CAGACRAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 49 Motif name: Motif 49 Original motif 0.868968 0.000271 0.092181 0.038580 0.000283 0.153455 0.015589 0.830673 0.011117 0.000271 0.789189 0.199423 0.669827 0.000271 0.237708 0.092194 0.000283 0.030908 0.015589 0.953220 0.064732 0.015589 0.789187 0.130492 0.976198 0.023248 0.000271 0.000283 0.069216 0.015589 0.099841 0.815354 0.007942 0.023248 0.914912 0.053898 0.953220 0.000271 0.015589 0.030920 0.000283 0.253027 0.030908 0.715782 0.000283 0.000271 0.876615 0.122831 0.999175 0.000271 0.000271 0.000283 0.122830 0.344938 0.053886 0.478346 0.378763 0.053885 0.452181 0.115172 Consensus sequence: ATGATGATGATGAYR Reserve complement motif 0.378763 0.452181 0.053885 0.115172 0.478346 0.344938 0.053886 0.122830 0.000283 0.000271 0.000271 0.999175 0.000283 0.876615 0.000271 0.122831 0.715782 0.253027 0.030908 0.000283 0.030920 0.000271 0.015589 0.953220 0.007942 0.914912 0.023248 0.053898 0.815354 0.015589 0.099841 0.069216 0.000283 0.023248 0.000271 0.976198 0.064732 0.789187 0.015589 0.130492 0.953220 0.030908 0.015589 0.000283 0.092194 0.000271 0.237708 0.669827 0.011117 0.789189 0.000271 0.199423 0.830673 0.153455 0.015589 0.000283 0.038580 0.000271 0.092181 0.868968 Consensus sequence: MMTCATCATCATCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 49 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0547.1 skn-1 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 15 0.054589 Taxon: Nematodes Original motif 0.597484 0.135220 0.194969 0.072327 0.745283 0.037736 0.122642 0.094340 0.657233 0.075472 0.172956 0.094340 0.842767 0.000000 0.050314 0.106918 0.100629 0.113208 0.081761 0.704403 0.000000 0.053459 0.946541 0.000000 0.833333 0.110063 0.015723 0.040881 0.062893 0.000000 0.000000 0.937107 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.097484 0.562893 0.069182 0.270440 0.783019 0.000000 0.088050 0.128931 0.754717 0.000000 0.000000 0.245283 0.437107 0.050314 0.066038 0.446541 0.289308 0.116352 0.166667 0.427673 Consensus sequence: AAAATGATGACAAWD Reverse complement motif 0.427673 0.116352 0.166667 0.289308 0.446541 0.050314 0.066038 0.437107 0.245283 0.000000 0.000000 0.754717 0.128931 0.000000 0.088050 0.783019 0.097484 0.069182 0.562893 0.270440 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.937107 0.000000 0.000000 0.062893 0.040881 0.110063 0.015723 0.833333 0.000000 0.946541 0.053459 0.000000 0.704403 0.113208 0.081761 0.100629 0.106918 0.000000 0.050314 0.842767 0.094340 0.075472 0.172956 0.657233 0.094340 0.037736 0.122642 0.745283 0.072327 0.135220 0.194969 0.597484 Consensus sequence: DWTTGTCATCATTTT Alignment: AAAATGATGACAAWD ATGATGATGATGAYR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 50 Motif name: Motif 50 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: ACAGGTGCA Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: TGCACCTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 50 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0824.1 ID4 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 2 9 0.040102 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.207333 0.189333 0.250667 0.352667 0.498473 0.056811 0.417838 0.026878 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.996678 0.000000 0.003322 0.000000 0.000000 0.923077 0.076923 0.000000 0.015753 0.945180 0.035287 0.003781 0.046408 0.000000 0.000000 0.953592 0.032136 0.022684 0.945180 0.000000 0.040694 0.337558 0.209473 0.412275 0.216144 0.403602 0.157438 0.222815 Consensus sequence: DRCACCTGBH Reverse complement motif 0.216144 0.157438 0.403602 0.222815 0.412275 0.337558 0.209473 0.040694 0.032136 0.945180 0.022684 0.000000 0.953592 0.000000 0.000000 0.046408 0.015753 0.035287 0.945180 0.003781 0.000000 0.076923 0.923077 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.003322 0.996678 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.026878 0.056811 0.417838 0.498473 0.352667 0.189333 0.250667 0.207333 Consensus sequence: DVCAGGTGKD Alignment: DRCACCTGBH TGCACCTGT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 51 Motif name: Motif 51 Original motif 0.000757 0.000724 0.997762 0.000757 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.997762 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.959597 0.000724 0.038922 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.997762 0.000724 0.000757 0.667588 0.000724 0.330931 0.000757 Consensus sequence: GACCAATCA Reserve complement motif 0.000757 0.000724 0.330931 0.667588 0.000757 0.000724 0.997762 0.000757 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.000724 0.959597 0.038922 0.000757 0.000724 0.997762 0.000757 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.997762 0.000724 0.000757 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 51 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0060.2 NFYA Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 3 9 0.018013 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.536953 0.172787 0.112112 0.178148 0.135379 0.112568 0.522354 0.229699 0.404653 0.257299 0.247263 0.090785 0.137203 0.339074 0.453695 0.070027 0.208257 0.267336 0.035698 0.488709 0.021898 0.095119 0.546077 0.336907 0.027030 0.842153 0.054859 0.075958 0.001825 0.113253 0.027600 0.857322 0.025319 0.116104 0.819001 0.039576 0.975707 0.000228 0.017108 0.006957 0.000570 0.005931 0.000912 0.992587 0.001141 0.000570 0.000570 0.997719 0.003307 0.001141 0.994526 0.001026 0.001369 0.007984 0.990306 0.000342 0.042997 0.305315 0.001711 0.649977 0.052464 0.449703 0.213618 0.284215 0.175297 0.476277 0.253992 0.094434 0.485972 0.129562 0.308736 0.075730 Consensus sequence: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR Reverse complement motif 0.075730 0.129562 0.308736 0.485972 0.175297 0.253992 0.476277 0.094434 0.052464 0.213618 0.449703 0.284215 0.649977 0.305315 0.001711 0.042997 0.001369 0.990306 0.007984 0.000342 0.003307 0.994526 0.001141 0.001026 0.997719 0.000570 0.000570 0.001141 0.992587 0.005931 0.000912 0.000570 0.006957 0.000228 0.017108 0.975707 0.025319 0.819001 0.116104 0.039576 0.857322 0.113253 0.027600 0.001825 0.027030 0.054859 0.842153 0.075958 0.021898 0.546077 0.095119 0.336907 0.488709 0.267336 0.035698 0.208257 0.137203 0.453695 0.339074 0.070027 0.090785 0.257299 0.247263 0.404653 0.135379 0.522354 0.112568 0.229699 0.178148 0.172787 0.112112 0.536953 Consensus sequence: KVBACCAATCAGYMSBCT Alignment: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR -------TGATTGGTC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 52 Motif name: Motif 52 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 Consensus sequence: AGCTGTTTTGG Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: CCAAAACAGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 52 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0073.1 RREB1 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 3 11 0.075839 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.272727 0.727273 0.000000 0.000000 0.090909 0.909091 0.000000 0.000000 0.272727 0.727273 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.636364 0.363636 0.000000 0.000000 0.818182 0.181818 0.000000 0.000000 0.727273 0.272727 0.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.545455 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.636364 0.000000 0.000000 0.090909 0.909091 0.000000 0.000000 0.272727 0.727273 0.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.545455 0.090909 0.000000 0.181818 0.818182 0.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.454545 0.000000 0.181818 0.363636 0.454545 0.090909 0.090909 0.363636 0.545455 0.000000 0.090909 0.090909 0.636364 0.272727 0.000000 0.363636 0.363636 0.181818 0.090909 Consensus sequence: CCCCMAAMCAMCCMCMMMCV Reverse complement motif 0.090909 0.363636 0.181818 0.363636 0.090909 0.272727 0.636364 0.000000 0.363636 0.000000 0.545455 0.090909 0.363636 0.090909 0.454545 0.090909 0.363636 0.000000 0.454545 0.181818 0.181818 0.000000 0.818182 0.000000 0.363636 0.090909 0.545455 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 0.727273 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 0.909091 0.000000 0.363636 0.000000 0.636364 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.000000 0.545455 0.090909 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 0.727273 0.000000 0.181818 0.000000 0.818182 0.000000 0.363636 0.000000 0.636364 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 0.727273 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 0.909091 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 0.727273 0.000000 Consensus sequence: BGRRRGRGGRTGRTTYGGGG Alignment: CCCCMAAMCAMCCMCMMMCV --CCAAAACAGCT------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 53 Motif name: Motif 53 Original motif 0.140933 0.787464 0.025762 0.045841 0.859932 0.082981 0.000919 0.056168 0.000420 0.000401 0.919979 0.079200 0.000420 0.998759 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.991875 0.007285 0.000420 0.965961 0.000401 0.002291 0.031347 0.998778 0.000401 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.000401 0.998778 0.011734 0.950590 0.000401 0.037275 0.834598 0.135241 0.029741 0.000420 Consensus sequence: CAGCCAATCA Reserve complement motif 0.000420 0.135241 0.029741 0.834598 0.011734 0.000401 0.950590 0.037275 0.998778 0.000401 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.000401 0.998778 0.031347 0.000401 0.002291 0.965961 0.000420 0.007285 0.991875 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.998759 0.000420 0.000420 0.919979 0.000401 0.079200 0.056168 0.082981 0.000919 0.859932 0.140933 0.025762 0.787464 0.045841 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 53 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0314.1 HAP3 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 3 10 0.017911 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.000000 0.182203 0.189619 0.628178 0.120600 0.676010 0.097132 0.106258 0.000000 0.162324 0.000000 0.837676 0.033198 0.303862 0.498984 0.163957 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.488610 0.000000 0.511390 0.033117 0.399112 0.138272 0.429498 0.259295 0.376603 0.332692 0.031410 0.489262 0.088926 0.308054 0.113758 0.357213 0.087414 0.443970 0.111403 0.503021 0.191415 0.094118 0.211447 Consensus sequence: TCTSATTGGYYVRRA Reverse complement motif 0.211447 0.191415 0.094118 0.503021 0.357213 0.443970 0.087414 0.111403 0.113758 0.088926 0.308054 0.489262 0.259295 0.332692 0.376603 0.031410 0.429498 0.399112 0.138272 0.033117 0.511390 0.488610 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.033198 0.498984 0.303862 0.163957 0.837676 0.162324 0.000000 0.000000 0.120600 0.097132 0.676010 0.106258 0.628178 0.182203 0.189619 0.000000 Consensus sequence: TMKVMMCCAATSAGA Alignment: TCTSATTGGYYVRRA --TGATTGGCTG--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 54 Motif name: Motif 54 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: ATGCAAAT Reserve complement motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: ATTTGCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 54 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0507.1 POU2F2 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 4 8 0.007436 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.181460 0.277656 0.175776 0.365107 0.231745 0.116310 0.259292 0.392654 0.264539 0.360735 0.181460 0.193266 0.881504 0.008308 0.000437 0.109751 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.111937 0.000875 0.000000 0.887188 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.069086 0.000000 0.873196 0.057718 0.000000 0.993004 0.000000 0.006996 0.986882 0.013118 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000875 0.000000 0.999125 0.506777 0.017053 0.268037 0.208133 0.259729 0.157849 0.046786 0.535636 Consensus sequence: HDHATTTGCATRT Reverse complement motif 0.535636 0.157849 0.046786 0.259729 0.208133 0.017053 0.268037 0.506777 0.999125 0.000875 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.013118 0.000000 0.986882 0.000000 0.000000 0.993004 0.006996 0.069086 0.873196 0.000000 0.057718 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.887188 0.000875 0.000000 0.111937 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.109751 0.008308 0.000437 0.881504 0.264539 0.181460 0.360735 0.193266 0.392654 0.116310 0.259292 0.231745 0.365107 0.277656 0.175776 0.181460 Consensus sequence: AKATGCAAATDDH Alignment: AKATGCAAATDDH --ATGCAAAT--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 55 Motif name: Motif 55 Original motif 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.078917 0.000691 0.039791 0.880601 0.685088 0.313499 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.000691 0.958766 0.000722 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.958799 0.039788 0.000691 0.000722 0.020271 0.000691 0.958767 0.020271 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.606892 0.000691 0.039788 0.352629 0.000722 0.020239 0.000691 0.978348 0.039820 0.509008 0.000691 0.450481 0.098467 0.020239 0.880572 0.000722 0.000722 0.020239 0.978317 0.000722 0.000722 0.939219 0.020239 0.039820 Consensus sequence: ATAGTAGAAWTYGGC Reserve complement motif 0.000722 0.020239 0.939219 0.039820 0.000722 0.978317 0.020239 0.000722 0.098467 0.880572 0.020239 0.000722 0.039820 0.000691 0.509008 0.450481 0.978348 0.020239 0.000691 0.000722 0.352629 0.000691 0.039788 0.606892 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.020271 0.958767 0.000691 0.020271 0.000722 0.039788 0.000691 0.958799 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.958766 0.000691 0.000722 0.000722 0.313499 0.000691 0.685088 0.880601 0.000691 0.039791 0.078917 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 Consensus sequence: GCCKAWTTCTACTAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 55 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0377.1 SFL1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 7 15 0.086014 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.272272 0.183183 0.130130 0.414414 0.368737 0.262525 0.124248 0.244489 0.281563 0.244489 0.332665 0.141283 0.382382 0.256256 0.117117 0.244244 0.314629 0.098196 0.349699 0.237475 0.368368 0.221221 0.198198 0.212212 0.727728 0.030030 0.124124 0.118118 0.127127 0.178178 0.108108 0.586587 0.506507 0.261261 0.226226 0.006006 0.018036 0.010020 0.961924 0.010020 0.957916 0.016032 0.005010 0.021042 0.960922 0.009018 0.021042 0.009018 0.022044 0.047094 0.807615 0.123246 0.616617 0.129129 0.218218 0.036036 0.597194 0.134269 0.036072 0.232465 0.536072 0.221443 0.048096 0.194389 0.256513 0.156313 0.146293 0.440882 0.492986 0.096192 0.217435 0.193387 0.431864 0.067134 0.099198 0.401804 0.369739 0.123246 0.146293 0.360721 0.410231 0.121364 0.072217 0.396189 Consensus sequence: HHVHDHATMGAAGAAAHDWDW Reverse complement motif 0.396189 0.121364 0.072217 0.410231 0.360721 0.123246 0.146293 0.369739 0.401804 0.067134 0.099198 0.431864 0.193387 0.096192 0.217435 0.492986 0.440882 0.156313 0.146293 0.256513 0.194389 0.221443 0.048096 0.536072 0.232465 0.134269 0.036072 0.597194 0.036036 0.129129 0.218218 0.616617 0.022044 0.807615 0.047094 0.123246 0.009018 0.009018 0.021042 0.960922 0.021042 0.016032 0.005010 0.957916 0.018036 0.961924 0.010020 0.010020 0.006006 0.261261 0.226226 0.506507 0.586587 0.178178 0.108108 0.127127 0.118118 0.030030 0.124124 0.727728 0.212212 0.221221 0.198198 0.368368 0.314629 0.349699 0.098196 0.237475 0.244244 0.256256 0.117117 0.382382 0.281563 0.332665 0.244489 0.141283 0.244489 0.262525 0.124248 0.368737 0.414414 0.183183 0.130130 0.272272 Consensus sequence: WDWDHTTTCTTCYATHHHVHH Alignment: WDWDHTTTCTTCYATHHHVHH GCCKAWTTCTACTAT------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 56 Motif name: Motif 56 Original motif 0.249579 0.178396 0.130910 0.441115 0.402694 0.223106 0.374016 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.374016 0.223106 0.402694 0.441115 0.130910 0.178396 0.249579 Consensus sequence: HRCTGCAGYD Reserve complement motif 0.249579 0.130910 0.178396 0.441115 0.402694 0.374016 0.223106 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.223106 0.374016 0.402694 0.441115 0.178396 0.130910 0.249579 Consensus sequence: DMCTGCAGKH ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 56 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0355.1 PHD1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 10 0.005873 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.360000 0.270000 0.190000 0.180000 0.090909 0.434343 0.393939 0.080808 0.373737 0.444444 0.151515 0.030303 0.000000 0.101010 0.000000 0.898990 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.990000 0.000000 0.010000 0.910000 0.010000 0.070000 0.010000 0.080000 0.220000 0.360000 0.340000 0.220000 0.420000 0.220000 0.140000 0.320000 0.280000 0.210000 0.190000 Consensus sequence: VSMTGCABVV Reverse complement motif 0.190000 0.280000 0.210000 0.320000 0.220000 0.220000 0.420000 0.140000 0.080000 0.360000 0.220000 0.340000 0.010000 0.010000 0.070000 0.910000 0.000000 0.000000 0.990000 0.010000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.898990 0.101010 0.000000 0.000000 0.373737 0.151515 0.444444 0.030303 0.090909 0.393939 0.434343 0.080808 0.180000 0.270000 0.190000 0.360000 Consensus sequence: BVBTGCARSB Alignment: BVBTGCARSB HRCTGCAGYD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 57 Motif name: Motif 57 Original motif 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.036008 0.000625 0.018301 0.945066 0.000653 0.000625 0.990742 0.007980 0.018330 0.000625 0.000625 0.980420 0.230489 0.000625 0.000625 0.768261 0.000653 0.000625 0.000625 0.998097 0.838999 0.071335 0.035979 0.053687 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.821299 0.018301 0.142070 0.018330 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.089048 0.000625 0.909674 0.000653 0.000653 0.945035 0.000625 0.053687 Consensus sequence: ACTGTTTACAAGC Reserve complement motif 0.000653 0.000625 0.945035 0.053687 0.089048 0.909674 0.000625 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 0.018330 0.018301 0.142070 0.821299 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.053687 0.071335 0.035979 0.838999 0.998097 0.000625 0.000625 0.000653 0.768261 0.000625 0.000625 0.230489 0.980420 0.000625 0.000625 0.018330 0.000653 0.990742 0.000625 0.007980 0.945066 0.000625 0.018301 0.036008 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 Consensus sequence: GCTTGTAAACAGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 57 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0296.1 FKH1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 3 13 0.070995 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.177533 0.287864 0.207623 0.326981 0.247495 0.192385 0.334669 0.225451 0.520521 0.084084 0.098098 0.297297 0.527054 0.076152 0.129259 0.267535 0.365365 0.073073 0.150150 0.411411 0.119238 0.146293 0.133267 0.601202 0.146293 0.004008 0.848697 0.001002 0.007021 0.003009 0.000000 0.989970 0.961886 0.037111 0.000000 0.001003 0.978958 0.011022 0.001002 0.009018 0.991984 0.001002 0.002004 0.005010 0.001002 0.926854 0.001002 0.071142 0.991984 0.001002 0.003006 0.004008 0.875752 0.039078 0.016032 0.069138 0.672345 0.049098 0.070140 0.208417 0.248497 0.191383 0.407816 0.152305 0.374749 0.158317 0.296593 0.170341 0.284569 0.184369 0.330661 0.200401 0.205411 0.116232 0.452906 0.225451 0.421844 0.192385 0.248497 0.137275 Consensus sequence: BDWWWTGTAAACAAAVDDDV Reverse complement motif 0.137275 0.192385 0.248497 0.421844 0.205411 0.452906 0.116232 0.225451 0.284569 0.330661 0.184369 0.200401 0.170341 0.158317 0.296593 0.374749 0.248497 0.407816 0.191383 0.152305 0.208417 0.049098 0.070140 0.672345 0.069138 0.039078 0.016032 0.875752 0.004008 0.001002 0.003006 0.991984 0.001002 0.001002 0.926854 0.071142 0.005010 0.001002 0.002004 0.991984 0.009018 0.011022 0.001002 0.978958 0.001003 0.037111 0.000000 0.961886 0.989970 0.003009 0.000000 0.007021 0.146293 0.848697 0.004008 0.001002 0.601202 0.146293 0.133267 0.119238 0.411411 0.073073 0.150150 0.365365 0.267535 0.076152 0.129259 0.527054 0.297297 0.084084 0.098098 0.520521 0.247495 0.334669 0.192385 0.225451 0.326981 0.287864 0.207623 0.177533 Consensus sequence: BHHDVTTTGTTTACAWWWHV Alignment: BHHDVTTTGTTTACAWWWHV -----ACTGTTTACAAGC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 58 Motif name: Motif 58 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reserve complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 58 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0060.2 NFYA Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 4 15 0.022958 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.536953 0.172787 0.112112 0.178148 0.135379 0.112568 0.522354 0.229699 0.404653 0.257299 0.247263 0.090785 0.137203 0.339074 0.453695 0.070027 0.208257 0.267336 0.035698 0.488709 0.021898 0.095119 0.546077 0.336907 0.027030 0.842153 0.054859 0.075958 0.001825 0.113253 0.027600 0.857322 0.025319 0.116104 0.819001 0.039576 0.975707 0.000228 0.017108 0.006957 0.000570 0.005931 0.000912 0.992587 0.001141 0.000570 0.000570 0.997719 0.003307 0.001141 0.994526 0.001026 0.001369 0.007984 0.990306 0.000342 0.042997 0.305315 0.001711 0.649977 0.052464 0.449703 0.213618 0.284215 0.175297 0.476277 0.253992 0.094434 0.485972 0.129562 0.308736 0.075730 Consensus sequence: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR Reverse complement motif 0.075730 0.129562 0.308736 0.485972 0.175297 0.253992 0.476277 0.094434 0.052464 0.213618 0.449703 0.284215 0.649977 0.305315 0.001711 0.042997 0.001369 0.990306 0.007984 0.000342 0.003307 0.994526 0.001141 0.001026 0.997719 0.000570 0.000570 0.001141 0.992587 0.005931 0.000912 0.000570 0.006957 0.000228 0.017108 0.975707 0.025319 0.819001 0.116104 0.039576 0.857322 0.113253 0.027600 0.001825 0.027030 0.054859 0.842153 0.075958 0.021898 0.546077 0.095119 0.336907 0.488709 0.267336 0.035698 0.208257 0.137203 0.453695 0.339074 0.070027 0.090785 0.257299 0.247263 0.404653 0.135379 0.522354 0.112568 0.229699 0.178148 0.172787 0.112112 0.536953 Consensus sequence: KVBACCAATCAGYMSBCT Alignment: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR ---VCTCTGATTGGKKKM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 59 Motif name: Motif 59 Original motif 0.604108 0.033729 0.354128 0.008035 0.002973 0.001014 0.871554 0.124459 0.003952 0.000035 0.951913 0.044100 0.001421 0.017084 0.057802 0.923693 0.001015 0.836140 0.066773 0.096072 0.973219 0.000035 0.026710 0.000036 0.587432 0.029330 0.326513 0.056725 0.857762 0.004040 0.136777 0.001421 0.001015 0.001014 0.991267 0.006704 0.011211 0.000035 0.856914 0.131840 0.000036 0.001014 0.050375 0.948575 0.010231 0.687100 0.146505 0.156164 0.876860 0.000035 0.118174 0.004931 Consensus sequence: RGGTCARAGGTCA Reserve complement motif 0.004931 0.000035 0.118174 0.876860 0.010231 0.146505 0.687100 0.156164 0.948575 0.001014 0.050375 0.000036 0.011211 0.856914 0.000035 0.131840 0.001015 0.991267 0.001014 0.006704 0.001421 0.004040 0.136777 0.857762 0.056725 0.029330 0.326513 0.587432 0.000036 0.000035 0.026710 0.973219 0.001015 0.066773 0.836140 0.096072 0.923693 0.017084 0.057802 0.001421 0.003952 0.951913 0.000035 0.044100 0.002973 0.871554 0.001014 0.124459 0.008035 0.033729 0.354128 0.604108 Consensus sequence: TGACCTKTGACCK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 59 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0677.1 Nr2f6 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 13 0.000000 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.347032 0.155251 0.372146 0.125571 0.552430 0.028133 0.404092 0.015345 0.028571 0.020000 0.891429 0.060000 0.031609 0.022989 0.876437 0.068966 0.013825 0.041475 0.057604 0.887097 0.018092 0.860197 0.029605 0.092105 0.953782 0.012605 0.016807 0.016807 0.828460 0.021442 0.081871 0.068226 0.924025 0.004107 0.071869 0.000000 0.006079 0.006079 0.972644 0.015198 0.011940 0.002985 0.937313 0.047761 0.004484 0.022422 0.033632 0.939462 0.001439 0.883453 0.030216 0.084892 0.885602 0.013807 0.086785 0.013807 Consensus sequence: VRGGTCAAAGGTCA Reverse complement motif 0.013807 0.013807 0.086785 0.885602 0.001439 0.030216 0.883453 0.084892 0.939462 0.022422 0.033632 0.004484 0.011940 0.937313 0.002985 0.047761 0.006079 0.972644 0.006079 0.015198 0.000000 0.004107 0.071869 0.924025 0.068226 0.021442 0.081871 0.828460 0.016807 0.012605 0.016807 0.953782 0.018092 0.029605 0.860197 0.092105 0.887097 0.041475 0.057604 0.013825 0.031609 0.876437 0.022989 0.068966 0.028571 0.891429 0.020000 0.060000 0.015345 0.028133 0.404092 0.552430 0.347032 0.372146 0.155251 0.125571 Consensus sequence: TGACCTTTGACCKV Alignment: TGACCTTTGACCKV TGACCTKTGACCK- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 60 Motif name: Motif 60 Original motif 0.228594 0.472591 0.077948 0.220868 0.170586 0.783108 0.032422 0.013884 0.997310 0.001762 0.000896 0.000032 0.948827 0.003494 0.003494 0.044185 0.259257 0.247341 0.436230 0.057171 0.999040 0.000031 0.000031 0.000898 0.001763 0.002628 0.000896 0.994713 0.000032 0.000031 0.999905 0.000032 0.003495 0.001762 0.975665 0.019078 0.014750 0.967006 0.000031 0.018213 0.030333 0.136316 0.745518 0.087833 0.095624 0.074485 0.729432 0.100459 0.260986 0.603536 0.059767 0.075711 0.144105 0.445607 0.233641 0.176646 0.273973 0.212860 0.361775 0.151391 Consensus sequence: HCAAVATGGCGGCBV Reserve complement motif 0.273973 0.361775 0.212860 0.151391 0.144105 0.233641 0.445607 0.176646 0.260986 0.059767 0.603536 0.075711 0.095624 0.729432 0.074485 0.100459 0.030333 0.745518 0.136316 0.087833 0.014750 0.000031 0.967006 0.018213 0.003495 0.975665 0.001762 0.019078 0.000032 0.999905 0.000031 0.000032 0.994713 0.002628 0.000896 0.001763 0.000898 0.000031 0.000031 0.999040 0.259257 0.436230 0.247341 0.057171 0.044185 0.003494 0.003494 0.948827 0.000032 0.001762 0.000896 0.997310 0.170586 0.032422 0.783108 0.013884 0.228594 0.077948 0.472591 0.220868 Consensus sequence: VBGCCGCCATVTTGD ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 60 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0570.1 ABF1 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 4 15 0.078414 Taxon: Plants Original motif 0.000000 0.090909 0.727273 0.181818 0.181818 0.045455 0.636364 0.136364 0.431818 0.363636 0.000000 0.204545 0.000000 0.795455 0.181818 0.022727 0.977273 0.000000 0.022727 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.863636 0.136364 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.386364 0.318182 0.204545 0.090909 0.136364 0.545455 0.204545 0.113636 0.295455 0.136364 0.477273 0.090909 0.454545 0.250000 0.250000 0.045455 0.272727 0.431818 0.295455 0.000000 0.295455 0.272727 0.386364 0.045455 0.227273 0.136364 0.522727 0.113636 0.295455 0.204545 0.454545 0.045455 Consensus sequence: GGMCACGTGGCVCRVVVGV Reverse complement motif 0.295455 0.454545 0.204545 0.045455 0.227273 0.522727 0.136364 0.113636 0.295455 0.386364 0.272727 0.045455 0.272727 0.295455 0.431818 0.000000 0.045455 0.250000 0.250000 0.454545 0.295455 0.477273 0.136364 0.090909 0.136364 0.204545 0.545455 0.113636 0.090909 0.318182 0.204545 0.386364 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.863636 0.000000 0.136364 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.022727 0.977273 0.000000 0.181818 0.795455 0.022727 0.204545 0.363636 0.000000 0.431818 0.181818 0.636364 0.045455 0.136364 0.000000 0.727273 0.090909 0.181818 Consensus sequence: VCVVBMGBGCCACGTGYCC Alignment: GGMCACGTGGCVCRVVVGV -HCAAVATGGCGGCBV--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 61 Motif name: Motif 61 Original motif 0.156402 0.383176 0.198104 0.262319 0.161481 0.279260 0.372435 0.186823 0.415599 0.129516 0.408899 0.045987 0.004256 0.029660 0.009937 0.956147 0.001247 0.002464 0.933357 0.062932 0.991796 0.000029 0.000840 0.007335 0.000030 0.976780 0.001246 0.021944 0.021944 0.001246 0.976780 0.000030 0.007335 0.000840 0.000029 0.991796 0.062932 0.933357 0.002464 0.001247 0.956147 0.009937 0.029660 0.004256 0.045987 0.408899 0.129516 0.415599 0.186823 0.372435 0.279260 0.161481 0.262319 0.198104 0.383176 0.156402 Consensus sequence: BBRTGACGTCAYVV Reserve complement motif 0.262319 0.383176 0.198104 0.156402 0.186823 0.279260 0.372435 0.161481 0.415599 0.408899 0.129516 0.045987 0.004256 0.009937 0.029660 0.956147 0.062932 0.002464 0.933357 0.001247 0.991796 0.000840 0.000029 0.007335 0.021944 0.976780 0.001246 0.000030 0.000030 0.001246 0.976780 0.021944 0.007335 0.000029 0.000840 0.991796 0.001247 0.933357 0.002464 0.062932 0.956147 0.029660 0.009937 0.004256 0.045987 0.129516 0.408899 0.415599 0.161481 0.372435 0.279260 0.186823 0.156402 0.198104 0.383176 0.262319 Consensus sequence: VVMTGACGTCAKBB ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 61 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0834.1 ATF7 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 14 0.016941 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.202897 0.341749 0.215261 0.240093 0.265391 0.126229 0.377600 0.230781 0.822161 0.015653 0.160442 0.001744 0.000567 0.000206 0.002218 0.997008 0.001231 0.000331 0.915156 0.083282 0.995981 0.000412 0.002989 0.000618 0.001028 0.993779 0.001697 0.003496 0.004068 0.000463 0.995263 0.000206 0.001286 0.000823 0.003959 0.993932 0.122081 0.874615 0.002308 0.000995 0.996803 0.000103 0.002527 0.000567 0.003020 0.269001 0.016203 0.711776 0.291169 0.419887 0.110145 0.178799 0.293829 0.254513 0.304795 0.146863 Consensus sequence: BDATGACGTCATHV Reverse complement motif 0.293829 0.304795 0.254513 0.146863 0.291169 0.110145 0.419887 0.178799 0.711776 0.269001 0.016203 0.003020 0.000567 0.000103 0.002527 0.996803 0.122081 0.002308 0.874615 0.000995 0.993932 0.000823 0.003959 0.001286 0.004068 0.995263 0.000463 0.000206 0.001028 0.001697 0.993779 0.003496 0.000618 0.000412 0.002989 0.995981 0.001231 0.915156 0.000331 0.083282 0.997008 0.000206 0.002218 0.000567 0.001744 0.015653 0.160442 0.822161 0.265391 0.377600 0.126229 0.230781 0.202897 0.215261 0.341749 0.240093 Consensus sequence: VDATGACGTCATHB Alignment: BDATGACGTCATHV BBRTGACGTCAYVV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 62 Motif name: Motif 62 Original motif 0.018027 0.948244 0.030758 0.002971 0.003490 0.974176 0.000967 0.021367 0.025298 0.971351 0.001513 0.001838 0.000050 0.998168 0.001732 0.000050 0.050443 0.067747 0.189964 0.691846 0.005797 0.994106 0.000047 0.000050 0.000050 0.996131 0.000825 0.002994 0.015371 0.933319 0.003112 0.048198 0.189734 0.735530 0.013820 0.060916 0.176968 0.648148 0.052400 0.122484 0.161842 0.423218 0.074422 0.340518 Consensus sequence: CCCCTCCCCCY Reserve complement motif 0.161842 0.074422 0.423218 0.340518 0.176968 0.052400 0.648148 0.122484 0.189734 0.013820 0.735530 0.060916 0.015371 0.003112 0.933319 0.048198 0.000050 0.000825 0.996131 0.002994 0.005797 0.000047 0.994106 0.000050 0.691846 0.067747 0.189964 0.050443 0.000050 0.001732 0.998168 0.000050 0.025298 0.001513 0.971351 0.001838 0.003490 0.000967 0.974176 0.021367 0.018027 0.030758 0.948244 0.002971 Consensus sequence: KGGGGGAGGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 62 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0516.1 SP2 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 11 0.038469 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.094899 0.150059 0.609727 0.145314 0.023132 0.481020 0.152432 0.343416 0.030842 0.822064 0.000593 0.146501 0.000000 0.995848 0.004152 0.000000 0.000000 0.974496 0.000000 0.025504 0.103203 0.000000 0.759193 0.137604 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.982206 0.000000 0.017794 0.000000 0.657177 0.000000 0.342823 0.122183 0.709371 0.000000 0.168446 0.068209 0.575919 0.058719 0.297153 0.110913 0.328588 0.192764 0.367734 0.134045 0.425267 0.237841 0.202847 0.135231 0.470937 0.241993 0.151839 0.120403 0.441874 0.250297 0.187426 Consensus sequence: GYCCCGCCYCYBBBB Reverse complement motif 0.120403 0.250297 0.441874 0.187426 0.135231 0.241993 0.470937 0.151839 0.134045 0.237841 0.425267 0.202847 0.367734 0.328588 0.192764 0.110913 0.068209 0.058719 0.575919 0.297153 0.122183 0.000000 0.709371 0.168446 0.000000 0.000000 0.657177 0.342823 0.000000 0.000000 0.982206 0.017794 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.103203 0.759193 0.000000 0.137604 0.000000 0.000000 0.974496 0.025504 0.000000 0.004152 0.995848 0.000000 0.030842 0.000593 0.822064 0.146501 0.023132 0.152432 0.481020 0.343416 0.094899 0.609727 0.150059 0.145314 Consensus sequence: BBBVKGKGGCGGGKC Alignment: GYCCCGCCYCYBBBB -CCCCTCCCCCY--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 63 Motif name: Motif 63 Original motif 0.950956 0.029202 0.001287 0.018555 0.001289 0.001289 0.000044 0.997378 0.023089 0.019749 0.000044 0.957118 0.190448 0.001289 0.000044 0.808219 0.148421 0.030735 0.815985 0.004859 0.070206 0.924266 0.000044 0.005484 0.996860 0.001289 0.001805 0.000046 0.000046 0.005693 0.000044 0.994217 0.787713 0.030430 0.119742 0.062115 0.539414 0.116508 0.050547 0.293531 0.195900 0.437322 0.164896 0.201882 0.605422 0.102847 0.080866 0.210865 Consensus sequence: ATTTGCATAWHA Reserve complement motif 0.210865 0.102847 0.080866 0.605422 0.195900 0.164896 0.437322 0.201882 0.293531 0.116508 0.050547 0.539414 0.062115 0.030430 0.119742 0.787713 0.994217 0.005693 0.000044 0.000046 0.000046 0.001289 0.001805 0.996860 0.070206 0.000044 0.924266 0.005484 0.148421 0.815985 0.030735 0.004859 0.808219 0.001289 0.000044 0.190448 0.957118 0.019749 0.000044 0.023089 0.997378 0.001289 0.000044 0.001289 0.018555 0.029202 0.001287 0.950956 Consensus sequence: TDWTATGCAAAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 63 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0627.1 Pou2f3 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 5 12 0.014922 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.160000 0.200000 0.200000 0.440000 0.240000 0.220000 0.150000 0.390000 0.190000 0.130000 0.400000 0.280000 0.090000 0.120000 0.040000 0.750000 0.990000 0.000000 0.000000 0.010000 0.000000 0.010101 0.000000 0.989899 0.000000 0.000000 0.940000 0.060000 0.000000 0.919192 0.000000 0.080808 0.740000 0.000000 0.000000 0.260000 0.910000 0.000000 0.010000 0.080000 0.990000 0.000000 0.000000 0.010000 0.020000 0.000000 0.020000 0.960000 0.150000 0.160000 0.290000 0.400000 0.460000 0.240000 0.110000 0.190000 0.292929 0.161616 0.353535 0.191919 0.414141 0.242424 0.181818 0.161616 Consensus sequence: BHDTATGCAAATBHDV Reverse complement motif 0.161616 0.242424 0.181818 0.414141 0.292929 0.353535 0.161616 0.191919 0.190000 0.240000 0.110000 0.460000 0.400000 0.160000 0.290000 0.150000 0.960000 0.000000 0.020000 0.020000 0.010000 0.000000 0.000000 0.990000 0.080000 0.000000 0.010000 0.910000 0.260000 0.000000 0.000000 0.740000 0.000000 0.000000 0.919192 0.080808 0.000000 0.940000 0.000000 0.060000 0.989899 0.010101 0.000000 0.000000 0.010000 0.000000 0.000000 0.990000 0.750000 0.120000 0.040000 0.090000 0.190000 0.400000 0.130000 0.280000 0.390000 0.220000 0.150000 0.240000 0.440000 0.200000 0.200000 0.160000 Consensus sequence: BHHVATTTGCATAHHV Alignment: BHHVATTTGCATAHHV ----ATTTGCATAWHA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 64 Motif name: Motif 64 Original motif 0.000104 0.000099 0.999693 0.000104 0.132582 0.663035 0.183477 0.020906 0.990120 0.000099 0.009677 0.000104 0.002907 0.153738 0.000099 0.843256 0.001505 0.111395 0.816347 0.070753 0.346943 0.650987 0.001966 0.000104 0.002903 0.257109 0.000099 0.739889 0.001267 0.001262 0.997367 0.000104 0.000104 0.000099 0.999693 0.000104 0.002907 0.002900 0.992222 0.001971 0.891133 0.002902 0.002902 0.103063 Consensus sequence: GCATGMTGGGA Reserve complement motif 0.103063 0.002902 0.002902 0.891133 0.002907 0.992222 0.002900 0.001971 0.000104 0.999693 0.000099 0.000104 0.001267 0.997367 0.001262 0.000104 0.739889 0.257109 0.000099 0.002903 0.346943 0.001966 0.650987 0.000104 0.001505 0.816347 0.111395 0.070753 0.843256 0.153738 0.000099 0.002907 0.000104 0.000099 0.009677 0.990120 0.132582 0.183477 0.663035 0.020906 0.000104 0.999693 0.000099 0.000104 Consensus sequence: TCCCARCATGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 64 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0088.2 ZNF143 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 2 11 0.057281 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.042773 0.250246 0.075221 0.631760 0.587980 0.000000 0.008055 0.403965 0.013019 0.985741 0.000620 0.000620 0.001241 0.998759 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.995668 0.000000 0.002475 0.001856 0.000000 0.551082 0.036659 0.412260 0.740847 0.081808 0.177346 0.000000 0.958537 0.000000 0.040854 0.000610 0.003713 0.000000 0.000619 0.995668 0.035607 0.021726 0.937236 0.005432 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.891459 0.090747 0.001779 0.016014 0.137615 0.425608 0.005983 0.430794 0.041599 0.464111 0.005302 0.488989 0.187163 0.010289 0.743753 0.058795 Consensus sequence: TWCCCAYAATGCAYYG Reverse complement motif 0.187163 0.743753 0.010289 0.058795 0.488989 0.464111 0.005302 0.041599 0.430794 0.425608 0.005983 0.137615 0.016014 0.090747 0.001779 0.891459 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.035607 0.937236 0.021726 0.005432 0.995668 0.000000 0.000619 0.003713 0.000610 0.000000 0.040854 0.958537 0.000000 0.081808 0.177346 0.740847 0.000000 0.036659 0.551082 0.412260 0.001856 0.000000 0.002475 0.995668 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.001241 0.000000 0.998759 0.000000 0.013019 0.000620 0.985741 0.000620 0.403965 0.000000 0.008055 0.587980 0.631760 0.250246 0.075221 0.042773 Consensus sequence: CMMTGCATTKTGGGWA Alignment: CMMTGCATTKTGGGWA ----GCATGMTGGGA- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 65 Motif name: Motif 65 Original motif 0.283115 0.000095 0.716691 0.000099 0.000099 0.072475 0.036502 0.890924 0.122406 0.877400 0.000095 0.000099 0.999711 0.000095 0.000095 0.000099 0.000099 0.897273 0.000095 0.102533 0.102533 0.000095 0.897273 0.000099 0.000099 0.000095 0.000095 0.999711 0.000099 0.000095 0.877400 0.122406 0.890924 0.036502 0.072475 0.000099 0.000099 0.716691 0.000095 0.283115 Consensus sequence: GTCACGTGAC Reserve complement motif 0.000099 0.000095 0.716691 0.283115 0.000099 0.036502 0.072475 0.890924 0.000099 0.877400 0.000095 0.122406 0.999711 0.000095 0.000095 0.000099 0.102533 0.897273 0.000095 0.000099 0.000099 0.000095 0.897273 0.102533 0.000099 0.000095 0.000095 0.999711 0.122406 0.000095 0.877400 0.000099 0.890924 0.072475 0.036502 0.000099 0.283115 0.716691 0.000095 0.000099 Consensus sequence: GTCACGTGAC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 65 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0636.1 BHLHE41 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 10 0.008188 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.302309 0.109266 0.582263 0.006163 0.013032 0.002261 0.243484 0.741223 0.000358 0.998925 0.000538 0.000179 0.993583 0.002139 0.003743 0.000535 0.000179 0.998746 0.000179 0.000896 0.000359 0.000179 0.999462 0.000000 0.003378 0.002844 0.002844 0.990933 0.000179 0.000179 0.999641 0.000000 0.815747 0.179862 0.001024 0.003366 0.008609 0.648441 0.114588 0.228362 Consensus sequence: RTCACGTGAC Reverse complement motif 0.008609 0.114588 0.648441 0.228362 0.003366 0.179862 0.001024 0.815747 0.000179 0.999641 0.000179 0.000000 0.990933 0.002844 0.002844 0.003378 0.000359 0.999462 0.000179 0.000000 0.000179 0.000179 0.998746 0.000896 0.000535 0.002139 0.003743 0.993583 0.000358 0.000538 0.998925 0.000179 0.741223 0.002261 0.243484 0.013032 0.302309 0.582263 0.109266 0.006163 Consensus sequence: GTCACGTGAM Alignment: RTCACGTGAC GTCACGTGAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 66 Motif name: Motif 66 Original motif 0.025112 0.869543 0.105231 0.000114 0.000114 0.985234 0.014538 0.000114 0.000114 0.000109 0.999663 0.000114 0.000114 0.000109 0.999663 0.000114 0.999668 0.000109 0.000109 0.000114 0.803318 0.000109 0.000109 0.196464 0.038430 0.000109 0.961347 0.000114 0.000114 0.000109 0.000109 0.999668 0.346729 0.054491 0.556464 0.042316 0.526447 0.201069 0.228759 0.043725 Consensus sequence: CCGGAAGTRA Reserve complement motif 0.043725 0.201069 0.228759 0.526447 0.346729 0.556464 0.054491 0.042316 0.999668 0.000109 0.000109 0.000114 0.038430 0.961347 0.000109 0.000114 0.196464 0.000109 0.000109 0.803318 0.000114 0.000109 0.000109 0.999668 0.000114 0.999663 0.000109 0.000114 0.000114 0.999663 0.000109 0.000114 0.000114 0.014538 0.985234 0.000114 0.025112 0.105231 0.869543 0.000114 Consensus sequence: TMACTTCCGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 66 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0640.1 ELF3 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 4 10 0.012056 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.465048 0.119941 0.105960 0.309051 0.920260 0.008950 0.003255 0.067535 0.040641 0.781912 0.159702 0.017745 0.090053 0.817540 0.092407 0.000000 0.083280 0.914784 0.001937 0.000000 0.001412 0.000000 0.998588 0.000000 0.000000 0.002797 0.993939 0.003263 0.998328 0.000836 0.000836 0.000000 0.987664 0.000822 0.000000 0.011513 0.059902 0.000000 0.935181 0.004917 0.014599 0.023114 0.006691 0.955596 0.580503 0.038994 0.267925 0.112579 0.487013 0.109668 0.258297 0.145022 Consensus sequence: WACCCGGAAGTAD Reverse complement motif 0.145022 0.109668 0.258297 0.487013 0.112579 0.038994 0.267925 0.580503 0.955596 0.023114 0.006691 0.014599 0.059902 0.935181 0.000000 0.004917 0.011513 0.000822 0.000000 0.987664 0.000000 0.000836 0.000836 0.998328 0.000000 0.993939 0.002797 0.003263 0.001412 0.998588 0.000000 0.000000 0.083280 0.001937 0.914784 0.000000 0.090053 0.092407 0.817540 0.000000 0.040641 0.159702 0.781912 0.017745 0.067535 0.008950 0.003255 0.920260 0.309051 0.119941 0.105960 0.465048 Consensus sequence: DTACTTCCGGGTW Alignment: WACCCGGAAGTAD ---CCGGAAGTRA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 67 Motif name: Motif 67 Original motif 0.013243 0.819188 0.108398 0.059171 0.714007 0.243108 0.036203 0.006682 0.000121 0.000116 0.000116 0.999647 0.003402 0.996361 0.000116 0.000121 0.009962 0.000116 0.000116 0.989806 0.052608 0.016518 0.930753 0.000121 0.003402 0.996361 0.000116 0.000121 0.013243 0.000116 0.003396 0.983245 0.006682 0.023080 0.006677 0.963561 0.023084 0.013238 0.914347 0.049331 0.124788 0.004756 0.860494 0.009962 0.950441 0.000116 0.039481 0.009962 0.039489 0.006677 0.914348 0.039486 0.858577 0.059170 0.039483 0.042770 Consensus sequence: CATCTGCTTGGAGA Reserve complement motif 0.042770 0.059170 0.039483 0.858577 0.039489 0.914348 0.006677 0.039486 0.009962 0.000116 0.039481 0.950441 0.124788 0.860494 0.004756 0.009962 0.023084 0.914347 0.013238 0.049331 0.963561 0.023080 0.006677 0.006682 0.983245 0.000116 0.003396 0.013243 0.003402 0.000116 0.996361 0.000121 0.052608 0.930753 0.016518 0.000121 0.989806 0.000116 0.000116 0.009962 0.003402 0.000116 0.996361 0.000121 0.999647 0.000116 0.000116 0.000121 0.006682 0.243108 0.036203 0.714007 0.013243 0.108398 0.819188 0.059171 Consensus sequence: TCTCCAAGCAGATG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 67 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0060.2 NFYA Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 14 0.047987 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.536953 0.172787 0.112112 0.178148 0.135379 0.112568 0.522354 0.229699 0.404653 0.257299 0.247263 0.090785 0.137203 0.339074 0.453695 0.070027 0.208257 0.267336 0.035698 0.488709 0.021898 0.095119 0.546077 0.336907 0.027030 0.842153 0.054859 0.075958 0.001825 0.113253 0.027600 0.857322 0.025319 0.116104 0.819001 0.039576 0.975707 0.000228 0.017108 0.006957 0.000570 0.005931 0.000912 0.992587 0.001141 0.000570 0.000570 0.997719 0.003307 0.001141 0.994526 0.001026 0.001369 0.007984 0.990306 0.000342 0.042997 0.305315 0.001711 0.649977 0.052464 0.449703 0.213618 0.284215 0.175297 0.476277 0.253992 0.094434 0.485972 0.129562 0.308736 0.075730 Consensus sequence: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR Reverse complement motif 0.075730 0.129562 0.308736 0.485972 0.175297 0.253992 0.476277 0.094434 0.052464 0.213618 0.449703 0.284215 0.649977 0.305315 0.001711 0.042997 0.001369 0.990306 0.007984 0.000342 0.003307 0.994526 0.001141 0.001026 0.997719 0.000570 0.000570 0.001141 0.992587 0.005931 0.000912 0.000570 0.006957 0.000228 0.017108 0.975707 0.025319 0.819001 0.116104 0.039576 0.857322 0.113253 0.027600 0.001825 0.027030 0.054859 0.842153 0.075958 0.021898 0.546077 0.095119 0.336907 0.488709 0.267336 0.035698 0.208257 0.137203 0.453695 0.339074 0.070027 0.090785 0.257299 0.247263 0.404653 0.135379 0.522354 0.112568 0.229699 0.178148 0.172787 0.112112 0.536953 Consensus sequence: KVBACCAATCAGYMSBCT Alignment: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR ---CATCTGCTTGGAGA- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 68 Motif name: Motif 68 Original motif 0.854702 0.012527 0.115718 0.017053 0.903549 0.096316 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.982813 0.000066 0.017052 0.977594 0.000066 0.019236 0.003104 0.999799 0.000066 0.000066 0.000069 0.233541 0.052302 0.000066 0.714091 0.656501 0.000066 0.343364 0.000069 0.045220 0.000066 0.954645 0.000069 0.299646 0.304924 0.389900 0.005529 Consensus sequence: AACAATRGV Reserve complement motif 0.299646 0.389900 0.304924 0.005529 0.045220 0.954645 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.000066 0.343364 0.656501 0.714091 0.052302 0.000066 0.233541 0.000069 0.000066 0.000066 0.999799 0.003104 0.000066 0.019236 0.977594 0.000069 0.000066 0.982813 0.017052 0.000069 0.096316 0.000066 0.903549 0.017053 0.012527 0.115718 0.854702 Consensus sequence: VCKATTGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 68 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0445.1 D Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 3 9 0.021435 Taxon: Insects Original motif 0.034483 0.275862 0.241379 0.448276 0.000000 0.862069 0.000000 0.137931 0.000000 0.586207 0.000000 0.413793 0.689655 0.000000 0.000000 0.310345 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.103448 0.896552 0.068966 0.000000 0.931034 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.034483 0.068966 0.137931 0.758621 0.137931 0.344828 0.206897 0.310345 0.206897 0.034483 0.034483 0.724138 Consensus sequence: BCYATTGTTBT Reverse complement motif 0.724138 0.034483 0.034483 0.206897 0.137931 0.206897 0.344828 0.310345 0.758621 0.068966 0.137931 0.034483 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.068966 0.931034 0.000000 0.000000 0.896552 0.000000 0.103448 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.310345 0.000000 0.000000 0.689655 0.000000 0.000000 0.586207 0.413793 0.000000 0.000000 0.862069 0.137931 0.448276 0.275862 0.241379 0.034483 Consensus sequence: ABAACAATKGV Alignment: ABAACAATKGV --AACAATRGV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 69 Motif name: Motif 69 Original motif 0.032627 0.908456 0.058839 0.000078 0.225018 0.002186 0.748615 0.024181 0.006413 0.993434 0.000075 0.000078 0.863754 0.063423 0.045294 0.027529 0.014859 0.071869 0.069759 0.843513 0.002190 0.000075 0.997657 0.000078 0.008525 0.991322 0.000075 0.000078 0.002190 0.000075 0.995545 0.002190 0.010636 0.710437 0.004298 0.274629 0.833319 0.029635 0.062186 0.074860 0.029641 0.482557 0.430712 0.057091 0.194347 0.064298 0.079079 0.662276 0.297679 0.191005 0.336335 0.174981 0.140320 0.284975 0.488412 0.086294 Consensus sequence: CGCATGCGCASTVS Reserve complement motif 0.140320 0.488412 0.284975 0.086294 0.297679 0.336335 0.191005 0.174981 0.662276 0.064298 0.079079 0.194347 0.029641 0.430712 0.482557 0.057091 0.074860 0.029635 0.062186 0.833319 0.010636 0.004298 0.710437 0.274629 0.002190 0.995545 0.000075 0.002190 0.008525 0.000075 0.991322 0.000078 0.002190 0.997657 0.000075 0.000078 0.843513 0.071869 0.069759 0.014859 0.027529 0.063423 0.045294 0.863754 0.006413 0.000075 0.993434 0.000078 0.225018 0.748615 0.002186 0.024181 0.032627 0.058839 0.908456 0.000078 Consensus sequence: SVASTGCGCATGCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 69 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0376.1 RTG3 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 6 14 0.049810 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.393788 0.145291 0.330661 0.130261 0.220441 0.147295 0.267535 0.364729 0.357715 0.322645 0.207415 0.112224 0.164329 0.176353 0.295591 0.363727 0.156156 0.121121 0.250250 0.472472 0.535070 0.113226 0.203407 0.148297 0.034068 0.027054 0.663327 0.275551 0.019038 0.954910 0.019038 0.007014 0.906814 0.005010 0.081162 0.007014 0.005010 0.950902 0.016032 0.028056 0.028056 0.016032 0.950902 0.005010 0.007014 0.081162 0.005010 0.906814 0.007014 0.019038 0.954910 0.019038 0.275551 0.663327 0.027054 0.034068 0.152305 0.332665 0.156313 0.358717 0.111222 0.270541 0.187375 0.430862 0.398798 0.122244 0.276553 0.202405 0.275275 0.257257 0.296296 0.171171 0.323647 0.165331 0.033066 0.477956 0.249499 0.396794 0.108216 0.245491 Consensus sequence: VDVBDAGCACGTGCBBDVWH Reverse complement motif 0.249499 0.108216 0.396794 0.245491 0.477956 0.165331 0.033066 0.323647 0.275275 0.296296 0.257257 0.171171 0.202405 0.122244 0.276553 0.398798 0.430862 0.270541 0.187375 0.111222 0.358717 0.332665 0.156313 0.152305 0.275551 0.027054 0.663327 0.034068 0.007014 0.954910 0.019038 0.019038 0.906814 0.081162 0.005010 0.007014 0.028056 0.950902 0.016032 0.005010 0.005010 0.016032 0.950902 0.028056 0.007014 0.005010 0.081162 0.906814 0.019038 0.019038 0.954910 0.007014 0.034068 0.663327 0.027054 0.275551 0.148297 0.113226 0.203407 0.535070 0.472472 0.121121 0.250250 0.156156 0.363727 0.176353 0.295591 0.164329 0.112224 0.322645 0.207415 0.357715 0.364729 0.147295 0.267535 0.220441 0.130261 0.145291 0.330661 0.393788 Consensus sequence: DWVDVVGCACGTGCTDVBDB Alignment: VDVBDAGCACGTGCBBDVWH -SVASTGCGCATGCG----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 70 Motif name: Motif 70 Original motif 0.523602 0.134025 0.281755 0.060618 0.297767 0.265740 0.241995 0.194498 0.023912 0.045496 0.008789 0.921803 0.032548 0.964980 0.000153 0.002319 0.088687 0.023904 0.002312 0.885097 0.000160 0.997368 0.000153 0.002319 0.022646 0.010949 0.966245 0.000160 0.000160 0.966245 0.010949 0.022646 0.002319 0.000153 0.997368 0.000160 0.885097 0.002312 0.023904 0.088687 0.002319 0.000153 0.964980 0.032548 0.921803 0.008789 0.045496 0.023912 0.194498 0.241995 0.265740 0.297767 0.060618 0.281755 0.134025 0.523602 Consensus sequence: RVTCTCGCGAGABY Reserve complement motif 0.523602 0.281755 0.134025 0.060618 0.297767 0.241995 0.265740 0.194498 0.023912 0.008789 0.045496 0.921803 0.002319 0.964980 0.000153 0.032548 0.088687 0.002312 0.023904 0.885097 0.002319 0.997368 0.000153 0.000160 0.000160 0.010949 0.966245 0.022646 0.022646 0.966245 0.010949 0.000160 0.000160 0.000153 0.997368 0.002319 0.885097 0.023904 0.002312 0.088687 0.032548 0.000153 0.964980 0.002319 0.921803 0.045496 0.008789 0.023912 0.194498 0.265740 0.241995 0.297767 0.060618 0.134025 0.281755 0.523602 Consensus sequence: MVTCTCGCGAGABK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 70 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0154.3 EBF1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 14 0.047745 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.718912 0.074482 0.107513 0.099093 0.166343 0.178641 0.216181 0.438835 0.020408 0.127965 0.000000 0.851627 0.000000 0.997416 0.001938 0.000646 0.001912 0.984066 0.002549 0.011472 0.000000 0.996129 0.000000 0.003871 0.363754 0.253074 0.040777 0.342395 0.503238 0.049870 0.134715 0.312176 0.013367 0.003819 0.982813 0.000000 0.064497 0.004822 0.930681 0.000000 0.003817 0.000000 0.982188 0.013995 0.925105 0.010186 0.050330 0.014380 0.391192 0.379534 0.093912 0.135363 0.161917 0.235751 0.052461 0.549870 Consensus sequence: ABTCCCHWGGGAMT Reverse complement motif 0.549870 0.235751 0.052461 0.161917 0.135363 0.379534 0.093912 0.391192 0.014380 0.010186 0.050330 0.925105 0.003817 0.982188 0.000000 0.013995 0.064497 0.930681 0.004822 0.000000 0.013367 0.982813 0.003819 0.000000 0.312176 0.049870 0.134715 0.503238 0.342395 0.253074 0.040777 0.363754 0.000000 0.000000 0.996129 0.003871 0.001912 0.002549 0.984066 0.011472 0.000000 0.001938 0.997416 0.000646 0.851627 0.127965 0.000000 0.020408 0.438835 0.178641 0.216181 0.166343 0.099093 0.074482 0.107513 0.718912 Consensus sequence: AYTCCCWHGGGAVT Alignment: AYTCCCWHGGGAVT MVTCTCGCGAGABK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 71 Motif name: Motif 71 Original motif 0.871094 0.000188 0.128521 0.000197 0.894854 0.000188 0.021707 0.083251 0.204073 0.622296 0.114001 0.059630 0.999427 0.000188 0.000188 0.000197 0.979664 0.000188 0.019951 0.000197 0.185798 0.797218 0.016787 0.000197 0.999427 0.000188 0.000188 0.000197 0.919910 0.021157 0.036584 0.022349 0.000197 0.983726 0.015880 0.000197 0.999427 0.000188 0.000188 0.000197 Consensus sequence: AACAACAACA Reserve complement motif 0.000197 0.000188 0.000188 0.999427 0.000197 0.015880 0.983726 0.000197 0.022349 0.021157 0.036584 0.919910 0.000197 0.000188 0.000188 0.999427 0.185798 0.016787 0.797218 0.000197 0.000197 0.000188 0.019951 0.979664 0.000197 0.000188 0.000188 0.999427 0.204073 0.114001 0.622296 0.059630 0.083251 0.000188 0.021707 0.894854 0.000197 0.000188 0.128521 0.871094 Consensus sequence: TGTTGTTGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 71 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0870.1 Sox1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 10 0.059750 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.591105 0.170984 0.153713 0.084197 0.930868 0.020498 0.014469 0.034164 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.991863 0.005139 0.000000 0.002998 0.876941 0.123059 0.000000 0.000000 0.005582 0.000000 0.000000 0.994418 0.627612 0.001866 0.133955 0.236567 0.337505 0.219249 0.226586 0.216659 0.001664 0.963394 0.021215 0.013727 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.095312 0.904687 0.000000 0.006009 0.000000 0.993991 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.029119 0.095835 0.021379 0.853668 0.095896 0.142117 0.114471 0.647516 Consensus sequence: AACAATAVCATTGTT Reverse complement motif 0.647516 0.142117 0.114471 0.095896 0.853668 0.095835 0.021379 0.029119 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.993991 0.006009 0.000000 0.000000 0.904687 0.000000 0.095312 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.001664 0.021215 0.963394 0.013727 0.216659 0.219249 0.226586 0.337505 0.236567 0.001866 0.133955 0.627612 0.994418 0.000000 0.000000 0.005582 0.000000 0.123059 0.000000 0.876941 0.002998 0.005139 0.000000 0.991863 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.034164 0.020498 0.014469 0.930868 0.084197 0.170984 0.153713 0.591105 Consensus sequence: AACAATGBTATTGTT Alignment: AACAATGBTATTGTT -----TGTTGTTGTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 72 Motif name: Motif 72 Original motif 0.000074 0.850641 0.014976 0.134309 0.000074 0.995643 0.000071 0.004212 0.852861 0.122145 0.006935 0.018059 0.019000 0.051316 0.000071 0.929613 0.208673 0.000071 0.791182 0.000074 0.020178 0.000071 0.979677 0.000074 0.020980 0.751451 0.006102 0.221467 0.665656 0.000071 0.260192 0.074081 0.997774 0.000071 0.002081 0.000074 0.000074 0.999781 0.000071 0.000074 0.252834 0.320671 0.376279 0.050216 0.185062 0.123658 0.635099 0.056181 Consensus sequence: CCATGGCAACVG Reserve complement motif 0.185062 0.635099 0.123658 0.056181 0.252834 0.376279 0.320671 0.050216 0.000074 0.000071 0.999781 0.000074 0.000074 0.000071 0.002081 0.997774 0.074081 0.000071 0.260192 0.665656 0.020980 0.006102 0.751451 0.221467 0.020178 0.979677 0.000071 0.000074 0.208673 0.791182 0.000071 0.000074 0.929613 0.051316 0.000071 0.019000 0.018059 0.122145 0.006935 0.852861 0.000074 0.000071 0.995643 0.004212 0.000074 0.014976 0.850641 0.134309 Consensus sequence: CVGTTGCCATGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 72 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0138.2 REST Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 8 12 0.063781 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.132621 0.109365 0.230044 0.527970 0.036318 0.168441 0.091421 0.703820 0.047589 0.855354 0.031309 0.065748 0.906367 0.018727 0.058677 0.016230 0.021197 0.027431 0.945137 0.006234 0.076012 0.609346 0.201246 0.113396 0.980697 0.004359 0.007472 0.007472 0.001868 0.987547 0.007472 0.003113 0.021793 0.922167 0.012453 0.043587 0.568847 0.125234 0.100935 0.204984 0.136534 0.233791 0.077307 0.552369 0.024314 0.004364 0.966958 0.004364 0.012469 0.003117 0.983167 0.001247 0.877105 0.069869 0.021210 0.031815 0.008125 0.800000 0.145625 0.046250 0.983750 0.005625 0.004375 0.006250 0.026349 0.008156 0.959849 0.005646 0.128688 0.632141 0.114878 0.124294 0.229899 0.019472 0.432161 0.318467 0.133962 0.586792 0.200629 0.078616 0.112579 0.700629 0.023270 0.163522 Consensus sequence: TTCAGCACCATGGACAGCKCC Reverse complement motif 0.112579 0.023270 0.700629 0.163522 0.133962 0.200629 0.586792 0.078616 0.229899 0.432161 0.019472 0.318467 0.128688 0.114878 0.632141 0.124294 0.026349 0.959849 0.008156 0.005646 0.006250 0.005625 0.004375 0.983750 0.008125 0.145625 0.800000 0.046250 0.031815 0.069869 0.021210 0.877105 0.012469 0.983167 0.003117 0.001247 0.024314 0.966958 0.004364 0.004364 0.552369 0.233791 0.077307 0.136534 0.204984 0.125234 0.100935 0.568847 0.021793 0.012453 0.922167 0.043587 0.001868 0.007472 0.987547 0.003113 0.007472 0.004359 0.007472 0.980697 0.076012 0.201246 0.609346 0.113396 0.021197 0.945137 0.027431 0.006234 0.016230 0.018727 0.058677 0.906367 0.047589 0.031309 0.855354 0.065748 0.703820 0.168441 0.091421 0.036318 0.527970 0.109365 0.230044 0.132621 Consensus sequence: GGYGCTGTCCATGGTGCTGAA Alignment: GGYGCTGTCCATGGTGCTGAA --CVGTTGCCATGG------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 73 Motif name: Motif 73 Original motif 0.000556 0.000531 0.000531 0.998382 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.884567 0.114321 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.464555 0.223038 0.254710 0.057697 0.634016 0.000531 0.000531 0.364922 Consensus sequence: TCCCGCCVW Reserve complement motif 0.364922 0.000531 0.000531 0.634016 0.057697 0.223038 0.254710 0.464555 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.114321 0.884567 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.998382 0.000531 0.000531 0.000556 Consensus sequence: WBGGCGGGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 73 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0758.1 E2F7 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 4 9 0.020454 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.210826 0.068376 0.172840 0.547958 0.039832 0.007338 0.018868 0.933962 0.000000 0.003106 0.000000 0.996894 0.000000 0.001044 0.000000 0.998956 0.000000 0.997921 0.002079 0.000000 0.000000 0.989701 0.010299 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.002004 0.001002 0.996994 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.981910 0.017085 0.001005 0.994547 0.000000 0.000000 0.005453 0.989362 0.001064 0.003191 0.006383 0.950221 0.002212 0.000000 0.047566 0.672566 0.002212 0.002212 0.323009 Consensus sequence: TTTTCCCGCCAAAA Reverse complement motif 0.323009 0.002212 0.002212 0.672566 0.047566 0.002212 0.000000 0.950221 0.006383 0.001064 0.003191 0.989362 0.005453 0.000000 0.000000 0.994547 0.000000 0.017085 0.981910 0.001005 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.002004 0.996994 0.001002 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.010299 0.989701 0.000000 0.000000 0.002079 0.997921 0.000000 0.998956 0.001044 0.000000 0.000000 0.996894 0.003106 0.000000 0.000000 0.933962 0.007338 0.018868 0.039832 0.547958 0.068376 0.172840 0.210826 Consensus sequence: TTTTGGCGGGAAAA Alignment: TTTTGGCGGGAAAA --WBGGCGGGA--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 74 Motif name: Motif 74 Original motif 0.882197 0.013080 0.085812 0.018911 0.139869 0.051935 0.808123 0.000073 0.000073 0.001053 0.994863 0.004011 0.000073 0.006810 0.014123 0.978994 0.000073 0.000070 0.999784 0.000073 0.195484 0.097474 0.000070 0.706972 0.043827 0.003232 0.934915 0.018026 0.999787 0.000070 0.000070 0.000073 0.947931 0.037325 0.014671 0.000073 0.541093 0.128626 0.164340 0.165941 0.452987 0.064182 0.162829 0.320002 0.407393 0.232107 0.263998 0.096501 Consensus sequence: AGGTGTGAAAWV Reserve complement motif 0.096501 0.232107 0.263998 0.407393 0.320002 0.064182 0.162829 0.452987 0.165941 0.128626 0.164340 0.541093 0.000073 0.037325 0.014671 0.947931 0.000073 0.000070 0.000070 0.999787 0.043827 0.934915 0.003232 0.018026 0.706972 0.097474 0.000070 0.195484 0.000073 0.999784 0.000070 0.000073 0.978994 0.006810 0.014123 0.000073 0.000073 0.994863 0.001053 0.004011 0.139869 0.808123 0.051935 0.000073 0.018911 0.013080 0.085812 0.882197 Consensus sequence: BWTTTCACACCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 74 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0800.1 EOMES Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 12 0.012608 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.460287 0.092647 0.231262 0.215804 0.826080 0.013275 0.105781 0.054865 0.127551 0.072147 0.706525 0.093777 0.002291 0.009162 0.979185 0.009362 0.001809 0.057137 0.004761 0.936292 0.000914 0.000812 0.997970 0.000305 0.041371 0.128709 0.008191 0.821730 0.018147 0.047529 0.849637 0.084687 0.984874 0.002805 0.009917 0.002404 0.608378 0.121032 0.063239 0.207351 0.470633 0.207601 0.140778 0.180987 0.410597 0.142463 0.142899 0.304041 0.254373 0.262103 0.198739 0.284784 Consensus sequence: DAGGTGTGAAHDH Reverse complement motif 0.284784 0.262103 0.198739 0.254373 0.304041 0.142463 0.142899 0.410597 0.180987 0.207601 0.140778 0.470633 0.207351 0.121032 0.063239 0.608378 0.002404 0.002805 0.009917 0.984874 0.018147 0.849637 0.047529 0.084687 0.821730 0.128709 0.008191 0.041371 0.000914 0.997970 0.000812 0.000305 0.936292 0.057137 0.004761 0.001809 0.002291 0.979185 0.009162 0.009362 0.127551 0.706525 0.072147 0.093777 0.054865 0.013275 0.105781 0.826080 0.215804 0.092647 0.231262 0.460287 Consensus sequence: HDHTTCACACCTD Alignment: HDHTTCACACCTD BWTTTCACACCT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 75 Motif name: Motif 75 Original motif 0.000147 0.000140 0.999566 0.000147 0.443904 0.420321 0.094367 0.041407 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.041391 0.100559 0.114564 0.743486 0.770238 0.003210 0.193532 0.033020 Consensus sequence: GMTAATTA Reserve complement motif 0.033020 0.003210 0.193532 0.770238 0.743486 0.100559 0.114564 0.041391 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.041407 0.420321 0.094367 0.443904 0.000147 0.999566 0.000140 0.000147 Consensus sequence: TAATTAYC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 75 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0904.1 Hoxb5 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 7 8 0.017652 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.520000 0.230000 0.140000 0.110000 0.270000 0.350000 0.190000 0.190000 0.168317 0.089109 0.643564 0.099010 0.120000 0.150000 0.380000 0.350000 0.010000 0.070000 0.000000 0.920000 0.909091 0.090909 0.000000 0.000000 0.980000 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 0.980000 0.000000 0.000000 0.090909 0.909091 0.920000 0.000000 0.070000 0.010000 0.190000 0.290000 0.410000 0.110000 0.099010 0.643564 0.089109 0.168317 0.282828 0.252525 0.101010 0.363636 0.280000 0.440000 0.110000 0.170000 0.673267 0.049505 0.138614 0.138614 0.220000 0.160000 0.140000 0.480000 Consensus sequence: AHGBTAATTAVCHHAH Reverse complement motif 0.480000 0.160000 0.140000 0.220000 0.138614 0.049505 0.138614 0.673267 0.280000 0.110000 0.440000 0.170000 0.363636 0.252525 0.101010 0.282828 0.099010 0.089109 0.643564 0.168317 0.190000 0.410000 0.290000 0.110000 0.010000 0.000000 0.070000 0.920000 0.909091 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 0.980000 0.000000 0.010000 0.010000 0.010000 0.010000 0.000000 0.980000 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 0.909091 0.920000 0.070000 0.000000 0.010000 0.120000 0.380000 0.150000 0.350000 0.168317 0.643564 0.089109 0.099010 0.270000 0.190000 0.350000 0.190000 0.110000 0.230000 0.140000 0.520000 Consensus sequence: HTDHGVTAATTABCDT Alignment: HTDHGVTAATTABCDT ------TAATTAYC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 76 Motif name: Motif 76 Original motif 0.000166 0.999509 0.000159 0.000166 0.000166 0.976138 0.006245 0.017451 0.781168 0.000159 0.003512 0.215161 0.390222 0.000159 0.000159 0.609460 0.988173 0.003432 0.004591 0.003804 0.003804 0.004591 0.003432 0.988173 0.609460 0.000159 0.000159 0.390222 0.215161 0.003512 0.000159 0.781168 0.017451 0.006245 0.976138 0.000166 0.000166 0.000159 0.999509 0.000166 Consensus sequence: CCAWATWTGG Reserve complement motif 0.000166 0.999509 0.000159 0.000166 0.017451 0.976138 0.006245 0.000166 0.781168 0.003512 0.000159 0.215161 0.390222 0.000159 0.000159 0.609460 0.988173 0.004591 0.003432 0.003804 0.003804 0.003432 0.004591 0.988173 0.609460 0.000159 0.000159 0.390222 0.215161 0.000159 0.003512 0.781168 0.000166 0.006245 0.976138 0.017451 0.000166 0.000159 0.999509 0.000166 Consensus sequence: CCAWATWTGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 76 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0083.3 SRF Original Motif Original Motif Forward 4 10 0.000000 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.138243 0.080749 0.051680 0.729328 0.043029 0.087206 0.656340 0.213425 0.404777 0.394448 0.092963 0.107811 0.000000 0.991601 0.008399 0.000000 0.001648 0.981868 0.006044 0.010440 0.925142 0.010578 0.014646 0.049634 0.033109 0.000000 0.003679 0.963213 0.998283 0.000000 0.001717 0.000000 0.000616 0.003079 0.004926 0.991379 0.986418 0.000000 0.000000 0.013582 0.287869 0.007869 0.000000 0.704262 0.004182 0.004705 0.991113 0.000000 0.004235 0.001059 0.991001 0.003706 0.152060 0.060940 0.388857 0.398143 0.213697 0.648700 0.091947 0.045656 0.690620 0.047655 0.074130 0.187595 Consensus sequence: TGMCCATATATGGKCA Reverse complement motif 0.187595 0.047655 0.074130 0.690620 0.213697 0.091947 0.648700 0.045656 0.398143 0.060940 0.388857 0.152060 0.004235 0.991001 0.001059 0.003706 0.004182 0.991113 0.004705 0.000000 0.704262 0.007869 0.000000 0.287869 0.013582 0.000000 0.000000 0.986418 0.991379 0.003079 0.004926 0.000616 0.000000 0.000000 0.001717 0.998283 0.963213 0.000000 0.003679 0.033109 0.049634 0.010578 0.014646 0.925142 0.001648 0.006044 0.981868 0.010440 0.000000 0.008399 0.991601 0.000000 0.107811 0.394448 0.092963 0.404777 0.043029 0.656340 0.087206 0.213425 0.729328 0.080749 0.051680 0.138243 Consensus sequence: TGRCCATATATGGYCA Alignment: TGMCCATATATGGKCA ---CCAWATWTGG--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 77 Motif name: Motif 77 Original motif 0.290155 0.069748 0.190793 0.449304 0.319026 0.242842 0.336811 0.101321 0.000078 0.007491 0.000075 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.000078 0.965744 0.000075 0.034103 0.541215 0.013846 0.007491 0.437448 0.437448 0.007491 0.013846 0.541215 0.034103 0.000075 0.965744 0.000078 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.000075 0.007491 0.000078 0.101321 0.336811 0.242842 0.319026 0.449304 0.190793 0.069748 0.290155 Consensus sequence: DVTACWWGTABH Reserve complement motif 0.290155 0.190793 0.069748 0.449304 0.101321 0.242842 0.336811 0.319026 0.000078 0.000075 0.007491 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.034103 0.965744 0.000075 0.000078 0.541215 0.007491 0.013846 0.437448 0.437448 0.013846 0.007491 0.541215 0.000078 0.000075 0.965744 0.034103 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.007491 0.000075 0.000078 0.319026 0.336811 0.242842 0.101321 0.449304 0.069748 0.190793 0.290155 Consensus sequence: HBTACWWGTAVD ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 77 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0941.1 ABF2 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 12 0.034137 Taxon: Plants Original motif 0.230769 0.307692 0.230769 0.230769 0.307692 0.230769 0.230769 0.230769 0.191000 0.268000 0.191000 0.350000 0.274274 0.120120 0.403403 0.202202 0.699000 0.177000 0.103000 0.021000 0.000000 0.840841 0.000000 0.159159 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.917918 0.000000 0.082082 0.019019 0.019019 0.942943 0.019019 0.019019 0.019019 0.019019 0.942943 0.218000 0.059000 0.664000 0.059000 0.212787 0.129870 0.286713 0.370629 0.229229 0.229229 0.229229 0.312312 Consensus sequence: BDBDACACGTGDB Reverse complement motif 0.312312 0.229229 0.229229 0.229229 0.370629 0.129870 0.286713 0.212787 0.218000 0.664000 0.059000 0.059000 0.942943 0.019019 0.019019 0.019019 0.019019 0.942943 0.019019 0.019019 0.000000 0.000000 0.917918 0.082082 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.840841 0.159159 0.021000 0.177000 0.103000 0.699000 0.274274 0.403403 0.120120 0.202202 0.350000 0.268000 0.191000 0.191000 0.230769 0.230769 0.230769 0.307692 0.230769 0.230769 0.307692 0.230769 Consensus sequence: DDCACGTGTHHBB Alignment: DDCACGTGTHHBB HBTACWWGTAVD- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 78 Motif name: Motif 78 Original motif 0.098587 0.007268 0.813627 0.080518 0.087706 0.005158 0.888466 0.018670 0.040132 0.899861 0.020531 0.039476 0.017541 0.954333 0.006998 0.021128 0.939320 0.016395 0.031420 0.012865 0.000727 0.991624 0.000177 0.007472 0.000185 0.008489 0.956274 0.035052 0.000727 0.984964 0.000189 0.014120 0.000441 0.997171 0.001529 0.000859 0.026255 0.860189 0.001883 0.111673 Consensus sequence: GGCCACGCCC Reserve complement motif 0.026255 0.001883 0.860189 0.111673 0.000441 0.001529 0.997171 0.000859 0.000727 0.000189 0.984964 0.014120 0.000185 0.956274 0.008489 0.035052 0.000727 0.000177 0.991624 0.007472 0.012865 0.016395 0.031420 0.939320 0.017541 0.006998 0.954333 0.021128 0.040132 0.020531 0.899861 0.039476 0.087706 0.888466 0.005158 0.018670 0.098587 0.813627 0.007268 0.080518 Consensus sequence: GGGCGTGGCC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 78 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0742.1 Klf12 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 10 0.000000 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.105363 0.022082 0.730599 0.141956 0.505023 0.010046 0.484932 0.000000 0.026989 0.948864 0.011364 0.012784 0.007246 0.971014 0.017391 0.004348 0.967120 0.030612 0.002268 0.000000 0.013081 0.981105 0.000000 0.005814 0.136076 0.000633 0.853165 0.010127 0.000000 0.994211 0.000000 0.005789 0.000000 0.969780 0.012363 0.017857 0.000000 0.982143 0.000000 0.017857 0.404738 0.118460 0.000000 0.476802 0.248175 0.228363 0.103233 0.420229 0.334419 0.259501 0.091205 0.314875 0.245361 0.191753 0.120619 0.442268 0.284664 0.220588 0.148109 0.346639 Consensus sequence: GRCCACGCCCWHHHH Reverse complement motif 0.346639 0.220588 0.148109 0.284664 0.442268 0.191753 0.120619 0.245361 0.314875 0.259501 0.091205 0.334419 0.420229 0.228363 0.103233 0.248175 0.476802 0.118460 0.000000 0.404738 0.000000 0.000000 0.982143 0.017857 0.000000 0.012363 0.969780 0.017857 0.000000 0.000000 0.994211 0.005789 0.136076 0.853165 0.000633 0.010127 0.013081 0.000000 0.981105 0.005814 0.000000 0.030612 0.002268 0.967120 0.007246 0.017391 0.971014 0.004348 0.026989 0.011364 0.948864 0.012784 0.000000 0.010046 0.484932 0.505023 0.105363 0.730599 0.022082 0.141956 Consensus sequence: HHHHWGGGCGTGGKC Alignment: GRCCACGCCCWHHHH GGCCACGCCC----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 79 Motif name: Motif 79 Original motif 0.707249 0.049454 0.154135 0.089162 0.038998 0.614849 0.232283 0.113870 0.000193 0.929217 0.070397 0.000193 0.988971 0.000185 0.010651 0.000193 0.999437 0.000185 0.000185 0.000193 0.005427 0.010651 0.983729 0.000193 0.047293 0.005418 0.947096 0.000193 0.999437 0.000185 0.000185 0.000193 0.000193 0.089165 0.910449 0.000193 0.110106 0.000185 0.884283 0.005426 0.010660 0.089161 0.000185 0.899994 0.021126 0.038988 0.026351 0.913535 0.694946 0.000185 0.047286 0.257583 Consensus sequence: ACCAAGGAGGTTA Reserve complement motif 0.257583 0.000185 0.047286 0.694946 0.913535 0.038988 0.026351 0.021126 0.899994 0.089161 0.000185 0.010660 0.110106 0.884283 0.000185 0.005426 0.000193 0.910449 0.089165 0.000193 0.000193 0.000185 0.000185 0.999437 0.047293 0.947096 0.005418 0.000193 0.005427 0.983729 0.010651 0.000193 0.000193 0.000185 0.000185 0.999437 0.000193 0.000185 0.010651 0.988971 0.000193 0.070397 0.929217 0.000193 0.038998 0.232283 0.614849 0.113870 0.089162 0.049454 0.154135 0.707249 Consensus sequence: TAACCTCCTTGGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 79 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0308.1 GSM1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 4 13 0.065392 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.322645 0.207415 0.190381 0.279559 0.160160 0.172172 0.229229 0.438438 0.219439 0.289579 0.168337 0.322645 0.461924 0.124248 0.184369 0.229459 0.349349 0.201201 0.233233 0.216216 0.342685 0.144289 0.281563 0.231463 0.567134 0.022044 0.017034 0.393788 0.850701 0.009018 0.020040 0.120240 0.400802 0.164329 0.182365 0.252505 0.003006 0.917836 0.010020 0.069138 0.004012 0.177533 0.038114 0.780341 0.003006 0.986974 0.001002 0.009018 0.000000 0.974925 0.025075 0.000000 0.000000 0.030060 0.968938 0.001002 0.136273 0.004008 0.850701 0.009018 0.710130 0.060181 0.197593 0.032096 0.289870 0.183551 0.439318 0.087262 0.164164 0.172172 0.205205 0.458458 0.373747 0.101202 0.232465 0.292585 0.225451 0.168337 0.299599 0.306613 0.322969 0.212638 0.195587 0.268806 Consensus sequence: HBHDDDWADCTCCGGAVBDDH Reverse complement motif 0.268806 0.212638 0.195587 0.322969 0.306613 0.168337 0.299599 0.225451 0.292585 0.101202 0.232465 0.373747 0.458458 0.172172 0.205205 0.164164 0.289870 0.439318 0.183551 0.087262 0.032096 0.060181 0.197593 0.710130 0.136273 0.850701 0.004008 0.009018 0.000000 0.968938 0.030060 0.001002 0.000000 0.025075 0.974925 0.000000 0.003006 0.001002 0.986974 0.009018 0.780341 0.177533 0.038114 0.004012 0.003006 0.010020 0.917836 0.069138 0.252505 0.164329 0.182365 0.400802 0.120240 0.009018 0.020040 0.850701 0.393788 0.022044 0.017034 0.567134 0.231463 0.144289 0.281563 0.342685 0.216216 0.201201 0.233233 0.349349 0.229459 0.124248 0.184369 0.461924 0.322645 0.289579 0.168337 0.219439 0.438438 0.172172 0.229229 0.160160 0.279559 0.207415 0.190381 0.322645 Consensus sequence: HDDVVTCCGGAGDTWDDDHVH Alignment: HDDVVTCCGGAGDTWDDDHVH ---ACCAAGGAGGTTA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 80 Motif name: Motif 80 Original motif 0.026202 0.914786 0.001623 0.057389 0.010933 0.951299 0.000395 0.037373 0.039093 0.899441 0.030339 0.031127 0.059420 0.000246 0.005402 0.934932 0.002541 0.947455 0.000246 0.049758 0.000258 0.945538 0.000962 0.053242 0.012405 0.870351 0.063684 0.053560 0.048845 0.823294 0.077233 0.050628 Consensus sequence: CCCTCCCC Reserve complement motif 0.048845 0.077233 0.823294 0.050628 0.012405 0.063684 0.870351 0.053560 0.000258 0.000962 0.945538 0.053242 0.002541 0.000246 0.947455 0.049758 0.934932 0.000246 0.005402 0.059420 0.039093 0.030339 0.899441 0.031127 0.010933 0.000395 0.951299 0.037373 0.026202 0.001623 0.914786 0.057389 Consensus sequence: GGGGAGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 80 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0079.3 SP1 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 8 0.024602 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.098122 0.204488 0.489008 0.208381 0.000000 0.711587 0.073506 0.214907 0.011335 0.767460 0.000000 0.221204 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.991642 0.000000 0.008358 0.155599 0.000000 0.529425 0.314976 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.764713 0.000000 0.235287 0.120678 0.727845 0.000000 0.151477 0.074651 0.568926 0.084039 0.272384 Consensus sequence: BCCCCKCCCCC Reverse complement motif 0.074651 0.084039 0.568926 0.272384 0.120678 0.000000 0.727845 0.151477 0.000000 0.000000 0.764713 0.235287 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.155599 0.529425 0.000000 0.314976 0.000000 0.000000 0.991642 0.008358 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.011335 0.000000 0.767460 0.221204 0.000000 0.073506 0.711587 0.214907 0.098122 0.489008 0.204488 0.208381 Consensus sequence: GGGGGYGGGGB Alignment: BCCCCKCCCCC --CCCTCCCC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 81 Motif name: Motif 81 Original motif 0.034110 0.037242 0.029187 0.899461 0.036959 0.118935 0.834263 0.009843 0.008663 0.000101 0.991131 0.000105 0.102578 0.887233 0.000101 0.010088 0.007541 0.000101 0.992253 0.000105 0.032572 0.218687 0.742933 0.005808 0.002951 0.004136 0.989955 0.002958 0.984251 0.000101 0.001283 0.014365 0.918863 0.000101 0.065485 0.015551 0.726083 0.082826 0.121080 0.070011 0.427098 0.113963 0.187310 0.271629 0.176926 0.187680 0.136022 0.499372 Consensus sequence: TGGCGGGAAADH Reserve complement motif 0.499372 0.187680 0.136022 0.176926 0.271629 0.113963 0.187310 0.427098 0.070011 0.082826 0.121080 0.726083 0.015551 0.000101 0.065485 0.918863 0.014365 0.000101 0.001283 0.984251 0.002951 0.989955 0.004136 0.002958 0.032572 0.742933 0.218687 0.005808 0.007541 0.992253 0.000101 0.000105 0.102578 0.000101 0.887233 0.010088 0.008663 0.991131 0.000101 0.000105 0.036959 0.834263 0.118935 0.009843 0.899461 0.037242 0.029187 0.034110 Consensus sequence: HDTTTCCCGCCA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 81 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0541.1 efl-1 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 4 12 0.028283 Taxon: Nematodes Original motif 0.300091 0.334542 0.087942 0.277425 0.266999 0.177244 0.367634 0.188123 0.262919 0.362194 0.075249 0.299637 0.159565 0.142339 0.396646 0.301451 0.041704 0.521306 0.404805 0.032185 0.027652 0.009973 0.962375 0.000000 0.004986 0.993654 0.001360 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.561650 0.438350 0.000000 0.060290 0.284678 0.655032 0.000000 0.950136 0.024932 0.008160 0.016772 0.911605 0.011786 0.070716 0.005893 0.645512 0.062103 0.080236 0.212149 0.315503 0.097008 0.077516 0.509973 0.144606 0.176337 0.159565 0.519492 Consensus sequence: HDHDSGCGSGAAAWT Reverse complement motif 0.519492 0.176337 0.159565 0.144606 0.509973 0.097008 0.077516 0.315503 0.212149 0.062103 0.080236 0.645512 0.005893 0.011786 0.070716 0.911605 0.016772 0.024932 0.008160 0.950136 0.060290 0.655032 0.284678 0.000000 0.000000 0.438350 0.561650 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.004986 0.001360 0.993654 0.000000 0.027652 0.962375 0.009973 0.000000 0.041704 0.404805 0.521306 0.032185 0.159565 0.396646 0.142339 0.301451 0.262919 0.075249 0.362194 0.299637 0.266999 0.367634 0.177244 0.188123 0.300091 0.087942 0.334542 0.277425 Consensus sequence: AWTTTCSCGCSHDHD Alignment: HDHDSGCGSGAAAWT ---TGGCGGGAAADH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 82 Motif name: Motif 82 Original motif 0.130504 0.675408 0.144489 0.049599 0.000144 0.000138 0.007940 0.991778 0.089873 0.824021 0.043052 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.004039 0.004045 0.000144 0.004039 0.000138 0.995679 0.046961 0.097671 0.749889 0.105479 0.921555 0.066459 0.011842 0.000144 0.980073 0.011842 0.000138 0.007947 0.000144 0.000138 0.000138 0.999580 0.958945 0.000138 0.036872 0.004045 0.464732 0.019644 0.039151 0.476473 0.043058 0.035249 0.109374 0.812319 0.074270 0.339926 0.039150 0.546654 0.874740 0.074262 0.015743 0.035255 Consensus sequence: CTCATGAATAWTYA Reserve complement motif 0.035255 0.074262 0.015743 0.874740 0.546654 0.339926 0.039150 0.074270 0.812319 0.035249 0.109374 0.043058 0.476473 0.019644 0.039151 0.464732 0.004045 0.000138 0.036872 0.958945 0.999580 0.000138 0.000138 0.000144 0.007947 0.011842 0.000138 0.980073 0.000144 0.066459 0.011842 0.921555 0.046961 0.749889 0.097671 0.105479 0.995679 0.004039 0.000138 0.000144 0.004045 0.000138 0.004039 0.991778 0.089873 0.043052 0.824021 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.007940 0.000144 0.130504 0.144489 0.675408 0.049599 Consensus sequence: TMAWTATTCATGAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 82 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0791.1 POU4F3 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 14 0.056383 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.423586 0.161742 0.220835 0.193836 0.057822 0.063564 0.060000 0.818614 0.147559 0.051722 0.653160 0.147559 0.469937 0.506667 0.006038 0.017358 0.939551 0.012090 0.010363 0.037997 0.023155 0.005065 0.006030 0.965750 0.623283 0.025825 0.027260 0.323632 0.774370 0.030167 0.031414 0.164049 0.096115 0.022420 0.036848 0.844617 0.107231 0.014775 0.043430 0.834565 0.573225 0.120377 0.145895 0.160503 0.981213 0.005408 0.007116 0.006262 0.046892 0.078522 0.039814 0.834771 0.131353 0.111415 0.528799 0.228434 0.485646 0.216653 0.142109 0.155591 0.238963 0.195281 0.403878 0.161878 Consensus sequence: DTGMATWATTAATGHV Reverse complement motif 0.238963 0.403878 0.195281 0.161878 0.155591 0.216653 0.142109 0.485646 0.131353 0.528799 0.111415 0.228434 0.834771 0.078522 0.039814 0.046892 0.006262 0.005408 0.007116 0.981213 0.160503 0.120377 0.145895 0.573225 0.834565 0.014775 0.043430 0.107231 0.844617 0.022420 0.036848 0.096115 0.164049 0.030167 0.031414 0.774370 0.323632 0.025825 0.027260 0.623283 0.965750 0.005065 0.006030 0.023155 0.037997 0.012090 0.010363 0.939551 0.469937 0.006038 0.506667 0.017358 0.147559 0.653160 0.051722 0.147559 0.818614 0.063564 0.060000 0.057822 0.193836 0.161742 0.220835 0.423586 Consensus sequence: VHCATTAATWATRCAD Alignment: VHCATTAATWATRCAD --TMAWTATTCATGAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 83 Motif name: Motif 83 Original motif 0.083420 0.895974 0.007905 0.012701 0.001776 0.003786 0.000432 0.994006 0.005484 0.005476 0.985636 0.003404 0.002390 0.035513 0.000187 0.961910 0.007913 0.980705 0.003043 0.008339 0.934068 0.053149 0.009064 0.003719 0.971161 0.028456 0.000187 0.000196 0.000196 0.000187 0.000187 0.999430 0.021363 0.975046 0.000187 0.003404 0.991318 0.000187 0.006105 0.002390 0.202954 0.581148 0.000187 0.215711 Consensus sequence: CTGTCAATCAC Reserve complement motif 0.202954 0.000187 0.581148 0.215711 0.002390 0.000187 0.006105 0.991318 0.021363 0.000187 0.975046 0.003404 0.999430 0.000187 0.000187 0.000196 0.000196 0.028456 0.000187 0.971161 0.003719 0.053149 0.009064 0.934068 0.007913 0.003043 0.980705 0.008339 0.961910 0.035513 0.000187 0.002390 0.005484 0.985636 0.005476 0.003404 0.994006 0.003786 0.000432 0.001776 0.083420 0.007905 0.895974 0.012701 Consensus sequence: GTGATTGACAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 83 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0070.1 PBX1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 11 0.064224 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.277778 0.333333 0.111111 0.277778 0.166667 0.500000 0.166667 0.166667 0.888889 0.055556 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.055556 0.000000 0.888889 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.944444 0.055556 0.000000 0.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.000000 0.055556 0.944444 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.888889 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.666667 0.000000 0.055556 0.277778 0.444444 0.111111 0.111111 0.333333 Consensus sequence: HBATCAATCAAW Reverse complement motif 0.333333 0.111111 0.111111 0.444444 0.277778 0.000000 0.055556 0.666667 0.055556 0.055556 0.000000 0.888889 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.888889 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.055556 0.055556 0.888889 0.166667 0.166667 0.500000 0.166667 0.277778 0.111111 0.333333 0.277778 Consensus sequence: WTTGATTGATBD Alignment: WTTGATTGATBD -GTGATTGACAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 84 Motif name: Motif 84 Original motif 0.057628 0.886005 0.054916 0.001451 0.982880 0.006696 0.009911 0.000513 0.020869 0.000259 0.975452 0.003420 0.002599 0.003387 0.993802 0.000212 0.000191 0.000505 0.001634 0.997670 0.702081 0.000183 0.283578 0.014158 0.866434 0.045273 0.036173 0.052120 0.104797 0.034038 0.857650 0.003515 Consensus sequence: CAGGTAAG Reserve complement motif 0.104797 0.857650 0.034038 0.003515 0.052120 0.045273 0.036173 0.866434 0.014158 0.000183 0.283578 0.702081 0.997670 0.000505 0.001634 0.000191 0.002599 0.993802 0.003387 0.000212 0.020869 0.975452 0.000259 0.003420 0.000513 0.006696 0.009911 0.982880 0.057628 0.054916 0.886005 0.001451 Consensus sequence: CTTACCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 84 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0103.2 ZEB1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 8 0.006672 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.240788 0.409283 0.233474 0.116456 0.000000 0.841350 0.000000 0.158650 0.336709 0.093671 0.121238 0.448383 0.000000 0.891702 0.000000 0.108298 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: VCWCACCTG Reverse complement motif 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.891702 0.108298 0.448383 0.093671 0.121238 0.336709 0.000000 0.000000 0.841350 0.158650 0.240788 0.233474 0.409283 0.116456 Consensus sequence: CAGGTGWGV Alignment: CAGGTGWGV CAGGTAAG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 85 Motif name: Motif 85 Original motif 0.895024 0.021137 0.083690 0.000149 0.009544 0.014725 0.975582 0.000149 0.000149 0.971247 0.000143 0.028461 0.000149 0.000143 0.999559 0.000149 0.224858 0.774850 0.000143 0.000149 0.000149 0.999559 0.000143 0.000149 0.249556 0.424734 0.290531 0.035178 0.000149 0.838028 0.000143 0.161680 0.000149 0.999559 0.000143 0.000149 0.053713 0.063813 0.028826 0.853648 0.619472 0.000143 0.341664 0.038721 Consensus sequence: AGCGCCVCCTR Reserve complement motif 0.038721 0.000143 0.341664 0.619472 0.853648 0.063813 0.028826 0.053713 0.000149 0.000143 0.999559 0.000149 0.000149 0.000143 0.838028 0.161680 0.249556 0.290531 0.424734 0.035178 0.000149 0.000143 0.999559 0.000149 0.224858 0.000143 0.774850 0.000149 0.000149 0.999559 0.000143 0.000149 0.000149 0.000143 0.971247 0.028461 0.009544 0.975582 0.014725 0.000149 0.000149 0.021137 0.083690 0.895024 Consensus sequence: KAGGVGGCGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 85 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0531.1 CTCF Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 11 0.042244 Taxon: Insects Original motif 0.160883 0.460568 0.211882 0.166667 0.164564 0.603049 0.115142 0.117245 0.240273 0.201367 0.434280 0.124080 0.355415 0.412198 0.184017 0.048370 0.135121 0.375394 0.045741 0.443743 0.806519 0.000526 0.100946 0.092008 0.106204 0.000000 0.893796 0.000000 0.518927 0.000000 0.479495 0.001577 0.001052 0.002103 0.163512 0.833333 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.001052 0.000000 0.868559 0.130389 0.065195 0.864879 0.001577 0.068349 0.000526 0.000000 0.950053 0.049422 0.041535 0.796004 0.004206 0.158254 0.121451 0.406414 0.075710 0.396425 Consensus sequence: BCVMYAGRTGGCGCY Reverse complement motif 0.121451 0.075710 0.406414 0.396425 0.041535 0.004206 0.796004 0.158254 0.000526 0.950053 0.000000 0.049422 0.065195 0.001577 0.864879 0.068349 0.001052 0.868559 0.000000 0.130389 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.833333 0.002103 0.163512 0.001052 0.001577 0.000000 0.479495 0.518927 0.106204 0.893796 0.000000 0.000000 0.092008 0.000526 0.100946 0.806519 0.443743 0.375394 0.045741 0.135121 0.355415 0.184017 0.412198 0.048370 0.240273 0.434280 0.201367 0.124080 0.164564 0.115142 0.603049 0.117245 0.160883 0.211882 0.460568 0.166667 Consensus sequence: KGCGCCAKCTMRVGB Alignment: KGCGCCAKCTMRVGB ----KAGGVGGCGCT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 86 Motif name: Motif 86 Original motif 0.019154 0.759638 0.088523 0.132685 0.044380 0.879480 0.012837 0.063303 0.012847 0.006523 0.006530 0.974100 0.000233 0.000223 0.999311 0.000233 0.050689 0.000223 0.948855 0.000233 0.025461 0.000223 0.974083 0.000233 0.588128 0.063304 0.145293 0.203275 0.955173 0.000223 0.000223 0.044381 0.000233 0.983213 0.016321 0.000233 0.044390 0.000223 0.955154 0.000233 0.980399 0.000223 0.019145 0.000233 0.000233 0.038065 0.955162 0.006540 0.690161 0.063292 0.158013 0.088534 Consensus sequence: CCTGGGAACGAGA Reserve complement motif 0.088534 0.063292 0.158013 0.690161 0.000233 0.955162 0.038065 0.006540 0.000233 0.000223 0.019145 0.980399 0.044390 0.955154 0.000223 0.000233 0.000233 0.016321 0.983213 0.000233 0.044381 0.000223 0.000223 0.955173 0.203275 0.063304 0.145293 0.588128 0.025461 0.974083 0.000223 0.000233 0.050689 0.948855 0.000223 0.000233 0.000233 0.999311 0.000223 0.000233 0.974100 0.006523 0.006530 0.012847 0.044380 0.012837 0.879480 0.063303 0.019154 0.088523 0.759638 0.132685 Consensus sequence: TCTCGTTCCCAGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 86 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0085.1 Su(H) Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 13 0.086621 Taxon: Insects Original motif 0.100000 0.300000 0.300000 0.300000 0.000000 0.400000 0.000000 0.600000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.300000 0.000000 0.700000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.500000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000 0.100000 0.700000 0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 0.200000 0.400000 0.300000 0.400000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.300000 0.100000 0.400000 0.200000 0.400000 0.300000 0.200000 0.100000 0.200000 0.100000 0.200000 0.500000 Consensus sequence: BYGTGGGAAMCBDDVD Reverse complement motif 0.500000 0.100000 0.200000 0.200000 0.100000 0.300000 0.200000 0.400000 0.300000 0.400000 0.100000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.200000 0.400000 0.100000 0.400000 0.200000 0.300000 0.100000 0.100000 0.700000 0.100000 0.000000 0.500000 0.000000 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.300000 0.700000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.600000 0.400000 0.000000 0.000000 0.100000 0.300000 0.300000 0.300000 Consensus sequence: DBHBBGYTTCCCACMB Alignment: BYGTGGGAAMCBDDVD -CCTGGGAACGAGA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 87 Motif name: Motif 87 Original motif 0.592812 0.057334 0.322688 0.027166 0.000175 0.004891 0.000167 0.994767 0.004908 0.000167 0.958430 0.036495 0.933479 0.045428 0.007447 0.013646 0.019821 0.979837 0.000167 0.000175 0.000175 0.006482 0.973699 0.019644 0.048914 0.000167 0.000167 0.950752 0.999491 0.000167 0.000167 0.000175 0.027936 0.288710 0.552121 0.131233 0.219724 0.093803 0.270734 0.415739 Consensus sequence: RTGACGTASD Reserve complement motif 0.415739 0.093803 0.270734 0.219724 0.027936 0.552121 0.288710 0.131233 0.000175 0.000167 0.000167 0.999491 0.950752 0.000167 0.000167 0.048914 0.000175 0.973699 0.006482 0.019644 0.019821 0.000167 0.979837 0.000175 0.013646 0.045428 0.007447 0.933479 0.004908 0.958430 0.000167 0.036495 0.994767 0.004891 0.000167 0.000175 0.027166 0.057334 0.322688 0.592812 Consensus sequence: DSTACGTCAK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 87 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0097.1 bZIP911 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 10 0.040605 Taxon: Plants Original motif 0.030303 0.000000 0.939394 0.030303 0.515152 0.000000 0.484848 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.030303 0.969697 0.000000 0.030303 0.000000 0.666667 0.303030 0.333333 0.606061 0.030303 0.030303 0.030303 0.969697 0.000000 0.000000 Consensus sequence: GRTGACGTGGMC Reverse complement motif 0.030303 0.000000 0.969697 0.000000 0.333333 0.030303 0.606061 0.030303 0.030303 0.666667 0.000000 0.303030 0.000000 0.969697 0.030303 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.484848 0.515152 0.030303 0.939394 0.000000 0.030303 Consensus sequence: GRCCACGTCAKC Alignment: GRCCACGTCAKC -DSTACGTCAK- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 88 Motif name: Motif 88 Original motif 0.085342 0.902116 0.000539 0.012003 0.000456 0.956309 0.018423 0.024812 0.022883 0.942353 0.007912 0.026852 0.987096 0.004120 0.003773 0.005011 0.029767 0.910491 0.046969 0.012773 0.943272 0.021586 0.012744 0.022398 0.946310 0.050673 0.000436 0.002581 0.000456 0.002279 0.000436 0.996829 0.032323 0.226246 0.723814 0.017617 0.000456 0.998652 0.000436 0.000456 Consensus sequence: CCCACAATGC Reserve complement motif 0.000456 0.000436 0.998652 0.000456 0.032323 0.723814 0.226246 0.017617 0.996829 0.002279 0.000436 0.000456 0.002581 0.050673 0.000436 0.946310 0.022398 0.021586 0.012744 0.943272 0.029767 0.046969 0.910491 0.012773 0.005011 0.004120 0.003773 0.987096 0.022883 0.007912 0.942353 0.026852 0.000456 0.018423 0.956309 0.024812 0.085342 0.000539 0.902116 0.012003 Consensus sequence: GCATTGTGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 88 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0088.2 ZNF143 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 5 10 0.015535 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.042773 0.250246 0.075221 0.631760 0.587980 0.000000 0.008055 0.403965 0.013019 0.985741 0.000620 0.000620 0.001241 0.998759 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.995668 0.000000 0.002475 0.001856 0.000000 0.551082 0.036659 0.412260 0.740847 0.081808 0.177346 0.000000 0.958537 0.000000 0.040854 0.000610 0.003713 0.000000 0.000619 0.995668 0.035607 0.021726 0.937236 0.005432 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.891459 0.090747 0.001779 0.016014 0.137615 0.425608 0.005983 0.430794 0.041599 0.464111 0.005302 0.488989 0.187163 0.010289 0.743753 0.058795 Consensus sequence: TWCCCAYAATGCAYYG Reverse complement motif 0.187163 0.743753 0.010289 0.058795 0.488989 0.464111 0.005302 0.041599 0.430794 0.425608 0.005983 0.137615 0.016014 0.090747 0.001779 0.891459 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.035607 0.937236 0.021726 0.005432 0.995668 0.000000 0.000619 0.003713 0.000610 0.000000 0.040854 0.958537 0.000000 0.081808 0.177346 0.740847 0.000000 0.036659 0.551082 0.412260 0.001856 0.000000 0.002475 0.995668 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.001241 0.000000 0.998759 0.000000 0.013019 0.000620 0.985741 0.000620 0.403965 0.000000 0.008055 0.587980 0.631760 0.250246 0.075221 0.042773 Consensus sequence: CMMTGCATTKTGGGWA Alignment: CMMTGCATTKTGGGWA ----GCATTGTGGG-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 89 Motif name: Motif 89 Original motif 0.955089 0.010536 0.019260 0.015115 0.992318 0.000121 0.000121 0.007440 0.690570 0.074094 0.155609 0.079727 0.000127 0.640177 0.252280 0.107416 0.961750 0.000886 0.005874 0.031490 0.940555 0.000121 0.017280 0.042044 0.916933 0.000121 0.030628 0.052318 0.805746 0.051856 0.106621 0.035777 0.000127 0.911309 0.039461 0.049103 0.770662 0.128915 0.074635 0.025788 0.757024 0.195689 0.013608 0.033679 Consensus sequence: AAACAAAACAA Reserve complement motif 0.033679 0.195689 0.013608 0.757024 0.025788 0.128915 0.074635 0.770662 0.000127 0.039461 0.911309 0.049103 0.035777 0.051856 0.106621 0.805746 0.052318 0.000121 0.030628 0.916933 0.042044 0.000121 0.017280 0.940555 0.031490 0.000886 0.005874 0.961750 0.000127 0.252280 0.640177 0.107416 0.079727 0.074094 0.155609 0.690570 0.007440 0.000121 0.000121 0.992318 0.015115 0.010536 0.019260 0.955089 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTTGTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 89 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0296.1 FKH1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 9 11 0.051515 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.177533 0.287864 0.207623 0.326981 0.247495 0.192385 0.334669 0.225451 0.520521 0.084084 0.098098 0.297297 0.527054 0.076152 0.129259 0.267535 0.365365 0.073073 0.150150 0.411411 0.119238 0.146293 0.133267 0.601202 0.146293 0.004008 0.848697 0.001002 0.007021 0.003009 0.000000 0.989970 0.961886 0.037111 0.000000 0.001003 0.978958 0.011022 0.001002 0.009018 0.991984 0.001002 0.002004 0.005010 0.001002 0.926854 0.001002 0.071142 0.991984 0.001002 0.003006 0.004008 0.875752 0.039078 0.016032 0.069138 0.672345 0.049098 0.070140 0.208417 0.248497 0.191383 0.407816 0.152305 0.374749 0.158317 0.296593 0.170341 0.284569 0.184369 0.330661 0.200401 0.205411 0.116232 0.452906 0.225451 0.421844 0.192385 0.248497 0.137275 Consensus sequence: BDWWWTGTAAACAAAVDDDV Reverse complement motif 0.137275 0.192385 0.248497 0.421844 0.205411 0.452906 0.116232 0.225451 0.284569 0.330661 0.184369 0.200401 0.170341 0.158317 0.296593 0.374749 0.248497 0.407816 0.191383 0.152305 0.208417 0.049098 0.070140 0.672345 0.069138 0.039078 0.016032 0.875752 0.004008 0.001002 0.003006 0.991984 0.001002 0.001002 0.926854 0.071142 0.005010 0.001002 0.002004 0.991984 0.009018 0.011022 0.001002 0.978958 0.001003 0.037111 0.000000 0.961886 0.989970 0.003009 0.000000 0.007021 0.146293 0.848697 0.004008 0.001002 0.601202 0.146293 0.133267 0.119238 0.411411 0.073073 0.150150 0.365365 0.267535 0.076152 0.129259 0.527054 0.297297 0.084084 0.098098 0.520521 0.247495 0.334669 0.192385 0.225451 0.326981 0.287864 0.207623 0.177533 Consensus sequence: BHHDVTTTGTTTACAWWWHV Alignment: BHHDVTTTGTTTACAWWWHV -TTGTTTTGTTT-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 90 Motif name: Motif 90 Original motif 0.998602 0.000459 0.000459 0.000480 0.951342 0.047719 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.000459 0.998581 0.000480 0.998602 0.000459 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.946719 0.000459 0.052342 0.859002 0.000459 0.018716 0.121823 0.998602 0.000459 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.909107 0.000459 0.089954 0.638504 0.000459 0.054530 0.306507 Consensus sequence: AAGACAACA Reserve complement motif 0.306507 0.000459 0.054530 0.638504 0.000480 0.000459 0.909107 0.089954 0.000480 0.000459 0.000459 0.998602 0.121823 0.000459 0.018716 0.859002 0.000480 0.000459 0.946719 0.052342 0.000480 0.000459 0.000459 0.998602 0.000480 0.998581 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.047719 0.000459 0.951342 0.000480 0.000459 0.000459 0.998602 Consensus sequence: TGTTGTCTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 90 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0029.1 Mecom Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 9 0.022022 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.518519 0.074074 0.222222 0.185185 0.740741 0.037037 0.074074 0.148148 0.000000 0.037037 0.925926 0.037037 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.037037 0.370370 0.000000 0.592593 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.962963 0.000000 0.037037 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.111111 0.000000 0.888889 0.888889 0.037037 0.000000 0.074074 0.851852 0.000000 0.148148 0.000000 0.222222 0.259259 0.259259 0.259259 0.555556 0.222222 0.111111 0.111111 Consensus sequence: AAGAYAAGATAABA Reverse complement motif 0.111111 0.222222 0.111111 0.555556 0.222222 0.259259 0.259259 0.259259 0.000000 0.000000 0.148148 0.851852 0.074074 0.037037 0.000000 0.888889 0.888889 0.111111 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.037037 0.962963 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.592593 0.370370 0.000000 0.037037 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.925926 0.037037 0.037037 0.148148 0.037037 0.074074 0.740741 0.185185 0.074074 0.222222 0.518519 Consensus sequence: TBTTATCTTMTCTT Alignment: AAGAYAAGATAABA -----AAGACAACA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 91 Motif name: Motif 91 Original motif 0.631628 0.070065 0.060582 0.237725 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.999278 0.000237 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.000237 0.999278 0.047183 0.952332 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.130430 0.000237 0.869085 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.314845 0.073991 0.186833 0.424331 0.414847 0.465124 0.000237 0.119792 0.313698 0.598649 0.000237 0.087416 0.000248 0.146025 0.027058 0.826669 Consensus sequence: ACATCCGGGDMMT Reserve complement motif 0.826669 0.146025 0.027058 0.000248 0.313698 0.000237 0.598649 0.087416 0.414847 0.000237 0.465124 0.119792 0.424331 0.073991 0.186833 0.314845 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.130430 0.869085 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.047183 0.000237 0.952332 0.000248 0.999278 0.000237 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.000237 0.999278 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.237725 0.070065 0.060582 0.631628 Consensus sequence: ARRDCCCGGATGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 91 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0308.1 GSM1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 8 13 0.073086 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.322645 0.207415 0.190381 0.279559 0.160160 0.172172 0.229229 0.438438 0.219439 0.289579 0.168337 0.322645 0.461924 0.124248 0.184369 0.229459 0.349349 0.201201 0.233233 0.216216 0.342685 0.144289 0.281563 0.231463 0.567134 0.022044 0.017034 0.393788 0.850701 0.009018 0.020040 0.120240 0.400802 0.164329 0.182365 0.252505 0.003006 0.917836 0.010020 0.069138 0.004012 0.177533 0.038114 0.780341 0.003006 0.986974 0.001002 0.009018 0.000000 0.974925 0.025075 0.000000 0.000000 0.030060 0.968938 0.001002 0.136273 0.004008 0.850701 0.009018 0.710130 0.060181 0.197593 0.032096 0.289870 0.183551 0.439318 0.087262 0.164164 0.172172 0.205205 0.458458 0.373747 0.101202 0.232465 0.292585 0.225451 0.168337 0.299599 0.306613 0.322969 0.212638 0.195587 0.268806 Consensus sequence: HBHDDDWADCTCCGGAVBDDH Reverse complement motif 0.268806 0.212638 0.195587 0.322969 0.306613 0.168337 0.299599 0.225451 0.292585 0.101202 0.232465 0.373747 0.458458 0.172172 0.205205 0.164164 0.289870 0.439318 0.183551 0.087262 0.032096 0.060181 0.197593 0.710130 0.136273 0.850701 0.004008 0.009018 0.000000 0.968938 0.030060 0.001002 0.000000 0.025075 0.974925 0.000000 0.003006 0.001002 0.986974 0.009018 0.780341 0.177533 0.038114 0.004012 0.003006 0.010020 0.917836 0.069138 0.252505 0.164329 0.182365 0.400802 0.120240 0.009018 0.020040 0.850701 0.393788 0.022044 0.017034 0.567134 0.231463 0.144289 0.281563 0.342685 0.216216 0.201201 0.233233 0.349349 0.229459 0.124248 0.184369 0.461924 0.322645 0.289579 0.168337 0.219439 0.438438 0.172172 0.229229 0.160160 0.279559 0.207415 0.190381 0.322645 Consensus sequence: HDDVVTCCGGAGDTWDDDHVH Alignment: HDDVVTCCGGAGDTWDDDHVH -ARRDCCCGGATGT------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 92 Motif name: Motif 92 Original motif 0.594971 0.133285 0.062151 0.209593 0.906540 0.074799 0.000157 0.018504 0.949239 0.000157 0.050440 0.000164 0.873819 0.000157 0.125860 0.000164 0.000164 0.576703 0.000157 0.422976 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.000164 0.971186 0.000157 0.028493 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.790493 0.118223 0.000157 0.091127 Consensus sequence: AAAAYAAACAA Reserve complement motif 0.091127 0.118223 0.000157 0.790493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.971186 0.028493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.576703 0.422976 0.000164 0.000157 0.125860 0.873819 0.000164 0.000157 0.050440 0.949239 0.018504 0.074799 0.000157 0.906540 0.209593 0.133285 0.062151 0.594971 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTKTTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 92 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0481.1 FOXP1 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 11 0.045271 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.331190 0.347267 0.154341 0.167203 0.421222 0.183280 0.176849 0.218650 0.498392 0.125402 0.128617 0.247588 0.578778 0.135048 0.170418 0.115756 0.443730 0.019293 0.282958 0.254019 0.254019 0.035370 0.710611 0.000000 0.228296 0.012862 0.000000 0.758842 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.051447 0.893891 0.032154 0.022508 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.565916 0.247588 0.183280 0.003215 0.781350 0.057878 0.073955 0.086817 0.327974 0.135048 0.414791 0.122186 Consensus sequence: HHDADGTAAACAAAV Reverse complement motif 0.327974 0.414791 0.135048 0.122186 0.086817 0.057878 0.073955 0.781350 0.003215 0.247588 0.183280 0.565916 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.051447 0.032154 0.893891 0.022508 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.758842 0.012862 0.000000 0.228296 0.254019 0.710611 0.035370 0.000000 0.254019 0.019293 0.282958 0.443730 0.115756 0.135048 0.170418 0.578778 0.247588 0.125402 0.128617 0.498392 0.218650 0.183280 0.176849 0.421222 0.331190 0.154341 0.347267 0.167203 Consensus sequence: VTTTGTTTACDTDHD Alignment: HHDADGTAAACAAAV --AAAAYAAACAA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 93 Motif name: Motif 93 Original motif 0.965138 0.000241 0.034369 0.000252 0.984666 0.000241 0.014841 0.000252 0.000252 0.000241 0.000241 0.999266 0.999266 0.000241 0.000241 0.000252 0.000252 0.987812 0.000241 0.011695 0.985616 0.007066 0.000241 0.007077 0.000252 0.999255 0.000241 0.000252 0.971979 0.000241 0.000241 0.027539 0.000252 0.090385 0.000241 0.909122 0.000252 0.716824 0.163372 0.119552 0.144210 0.333372 0.015079 0.507339 Consensus sequence: AATACACATCY Reserve complement motif 0.507339 0.333372 0.015079 0.144210 0.000252 0.163372 0.716824 0.119552 0.909122 0.090385 0.000241 0.000252 0.027539 0.000241 0.000241 0.971979 0.000252 0.000241 0.999255 0.000252 0.007077 0.007066 0.000241 0.985616 0.000252 0.000241 0.987812 0.011695 0.000252 0.000241 0.000241 0.999266 0.999266 0.000241 0.000241 0.000252 0.000252 0.000241 0.014841 0.984666 0.000252 0.000241 0.034369 0.965138 Consensus sequence: MGATGTGTATT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 93 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0040.1 Foxq1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 11 0.048001 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.222222 0.222222 0.166667 0.388889 0.722222 0.055556 0.166667 0.055556 0.277778 0.111111 0.000000 0.611111 0.166667 0.000000 0.000000 0.833333 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.944444 0.000000 0.055556 0.000000 0.000000 0.055556 0.222222 0.722222 0.333333 0.000000 0.166667 0.500000 Consensus sequence: HATTGTTTATW Reverse complement motif 0.500000 0.000000 0.166667 0.333333 0.722222 0.055556 0.222222 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.055556 0.944444 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.833333 0.000000 0.000000 0.166667 0.611111 0.111111 0.000000 0.277778 0.055556 0.055556 0.166667 0.722222 0.388889 0.222222 0.166667 0.222222 Consensus sequence: WATAAACAATH Alignment: WATAAACAATH AATACACATCY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 94 Motif name: Motif 94 Original motif 0.952012 0.000309 0.038628 0.009051 0.888827 0.012260 0.016229 0.082684 0.048811 0.109366 0.687312 0.154511 0.039820 0.006633 0.919991 0.033556 0.000324 0.010876 0.009012 0.979788 0.956090 0.036662 0.000601 0.006647 0.974971 0.000309 0.024153 0.000567 0.978671 0.001491 0.000309 0.019529 0.009036 0.918368 0.036291 0.036305 0.964863 0.024153 0.000556 0.010428 Consensus sequence: AAGGTAAACA Reserve complement motif 0.010428 0.024153 0.000556 0.964863 0.009036 0.036291 0.918368 0.036305 0.019529 0.001491 0.000309 0.978671 0.000567 0.000309 0.024153 0.974971 0.006647 0.036662 0.000601 0.956090 0.979788 0.010876 0.009012 0.000324 0.039820 0.919991 0.006633 0.033556 0.048811 0.687312 0.109366 0.154511 0.082684 0.012260 0.016229 0.888827 0.009051 0.000309 0.038628 0.952012 Consensus sequence: TGTTTACCTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 94 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0852.1 Foxk1 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 10 0.028602 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.340000 0.190000 0.210000 0.260000 0.405941 0.118812 0.277228 0.198020 0.600000 0.070000 0.120000 0.210000 0.710000 0.040000 0.050000 0.200000 0.120000 0.120000 0.180000 0.580000 0.200000 0.010000 0.790000 0.000000 0.020202 0.000000 0.000000 0.979798 0.920000 0.080000 0.000000 0.000000 0.970000 0.010000 0.000000 0.020000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.890000 0.000000 0.110000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.808081 0.060606 0.020202 0.111111 0.565657 0.090909 0.101010 0.242424 0.270000 0.300000 0.290000 0.140000 0.340000 0.220000 0.250000 0.190000 0.151515 0.272727 0.323232 0.252525 Consensus sequence: DDAATGTAAACAAAVVB Reverse complement motif 0.151515 0.323232 0.272727 0.252525 0.190000 0.220000 0.250000 0.340000 0.270000 0.290000 0.300000 0.140000 0.242424 0.090909 0.101010 0.565657 0.111111 0.060606 0.020202 0.808081 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.890000 0.110000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.020000 0.010000 0.000000 0.970000 0.000000 0.080000 0.000000 0.920000 0.979798 0.000000 0.000000 0.020202 0.200000 0.790000 0.010000 0.000000 0.580000 0.120000 0.180000 0.120000 0.200000 0.040000 0.050000 0.710000 0.210000 0.070000 0.120000 0.600000 0.198020 0.118812 0.277228 0.405941 0.260000 0.190000 0.210000 0.340000 Consensus sequence: BBVTTTGTTTACATTDD Alignment: DDAATGTAAACAAAVVB --AAGGTAAACA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 95 Motif name: Motif 95 Original motif 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.073234 0.706346 0.000570 0.219850 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.909080 0.004724 0.085600 0.798002 0.000570 0.200832 0.000596 Consensus sequence: CGCCGCCA Reserve complement motif 0.000596 0.000570 0.200832 0.798002 0.000596 0.004724 0.909080 0.085600 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.073234 0.000570 0.706346 0.219850 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 Consensus sequence: TGGCGGCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 95 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA1034.1 Os05g0497200 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 8 0.008311 Taxon: Plants Original motif 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.661662 0.332332 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.495000 0.005000 0.495000 0.005000 Consensus sequence: CGSCGCCR Reverse complement motif 0.005000 0.005000 0.495000 0.495000 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.332332 0.661662 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.003003 0.990991 0.003003 Consensus sequence: KGGCGSCG Alignment: CGSCGCCR CGCCGCCA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 96 Motif name: Motif 96 Original motif 0.000354 0.000339 0.975654 0.023653 0.886037 0.027036 0.060805 0.026122 0.942588 0.024686 0.027348 0.005378 0.000354 0.000339 0.995375 0.003932 0.840909 0.027463 0.041496 0.090132 0.927373 0.010257 0.039062 0.023308 0.000354 0.000339 0.969032 0.030275 0.925046 0.021751 0.011717 0.041486 0.760183 0.099095 0.067264 0.073458 Consensus sequence: GAAGAAGAA Reserve complement motif 0.073458 0.099095 0.067264 0.760183 0.041486 0.021751 0.011717 0.925046 0.000354 0.969032 0.000339 0.030275 0.023308 0.010257 0.039062 0.927373 0.090132 0.027463 0.041496 0.840909 0.000354 0.995375 0.000339 0.003932 0.005378 0.024686 0.027348 0.942588 0.026122 0.027036 0.060805 0.886037 0.000354 0.975654 0.000339 0.023653 Consensus sequence: TTCTTCTTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 96 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0377.1 SFL1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 4 9 0.034731 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.272272 0.183183 0.130130 0.414414 0.368737 0.262525 0.124248 0.244489 0.281563 0.244489 0.332665 0.141283 0.382382 0.256256 0.117117 0.244244 0.314629 0.098196 0.349699 0.237475 0.368368 0.221221 0.198198 0.212212 0.727728 0.030030 0.124124 0.118118 0.127127 0.178178 0.108108 0.586587 0.506507 0.261261 0.226226 0.006006 0.018036 0.010020 0.961924 0.010020 0.957916 0.016032 0.005010 0.021042 0.960922 0.009018 0.021042 0.009018 0.022044 0.047094 0.807615 0.123246 0.616617 0.129129 0.218218 0.036036 0.597194 0.134269 0.036072 0.232465 0.536072 0.221443 0.048096 0.194389 0.256513 0.156313 0.146293 0.440882 0.492986 0.096192 0.217435 0.193387 0.431864 0.067134 0.099198 0.401804 0.369739 0.123246 0.146293 0.360721 0.410231 0.121364 0.072217 0.396189 Consensus sequence: HHVHDHATMGAAGAAAHDWDW Reverse complement motif 0.396189 0.121364 0.072217 0.410231 0.360721 0.123246 0.146293 0.369739 0.401804 0.067134 0.099198 0.431864 0.193387 0.096192 0.217435 0.492986 0.440882 0.156313 0.146293 0.256513 0.194389 0.221443 0.048096 0.536072 0.232465 0.134269 0.036072 0.597194 0.036036 0.129129 0.218218 0.616617 0.022044 0.807615 0.047094 0.123246 0.009018 0.009018 0.021042 0.960922 0.021042 0.016032 0.005010 0.957916 0.018036 0.961924 0.010020 0.010020 0.006006 0.261261 0.226226 0.506507 0.586587 0.178178 0.108108 0.127127 0.118118 0.030030 0.124124 0.727728 0.212212 0.221221 0.198198 0.368368 0.314629 0.349699 0.098196 0.237475 0.244244 0.256256 0.117117 0.382382 0.281563 0.332665 0.244489 0.141283 0.244489 0.262525 0.124248 0.368737 0.414414 0.183183 0.130130 0.272272 Consensus sequence: WDWDHTTTCTTCYATHHHVHH Alignment: WDWDHTTTCTTCYATHHHVHH ---TTCTTCTTC--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 97 Motif name: Motif 97 Original motif 0.011012 0.010995 0.977601 0.000392 0.042872 0.754552 0.053474 0.149102 0.000392 0.988221 0.000375 0.011012 0.032251 0.010995 0.000375 0.956379 0.011012 0.010995 0.966981 0.011012 0.011012 0.053473 0.871405 0.064110 0.011012 0.032234 0.032235 0.924519 0.680209 0.010995 0.276545 0.032251 0.021631 0.010995 0.956362 0.011012 0.988238 0.000375 0.010995 0.000392 0.011012 0.021614 0.935123 0.032251 0.170341 0.021614 0.797033 0.011012 0.000392 0.966982 0.000375 0.032251 0.000392 0.021614 0.000375 0.977619 0.945759 0.010995 0.021615 0.021631 Consensus sequence: GCCTGGTAGAGGCTA Reserve complement motif 0.021631 0.010995 0.021615 0.945759 0.977619 0.021614 0.000375 0.000392 0.000392 0.000375 0.966982 0.032251 0.170341 0.797033 0.021614 0.011012 0.011012 0.935123 0.021614 0.032251 0.000392 0.000375 0.010995 0.988238 0.021631 0.956362 0.010995 0.011012 0.032251 0.010995 0.276545 0.680209 0.924519 0.032234 0.032235 0.011012 0.011012 0.871405 0.053473 0.064110 0.011012 0.966981 0.010995 0.011012 0.956379 0.010995 0.000375 0.032251 0.000392 0.000375 0.988221 0.011012 0.042872 0.053474 0.754552 0.149102 0.011012 0.977601 0.010995 0.000392 Consensus sequence: TAGCCTCTACCAGGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 97 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0139.1 CTCF Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.087117 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.095290 0.318729 0.083242 0.502738 0.182913 0.158817 0.453450 0.204819 0.307777 0.053669 0.491785 0.146769 0.061336 0.876232 0.023001 0.039430 0.008762 0.989047 0.000000 0.002191 0.814896 0.014239 0.071194 0.099671 0.043812 0.578313 0.365827 0.012048 0.117325 0.474781 0.052632 0.355263 0.933114 0.012061 0.035088 0.019737 0.005488 0.000000 0.991218 0.003293 0.365532 0.003293 0.621295 0.009879 0.059276 0.013172 0.553238 0.374314 0.013187 0.000000 0.978022 0.008791 0.061538 0.008791 0.851648 0.078022 0.114411 0.806381 0.005501 0.073707 0.409241 0.014301 0.557756 0.018702 0.090308 0.530837 0.338106 0.040749 0.128855 0.354626 0.080396 0.436123 0.442731 0.199339 0.292952 0.064978 Consensus sequence: YDRCCASYAGRKGGCRSYV Reverse complement motif 0.064978 0.199339 0.292952 0.442731 0.436123 0.354626 0.080396 0.128855 0.090308 0.338106 0.530837 0.040749 0.409241 0.557756 0.014301 0.018702 0.114411 0.005501 0.806381 0.073707 0.061538 0.851648 0.008791 0.078022 0.013187 0.978022 0.000000 0.008791 0.059276 0.553238 0.013172 0.374314 0.365532 0.621295 0.003293 0.009879 0.005488 0.991218 0.000000 0.003293 0.019737 0.012061 0.035088 0.933114 0.117325 0.052632 0.474781 0.355263 0.043812 0.365827 0.578313 0.012048 0.099671 0.014239 0.071194 0.814896 0.008762 0.000000 0.989047 0.002191 0.061336 0.023001 0.876232 0.039430 0.307777 0.491785 0.053669 0.146769 0.182913 0.453450 0.158817 0.204819 0.502738 0.318729 0.083242 0.095290 Consensus sequence: BMSMGCCYMCTKSTGGMHM Alignment: YDRCCASYAGRKGGCRSYV ----GCCTGGTAGAGGCTA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 98 Motif name: Motif 98 Original motif 0.958323 0.020473 0.000699 0.020505 0.040280 0.020473 0.938516 0.000731 0.918775 0.040247 0.020473 0.020505 0.020505 0.950095 0.000699 0.028701 0.899001 0.000699 0.079795 0.020505 0.978097 0.020473 0.000699 0.000731 0.000731 0.040247 0.020473 0.938549 0.000731 0.020473 0.938517 0.040279 0.020505 0.000699 0.000699 0.978097 0.020505 0.839627 0.119363 0.020505 0.060057 0.158928 0.780284 0.000731 0.997871 0.000699 0.000699 0.000731 0.000731 0.000699 0.978065 0.020505 Consensus sequence: AGACAATGTCGAG Reserve complement motif 0.000731 0.978065 0.000699 0.020505 0.000731 0.000699 0.000699 0.997871 0.060057 0.780284 0.158928 0.000731 0.020505 0.119363 0.839627 0.020505 0.978097 0.000699 0.000699 0.020505 0.000731 0.938517 0.020473 0.040279 0.938549 0.040247 0.020473 0.000731 0.000731 0.020473 0.000699 0.978097 0.020505 0.000699 0.079795 0.899001 0.020505 0.000699 0.950095 0.028701 0.020505 0.040247 0.020473 0.918775 0.040280 0.938516 0.020473 0.000731 0.020505 0.020473 0.000699 0.958323 Consensus sequence: CTCGACATTGTCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 98 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0114.3 Hnf4a Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 13 0.079572 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.300837 0.094434 0.529601 0.075129 0.312909 0.004432 0.681696 0.000963 0.001161 0.000000 0.998646 0.000193 0.034602 0.002296 0.846507 0.116596 0.024916 0.011111 0.094949 0.869024 0.000189 0.975803 0.000945 0.023062 0.969754 0.000376 0.029870 0.000000 0.984739 0.000000 0.013163 0.002098 0.990027 0.000000 0.009973 0.000000 0.000000 0.000194 0.999226 0.000581 0.000000 0.000966 0.001353 0.997681 0.020207 0.808584 0.020520 0.150689 0.000000 0.963599 0.000747 0.035654 0.835115 0.006565 0.132996 0.025324 0.416118 0.214839 0.217164 0.151879 0.197366 0.206082 0.175479 0.421073 Consensus sequence: RGGGTCAAAGTCCAVH Reverse complement motif 0.421073 0.206082 0.175479 0.197366 0.151879 0.214839 0.217164 0.416118 0.025324 0.006565 0.132996 0.835115 0.000000 0.000747 0.963599 0.035654 0.020207 0.020520 0.808584 0.150689 0.997681 0.000966 0.001353 0.000000 0.000000 0.999226 0.000194 0.000581 0.000000 0.000000 0.009973 0.990027 0.002098 0.000000 0.013163 0.984739 0.000000 0.000376 0.029870 0.969754 0.000189 0.000945 0.975803 0.023062 0.869024 0.011111 0.094949 0.024916 0.034602 0.846507 0.002296 0.116596 0.001161 0.998646 0.000000 0.000193 0.312909 0.681696 0.004432 0.000963 0.300837 0.529601 0.094434 0.075129 Consensus sequence: HBTGGACTTTGACCCM Alignment: HBTGGACTTTGACCCM -CTCGACATTGTCT-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 99 Motif name: Motif 99 Original motif 0.127996 0.107061 0.036596 0.728347 0.133268 0.865993 0.000361 0.000378 0.940721 0.000361 0.010554 0.048364 0.000378 0.919889 0.079355 0.000378 0.000378 0.108257 0.890987 0.000378 0.000378 0.000361 0.000361 0.998900 0.000378 0.000361 0.865993 0.133268 0.956612 0.000361 0.042649 0.000378 0.000378 0.916339 0.000361 0.082922 0.000378 0.941795 0.000361 0.057466 Consensus sequence: TCACGTGACC Reserve complement motif 0.000378 0.000361 0.941795 0.057466 0.000378 0.000361 0.916339 0.082922 0.000378 0.000361 0.042649 0.956612 0.000378 0.865993 0.000361 0.133268 0.998900 0.000361 0.000361 0.000378 0.000378 0.890987 0.108257 0.000378 0.000378 0.079355 0.919889 0.000378 0.048364 0.000361 0.010554 0.940721 0.133268 0.000361 0.865993 0.000378 0.728347 0.107061 0.036596 0.127996 Consensus sequence: GGTCACGTGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 99 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0093.2 USF1 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 10 0.032321 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.287733 0.223489 0.425246 0.063532 0.087401 0.442228 0.177117 0.293255 0.002553 0.997447 0.000000 0.000000 0.984028 0.000000 0.000000 0.015972 0.011163 0.610319 0.055338 0.323180 0.095297 0.035328 0.869374 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.876499 0.000000 0.081641 0.041860 0.000000 0.781736 0.000000 0.218264 0.108123 0.589360 0.066085 0.236433 Consensus sequence: VBCAYGTGACC Reverse complement motif 0.108123 0.066085 0.589360 0.236433 0.000000 0.000000 0.781736 0.218264 0.041860 0.000000 0.081641 0.876499 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.095297 0.869374 0.035328 0.000000 0.011163 0.055338 0.610319 0.323180 0.015972 0.000000 0.000000 0.984028 0.002553 0.000000 0.997447 0.000000 0.087401 0.177117 0.442228 0.293255 0.287733 0.425246 0.223489 0.063532 Consensus sequence: GGTCACKTGBV Alignment: VBCAYGTGACC -TCACGTGACC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 100 Motif name: Motif 100 Original motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GACAGAGGGTCAGAC Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GTCTGACCCTCTGTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 100 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0729.1 RARA Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 15 0.085635 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.325521 0.001302 0.667969 0.005208 0.933702 0.001842 0.064457 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.001305 0.000000 0.973890 0.024804 0.000000 0.008850 0.001770 0.989381 0.002721 0.961905 0.035374 0.000000 0.992481 0.000000 0.007519 0.000000 0.734637 0.000000 0.039106 0.226257 0.929329 0.000000 0.005300 0.065371 0.983051 0.009416 0.007533 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.998684 0.001316 0.000000 0.000000 0.881871 0.118129 0.005464 0.000000 0.000000 0.994536 0.000000 0.997171 0.000000 0.002829 0.998152 0.000000 0.001848 0.000000 0.685751 0.045802 0.038168 0.230280 0.003584 0.000000 0.408602 0.587814 0.000000 0.207957 0.408680 0.383363 Consensus sequence: GAGGTCAAAAGGTCAAKK Reverse complement motif 0.000000 0.408680 0.207957 0.383363 0.587814 0.000000 0.408602 0.003584 0.230280 0.045802 0.038168 0.685751 0.000000 0.000000 0.001848 0.998152 0.000000 0.000000 0.997171 0.002829 0.994536 0.000000 0.000000 0.005464 0.000000 0.881871 0.000000 0.118129 0.000000 0.998684 0.000000 0.001316 0.000000 0.009416 0.007533 0.983051 0.065371 0.000000 0.005300 0.929329 0.226257 0.000000 0.039106 0.734637 0.000000 0.000000 0.007519 0.992481 0.002721 0.035374 0.961905 0.000000 0.989381 0.008850 0.001770 0.000000 0.001305 0.973890 0.000000 0.024804 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.001842 0.064457 0.933702 0.325521 0.667969 0.001302 0.005208 Consensus sequence: YRTTGACCTTTTGACCTC Alignment: GAGGTCAAAAGGTCAAKK ---GACAGAGGGTCAGAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 101 Motif name: Motif 101 Original motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GCTCCGCCC Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GGGCGGAGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 101 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0685.1 SP4 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 6 9 0.023182 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.138895 0.314247 0.184075 0.362782 0.517012 0.037116 0.015465 0.430407 0.567190 0.031850 0.357548 0.043412 0.163731 0.001046 0.832432 0.002790 0.055237 0.943913 0.000000 0.000850 0.000432 0.969357 0.001079 0.029132 0.751376 0.247874 0.000750 0.000000 0.000429 0.999571 0.000000 0.000000 0.001811 0.002535 0.985696 0.009958 0.000427 0.998720 0.000853 0.000000 0.000633 0.998944 0.000422 0.000000 0.000000 0.984184 0.000633 0.015183 0.423378 0.559135 0.002071 0.015416 0.020632 0.780719 0.003834 0.194815 0.214528 0.168799 0.044035 0.572638 0.137621 0.285174 0.085836 0.491369 0.229582 0.280152 0.132004 0.358262 Consensus sequence: BWRGCCACGCCCMCTYH Reverse complement motif 0.358262 0.280152 0.132004 0.229582 0.491369 0.285174 0.085836 0.137621 0.572638 0.168799 0.044035 0.214528 0.020632 0.003834 0.780719 0.194815 0.423378 0.002071 0.559135 0.015416 0.000000 0.000633 0.984184 0.015183 0.000633 0.000422 0.998944 0.000000 0.000427 0.000853 0.998720 0.000000 0.001811 0.985696 0.002535 0.009958 0.000429 0.000000 0.999571 0.000000 0.000000 0.247874 0.000750 0.751376 0.000432 0.001079 0.969357 0.029132 0.055237 0.000000 0.943913 0.000850 0.163731 0.832432 0.001046 0.002790 0.043412 0.031850 0.357548 0.567190 0.430407 0.037116 0.015465 0.517012 0.362782 0.314247 0.184075 0.138895 Consensus sequence: HMAGRGGGCGTGGCKWV Alignment: BWRGCCACGCCCMCTYH ---GCTCCGCCC----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 102 Motif name: Motif 102 Original motif 0.000296 0.986675 0.000283 0.012746 0.908360 0.000283 0.091061 0.000296 0.075190 0.890025 0.034489 0.000296 0.765810 0.012306 0.221588 0.000296 0.104313 0.884446 0.010945 0.000296 0.799679 0.027660 0.116249 0.056412 0.121477 0.703706 0.000283 0.174534 0.986234 0.000283 0.013187 0.000296 0.000296 0.991748 0.000283 0.007673 0.754153 0.000283 0.169793 0.075771 0.263760 0.735661 0.000283 0.000296 0.847695 0.000283 0.139792 0.012230 0.000296 0.999125 0.000283 0.000296 Consensus sequence: CACACACACACAC Reserve complement motif 0.000296 0.000283 0.999125 0.000296 0.012230 0.000283 0.139792 0.847695 0.263760 0.000283 0.735661 0.000296 0.075771 0.000283 0.169793 0.754153 0.000296 0.000283 0.991748 0.007673 0.000296 0.000283 0.013187 0.986234 0.121477 0.000283 0.703706 0.174534 0.056412 0.027660 0.116249 0.799679 0.104313 0.010945 0.884446 0.000296 0.000296 0.012306 0.221588 0.765810 0.075190 0.034489 0.890025 0.000296 0.000296 0.000283 0.091061 0.908360 0.000296 0.000283 0.986675 0.012746 Consensus sequence: GTGTGTGTGTGTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 102 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0538.1 daf-12 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 1 13 0.042704 Taxon: Nematodes Original motif 0.141026 0.128205 0.724359 0.006410 0.455128 0.000000 0.083333 0.461538 0.211538 0.000000 0.788462 0.000000 0.147436 0.333333 0.038462 0.480769 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.333333 0.000000 0.666667 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.096154 0.160256 0.089744 0.653846 0.000000 0.128205 0.621795 0.250000 0.006410 0.000000 0.000000 0.993590 0.000000 0.006410 0.987179 0.006410 0.000000 0.506410 0.102564 0.391026 0.205128 0.000000 0.538462 0.256410 0.108974 0.128205 0.179487 0.583333 0.108974 0.275641 0.358974 0.256410 Consensus sequence: GWGYGTGTGTGYGTB Reverse complement motif 0.108974 0.358974 0.275641 0.256410 0.583333 0.128205 0.179487 0.108974 0.205128 0.538462 0.000000 0.256410 0.000000 0.102564 0.506410 0.391026 0.000000 0.987179 0.006410 0.006410 0.993590 0.000000 0.000000 0.006410 0.000000 0.621795 0.128205 0.250000 0.653846 0.160256 0.089744 0.096154 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.666667 0.333333 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.480769 0.333333 0.038462 0.147436 0.211538 0.788462 0.000000 0.000000 0.461538 0.000000 0.083333 0.455128 0.141026 0.724359 0.128205 0.006410 Consensus sequence: BACKCACACACMCWC Alignment: BACKCACACACMCWC GTGTGTGTGTGTG-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 103 Motif name: Motif 103 Original motif 0.920402 0.000551 0.047303 0.031744 0.000576 0.998297 0.000551 0.000576 0.016160 0.000551 0.982713 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.016134 0.982739 0.000576 0.935956 0.062892 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.000551 0.998322 0.016160 0.343505 0.000551 0.639784 0.998322 0.000551 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.998297 0.000551 0.000576 0.951570 0.000551 0.047303 0.000576 0.000576 0.016134 0.000551 0.982739 0.000576 0.935959 0.000551 0.062914 0.094084 0.000551 0.904789 0.000576 Consensus sequence: ACGTCTYACATCG Reserve complement motif 0.094084 0.904789 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.935959 0.062914 0.982739 0.016134 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.047303 0.951570 0.000576 0.000551 0.998297 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.000551 0.998322 0.639784 0.343505 0.000551 0.016160 0.998322 0.000551 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.062892 0.935956 0.000576 0.982739 0.000551 0.016134 0.000576 0.016160 0.982713 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.998297 0.000576 0.031744 0.000551 0.047303 0.920402 Consensus sequence: CGATGTMAGACGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 103 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0513.1 SMAD2::SMAD3::SMAD4Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 13 0.094902 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.184650 0.480534 0.186874 0.147942 0.218020 0.083426 0.037820 0.660734 0.015573 0.008899 0.975528 0.000000 0.036707 0.050056 0.114572 0.798665 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.117909 0.256952 0.599555 0.025584 0.234705 0.139043 0.311457 0.314794 0.000000 0.996663 0.003337 0.000000 0.850945 0.021135 0.020022 0.107898 0.033370 0.818687 0.147942 0.000000 0.130145 0.648498 0.052280 0.169077 0.122358 0.238042 0.038932 0.600667 Consensus sequence: VTGTCTGDCACCT Reverse complement motif 0.600667 0.238042 0.038932 0.122358 0.130145 0.052280 0.648498 0.169077 0.033370 0.147942 0.818687 0.000000 0.107898 0.021135 0.020022 0.850945 0.000000 0.003337 0.996663 0.000000 0.314794 0.139043 0.311457 0.234705 0.117909 0.599555 0.256952 0.025584 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.798665 0.050056 0.114572 0.036707 0.015573 0.975528 0.008899 0.000000 0.660734 0.083426 0.037820 0.218020 0.184650 0.186874 0.480534 0.147942 Consensus sequence: AGGTGDCAGACAV Alignment: AGGTGDCAGACAV CGATGTMAGACGT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 104 Motif name: Motif 104 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AATAAGCTAGTT Reserve complement motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AACTAGCTTATT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 104 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0788.1 POU3F3 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 12 0.058382 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.534323 0.069573 0.127087 0.269017 0.352282 0.032826 0.104884 0.510008 0.097139 0.042922 0.048193 0.811747 0.953139 0.009726 0.010610 0.026525 0.021097 0.027848 0.041350 0.909705 0.018395 0.008361 0.901338 0.071906 0.017869 0.687939 0.075303 0.218890 0.467221 0.003693 0.000923 0.528163 0.865863 0.008835 0.061847 0.063454 0.968553 0.005391 0.013477 0.012579 0.045572 0.017197 0.010318 0.926913 0.141509 0.083137 0.139741 0.635613 0.419405 0.066510 0.089984 0.424100 Consensus sequence: WWTATGCWAATTW Reverse complement motif 0.424100 0.066510 0.089984 0.419405 0.635613 0.083137 0.139741 0.141509 0.926913 0.017197 0.010318 0.045572 0.012579 0.005391 0.013477 0.968553 0.063454 0.008835 0.061847 0.865863 0.528163 0.003693 0.000923 0.467221 0.017869 0.075303 0.687939 0.218890 0.018395 0.901338 0.008361 0.071906 0.909705 0.027848 0.041350 0.021097 0.026525 0.009726 0.010610 0.953139 0.811747 0.042922 0.048193 0.097139 0.510008 0.032826 0.104884 0.352282 0.269017 0.069573 0.127087 0.534323 Consensus sequence: WAATTWGCATAWW Alignment: WWTATGCWAATTW AATAAGCTAGTT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 105 Motif name: Motif 105 Original motif 0.000199 0.999412 0.000190 0.000199 0.999421 0.000190 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.000190 0.999412 0.000199 0.999421 0.000190 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.999412 0.000190 0.000199 0.470915 0.000190 0.408044 0.120851 0.999421 0.000190 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.919099 0.000190 0.080512 Consensus sequence: CAGACRAC Reserve complement motif 0.000199 0.000190 0.919099 0.080512 0.000199 0.000190 0.000190 0.999421 0.120851 0.000190 0.408044 0.470915 0.000199 0.000190 0.999412 0.000199 0.000199 0.000190 0.000190 0.999421 0.000199 0.999412 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.000190 0.000190 0.999421 0.000199 0.000190 0.999412 0.000199 Consensus sequence: GTKGTCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 105 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0925.1 sma-4 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 8 0.030707 Taxon: Nematodes Original motif 0.331000 0.223000 0.223000 0.223000 0.273000 0.228000 0.300000 0.199000 0.033000 0.033000 0.033000 0.901000 0.000000 0.000000 0.917000 0.083000 0.083000 0.000000 0.000000 0.917000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.215000 0.000000 0.785000 0.000000 0.027000 0.027000 0.836000 0.110000 0.360000 0.242000 0.256000 0.142000 0.217000 0.349000 0.217000 0.217000 Consensus sequence: DVTGTCTGGVB Reverse complement motif 0.217000 0.217000 0.349000 0.217000 0.142000 0.242000 0.256000 0.360000 0.027000 0.836000 0.027000 0.110000 0.215000 0.785000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.917000 0.000000 0.000000 0.083000 0.000000 0.917000 0.000000 0.083000 0.901000 0.033000 0.033000 0.033000 0.273000 0.300000 0.228000 0.199000 0.223000 0.223000 0.223000 0.331000 Consensus sequence: BBCCAGACAVB Alignment: DVTGTCTGGVB ---CAGACRAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 106 Motif name: Motif 106 Original motif 0.868968 0.000271 0.092181 0.038580 0.000283 0.153455 0.015589 0.830673 0.011117 0.000271 0.789189 0.199423 0.669827 0.000271 0.237708 0.092194 0.000283 0.030908 0.015589 0.953220 0.064732 0.015589 0.789187 0.130492 0.976198 0.023248 0.000271 0.000283 0.069216 0.015589 0.099841 0.815354 0.007942 0.023248 0.914912 0.053898 0.953220 0.000271 0.015589 0.030920 0.000283 0.253027 0.030908 0.715782 0.000283 0.000271 0.876615 0.122831 0.999175 0.000271 0.000271 0.000283 0.122830 0.344938 0.053886 0.478346 0.378763 0.053885 0.452181 0.115172 Consensus sequence: ATGATGATGATGAYR Reserve complement motif 0.378763 0.452181 0.053885 0.115172 0.478346 0.344938 0.053886 0.122830 0.000283 0.000271 0.000271 0.999175 0.000283 0.876615 0.000271 0.122831 0.715782 0.253027 0.030908 0.000283 0.030920 0.000271 0.015589 0.953220 0.007942 0.914912 0.023248 0.053898 0.815354 0.015589 0.099841 0.069216 0.000283 0.023248 0.000271 0.976198 0.064732 0.789187 0.015589 0.130492 0.953220 0.030908 0.015589 0.000283 0.092194 0.000271 0.237708 0.669827 0.011117 0.789189 0.000271 0.199423 0.830673 0.153455 0.015589 0.000283 0.038580 0.000271 0.092181 0.868968 Consensus sequence: MMTCATCATCATCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 106 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0547.1 skn-1 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 15 0.054589 Taxon: Nematodes Original motif 0.597484 0.135220 0.194969 0.072327 0.745283 0.037736 0.122642 0.094340 0.657233 0.075472 0.172956 0.094340 0.842767 0.000000 0.050314 0.106918 0.100629 0.113208 0.081761 0.704403 0.000000 0.053459 0.946541 0.000000 0.833333 0.110063 0.015723 0.040881 0.062893 0.000000 0.000000 0.937107 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.097484 0.562893 0.069182 0.270440 0.783019 0.000000 0.088050 0.128931 0.754717 0.000000 0.000000 0.245283 0.437107 0.050314 0.066038 0.446541 0.289308 0.116352 0.166667 0.427673 Consensus sequence: AAAATGATGACAAWD Reverse complement motif 0.427673 0.116352 0.166667 0.289308 0.446541 0.050314 0.066038 0.437107 0.245283 0.000000 0.000000 0.754717 0.128931 0.000000 0.088050 0.783019 0.097484 0.069182 0.562893 0.270440 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.937107 0.000000 0.000000 0.062893 0.040881 0.110063 0.015723 0.833333 0.000000 0.946541 0.053459 0.000000 0.704403 0.113208 0.081761 0.100629 0.106918 0.000000 0.050314 0.842767 0.094340 0.075472 0.172956 0.657233 0.094340 0.037736 0.122642 0.745283 0.072327 0.135220 0.194969 0.597484 Consensus sequence: DWTTGTCATCATTTT Alignment: AAAATGATGACAAWD ATGATGATGATGAYR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 107 Motif name: Motif 107 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: ACAGGTGCA Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: TGCACCTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 107 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0824.1 ID4 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 2 9 0.040102 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.207333 0.189333 0.250667 0.352667 0.498473 0.056811 0.417838 0.026878 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.996678 0.000000 0.003322 0.000000 0.000000 0.923077 0.076923 0.000000 0.015753 0.945180 0.035287 0.003781 0.046408 0.000000 0.000000 0.953592 0.032136 0.022684 0.945180 0.000000 0.040694 0.337558 0.209473 0.412275 0.216144 0.403602 0.157438 0.222815 Consensus sequence: DRCACCTGBH Reverse complement motif 0.216144 0.157438 0.403602 0.222815 0.412275 0.337558 0.209473 0.040694 0.032136 0.945180 0.022684 0.000000 0.953592 0.000000 0.000000 0.046408 0.015753 0.035287 0.945180 0.003781 0.000000 0.076923 0.923077 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.003322 0.996678 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.026878 0.056811 0.417838 0.498473 0.352667 0.189333 0.250667 0.207333 Consensus sequence: DVCAGGTGKD Alignment: DRCACCTGBH TGCACCTGT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 108 Motif name: Motif 108 Original motif 0.000757 0.000724 0.997762 0.000757 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.997762 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.959597 0.000724 0.038922 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.997762 0.000724 0.000757 0.667588 0.000724 0.330931 0.000757 Consensus sequence: GACCAATCA Reserve complement motif 0.000757 0.000724 0.330931 0.667588 0.000757 0.000724 0.997762 0.000757 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.000724 0.959597 0.038922 0.000757 0.000724 0.997762 0.000757 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.997762 0.000724 0.000757 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 108 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0060.2 NFYA Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 3 9 0.018013 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.536953 0.172787 0.112112 0.178148 0.135379 0.112568 0.522354 0.229699 0.404653 0.257299 0.247263 0.090785 0.137203 0.339074 0.453695 0.070027 0.208257 0.267336 0.035698 0.488709 0.021898 0.095119 0.546077 0.336907 0.027030 0.842153 0.054859 0.075958 0.001825 0.113253 0.027600 0.857322 0.025319 0.116104 0.819001 0.039576 0.975707 0.000228 0.017108 0.006957 0.000570 0.005931 0.000912 0.992587 0.001141 0.000570 0.000570 0.997719 0.003307 0.001141 0.994526 0.001026 0.001369 0.007984 0.990306 0.000342 0.042997 0.305315 0.001711 0.649977 0.052464 0.449703 0.213618 0.284215 0.175297 0.476277 0.253992 0.094434 0.485972 0.129562 0.308736 0.075730 Consensus sequence: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR Reverse complement motif 0.075730 0.129562 0.308736 0.485972 0.175297 0.253992 0.476277 0.094434 0.052464 0.213618 0.449703 0.284215 0.649977 0.305315 0.001711 0.042997 0.001369 0.990306 0.007984 0.000342 0.003307 0.994526 0.001141 0.001026 0.997719 0.000570 0.000570 0.001141 0.992587 0.005931 0.000912 0.000570 0.006957 0.000228 0.017108 0.975707 0.025319 0.819001 0.116104 0.039576 0.857322 0.113253 0.027600 0.001825 0.027030 0.054859 0.842153 0.075958 0.021898 0.546077 0.095119 0.336907 0.488709 0.267336 0.035698 0.208257 0.137203 0.453695 0.339074 0.070027 0.090785 0.257299 0.247263 0.404653 0.135379 0.522354 0.112568 0.229699 0.178148 0.172787 0.112112 0.536953 Consensus sequence: KVBACCAATCAGYMSBCT Alignment: AGVSYKCTGATTGGTBVR -------TGATTGGTC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 109 Motif name: Motif 109 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 Consensus sequence: AGCTGTTTTGG Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: CCAAAACAGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 109 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0073.1 RREB1 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 3 11 0.075839 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.272727 0.727273 0.000000 0.000000 0.090909 0.909091 0.000000 0.000000 0.272727 0.727273 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.636364 0.363636 0.000000 0.000000 0.818182 0.181818 0.000000 0.000000 0.727273 0.272727 0.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.545455 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.636364 0.000000 0.000000 0.090909 0.909091 0.000000 0.000000 0.272727 0.727273 0.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.545455 0.090909 0.000000 0.181818 0.818182 0.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.454545 0.000000 0.181818 0.363636 0.454545 0.090909 0.090909 0.363636 0.545455 0.000000 0.090909 0.090909 0.636364 0.272727 0.000000 0.363636 0.363636 0.181818 0.090909 Consensus sequence: CCCCMAAMCAMCCMCMMMCV Reverse complement motif 0.090909 0.363636 0.181818 0.363636 0.090909 0.272727 0.636364 0.000000 0.363636 0.000000 0.545455 0.090909 0.363636 0.090909 0.454545 0.090909 0.363636 0.000000 0.454545 0.181818 0.181818 0.000000 0.818182 0.000000 0.363636 0.090909 0.545455 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 0.727273 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 0.909091 0.000000 0.363636 0.000000 0.636364 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.363636 0.000000 0.545455 0.090909 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 0.727273 0.000000 0.181818 0.000000 0.818182 0.000000 0.363636 0.000000 0.636364 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 0.727273 0.000000 0.090909 0.000000 0.909091 0.000000 0.272727 0.000000 0.727273 0.000000 Consensus sequence: BGRRRGRGGRTGRTTYGGGG Alignment: CCCCMAAMCAMCCMCMMMCV --CCAAAACAGCT------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 110 Motif name: Motif 110 Original motif 0.140933 0.787464 0.025762 0.045841 0.859932 0.082981 0.000919 0.056168 0.000420 0.000401 0.919979 0.079200 0.000420 0.998759 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.991875 0.007285 0.000420 0.965961 0.000401 0.002291 0.031347 0.998778 0.000401 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.000401 0.998778 0.011734 0.950590 0.000401 0.037275 0.834598 0.135241 0.029741 0.000420 Consensus sequence: CAGCCAATCA Reserve complement motif 0.000420 0.135241 0.029741 0.834598 0.011734 0.000401 0.950590 0.037275 0.998778 0.000401 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.000401 0.998778 0.031347 0.000401 0.002291 0.965961 0.000420 0.007285 0.991875 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.998759 0.000420 0.000420 0.919979 0.000401 0.079200 0.056168 0.082981 0.000919 0.859932 0.140933 0.025762 0.787464 0.045841 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 110 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0314.1 HAP3 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 3 10 0.017911 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.000000 0.182203 0.189619 0.628178 0.120600 0.676010 0.097132 0.106258 0.000000 0.162324 0.000000 0.837676 0.033198 0.303862 0.498984 0.163957 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.488610 0.000000 0.511390 0.033117 0.399112 0.138272 0.429498 0.259295 0.376603 0.332692 0.031410 0.489262 0.088926 0.308054 0.113758 0.357213 0.087414 0.443970 0.111403 0.503021 0.191415 0.094118 0.211447 Consensus sequence: TCTSATTGGYYVRRA Reverse complement motif 0.211447 0.191415 0.094118 0.503021 0.357213 0.443970 0.087414 0.111403 0.113758 0.088926 0.308054 0.489262 0.259295 0.332692 0.376603 0.031410 0.429498 0.399112 0.138272 0.033117 0.511390 0.488610 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.033198 0.498984 0.303862 0.163957 0.837676 0.162324 0.000000 0.000000 0.120600 0.097132 0.676010 0.106258 0.628178 0.182203 0.189619 0.000000 Consensus sequence: TMKVMMCCAATSAGA Alignment: TCTSATTGGYYVRRA --TGATTGGCTG--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 111 Motif name: Motif 111 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: ATGCAAAT Reserve complement motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: ATTTGCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 111 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0507.1 POU2F2 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 4 8 0.007436 Taxon: Vertebrates Original motif 0.181460 0.277656 0.175776 0.365107 0.231745 0.116310 0.259292 0.392654 0.264539 0.360735 0.181460 0.193266 0.881504 0.008308 0.000437 0.109751 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.111937 0.000875 0.000000 0.887188 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.069086 0.000000 0.873196 0.057718 0.000000 0.993004 0.000000 0.006996 0.986882 0.013118 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000875 0.000000 0.999125 0.506777 0.017053 0.268037 0.208133 0.259729 0.157849 0.046786 0.535636 Consensus sequence: HDHATTTGCATRT Reverse complement motif 0.535636 0.157849 0.046786 0.259729 0.208133 0.017053 0.268037 0.506777 0.999125 0.000875 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.013118 0.000000 0.986882 0.000000 0.000000 0.993004 0.006996 0.069086 0.873196 0.000000 0.057718 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.887188 0.000875 0.000000 0.111937 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.109751 0.008308 0.000437 0.881504 0.264539 0.181460 0.360735 0.193266 0.392654 0.116310 0.259292 0.231745 0.365107 0.277656 0.175776 0.181460 Consensus sequence: AKATGCAAATDDH Alignment: AKATGCAAATDDH --ATGCAAAT--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 112 Motif name: Motif 112 Original motif 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.078917 0.000691 0.039791 0.880601 0.685088 0.313499 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.000691 0.958766 0.000722 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.958799 0.039788 0.000691 0.000722 0.020271 0.000691 0.958767 0.020271 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.606892 0.000691 0.039788 0.352629 0.000722 0.020239 0.000691 0.978348 0.039820 0.509008 0.000691 0.450481 0.098467 0.020239 0.880572 0.000722 0.000722 0.020239 0.978317 0.000722 0.000722 0.939219 0.020239 0.039820 Consensus sequence: ATAGTAGAAWTYGGC Reserve complement motif 0.000722 0.020239 0.939219 0.039820 0.000722 0.978317 0.020239 0.000722 0.098467 0.880572 0.020239 0.000722 0.039820 0.000691 0.509008 0.450481 0.978348 0.020239 0.000691 0.000722 0.352629 0.000691 0.039788 0.606892 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.020271 0.958767 0.000691 0.020271 0.000722 0.039788 0.000691 0.958799 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.958766 0.000691 0.000722 0.000722 0.313499 0.000691 0.685088 0.880601 0.000691 0.039791 0.078917 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 Consensus sequence: GCCKAWTTCTACTAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 112 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0377.1 SFL1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 7 15 0.086014 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.272272 0.183183 0.130130 0.414414 0.368737 0.262525 0.124248 0.244489 0.281563 0.244489 0.332665 0.141283 0.382382 0.256256 0.117117 0.244244 0.314629 0.098196 0.349699 0.237475 0.368368 0.221221 0.198198 0.212212 0.727728 0.030030 0.124124 0.118118 0.127127 0.178178 0.108108 0.586587 0.506507 0.261261 0.226226 0.006006 0.018036 0.010020 0.961924 0.010020 0.957916 0.016032 0.005010 0.021042 0.960922 0.009018 0.021042 0.009018 0.022044 0.047094 0.807615 0.123246 0.616617 0.129129 0.218218 0.036036 0.597194 0.134269 0.036072 0.232465 0.536072 0.221443 0.048096 0.194389 0.256513 0.156313 0.146293 0.440882 0.492986 0.096192 0.217435 0.193387 0.431864 0.067134 0.099198 0.401804 0.369739 0.123246 0.146293 0.360721 0.410231 0.121364 0.072217 0.396189 Consensus sequence: HHVHDHATMGAAGAAAHDWDW Reverse complement motif 0.396189 0.121364 0.072217 0.410231 0.360721 0.123246 0.146293 0.369739 0.401804 0.067134 0.099198 0.431864 0.193387 0.096192 0.217435 0.492986 0.440882 0.156313 0.146293 0.256513 0.194389 0.221443 0.048096 0.536072 0.232465 0.134269 0.036072 0.597194 0.036036 0.129129 0.218218 0.616617 0.022044 0.807615 0.047094 0.123246 0.009018 0.009018 0.021042 0.960922 0.021042 0.016032 0.005010 0.957916 0.018036 0.961924 0.010020 0.010020 0.006006 0.261261 0.226226 0.506507 0.586587 0.178178 0.108108 0.127127 0.118118 0.030030 0.124124 0.727728 0.212212 0.221221 0.198198 0.368368 0.314629 0.349699 0.098196 0.237475 0.244244 0.256256 0.117117 0.382382 0.281563 0.332665 0.244489 0.141283 0.244489 0.262525 0.124248 0.368737 0.414414 0.183183 0.130130 0.272272 Consensus sequence: WDWDHTTTCTTCYATHHHVHH Alignment: WDWDHTTTCTTCYATHHHVHH GCCKAWTTCTACTAT------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 113 Motif name: Motif 113 Original motif 0.249579 0.178396 0.130910 0.441115 0.402694 0.223106 0.374016 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.374016 0.223106 0.402694 0.441115 0.130910 0.178396 0.249579 Consensus sequence: HRCTGCAGYD Reserve complement motif 0.249579 0.130910 0.178396 0.441115 0.402694 0.374016 0.223106 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.223106 0.374016 0.402694 0.441115 0.178396 0.130910 0.249579 Consensus sequence: DMCTGCAGKH ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 113 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0355.1 PHD1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 10 0.005873 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.360000 0.270000 0.190000 0.180000 0.090909 0.434343 0.393939 0.080808 0.373737 0.444444 0.151515 0.030303 0.000000 0.101010 0.000000 0.898990 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.990000 0.000000 0.010000 0.910000 0.010000 0.070000 0.010000 0.080000 0.220000 0.360000 0.340000 0.220000 0.420000 0.220000 0.140000 0.320000 0.280000 0.210000 0.190000 Consensus sequence: VSMTGCABVV Reverse complement motif 0.190000 0.280000 0.210000 0.320000 0.220000 0.220000 0.420000 0.140000 0.080000 0.360000 0.220000 0.340000 0.010000 0.010000 0.070000 0.910000 0.000000 0.000000 0.990000 0.010000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.898990 0.101010 0.000000 0.000000 0.373737 0.151515 0.444444 0.030303 0.090909 0.393939 0.434343 0.080808 0.180000 0.270000 0.190000 0.360000 Consensus sequence: BVBTGCARSB Alignment: BVBTGCARSB HRCTGCAGYD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 114 Motif name: Motif 114 Original motif 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.036008 0.000625 0.018301 0.945066 0.000653 0.000625 0.990742 0.007980 0.018330 0.000625 0.000625 0.980420 0.230489 0.000625 0.000625 0.768261 0.000653 0.000625 0.000625 0.998097 0.838999 0.071335 0.035979 0.053687 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.821299 0.018301 0.142070 0.018330 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.089048 0.000625 0.909674 0.000653 0.000653 0.945035 0.000625 0.053687 Consensus sequence: ACTGTTTACAAGC Reserve complement motif 0.000653 0.000625 0.945035 0.053687 0.089048 0.909674 0.000625 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 0.018330 0.018301 0.142070 0.821299 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.053687 0.071335 0.035979 0.838999 0.998097 0.000625 0.000625 0.000653 0.768261 0.000625 0.000625 0.230489 0.980420 0.000625 0.000625 0.018330 0.000653 0.990742 0.000625 0.007980 0.945066 0.000625 0.018301 0.036008 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 Consensus sequence: GCTTGTAAACAGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 114 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score MA0296.1 FKH1 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 3 13 0.070995 Taxon: Fungi Original motif 0.177533 0.287864 0.207623 0.326981 0.247495 0.192385 0.334669 0.225451 0.520521 0.084084 0.098098 0.297297 0.527054 0.076152 0.129259 0.267535 0.365365 0.073073 0.150150 0.411411 0.119238 0.146293 0.133267 0.601202 0.146293 0.004008 0.848697 0.001002 0.007021 0.003009 0.000000 0.989970 0.961886 0.037111 0.000000 0.001003 0.978958 0.011022 0.001002 0.009018 0.991984 0.001002 0.002004 0.005010 0.001002 0.926854 0.001002 0.071142 0.991984 0.001002 0.003006 0.004008 0.875752 0.039078 0.016032 0.069138 0.672345 0.049098 0.070140 0.208417 0.248497 0.191383 0.407816 0.152305 0.374749 0.158317 0.296593 0.170341 0.284569 0.184369 0.330661 0.200401 0.205411 0.116232 0.452906 0.225451 0.421844 0.192385 0.248497 0.137275 Consensus sequence: BDWWWTGTAAACAAAVDDDV Reverse complement motif 0.137275 0.192385 0.248497 0.421844 0.205411 0.452906 0.116232 0.225451 0.284569 0.330661 0.184369 0.200401 0.170341 0.158317 0.296593 0.374749 0.248497 0.407816 0.191383 0.152305 0.208417 0.049098 0.070140 0.672345 0.069138 0.039078 0.016032 0.875752 0.004008 0.001002 0.003006 0.991984 0.001002 0.001002 0.926854 0.071142 0.005010 0.001002 0.002004 0.991984 0.009018 0.011022 0.001002 0.978958 0.001003 0.037111 0.000000 0.961886 0.989970 0.003009 0.000000 0.007021 0.146293 0.848697 0.004008 0.001002 0.601202 0.146293 0.133267 0.119238 0.411411 0.073073 0.150150 0.365365 0.267535 0.076152 0.129259 0.527054 0.297297 0.084084 0.098098 0.520521 0.247495 0.334669 0.192385 0.225451 0.326981 0.287864 0.207623 0.177533 Consensus sequence: BHHDVTTTGTTTACAWWWHV Alignment: BHHDVTTTGTTTACAWWWHV -----ACTGTTTACAAGC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results created by MOTIFSIM on 11-21-2023 16:21:43 Runtime: 3497.056160 seconds MOTIFSIM is written by Ngoc Tam L. Tran