**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** MOTIFSIM - Motif Similarity Detection Tool Version 2.2 **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** INPUT **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Input Parameters Number of files: 4 Number of top significant motifs: 1 Number of best matches: 1 Similarity cutoff: >= 0.5 Matching motif database: Jaspar Core Motif tree: Yes Combined similar motifs: No Output file type: All Output file format: All Input files and motif counts File name Count of motifs Dataset # U20231121_R_11-21-23_5786_InsertFile1.txt 68 1 U20231121_R_11-21-23_5786_InsertFile2.txt 45 2 U20231121_R_11-21-23_5786_InsertFile3.txt 57 3 U20231121_R_11-21-23_5786_InsertFile4.txt 57 4 **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** RESULTS **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************** Top 1 Significant Motifs - Global Matching (Highest to Lowest) ****************************************************************** Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 2 Motif name: Motif 2 Original motif 0.059438 0.585946 0.091172 0.263444 0.624536 0.064511 0.301494 0.009459 0.345785 0.005464 0.568599 0.080152 0.000040 0.996623 0.000036 0.003301 0.000040 0.999884 0.000036 0.000040 0.989422 0.000036 0.000036 0.010506 0.999888 0.000036 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.026310 0.000036 0.973614 0.033555 0.872012 0.084401 0.010032 0.905954 0.016751 0.077255 0.000040 0.128196 0.173103 0.666947 0.031754 0.661210 0.199354 0.099767 0.039669 Consensus sequence: CARCCAATCAGA Reverse complement motif 0.039669 0.199354 0.099767 0.661210 0.128196 0.666947 0.173103 0.031754 0.000040 0.016751 0.077255 0.905954 0.033555 0.084401 0.872012 0.010032 0.973614 0.026310 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.000036 0.999888 0.010506 0.000036 0.000036 0.989422 0.000040 0.000036 0.999884 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.996623 0.003301 0.345785 0.568599 0.005464 0.080152 0.009459 0.064511 0.301494 0.624536 0.059438 0.091172 0.585946 0.263444 Consensus sequence: TCTGATTGGMTG *************************************************************** Best Matches for Top Significant Motif ID 2 (Highest to Lowest) *************************************************************** Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 114 Motif 114 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 12 0.000000 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reverse complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM Alignment: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV -CARCCAATCAGA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************** Significant Motifs - Global and Local Matching (Highest to Lowest) **************************************************************** Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 2 Motif name: Motif 2 Original motif 0.059438 0.585946 0.091172 0.263444 0.624536 0.064511 0.301494 0.009459 0.345785 0.005464 0.568599 0.080152 0.000040 0.996623 0.000036 0.003301 0.000040 0.999884 0.000036 0.000040 0.989422 0.000036 0.000036 0.010506 0.999888 0.000036 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.026310 0.000036 0.973614 0.033555 0.872012 0.084401 0.010032 0.905954 0.016751 0.077255 0.000040 0.128196 0.173103 0.666947 0.031754 0.661210 0.199354 0.099767 0.039669 Consensus sequence: CARCCAATCAGA Reverse complement motif 0.039669 0.199354 0.099767 0.661210 0.128196 0.666947 0.173103 0.031754 0.000040 0.016751 0.077255 0.905954 0.033555 0.084401 0.872012 0.010032 0.973614 0.026310 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.000036 0.999888 0.010506 0.000036 0.000036 0.989422 0.000040 0.000036 0.999884 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.996623 0.003301 0.345785 0.568599 0.005464 0.080152 0.009459 0.064511 0.301494 0.624536 0.059438 0.091172 0.585946 0.263444 Consensus sequence: TCTGATTGGMTG ******************************************************************* Best Matches for Significant Motif ID 2 (Highest to Lowest) ******************************************************************* Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 114 Motif 114 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 12 0.000000 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reverse complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM Alignment: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV -CARCCAATCAGA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************** Best Matches for Each Motif (Highest to Lowest) ***************************************************************************** Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 1 Motif name: Motif 1 Original motif 0.968740 0.000040 0.004511 0.026709 0.013922 0.977456 0.002402 0.006220 0.966168 0.006638 0.025047 0.002147 0.067219 0.903090 0.000040 0.029651 0.961372 0.021134 0.007929 0.009565 0.020212 0.973719 0.006024 0.000045 0.943908 0.005041 0.022813 0.028238 0.060825 0.882025 0.000040 0.057110 0.945290 0.000716 0.053949 0.000045 0.004759 0.900920 0.000040 0.094281 0.982955 0.004217 0.000788 0.012040 0.049706 0.873612 0.019164 0.057518 0.969511 0.000040 0.030404 0.000045 0.000045 0.999870 0.000040 0.000045 Consensus sequence: ACACACACACACAC Reserve complement motif 0.000045 0.000040 0.999870 0.000045 0.000045 0.000040 0.030404 0.969511 0.049706 0.019164 0.873612 0.057518 0.012040 0.004217 0.000788 0.982955 0.004759 0.000040 0.900920 0.094281 0.000045 0.000716 0.053949 0.945290 0.060825 0.000040 0.882025 0.057110 0.028238 0.005041 0.022813 0.943908 0.020212 0.006024 0.973719 0.000045 0.009565 0.021134 0.007929 0.961372 0.067219 0.000040 0.903090 0.029651 0.002147 0.006638 0.025047 0.966168 0.013922 0.002402 0.977456 0.006220 0.026709 0.000040 0.004511 0.968740 Consensus sequence: GTGTGTGTGTGTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 1 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 63 Motif 63 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 14 0.054429 Original motif 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.931207 0.022898 0.022898 0.022997 0.000852 0.953254 0.000753 0.045141 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.000852 0.798180 0.000753 0.200215 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 0.022997 0.975398 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.022997 0.067192 0.000753 0.909058 0.886908 0.000753 0.089342 0.022997 0.022997 0.931108 0.022898 0.022997 0.953352 0.022898 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 Consensus sequence: AAACACCCATACAC Reverse complement motif 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.022997 0.022898 0.000753 0.953352 0.022997 0.022898 0.931108 0.022997 0.022997 0.000753 0.089342 0.886908 0.909058 0.067192 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.022997 0.000753 0.975398 0.000852 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.798180 0.200215 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.953254 0.045141 0.022997 0.022898 0.022898 0.931207 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 Consensus sequence: GTGTATGGGTGTTT Alignment: AAACACCCATACAC ACACACACACACAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 105 Motif 105 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 14 0.081690 Original motif 0.957561 0.014109 0.027780 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.068908 0.000437 0.930105 0.000550 0.971233 0.000437 0.027780 0.000550 0.000550 0.984792 0.000437 0.014221 0.984905 0.000437 0.000437 0.014221 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.014221 0.041452 0.000437 0.943890 0.971232 0.014109 0.014109 0.000550 0.000550 0.930105 0.014109 0.055236 0.027893 0.000437 0.957449 0.014221 0.000550 0.957448 0.014109 0.027893 0.000550 0.971120 0.000437 0.027893 Consensus sequence: AAGGACACATACGCC Reverse complement motif 0.000550 0.000437 0.971120 0.027893 0.000550 0.014109 0.957448 0.027893 0.027893 0.957449 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.014109 0.930105 0.055236 0.000550 0.014109 0.014109 0.971232 0.943890 0.041452 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.014221 0.000437 0.000437 0.984905 0.000550 0.000437 0.984792 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.027780 0.971233 0.068908 0.930105 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.000550 0.014109 0.027780 0.957561 Consensus sequence: GGCGTATGTGTCCTT Alignment: AAGGACACATACGCC ACACACACACACAC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 2 Motif name: Motif 2 Original motif 0.059438 0.585946 0.091172 0.263444 0.624536 0.064511 0.301494 0.009459 0.345785 0.005464 0.568599 0.080152 0.000040 0.996623 0.000036 0.003301 0.000040 0.999884 0.000036 0.000040 0.989422 0.000036 0.000036 0.010506 0.999888 0.000036 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.026310 0.000036 0.973614 0.033555 0.872012 0.084401 0.010032 0.905954 0.016751 0.077255 0.000040 0.128196 0.173103 0.666947 0.031754 0.661210 0.199354 0.099767 0.039669 Consensus sequence: CARCCAATCAGA Reserve complement motif 0.039669 0.199354 0.099767 0.661210 0.128196 0.666947 0.173103 0.031754 0.000040 0.016751 0.077255 0.905954 0.033555 0.084401 0.872012 0.010032 0.973614 0.026310 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.000036 0.999888 0.010506 0.000036 0.000036 0.989422 0.000040 0.000036 0.999884 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.996623 0.003301 0.345785 0.568599 0.005464 0.080152 0.009459 0.064511 0.301494 0.624536 0.059438 0.091172 0.585946 0.263444 Consensus sequence: TCTGATTGGMTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 2 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 114 Motif 114 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 12 0.000000 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reverse complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM Alignment: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV -CARCCAATCAGA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 3 Motif name: Motif 3 Original motif 0.103640 0.791515 0.051504 0.053341 0.000037 0.997954 0.001002 0.001007 0.806623 0.019826 0.069272 0.104279 0.092159 0.368226 0.514938 0.024677 0.064048 0.648954 0.002942 0.284056 0.991171 0.000033 0.001002 0.007794 0.011103 0.000033 0.985918 0.002946 0.521864 0.000033 0.478066 0.000037 0.013228 0.024101 0.664849 0.297822 0.021535 0.002942 0.971608 0.003915 0.026493 0.072282 0.742530 0.158695 0.088410 0.733316 0.045068 0.133206 0.409264 0.056451 0.500067 0.034218 Consensus sequence: CCASCAGRGGGCR Reserve complement motif 0.409264 0.500067 0.056451 0.034218 0.088410 0.045068 0.733316 0.133206 0.026493 0.742530 0.072282 0.158695 0.021535 0.971608 0.002942 0.003915 0.013228 0.664849 0.024101 0.297822 0.000037 0.000033 0.478066 0.521864 0.011103 0.985918 0.000033 0.002946 0.007794 0.000033 0.001002 0.991171 0.064048 0.002942 0.648954 0.284056 0.092159 0.514938 0.368226 0.024677 0.104279 0.019826 0.069272 0.806623 0.000037 0.001002 0.997954 0.001007 0.103640 0.051504 0.791515 0.053341 Consensus sequence: MGCCCKCTGSTGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 3 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 53 Motif 53 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 13 0.066533 Original motif 0.914196 0.032902 0.036276 0.016626 0.000314 0.917532 0.008434 0.073720 0.917569 0.008434 0.057371 0.016626 0.024782 0.000277 0.974627 0.000314 0.958351 0.000277 0.024746 0.016626 0.016627 0.909375 0.024746 0.049252 0.000314 0.958313 0.000277 0.041096 0.620505 0.008434 0.370747 0.000314 0.008470 0.942002 0.024746 0.024782 0.974663 0.008434 0.000277 0.016626 0.081876 0.000277 0.893065 0.024782 0.000314 0.024746 0.966470 0.008470 0.024782 0.016590 0.000277 0.958351 0.024783 0.000277 0.024746 0.950194 0.077100 0.016590 0.897840 0.008470 Consensus sequence: ACAGACCRCAGGTTG Reverse complement motif 0.077100 0.897840 0.016590 0.008470 0.950194 0.000277 0.024746 0.024783 0.958351 0.016590 0.000277 0.024782 0.000314 0.966470 0.024746 0.008470 0.081876 0.893065 0.000277 0.024782 0.016626 0.008434 0.000277 0.974663 0.008470 0.024746 0.942002 0.024782 0.000314 0.008434 0.370747 0.620505 0.000314 0.000277 0.958313 0.041096 0.016627 0.024746 0.909375 0.049252 0.016626 0.000277 0.024746 0.958351 0.024782 0.974627 0.000277 0.000314 0.016626 0.008434 0.057371 0.917569 0.000314 0.008434 0.917532 0.073720 0.016626 0.032902 0.036276 0.914196 Consensus sequence: CAACCTGKGGTCTGT Alignment: ACAGACCRCAGGTTG --MGCCCKCTGSTGG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 4 Motif name: Motif 4 Original motif 0.716897 0.100061 0.030683 0.152359 0.019849 0.019323 0.960807 0.000021 0.101641 0.140252 0.612113 0.145994 0.519100 0.057831 0.381477 0.041592 0.026583 0.041829 0.926716 0.004872 0.008091 0.000018 0.979445 0.012446 0.520889 0.229595 0.105608 0.143908 0.040214 0.081078 0.878687 0.000021 0.044363 0.000018 0.953611 0.002008 0.466635 0.192578 0.322417 0.018370 0.066040 0.001669 0.919949 0.012342 Consensus sequence: AGGRGGAGGRG Reserve complement motif 0.066040 0.919949 0.001669 0.012342 0.018370 0.192578 0.322417 0.466635 0.044363 0.953611 0.000018 0.002008 0.040214 0.878687 0.081078 0.000021 0.143908 0.229595 0.105608 0.520889 0.008091 0.979445 0.000018 0.012446 0.026583 0.926716 0.041829 0.004872 0.041592 0.057831 0.381477 0.519100 0.101641 0.612113 0.140252 0.145994 0.019849 0.960807 0.019323 0.000021 0.152359 0.100061 0.030683 0.716897 Consensus sequence: CKCCTCCKCCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 4 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 118 Motif 118 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 11 0.038779 Original motif 0.018027 0.948244 0.030758 0.002971 0.003490 0.974176 0.000967 0.021367 0.025298 0.971351 0.001513 0.001838 0.000050 0.998168 0.001732 0.000050 0.050443 0.067747 0.189964 0.691846 0.005797 0.994106 0.000047 0.000050 0.000050 0.996131 0.000825 0.002994 0.015371 0.933319 0.003112 0.048198 0.189734 0.735530 0.013820 0.060916 0.176968 0.648148 0.052400 0.122484 0.161842 0.423218 0.074422 0.340518 Consensus sequence: CCCCTCCCCCY Reverse complement motif 0.161842 0.074422 0.423218 0.340518 0.176968 0.052400 0.648148 0.122484 0.189734 0.013820 0.735530 0.060916 0.015371 0.003112 0.933319 0.048198 0.000050 0.000825 0.996131 0.002994 0.005797 0.000047 0.994106 0.000050 0.691846 0.067747 0.189964 0.050443 0.000050 0.001732 0.998168 0.000050 0.025298 0.001513 0.971351 0.001838 0.003490 0.000967 0.974176 0.021367 0.018027 0.030758 0.948244 0.002971 Consensus sequence: KGGGGGAGGGG Alignment: KGGGGGAGGGG AGGRGGAGGRG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 5 Motif name: Motif 5 Original motif 0.908345 0.000039 0.089165 0.002451 0.012522 0.000039 0.981729 0.005710 0.936094 0.014772 0.040686 0.008448 0.215119 0.100667 0.637976 0.046238 0.906618 0.014771 0.075167 0.003444 0.086089 0.001858 0.912009 0.000044 0.950581 0.018168 0.008091 0.023160 0.098147 0.098589 0.772398 0.030866 0.853933 0.002989 0.140102 0.002976 0.125435 0.021870 0.852651 0.000044 0.867090 0.059275 0.054990 0.018645 0.111169 0.068610 0.793337 0.026884 0.886251 0.034803 0.053951 0.024995 0.092887 0.009349 0.893656 0.004108 0.845618 0.006360 0.104467 0.043555 Consensus sequence: AGAGAGAGAGAGAGA Reserve complement motif 0.043555 0.006360 0.104467 0.845618 0.092887 0.893656 0.009349 0.004108 0.024995 0.034803 0.053951 0.886251 0.111169 0.793337 0.068610 0.026884 0.018645 0.059275 0.054990 0.867090 0.125435 0.852651 0.021870 0.000044 0.002976 0.002989 0.140102 0.853933 0.098147 0.772398 0.098589 0.030866 0.023160 0.018168 0.008091 0.950581 0.086089 0.912009 0.001858 0.000044 0.003444 0.014771 0.075167 0.906618 0.215119 0.637976 0.100667 0.046238 0.008448 0.014772 0.040686 0.936094 0.012522 0.981729 0.000039 0.005710 0.002451 0.000039 0.089165 0.908345 Consensus sequence: TCTCTCTCTCTCTCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 5 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 174 Motif 174 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 15 0.091488 Original motif 0.266991 0.010473 0.712690 0.009846 0.981269 0.000014 0.018699 0.000018 0.916033 0.017174 0.060521 0.006272 0.236348 0.021194 0.726173 0.016285 0.702133 0.008055 0.241179 0.048633 0.765617 0.020486 0.112814 0.101083 0.324797 0.016466 0.645132 0.013605 0.851205 0.020116 0.108559 0.020120 0.680124 0.046583 0.188050 0.085243 0.482973 0.043427 0.435241 0.038359 0.657142 0.020933 0.257842 0.064083 0.679967 0.063817 0.144004 0.112212 0.430176 0.091884 0.434482 0.043458 0.791122 0.019408 0.111430 0.078040 0.665273 0.068916 0.151740 0.114071 Consensus sequence: GAAGAARAARAARAA Reverse complement motif 0.114071 0.068916 0.151740 0.665273 0.078040 0.019408 0.111430 0.791122 0.430176 0.434482 0.091884 0.043458 0.112212 0.063817 0.144004 0.679967 0.064083 0.020933 0.257842 0.657142 0.038359 0.043427 0.435241 0.482973 0.085243 0.046583 0.188050 0.680124 0.020120 0.020116 0.108559 0.851205 0.324797 0.645132 0.016466 0.013605 0.101083 0.020486 0.112814 0.765617 0.048633 0.008055 0.241179 0.702133 0.236348 0.726173 0.021194 0.016285 0.006272 0.017174 0.060521 0.916033 0.000018 0.000014 0.018699 0.981269 0.266991 0.712690 0.010473 0.009846 Consensus sequence: TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC Alignment: GAAGAARAARAARAA AGAGAGAGAGAGAGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 6 Motif name: Motif 6 Original motif 0.877876 0.035703 0.048912 0.037509 0.000186 0.018649 0.007669 0.973496 0.019998 0.003333 0.955374 0.021295 0.026522 0.827351 0.054953 0.091174 0.467344 0.000175 0.000403 0.532078 0.993596 0.000037 0.000037 0.006330 0.986021 0.001748 0.008403 0.003828 0.009121 0.035121 0.000175 0.955583 0.121836 0.072264 0.613446 0.192454 0.613268 0.115904 0.119071 0.151757 Consensus sequence: ATGCWAATGA Reserve complement motif 0.151757 0.115904 0.119071 0.613268 0.121836 0.613446 0.072264 0.192454 0.955583 0.035121 0.000175 0.009121 0.003828 0.001748 0.008403 0.986021 0.006330 0.000037 0.000037 0.993596 0.532078 0.000175 0.000403 0.467344 0.026522 0.054953 0.827351 0.091174 0.019998 0.955374 0.003333 0.021295 0.973496 0.018649 0.007669 0.000186 0.037509 0.035703 0.048912 0.877876 Consensus sequence: TCATTWGCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 6 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 190 Motif 190 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 3 10 0.031541 Original motif 0.000241 0.993479 0.000183 0.006097 0.852989 0.023607 0.111451 0.011953 0.926692 0.041176 0.029464 0.002668 0.023665 0.058745 0.037746 0.879844 0.035378 0.011895 0.944203 0.008524 0.047093 0.838786 0.061173 0.052948 0.008524 0.746047 0.029464 0.215965 0.946687 0.000183 0.047033 0.006097 0.876415 0.058744 0.047032 0.017809 0.043654 0.061171 0.047033 0.848142 0.017809 0.006039 0.961772 0.014380 0.117365 0.600419 0.188275 0.093941 0.134936 0.504932 0.254478 0.105654 Consensus sequence: CAATGCCAATGCS Reverse complement motif 0.134936 0.254478 0.504932 0.105654 0.117365 0.188275 0.600419 0.093941 0.017809 0.961772 0.006039 0.014380 0.848142 0.061171 0.047033 0.043654 0.017809 0.058744 0.047032 0.876415 0.006097 0.000183 0.047033 0.946687 0.008524 0.029464 0.746047 0.215965 0.047093 0.061173 0.838786 0.052948 0.035378 0.944203 0.011895 0.008524 0.879844 0.058745 0.037746 0.023665 0.002668 0.041176 0.029464 0.926692 0.011953 0.023607 0.111451 0.852989 0.000241 0.000183 0.993479 0.006097 Consensus sequence: SGCATTGGCATTG Alignment: SGCATTGGCATTG -TCATTWGCAT-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 7 Motif name: Motif 7 Original motif 0.010510 0.665276 0.028435 0.295779 0.080364 0.763172 0.150701 0.005763 0.078821 0.039434 0.071070 0.810675 0.005931 0.739026 0.000058 0.254985 0.023012 0.949793 0.019121 0.008074 0.846475 0.000058 0.151557 0.001910 0.000066 0.021940 0.037607 0.940387 0.000066 0.876249 0.000058 0.123627 0.498355 0.249311 0.122438 0.129896 Consensus sequence: CCTCCATCH Reserve complement motif 0.129896 0.249311 0.122438 0.498355 0.000066 0.000058 0.876249 0.123627 0.940387 0.021940 0.037607 0.000066 0.001910 0.000058 0.151557 0.846475 0.023012 0.019121 0.949793 0.008074 0.005931 0.000058 0.739026 0.254985 0.810675 0.039434 0.071070 0.078821 0.080364 0.150701 0.763172 0.005763 0.010510 0.028435 0.665276 0.295779 Consensus sequence: HGATGGAGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 7 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 216 Motif 216 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 9 0.049735 Original motif 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 Consensus sequence: CACTCCAGCAAAG Reverse complement motif 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 Consensus sequence: CTTTGCTGGAGTG Alignment: CTTTGCTGGAGTG ---HGATGGAGG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 8 Motif name: Motif 8 Original motif 0.138444 0.024106 0.030777 0.806673 0.927958 0.000109 0.057287 0.014646 0.910032 0.000109 0.000109 0.089750 0.964694 0.000109 0.003022 0.032175 0.000123 0.047110 0.000109 0.952658 0.890916 0.038463 0.070498 0.000123 0.709403 0.011338 0.024043 0.255216 0.846302 0.011658 0.037408 0.104632 Consensus sequence: TAAATAAA Reserve complement motif 0.104632 0.011658 0.037408 0.846302 0.255216 0.011338 0.024043 0.709403 0.000123 0.038463 0.070498 0.890916 0.952658 0.047110 0.000109 0.000123 0.032175 0.000109 0.003022 0.964694 0.089750 0.000109 0.000109 0.910032 0.014646 0.000109 0.057287 0.927958 0.806673 0.024106 0.030777 0.138444 Consensus sequence: TTTATTTA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 8 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 184 Motif 184 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 8 0.034933 Original motif 0.070237 0.043724 0.885890 0.000149 0.000149 0.054781 0.033332 0.911738 0.833926 0.112737 0.031650 0.021687 0.999625 0.000113 0.000113 0.000149 0.988801 0.010937 0.000113 0.000149 0.000149 0.999589 0.000113 0.000149 0.968847 0.021515 0.000113 0.009525 0.859554 0.140184 0.000113 0.000149 0.625570 0.148946 0.149277 0.076207 Consensus sequence: GTAAACAAA Reverse complement motif 0.076207 0.148946 0.149277 0.625570 0.000149 0.140184 0.000113 0.859554 0.009525 0.021515 0.000113 0.968847 0.000149 0.000113 0.999589 0.000149 0.000149 0.010937 0.000113 0.988801 0.000149 0.000113 0.000113 0.999625 0.021687 0.112737 0.031650 0.833926 0.911738 0.054781 0.033332 0.000149 0.070237 0.885890 0.043724 0.000149 Consensus sequence: TTTGTTTAC Alignment: GTAAACAAA -TAAATAAA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 9 Motif name: Motif 9 Original motif 0.010054 0.950128 0.010032 0.029786 0.014986 0.012492 0.014964 0.957558 0.977721 0.000168 0.012057 0.010054 0.979746 0.005100 0.010032 0.005122 0.014986 0.974792 0.005100 0.005122 0.695927 0.264256 0.039627 0.000190 0.010054 0.920528 0.010032 0.059386 0.000190 0.831615 0.000168 0.168027 0.950150 0.019897 0.010032 0.019921 0.000190 0.984656 0.005100 0.010054 0.014987 0.298781 0.000168 0.686064 0.014986 0.281524 0.000168 0.703322 0.019920 0.952758 0.010032 0.017290 Consensus sequence: CTAACACCACTTC Reserve complement motif 0.019920 0.010032 0.952758 0.017290 0.703322 0.281524 0.000168 0.014986 0.686064 0.298781 0.000168 0.014987 0.000190 0.005100 0.984656 0.010054 0.019921 0.019897 0.010032 0.950150 0.000190 0.000168 0.831615 0.168027 0.010054 0.010032 0.920528 0.059386 0.000190 0.264256 0.039627 0.695927 0.014986 0.005100 0.974792 0.005122 0.005122 0.005100 0.010032 0.979746 0.010054 0.000168 0.012057 0.977721 0.957558 0.012492 0.014964 0.014986 0.010054 0.010032 0.950128 0.029786 Consensus sequence: GAAGTGGTGTTAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 9 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 21 Motif 21 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 13 0.057182 Original motif 0.007732 0.909817 0.037486 0.044965 0.999207 0.000253 0.000253 0.000287 0.976870 0.007699 0.007699 0.007732 0.984316 0.007699 0.000253 0.007732 0.007732 0.976856 0.007680 0.007732 0.015177 0.000253 0.000253 0.984317 0.022623 0.902376 0.007699 0.067302 0.015177 0.924713 0.044932 0.015178 0.954534 0.007699 0.022589 0.015178 0.015177 0.954501 0.007699 0.022623 0.947089 0.022589 0.000253 0.030069 0.022623 0.894932 0.037484 0.044961 0.969426 0.000253 0.015144 0.015177 0.022623 0.000253 0.961947 0.015177 0.947088 0.015144 0.022590 0.015178 Consensus sequence: CAAACTCCACACAGA Reverse complement motif 0.015178 0.015144 0.022590 0.947088 0.022623 0.961947 0.000253 0.015177 0.015177 0.000253 0.015144 0.969426 0.022623 0.037484 0.894932 0.044961 0.030069 0.022589 0.000253 0.947089 0.015177 0.007699 0.954501 0.022623 0.015178 0.007699 0.022589 0.954534 0.015177 0.044932 0.924713 0.015178 0.022623 0.007699 0.902376 0.067302 0.984317 0.000253 0.000253 0.015177 0.007732 0.007680 0.976856 0.007732 0.007732 0.007699 0.000253 0.984316 0.007732 0.007699 0.007699 0.976870 0.000287 0.000253 0.000253 0.999207 0.007732 0.037486 0.909817 0.044965 Consensus sequence: TCTGTGTGGAGTTTG Alignment: CAAACTCCACACAGA CTAACACCACTTC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 10 Motif name: Motif 10 Original motif 0.388372 0.117537 0.469196 0.024896 0.000130 0.067210 0.000115 0.932545 0.000130 0.000115 0.965841 0.033914 0.999640 0.000115 0.000115 0.000130 0.000130 0.861339 0.000115 0.138416 0.138416 0.000115 0.861339 0.000130 0.000130 0.000115 0.000115 0.999640 0.033914 0.965841 0.000115 0.000130 0.932545 0.000115 0.067210 0.000130 0.024896 0.469196 0.117537 0.388372 Consensus sequence: RTGACGTCAY Reserve complement motif 0.024896 0.117537 0.469196 0.388372 0.000130 0.000115 0.067210 0.932545 0.033914 0.000115 0.965841 0.000130 0.999640 0.000115 0.000115 0.000130 0.138416 0.861339 0.000115 0.000130 0.000130 0.000115 0.861339 0.138416 0.000130 0.000115 0.000115 0.999640 0.000130 0.965841 0.000115 0.033914 0.932545 0.067210 0.000115 0.000130 0.388372 0.469196 0.117537 0.024896 Consensus sequence: KTGACGTCAM ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 10 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 117 Motif 117 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 10 0.000000 Original motif 0.156402 0.383176 0.198104 0.262319 0.161481 0.279260 0.372435 0.186823 0.415599 0.129516 0.408899 0.045987 0.004256 0.029660 0.009937 0.956147 0.001247 0.002464 0.933357 0.062932 0.991796 0.000029 0.000840 0.007335 0.000030 0.976780 0.001246 0.021944 0.021944 0.001246 0.976780 0.000030 0.007335 0.000840 0.000029 0.991796 0.062932 0.933357 0.002464 0.001247 0.956147 0.009937 0.029660 0.004256 0.045987 0.408899 0.129516 0.415599 0.186823 0.372435 0.279260 0.161481 0.262319 0.198104 0.383176 0.156402 Consensus sequence: BBRTGACGTCAYVV Reverse complement motif 0.262319 0.383176 0.198104 0.156402 0.186823 0.279260 0.372435 0.161481 0.415599 0.408899 0.129516 0.045987 0.004256 0.009937 0.029660 0.956147 0.062932 0.002464 0.933357 0.001247 0.991796 0.000840 0.000029 0.007335 0.021944 0.976780 0.001246 0.000030 0.000030 0.001246 0.976780 0.021944 0.007335 0.000029 0.000840 0.991796 0.001247 0.933357 0.002464 0.062932 0.956147 0.029660 0.009937 0.004256 0.045987 0.129516 0.408899 0.415599 0.161481 0.372435 0.279260 0.186823 0.156402 0.198104 0.383176 0.262319 Consensus sequence: VVMTGACGTCAKBB Alignment: BBRTGACGTCAYVV --RTGACGTCAY-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 11 Motif name: Motif 11 Original motif 0.179906 0.082327 0.727301 0.010466 0.015601 0.937819 0.015577 0.031003 0.041272 0.164505 0.061788 0.732435 0.005332 0.000175 0.989161 0.005332 0.010466 0.005309 0.978893 0.005332 0.005332 0.025846 0.000175 0.968647 0.005332 0.005309 0.005309 0.984050 0.005332 0.794040 0.015578 0.185050 0.118295 0.010443 0.848403 0.022859 0.984050 0.000175 0.010443 0.005332 0.072078 0.015578 0.655388 0.256956 0.087509 0.539354 0.058778 0.314359 0.020735 0.958355 0.005309 0.015601 Consensus sequence: GCTGGTTCGAGYC Reserve complement motif 0.020735 0.005309 0.958355 0.015601 0.087509 0.058778 0.539354 0.314359 0.072078 0.655388 0.015578 0.256956 0.005332 0.000175 0.010443 0.984050 0.118295 0.848403 0.010443 0.022859 0.005332 0.015578 0.794040 0.185050 0.984050 0.005309 0.005309 0.005332 0.968647 0.025846 0.000175 0.005332 0.010466 0.978893 0.005309 0.005332 0.005332 0.989161 0.000175 0.005332 0.732435 0.164505 0.061788 0.041272 0.015601 0.015577 0.937819 0.031003 0.179906 0.727301 0.082327 0.010466 Consensus sequence: GKCTCGAACCAGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 11 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 93 Motif 93 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 13 0.060055 Original motif 0.969123 0.000469 0.029818 0.000590 0.044614 0.029818 0.924978 0.000590 0.029940 0.939651 0.000469 0.029940 0.000590 0.029818 0.176566 0.793026 0.103313 0.000469 0.895628 0.000590 0.015265 0.000469 0.983676 0.000590 0.000590 0.851604 0.000469 0.147337 0.793026 0.015144 0.191240 0.000590 0.000590 0.910302 0.015144 0.073964 0.044614 0.015144 0.939652 0.000590 0.925098 0.015144 0.044493 0.015265 0.073964 0.015144 0.895627 0.015265 0.015265 0.000469 0.983676 0.000590 0.044614 0.161891 0.000469 0.793026 0.000590 0.044493 0.954327 0.000590 Consensus sequence: AGCTGGCACGAGGTG Reverse complement motif 0.000590 0.954327 0.044493 0.000590 0.793026 0.161891 0.000469 0.044614 0.015265 0.983676 0.000469 0.000590 0.073964 0.895627 0.015144 0.015265 0.015265 0.015144 0.044493 0.925098 0.044614 0.939652 0.015144 0.000590 0.000590 0.015144 0.910302 0.073964 0.000590 0.015144 0.191240 0.793026 0.000590 0.000469 0.851604 0.147337 0.015265 0.983676 0.000469 0.000590 0.103313 0.895628 0.000469 0.000590 0.793026 0.029818 0.176566 0.000590 0.029940 0.000469 0.939651 0.029940 0.044614 0.924978 0.029818 0.000590 0.000590 0.000469 0.029818 0.969123 Consensus sequence: CACCTCGTGCCAGCT Alignment: AGCTGGCACGAGGTG -GCTGGTTCGAGYC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 12 Motif name: Motif 12 Original motif 0.990640 0.000288 0.008746 0.000326 0.017242 0.939851 0.000288 0.042619 0.034162 0.914469 0.000288 0.051081 0.017242 0.000288 0.000288 0.982182 0.008784 0.008746 0.000288 0.982182 0.034160 0.922932 0.008746 0.034162 0.008784 0.042585 0.008746 0.939885 0.008784 0.000288 0.000288 0.990640 0.051084 0.017204 0.931386 0.000326 0.008784 0.931394 0.042580 0.017242 0.008784 0.008746 0.000288 0.982182 0.025701 0.000288 0.948310 0.025701 0.008784 0.000288 0.017204 0.973724 0.084917 0.008746 0.897553 0.008784 0.956806 0.000288 0.017205 0.025701 Consensus sequence: ACCTTCTTGCTGTGA Reserve complement motif 0.025701 0.000288 0.017205 0.956806 0.084917 0.897553 0.008746 0.008784 0.973724 0.000288 0.017204 0.008784 0.025701 0.948310 0.000288 0.025701 0.982182 0.008746 0.000288 0.008784 0.008784 0.042580 0.931394 0.017242 0.051084 0.931386 0.017204 0.000326 0.990640 0.000288 0.000288 0.008784 0.939885 0.042585 0.008746 0.008784 0.034160 0.008746 0.922932 0.034162 0.982182 0.008746 0.000288 0.008784 0.982182 0.000288 0.000288 0.017242 0.034162 0.000288 0.914469 0.051081 0.017242 0.000288 0.939851 0.042619 0.000326 0.000288 0.008746 0.990640 Consensus sequence: TCACAGCAAGAAGGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 12 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 112 Motif 112 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 1 15 0.110747 Original motif 0.057207 0.809719 0.000601 0.132473 0.885141 0.038235 0.000601 0.076023 0.885141 0.000601 0.038235 0.076023 0.019573 0.884986 0.019418 0.076023 0.960407 0.000601 0.038235 0.000757 0.941590 0.019418 0.038235 0.000757 0.000757 0.884985 0.057051 0.057207 0.922775 0.000601 0.057051 0.019573 0.941591 0.000601 0.000601 0.057207 0.019573 0.809719 0.094685 0.076023 0.960408 0.019418 0.000601 0.019573 0.885141 0.000601 0.113501 0.000757 0.000757 0.847352 0.000601 0.151290 0.998041 0.000601 0.000601 0.000757 0.960408 0.000601 0.019418 0.019573 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.019573 0.000601 0.019418 0.960408 0.000757 0.000601 0.000601 0.998041 0.000757 0.000601 0.847352 0.151290 0.000757 0.000601 0.113501 0.885141 0.019573 0.019418 0.000601 0.960408 0.019573 0.094685 0.809719 0.076023 0.057207 0.000601 0.000601 0.941591 0.019573 0.000601 0.057051 0.922775 0.000757 0.057051 0.884985 0.057207 0.000757 0.019418 0.038235 0.941590 0.000757 0.000601 0.038235 0.960407 0.019573 0.019418 0.884986 0.076023 0.076023 0.000601 0.038235 0.885141 0.076023 0.038235 0.000601 0.885141 0.057207 0.000601 0.809719 0.132473 Consensus sequence: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG Alignment: CAACAACAACAACAA TCACAGCAAGAAGGT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 13 Motif name: Motif 13 Original motif 0.857621 0.069673 0.005524 0.067182 0.774094 0.025828 0.082991 0.117087 0.712811 0.070028 0.072531 0.144630 0.000027 0.890674 0.009813 0.099486 0.946227 0.019272 0.027719 0.006782 0.999409 0.000024 0.000024 0.000543 0.804109 0.120824 0.040646 0.034421 0.051305 0.631580 0.172620 0.144495 0.695699 0.121696 0.140204 0.042401 0.200208 0.627799 0.079189 0.092804 0.731484 0.075470 0.079175 0.113871 Consensus sequence: AAACAAACACA Reserve complement motif 0.113871 0.075470 0.079175 0.731484 0.200208 0.079189 0.627799 0.092804 0.042401 0.121696 0.140204 0.695699 0.051305 0.172620 0.631580 0.144495 0.034421 0.120824 0.040646 0.804109 0.000543 0.000024 0.000024 0.999409 0.006782 0.019272 0.027719 0.946227 0.000027 0.009813 0.890674 0.099486 0.144630 0.070028 0.072531 0.712811 0.117087 0.025828 0.082991 0.774094 0.067182 0.069673 0.005524 0.857621 Consensus sequence: TGTGTTTGTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 13 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 20 Motif 20 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 3 11 0.045129 Original motif 0.999824 0.000056 0.000056 0.000064 0.973289 0.000056 0.024938 0.001717 0.607204 0.019896 0.226734 0.146166 0.863290 0.005012 0.111303 0.020395 0.924268 0.043728 0.029463 0.002541 0.609517 0.041784 0.256867 0.091832 0.840968 0.006352 0.141047 0.011633 0.928227 0.002026 0.036743 0.033004 0.643642 0.097087 0.152305 0.106966 0.893427 0.023648 0.058211 0.024714 0.728525 0.084915 0.137041 0.049519 0.493649 0.201973 0.210328 0.094050 0.869835 0.003988 0.050565 0.075612 0.942927 0.030390 0.017648 0.009035 Consensus sequence: AAAAAAAAAAAVAA Reverse complement motif 0.009035 0.030390 0.017648 0.942927 0.075612 0.003988 0.050565 0.869835 0.094050 0.201973 0.210328 0.493649 0.049519 0.084915 0.137041 0.728525 0.024714 0.023648 0.058211 0.893427 0.106966 0.097087 0.152305 0.643642 0.033004 0.002026 0.036743 0.928227 0.011633 0.006352 0.141047 0.840968 0.091832 0.041784 0.256867 0.609517 0.002541 0.043728 0.029463 0.924268 0.020395 0.005012 0.111303 0.863290 0.146166 0.019896 0.226734 0.607204 0.001717 0.000056 0.024938 0.973289 0.000064 0.000056 0.000056 0.999824 Consensus sequence: TTBTTTTTTTTTTT Alignment: TTBTTTTTTTTTTT -TGTGTTTGTTT-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 14 Motif name: Motif 14 Original motif 0.835700 0.163641 0.000309 0.000350 0.000350 0.000309 0.000309 0.999032 0.000350 0.107562 0.891738 0.000350 0.000350 0.734667 0.000309 0.264674 0.911704 0.033990 0.000309 0.053997 0.900556 0.000309 0.062983 0.036152 0.961789 0.000309 0.000309 0.037593 0.000350 0.932458 0.066842 0.000350 Consensus sequence: ATGCAAAC Reserve complement motif 0.000350 0.066842 0.932458 0.000350 0.037593 0.000309 0.000309 0.961789 0.036152 0.000309 0.062983 0.900556 0.053997 0.033990 0.000309 0.911704 0.000350 0.000309 0.734667 0.264674 0.000350 0.891738 0.107562 0.000350 0.999032 0.000309 0.000309 0.000350 0.000350 0.163641 0.000309 0.835700 Consensus sequence: GTTTGCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 14 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 167 Motif 167 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 8 0.038828 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: ATGCAAAT Reverse complement motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: ATTTGCAT Alignment: ATGCAAAT ATGCAAAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 15 Motif name: Motif 15 Original motif 0.021795 0.934631 0.000184 0.043390 0.983235 0.000184 0.005580 0.011001 0.011001 0.005580 0.950831 0.032588 0.027191 0.005580 0.000184 0.967045 0.918474 0.021771 0.021770 0.037985 0.016398 0.869870 0.010977 0.102755 0.011001 0.956227 0.021771 0.011001 0.005604 0.000184 0.016374 0.977838 0.059576 0.010977 0.902256 0.027191 0.097360 0.032564 0.832091 0.037985 0.913077 0.037961 0.016374 0.032588 0.021795 0.010977 0.016374 0.950854 0.043385 0.027167 0.918447 0.011001 0.048780 0.021772 0.907652 0.021796 Consensus sequence: CAGTACCTGGATGG Reserve complement motif 0.048780 0.907652 0.021772 0.021796 0.043385 0.918447 0.027167 0.011001 0.950854 0.010977 0.016374 0.021795 0.032588 0.037961 0.016374 0.913077 0.097360 0.832091 0.032564 0.037985 0.059576 0.902256 0.010977 0.027191 0.977838 0.000184 0.016374 0.005604 0.011001 0.021771 0.956227 0.011001 0.016398 0.010977 0.869870 0.102755 0.037985 0.021771 0.021770 0.918474 0.967045 0.005580 0.000184 0.027191 0.011001 0.950831 0.005580 0.032588 0.011001 0.000184 0.005580 0.983235 0.021795 0.000184 0.934631 0.043390 Consensus sequence: CCATCCAGGTACTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 15 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 57 Motif 57 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 14 0.096824 Original motif 0.015698 0.000514 0.983206 0.000582 0.000582 0.907626 0.000514 0.091278 0.968158 0.015630 0.000514 0.015698 0.030813 0.000514 0.952975 0.015698 0.000582 0.937859 0.030746 0.030813 0.953041 0.000514 0.015630 0.030815 0.000582 0.000514 0.000514 0.998390 0.000582 0.968091 0.000514 0.030813 0.015698 0.922742 0.000514 0.061046 0.892576 0.015630 0.000514 0.091280 0.015698 0.968090 0.000514 0.015698 0.000582 0.257527 0.015630 0.726261 0.000582 0.015630 0.000514 0.983274 0.106394 0.030746 0.832045 0.030815 0.136628 0.015630 0.847160 0.000582 Consensus sequence: GCAGCATCCACTTGG Reverse complement motif 0.136628 0.847160 0.015630 0.000582 0.106394 0.832045 0.030746 0.030815 0.983274 0.015630 0.000514 0.000582 0.726261 0.257527 0.015630 0.000582 0.015698 0.000514 0.968090 0.015698 0.091280 0.015630 0.000514 0.892576 0.015698 0.000514 0.922742 0.061046 0.000582 0.000514 0.968091 0.030813 0.998390 0.000514 0.000514 0.000582 0.030815 0.000514 0.015630 0.953041 0.000582 0.030746 0.937859 0.030813 0.030813 0.952975 0.000514 0.015698 0.015698 0.015630 0.000514 0.968158 0.000582 0.000514 0.907626 0.091278 0.015698 0.983206 0.000514 0.000582 Consensus sequence: CCAAGTGGATGCTGC Alignment: GCAGCATCCACTTGG -CAGTACCTGGATGG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 16 Motif name: Motif 16 Original motif 0.029204 0.007477 0.934116 0.029203 0.977537 0.000246 0.014708 0.007509 0.036434 0.007477 0.934118 0.021971 0.970305 0.000246 0.007477 0.021972 0.007509 0.963042 0.000246 0.029203 0.007509 0.948580 0.007477 0.036434 0.948611 0.000246 0.029172 0.021971 0.014741 0.948579 0.014708 0.021972 0.919682 0.007477 0.000246 0.072595 0.050901 0.000246 0.007477 0.941376 0.065361 0.000246 0.912421 0.021972 0.021973 0.000246 0.963040 0.014741 0.043673 0.000246 0.955803 0.000278 0.970306 0.007477 0.007477 0.014740 0.970306 0.014708 0.014708 0.000278 Consensus sequence: GAGACCACATGGGAA Reserve complement motif 0.000278 0.014708 0.014708 0.970306 0.014740 0.007477 0.007477 0.970306 0.043673 0.955803 0.000246 0.000278 0.021973 0.963040 0.000246 0.014741 0.065361 0.912421 0.000246 0.021972 0.941376 0.000246 0.007477 0.050901 0.072595 0.007477 0.000246 0.919682 0.014741 0.014708 0.948579 0.021972 0.021971 0.000246 0.029172 0.948611 0.007509 0.007477 0.948580 0.036434 0.007509 0.000246 0.963042 0.029203 0.021972 0.000246 0.007477 0.970305 0.036434 0.934118 0.007477 0.021971 0.007509 0.000246 0.014708 0.977537 0.029204 0.934116 0.007477 0.029203 Consensus sequence: TTCCCATGTGGTCTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 16 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 105 Motif 105 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 15 0.100691 Original motif 0.957561 0.014109 0.027780 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.068908 0.000437 0.930105 0.000550 0.971233 0.000437 0.027780 0.000550 0.000550 0.984792 0.000437 0.014221 0.984905 0.000437 0.000437 0.014221 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.014221 0.041452 0.000437 0.943890 0.971232 0.014109 0.014109 0.000550 0.000550 0.930105 0.014109 0.055236 0.027893 0.000437 0.957449 0.014221 0.000550 0.957448 0.014109 0.027893 0.000550 0.971120 0.000437 0.027893 Consensus sequence: AAGGACACATACGCC Reverse complement motif 0.000550 0.000437 0.971120 0.027893 0.000550 0.014109 0.957448 0.027893 0.027893 0.957449 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.014109 0.930105 0.055236 0.000550 0.014109 0.014109 0.971232 0.943890 0.041452 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.014221 0.000437 0.000437 0.984905 0.000550 0.000437 0.984792 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.027780 0.971233 0.068908 0.930105 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.000550 0.014109 0.027780 0.957561 Consensus sequence: GGCGTATGTGTCCTT Alignment: AAGGACACATACGCC GAGACCACATGGGAA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 17 Motif name: Motif 17 Original motif 0.000184 0.985149 0.000162 0.014505 0.717172 0.100441 0.000162 0.182225 0.019280 0.002137 0.959303 0.019280 0.000184 0.989923 0.000162 0.009731 0.999492 0.000162 0.000162 0.000184 0.999492 0.000162 0.000162 0.000184 0.032778 0.814884 0.126324 0.026014 0.000184 0.989922 0.004936 0.004958 0.017725 0.270210 0.000162 0.711903 0.999492 0.000162 0.000162 0.000184 0.011707 0.129135 0.670193 0.188965 0.019280 0.584325 0.004936 0.391459 Consensus sequence: CAGCAACCTAGY Reserve complement motif 0.019280 0.004936 0.584325 0.391459 0.011707 0.670193 0.129135 0.188965 0.000184 0.000162 0.000162 0.999492 0.711903 0.270210 0.000162 0.017725 0.000184 0.004936 0.989922 0.004958 0.032778 0.126324 0.814884 0.026014 0.000184 0.000162 0.000162 0.999492 0.000184 0.000162 0.000162 0.999492 0.000184 0.000162 0.989923 0.009731 0.019280 0.959303 0.002137 0.019280 0.182225 0.100441 0.000162 0.717172 0.000184 0.000162 0.985149 0.014505 Consensus sequence: KCTAGGTTGCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 17 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 92 Motif 92 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 12 0.073217 Original motif 0.982631 0.016773 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.999072 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.999072 0.000264 0.000332 0.371790 0.049792 0.074555 0.503863 0.025096 0.974308 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.000264 0.000264 0.999140 0.091133 0.008518 0.900017 0.000332 0.140660 0.049792 0.800961 0.008587 0.148915 0.008518 0.842235 0.000332 0.000332 0.107574 0.041537 0.850557 0.000332 0.000264 0.000264 0.999140 0.627682 0.066301 0.305685 0.000332 0.074624 0.280921 0.487286 0.157170 0.924849 0.000264 0.074555 0.000332 0.058114 0.000264 0.825725 0.115897 Consensus sequence: ACCWCTGGGTTASAG Reverse complement motif 0.058114 0.825725 0.000264 0.115897 0.000332 0.000264 0.074555 0.924849 0.074624 0.487286 0.280921 0.157170 0.000332 0.066301 0.305685 0.627682 0.999140 0.000264 0.000264 0.000332 0.850557 0.107574 0.041537 0.000332 0.148915 0.842235 0.008518 0.000332 0.140660 0.800961 0.049792 0.008587 0.091133 0.900017 0.008518 0.000332 0.999140 0.000264 0.000264 0.000332 0.025096 0.000264 0.974308 0.000332 0.503863 0.049792 0.074555 0.371790 0.000332 0.000264 0.999072 0.000332 0.000332 0.000264 0.999072 0.000332 0.000332 0.016773 0.000264 0.982631 Consensus sequence: CTSTAACCCAGWGGT Alignment: ACCWCTGGGTTASAG ---KCTAGGTTGCTG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 18 Motif name: Motif 18 Original motif 0.061340 0.937829 0.000390 0.000441 0.000441 0.000390 0.031776 0.967393 0.000441 0.194743 0.000390 0.804426 0.000441 0.894926 0.000390 0.104243 0.979499 0.000390 0.019670 0.000441 0.198424 0.715420 0.000390 0.085766 0.000441 0.859951 0.000390 0.139218 0.000441 0.092438 0.000390 0.906731 Consensus sequence: CTTCACCT Reserve complement motif 0.906731 0.092438 0.000390 0.000441 0.000441 0.000390 0.859951 0.139218 0.198424 0.000390 0.715420 0.085766 0.000441 0.000390 0.019670 0.979499 0.000441 0.000390 0.894926 0.104243 0.804426 0.194743 0.000390 0.000441 0.967393 0.000390 0.031776 0.000441 0.061340 0.000390 0.937829 0.000441 Consensus sequence: AGGTGAAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 18 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 207 Motif 207 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 5 8 0.050314 Original motif 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.054820 0.042184 0.035727 0.867269 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.963128 0.024106 0.011848 0.000918 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.000918 0.011848 0.024106 0.963128 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.867269 0.035727 0.042184 0.054820 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 Consensus sequence: CTGCAGCTGCAG Reverse complement motif 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.054820 0.035727 0.042184 0.867269 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.963128 0.011848 0.024106 0.000918 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.000918 0.024106 0.011848 0.963128 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.867269 0.042184 0.035727 0.054820 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 Consensus sequence: CTGCAGCTGCAG Alignment: CTGCAGCTGCAG ----AGGTGAAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 19 Motif name: Motif 19 Original motif 0.599656 0.000155 0.387223 0.012966 0.000176 0.000155 0.999493 0.000176 0.000176 0.000155 0.999493 0.000176 0.000176 0.000155 0.000155 0.999514 0.000176 0.883553 0.000155 0.116116 0.999514 0.000155 0.000155 0.000176 0.293604 0.000155 0.706065 0.000176 0.658139 0.040412 0.155186 0.146263 0.000176 0.085533 0.914115 0.000176 0.000176 0.000155 0.962730 0.036939 0.197628 0.181179 0.084571 0.536622 Consensus sequence: RGGTCAGAGGT Reserve complement motif 0.536622 0.181179 0.084571 0.197628 0.000176 0.962730 0.000155 0.036939 0.000176 0.914115 0.085533 0.000176 0.146263 0.040412 0.155186 0.658139 0.293604 0.706065 0.000155 0.000176 0.000176 0.000155 0.000155 0.999514 0.000176 0.000155 0.883553 0.116116 0.999514 0.000155 0.000155 0.000176 0.000176 0.999493 0.000155 0.000176 0.000176 0.999493 0.000155 0.000176 0.012966 0.000155 0.387223 0.599656 Consensus sequence: ACCTCTGACCK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 19 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 115 Motif 115 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 11 0.008933 Original motif 0.604108 0.033729 0.354128 0.008035 0.002973 0.001014 0.871554 0.124459 0.003952 0.000035 0.951913 0.044100 0.001421 0.017084 0.057802 0.923693 0.001015 0.836140 0.066773 0.096072 0.973219 0.000035 0.026710 0.000036 0.587432 0.029330 0.326513 0.056725 0.857762 0.004040 0.136777 0.001421 0.001015 0.001014 0.991267 0.006704 0.011211 0.000035 0.856914 0.131840 0.000036 0.001014 0.050375 0.948575 0.010231 0.687100 0.146505 0.156164 0.876860 0.000035 0.118174 0.004931 Consensus sequence: RGGTCARAGGTCA Reverse complement motif 0.004931 0.000035 0.118174 0.876860 0.010231 0.146505 0.687100 0.156164 0.948575 0.001014 0.050375 0.000036 0.011211 0.856914 0.000035 0.131840 0.001015 0.991267 0.001014 0.006704 0.001421 0.004040 0.136777 0.857762 0.056725 0.029330 0.326513 0.587432 0.000036 0.000035 0.026710 0.973219 0.001015 0.066773 0.836140 0.096072 0.923693 0.017084 0.057802 0.001421 0.003952 0.951913 0.000035 0.044100 0.002973 0.871554 0.001014 0.124459 0.008035 0.033729 0.354128 0.604108 Consensus sequence: TGACCTKTGACCK Alignment: RGGTCARAGGTCA RGGTCAGAGGT-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 20 Motif name: Motif 20 Original motif 0.999824 0.000056 0.000056 0.000064 0.973289 0.000056 0.024938 0.001717 0.607204 0.019896 0.226734 0.146166 0.863290 0.005012 0.111303 0.020395 0.924268 0.043728 0.029463 0.002541 0.609517 0.041784 0.256867 0.091832 0.840968 0.006352 0.141047 0.011633 0.928227 0.002026 0.036743 0.033004 0.643642 0.097087 0.152305 0.106966 0.893427 0.023648 0.058211 0.024714 0.728525 0.084915 0.137041 0.049519 0.493649 0.201973 0.210328 0.094050 0.869835 0.003988 0.050565 0.075612 0.942927 0.030390 0.017648 0.009035 Consensus sequence: AAAAAAAAAAAVAA Reserve complement motif 0.009035 0.030390 0.017648 0.942927 0.075612 0.003988 0.050565 0.869835 0.094050 0.201973 0.210328 0.493649 0.049519 0.084915 0.137041 0.728525 0.024714 0.023648 0.058211 0.893427 0.106966 0.097087 0.152305 0.643642 0.033004 0.002026 0.036743 0.928227 0.011633 0.006352 0.141047 0.840968 0.091832 0.041784 0.256867 0.609517 0.002541 0.043728 0.029463 0.924268 0.020395 0.005012 0.111303 0.863290 0.146166 0.019896 0.226734 0.607204 0.001717 0.000056 0.024938 0.973289 0.000064 0.000056 0.000056 0.999824 Consensus sequence: TTBTTTTTTTTTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 20 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 174 Motif 174 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 14 0.011020 Original motif 0.266991 0.010473 0.712690 0.009846 0.981269 0.000014 0.018699 0.000018 0.916033 0.017174 0.060521 0.006272 0.236348 0.021194 0.726173 0.016285 0.702133 0.008055 0.241179 0.048633 0.765617 0.020486 0.112814 0.101083 0.324797 0.016466 0.645132 0.013605 0.851205 0.020116 0.108559 0.020120 0.680124 0.046583 0.188050 0.085243 0.482973 0.043427 0.435241 0.038359 0.657142 0.020933 0.257842 0.064083 0.679967 0.063817 0.144004 0.112212 0.430176 0.091884 0.434482 0.043458 0.791122 0.019408 0.111430 0.078040 0.665273 0.068916 0.151740 0.114071 Consensus sequence: GAAGAARAARAARAA Reverse complement motif 0.114071 0.068916 0.151740 0.665273 0.078040 0.019408 0.111430 0.791122 0.430176 0.434482 0.091884 0.043458 0.112212 0.063817 0.144004 0.679967 0.064083 0.020933 0.257842 0.657142 0.038359 0.043427 0.435241 0.482973 0.085243 0.046583 0.188050 0.680124 0.020120 0.020116 0.108559 0.851205 0.324797 0.645132 0.016466 0.013605 0.101083 0.020486 0.112814 0.765617 0.048633 0.008055 0.241179 0.702133 0.236348 0.726173 0.021194 0.016285 0.006272 0.017174 0.060521 0.916033 0.000018 0.000014 0.018699 0.981269 0.266991 0.712690 0.010473 0.009846 Consensus sequence: TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC Alignment: GAAGAARAARAARAA -AAAAAAAAAAAVAA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 21 Motif name: Motif 21 Original motif 0.007732 0.909817 0.037486 0.044965 0.999207 0.000253 0.000253 0.000287 0.976870 0.007699 0.007699 0.007732 0.984316 0.007699 0.000253 0.007732 0.007732 0.976856 0.007680 0.007732 0.015177 0.000253 0.000253 0.984317 0.022623 0.902376 0.007699 0.067302 0.015177 0.924713 0.044932 0.015178 0.954534 0.007699 0.022589 0.015178 0.015177 0.954501 0.007699 0.022623 0.947089 0.022589 0.000253 0.030069 0.022623 0.894932 0.037484 0.044961 0.969426 0.000253 0.015144 0.015177 0.022623 0.000253 0.961947 0.015177 0.947088 0.015144 0.022590 0.015178 Consensus sequence: CAAACTCCACACAGA Reserve complement motif 0.015178 0.015144 0.022590 0.947088 0.022623 0.961947 0.000253 0.015177 0.015177 0.000253 0.015144 0.969426 0.022623 0.037484 0.894932 0.044961 0.030069 0.022589 0.000253 0.947089 0.015177 0.007699 0.954501 0.022623 0.015178 0.007699 0.022589 0.954534 0.015177 0.044932 0.924713 0.015178 0.022623 0.007699 0.902376 0.067302 0.984317 0.000253 0.000253 0.015177 0.007732 0.007680 0.976856 0.007732 0.007732 0.007699 0.000253 0.984316 0.007732 0.007699 0.007699 0.976870 0.000287 0.000253 0.000253 0.999207 0.007732 0.037486 0.909817 0.044965 Consensus sequence: TCTGTGTGGAGTTTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 21 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 112 Motif 112 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.108201 Original motif 0.057207 0.809719 0.000601 0.132473 0.885141 0.038235 0.000601 0.076023 0.885141 0.000601 0.038235 0.076023 0.019573 0.884986 0.019418 0.076023 0.960407 0.000601 0.038235 0.000757 0.941590 0.019418 0.038235 0.000757 0.000757 0.884985 0.057051 0.057207 0.922775 0.000601 0.057051 0.019573 0.941591 0.000601 0.000601 0.057207 0.019573 0.809719 0.094685 0.076023 0.960408 0.019418 0.000601 0.019573 0.885141 0.000601 0.113501 0.000757 0.000757 0.847352 0.000601 0.151290 0.998041 0.000601 0.000601 0.000757 0.960408 0.000601 0.019418 0.019573 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.019573 0.000601 0.019418 0.960408 0.000757 0.000601 0.000601 0.998041 0.000757 0.000601 0.847352 0.151290 0.000757 0.000601 0.113501 0.885141 0.019573 0.019418 0.000601 0.960408 0.019573 0.094685 0.809719 0.076023 0.057207 0.000601 0.000601 0.941591 0.019573 0.000601 0.057051 0.922775 0.000757 0.057051 0.884985 0.057207 0.000757 0.019418 0.038235 0.941590 0.000757 0.000601 0.038235 0.960407 0.019573 0.019418 0.884986 0.076023 0.076023 0.000601 0.038235 0.885141 0.076023 0.038235 0.000601 0.885141 0.057207 0.000601 0.809719 0.132473 Consensus sequence: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG Alignment: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG TCTGTGTGGAGTTTG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 22 Motif name: Motif 22 Original motif 0.998748 0.000400 0.000400 0.000452 0.045567 0.952584 0.000400 0.001449 0.000452 0.019731 0.136751 0.843066 0.074566 0.051994 0.819453 0.053987 0.163169 0.755193 0.068403 0.013235 0.952337 0.004582 0.007393 0.035688 0.010472 0.028141 0.950417 0.010970 0.139611 0.796327 0.046988 0.017074 Consensus sequence: ACTGCAGC Reserve complement motif 0.139611 0.046988 0.796327 0.017074 0.010472 0.950417 0.028141 0.010970 0.035688 0.004582 0.007393 0.952337 0.163169 0.068403 0.755193 0.013235 0.074566 0.819453 0.051994 0.053987 0.843066 0.019731 0.136751 0.000452 0.045567 0.000400 0.952584 0.001449 0.000452 0.000400 0.000400 0.998748 Consensus sequence: GCTGCAGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 22 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 109 Motif 109 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 3 8 0.022084 Original motif 0.886761 0.025276 0.037715 0.050248 0.050257 0.923970 0.012837 0.012936 0.007220 0.000398 0.986721 0.005661 0.005661 0.974287 0.019552 0.000500 0.008053 0.000398 0.062594 0.928955 0.037818 0.075033 0.000398 0.886751 0.019655 0.871567 0.083399 0.025379 0.865887 0.021266 0.099911 0.012936 0.012931 0.055577 0.913497 0.017995 0.012936 0.000398 0.012833 0.973833 0.012936 0.012837 0.973727 0.000500 Consensus sequence: ACGCTTCAGTG Reverse complement motif 0.012936 0.973727 0.012837 0.000500 0.973833 0.000398 0.012833 0.012936 0.012931 0.913497 0.055577 0.017995 0.012936 0.021266 0.099911 0.865887 0.019655 0.083399 0.871567 0.025379 0.886751 0.075033 0.000398 0.037818 0.928955 0.000398 0.062594 0.008053 0.005661 0.019552 0.974287 0.000500 0.007220 0.986721 0.000398 0.005661 0.050257 0.012837 0.923970 0.012936 0.050248 0.025276 0.037715 0.886761 Consensus sequence: CACTGAAGCGT Alignment: CACTGAAGCGT -ACTGCAGC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 23 Motif name: Motif 23 Original motif 0.888489 0.018735 0.000313 0.092463 0.630571 0.313496 0.018735 0.037198 0.018776 0.879238 0.037156 0.064830 0.009565 0.870021 0.009524 0.110890 0.943755 0.027945 0.018735 0.009565 0.009565 0.925293 0.009524 0.055618 0.009565 0.018735 0.009524 0.962176 0.055618 0.018735 0.897661 0.027986 0.599128 0.230595 0.096231 0.074046 0.092465 0.000313 0.906868 0.000354 0.009565 0.971346 0.000313 0.018776 0.000354 0.934504 0.037156 0.027986 0.971387 0.009524 0.018735 0.000354 0.037198 0.943713 0.009524 0.009565 0.046408 0.700419 0.000313 0.252860 Consensus sequence: AACCACTGAGCCACC Reserve complement motif 0.046408 0.000313 0.700419 0.252860 0.037198 0.009524 0.943713 0.009565 0.000354 0.009524 0.018735 0.971387 0.000354 0.037156 0.934504 0.027986 0.009565 0.000313 0.971346 0.018776 0.092465 0.906868 0.000313 0.000354 0.074046 0.230595 0.096231 0.599128 0.055618 0.897661 0.018735 0.027986 0.962176 0.018735 0.009524 0.009565 0.009565 0.009524 0.925293 0.055618 0.009565 0.027945 0.018735 0.943755 0.009565 0.009524 0.870021 0.110890 0.018776 0.037156 0.879238 0.064830 0.037198 0.313496 0.018735 0.630571 0.092463 0.018735 0.000313 0.888489 Consensus sequence: GGTGGCTCAGTGGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 23 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 28 Motif 28 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.081975 Original motif 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: ACTGGGGCATTAGGA Reverse complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 Consensus sequence: TCCTAATGCCCCAGT Alignment: TCCTAATGCCCCAGT AACCACTGAGCCACC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 24 Motif name: Motif 24 Original motif 0.091154 0.862665 0.011725 0.034456 0.964774 0.023065 0.011725 0.000436 0.000436 0.000386 0.964723 0.034455 0.000436 0.011725 0.023066 0.964773 0.045795 0.908022 0.000386 0.045797 0.011776 0.908025 0.023065 0.057134 0.964774 0.000386 0.011725 0.023115 0.976114 0.011725 0.011725 0.000436 0.964773 0.023065 0.000386 0.011776 0.011776 0.215944 0.737825 0.034455 0.987452 0.000386 0.000386 0.011776 0.000436 0.976063 0.011725 0.011776 0.942095 0.023065 0.011725 0.023115 0.034455 0.000386 0.000386 0.964773 0.045795 0.000386 0.953383 0.000436 Consensus sequence: CAGTCCAAAGACATG Reserve complement motif 0.045795 0.953383 0.000386 0.000436 0.964773 0.000386 0.000386 0.034455 0.023115 0.023065 0.011725 0.942095 0.000436 0.011725 0.976063 0.011776 0.011776 0.000386 0.000386 0.987452 0.011776 0.737825 0.215944 0.034455 0.011776 0.023065 0.000386 0.964773 0.000436 0.011725 0.011725 0.976114 0.023115 0.000386 0.011725 0.964774 0.011776 0.023065 0.908025 0.057134 0.045795 0.000386 0.908022 0.045797 0.964773 0.011725 0.023066 0.000436 0.000436 0.964723 0.000386 0.034455 0.000436 0.023065 0.011725 0.964774 0.091154 0.011725 0.862665 0.034456 Consensus sequence: CATGTCTTTGGACTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 24 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 114 Motif 114 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 15 0.114301 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reverse complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM Alignment: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV CAGTCCAAAGACATG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 25 Motif name: Motif 25 Original motif 0.993157 0.000210 0.006395 0.000238 0.031144 0.006395 0.962223 0.000238 0.000238 0.980761 0.006395 0.012606 0.968420 0.006395 0.012579 0.012606 0.012606 0.000210 0.962209 0.024975 0.086831 0.000210 0.906537 0.006422 0.049712 0.018763 0.900363 0.031162 0.024975 0.900366 0.024947 0.049712 0.006422 0.006395 0.024947 0.962236 0.037344 0.000210 0.956024 0.006422 0.547251 0.284783 0.024947 0.143019 0.136298 0.008953 0.848327 0.006422 0.006422 0.931287 0.018763 0.043528 0.000238 0.875616 0.012579 0.111567 Consensus sequence: AGCAGGGCTGMGCC Reserve complement motif 0.000238 0.012579 0.875616 0.111567 0.006422 0.018763 0.931287 0.043528 0.136298 0.848327 0.008953 0.006422 0.143019 0.284783 0.024947 0.547251 0.037344 0.956024 0.000210 0.006422 0.962236 0.006395 0.024947 0.006422 0.024975 0.024947 0.900366 0.049712 0.049712 0.900363 0.018763 0.031162 0.086831 0.906537 0.000210 0.006422 0.012606 0.962209 0.000210 0.024975 0.012606 0.006395 0.012579 0.968420 0.000238 0.006395 0.980761 0.012606 0.031144 0.962223 0.006395 0.000238 0.000238 0.000210 0.006395 0.993157 Consensus sequence: GGCYCAGCCCTGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 25 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 177 Motif 177 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 14 0.085376 Original motif 0.088021 0.518176 0.249523 0.144280 0.224563 0.286686 0.402124 0.086626 0.145098 0.304646 0.490810 0.059446 0.000026 0.796570 0.173985 0.029419 0.049647 0.274490 0.359196 0.316667 0.039348 0.472661 0.455411 0.032580 0.425078 0.245412 0.329484 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.329484 0.245412 0.425078 0.032580 0.455411 0.472661 0.039348 0.316667 0.359196 0.274490 0.049647 0.029419 0.173985 0.796570 0.000026 0.059446 0.490810 0.304646 0.145098 0.086626 0.402124 0.286686 0.224563 0.144280 0.249523 0.518176 0.088021 Consensus sequence: CVSCBSRGCYSVGSBG Reverse complement motif 0.144280 0.518176 0.249523 0.088021 0.086626 0.286686 0.402124 0.224563 0.059446 0.304646 0.490810 0.145098 0.029419 0.796570 0.173985 0.000026 0.316667 0.274490 0.359196 0.049647 0.032580 0.472661 0.455411 0.039348 0.425078 0.329484 0.245412 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.245412 0.329484 0.425078 0.039348 0.455411 0.472661 0.032580 0.049647 0.359196 0.274490 0.316667 0.000026 0.173985 0.796570 0.029419 0.145098 0.490810 0.304646 0.059446 0.224563 0.402124 0.286686 0.086626 0.088021 0.249523 0.518176 0.144280 Consensus sequence: CBSCVSMGCKSBGSVG Alignment: CVSCBSRGCYSVGSBG -AGCAGGGCTGMGCC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 26 Motif name: Motif 26 Original motif 0.020400 0.025191 0.954108 0.000301 0.000301 0.000266 0.133302 0.866131 0.999167 0.000266 0.000266 0.000301 0.118978 0.010362 0.870359 0.000301 0.041264 0.033617 0.898313 0.026806 0.000301 0.999132 0.000266 0.000301 0.000301 0.004985 0.020494 0.974220 0.999167 0.000266 0.000266 0.000301 0.564183 0.169783 0.036597 0.229437 0.665223 0.054977 0.015905 0.263895 Consensus sequence: GTAGGCTAAA Reserve complement motif 0.263895 0.054977 0.015905 0.665223 0.229437 0.169783 0.036597 0.564183 0.000301 0.000266 0.000266 0.999167 0.974220 0.004985 0.020494 0.000301 0.000301 0.000266 0.999132 0.000301 0.041264 0.898313 0.033617 0.026806 0.118978 0.870359 0.010362 0.000301 0.000301 0.000266 0.000266 0.999167 0.866131 0.000266 0.133302 0.000301 0.020400 0.954108 0.025191 0.000301 Consensus sequence: TTTAGCCTAC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 26 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 160 Motif 160 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 10 0.055887 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AATAAGCTAGTT Reverse complement motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AACTAGCTTATT Alignment: AACTAGCTTATT -TTTAGCCTAC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 27 Motif name: Motif 27 Original motif 0.000102 0.999706 0.000090 0.000102 0.000102 0.000090 0.018811 0.980997 0.000102 0.000090 0.911865 0.087943 0.098939 0.900869 0.000090 0.000102 0.482925 0.000090 0.000090 0.516895 0.000102 0.000090 0.999706 0.000102 0.143610 0.602021 0.040703 0.213666 0.000102 0.128051 0.042264 0.829583 Consensus sequence: CTGCWGCT Reserve complement motif 0.829583 0.128051 0.042264 0.000102 0.143610 0.040703 0.602021 0.213666 0.000102 0.999706 0.000090 0.000102 0.516895 0.000090 0.000090 0.482925 0.098939 0.000090 0.900869 0.000102 0.000102 0.911865 0.000090 0.087943 0.980997 0.000090 0.018811 0.000102 0.000102 0.000090 0.999706 0.000102 Consensus sequence: AGCWGCAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 27 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 207 Motif 207 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 8 0.031823 Original motif 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.054820 0.042184 0.035727 0.867269 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.963128 0.024106 0.011848 0.000918 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.000918 0.011848 0.024106 0.963128 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.867269 0.035727 0.042184 0.054820 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 Consensus sequence: CTGCAGCTGCAG Reverse complement motif 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.054820 0.035727 0.042184 0.867269 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.963128 0.011848 0.024106 0.000918 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.000918 0.024106 0.011848 0.963128 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.867269 0.042184 0.035727 0.054820 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 Consensus sequence: CTGCAGCTGCAG Alignment: CTGCAGCTGCAG CTGCWGCT---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 28 Motif name: Motif 28 Original motif 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: ACTGGGGCATTAGGA Reserve complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 Consensus sequence: TCCTAATGCCCCAGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 28 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 23 Motif 23 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.113324 Original motif 0.888489 0.018735 0.000313 0.092463 0.630571 0.313496 0.018735 0.037198 0.018776 0.879238 0.037156 0.064830 0.009565 0.870021 0.009524 0.110890 0.943755 0.027945 0.018735 0.009565 0.009565 0.925293 0.009524 0.055618 0.009565 0.018735 0.009524 0.962176 0.055618 0.018735 0.897661 0.027986 0.599128 0.230595 0.096231 0.074046 0.092465 0.000313 0.906868 0.000354 0.009565 0.971346 0.000313 0.018776 0.000354 0.934504 0.037156 0.027986 0.971387 0.009524 0.018735 0.000354 0.037198 0.943713 0.009524 0.009565 0.046408 0.700419 0.000313 0.252860 Consensus sequence: AACCACTGAGCCACC Reverse complement motif 0.046408 0.000313 0.700419 0.252860 0.037198 0.009524 0.943713 0.009565 0.000354 0.009524 0.018735 0.971387 0.000354 0.037156 0.934504 0.027986 0.009565 0.000313 0.971346 0.018776 0.092465 0.906868 0.000313 0.000354 0.074046 0.230595 0.096231 0.599128 0.055618 0.897661 0.018735 0.027986 0.962176 0.018735 0.009524 0.009565 0.009565 0.009524 0.925293 0.055618 0.009565 0.027945 0.018735 0.943755 0.009565 0.009524 0.870021 0.110890 0.018776 0.037156 0.879238 0.064830 0.037198 0.313496 0.018735 0.630571 0.092463 0.018735 0.000313 0.888489 Consensus sequence: GGTGGCTCAGTGGTT Alignment: GGTGGCTCAGTGGTT ACTGGGGCATTAGGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 29 Motif name: Motif 29 Original motif 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: ACAATGCA Reserve complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 Consensus sequence: TGCATTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 29 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 212 Motif 212 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 8 0.028773 Original motif 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 Consensus sequence: ACAATGGA Reverse complement motif 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 Consensus sequence: TCCATTGT Alignment: ACAATGGA ACAATGCA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 30 Motif name: Motif 30 Original motif 0.000231 0.000204 0.000204 0.999361 0.011068 0.938075 0.031337 0.019520 0.000231 0.950544 0.000204 0.049021 0.000231 0.000204 0.015073 0.984492 0.012958 0.561146 0.231549 0.194347 0.000231 0.907764 0.000204 0.091801 0.939963 0.000204 0.059602 0.000231 0.000231 0.107285 0.874241 0.018243 0.170546 0.070742 0.298437 0.460275 Consensus sequence: TCCTCCAGK Reserve complement motif 0.460275 0.070742 0.298437 0.170546 0.000231 0.874241 0.107285 0.018243 0.000231 0.000204 0.059602 0.939963 0.000231 0.000204 0.907764 0.091801 0.012958 0.231549 0.561146 0.194347 0.984492 0.000204 0.015073 0.000231 0.000231 0.000204 0.950544 0.049021 0.011068 0.031337 0.938075 0.019520 0.999361 0.000204 0.000204 0.000231 Consensus sequence: RCTGGAGGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 30 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 169 Motif 169 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 9 0.043873 Original motif 0.249579 0.178396 0.130910 0.441115 0.402694 0.223106 0.374016 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.374016 0.223106 0.402694 0.441115 0.130910 0.178396 0.249579 Consensus sequence: HRCTGCAGYD Reverse complement motif 0.249579 0.130910 0.178396 0.441115 0.402694 0.374016 0.223106 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.223106 0.374016 0.402694 0.441115 0.178396 0.130910 0.249579 Consensus sequence: DMCTGCAGKH Alignment: DMCTGCAGKH TCCTCCAGK- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 31 Motif name: Motif 31 Original motif 0.079345 0.056057 0.856592 0.008006 0.000535 0.998457 0.000473 0.000535 0.000535 0.028263 0.970667 0.000535 0.000535 0.998457 0.000473 0.000535 0.923288 0.000473 0.069956 0.006283 0.042221 0.014369 0.000473 0.942937 0.000535 0.028263 0.970667 0.000535 0.000535 0.998457 0.000473 0.000535 0.000535 0.055974 0.942956 0.000535 0.000535 0.928974 0.000473 0.070018 0.895381 0.020175 0.083909 0.000535 Consensus sequence: GCGCATGCGCA Reserve complement motif 0.000535 0.020175 0.083909 0.895381 0.000535 0.000473 0.928974 0.070018 0.000535 0.942956 0.055974 0.000535 0.000535 0.000473 0.998457 0.000535 0.000535 0.970667 0.028263 0.000535 0.942937 0.014369 0.000473 0.042221 0.006283 0.000473 0.069956 0.923288 0.000535 0.000473 0.998457 0.000535 0.000535 0.970667 0.028263 0.000535 0.000535 0.000473 0.998457 0.000535 0.079345 0.856592 0.056057 0.008006 Consensus sequence: TGCGCATGCGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 31 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 82 Motif 82 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 11 0.000000 Original motif 0.013130 0.170911 0.073691 0.742268 0.037435 0.012929 0.936510 0.013126 0.000977 0.985117 0.012929 0.000977 0.000977 0.000777 0.997269 0.000977 0.013130 0.985116 0.000777 0.000977 0.985317 0.012929 0.000777 0.000977 0.000977 0.000777 0.012929 0.985317 0.000977 0.000777 0.985116 0.013130 0.000977 0.997269 0.000777 0.000977 0.000977 0.012929 0.985117 0.000977 0.013126 0.936510 0.012929 0.037435 0.742268 0.073691 0.170911 0.013130 Consensus sequence: TGCGCATGCGCA Reverse complement motif 0.013130 0.073691 0.170911 0.742268 0.013126 0.012929 0.936510 0.037435 0.000977 0.985117 0.012929 0.000977 0.000977 0.000777 0.997269 0.000977 0.000977 0.985116 0.000777 0.013130 0.985317 0.000777 0.012929 0.000977 0.000977 0.012929 0.000777 0.985317 0.013130 0.000777 0.985116 0.000977 0.000977 0.997269 0.000777 0.000977 0.000977 0.012929 0.985117 0.000977 0.037435 0.936510 0.012929 0.013126 0.742268 0.170911 0.073691 0.013130 Consensus sequence: TGCGCATGCGCA Alignment: TGCGCATGCGCA -GCGCATGCGCA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 32 Motif name: Motif 32 Original motif 0.202231 0.181985 0.141300 0.474484 0.003945 0.000093 0.015165 0.980797 0.969237 0.011397 0.014600 0.004766 0.070635 0.839581 0.047240 0.042544 0.475010 0.024990 0.024990 0.475010 0.042544 0.047240 0.839581 0.070635 0.004766 0.014600 0.011397 0.969237 0.980797 0.015165 0.000093 0.003945 0.474484 0.141300 0.181985 0.202231 Consensus sequence: HTACWGTAD Reserve complement motif 0.202231 0.141300 0.181985 0.474484 0.003945 0.015165 0.000093 0.980797 0.969237 0.014600 0.011397 0.004766 0.042544 0.839581 0.047240 0.070635 0.475010 0.024990 0.024990 0.475010 0.070635 0.047240 0.839581 0.042544 0.004766 0.011397 0.014600 0.969237 0.980797 0.000093 0.015165 0.003945 0.474484 0.181985 0.141300 0.202231 Consensus sequence: DTACWGTAH ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 32 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 99 Motif 99 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 9 0.030164 Original motif 0.970192 0.000453 0.014619 0.014736 0.970192 0.000453 0.014619 0.014736 0.043068 0.889646 0.024218 0.043068 0.024335 0.042951 0.000453 0.932261 0.000570 0.000453 0.014619 0.984358 0.856864 0.000453 0.127947 0.014736 0.014732 0.899249 0.014619 0.071400 0.000570 0.006330 0.000453 0.992647 0.085566 0.028785 0.000453 0.885196 0.000570 0.000453 0.000453 0.998524 0.974759 0.000453 0.000453 0.024335 0.014732 0.000453 0.028785 0.956030 Consensus sequence: AACTTACTTTAT Reverse complement motif 0.956030 0.000453 0.028785 0.014732 0.024335 0.000453 0.000453 0.974759 0.998524 0.000453 0.000453 0.000570 0.885196 0.028785 0.000453 0.085566 0.992647 0.006330 0.000453 0.000570 0.014732 0.014619 0.899249 0.071400 0.014736 0.000453 0.127947 0.856864 0.984358 0.000453 0.014619 0.000570 0.932261 0.042951 0.000453 0.024335 0.043068 0.024218 0.889646 0.043068 0.014736 0.000453 0.014619 0.970192 0.014736 0.000453 0.014619 0.970192 Consensus sequence: ATAAAGTAAGTT Alignment: ATAAAGTAAGTT HTACWGTAD--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 33 Motif name: Motif 33 Original motif 0.032796 0.000547 0.949949 0.016708 0.064973 0.000547 0.917772 0.016708 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.000619 0.998215 0.000547 0.000619 0.740825 0.016636 0.241920 0.000619 0.048884 0.048813 0.032724 0.869579 0.000619 0.032724 0.000547 0.966110 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.805224 0.097078 0.000547 0.097151 0.933932 0.016636 0.016636 0.032796 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.048814 0.000547 0.950020 0.064973 0.869507 0.000547 0.064973 0.129328 0.805151 0.000547 0.064974 Consensus sequence: GGTCATTAAAAATCC Reserve complement motif 0.129328 0.000547 0.805151 0.064974 0.064973 0.000547 0.869507 0.064973 0.950020 0.048814 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.032796 0.016636 0.016636 0.933932 0.097151 0.097078 0.000547 0.805224 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.966110 0.032724 0.000547 0.000619 0.869579 0.048813 0.032724 0.048884 0.000619 0.016636 0.241920 0.740825 0.000619 0.000547 0.998215 0.000619 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.064973 0.917772 0.000547 0.016708 0.032796 0.949949 0.000547 0.016708 Consensus sequence: GGATTTTTAATGACC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 33 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 174 Motif 174 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.126822 Original motif 0.266991 0.010473 0.712690 0.009846 0.981269 0.000014 0.018699 0.000018 0.916033 0.017174 0.060521 0.006272 0.236348 0.021194 0.726173 0.016285 0.702133 0.008055 0.241179 0.048633 0.765617 0.020486 0.112814 0.101083 0.324797 0.016466 0.645132 0.013605 0.851205 0.020116 0.108559 0.020120 0.680124 0.046583 0.188050 0.085243 0.482973 0.043427 0.435241 0.038359 0.657142 0.020933 0.257842 0.064083 0.679967 0.063817 0.144004 0.112212 0.430176 0.091884 0.434482 0.043458 0.791122 0.019408 0.111430 0.078040 0.665273 0.068916 0.151740 0.114071 Consensus sequence: GAAGAARAARAARAA Reverse complement motif 0.114071 0.068916 0.151740 0.665273 0.078040 0.019408 0.111430 0.791122 0.430176 0.434482 0.091884 0.043458 0.112212 0.063817 0.144004 0.679967 0.064083 0.020933 0.257842 0.657142 0.038359 0.043427 0.435241 0.482973 0.085243 0.046583 0.188050 0.680124 0.020120 0.020116 0.108559 0.851205 0.324797 0.645132 0.016466 0.013605 0.101083 0.020486 0.112814 0.765617 0.048633 0.008055 0.241179 0.702133 0.236348 0.726173 0.021194 0.016285 0.006272 0.017174 0.060521 0.916033 0.000018 0.000014 0.018699 0.981269 0.266991 0.712690 0.010473 0.009846 Consensus sequence: TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC Alignment: TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC GGATTTTTAATGACC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 34 Motif name: Motif 34 Original motif 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 Consensus sequence: CAGTATAG Reserve complement motif 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 Consensus sequence: CTATACTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 34 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 215 Motif 215 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 6 8 0.040720 Original motif 0.998221 0.000536 0.000536 0.000707 0.000707 0.998050 0.000536 0.000707 0.963845 0.017724 0.017724 0.000707 0.035085 0.000536 0.963672 0.000707 0.000707 0.963672 0.000536 0.035085 0.017895 0.912105 0.017724 0.052276 0.981033 0.017724 0.000536 0.000707 0.017895 0.000536 0.980862 0.000707 0.000707 0.000536 0.980862 0.017895 0.929459 0.000536 0.069298 0.000707 0.017895 0.017724 0.000536 0.963845 0.981033 0.000536 0.000536 0.017895 0.069469 0.000536 0.860526 0.069469 Consensus sequence: ACAGCCAGGATAG Reverse complement motif 0.069469 0.860526 0.000536 0.069469 0.017895 0.000536 0.000536 0.981033 0.963845 0.017724 0.000536 0.017895 0.000707 0.000536 0.069298 0.929459 0.000707 0.980862 0.000536 0.017895 0.017895 0.980862 0.000536 0.000707 0.000707 0.017724 0.000536 0.981033 0.017895 0.017724 0.912105 0.052276 0.000707 0.000536 0.963672 0.035085 0.035085 0.963672 0.000536 0.000707 0.000707 0.017724 0.017724 0.963845 0.000707 0.000536 0.998050 0.000707 0.000707 0.000536 0.000536 0.998221 Consensus sequence: CTATCCTGGCTGT Alignment: CTATCCTGGCTGT CTATACTG----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 35 Motif name: Motif 35 Original motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: TAACGTTA Reserve complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: TAACGTTA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 35 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 69 Motif 69 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 4 8 0.052278 Original motif 0.090536 0.264405 0.104824 0.540235 0.113804 0.077129 0.111701 0.697366 0.402674 0.032545 0.558096 0.006685 0.000018 0.003923 0.000015 0.996044 0.001628 0.002084 0.857899 0.138389 0.983904 0.000015 0.001164 0.014917 0.000708 0.960120 0.004498 0.034674 0.034674 0.004498 0.960120 0.000708 0.014917 0.001164 0.000015 0.983904 0.138389 0.857899 0.002084 0.001628 0.996044 0.000015 0.003923 0.000018 0.006685 0.558096 0.032545 0.402674 0.697366 0.111701 0.077129 0.113804 0.540235 0.104824 0.264405 0.090536 Consensus sequence: TTRTGACGTCAYAA Reverse complement motif 0.090536 0.104824 0.264405 0.540235 0.113804 0.111701 0.077129 0.697366 0.006685 0.032545 0.558096 0.402674 0.000018 0.000015 0.003923 0.996044 0.138389 0.002084 0.857899 0.001628 0.983904 0.001164 0.000015 0.014917 0.034674 0.960120 0.004498 0.000708 0.000708 0.004498 0.960120 0.034674 0.014917 0.000015 0.001164 0.983904 0.001628 0.857899 0.002084 0.138389 0.996044 0.003923 0.000015 0.000018 0.402674 0.558096 0.032545 0.006685 0.697366 0.077129 0.111701 0.113804 0.540235 0.264405 0.104824 0.090536 Consensus sequence: TTKTGACGTCAMAA Alignment: TTKTGACGTCAMAA ---TAACGTTA--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 36 Motif name: Motif 36 Original motif 0.865846 0.008407 0.048792 0.076955 0.844554 0.078667 0.049396 0.027383 0.000352 0.000311 0.022051 0.977286 0.863712 0.090644 0.044710 0.000934 0.971348 0.000311 0.018466 0.009875 0.952903 0.000730 0.000483 0.045884 0.054871 0.076999 0.859991 0.008139 0.011370 0.769776 0.161700 0.057154 Consensus sequence: AATAAAGC Reserve complement motif 0.011370 0.161700 0.769776 0.057154 0.054871 0.859991 0.076999 0.008139 0.045884 0.000730 0.000483 0.952903 0.009875 0.000311 0.018466 0.971348 0.000934 0.090644 0.044710 0.863712 0.977286 0.000311 0.022051 0.000352 0.027383 0.078667 0.049396 0.844554 0.076955 0.008407 0.048792 0.865846 Consensus sequence: GCTTTATT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 36 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 145 Motif 145 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 8 0.048975 Original motif 0.955089 0.010536 0.019260 0.015115 0.992318 0.000121 0.000121 0.007440 0.690570 0.074094 0.155609 0.079727 0.000127 0.640177 0.252280 0.107416 0.961750 0.000886 0.005874 0.031490 0.940555 0.000121 0.017280 0.042044 0.916933 0.000121 0.030628 0.052318 0.805746 0.051856 0.106621 0.035777 0.000127 0.911309 0.039461 0.049103 0.770662 0.128915 0.074635 0.025788 0.757024 0.195689 0.013608 0.033679 Consensus sequence: AAACAAAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.033679 0.195689 0.013608 0.757024 0.025788 0.128915 0.074635 0.770662 0.000127 0.039461 0.911309 0.049103 0.035777 0.051856 0.106621 0.805746 0.052318 0.000121 0.030628 0.916933 0.042044 0.000121 0.017280 0.940555 0.031490 0.000886 0.005874 0.961750 0.000127 0.252280 0.640177 0.107416 0.079727 0.074094 0.155609 0.690570 0.007440 0.000121 0.000121 0.992318 0.015115 0.010536 0.019260 0.955089 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTTGTTT Alignment: AAACAAAACAA -AATAAAGC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 37 Motif name: Motif 37 Original motif 0.834880 0.095651 0.000358 0.069111 0.161825 0.000358 0.837411 0.000406 0.000406 0.000358 0.907006 0.092230 0.998878 0.000358 0.000358 0.000406 0.957980 0.041256 0.000358 0.000406 0.000406 0.000358 0.998830 0.000406 0.097514 0.000358 0.000358 0.901770 0.000406 0.000358 0.912107 0.087129 0.140636 0.777308 0.081650 0.000406 Consensus sequence: AGGAAGTGC Reserve complement motif 0.140636 0.081650 0.777308 0.000406 0.000406 0.912107 0.000358 0.087129 0.901770 0.000358 0.000358 0.097514 0.000406 0.998830 0.000358 0.000406 0.000406 0.041256 0.000358 0.957980 0.000406 0.000358 0.000358 0.998878 0.000406 0.907006 0.000358 0.092230 0.161825 0.837411 0.000358 0.000406 0.069111 0.095651 0.000358 0.834880 Consensus sequence: GCACTTCCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 37 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 40 Motif 40 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 2 9 0.043283 Original motif 0.912075 0.054603 0.022060 0.011262 0.000417 0.004856 0.022060 0.972667 0.043803 0.000369 0.944566 0.011262 0.011262 0.937253 0.032907 0.018578 0.032955 0.966259 0.000369 0.000417 0.032955 0.904745 0.000369 0.061931 0.000417 0.000369 0.000369 0.998845 0.000417 0.000369 0.004856 0.994358 0.004904 0.918376 0.000369 0.076351 0.011262 0.933717 0.000369 0.054652 0.983513 0.000369 0.004856 0.011262 0.043803 0.000369 0.933720 0.022108 Consensus sequence: ATGCCCTTCCAG Reverse complement motif 0.043803 0.933720 0.000369 0.022108 0.011262 0.000369 0.004856 0.983513 0.011262 0.000369 0.933717 0.054652 0.004904 0.000369 0.918376 0.076351 0.994358 0.000369 0.004856 0.000417 0.998845 0.000369 0.000369 0.000417 0.032955 0.000369 0.904745 0.061931 0.032955 0.000369 0.966259 0.000417 0.011262 0.032907 0.937253 0.018578 0.043803 0.944566 0.000369 0.011262 0.972667 0.004856 0.022060 0.000417 0.011262 0.054603 0.022060 0.912075 Consensus sequence: CTGGAAGGGCAT Alignment: CTGGAAGGGCAT -AGGAAGTGC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 38 Motif name: Motif 38 Original motif 0.024789 0.901924 0.044299 0.028988 0.787544 0.023776 0.097025 0.091655 0.870274 0.082379 0.008898 0.038449 0.023023 0.851569 0.054571 0.070837 0.768396 0.036660 0.071395 0.123549 0.843333 0.019889 0.061040 0.075738 0.005171 0.903282 0.029152 0.062395 0.938961 0.000096 0.025303 0.035640 0.896126 0.002676 0.026142 0.075056 0.008834 0.842327 0.045687 0.103152 0.741908 0.134222 0.058095 0.065775 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACA Reserve complement motif 0.065775 0.134222 0.058095 0.741908 0.008834 0.045687 0.842327 0.103152 0.075056 0.002676 0.026142 0.896126 0.035640 0.000096 0.025303 0.938961 0.005171 0.029152 0.903282 0.062395 0.075738 0.019889 0.061040 0.843333 0.123549 0.036660 0.071395 0.768396 0.023023 0.054571 0.851569 0.070837 0.038449 0.082379 0.008898 0.870274 0.091655 0.023776 0.097025 0.787544 0.024789 0.044299 0.901924 0.028988 Consensus sequence: TGTTGTTGTTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 38 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 112 Motif 112 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 11 0.004057 Original motif 0.057207 0.809719 0.000601 0.132473 0.885141 0.038235 0.000601 0.076023 0.885141 0.000601 0.038235 0.076023 0.019573 0.884986 0.019418 0.076023 0.960407 0.000601 0.038235 0.000757 0.941590 0.019418 0.038235 0.000757 0.000757 0.884985 0.057051 0.057207 0.922775 0.000601 0.057051 0.019573 0.941591 0.000601 0.000601 0.057207 0.019573 0.809719 0.094685 0.076023 0.960408 0.019418 0.000601 0.019573 0.885141 0.000601 0.113501 0.000757 0.000757 0.847352 0.000601 0.151290 0.998041 0.000601 0.000601 0.000757 0.960408 0.000601 0.019418 0.019573 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.019573 0.000601 0.019418 0.960408 0.000757 0.000601 0.000601 0.998041 0.000757 0.000601 0.847352 0.151290 0.000757 0.000601 0.113501 0.885141 0.019573 0.019418 0.000601 0.960408 0.019573 0.094685 0.809719 0.076023 0.057207 0.000601 0.000601 0.941591 0.019573 0.000601 0.057051 0.922775 0.000757 0.057051 0.884985 0.057207 0.000757 0.019418 0.038235 0.941590 0.000757 0.000601 0.038235 0.960407 0.019573 0.019418 0.884986 0.076023 0.076023 0.000601 0.038235 0.885141 0.076023 0.038235 0.000601 0.885141 0.057207 0.000601 0.809719 0.132473 Consensus sequence: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG Alignment: CAACAACAACAACAA CAACAACAACA---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 39 Motif name: Motif 39 Original motif 0.000352 0.933263 0.018599 0.047786 0.962450 0.000311 0.036887 0.000352 0.999026 0.000311 0.000311 0.000352 0.000352 0.947098 0.000311 0.052239 0.000352 0.036887 0.000311 0.962450 0.009496 0.000311 0.791490 0.198703 0.816108 0.000311 0.183229 0.000352 0.004135 0.721938 0.000311 0.273616 0.000352 0.998985 0.000311 0.000352 0.018640 0.924082 0.009455 0.047823 0.999026 0.000311 0.000311 0.000352 0.027784 0.000311 0.962409 0.009496 Consensus sequence: CAACTGACCCAG Reserve complement motif 0.027784 0.962409 0.000311 0.009496 0.000352 0.000311 0.000311 0.999026 0.018640 0.009455 0.924082 0.047823 0.000352 0.000311 0.998985 0.000352 0.004135 0.000311 0.721938 0.273616 0.000352 0.000311 0.183229 0.816108 0.009496 0.791490 0.000311 0.198703 0.962450 0.036887 0.000311 0.000352 0.000352 0.000311 0.947098 0.052239 0.000352 0.000311 0.000311 0.999026 0.000352 0.000311 0.036887 0.962450 0.000352 0.018599 0.933263 0.047786 Consensus sequence: CTGGGTCAGTTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 39 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 28 Motif 28 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 2 12 0.040063 Original motif 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: ACTGGGGCATTAGGA Reverse complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 Consensus sequence: TCCTAATGCCCCAGT Alignment: TCCTAATGCCCCAGT -CAACTGACCCAG-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 40 Motif name: Motif 40 Original motif 0.912075 0.054603 0.022060 0.011262 0.000417 0.004856 0.022060 0.972667 0.043803 0.000369 0.944566 0.011262 0.011262 0.937253 0.032907 0.018578 0.032955 0.966259 0.000369 0.000417 0.032955 0.904745 0.000369 0.061931 0.000417 0.000369 0.000369 0.998845 0.000417 0.000369 0.004856 0.994358 0.004904 0.918376 0.000369 0.076351 0.011262 0.933717 0.000369 0.054652 0.983513 0.000369 0.004856 0.011262 0.043803 0.000369 0.933720 0.022108 Consensus sequence: ATGCCCTTCCAG Reserve complement motif 0.043803 0.933720 0.000369 0.022108 0.011262 0.000369 0.004856 0.983513 0.011262 0.000369 0.933717 0.054652 0.004904 0.000369 0.918376 0.076351 0.994358 0.000369 0.004856 0.000417 0.998845 0.000369 0.000369 0.000417 0.032955 0.000369 0.904745 0.061931 0.032955 0.000369 0.966259 0.000417 0.011262 0.032907 0.937253 0.018578 0.043803 0.944566 0.000369 0.011262 0.972667 0.004856 0.022060 0.000417 0.011262 0.054603 0.022060 0.912075 Consensus sequence: CTGGAAGGGCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 40 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 67 Motif 67 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 12 0.076557 Original motif 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.040617 0.000678 0.040528 0.918177 0.020691 0.040528 0.938014 0.000767 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 0.000767 0.997788 0.000678 0.000767 0.040617 0.020602 0.000678 0.938103 0.020640 0.938065 0.000678 0.040617 0.000767 0.977864 0.020602 0.000767 0.020691 0.929834 0.000678 0.048797 0.060544 0.319666 0.000678 0.619112 0.000767 0.000678 0.997788 0.000767 Consensus sequence: ATGTTCTCCCYG Reverse complement motif 0.000767 0.997788 0.000678 0.000767 0.619112 0.319666 0.000678 0.060544 0.020691 0.000678 0.929834 0.048797 0.000767 0.020602 0.977864 0.000767 0.020640 0.000678 0.938065 0.040617 0.938103 0.020602 0.000678 0.040617 0.000767 0.000678 0.997788 0.000767 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.020691 0.938014 0.040528 0.000767 0.918177 0.000678 0.040528 0.040617 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 Consensus sequence: CMGGGAGAACAT Alignment: CMGGGAGAACAT CTGGAAGGGCAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 41 Motif name: Motif 41 Original motif 0.897628 0.025685 0.063573 0.013114 0.013114 0.013057 0.973343 0.000486 0.973399 0.000430 0.013057 0.013114 0.013114 0.000430 0.960714 0.025742 0.000486 0.013057 0.000430 0.986027 0.000486 0.985970 0.000430 0.013114 0.872367 0.000430 0.114089 0.013114 0.050998 0.000430 0.935458 0.013114 0.025742 0.013057 0.897571 0.063630 0.998654 0.000430 0.000430 0.000486 0.000486 0.948085 0.013057 0.038372 0.000486 0.935459 0.000430 0.063625 0.013114 0.013057 0.000430 0.973399 Consensus sequence: AGAGTCAGGACCT Reserve complement motif 0.973399 0.013057 0.000430 0.013114 0.000486 0.000430 0.935459 0.063625 0.000486 0.013057 0.948085 0.038372 0.000486 0.000430 0.000430 0.998654 0.025742 0.897571 0.013057 0.063630 0.050998 0.935458 0.000430 0.013114 0.013114 0.000430 0.114089 0.872367 0.000486 0.000430 0.985970 0.013114 0.986027 0.013057 0.000430 0.000486 0.013114 0.960714 0.000430 0.025742 0.013114 0.000430 0.013057 0.973399 0.013114 0.973343 0.013057 0.000486 0.013114 0.025685 0.063573 0.897628 Consensus sequence: AGGTCCTGACTCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 41 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 45 Motif 45 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 13 0.089107 Original motif 0.918750 0.013758 0.027064 0.040428 0.985277 0.013758 0.000453 0.000512 0.998582 0.000453 0.000453 0.000512 0.053733 0.013758 0.918692 0.013817 0.958667 0.000453 0.027063 0.013817 0.040429 0.027064 0.905383 0.027124 0.040429 0.053674 0.013758 0.892139 0.905445 0.000453 0.040368 0.053734 0.027123 0.013758 0.931996 0.027123 0.013817 0.000453 0.971913 0.013817 0.067039 0.000453 0.918691 0.013817 0.027123 0.040370 0.918690 0.013817 0.013817 0.000453 0.000453 0.985277 0.053734 0.000453 0.386382 0.559431 0.013817 0.053674 0.000453 0.932056 Consensus sequence: AAAGAGTAGGGGTKT Reverse complement motif 0.932056 0.053674 0.000453 0.013817 0.559431 0.000453 0.386382 0.053734 0.985277 0.000453 0.000453 0.013817 0.027123 0.918690 0.040370 0.013817 0.067039 0.918691 0.000453 0.013817 0.013817 0.971913 0.000453 0.013817 0.027123 0.931996 0.013758 0.027123 0.053734 0.000453 0.040368 0.905445 0.892139 0.053674 0.013758 0.040429 0.040429 0.905383 0.027064 0.027124 0.013817 0.000453 0.027063 0.958667 0.053733 0.918692 0.013758 0.013817 0.000512 0.000453 0.000453 0.998582 0.000512 0.013758 0.000453 0.985277 0.040428 0.013758 0.027064 0.918750 Consensus sequence: ARACCCCTACTCTTT Alignment: ARACCCCTACTCTTT AGGTCCTGACTCT-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 42 Motif name: Motif 42 Original motif 0.938066 0.000678 0.060489 0.000767 0.878256 0.040552 0.060489 0.020703 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 0.000767 0.020614 0.000678 0.977941 0.000767 0.020614 0.000678 0.977941 0.000767 0.000678 0.997788 0.000767 0.020703 0.000678 0.977852 0.000767 0.000767 0.997788 0.000678 0.000767 0.000767 0.957916 0.020614 0.020703 0.977941 0.000678 0.020614 0.000767 0.000767 0.000678 0.977852 0.020703 0.060578 0.020614 0.858230 0.060578 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.000767 0.678683 0.000678 0.319872 Consensus sequence: AATTTGGCCAGGAC Reserve complement motif 0.000767 0.000678 0.678683 0.319872 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 0.060578 0.858230 0.020614 0.060578 0.000767 0.977852 0.000678 0.020703 0.000767 0.000678 0.020614 0.977941 0.000767 0.020614 0.957916 0.020703 0.000767 0.000678 0.997788 0.000767 0.020703 0.977852 0.000678 0.000767 0.000767 0.997788 0.000678 0.000767 0.977941 0.020614 0.000678 0.000767 0.977941 0.020614 0.000678 0.000767 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.020703 0.040552 0.060489 0.878256 0.000767 0.000678 0.060489 0.938066 Consensus sequence: GTCCTGGCCAAATT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 42 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 126 Motif 126 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 14 0.066586 Original motif 0.523602 0.134025 0.281755 0.060618 0.297767 0.265740 0.241995 0.194498 0.023912 0.045496 0.008789 0.921803 0.032548 0.964980 0.000153 0.002319 0.088687 0.023904 0.002312 0.885097 0.000160 0.997368 0.000153 0.002319 0.022646 0.010949 0.966245 0.000160 0.000160 0.966245 0.010949 0.022646 0.002319 0.000153 0.997368 0.000160 0.885097 0.002312 0.023904 0.088687 0.002319 0.000153 0.964980 0.032548 0.921803 0.008789 0.045496 0.023912 0.194498 0.241995 0.265740 0.297767 0.060618 0.281755 0.134025 0.523602 Consensus sequence: RVTCTCGCGAGABY Reverse complement motif 0.523602 0.281755 0.134025 0.060618 0.297767 0.241995 0.265740 0.194498 0.023912 0.008789 0.045496 0.921803 0.002319 0.964980 0.000153 0.032548 0.088687 0.002312 0.023904 0.885097 0.002319 0.997368 0.000153 0.000160 0.000160 0.010949 0.966245 0.022646 0.022646 0.966245 0.010949 0.000160 0.000160 0.000153 0.997368 0.002319 0.885097 0.023904 0.002312 0.088687 0.032548 0.000153 0.964980 0.002319 0.921803 0.045496 0.008789 0.023912 0.194498 0.265740 0.241995 0.297767 0.060618 0.134025 0.281755 0.523602 Consensus sequence: MVTCTCGCGAGABK Alignment: RVTCTCGCGAGABY AATTTGGCCAGGAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 43 Motif name: Motif 43 Original motif 0.105535 0.894082 0.000180 0.000203 0.723653 0.254372 0.012437 0.009538 0.000203 0.973322 0.000180 0.026295 0.043953 0.955664 0.000180 0.000203 0.623599 0.204054 0.166009 0.006338 0.959191 0.040426 0.000180 0.000203 0.159134 0.803125 0.037538 0.000203 0.072247 0.844667 0.029460 0.053626 0.000203 0.943474 0.056120 0.000203 0.000203 0.967759 0.000180 0.031858 Consensus sequence: CACCAACCCC Reserve complement motif 0.000203 0.000180 0.967759 0.031858 0.000203 0.056120 0.943474 0.000203 0.072247 0.029460 0.844667 0.053626 0.159134 0.037538 0.803125 0.000203 0.000203 0.040426 0.000180 0.959191 0.006338 0.204054 0.166009 0.623599 0.043953 0.000180 0.955664 0.000203 0.000203 0.000180 0.973322 0.026295 0.009538 0.254372 0.012437 0.723653 0.105535 0.000180 0.894082 0.000203 Consensus sequence: GGGGTTGGTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 43 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 118 Motif 118 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 10 0.062429 Original motif 0.018027 0.948244 0.030758 0.002971 0.003490 0.974176 0.000967 0.021367 0.025298 0.971351 0.001513 0.001838 0.000050 0.998168 0.001732 0.000050 0.050443 0.067747 0.189964 0.691846 0.005797 0.994106 0.000047 0.000050 0.000050 0.996131 0.000825 0.002994 0.015371 0.933319 0.003112 0.048198 0.189734 0.735530 0.013820 0.060916 0.176968 0.648148 0.052400 0.122484 0.161842 0.423218 0.074422 0.340518 Consensus sequence: CCCCTCCCCCY Reverse complement motif 0.161842 0.074422 0.423218 0.340518 0.176968 0.052400 0.648148 0.122484 0.189734 0.013820 0.735530 0.060916 0.015371 0.003112 0.933319 0.048198 0.000050 0.000825 0.996131 0.002994 0.005797 0.000047 0.994106 0.000050 0.691846 0.067747 0.189964 0.050443 0.000050 0.001732 0.998168 0.000050 0.025298 0.001513 0.971351 0.001838 0.003490 0.000967 0.974176 0.021367 0.018027 0.030758 0.948244 0.002971 Consensus sequence: KGGGGGAGGGG Alignment: CCCCTCCCCCY CACCAACCCC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 44 Motif name: Motif 44 Original motif 0.020692 0.048377 0.826140 0.104791 0.000197 0.991024 0.000174 0.008605 0.034192 0.010421 0.939819 0.015568 0.000197 0.989185 0.000174 0.010444 0.000197 0.000174 0.994308 0.005321 0.014684 0.772127 0.025793 0.187396 0.012999 0.010421 0.811439 0.165141 0.002317 0.966570 0.015545 0.015568 0.449159 0.089371 0.262574 0.198896 0.025815 0.889223 0.033037 0.051925 0.002317 0.061650 0.894844 0.041189 0.160435 0.111504 0.125115 0.602946 Consensus sequence: GCGCGCGCDCGT Reserve complement motif 0.602946 0.111504 0.125115 0.160435 0.002317 0.894844 0.061650 0.041189 0.025815 0.033037 0.889223 0.051925 0.198896 0.089371 0.262574 0.449159 0.002317 0.015545 0.966570 0.015568 0.012999 0.811439 0.010421 0.165141 0.014684 0.025793 0.772127 0.187396 0.000197 0.994308 0.000174 0.005321 0.000197 0.000174 0.989185 0.010444 0.034192 0.939819 0.010421 0.015568 0.000197 0.000174 0.991024 0.008605 0.020692 0.826140 0.048377 0.104791 Consensus sequence: ACGDGCGCGCGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 44 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 125 Motif 125 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 12 0.076750 Original motif 0.032627 0.908456 0.058839 0.000078 0.225018 0.002186 0.748615 0.024181 0.006413 0.993434 0.000075 0.000078 0.863754 0.063423 0.045294 0.027529 0.014859 0.071869 0.069759 0.843513 0.002190 0.000075 0.997657 0.000078 0.008525 0.991322 0.000075 0.000078 0.002190 0.000075 0.995545 0.002190 0.010636 0.710437 0.004298 0.274629 0.833319 0.029635 0.062186 0.074860 0.029641 0.482557 0.430712 0.057091 0.194347 0.064298 0.079079 0.662276 0.297679 0.191005 0.336335 0.174981 0.140320 0.284975 0.488412 0.086294 Consensus sequence: CGCATGCGCASTVS Reverse complement motif 0.140320 0.488412 0.284975 0.086294 0.297679 0.336335 0.191005 0.174981 0.662276 0.064298 0.079079 0.194347 0.029641 0.430712 0.482557 0.057091 0.074860 0.029635 0.062186 0.833319 0.010636 0.004298 0.710437 0.274629 0.002190 0.995545 0.000075 0.002190 0.008525 0.000075 0.991322 0.000078 0.002190 0.997657 0.000075 0.000078 0.843513 0.071869 0.069759 0.014859 0.027529 0.063423 0.045294 0.863754 0.006413 0.000075 0.993434 0.000078 0.225018 0.748615 0.002186 0.024181 0.032627 0.058839 0.908456 0.000078 Consensus sequence: SVASTGCGCATGCG Alignment: SVASTGCGCATGCG -ACGDGCGCGCGC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 45 Motif name: Motif 45 Original motif 0.918750 0.013758 0.027064 0.040428 0.985277 0.013758 0.000453 0.000512 0.998582 0.000453 0.000453 0.000512 0.053733 0.013758 0.918692 0.013817 0.958667 0.000453 0.027063 0.013817 0.040429 0.027064 0.905383 0.027124 0.040429 0.053674 0.013758 0.892139 0.905445 0.000453 0.040368 0.053734 0.027123 0.013758 0.931996 0.027123 0.013817 0.000453 0.971913 0.013817 0.067039 0.000453 0.918691 0.013817 0.027123 0.040370 0.918690 0.013817 0.013817 0.000453 0.000453 0.985277 0.053734 0.000453 0.386382 0.559431 0.013817 0.053674 0.000453 0.932056 Consensus sequence: AAAGAGTAGGGGTKT Reserve complement motif 0.932056 0.053674 0.000453 0.013817 0.559431 0.000453 0.386382 0.053734 0.985277 0.000453 0.000453 0.013817 0.027123 0.918690 0.040370 0.013817 0.067039 0.918691 0.000453 0.013817 0.013817 0.971913 0.000453 0.013817 0.027123 0.931996 0.013758 0.027123 0.053734 0.000453 0.040368 0.905445 0.892139 0.053674 0.013758 0.040429 0.040429 0.905383 0.027064 0.027124 0.013817 0.000453 0.027063 0.958667 0.053733 0.918692 0.013758 0.013817 0.000512 0.000453 0.000453 0.998582 0.000512 0.013758 0.000453 0.985277 0.040428 0.013758 0.027064 0.918750 Consensus sequence: ARACCCCTACTCTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 45 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 53 Motif 53 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 15 0.098372 Original motif 0.914196 0.032902 0.036276 0.016626 0.000314 0.917532 0.008434 0.073720 0.917569 0.008434 0.057371 0.016626 0.024782 0.000277 0.974627 0.000314 0.958351 0.000277 0.024746 0.016626 0.016627 0.909375 0.024746 0.049252 0.000314 0.958313 0.000277 0.041096 0.620505 0.008434 0.370747 0.000314 0.008470 0.942002 0.024746 0.024782 0.974663 0.008434 0.000277 0.016626 0.081876 0.000277 0.893065 0.024782 0.000314 0.024746 0.966470 0.008470 0.024782 0.016590 0.000277 0.958351 0.024783 0.000277 0.024746 0.950194 0.077100 0.016590 0.897840 0.008470 Consensus sequence: ACAGACCRCAGGTTG Reverse complement motif 0.077100 0.897840 0.016590 0.008470 0.950194 0.000277 0.024746 0.024783 0.958351 0.016590 0.000277 0.024782 0.000314 0.966470 0.024746 0.008470 0.081876 0.893065 0.000277 0.024782 0.016626 0.008434 0.000277 0.974663 0.008470 0.024746 0.942002 0.024782 0.000314 0.008434 0.370747 0.620505 0.000314 0.000277 0.958313 0.041096 0.016627 0.024746 0.909375 0.049252 0.016626 0.000277 0.024746 0.958351 0.024782 0.974627 0.000277 0.000314 0.016626 0.008434 0.057371 0.917569 0.000314 0.008434 0.917532 0.073720 0.016626 0.032902 0.036276 0.914196 Consensus sequence: CAACCTGKGGTCTGT Alignment: CAACCTGKGGTCTGT ARACCCCTACTCTTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 46 Motif name: Motif 46 Original motif 0.001094 0.000967 0.996845 0.001094 0.001094 0.000967 0.000967 0.996972 0.001094 0.996845 0.000967 0.001094 0.849254 0.000967 0.148685 0.001094 0.001094 0.000967 0.996845 0.001094 0.001094 0.000967 0.000967 0.996972 0.001094 0.996845 0.000967 0.001094 0.776606 0.000967 0.221333 0.001094 Consensus sequence: GTCAGTCA Reserve complement motif 0.001094 0.000967 0.221333 0.776606 0.001094 0.000967 0.996845 0.001094 0.996972 0.000967 0.000967 0.001094 0.001094 0.996845 0.000967 0.001094 0.001094 0.000967 0.148685 0.849254 0.001094 0.000967 0.996845 0.001094 0.996972 0.000967 0.000967 0.001094 0.001094 0.996845 0.000967 0.001094 Consensus sequence: TGACTGAC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 46 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 139 Motif 139 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 3 8 0.025669 Original motif 0.083420 0.895974 0.007905 0.012701 0.001776 0.003786 0.000432 0.994006 0.005484 0.005476 0.985636 0.003404 0.002390 0.035513 0.000187 0.961910 0.007913 0.980705 0.003043 0.008339 0.934068 0.053149 0.009064 0.003719 0.971161 0.028456 0.000187 0.000196 0.000196 0.000187 0.000187 0.999430 0.021363 0.975046 0.000187 0.003404 0.991318 0.000187 0.006105 0.002390 0.202954 0.581148 0.000187 0.215711 Consensus sequence: CTGTCAATCAC Reverse complement motif 0.202954 0.000187 0.581148 0.215711 0.002390 0.000187 0.006105 0.991318 0.021363 0.000187 0.975046 0.003404 0.999430 0.000187 0.000187 0.000196 0.000196 0.028456 0.000187 0.971161 0.003719 0.053149 0.009064 0.934068 0.007913 0.003043 0.980705 0.008339 0.961910 0.035513 0.000187 0.002390 0.005484 0.985636 0.005476 0.003404 0.994006 0.003786 0.000432 0.001776 0.083420 0.007905 0.895974 0.012701 Consensus sequence: GTGATTGACAG Alignment: GTGATTGACAG -TGACTGAC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 47 Motif name: Motif 47 Original motif 0.100152 0.014687 0.884960 0.000201 0.108350 0.792172 0.000177 0.099301 0.035393 0.869662 0.007519 0.087426 0.403968 0.593053 0.000177 0.002802 0.000201 0.993358 0.006240 0.000201 0.053502 0.000177 0.946120 0.000201 0.012410 0.916866 0.031674 0.039050 0.000201 0.999421 0.000177 0.000201 0.000201 0.959344 0.000177 0.040278 0.699165 0.266151 0.000177 0.034507 Consensus sequence: GCCMCGCCCA Reserve complement motif 0.034507 0.266151 0.000177 0.699165 0.000201 0.000177 0.959344 0.040278 0.000201 0.000177 0.999421 0.000201 0.012410 0.031674 0.916866 0.039050 0.053502 0.946120 0.000177 0.000201 0.000201 0.006240 0.993358 0.000201 0.403968 0.000177 0.593053 0.002802 0.035393 0.007519 0.869662 0.087426 0.108350 0.000177 0.792172 0.099301 0.100152 0.884960 0.014687 0.000201 Consensus sequence: TGGGCGRGGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 47 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 153 Motif 153 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 3 10 0.051106 Original motif 0.011012 0.010995 0.977601 0.000392 0.042872 0.754552 0.053474 0.149102 0.000392 0.988221 0.000375 0.011012 0.032251 0.010995 0.000375 0.956379 0.011012 0.010995 0.966981 0.011012 0.011012 0.053473 0.871405 0.064110 0.011012 0.032234 0.032235 0.924519 0.680209 0.010995 0.276545 0.032251 0.021631 0.010995 0.956362 0.011012 0.988238 0.000375 0.010995 0.000392 0.011012 0.021614 0.935123 0.032251 0.170341 0.021614 0.797033 0.011012 0.000392 0.966982 0.000375 0.032251 0.000392 0.021614 0.000375 0.977619 0.945759 0.010995 0.021615 0.021631 Consensus sequence: GCCTGGTAGAGGCTA Reverse complement motif 0.021631 0.010995 0.021615 0.945759 0.977619 0.021614 0.000375 0.000392 0.000392 0.000375 0.966982 0.032251 0.170341 0.797033 0.021614 0.011012 0.011012 0.935123 0.021614 0.032251 0.000392 0.000375 0.010995 0.988238 0.021631 0.956362 0.010995 0.011012 0.032251 0.010995 0.276545 0.680209 0.924519 0.032234 0.032235 0.011012 0.011012 0.871405 0.053473 0.064110 0.011012 0.966981 0.010995 0.011012 0.956379 0.010995 0.000375 0.032251 0.000392 0.000375 0.988221 0.011012 0.042872 0.053474 0.754552 0.149102 0.011012 0.977601 0.010995 0.000392 Consensus sequence: TAGCCTCTACCAGGC Alignment: GCCTGGTAGAGGCTA ---TGGGCGRGGC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 48 Motif name: Motif 48 Original motif 0.000136 0.073297 0.108195 0.818372 0.000136 0.000120 0.912877 0.086867 0.922469 0.000120 0.011484 0.065927 0.884422 0.115322 0.000120 0.000136 0.000136 0.000120 0.058746 0.940998 0.000136 0.000120 0.999608 0.000136 0.900275 0.000120 0.099469 0.000136 0.696162 0.140799 0.162903 0.000136 0.217839 0.119574 0.216971 0.445615 Consensus sequence: TGAATGAAD Reserve complement motif 0.445615 0.119574 0.216971 0.217839 0.000136 0.140799 0.162903 0.696162 0.000136 0.000120 0.099469 0.900275 0.000136 0.999608 0.000120 0.000136 0.940998 0.000120 0.058746 0.000136 0.000136 0.115322 0.000120 0.884422 0.065927 0.000120 0.011484 0.922469 0.000136 0.912877 0.000120 0.086867 0.818372 0.073297 0.108195 0.000136 Consensus sequence: DTTCATTCA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 48 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 2 Motif 2 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 3 9 0.055387 Original motif 0.059438 0.585946 0.091172 0.263444 0.624536 0.064511 0.301494 0.009459 0.345785 0.005464 0.568599 0.080152 0.000040 0.996623 0.000036 0.003301 0.000040 0.999884 0.000036 0.000040 0.989422 0.000036 0.000036 0.010506 0.999888 0.000036 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.026310 0.000036 0.973614 0.033555 0.872012 0.084401 0.010032 0.905954 0.016751 0.077255 0.000040 0.128196 0.173103 0.666947 0.031754 0.661210 0.199354 0.099767 0.039669 Consensus sequence: CARCCAATCAGA Reverse complement motif 0.039669 0.199354 0.099767 0.661210 0.128196 0.666947 0.173103 0.031754 0.000040 0.016751 0.077255 0.905954 0.033555 0.084401 0.872012 0.010032 0.973614 0.026310 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.000036 0.999888 0.010506 0.000036 0.000036 0.989422 0.000040 0.000036 0.999884 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.996623 0.003301 0.345785 0.568599 0.005464 0.080152 0.009459 0.064511 0.301494 0.624536 0.059438 0.091172 0.585946 0.263444 Consensus sequence: TCTGATTGGMTG Alignment: CARCCAATCAGA --DTTCATTCA- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 49 Motif name: Motif 49 Original motif 0.000272 0.003161 0.996295 0.000272 0.007332 0.000240 0.992156 0.000272 0.536821 0.003161 0.459746 0.000272 0.014393 0.000240 0.956852 0.028515 0.000272 0.021423 0.978033 0.000272 0.992187 0.000240 0.007301 0.000272 0.952607 0.029838 0.014362 0.003193 0.985144 0.007301 0.007283 0.000272 0.000272 0.999216 0.000240 0.000272 0.000272 0.848393 0.077916 0.073419 0.072363 0.358389 0.568976 0.000272 Consensus sequence: GGRGGAAACCS Reserve complement motif 0.072363 0.568976 0.358389 0.000272 0.000272 0.077916 0.848393 0.073419 0.000272 0.000240 0.999216 0.000272 0.000272 0.007301 0.007283 0.985144 0.003193 0.029838 0.014362 0.952607 0.000272 0.000240 0.007301 0.992187 0.000272 0.978033 0.021423 0.000272 0.014393 0.956852 0.000240 0.028515 0.000272 0.003161 0.459746 0.536821 0.007332 0.992156 0.000240 0.000272 0.000272 0.996295 0.003161 0.000272 Consensus sequence: SGGTTTCCKCC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 49 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 137 Motif 137 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 11 0.069725 Original motif 0.034110 0.037242 0.029187 0.899461 0.036959 0.118935 0.834263 0.009843 0.008663 0.000101 0.991131 0.000105 0.102578 0.887233 0.000101 0.010088 0.007541 0.000101 0.992253 0.000105 0.032572 0.218687 0.742933 0.005808 0.002951 0.004136 0.989955 0.002958 0.984251 0.000101 0.001283 0.014365 0.918863 0.000101 0.065485 0.015551 0.726083 0.082826 0.121080 0.070011 0.427098 0.113963 0.187310 0.271629 0.176926 0.187680 0.136022 0.499372 Consensus sequence: TGGCGGGAAADH Reverse complement motif 0.499372 0.187680 0.136022 0.176926 0.271629 0.113963 0.187310 0.427098 0.070011 0.082826 0.121080 0.726083 0.015551 0.000101 0.065485 0.918863 0.014365 0.000101 0.001283 0.984251 0.002951 0.989955 0.004136 0.002958 0.032572 0.742933 0.218687 0.005808 0.007541 0.992253 0.000101 0.000105 0.102578 0.000101 0.887233 0.010088 0.008663 0.991131 0.000101 0.000105 0.036959 0.834263 0.118935 0.009843 0.899461 0.037242 0.029187 0.034110 Consensus sequence: HDTTTCCCGCCA Alignment: HDTTTCCCGCCA SGGTTTCCKCC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 50 Motif name: Motif 50 Original motif 0.000457 0.000404 0.000404 0.998735 0.000457 0.998682 0.000404 0.000457 0.998735 0.000404 0.000404 0.000457 0.000457 0.014523 0.024155 0.960865 0.000457 0.963085 0.000404 0.036054 0.036084 0.628086 0.036034 0.299796 0.117129 0.036032 0.822631 0.024208 0.998735 0.000404 0.000404 0.000457 0.998735 0.000404 0.000404 0.000457 0.998735 0.000404 0.000404 0.000457 0.036085 0.000404 0.963054 0.000457 0.951230 0.000404 0.047909 0.000457 0.000457 0.830183 0.000404 0.168956 Consensus sequence: TCATCCGAAAGAC Reserve complement motif 0.000457 0.000404 0.830183 0.168956 0.000457 0.000404 0.047909 0.951230 0.036085 0.963054 0.000404 0.000457 0.000457 0.000404 0.000404 0.998735 0.000457 0.000404 0.000404 0.998735 0.000457 0.000404 0.000404 0.998735 0.117129 0.822631 0.036032 0.024208 0.036084 0.036034 0.628086 0.299796 0.000457 0.000404 0.963085 0.036054 0.960865 0.014523 0.024155 0.000457 0.000457 0.000404 0.000404 0.998735 0.000457 0.000404 0.998682 0.000457 0.998735 0.000404 0.000404 0.000457 Consensus sequence: GTCTTTCGGATGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 50 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 33 Motif 33 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 3 13 0.092173 Original motif 0.032796 0.000547 0.949949 0.016708 0.064973 0.000547 0.917772 0.016708 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.000619 0.998215 0.000547 0.000619 0.740825 0.016636 0.241920 0.000619 0.048884 0.048813 0.032724 0.869579 0.000619 0.032724 0.000547 0.966110 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.805224 0.097078 0.000547 0.097151 0.933932 0.016636 0.016636 0.032796 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.048814 0.000547 0.950020 0.064973 0.869507 0.000547 0.064973 0.129328 0.805151 0.000547 0.064974 Consensus sequence: GGTCATTAAAAATCC Reverse complement motif 0.129328 0.000547 0.805151 0.064974 0.064973 0.000547 0.869507 0.064973 0.950020 0.048814 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.032796 0.016636 0.016636 0.933932 0.097151 0.097078 0.000547 0.805224 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.966110 0.032724 0.000547 0.000619 0.869579 0.048813 0.032724 0.048884 0.000619 0.016636 0.241920 0.740825 0.000619 0.000547 0.998215 0.000619 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.064973 0.917772 0.000547 0.016708 0.032796 0.949949 0.000547 0.016708 Consensus sequence: GGATTTTTAATGACC Alignment: GGATTTTTAATGACC GTCTTTCGGATGA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 51 Motif name: Motif 51 Original motif 0.016435 0.887461 0.000538 0.095566 0.966663 0.000538 0.016364 0.016435 0.966662 0.000538 0.000538 0.032262 0.016435 0.982418 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.000538 0.016364 0.982489 0.000609 0.934939 0.016364 0.048088 0.000609 0.016364 0.000538 0.982489 0.000609 0.950765 0.000538 0.048088 0.998315 0.000538 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.998244 0.000538 0.000609 0.998315 0.000538 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.000538 0.000538 0.998315 0.048088 0.000538 0.919112 0.032262 0.063920 0.048019 0.871626 0.016435 Consensus sequence: CAACTCTCACATGG Reserve complement motif 0.063920 0.871626 0.048019 0.016435 0.048088 0.919112 0.000538 0.032262 0.998315 0.000538 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.000538 0.000538 0.998315 0.000609 0.000538 0.998244 0.000609 0.000609 0.000538 0.000538 0.998315 0.000609 0.000538 0.950765 0.048088 0.982489 0.016364 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.016364 0.934939 0.048088 0.982489 0.000538 0.016364 0.000609 0.016435 0.000538 0.982418 0.000609 0.032262 0.000538 0.000538 0.966662 0.016435 0.000538 0.016364 0.966663 0.016435 0.000538 0.887461 0.095566 Consensus sequence: CCATGTGAGAGTTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 51 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 57 Motif 57 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 14 0.066789 Original motif 0.015698 0.000514 0.983206 0.000582 0.000582 0.907626 0.000514 0.091278 0.968158 0.015630 0.000514 0.015698 0.030813 0.000514 0.952975 0.015698 0.000582 0.937859 0.030746 0.030813 0.953041 0.000514 0.015630 0.030815 0.000582 0.000514 0.000514 0.998390 0.000582 0.968091 0.000514 0.030813 0.015698 0.922742 0.000514 0.061046 0.892576 0.015630 0.000514 0.091280 0.015698 0.968090 0.000514 0.015698 0.000582 0.257527 0.015630 0.726261 0.000582 0.015630 0.000514 0.983274 0.106394 0.030746 0.832045 0.030815 0.136628 0.015630 0.847160 0.000582 Consensus sequence: GCAGCATCCACTTGG Reverse complement motif 0.136628 0.847160 0.015630 0.000582 0.106394 0.832045 0.030746 0.030815 0.983274 0.015630 0.000514 0.000582 0.726261 0.257527 0.015630 0.000582 0.015698 0.000514 0.968090 0.015698 0.091280 0.015630 0.000514 0.892576 0.015698 0.000514 0.922742 0.061046 0.000582 0.000514 0.968091 0.030813 0.998390 0.000514 0.000514 0.000582 0.030815 0.000514 0.015630 0.953041 0.000582 0.030746 0.937859 0.030813 0.030813 0.952975 0.000514 0.015698 0.015698 0.015630 0.000514 0.968158 0.000582 0.000514 0.907626 0.091278 0.015698 0.983206 0.000514 0.000582 Consensus sequence: CCAAGTGGATGCTGC Alignment: GCAGCATCCACTTGG -CAACTCTCACATGG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 52 Motif name: Motif 52 Original motif 0.888118 0.000157 0.111547 0.000178 0.000178 0.000157 0.999487 0.000178 0.000178 0.052143 0.000157 0.947522 0.000178 0.105688 0.893956 0.000178 0.974460 0.000157 0.000157 0.025226 0.920968 0.078697 0.000157 0.000178 0.216753 0.000157 0.662127 0.120963 0.134322 0.000157 0.865343 0.000178 0.116153 0.000157 0.751084 0.132606 0.085857 0.025267 0.828103 0.060773 0.954931 0.000157 0.000157 0.044755 Consensus sequence: AGTGAAGGGGA Reserve complement motif 0.044755 0.000157 0.000157 0.954931 0.085857 0.828103 0.025267 0.060773 0.116153 0.751084 0.000157 0.132606 0.134322 0.865343 0.000157 0.000178 0.216753 0.662127 0.000157 0.120963 0.000178 0.078697 0.000157 0.920968 0.025226 0.000157 0.000157 0.974460 0.000178 0.893956 0.105688 0.000178 0.947522 0.052143 0.000157 0.000178 0.000178 0.999487 0.000157 0.000178 0.000178 0.000157 0.111547 0.888118 Consensus sequence: TCCCCTTCACT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 52 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 45 Motif 45 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 11 0.076096 Original motif 0.918750 0.013758 0.027064 0.040428 0.985277 0.013758 0.000453 0.000512 0.998582 0.000453 0.000453 0.000512 0.053733 0.013758 0.918692 0.013817 0.958667 0.000453 0.027063 0.013817 0.040429 0.027064 0.905383 0.027124 0.040429 0.053674 0.013758 0.892139 0.905445 0.000453 0.040368 0.053734 0.027123 0.013758 0.931996 0.027123 0.013817 0.000453 0.971913 0.013817 0.067039 0.000453 0.918691 0.013817 0.027123 0.040370 0.918690 0.013817 0.013817 0.000453 0.000453 0.985277 0.053734 0.000453 0.386382 0.559431 0.013817 0.053674 0.000453 0.932056 Consensus sequence: AAAGAGTAGGGGTKT Reverse complement motif 0.932056 0.053674 0.000453 0.013817 0.559431 0.000453 0.386382 0.053734 0.985277 0.000453 0.000453 0.013817 0.027123 0.918690 0.040370 0.013817 0.067039 0.918691 0.000453 0.013817 0.013817 0.971913 0.000453 0.013817 0.027123 0.931996 0.013758 0.027123 0.053734 0.000453 0.040368 0.905445 0.892139 0.053674 0.013758 0.040429 0.040429 0.905383 0.027064 0.027124 0.013817 0.000453 0.027063 0.958667 0.053733 0.918692 0.013758 0.013817 0.000512 0.000453 0.000453 0.998582 0.000512 0.013758 0.000453 0.985277 0.040428 0.013758 0.027064 0.918750 Consensus sequence: ARACCCCTACTCTTT Alignment: AAAGAGTAGGGGTKT --AGTGAAGGGGA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 53 Motif name: Motif 53 Original motif 0.914196 0.032902 0.036276 0.016626 0.000314 0.917532 0.008434 0.073720 0.917569 0.008434 0.057371 0.016626 0.024782 0.000277 0.974627 0.000314 0.958351 0.000277 0.024746 0.016626 0.016627 0.909375 0.024746 0.049252 0.000314 0.958313 0.000277 0.041096 0.620505 0.008434 0.370747 0.000314 0.008470 0.942002 0.024746 0.024782 0.974663 0.008434 0.000277 0.016626 0.081876 0.000277 0.893065 0.024782 0.000314 0.024746 0.966470 0.008470 0.024782 0.016590 0.000277 0.958351 0.024783 0.000277 0.024746 0.950194 0.077100 0.016590 0.897840 0.008470 Consensus sequence: ACAGACCRCAGGTTG Reserve complement motif 0.077100 0.897840 0.016590 0.008470 0.950194 0.000277 0.024746 0.024783 0.958351 0.016590 0.000277 0.024782 0.000314 0.966470 0.024746 0.008470 0.081876 0.893065 0.000277 0.024782 0.016626 0.008434 0.000277 0.974663 0.008470 0.024746 0.942002 0.024782 0.000314 0.008434 0.370747 0.620505 0.000314 0.000277 0.958313 0.041096 0.016627 0.024746 0.909375 0.049252 0.016626 0.000277 0.024746 0.958351 0.024782 0.974627 0.000277 0.000314 0.016626 0.008434 0.057371 0.917569 0.000314 0.008434 0.917532 0.073720 0.016626 0.032902 0.036276 0.914196 Consensus sequence: CAACCTGKGGTCTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 53 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 45 Motif 45 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 15 0.099650 Original motif 0.918750 0.013758 0.027064 0.040428 0.985277 0.013758 0.000453 0.000512 0.998582 0.000453 0.000453 0.000512 0.053733 0.013758 0.918692 0.013817 0.958667 0.000453 0.027063 0.013817 0.040429 0.027064 0.905383 0.027124 0.040429 0.053674 0.013758 0.892139 0.905445 0.000453 0.040368 0.053734 0.027123 0.013758 0.931996 0.027123 0.013817 0.000453 0.971913 0.013817 0.067039 0.000453 0.918691 0.013817 0.027123 0.040370 0.918690 0.013817 0.013817 0.000453 0.000453 0.985277 0.053734 0.000453 0.386382 0.559431 0.013817 0.053674 0.000453 0.932056 Consensus sequence: AAAGAGTAGGGGTKT Reverse complement motif 0.932056 0.053674 0.000453 0.013817 0.559431 0.000453 0.386382 0.053734 0.985277 0.000453 0.000453 0.013817 0.027123 0.918690 0.040370 0.013817 0.067039 0.918691 0.000453 0.013817 0.013817 0.971913 0.000453 0.013817 0.027123 0.931996 0.013758 0.027123 0.053734 0.000453 0.040368 0.905445 0.892139 0.053674 0.013758 0.040429 0.040429 0.905383 0.027064 0.027124 0.013817 0.000453 0.027063 0.958667 0.053733 0.918692 0.013758 0.013817 0.000512 0.000453 0.000453 0.998582 0.000512 0.013758 0.000453 0.985277 0.040428 0.013758 0.027064 0.918750 Consensus sequence: ARACCCCTACTCTTT Alignment: ARACCCCTACTCTTT CAACCTGKGGTCTGT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 54 Motif name: Motif 54 Original motif 0.998055 0.000621 0.000621 0.000703 0.998055 0.000621 0.000621 0.000703 0.998055 0.000621 0.000621 0.000703 0.000703 0.792594 0.206000 0.000703 0.731078 0.170505 0.097714 0.000703 0.000703 0.997973 0.000621 0.000703 0.818569 0.000621 0.000621 0.180189 0.998055 0.000621 0.000621 0.000703 Consensus sequence: AAACACAA Reserve complement motif 0.000703 0.000621 0.000621 0.998055 0.180189 0.000621 0.000621 0.818569 0.000703 0.000621 0.997973 0.000703 0.000703 0.170505 0.097714 0.731078 0.000703 0.206000 0.792594 0.000703 0.000703 0.000621 0.000621 0.998055 0.000703 0.000621 0.000621 0.998055 0.000703 0.000621 0.000621 0.998055 Consensus sequence: TTGTGTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 54 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 145 Motif 145 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 8 0.042953 Original motif 0.955089 0.010536 0.019260 0.015115 0.992318 0.000121 0.000121 0.007440 0.690570 0.074094 0.155609 0.079727 0.000127 0.640177 0.252280 0.107416 0.961750 0.000886 0.005874 0.031490 0.940555 0.000121 0.017280 0.042044 0.916933 0.000121 0.030628 0.052318 0.805746 0.051856 0.106621 0.035777 0.000127 0.911309 0.039461 0.049103 0.770662 0.128915 0.074635 0.025788 0.757024 0.195689 0.013608 0.033679 Consensus sequence: AAACAAAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.033679 0.195689 0.013608 0.757024 0.025788 0.128915 0.074635 0.770662 0.000127 0.039461 0.911309 0.049103 0.035777 0.051856 0.106621 0.805746 0.052318 0.000121 0.030628 0.916933 0.042044 0.000121 0.017280 0.940555 0.031490 0.000886 0.005874 0.961750 0.000127 0.252280 0.640177 0.107416 0.079727 0.074094 0.155609 0.690570 0.007440 0.000121 0.000121 0.992318 0.015115 0.010536 0.019260 0.955089 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTTGTTT Alignment: TTGTTTTGTTT ---TTGTGTTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 55 Motif name: Motif 55 Original motif 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: CTTTGATC Reserve complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 Consensus sequence: GATCAAAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 55 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 62 Motif 62 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 8 0.035417 Original motif 0.000410 0.000363 0.964820 0.034407 0.000410 0.000363 0.032361 0.966866 0.000410 0.966818 0.000363 0.032409 0.951821 0.000363 0.021695 0.026121 0.998864 0.000363 0.000363 0.000410 0.000410 0.021694 0.026073 0.951823 0.000410 0.939110 0.026073 0.034407 0.988199 0.000363 0.011028 0.000410 0.796158 0.192403 0.000363 0.011076 0.956201 0.021694 0.000363 0.021742 0.158381 0.064367 0.751131 0.026121 Consensus sequence: GTCAATCAAAG Reverse complement motif 0.158381 0.751131 0.064367 0.026121 0.021742 0.021694 0.000363 0.956201 0.011076 0.192403 0.000363 0.796158 0.000410 0.000363 0.011028 0.988199 0.000410 0.026073 0.939110 0.034407 0.951823 0.021694 0.026073 0.000410 0.000410 0.000363 0.000363 0.998864 0.026121 0.000363 0.021695 0.951821 0.000410 0.000363 0.966818 0.032409 0.966866 0.000363 0.032361 0.000410 0.000410 0.964820 0.000363 0.034407 Consensus sequence: CTTTGATTGAC Alignment: GTCAATCAAAG ---GATCAAAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 56 Motif name: Motif 56 Original motif 0.885620 0.035531 0.078276 0.000573 0.094559 0.000506 0.904362 0.000573 0.000573 0.998348 0.000506 0.000573 0.000573 0.995691 0.003163 0.000573 0.892291 0.000506 0.007307 0.099896 0.998415 0.000506 0.000506 0.000573 0.000573 0.000506 0.000506 0.998415 0.911913 0.087008 0.000506 0.000573 0.000573 0.000506 0.998348 0.000573 Consensus sequence: AGCCAATAG Reserve complement motif 0.000573 0.998348 0.000506 0.000573 0.000573 0.087008 0.000506 0.911913 0.998415 0.000506 0.000506 0.000573 0.000573 0.000506 0.000506 0.998415 0.099896 0.000506 0.007307 0.892291 0.000573 0.003163 0.995691 0.000573 0.000573 0.000506 0.998348 0.000573 0.094559 0.904362 0.000506 0.000573 0.000573 0.035531 0.078276 0.885620 Consensus sequence: CTATTGGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 56 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 166 Motif 166 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 9 0.034307 Original motif 0.140933 0.787464 0.025762 0.045841 0.859932 0.082981 0.000919 0.056168 0.000420 0.000401 0.919979 0.079200 0.000420 0.998759 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.991875 0.007285 0.000420 0.965961 0.000401 0.002291 0.031347 0.998778 0.000401 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.000401 0.998778 0.011734 0.950590 0.000401 0.037275 0.834598 0.135241 0.029741 0.000420 Consensus sequence: CAGCCAATCA Reverse complement motif 0.000420 0.135241 0.029741 0.834598 0.011734 0.000401 0.950590 0.037275 0.998778 0.000401 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.000401 0.998778 0.031347 0.000401 0.002291 0.965961 0.000420 0.007285 0.991875 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.998759 0.000420 0.000420 0.919979 0.000401 0.079200 0.056168 0.082981 0.000919 0.859932 0.140933 0.025762 0.787464 0.045841 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGCTG Alignment: TGATTGGCTG CTATTGGCT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 57 Motif name: Motif 57 Original motif 0.015698 0.000514 0.983206 0.000582 0.000582 0.907626 0.000514 0.091278 0.968158 0.015630 0.000514 0.015698 0.030813 0.000514 0.952975 0.015698 0.000582 0.937859 0.030746 0.030813 0.953041 0.000514 0.015630 0.030815 0.000582 0.000514 0.000514 0.998390 0.000582 0.968091 0.000514 0.030813 0.015698 0.922742 0.000514 0.061046 0.892576 0.015630 0.000514 0.091280 0.015698 0.968090 0.000514 0.015698 0.000582 0.257527 0.015630 0.726261 0.000582 0.015630 0.000514 0.983274 0.106394 0.030746 0.832045 0.030815 0.136628 0.015630 0.847160 0.000582 Consensus sequence: GCAGCATCCACTTGG Reserve complement motif 0.136628 0.847160 0.015630 0.000582 0.106394 0.832045 0.030746 0.030815 0.983274 0.015630 0.000514 0.000582 0.726261 0.257527 0.015630 0.000582 0.015698 0.000514 0.968090 0.015698 0.091280 0.015630 0.000514 0.892576 0.015698 0.000514 0.922742 0.061046 0.000582 0.000514 0.968091 0.030813 0.998390 0.000514 0.000514 0.000582 0.030815 0.000514 0.015630 0.953041 0.000582 0.030746 0.937859 0.030813 0.030813 0.952975 0.000514 0.015698 0.015698 0.015630 0.000514 0.968158 0.000582 0.000514 0.907626 0.091278 0.015698 0.983206 0.000514 0.000582 Consensus sequence: CCAAGTGGATGCTGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 57 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 53 Motif 53 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.110547 Original motif 0.914196 0.032902 0.036276 0.016626 0.000314 0.917532 0.008434 0.073720 0.917569 0.008434 0.057371 0.016626 0.024782 0.000277 0.974627 0.000314 0.958351 0.000277 0.024746 0.016626 0.016627 0.909375 0.024746 0.049252 0.000314 0.958313 0.000277 0.041096 0.620505 0.008434 0.370747 0.000314 0.008470 0.942002 0.024746 0.024782 0.974663 0.008434 0.000277 0.016626 0.081876 0.000277 0.893065 0.024782 0.000314 0.024746 0.966470 0.008470 0.024782 0.016590 0.000277 0.958351 0.024783 0.000277 0.024746 0.950194 0.077100 0.016590 0.897840 0.008470 Consensus sequence: ACAGACCRCAGGTTG Reverse complement motif 0.077100 0.897840 0.016590 0.008470 0.950194 0.000277 0.024746 0.024783 0.958351 0.016590 0.000277 0.024782 0.000314 0.966470 0.024746 0.008470 0.081876 0.893065 0.000277 0.024782 0.016626 0.008434 0.000277 0.974663 0.008470 0.024746 0.942002 0.024782 0.000314 0.008434 0.370747 0.620505 0.000314 0.000277 0.958313 0.041096 0.016627 0.024746 0.909375 0.049252 0.016626 0.000277 0.024746 0.958351 0.024782 0.974627 0.000277 0.000314 0.016626 0.008434 0.057371 0.917569 0.000314 0.008434 0.917532 0.073720 0.016626 0.032902 0.036276 0.914196 Consensus sequence: CAACCTGKGGTCTGT Alignment: CAACCTGKGGTCTGT CCAAGTGGATGCTGC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 58 Motif name: Motif 58 Original motif 0.000662 0.017776 0.017776 0.963786 0.998168 0.000585 0.000585 0.000662 0.000662 0.980900 0.017776 0.000662 0.963786 0.000585 0.034967 0.000662 0.946591 0.052162 0.000585 0.000662 0.895021 0.017776 0.017776 0.069427 0.035045 0.000585 0.946517 0.017853 0.103816 0.000585 0.894937 0.000662 0.121003 0.034968 0.843367 0.000662 0.946594 0.017776 0.034968 0.000662 0.000662 0.000585 0.963709 0.035044 0.998168 0.000585 0.000585 0.000662 0.963786 0.000585 0.017776 0.017853 Consensus sequence: TACAAAGGGAGAA Reserve complement motif 0.017853 0.000585 0.017776 0.963786 0.000662 0.000585 0.000585 0.998168 0.000662 0.963709 0.000585 0.035044 0.000662 0.017776 0.034968 0.946594 0.121003 0.843367 0.034968 0.000662 0.103816 0.894937 0.000585 0.000662 0.035045 0.946517 0.000585 0.017853 0.069427 0.017776 0.017776 0.895021 0.000662 0.052162 0.000585 0.946591 0.000662 0.000585 0.034967 0.963786 0.000662 0.017776 0.980900 0.000662 0.000662 0.000585 0.000585 0.998168 0.963786 0.017776 0.017776 0.000662 Consensus sequence: TTCTCCCTTTGTA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 58 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 5 Motif 5 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 13 0.085939 Original motif 0.908345 0.000039 0.089165 0.002451 0.012522 0.000039 0.981729 0.005710 0.936094 0.014772 0.040686 0.008448 0.215119 0.100667 0.637976 0.046238 0.906618 0.014771 0.075167 0.003444 0.086089 0.001858 0.912009 0.000044 0.950581 0.018168 0.008091 0.023160 0.098147 0.098589 0.772398 0.030866 0.853933 0.002989 0.140102 0.002976 0.125435 0.021870 0.852651 0.000044 0.867090 0.059275 0.054990 0.018645 0.111169 0.068610 0.793337 0.026884 0.886251 0.034803 0.053951 0.024995 0.092887 0.009349 0.893656 0.004108 0.845618 0.006360 0.104467 0.043555 Consensus sequence: AGAGAGAGAGAGAGA Reverse complement motif 0.043555 0.006360 0.104467 0.845618 0.092887 0.893656 0.009349 0.004108 0.024995 0.034803 0.053951 0.886251 0.111169 0.793337 0.068610 0.026884 0.018645 0.059275 0.054990 0.867090 0.125435 0.852651 0.021870 0.000044 0.002976 0.002989 0.140102 0.853933 0.098147 0.772398 0.098589 0.030866 0.023160 0.018168 0.008091 0.950581 0.086089 0.912009 0.001858 0.000044 0.003444 0.014771 0.075167 0.906618 0.215119 0.637976 0.100667 0.046238 0.008448 0.014772 0.040686 0.936094 0.012522 0.981729 0.000039 0.005710 0.002451 0.000039 0.089165 0.908345 Consensus sequence: TCTCTCTCTCTCTCT Alignment: AGAGAGAGAGAGAGA -TACAAAGGGAGAA- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 59 Motif name: Motif 59 Original motif 0.000629 0.998186 0.000556 0.000629 0.000629 0.932798 0.000556 0.066017 0.016976 0.981839 0.000556 0.000629 0.098710 0.000556 0.000556 0.900178 0.000629 0.965491 0.000556 0.033324 0.000629 0.000556 0.016903 0.981912 0.016976 0.065945 0.900103 0.016976 0.998259 0.000556 0.000556 0.000629 0.016976 0.000556 0.016903 0.965565 0.000629 0.000556 0.981839 0.016976 0.916524 0.033250 0.049597 0.000629 0.000629 0.998186 0.000556 0.000629 0.867482 0.033250 0.065945 0.033323 0.000629 0.622160 0.000556 0.376655 Consensus sequence: CCCTCTGATGACAY Reserve complement motif 0.000629 0.000556 0.622160 0.376655 0.033323 0.033250 0.065945 0.867482 0.000629 0.000556 0.998186 0.000629 0.000629 0.033250 0.049597 0.916524 0.000629 0.981839 0.000556 0.016976 0.965565 0.000556 0.016903 0.016976 0.000629 0.000556 0.000556 0.998259 0.016976 0.900103 0.065945 0.016976 0.981912 0.000556 0.016903 0.000629 0.000629 0.000556 0.965491 0.033324 0.900178 0.000556 0.000556 0.098710 0.016976 0.000556 0.981839 0.000629 0.000629 0.000556 0.932798 0.066017 0.000629 0.000556 0.998186 0.000629 Consensus sequence: KTGTCATCAGAGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 59 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 24 Motif 24 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 14 0.095390 Original motif 0.091154 0.862665 0.011725 0.034456 0.964774 0.023065 0.011725 0.000436 0.000436 0.000386 0.964723 0.034455 0.000436 0.011725 0.023066 0.964773 0.045795 0.908022 0.000386 0.045797 0.011776 0.908025 0.023065 0.057134 0.964774 0.000386 0.011725 0.023115 0.976114 0.011725 0.011725 0.000436 0.964773 0.023065 0.000386 0.011776 0.011776 0.215944 0.737825 0.034455 0.987452 0.000386 0.000386 0.011776 0.000436 0.976063 0.011725 0.011776 0.942095 0.023065 0.011725 0.023115 0.034455 0.000386 0.000386 0.964773 0.045795 0.000386 0.953383 0.000436 Consensus sequence: CAGTCCAAAGACATG Reverse complement motif 0.045795 0.953383 0.000386 0.000436 0.964773 0.000386 0.000386 0.034455 0.023115 0.023065 0.011725 0.942095 0.000436 0.011725 0.976063 0.011776 0.011776 0.000386 0.000386 0.987452 0.011776 0.737825 0.215944 0.034455 0.011776 0.023065 0.000386 0.964773 0.000436 0.011725 0.011725 0.976114 0.023115 0.000386 0.011725 0.964774 0.011776 0.023065 0.908025 0.057134 0.045795 0.000386 0.908022 0.045797 0.964773 0.011725 0.023066 0.000436 0.000436 0.964723 0.000386 0.034455 0.000436 0.023065 0.011725 0.964774 0.091154 0.011725 0.862665 0.034456 Consensus sequence: CATGTCTTTGGACTG Alignment: CAGTCCAAAGACATG CCCTCTGATGACAY- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 60 Motif name: Motif 60 Original motif 0.000958 0.000846 0.997238 0.000958 0.000958 0.997238 0.000846 0.000958 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.922699 0.000846 0.000846 0.075609 0.000958 0.997238 0.000846 0.000958 0.972468 0.000846 0.000846 0.025840 0.000958 0.000846 0.997238 0.000958 0.000958 0.947473 0.000846 0.050723 Consensus sequence: GCATTAAAACAGC Reserve complement motif 0.000958 0.000846 0.947473 0.050723 0.000958 0.997238 0.000846 0.000958 0.025840 0.000846 0.000846 0.972468 0.000958 0.000846 0.997238 0.000958 0.075609 0.000846 0.000846 0.922699 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.000958 0.000846 0.997238 0.000958 0.000958 0.997238 0.000846 0.000958 Consensus sequence: GCTGTTTTAATGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 60 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 170 Motif 170 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 13 0.079004 Original motif 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.036008 0.000625 0.018301 0.945066 0.000653 0.000625 0.990742 0.007980 0.018330 0.000625 0.000625 0.980420 0.230489 0.000625 0.000625 0.768261 0.000653 0.000625 0.000625 0.998097 0.838999 0.071335 0.035979 0.053687 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.821299 0.018301 0.142070 0.018330 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.089048 0.000625 0.909674 0.000653 0.000653 0.945035 0.000625 0.053687 Consensus sequence: ACTGTTTACAAGC Reverse complement motif 0.000653 0.000625 0.945035 0.053687 0.089048 0.909674 0.000625 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 0.018330 0.018301 0.142070 0.821299 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.053687 0.071335 0.035979 0.838999 0.998097 0.000625 0.000625 0.000653 0.768261 0.000625 0.000625 0.230489 0.980420 0.000625 0.000625 0.018330 0.000653 0.990742 0.000625 0.007980 0.945066 0.000625 0.018301 0.036008 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 Consensus sequence: GCTTGTAAACAGT Alignment: GCTTGTAAACAGT GCATTAAAACAGC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 61 Motif name: Motif 61 Original motif 0.998544 0.000465 0.000465 0.000526 0.000526 0.000465 0.000465 0.998544 0.000526 0.100016 0.898932 0.000526 0.998544 0.000465 0.000465 0.000526 0.951202 0.047807 0.000465 0.000526 0.000526 0.000465 0.000465 0.998544 0.998544 0.000465 0.000465 0.000526 0.202698 0.113884 0.047879 0.635539 0.000526 0.007147 0.000465 0.991862 0.202698 0.212366 0.032661 0.552275 Consensus sequence: ATGAATATTT Reserve complement motif 0.552275 0.212366 0.032661 0.202698 0.991862 0.007147 0.000465 0.000526 0.635539 0.113884 0.047879 0.202698 0.000526 0.000465 0.000465 0.998544 0.998544 0.000465 0.000465 0.000526 0.000526 0.047807 0.000465 0.951202 0.000526 0.000465 0.000465 0.998544 0.000526 0.898932 0.100016 0.000526 0.998544 0.000465 0.000465 0.000526 0.000526 0.000465 0.000465 0.998544 Consensus sequence: AAATATTCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 61 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 138 Motif 138 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 10 0.013690 Original motif 0.130504 0.675408 0.144489 0.049599 0.000144 0.000138 0.007940 0.991778 0.089873 0.824021 0.043052 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.004039 0.004045 0.000144 0.004039 0.000138 0.995679 0.046961 0.097671 0.749889 0.105479 0.921555 0.066459 0.011842 0.000144 0.980073 0.011842 0.000138 0.007947 0.000144 0.000138 0.000138 0.999580 0.958945 0.000138 0.036872 0.004045 0.464732 0.019644 0.039151 0.476473 0.043058 0.035249 0.109374 0.812319 0.074270 0.339926 0.039150 0.546654 0.874740 0.074262 0.015743 0.035255 Consensus sequence: CTCATGAATAWTYA Reverse complement motif 0.035255 0.074262 0.015743 0.874740 0.546654 0.339926 0.039150 0.074270 0.812319 0.035249 0.109374 0.043058 0.476473 0.019644 0.039151 0.464732 0.004045 0.000138 0.036872 0.958945 0.999580 0.000138 0.000138 0.000144 0.007947 0.011842 0.000138 0.980073 0.000144 0.066459 0.011842 0.921555 0.046961 0.749889 0.097671 0.105479 0.995679 0.004039 0.000138 0.000144 0.004045 0.000138 0.004039 0.991778 0.089873 0.043052 0.824021 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.007940 0.000144 0.130504 0.144489 0.675408 0.049599 Consensus sequence: TMAWTATTCATGAG Alignment: CTCATGAATAWTYA ---ATGAATATTT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 62 Motif name: Motif 62 Original motif 0.000410 0.000363 0.964820 0.034407 0.000410 0.000363 0.032361 0.966866 0.000410 0.966818 0.000363 0.032409 0.951821 0.000363 0.021695 0.026121 0.998864 0.000363 0.000363 0.000410 0.000410 0.021694 0.026073 0.951823 0.000410 0.939110 0.026073 0.034407 0.988199 0.000363 0.011028 0.000410 0.796158 0.192403 0.000363 0.011076 0.956201 0.021694 0.000363 0.021742 0.158381 0.064367 0.751131 0.026121 Consensus sequence: GTCAATCAAAG Reserve complement motif 0.158381 0.751131 0.064367 0.026121 0.021742 0.021694 0.000363 0.956201 0.011076 0.192403 0.000363 0.796158 0.000410 0.000363 0.011028 0.988199 0.000410 0.026073 0.939110 0.034407 0.951823 0.021694 0.026073 0.000410 0.000410 0.000363 0.000363 0.998864 0.026121 0.000363 0.021695 0.951821 0.000410 0.000363 0.966818 0.032409 0.966866 0.000363 0.032361 0.000410 0.000410 0.964820 0.000363 0.034407 Consensus sequence: CTTTGATTGAC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 62 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 114 Motif 114 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 11 0.054468 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reverse complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM Alignment: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV ---GTCAATCAAAG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 63 Motif name: Motif 63 Original motif 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.931207 0.022898 0.022898 0.022997 0.000852 0.953254 0.000753 0.045141 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.000852 0.798180 0.000753 0.200215 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 0.022997 0.975398 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.022997 0.067192 0.000753 0.909058 0.886908 0.000753 0.089342 0.022997 0.022997 0.931108 0.022898 0.022997 0.953352 0.022898 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 Consensus sequence: AAACACCCATACAC Reserve complement motif 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.022997 0.022898 0.000753 0.953352 0.022997 0.022898 0.931108 0.022997 0.022997 0.000753 0.089342 0.886908 0.909058 0.067192 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.022997 0.000753 0.975398 0.000852 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.798180 0.200215 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.953254 0.045141 0.022997 0.022898 0.022898 0.931207 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 Consensus sequence: GTGTATGGGTGTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 63 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 1 Motif 1 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 14 0.053673 Original motif 0.968740 0.000040 0.004511 0.026709 0.013922 0.977456 0.002402 0.006220 0.966168 0.006638 0.025047 0.002147 0.067219 0.903090 0.000040 0.029651 0.961372 0.021134 0.007929 0.009565 0.020212 0.973719 0.006024 0.000045 0.943908 0.005041 0.022813 0.028238 0.060825 0.882025 0.000040 0.057110 0.945290 0.000716 0.053949 0.000045 0.004759 0.900920 0.000040 0.094281 0.982955 0.004217 0.000788 0.012040 0.049706 0.873612 0.019164 0.057518 0.969511 0.000040 0.030404 0.000045 0.000045 0.999870 0.000040 0.000045 Consensus sequence: ACACACACACACAC Reverse complement motif 0.000045 0.000040 0.999870 0.000045 0.000045 0.000040 0.030404 0.969511 0.049706 0.019164 0.873612 0.057518 0.012040 0.004217 0.000788 0.982955 0.004759 0.000040 0.900920 0.094281 0.000045 0.000716 0.053949 0.945290 0.060825 0.000040 0.882025 0.057110 0.028238 0.005041 0.022813 0.943908 0.020212 0.006024 0.973719 0.000045 0.009565 0.021134 0.007929 0.961372 0.067219 0.000040 0.903090 0.029651 0.002147 0.006638 0.025047 0.966168 0.013922 0.002402 0.977456 0.006220 0.026709 0.000040 0.004511 0.968740 Consensus sequence: GTGTGTGTGTGTGT Alignment: ACACACACACACAC AAACACCCATACAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 64 Motif name: Motif 64 Original motif 0.000109 0.999686 0.000096 0.000109 0.000109 0.000096 0.999686 0.000109 0.230951 0.006044 0.231347 0.531658 0.000109 0.985257 0.000096 0.014538 0.033900 0.234552 0.169777 0.561771 0.100254 0.785916 0.113721 0.000109 0.032438 0.032494 0.431524 0.503544 0.196997 0.442768 0.000096 0.360139 0.000109 0.648431 0.223274 0.128186 Consensus sequence: CGTCTCKYC Reserve complement motif 0.000109 0.223274 0.648431 0.128186 0.196997 0.000096 0.442768 0.360139 0.503544 0.032494 0.431524 0.032438 0.100254 0.113721 0.785916 0.000109 0.561771 0.234552 0.169777 0.033900 0.000109 0.000096 0.985257 0.014538 0.531658 0.006044 0.231347 0.230951 0.000109 0.999686 0.000096 0.000109 0.000109 0.000096 0.999686 0.000109 Consensus sequence: GKRGAGACG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 64 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 226 Motif 226 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 9 0.027114 Original motif 0.036197 0.903448 0.060109 0.000246 0.000246 0.000187 0.998170 0.001397 0.158512 0.066096 0.078079 0.697313 0.006238 0.894981 0.048122 0.050659 0.000246 0.080563 0.847043 0.072148 0.018222 0.853035 0.128497 0.000246 0.044672 0.000187 0.954895 0.000246 0.056658 0.008662 0.116501 0.818179 0.054173 0.691252 0.048122 0.206453 0.035173 0.062587 0.806123 0.096117 0.048181 0.647846 0.135948 0.168025 0.006238 0.333683 0.501437 0.158642 Consensus sequence: CGTCGCGTCGCS Reverse complement motif 0.006238 0.501437 0.333683 0.158642 0.048181 0.135948 0.647846 0.168025 0.035173 0.806123 0.062587 0.096117 0.054173 0.048122 0.691252 0.206453 0.818179 0.008662 0.116501 0.056658 0.044672 0.954895 0.000187 0.000246 0.018222 0.128497 0.853035 0.000246 0.000246 0.847043 0.080563 0.072148 0.006238 0.048122 0.894981 0.050659 0.697313 0.066096 0.078079 0.158512 0.000246 0.998170 0.000187 0.001397 0.036197 0.060109 0.903448 0.000246 Consensus sequence: SGCGACGCGACG Alignment: CGTCGCGTCGCS CGTCTCKYC--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 65 Motif name: Motif 65 Original motif 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: CTGGAGCTC Reserve complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 Consensus sequence: GAGCTCCAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 65 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 200 Motif 200 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 9 0.050929 Original motif 0.000255 0.934656 0.064834 0.000255 0.000255 0.000194 0.000194 0.999357 0.031293 0.968258 0.000194 0.000255 0.000255 0.111445 0.548486 0.339814 0.931073 0.000194 0.000194 0.068539 0.000255 0.073434 0.842783 0.083528 0.009035 0.972181 0.000194 0.018590 0.056122 0.123286 0.012609 0.807983 0.000255 0.974466 0.018816 0.006463 0.012670 0.109069 0.252572 0.625689 0.188114 0.131112 0.612722 0.068052 0.102143 0.652610 0.105724 0.139523 Consensus sequence: CTCKAGCTCTGC Reverse complement motif 0.102143 0.105724 0.652610 0.139523 0.188114 0.612722 0.131112 0.068052 0.625689 0.109069 0.252572 0.012670 0.000255 0.018816 0.974466 0.006463 0.807983 0.123286 0.012609 0.056122 0.009035 0.000194 0.972181 0.018590 0.000255 0.842783 0.073434 0.083528 0.068539 0.000194 0.000194 0.931073 0.000255 0.548486 0.111445 0.339814 0.031293 0.000194 0.968258 0.000255 0.999357 0.000194 0.000194 0.000255 0.000255 0.064834 0.934656 0.000255 Consensus sequence: GCAGAGCTYGAG Alignment: GCAGAGCTYGAG ---GAGCTCCAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 66 Motif name: Motif 66 Original motif 0.000522 0.884608 0.114348 0.000522 0.000522 0.071200 0.000462 0.927816 0.998554 0.000462 0.000462 0.000522 0.820716 0.103293 0.008417 0.067574 0.000522 0.000508 0.000783 0.998187 0.044585 0.060096 0.807024 0.088295 0.833975 0.037549 0.034971 0.093505 0.806039 0.131453 0.000462 0.062046 Consensus sequence: CTAATGAA Reserve complement motif 0.062046 0.131453 0.000462 0.806039 0.093505 0.037549 0.034971 0.833975 0.044585 0.807024 0.060096 0.088295 0.998187 0.000508 0.000783 0.000522 0.067574 0.103293 0.008417 0.820716 0.000522 0.000462 0.000462 0.998554 0.927816 0.071200 0.000462 0.000522 0.000522 0.114348 0.884608 0.000522 Consensus sequence: TTCATTAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 66 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 138 Motif 138 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 8 0.025178 Original motif 0.130504 0.675408 0.144489 0.049599 0.000144 0.000138 0.007940 0.991778 0.089873 0.824021 0.043052 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.004039 0.004045 0.000144 0.004039 0.000138 0.995679 0.046961 0.097671 0.749889 0.105479 0.921555 0.066459 0.011842 0.000144 0.980073 0.011842 0.000138 0.007947 0.000144 0.000138 0.000138 0.999580 0.958945 0.000138 0.036872 0.004045 0.464732 0.019644 0.039151 0.476473 0.043058 0.035249 0.109374 0.812319 0.074270 0.339926 0.039150 0.546654 0.874740 0.074262 0.015743 0.035255 Consensus sequence: CTCATGAATAWTYA Reverse complement motif 0.035255 0.074262 0.015743 0.874740 0.546654 0.339926 0.039150 0.074270 0.812319 0.035249 0.109374 0.043058 0.476473 0.019644 0.039151 0.464732 0.004045 0.000138 0.036872 0.958945 0.999580 0.000138 0.000138 0.000144 0.007947 0.011842 0.000138 0.980073 0.000144 0.066459 0.011842 0.921555 0.046961 0.749889 0.097671 0.105479 0.995679 0.004039 0.000138 0.000144 0.004045 0.000138 0.004039 0.991778 0.089873 0.043052 0.824021 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.007940 0.000144 0.130504 0.144489 0.675408 0.049599 Consensus sequence: TMAWTATTCATGAG Alignment: CTCATGAATAWTYA CTAATGAA------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 67 Motif name: Motif 67 Original motif 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.040617 0.000678 0.040528 0.918177 0.020691 0.040528 0.938014 0.000767 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 0.000767 0.997788 0.000678 0.000767 0.040617 0.020602 0.000678 0.938103 0.020640 0.938065 0.000678 0.040617 0.000767 0.977864 0.020602 0.000767 0.020691 0.929834 0.000678 0.048797 0.060544 0.319666 0.000678 0.619112 0.000767 0.000678 0.997788 0.000767 Consensus sequence: ATGTTCTCCCYG Reserve complement motif 0.000767 0.997788 0.000678 0.000767 0.619112 0.319666 0.000678 0.060544 0.020691 0.000678 0.929834 0.048797 0.000767 0.020602 0.977864 0.000767 0.020640 0.000678 0.938065 0.040617 0.938103 0.020602 0.000678 0.040617 0.000767 0.000678 0.997788 0.000767 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.020691 0.938014 0.040528 0.000767 0.918177 0.000678 0.040528 0.040617 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 Consensus sequence: CMGGGAGAACAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 67 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 40 Motif 40 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 12 0.058658 Original motif 0.912075 0.054603 0.022060 0.011262 0.000417 0.004856 0.022060 0.972667 0.043803 0.000369 0.944566 0.011262 0.011262 0.937253 0.032907 0.018578 0.032955 0.966259 0.000369 0.000417 0.032955 0.904745 0.000369 0.061931 0.000417 0.000369 0.000369 0.998845 0.000417 0.000369 0.004856 0.994358 0.004904 0.918376 0.000369 0.076351 0.011262 0.933717 0.000369 0.054652 0.983513 0.000369 0.004856 0.011262 0.043803 0.000369 0.933720 0.022108 Consensus sequence: ATGCCCTTCCAG Reverse complement motif 0.043803 0.933720 0.000369 0.022108 0.011262 0.000369 0.004856 0.983513 0.011262 0.000369 0.933717 0.054652 0.004904 0.000369 0.918376 0.076351 0.994358 0.000369 0.004856 0.000417 0.998845 0.000369 0.000369 0.000417 0.032955 0.000369 0.904745 0.061931 0.032955 0.000369 0.966259 0.000417 0.011262 0.032907 0.937253 0.018578 0.043803 0.944566 0.000369 0.011262 0.972667 0.004856 0.022060 0.000417 0.011262 0.054603 0.022060 0.912075 Consensus sequence: CTGGAAGGGCAT Alignment: CTGGAAGGGCAT CMGGGAGAACAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 1 Motif ID: 68 Motif name: Motif 68 Original motif 0.022495 0.000737 0.000737 0.976031 0.044156 0.910949 0.000737 0.044158 0.824401 0.022398 0.130706 0.022495 0.000834 0.022398 0.000737 0.976031 0.000834 0.000737 0.975934 0.022495 0.044156 0.000737 0.954273 0.000834 0.000834 0.975934 0.022398 0.000834 0.000834 0.997595 0.000737 0.000834 0.000834 0.932610 0.000737 0.065819 0.000834 0.022398 0.022398 0.954370 0.000834 0.022398 0.022398 0.954370 0.044156 0.044059 0.000737 0.911048 0.976031 0.022398 0.000737 0.000834 0.954370 0.022398 0.000737 0.022495 Consensus sequence: TCATGGCCCTTTAA Reserve complement motif 0.022495 0.022398 0.000737 0.954370 0.000834 0.022398 0.000737 0.976031 0.911048 0.044059 0.000737 0.044156 0.954370 0.022398 0.022398 0.000834 0.954370 0.022398 0.022398 0.000834 0.000834 0.000737 0.932610 0.065819 0.000834 0.000737 0.997595 0.000834 0.000834 0.022398 0.975934 0.000834 0.044156 0.954273 0.000737 0.000834 0.000834 0.975934 0.000737 0.022495 0.976031 0.022398 0.000737 0.000834 0.022495 0.022398 0.130706 0.824401 0.044156 0.000737 0.910949 0.044158 0.976031 0.000737 0.000737 0.022495 Consensus sequence: TTAAAGGGCCATGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 68 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 176 Motif 176 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 14 0.093178 Original motif 0.897875 0.000062 0.018048 0.084015 0.000082 0.000062 0.991780 0.008076 0.783139 0.095985 0.120794 0.000082 0.000082 0.008056 0.272675 0.719187 0.000082 0.000062 0.999774 0.000082 0.012073 0.000062 0.987783 0.000082 0.012901 0.970967 0.014051 0.002081 0.006077 0.000062 0.993779 0.000082 0.056038 0.797929 0.083995 0.062038 0.090841 0.089990 0.026041 0.793128 0.573644 0.256346 0.139952 0.030058 0.107996 0.042029 0.199908 0.650067 0.425753 0.058022 0.083996 0.432230 0.207583 0.380599 0.165931 0.245888 0.355466 0.442548 0.099985 0.102001 Consensus sequence: AGATGGCGCTATWHM Reverse complement motif 0.355466 0.099985 0.442548 0.102001 0.207583 0.165931 0.380599 0.245888 0.432230 0.058022 0.083996 0.425753 0.650067 0.042029 0.199908 0.107996 0.030058 0.256346 0.139952 0.573644 0.793128 0.089990 0.026041 0.090841 0.056038 0.083995 0.797929 0.062038 0.006077 0.993779 0.000062 0.000082 0.012901 0.014051 0.970967 0.002081 0.012073 0.987783 0.000062 0.000082 0.000082 0.999774 0.000062 0.000082 0.719187 0.008056 0.272675 0.000082 0.000082 0.095985 0.120794 0.783139 0.000082 0.991780 0.000062 0.008076 0.084015 0.000062 0.018048 0.897875 Consensus sequence: RDWATAGCGCCATCT Alignment: RDWATAGCGCCATCT -TTAAAGGGCCATGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 69 Motif name: Motif 69 Original motif 0.090536 0.264405 0.104824 0.540235 0.113804 0.077129 0.111701 0.697366 0.402674 0.032545 0.558096 0.006685 0.000018 0.003923 0.000015 0.996044 0.001628 0.002084 0.857899 0.138389 0.983904 0.000015 0.001164 0.014917 0.000708 0.960120 0.004498 0.034674 0.034674 0.004498 0.960120 0.000708 0.014917 0.001164 0.000015 0.983904 0.138389 0.857899 0.002084 0.001628 0.996044 0.000015 0.003923 0.000018 0.006685 0.558096 0.032545 0.402674 0.697366 0.111701 0.077129 0.113804 0.540235 0.104824 0.264405 0.090536 Consensus sequence: TTRTGACGTCAYAA Reserve complement motif 0.090536 0.104824 0.264405 0.540235 0.113804 0.111701 0.077129 0.697366 0.006685 0.032545 0.558096 0.402674 0.000018 0.000015 0.003923 0.996044 0.138389 0.002084 0.857899 0.001628 0.983904 0.001164 0.000015 0.014917 0.034674 0.960120 0.004498 0.000708 0.000708 0.004498 0.960120 0.034674 0.014917 0.000015 0.001164 0.983904 0.001628 0.857899 0.002084 0.138389 0.996044 0.003923 0.000015 0.000018 0.402674 0.558096 0.032545 0.006685 0.697366 0.077129 0.111701 0.113804 0.540235 0.264405 0.104824 0.090536 Consensus sequence: TTKTGACGTCAMAA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 69 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 117 Motif 117 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 14 0.018787 Original motif 0.156402 0.383176 0.198104 0.262319 0.161481 0.279260 0.372435 0.186823 0.415599 0.129516 0.408899 0.045987 0.004256 0.029660 0.009937 0.956147 0.001247 0.002464 0.933357 0.062932 0.991796 0.000029 0.000840 0.007335 0.000030 0.976780 0.001246 0.021944 0.021944 0.001246 0.976780 0.000030 0.007335 0.000840 0.000029 0.991796 0.062932 0.933357 0.002464 0.001247 0.956147 0.009937 0.029660 0.004256 0.045987 0.408899 0.129516 0.415599 0.186823 0.372435 0.279260 0.161481 0.262319 0.198104 0.383176 0.156402 Consensus sequence: BBRTGACGTCAYVV Reverse complement motif 0.262319 0.383176 0.198104 0.156402 0.186823 0.279260 0.372435 0.161481 0.415599 0.408899 0.129516 0.045987 0.004256 0.009937 0.029660 0.956147 0.062932 0.002464 0.933357 0.001247 0.991796 0.000840 0.000029 0.007335 0.021944 0.976780 0.001246 0.000030 0.000030 0.001246 0.976780 0.021944 0.007335 0.000029 0.000840 0.991796 0.001247 0.933357 0.002464 0.062932 0.956147 0.029660 0.009937 0.004256 0.045987 0.129516 0.408899 0.415599 0.161481 0.372435 0.279260 0.186823 0.156402 0.198104 0.383176 0.262319 Consensus sequence: VVMTGACGTCAKBB Alignment: BBRTGACGTCAYVV TTRTGACGTCAYAA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 70 Motif name: Motif 70 Original motif 0.131207 0.632869 0.011157 0.224767 0.038676 0.085400 0.107472 0.768452 0.924120 0.007541 0.060473 0.007866 0.000044 0.999877 0.000035 0.000044 0.004651 0.005343 0.980613 0.009393 0.000044 0.000035 0.000035 0.999886 0.041425 0.956941 0.001590 0.000044 0.991094 0.008827 0.000035 0.000044 0.000044 0.380886 0.052800 0.566270 0.509509 0.340898 0.078495 0.071098 0.543355 0.121369 0.260308 0.074968 Consensus sequence: CTACGTCAYMA Reserve complement motif 0.074968 0.121369 0.260308 0.543355 0.071098 0.340898 0.078495 0.509509 0.566270 0.380886 0.052800 0.000044 0.000044 0.008827 0.000035 0.991094 0.041425 0.001590 0.956941 0.000044 0.999886 0.000035 0.000035 0.000044 0.004651 0.980613 0.005343 0.009393 0.000044 0.000035 0.999877 0.000044 0.007866 0.007541 0.060473 0.924120 0.768452 0.085400 0.107472 0.038676 0.131207 0.011157 0.632869 0.224767 Consensus sequence: TYMTGACGTAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 70 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 69 Motif 69 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 11 0.021218 Original motif 0.090536 0.264405 0.104824 0.540235 0.113804 0.077129 0.111701 0.697366 0.402674 0.032545 0.558096 0.006685 0.000018 0.003923 0.000015 0.996044 0.001628 0.002084 0.857899 0.138389 0.983904 0.000015 0.001164 0.014917 0.000708 0.960120 0.004498 0.034674 0.034674 0.004498 0.960120 0.000708 0.014917 0.001164 0.000015 0.983904 0.138389 0.857899 0.002084 0.001628 0.996044 0.000015 0.003923 0.000018 0.006685 0.558096 0.032545 0.402674 0.697366 0.111701 0.077129 0.113804 0.540235 0.104824 0.264405 0.090536 Consensus sequence: TTRTGACGTCAYAA Reverse complement motif 0.090536 0.104824 0.264405 0.540235 0.113804 0.111701 0.077129 0.697366 0.006685 0.032545 0.558096 0.402674 0.000018 0.000015 0.003923 0.996044 0.138389 0.002084 0.857899 0.001628 0.983904 0.001164 0.000015 0.014917 0.034674 0.960120 0.004498 0.000708 0.000708 0.004498 0.960120 0.034674 0.014917 0.000015 0.001164 0.983904 0.001628 0.857899 0.002084 0.138389 0.996044 0.003923 0.000015 0.000018 0.402674 0.558096 0.032545 0.006685 0.697366 0.077129 0.111701 0.113804 0.540235 0.264405 0.104824 0.090536 Consensus sequence: TTKTGACGTCAMAA Alignment: TTRTGACGTCAYAA ---CTACGTCAYMA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 71 Motif name: Motif 71 Original motif 0.752388 0.128936 0.078298 0.040378 0.962287 0.000056 0.029817 0.007840 0.970220 0.000056 0.029654 0.000070 0.000070 0.999804 0.000056 0.000070 0.999818 0.000056 0.000056 0.000070 0.989495 0.000056 0.010379 0.000070 0.495169 0.000056 0.000056 0.504719 0.157451 0.063316 0.779163 0.000070 0.122334 0.148495 0.729101 0.000070 0.398749 0.228683 0.285523 0.087045 Consensus sequence: AAACAAWGGV Reserve complement motif 0.087045 0.228683 0.285523 0.398749 0.122334 0.729101 0.148495 0.000070 0.157451 0.779163 0.063316 0.000070 0.504719 0.000056 0.000056 0.495169 0.000070 0.000056 0.010379 0.989495 0.000070 0.000056 0.000056 0.999818 0.000070 0.000056 0.999804 0.000070 0.000070 0.000056 0.029654 0.970220 0.007840 0.000056 0.029817 0.962287 0.040378 0.128936 0.078298 0.752388 Consensus sequence: BCCWTTGTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 71 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 13 Motif 13 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 10 0.055740 Original motif 0.857621 0.069673 0.005524 0.067182 0.774094 0.025828 0.082991 0.117087 0.712811 0.070028 0.072531 0.144630 0.000027 0.890674 0.009813 0.099486 0.946227 0.019272 0.027719 0.006782 0.999409 0.000024 0.000024 0.000543 0.804109 0.120824 0.040646 0.034421 0.051305 0.631580 0.172620 0.144495 0.695699 0.121696 0.140204 0.042401 0.200208 0.627799 0.079189 0.092804 0.731484 0.075470 0.079175 0.113871 Consensus sequence: AAACAAACACA Reverse complement motif 0.113871 0.075470 0.079175 0.731484 0.200208 0.079189 0.627799 0.092804 0.042401 0.121696 0.140204 0.695699 0.051305 0.172620 0.631580 0.144495 0.034421 0.120824 0.040646 0.804109 0.000543 0.000024 0.000024 0.999409 0.006782 0.019272 0.027719 0.946227 0.000027 0.009813 0.890674 0.099486 0.144630 0.070028 0.072531 0.712811 0.117087 0.025828 0.082991 0.774094 0.067182 0.069673 0.005524 0.857621 Consensus sequence: TGTGTTTGTTT Alignment: AAACAAACACA AAACAAWGGV- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 72 Motif name: Motif 72 Original motif 0.310214 0.051844 0.440164 0.197779 0.387833 0.090267 0.510679 0.011221 0.042128 0.185913 0.034102 0.737857 0.000118 0.999670 0.000094 0.000118 0.996037 0.003751 0.000094 0.000118 0.000118 0.996609 0.003155 0.000118 0.000118 0.003155 0.996609 0.000118 0.000118 0.000094 0.003751 0.996037 0.000118 0.000094 0.999670 0.000118 0.737857 0.034102 0.185913 0.042128 0.011221 0.510679 0.090267 0.387833 0.197779 0.440164 0.051844 0.310214 Consensus sequence: RRTCACGTGAYY Reserve complement motif 0.197779 0.051844 0.440164 0.310214 0.011221 0.090267 0.510679 0.387833 0.042128 0.034102 0.185913 0.737857 0.000118 0.999670 0.000094 0.000118 0.996037 0.000094 0.003751 0.000118 0.000118 0.996609 0.003155 0.000118 0.000118 0.003155 0.996609 0.000118 0.000118 0.003751 0.000094 0.996037 0.000118 0.000094 0.999670 0.000118 0.737857 0.185913 0.034102 0.042128 0.387833 0.510679 0.090267 0.011221 0.310214 0.440164 0.051844 0.197779 Consensus sequence: KKTCACGTGAMM ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 72 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 117 Motif 117 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 12 0.036111 Original motif 0.156402 0.383176 0.198104 0.262319 0.161481 0.279260 0.372435 0.186823 0.415599 0.129516 0.408899 0.045987 0.004256 0.029660 0.009937 0.956147 0.001247 0.002464 0.933357 0.062932 0.991796 0.000029 0.000840 0.007335 0.000030 0.976780 0.001246 0.021944 0.021944 0.001246 0.976780 0.000030 0.007335 0.000840 0.000029 0.991796 0.062932 0.933357 0.002464 0.001247 0.956147 0.009937 0.029660 0.004256 0.045987 0.408899 0.129516 0.415599 0.186823 0.372435 0.279260 0.161481 0.262319 0.198104 0.383176 0.156402 Consensus sequence: BBRTGACGTCAYVV Reverse complement motif 0.262319 0.383176 0.198104 0.156402 0.186823 0.279260 0.372435 0.161481 0.415599 0.408899 0.129516 0.045987 0.004256 0.009937 0.029660 0.956147 0.062932 0.002464 0.933357 0.001247 0.991796 0.000840 0.000029 0.007335 0.021944 0.976780 0.001246 0.000030 0.000030 0.001246 0.976780 0.021944 0.007335 0.000029 0.000840 0.991796 0.001247 0.933357 0.002464 0.062932 0.956147 0.029660 0.009937 0.004256 0.045987 0.129516 0.408899 0.415599 0.161481 0.372435 0.279260 0.186823 0.156402 0.198104 0.383176 0.262319 Consensus sequence: VVMTGACGTCAKBB Alignment: BBRTGACGTCAYVV -RRTCACGTGAYY- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 73 Motif name: Motif 73 Original motif 0.000159 0.928450 0.000126 0.071265 0.012010 0.000126 0.964004 0.023860 0.213060 0.772127 0.000126 0.014687 0.000159 0.991655 0.000126 0.008060 0.739541 0.189068 0.071232 0.000159 0.039662 0.475021 0.000126 0.485191 0.000159 0.999556 0.000126 0.000159 0.118255 0.068921 0.112374 0.700450 0.485998 0.179895 0.141666 0.192441 0.075212 0.200684 0.723945 0.000159 0.000159 0.979804 0.000126 0.019911 0.012010 0.000126 0.987705 0.000159 Consensus sequence: CGCCAYCTHGCG Reserve complement motif 0.012010 0.987705 0.000126 0.000159 0.000159 0.000126 0.979804 0.019911 0.075212 0.723945 0.200684 0.000159 0.192441 0.179895 0.141666 0.485998 0.700450 0.068921 0.112374 0.118255 0.000159 0.000126 0.999556 0.000159 0.485191 0.475021 0.000126 0.039662 0.000159 0.189068 0.071232 0.739541 0.000159 0.000126 0.991655 0.008060 0.213060 0.000126 0.772127 0.014687 0.012010 0.964004 0.000126 0.023860 0.000159 0.000126 0.928450 0.071265 Consensus sequence: CGCHAGMTGGCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 73 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 3 Motif 3 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 2 12 0.069036 Original motif 0.103640 0.791515 0.051504 0.053341 0.000037 0.997954 0.001002 0.001007 0.806623 0.019826 0.069272 0.104279 0.092159 0.368226 0.514938 0.024677 0.064048 0.648954 0.002942 0.284056 0.991171 0.000033 0.001002 0.007794 0.011103 0.000033 0.985918 0.002946 0.521864 0.000033 0.478066 0.000037 0.013228 0.024101 0.664849 0.297822 0.021535 0.002942 0.971608 0.003915 0.026493 0.072282 0.742530 0.158695 0.088410 0.733316 0.045068 0.133206 0.409264 0.056451 0.500067 0.034218 Consensus sequence: CCASCAGRGGGCR Reverse complement motif 0.409264 0.500067 0.056451 0.034218 0.088410 0.045068 0.733316 0.133206 0.026493 0.742530 0.072282 0.158695 0.021535 0.971608 0.002942 0.003915 0.013228 0.664849 0.024101 0.297822 0.000037 0.000033 0.478066 0.521864 0.011103 0.985918 0.000033 0.002946 0.007794 0.000033 0.001002 0.991171 0.064048 0.002942 0.648954 0.284056 0.092159 0.514938 0.368226 0.024677 0.104279 0.019826 0.069272 0.806623 0.000037 0.001002 0.997954 0.001007 0.103640 0.051504 0.791515 0.053341 Consensus sequence: MGCCCKCTGSTGG Alignment: MGCCCKCTGSTGG -CGCCAYCTHGCG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 74 Motif name: Motif 74 Original motif 0.932655 0.000102 0.067115 0.000128 0.855992 0.000102 0.000102 0.143804 0.572829 0.009053 0.365583 0.052535 0.000128 0.581518 0.029949 0.388405 0.999668 0.000102 0.000102 0.000128 0.999668 0.000102 0.000102 0.000128 0.927924 0.000102 0.024937 0.047037 0.000128 0.918266 0.000102 0.081504 0.817443 0.111574 0.000102 0.070881 Consensus sequence: AARYAAACA Reserve complement motif 0.070881 0.111574 0.000102 0.817443 0.000128 0.000102 0.918266 0.081504 0.047037 0.000102 0.024937 0.927924 0.000128 0.000102 0.000102 0.999668 0.000128 0.000102 0.000102 0.999668 0.000128 0.029949 0.581518 0.388405 0.052535 0.009053 0.365583 0.572829 0.143804 0.000102 0.000102 0.855992 0.000128 0.000102 0.067115 0.932655 Consensus sequence: TGTTTKKTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 74 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 148 Motif 148 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 9 0.012061 Original motif 0.594971 0.133285 0.062151 0.209593 0.906540 0.074799 0.000157 0.018504 0.949239 0.000157 0.050440 0.000164 0.873819 0.000157 0.125860 0.000164 0.000164 0.576703 0.000157 0.422976 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.000164 0.971186 0.000157 0.028493 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.790493 0.118223 0.000157 0.091127 Consensus sequence: AAAAYAAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.091127 0.118223 0.000157 0.790493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.971186 0.028493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.576703 0.422976 0.000164 0.000157 0.125860 0.873819 0.000164 0.000157 0.050440 0.949239 0.018504 0.074799 0.000157 0.906540 0.209593 0.133285 0.062151 0.594971 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTKTTTT Alignment: TTGTTTKTTTT -TGTTTKKTT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 75 Motif name: Motif 75 Original motif 0.775540 0.034760 0.147187 0.042513 0.699385 0.002313 0.236982 0.061320 0.937952 0.000060 0.061912 0.000076 0.000076 0.000060 0.931757 0.068107 0.903145 0.000060 0.096719 0.000076 0.687578 0.000060 0.312286 0.000076 0.957904 0.000060 0.040071 0.001965 0.825119 0.013266 0.153981 0.007634 0.966538 0.009507 0.003839 0.020116 0.498201 0.005729 0.494736 0.001335 0.127974 0.000060 0.871890 0.000076 0.256667 0.268464 0.425005 0.049864 Consensus sequence: AAAGAAAAARGV Reserve complement motif 0.256667 0.425005 0.268464 0.049864 0.127974 0.871890 0.000060 0.000076 0.001335 0.005729 0.494736 0.498201 0.020116 0.009507 0.003839 0.966538 0.007634 0.013266 0.153981 0.825119 0.001965 0.000060 0.040071 0.957904 0.000076 0.000060 0.312286 0.687578 0.000076 0.000060 0.096719 0.903145 0.000076 0.931757 0.000060 0.068107 0.000076 0.000060 0.061912 0.937952 0.061320 0.002313 0.236982 0.699385 0.042513 0.034760 0.147187 0.775540 Consensus sequence: VCKTTTTTCTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 75 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 174 Motif 174 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 12 0.043256 Original motif 0.266991 0.010473 0.712690 0.009846 0.981269 0.000014 0.018699 0.000018 0.916033 0.017174 0.060521 0.006272 0.236348 0.021194 0.726173 0.016285 0.702133 0.008055 0.241179 0.048633 0.765617 0.020486 0.112814 0.101083 0.324797 0.016466 0.645132 0.013605 0.851205 0.020116 0.108559 0.020120 0.680124 0.046583 0.188050 0.085243 0.482973 0.043427 0.435241 0.038359 0.657142 0.020933 0.257842 0.064083 0.679967 0.063817 0.144004 0.112212 0.430176 0.091884 0.434482 0.043458 0.791122 0.019408 0.111430 0.078040 0.665273 0.068916 0.151740 0.114071 Consensus sequence: GAAGAARAARAARAA Reverse complement motif 0.114071 0.068916 0.151740 0.665273 0.078040 0.019408 0.111430 0.791122 0.430176 0.434482 0.091884 0.043458 0.112212 0.063817 0.144004 0.679967 0.064083 0.020933 0.257842 0.657142 0.038359 0.043427 0.435241 0.482973 0.085243 0.046583 0.188050 0.680124 0.020120 0.020116 0.108559 0.851205 0.324797 0.645132 0.016466 0.013605 0.101083 0.020486 0.112814 0.765617 0.048633 0.008055 0.241179 0.702133 0.236348 0.726173 0.021194 0.016285 0.006272 0.017174 0.060521 0.916033 0.000018 0.000014 0.018699 0.981269 0.266991 0.712690 0.010473 0.009846 Consensus sequence: TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC Alignment: GAAGAARAARAARAA ---AAAGAAAAARGV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 76 Motif name: Motif 76 Original motif 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 Consensus sequence: CACGTGAC Reserve complement motif 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 Consensus sequence: GTCACGTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 76 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 155 Motif 155 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 8 0.017480 Original motif 0.127996 0.107061 0.036596 0.728347 0.133268 0.865993 0.000361 0.000378 0.940721 0.000361 0.010554 0.048364 0.000378 0.919889 0.079355 0.000378 0.000378 0.108257 0.890987 0.000378 0.000378 0.000361 0.000361 0.998900 0.000378 0.000361 0.865993 0.133268 0.956612 0.000361 0.042649 0.000378 0.000378 0.916339 0.000361 0.082922 0.000378 0.941795 0.000361 0.057466 Consensus sequence: TCACGTGACC Reverse complement motif 0.000378 0.000361 0.941795 0.057466 0.000378 0.000361 0.916339 0.082922 0.000378 0.000361 0.042649 0.956612 0.000378 0.865993 0.000361 0.133268 0.998900 0.000361 0.000361 0.000378 0.000378 0.890987 0.108257 0.000378 0.000378 0.079355 0.919889 0.000378 0.048364 0.000361 0.010554 0.940721 0.133268 0.000361 0.865993 0.000378 0.728347 0.107061 0.036596 0.127996 Consensus sequence: GGTCACGTGA Alignment: TCACGTGACC -CACGTGAC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 77 Motif name: Motif 77 Original motif 0.378818 0.215764 0.232901 0.172516 0.000260 0.018592 0.000207 0.980941 0.000260 0.000207 0.923682 0.075851 0.985128 0.000207 0.000207 0.014458 0.000260 0.927581 0.034388 0.037771 0.037771 0.034388 0.927581 0.000260 0.014458 0.000207 0.000207 0.985128 0.075851 0.923682 0.000207 0.000260 0.980941 0.000207 0.018592 0.000260 0.172516 0.232901 0.215764 0.378818 Consensus sequence: VTGACGTCAB Reserve complement motif 0.378818 0.232901 0.215764 0.172516 0.000260 0.000207 0.018592 0.980941 0.075851 0.000207 0.923682 0.000260 0.985128 0.000207 0.000207 0.014458 0.037771 0.927581 0.034388 0.000260 0.000260 0.034388 0.927581 0.037771 0.014458 0.000207 0.000207 0.985128 0.000260 0.923682 0.000207 0.075851 0.980941 0.018592 0.000207 0.000260 0.172516 0.215764 0.232901 0.378818 Consensus sequence: VTGACGTCAB ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 77 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 117 Motif 117 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 10 0.000000 Original motif 0.156402 0.383176 0.198104 0.262319 0.161481 0.279260 0.372435 0.186823 0.415599 0.129516 0.408899 0.045987 0.004256 0.029660 0.009937 0.956147 0.001247 0.002464 0.933357 0.062932 0.991796 0.000029 0.000840 0.007335 0.000030 0.976780 0.001246 0.021944 0.021944 0.001246 0.976780 0.000030 0.007335 0.000840 0.000029 0.991796 0.062932 0.933357 0.002464 0.001247 0.956147 0.009937 0.029660 0.004256 0.045987 0.408899 0.129516 0.415599 0.186823 0.372435 0.279260 0.161481 0.262319 0.198104 0.383176 0.156402 Consensus sequence: BBRTGACGTCAYVV Reverse complement motif 0.262319 0.383176 0.198104 0.156402 0.186823 0.279260 0.372435 0.161481 0.415599 0.408899 0.129516 0.045987 0.004256 0.009937 0.029660 0.956147 0.062932 0.002464 0.933357 0.001247 0.991796 0.000840 0.000029 0.007335 0.021944 0.976780 0.001246 0.000030 0.000030 0.001246 0.976780 0.021944 0.007335 0.000029 0.000840 0.991796 0.001247 0.933357 0.002464 0.062932 0.956147 0.029660 0.009937 0.004256 0.045987 0.129516 0.408899 0.415599 0.161481 0.372435 0.279260 0.186823 0.156402 0.198104 0.383176 0.262319 Consensus sequence: VVMTGACGTCAKBB Alignment: BBRTGACGTCAYVV --VTGACGTCAB-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 78 Motif name: Motif 78 Original motif 0.883806 0.091756 0.023951 0.000487 0.050167 0.132899 0.026607 0.790327 0.006159 0.000387 0.992967 0.000487 0.050547 0.042229 0.858150 0.049074 0.036583 0.958077 0.001618 0.003722 0.001827 0.014010 0.976374 0.007789 0.137971 0.660795 0.145460 0.055774 0.000487 0.960311 0.000387 0.038815 Consensus sequence: ATGGCGCC Reserve complement motif 0.000487 0.000387 0.960311 0.038815 0.137971 0.145460 0.660795 0.055774 0.001827 0.976374 0.014010 0.007789 0.036583 0.001618 0.958077 0.003722 0.050547 0.858150 0.042229 0.049074 0.006159 0.992967 0.000387 0.000487 0.790327 0.132899 0.026607 0.050167 0.000487 0.091756 0.023951 0.883806 Consensus sequence: GGCGCCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 78 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 189 Motif 189 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 4 8 0.019478 Original motif 0.971670 0.000215 0.027831 0.000284 0.909537 0.027830 0.000215 0.062418 0.606639 0.217962 0.100360 0.075039 0.923340 0.055450 0.014023 0.007187 0.000284 0.034733 0.000215 0.964768 0.000284 0.000215 0.999217 0.000284 0.007187 0.014023 0.975645 0.003145 0.000284 0.964697 0.034735 0.000284 0.034804 0.000215 0.964697 0.000284 0.641172 0.072108 0.178207 0.108513 0.007187 0.902570 0.007119 0.083124 0.152163 0.194155 0.333275 0.320407 Consensus sequence: AAAATGGCGACB Reverse complement motif 0.152163 0.333275 0.194155 0.320407 0.007187 0.007119 0.902570 0.083124 0.108513 0.072108 0.178207 0.641172 0.034804 0.964697 0.000215 0.000284 0.000284 0.034735 0.964697 0.000284 0.007187 0.975645 0.014023 0.003145 0.000284 0.999217 0.000215 0.000284 0.964768 0.034733 0.000215 0.000284 0.007187 0.055450 0.014023 0.923340 0.075039 0.217962 0.100360 0.606639 0.062418 0.027830 0.000215 0.909537 0.000284 0.000215 0.027831 0.971670 Consensus sequence: BGTCGCCATTTT Alignment: BGTCGCCATTTT -GGCGCCAT--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 79 Motif name: Motif 79 Original motif 0.043419 0.229731 0.000222 0.726628 0.011925 0.612679 0.041859 0.333537 0.410037 0.056348 0.533336 0.000279 0.700889 0.000222 0.186235 0.112654 0.000279 0.999220 0.000222 0.000279 0.000279 0.999220 0.000222 0.000279 0.987632 0.011867 0.000222 0.000279 0.985394 0.014105 0.000222 0.000279 0.000279 0.000222 0.021047 0.978452 0.000279 0.999220 0.000222 0.000279 0.999277 0.000222 0.000222 0.000279 Consensus sequence: TYRACCAATCA Reserve complement motif 0.000279 0.000222 0.000222 0.999277 0.000279 0.000222 0.999220 0.000279 0.978452 0.000222 0.021047 0.000279 0.000279 0.014105 0.000222 0.985394 0.000279 0.011867 0.000222 0.987632 0.000279 0.000222 0.999220 0.000279 0.000279 0.000222 0.999220 0.000279 0.112654 0.000222 0.186235 0.700889 0.410037 0.533336 0.056348 0.000279 0.011925 0.041859 0.612679 0.333537 0.726628 0.229731 0.000222 0.043419 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGTMKA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 79 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 114 Motif 114 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 11 0.000000 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reverse complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM Alignment: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV TYRACCAATCA---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 80 Motif name: Motif 80 Original motif 0.684018 0.029443 0.210832 0.075707 0.000180 0.952345 0.047295 0.000180 0.010912 0.000143 0.975049 0.013896 0.000180 0.009146 0.000143 0.990531 0.311485 0.688192 0.000143 0.000180 0.999534 0.000143 0.000143 0.000180 0.000180 0.829996 0.015899 0.153925 0.982667 0.000143 0.000143 0.017047 0.878963 0.000143 0.085584 0.035310 0.044845 0.000143 0.015673 0.939339 Consensus sequence: ACGTCACAAT Reserve complement motif 0.939339 0.000143 0.015673 0.044845 0.035310 0.000143 0.085584 0.878963 0.017047 0.000143 0.000143 0.982667 0.000180 0.015899 0.829996 0.153925 0.000180 0.000143 0.000143 0.999534 0.311485 0.000143 0.688192 0.000180 0.990531 0.009146 0.000143 0.000180 0.010912 0.975049 0.000143 0.013896 0.000180 0.047295 0.952345 0.000180 0.075707 0.029443 0.210832 0.684018 Consensus sequence: ATTGTGACGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 80 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 217 Motif 217 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 6 10 0.062506 Original motif 0.122864 0.855328 0.000634 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.041511 0.000634 0.936681 0.021174 0.021174 0.020971 0.957019 0.000836 0.957221 0.041309 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.875868 0.102324 0.000634 0.021174 0.102526 0.041309 0.000634 0.855531 0.957221 0.000634 0.000634 0.041511 0.000836 0.997694 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.041310 0.916342 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.020971 0.957221 Consensus sequence: CGTGGACTGATACGT Reverse complement motif 0.957221 0.000634 0.020971 0.021174 0.021174 0.916342 0.041310 0.021174 0.000836 0.000634 0.997694 0.000836 0.041511 0.000634 0.000634 0.957221 0.855531 0.041309 0.000634 0.102526 0.021174 0.102324 0.000634 0.875868 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.041309 0.000634 0.957221 0.021174 0.957019 0.020971 0.000836 0.041511 0.936681 0.000634 0.021174 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.122864 0.000634 0.855328 0.021174 Consensus sequence: ACGTATCAGTCCACG Alignment: ACGTATCAGTCCACG ACGTCACAAT----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 81 Motif name: Motif 81 Original motif 0.026183 0.000171 0.973430 0.000216 0.000216 0.056287 0.943281 0.000216 0.012862 0.893186 0.000171 0.093781 0.030631 0.025999 0.943154 0.000216 0.019710 0.000171 0.979903 0.000216 0.027268 0.204982 0.767534 0.000216 0.647183 0.019376 0.325370 0.008071 0.873898 0.000171 0.070387 0.055544 Consensus sequence: GGCGGGRA Reserve complement motif 0.055544 0.000171 0.070387 0.873898 0.008071 0.019376 0.325370 0.647183 0.027268 0.767534 0.204982 0.000216 0.019710 0.979903 0.000171 0.000216 0.030631 0.943154 0.025999 0.000216 0.012862 0.000171 0.893186 0.093781 0.000216 0.943281 0.056287 0.000216 0.026183 0.973430 0.000171 0.000216 Consensus sequence: TKCCCGCC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 81 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 137 Motif 137 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 8 0.012320 Original motif 0.034110 0.037242 0.029187 0.899461 0.036959 0.118935 0.834263 0.009843 0.008663 0.000101 0.991131 0.000105 0.102578 0.887233 0.000101 0.010088 0.007541 0.000101 0.992253 0.000105 0.032572 0.218687 0.742933 0.005808 0.002951 0.004136 0.989955 0.002958 0.984251 0.000101 0.001283 0.014365 0.918863 0.000101 0.065485 0.015551 0.726083 0.082826 0.121080 0.070011 0.427098 0.113963 0.187310 0.271629 0.176926 0.187680 0.136022 0.499372 Consensus sequence: TGGCGGGAAADH Reverse complement motif 0.499372 0.187680 0.136022 0.176926 0.271629 0.113963 0.187310 0.427098 0.070011 0.082826 0.121080 0.726083 0.015551 0.000101 0.065485 0.918863 0.014365 0.000101 0.001283 0.984251 0.002951 0.989955 0.004136 0.002958 0.032572 0.742933 0.218687 0.005808 0.007541 0.992253 0.000101 0.000105 0.102578 0.000101 0.887233 0.010088 0.008663 0.991131 0.000101 0.000105 0.036959 0.834263 0.118935 0.009843 0.899461 0.037242 0.029187 0.034110 Consensus sequence: HDTTTCCCGCCA Alignment: HDTTTCCCGCCA ---TKCCCGCC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 82 Motif name: Motif 82 Original motif 0.013130 0.170911 0.073691 0.742268 0.037435 0.012929 0.936510 0.013126 0.000977 0.985117 0.012929 0.000977 0.000977 0.000777 0.997269 0.000977 0.013130 0.985116 0.000777 0.000977 0.985317 0.012929 0.000777 0.000977 0.000977 0.000777 0.012929 0.985317 0.000977 0.000777 0.985116 0.013130 0.000977 0.997269 0.000777 0.000977 0.000977 0.012929 0.985117 0.000977 0.013126 0.936510 0.012929 0.037435 0.742268 0.073691 0.170911 0.013130 Consensus sequence: TGCGCATGCGCA Reserve complement motif 0.013130 0.073691 0.170911 0.742268 0.013126 0.012929 0.936510 0.037435 0.000977 0.985117 0.012929 0.000977 0.000977 0.000777 0.997269 0.000977 0.000977 0.985116 0.000777 0.013130 0.985317 0.000777 0.012929 0.000977 0.000977 0.012929 0.000777 0.985317 0.013130 0.000777 0.985116 0.000977 0.000977 0.997269 0.000777 0.000977 0.000977 0.012929 0.985117 0.000977 0.037435 0.936510 0.012929 0.013126 0.742268 0.170911 0.073691 0.013130 Consensus sequence: TGCGCATGCGCA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 82 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 105 Motif 105 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 4 12 0.086506 Original motif 0.957561 0.014109 0.027780 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.068908 0.000437 0.930105 0.000550 0.971233 0.000437 0.027780 0.000550 0.000550 0.984792 0.000437 0.014221 0.984905 0.000437 0.000437 0.014221 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.014221 0.041452 0.000437 0.943890 0.971232 0.014109 0.014109 0.000550 0.000550 0.930105 0.014109 0.055236 0.027893 0.000437 0.957449 0.014221 0.000550 0.957448 0.014109 0.027893 0.000550 0.971120 0.000437 0.027893 Consensus sequence: AAGGACACATACGCC Reverse complement motif 0.000550 0.000437 0.971120 0.027893 0.000550 0.014109 0.957448 0.027893 0.027893 0.957449 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.014109 0.930105 0.055236 0.000550 0.014109 0.014109 0.971232 0.943890 0.041452 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.014221 0.000437 0.000437 0.984905 0.000550 0.000437 0.984792 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.027780 0.971233 0.068908 0.930105 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.000550 0.014109 0.027780 0.957561 Consensus sequence: GGCGTATGTGTCCTT Alignment: GGCGTATGTGTCCTT TGCGCATGCGCA--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 83 Motif name: Motif 83 Original motif 0.889025 0.000423 0.081876 0.028676 0.901569 0.006009 0.064091 0.028331 0.000533 0.847600 0.009696 0.142171 0.897637 0.003312 0.094719 0.004332 0.930731 0.000423 0.021139 0.047707 0.883634 0.000423 0.048865 0.067078 0.000533 0.000423 0.998511 0.000533 0.985406 0.000423 0.000423 0.013748 0.908511 0.000423 0.086900 0.004166 Consensus sequence: AACAAAGAA Reserve complement motif 0.004166 0.000423 0.086900 0.908511 0.013748 0.000423 0.000423 0.985406 0.000533 0.998511 0.000423 0.000533 0.067078 0.000423 0.048865 0.883634 0.047707 0.000423 0.021139 0.930731 0.004332 0.003312 0.094719 0.897637 0.000533 0.009696 0.847600 0.142171 0.028331 0.006009 0.064091 0.901569 0.028676 0.000423 0.081876 0.889025 Consensus sequence: TTCTTTGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 83 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 148 Motif 148 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 9 0.039001 Original motif 0.594971 0.133285 0.062151 0.209593 0.906540 0.074799 0.000157 0.018504 0.949239 0.000157 0.050440 0.000164 0.873819 0.000157 0.125860 0.000164 0.000164 0.576703 0.000157 0.422976 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.000164 0.971186 0.000157 0.028493 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.790493 0.118223 0.000157 0.091127 Consensus sequence: AAAAYAAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.091127 0.118223 0.000157 0.790493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.971186 0.028493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.576703 0.422976 0.000164 0.000157 0.125860 0.873819 0.000164 0.000157 0.050440 0.949239 0.018504 0.074799 0.000157 0.906540 0.209593 0.133285 0.062151 0.594971 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTKTTTT Alignment: AAAAYAAACAA --AACAAAGAA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 84 Motif name: Motif 84 Original motif 0.000674 0.998116 0.000536 0.000674 0.945974 0.052816 0.000536 0.000674 0.000674 0.000536 0.000536 0.998254 0.998254 0.000536 0.000536 0.000674 0.000674 0.000536 0.998116 0.000674 0.998254 0.000536 0.000536 0.000674 0.525801 0.124863 0.114779 0.234557 0.998254 0.000536 0.000536 0.000674 0.000674 0.000536 0.000536 0.998254 0.000674 0.998116 0.000536 0.000674 Consensus sequence: CATAGAAATC Reserve complement motif 0.000674 0.000536 0.998116 0.000674 0.998254 0.000536 0.000536 0.000674 0.000674 0.000536 0.000536 0.998254 0.234557 0.124863 0.114779 0.525801 0.000674 0.000536 0.000536 0.998254 0.000674 0.998116 0.000536 0.000674 0.000674 0.000536 0.000536 0.998254 0.998254 0.000536 0.000536 0.000674 0.000674 0.052816 0.000536 0.945974 0.000674 0.000536 0.998116 0.000674 Consensus sequence: GATTTCTATG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 84 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 168 Motif 168 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 4 10 0.063828 Original motif 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.078917 0.000691 0.039791 0.880601 0.685088 0.313499 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.000691 0.958766 0.000722 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.958799 0.039788 0.000691 0.000722 0.020271 0.000691 0.958767 0.020271 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.606892 0.000691 0.039788 0.352629 0.000722 0.020239 0.000691 0.978348 0.039820 0.509008 0.000691 0.450481 0.098467 0.020239 0.880572 0.000722 0.000722 0.020239 0.978317 0.000722 0.000722 0.939219 0.020239 0.039820 Consensus sequence: ATAGTAGAAWTYGGC Reverse complement motif 0.000722 0.020239 0.939219 0.039820 0.000722 0.978317 0.020239 0.000722 0.098467 0.880572 0.020239 0.000722 0.039820 0.000691 0.509008 0.450481 0.978348 0.020239 0.000691 0.000722 0.352629 0.000691 0.039788 0.606892 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.020271 0.958767 0.000691 0.020271 0.000722 0.039788 0.000691 0.958799 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.958766 0.000691 0.000722 0.000722 0.313499 0.000691 0.685088 0.880601 0.000691 0.039791 0.078917 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 Consensus sequence: GCCKAWTTCTACTAT Alignment: ATAGTAGAAWTYGGC --CATAGAAATC--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 85 Motif name: Motif 85 Original motif 0.763583 0.215244 0.020937 0.000236 0.000236 0.821060 0.020082 0.158622 0.849819 0.018962 0.012472 0.118747 0.000236 0.000188 0.999340 0.000236 0.010259 0.911160 0.000188 0.078393 0.799463 0.000188 0.170891 0.029458 0.000236 0.000188 0.999340 0.000236 0.017860 0.585015 0.195173 0.201952 Consensus sequence: ACAGCAGC Reserve complement motif 0.017860 0.195173 0.585015 0.201952 0.000236 0.999340 0.000188 0.000236 0.029458 0.000188 0.170891 0.799463 0.010259 0.000188 0.911160 0.078393 0.000236 0.999340 0.000188 0.000236 0.118747 0.018962 0.012472 0.849819 0.000236 0.020082 0.821060 0.158622 0.000236 0.215244 0.020937 0.763583 Consensus sequence: GCTGCTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 85 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 169 Motif 169 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 8 0.031884 Original motif 0.249579 0.178396 0.130910 0.441115 0.402694 0.223106 0.374016 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.374016 0.223106 0.402694 0.441115 0.130910 0.178396 0.249579 Consensus sequence: HRCTGCAGYD Reverse complement motif 0.249579 0.130910 0.178396 0.441115 0.402694 0.374016 0.223106 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.223106 0.374016 0.402694 0.441115 0.178396 0.130910 0.249579 Consensus sequence: DMCTGCAGKH Alignment: HRCTGCAGYD -ACAGCAGC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 86 Motif name: Motif 86 Original motif 0.121977 0.382753 0.302649 0.192622 0.000493 0.000392 0.000392 0.998723 0.998723 0.000392 0.000392 0.000493 0.998723 0.000392 0.000392 0.000493 0.000493 0.000392 0.000392 0.998723 0.000493 0.000392 0.000392 0.998723 0.998723 0.000392 0.000392 0.000493 0.192622 0.302649 0.382753 0.121977 Consensus sequence: BTAATTAV Reserve complement motif 0.192622 0.382753 0.302649 0.121977 0.000493 0.000392 0.000392 0.998723 0.998723 0.000392 0.000392 0.000493 0.998723 0.000392 0.000392 0.000493 0.000493 0.000392 0.000392 0.998723 0.000493 0.000392 0.000392 0.998723 0.998723 0.000392 0.000392 0.000493 0.121977 0.302649 0.382753 0.192622 Consensus sequence: VTAATTAB ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 86 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 66 Motif 66 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 8 0.048539 Original motif 0.000522 0.884608 0.114348 0.000522 0.000522 0.071200 0.000462 0.927816 0.998554 0.000462 0.000462 0.000522 0.820716 0.103293 0.008417 0.067574 0.000522 0.000508 0.000783 0.998187 0.044585 0.060096 0.807024 0.088295 0.833975 0.037549 0.034971 0.093505 0.806039 0.131453 0.000462 0.062046 Consensus sequence: CTAATGAA Reverse complement motif 0.062046 0.131453 0.000462 0.806039 0.093505 0.037549 0.034971 0.833975 0.044585 0.807024 0.060096 0.088295 0.998187 0.000508 0.000783 0.000522 0.067574 0.103293 0.008417 0.820716 0.000522 0.000462 0.000462 0.998554 0.927816 0.071200 0.000462 0.000522 0.000522 0.114348 0.884608 0.000522 Consensus sequence: TTCATTAG Alignment: CTAATGAA BTAATTAV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 87 Motif name: Motif 87 Original motif 0.000615 0.000489 0.998281 0.000615 0.000615 0.000489 0.998281 0.000615 0.911571 0.000489 0.087325 0.000615 0.199458 0.015780 0.046376 0.738386 0.008879 0.015784 0.000489 0.974848 0.031206 0.967690 0.000489 0.000615 0.061798 0.000489 0.937098 0.000615 0.891339 0.061671 0.015784 0.031206 0.980167 0.003433 0.000489 0.015911 0.000615 0.975950 0.000489 0.022946 0.000615 0.961350 0.000489 0.037546 Consensus sequence: GGATTCGAACC Reserve complement motif 0.000615 0.000489 0.961350 0.037546 0.000615 0.000489 0.975950 0.022946 0.015911 0.003433 0.000489 0.980167 0.031206 0.061671 0.015784 0.891339 0.061798 0.937098 0.000489 0.000615 0.031206 0.000489 0.967690 0.000615 0.974848 0.015784 0.000489 0.008879 0.738386 0.015780 0.046376 0.199458 0.000615 0.000489 0.087325 0.911571 0.000615 0.998281 0.000489 0.000615 0.000615 0.998281 0.000489 0.000615 Consensus sequence: GGTTCGAATCC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 87 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 11 Motif 11 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 3 11 0.045558 Original motif 0.179906 0.082327 0.727301 0.010466 0.015601 0.937819 0.015577 0.031003 0.041272 0.164505 0.061788 0.732435 0.005332 0.000175 0.989161 0.005332 0.010466 0.005309 0.978893 0.005332 0.005332 0.025846 0.000175 0.968647 0.005332 0.005309 0.005309 0.984050 0.005332 0.794040 0.015578 0.185050 0.118295 0.010443 0.848403 0.022859 0.984050 0.000175 0.010443 0.005332 0.072078 0.015578 0.655388 0.256956 0.087509 0.539354 0.058778 0.314359 0.020735 0.958355 0.005309 0.015601 Consensus sequence: GCTGGTTCGAGYC Reverse complement motif 0.020735 0.005309 0.958355 0.015601 0.087509 0.058778 0.539354 0.314359 0.072078 0.655388 0.015578 0.256956 0.005332 0.000175 0.010443 0.984050 0.118295 0.848403 0.010443 0.022859 0.005332 0.015578 0.794040 0.185050 0.984050 0.005309 0.005309 0.005332 0.968647 0.025846 0.000175 0.005332 0.010466 0.978893 0.005309 0.005332 0.005332 0.989161 0.000175 0.005332 0.732435 0.164505 0.061788 0.041272 0.015601 0.015577 0.937819 0.031003 0.179906 0.727301 0.082327 0.010466 Consensus sequence: GKCTCGAACCAGC Alignment: GKCTCGAACCAGC GGTTCGAATCC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 88 Motif name: Motif 88 Original motif 0.000235 0.000187 0.999343 0.000235 0.000235 0.000187 0.999343 0.000235 0.000235 0.000187 0.973551 0.026027 0.294076 0.000187 0.631503 0.074234 0.731591 0.112608 0.099961 0.055840 0.479327 0.020673 0.020673 0.479327 0.055840 0.099961 0.112608 0.731591 0.074234 0.631503 0.000187 0.294076 0.026027 0.973551 0.000187 0.000235 0.000235 0.999343 0.000187 0.000235 0.000235 0.999343 0.000187 0.000235 Consensus sequence: GGGGAWTCCCC Reserve complement motif 0.000235 0.000187 0.999343 0.000235 0.000235 0.000187 0.999343 0.000235 0.026027 0.000187 0.973551 0.000235 0.074234 0.000187 0.631503 0.294076 0.731591 0.099961 0.112608 0.055840 0.479327 0.020673 0.020673 0.479327 0.055840 0.112608 0.099961 0.731591 0.294076 0.631503 0.000187 0.074234 0.000235 0.973551 0.000187 0.026027 0.000235 0.999343 0.000187 0.000235 0.000235 0.999343 0.000187 0.000235 Consensus sequence: GGGGAWTCCCC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 88 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 49 Motif 49 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 11 0.081617 Original motif 0.000272 0.003161 0.996295 0.000272 0.007332 0.000240 0.992156 0.000272 0.536821 0.003161 0.459746 0.000272 0.014393 0.000240 0.956852 0.028515 0.000272 0.021423 0.978033 0.000272 0.992187 0.000240 0.007301 0.000272 0.952607 0.029838 0.014362 0.003193 0.985144 0.007301 0.007283 0.000272 0.000272 0.999216 0.000240 0.000272 0.000272 0.848393 0.077916 0.073419 0.072363 0.358389 0.568976 0.000272 Consensus sequence: GGRGGAAACCS Reverse complement motif 0.072363 0.568976 0.358389 0.000272 0.000272 0.077916 0.848393 0.073419 0.000272 0.000240 0.999216 0.000272 0.000272 0.007301 0.007283 0.985144 0.003193 0.029838 0.014362 0.952607 0.000272 0.000240 0.007301 0.992187 0.000272 0.978033 0.021423 0.000272 0.014393 0.956852 0.000240 0.028515 0.000272 0.003161 0.459746 0.536821 0.007332 0.992156 0.000240 0.000272 0.000272 0.996295 0.003161 0.000272 Consensus sequence: SGGTTTCCKCC Alignment: SGGTTTCCKCC GGGGAWTCCCC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 89 Motif name: Motif 89 Original motif 0.037681 0.831702 0.000590 0.130027 0.000743 0.000590 0.997924 0.000743 0.979608 0.000590 0.019059 0.000743 0.000743 0.000590 0.997924 0.000743 0.000743 0.037529 0.000590 0.961138 0.019212 0.000590 0.000590 0.979608 0.924199 0.037529 0.037529 0.000743 0.000743 0.887109 0.019059 0.093089 0.000743 0.979455 0.019059 0.000743 0.831854 0.055998 0.055998 0.056150 0.148496 0.129874 0.074467 0.647163 0.000743 0.000590 0.979455 0.019212 0.000743 0.019059 0.000590 0.979608 0.887262 0.055998 0.000590 0.056150 Consensus sequence: CGAGTTACCATGTA Reserve complement motif 0.056150 0.055998 0.000590 0.887262 0.979608 0.019059 0.000590 0.000743 0.000743 0.979455 0.000590 0.019212 0.647163 0.129874 0.074467 0.148496 0.056150 0.055998 0.055998 0.831854 0.000743 0.019059 0.979455 0.000743 0.000743 0.019059 0.887109 0.093089 0.000743 0.037529 0.037529 0.924199 0.979608 0.000590 0.000590 0.019212 0.961138 0.037529 0.000590 0.000743 0.000743 0.997924 0.000590 0.000743 0.000743 0.000590 0.019059 0.979608 0.000743 0.997924 0.000590 0.000743 0.037681 0.000590 0.831702 0.130027 Consensus sequence: TACATGGTAACTCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 89 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 125 Motif 125 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 14 0.100708 Original motif 0.032627 0.908456 0.058839 0.000078 0.225018 0.002186 0.748615 0.024181 0.006413 0.993434 0.000075 0.000078 0.863754 0.063423 0.045294 0.027529 0.014859 0.071869 0.069759 0.843513 0.002190 0.000075 0.997657 0.000078 0.008525 0.991322 0.000075 0.000078 0.002190 0.000075 0.995545 0.002190 0.010636 0.710437 0.004298 0.274629 0.833319 0.029635 0.062186 0.074860 0.029641 0.482557 0.430712 0.057091 0.194347 0.064298 0.079079 0.662276 0.297679 0.191005 0.336335 0.174981 0.140320 0.284975 0.488412 0.086294 Consensus sequence: CGCATGCGCASTVS Reverse complement motif 0.140320 0.488412 0.284975 0.086294 0.297679 0.336335 0.191005 0.174981 0.662276 0.064298 0.079079 0.194347 0.029641 0.430712 0.482557 0.057091 0.074860 0.029635 0.062186 0.833319 0.010636 0.004298 0.710437 0.274629 0.002190 0.995545 0.000075 0.002190 0.008525 0.000075 0.991322 0.000078 0.002190 0.997657 0.000075 0.000078 0.843513 0.071869 0.069759 0.014859 0.027529 0.063423 0.045294 0.863754 0.006413 0.000075 0.993434 0.000078 0.225018 0.748615 0.002186 0.024181 0.032627 0.058839 0.908456 0.000078 Consensus sequence: SVASTGCGCATGCG Alignment: SVASTGCGCATGCG CGAGTTACCATGTA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 90 Motif name: Motif 90 Original motif 0.060471 0.210114 0.704750 0.024665 0.000397 0.998891 0.000315 0.000397 0.000397 0.953754 0.000315 0.045534 0.000397 0.718988 0.119682 0.160933 0.012341 0.487659 0.487659 0.012341 0.160933 0.119682 0.718988 0.000397 0.045534 0.000315 0.953754 0.000397 0.000397 0.000315 0.998891 0.000397 0.024665 0.704750 0.210114 0.060471 Consensus sequence: GCCCSGGGC Reserve complement motif 0.024665 0.210114 0.704750 0.060471 0.000397 0.998891 0.000315 0.000397 0.045534 0.953754 0.000315 0.000397 0.160933 0.718988 0.119682 0.000397 0.012341 0.487659 0.487659 0.012341 0.000397 0.119682 0.718988 0.160933 0.000397 0.000315 0.953754 0.045534 0.000397 0.000315 0.998891 0.000397 0.060471 0.704750 0.210114 0.024665 Consensus sequence: GCCCSGGGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 90 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 177 Motif 177 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 9 0.066681 Original motif 0.088021 0.518176 0.249523 0.144280 0.224563 0.286686 0.402124 0.086626 0.145098 0.304646 0.490810 0.059446 0.000026 0.796570 0.173985 0.029419 0.049647 0.274490 0.359196 0.316667 0.039348 0.472661 0.455411 0.032580 0.425078 0.245412 0.329484 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.329484 0.245412 0.425078 0.032580 0.455411 0.472661 0.039348 0.316667 0.359196 0.274490 0.049647 0.029419 0.173985 0.796570 0.000026 0.059446 0.490810 0.304646 0.145098 0.086626 0.402124 0.286686 0.224563 0.144280 0.249523 0.518176 0.088021 Consensus sequence: CVSCBSRGCYSVGSBG Reverse complement motif 0.144280 0.518176 0.249523 0.088021 0.086626 0.286686 0.402124 0.224563 0.059446 0.304646 0.490810 0.145098 0.029419 0.796570 0.173985 0.000026 0.316667 0.274490 0.359196 0.049647 0.032580 0.472661 0.455411 0.039348 0.425078 0.329484 0.245412 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.245412 0.329484 0.425078 0.039348 0.455411 0.472661 0.032580 0.049647 0.359196 0.274490 0.316667 0.000026 0.173985 0.796570 0.029419 0.145098 0.490810 0.304646 0.059446 0.224563 0.402124 0.286686 0.086626 0.088021 0.249523 0.518176 0.144280 Consensus sequence: CBSCVSMGCKSBGSVG Alignment: CVSCBSRGCYSVGSBG ------GCCCSGGGC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 91 Motif name: Motif 91 Original motif 0.922972 0.026285 0.014031 0.036712 0.918104 0.050705 0.005785 0.025406 0.956643 0.018897 0.009834 0.014626 0.032266 0.895350 0.001861 0.070523 0.114682 0.033139 0.009455 0.842724 0.945220 0.010824 0.021430 0.022526 0.972864 0.009787 0.009299 0.008050 0.868641 0.038784 0.047752 0.044823 0.087378 0.855632 0.041912 0.015078 Consensus sequence: AAACTAAAC Reserve complement motif 0.087378 0.041912 0.855632 0.015078 0.044823 0.038784 0.047752 0.868641 0.008050 0.009787 0.009299 0.972864 0.022526 0.010824 0.021430 0.945220 0.842724 0.033139 0.009455 0.114682 0.032266 0.001861 0.895350 0.070523 0.014626 0.018897 0.009834 0.956643 0.025406 0.050705 0.005785 0.918104 0.036712 0.026285 0.014031 0.922972 Consensus sequence: GTTTAGTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 91 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 145 Motif 145 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 3 9 0.034909 Original motif 0.955089 0.010536 0.019260 0.015115 0.992318 0.000121 0.000121 0.007440 0.690570 0.074094 0.155609 0.079727 0.000127 0.640177 0.252280 0.107416 0.961750 0.000886 0.005874 0.031490 0.940555 0.000121 0.017280 0.042044 0.916933 0.000121 0.030628 0.052318 0.805746 0.051856 0.106621 0.035777 0.000127 0.911309 0.039461 0.049103 0.770662 0.128915 0.074635 0.025788 0.757024 0.195689 0.013608 0.033679 Consensus sequence: AAACAAAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.033679 0.195689 0.013608 0.757024 0.025788 0.128915 0.074635 0.770662 0.000127 0.039461 0.911309 0.049103 0.035777 0.051856 0.106621 0.805746 0.052318 0.000121 0.030628 0.916933 0.042044 0.000121 0.017280 0.940555 0.031490 0.000886 0.005874 0.961750 0.000127 0.252280 0.640177 0.107416 0.079727 0.074094 0.155609 0.690570 0.007440 0.000121 0.000121 0.992318 0.015115 0.010536 0.019260 0.955089 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTTGTTT Alignment: TTGTTTTGTTT --GTTTAGTTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 92 Motif name: Motif 92 Original motif 0.982631 0.016773 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.999072 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.999072 0.000264 0.000332 0.371790 0.049792 0.074555 0.503863 0.025096 0.974308 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.000264 0.000264 0.999140 0.091133 0.008518 0.900017 0.000332 0.140660 0.049792 0.800961 0.008587 0.148915 0.008518 0.842235 0.000332 0.000332 0.107574 0.041537 0.850557 0.000332 0.000264 0.000264 0.999140 0.627682 0.066301 0.305685 0.000332 0.074624 0.280921 0.487286 0.157170 0.924849 0.000264 0.074555 0.000332 0.058114 0.000264 0.825725 0.115897 Consensus sequence: ACCWCTGGGTTASAG Reserve complement motif 0.058114 0.825725 0.000264 0.115897 0.000332 0.000264 0.074555 0.924849 0.074624 0.487286 0.280921 0.157170 0.000332 0.066301 0.305685 0.627682 0.999140 0.000264 0.000264 0.000332 0.850557 0.107574 0.041537 0.000332 0.148915 0.842235 0.008518 0.000332 0.140660 0.800961 0.049792 0.008587 0.091133 0.900017 0.008518 0.000332 0.999140 0.000264 0.000264 0.000332 0.025096 0.000264 0.974308 0.000332 0.503863 0.049792 0.074555 0.371790 0.000332 0.000264 0.999072 0.000332 0.000332 0.000264 0.999072 0.000332 0.000332 0.016773 0.000264 0.982631 Consensus sequence: CTSTAACCCAGWGGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 92 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 156 Motif 156 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 15 0.101172 Original motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GACAGAGGGTCAGAC Reverse complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GTCTGACCCTCTGTC Alignment: GACAGAGGGTCAGAC ACCWCTGGGTTASAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 93 Motif name: Motif 93 Original motif 0.969123 0.000469 0.029818 0.000590 0.044614 0.029818 0.924978 0.000590 0.029940 0.939651 0.000469 0.029940 0.000590 0.029818 0.176566 0.793026 0.103313 0.000469 0.895628 0.000590 0.015265 0.000469 0.983676 0.000590 0.000590 0.851604 0.000469 0.147337 0.793026 0.015144 0.191240 0.000590 0.000590 0.910302 0.015144 0.073964 0.044614 0.015144 0.939652 0.000590 0.925098 0.015144 0.044493 0.015265 0.073964 0.015144 0.895627 0.015265 0.015265 0.000469 0.983676 0.000590 0.044614 0.161891 0.000469 0.793026 0.000590 0.044493 0.954327 0.000590 Consensus sequence: AGCTGGCACGAGGTG Reserve complement motif 0.000590 0.954327 0.044493 0.000590 0.793026 0.161891 0.000469 0.044614 0.015265 0.983676 0.000469 0.000590 0.073964 0.895627 0.015144 0.015265 0.015265 0.015144 0.044493 0.925098 0.044614 0.939652 0.015144 0.000590 0.000590 0.015144 0.910302 0.073964 0.000590 0.015144 0.191240 0.793026 0.000590 0.000469 0.851604 0.147337 0.015265 0.983676 0.000469 0.000590 0.103313 0.895628 0.000469 0.000590 0.793026 0.029818 0.176566 0.000590 0.029940 0.000469 0.939651 0.029940 0.044614 0.924978 0.029818 0.000590 0.000590 0.000469 0.029818 0.969123 Consensus sequence: CACCTCGTGCCAGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 93 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 176 Motif 176 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 15 0.093427 Original motif 0.897875 0.000062 0.018048 0.084015 0.000082 0.000062 0.991780 0.008076 0.783139 0.095985 0.120794 0.000082 0.000082 0.008056 0.272675 0.719187 0.000082 0.000062 0.999774 0.000082 0.012073 0.000062 0.987783 0.000082 0.012901 0.970967 0.014051 0.002081 0.006077 0.000062 0.993779 0.000082 0.056038 0.797929 0.083995 0.062038 0.090841 0.089990 0.026041 0.793128 0.573644 0.256346 0.139952 0.030058 0.107996 0.042029 0.199908 0.650067 0.425753 0.058022 0.083996 0.432230 0.207583 0.380599 0.165931 0.245888 0.355466 0.442548 0.099985 0.102001 Consensus sequence: AGATGGCGCTATWHM Reverse complement motif 0.355466 0.099985 0.442548 0.102001 0.207583 0.165931 0.380599 0.245888 0.432230 0.058022 0.083996 0.425753 0.650067 0.042029 0.199908 0.107996 0.030058 0.256346 0.139952 0.573644 0.793128 0.089990 0.026041 0.090841 0.056038 0.083995 0.797929 0.062038 0.006077 0.993779 0.000062 0.000082 0.012901 0.014051 0.970967 0.002081 0.012073 0.987783 0.000062 0.000082 0.000082 0.999774 0.000062 0.000082 0.719187 0.008056 0.272675 0.000082 0.000082 0.095985 0.120794 0.783139 0.000082 0.991780 0.000062 0.008076 0.084015 0.000062 0.018048 0.897875 Consensus sequence: RDWATAGCGCCATCT Alignment: AGATGGCGCTATWHM AGCTGGCACGAGGTG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 94 Motif name: Motif 94 Original motif 0.961139 0.000590 0.000590 0.037681 0.019212 0.000590 0.979455 0.000743 0.000743 0.000590 0.000590 0.998077 0.056150 0.924048 0.000590 0.019212 0.019212 0.000590 0.979455 0.000743 0.019212 0.019059 0.000590 0.961139 0.037681 0.000590 0.000590 0.961139 0.905731 0.019059 0.074467 0.000743 0.019212 0.000590 0.000590 0.979608 0.887262 0.092936 0.019059 0.000743 0.961138 0.037529 0.000590 0.000743 0.000743 0.997924 0.000590 0.000743 0.961138 0.037529 0.000590 0.000743 Consensus sequence: AGTCGTTATAACA Reserve complement motif 0.000743 0.037529 0.000590 0.961138 0.000743 0.000590 0.997924 0.000743 0.000743 0.037529 0.000590 0.961138 0.000743 0.092936 0.019059 0.887262 0.979608 0.000590 0.000590 0.019212 0.000743 0.019059 0.074467 0.905731 0.961139 0.000590 0.000590 0.037681 0.961139 0.019059 0.000590 0.019212 0.019212 0.979455 0.000590 0.000743 0.056150 0.000590 0.924048 0.019212 0.998077 0.000590 0.000590 0.000743 0.019212 0.979455 0.000590 0.000743 0.037681 0.000590 0.000590 0.961139 Consensus sequence: TGTTATAACGACT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 94 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 33 Motif 33 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 13 0.085887 Original motif 0.032796 0.000547 0.949949 0.016708 0.064973 0.000547 0.917772 0.016708 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.000619 0.998215 0.000547 0.000619 0.740825 0.016636 0.241920 0.000619 0.048884 0.048813 0.032724 0.869579 0.000619 0.032724 0.000547 0.966110 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.805224 0.097078 0.000547 0.097151 0.933932 0.016636 0.016636 0.032796 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.048814 0.000547 0.950020 0.064973 0.869507 0.000547 0.064973 0.129328 0.805151 0.000547 0.064974 Consensus sequence: GGTCATTAAAAATCC Reverse complement motif 0.129328 0.000547 0.805151 0.064974 0.064973 0.000547 0.869507 0.064973 0.950020 0.048814 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.032796 0.016636 0.016636 0.933932 0.097151 0.097078 0.000547 0.805224 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.966110 0.032724 0.000547 0.000619 0.869579 0.048813 0.032724 0.048884 0.000619 0.016636 0.241920 0.740825 0.000619 0.000547 0.998215 0.000619 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.064973 0.917772 0.000547 0.016708 0.032796 0.949949 0.000547 0.016708 Consensus sequence: GGATTTTTAATGACC Alignment: GGTCATTAAAAATCC AGTCGTTATAACA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 95 Motif name: Motif 95 Original motif 0.000985 0.997247 0.000783 0.000985 0.000985 0.997247 0.000783 0.000985 0.000985 0.147762 0.000783 0.850470 0.000985 0.997247 0.000783 0.000985 0.000985 0.025280 0.972750 0.000985 0.049978 0.948254 0.000783 0.000985 0.042082 0.049776 0.907157 0.000985 0.000985 0.000783 0.000783 0.997449 0.025482 0.000783 0.972750 0.000985 0.000985 0.000783 0.997247 0.000985 0.000985 0.997247 0.000783 0.000985 Consensus sequence: CCTCGCGTGGC Reserve complement motif 0.000985 0.000783 0.997247 0.000985 0.000985 0.997247 0.000783 0.000985 0.025482 0.972750 0.000783 0.000985 0.997449 0.000783 0.000783 0.000985 0.042082 0.907157 0.049776 0.000985 0.049978 0.000783 0.948254 0.000985 0.000985 0.972750 0.025280 0.000985 0.000985 0.000783 0.997247 0.000985 0.850470 0.147762 0.000783 0.000985 0.000985 0.000783 0.997247 0.000985 0.000985 0.000783 0.997247 0.000985 Consensus sequence: GCCACGCGAGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 95 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 226 Motif 226 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 11 0.058619 Original motif 0.036197 0.903448 0.060109 0.000246 0.000246 0.000187 0.998170 0.001397 0.158512 0.066096 0.078079 0.697313 0.006238 0.894981 0.048122 0.050659 0.000246 0.080563 0.847043 0.072148 0.018222 0.853035 0.128497 0.000246 0.044672 0.000187 0.954895 0.000246 0.056658 0.008662 0.116501 0.818179 0.054173 0.691252 0.048122 0.206453 0.035173 0.062587 0.806123 0.096117 0.048181 0.647846 0.135948 0.168025 0.006238 0.333683 0.501437 0.158642 Consensus sequence: CGTCGCGTCGCS Reverse complement motif 0.006238 0.501437 0.333683 0.158642 0.048181 0.135948 0.647846 0.168025 0.035173 0.806123 0.062587 0.096117 0.054173 0.048122 0.691252 0.206453 0.818179 0.008662 0.116501 0.056658 0.044672 0.954895 0.000187 0.000246 0.018222 0.128497 0.853035 0.000246 0.000246 0.847043 0.080563 0.072148 0.006238 0.048122 0.894981 0.050659 0.697313 0.066096 0.078079 0.158512 0.000246 0.998170 0.000187 0.001397 0.036197 0.060109 0.903448 0.000246 Consensus sequence: SGCGACGCGACG Alignment: SGCGACGCGACG -GCCACGCGAGG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 96 Motif name: Motif 96 Original motif 0.000174 0.655939 0.000138 0.343749 0.000174 0.302312 0.697340 0.000174 0.213337 0.136558 0.471464 0.178641 0.135075 0.000138 0.000138 0.864649 0.000174 0.000138 0.000138 0.999550 0.000174 0.000138 0.000138 0.999550 0.000174 0.999514 0.000138 0.000174 0.000174 0.999514 0.000138 0.000174 0.000174 0.215041 0.329041 0.455743 Consensus sequence: YGDTTTCCK Reserve complement motif 0.455743 0.215041 0.329041 0.000174 0.000174 0.000138 0.999514 0.000174 0.000174 0.000138 0.999514 0.000174 0.999550 0.000138 0.000138 0.000174 0.999550 0.000138 0.000138 0.000174 0.864649 0.000138 0.000138 0.135075 0.213337 0.471464 0.136558 0.178641 0.000174 0.697340 0.302312 0.000174 0.000174 0.000138 0.655939 0.343749 Consensus sequence: RGGAAAHCK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 96 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 49 Motif 49 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 9 0.008577 Original motif 0.000272 0.003161 0.996295 0.000272 0.007332 0.000240 0.992156 0.000272 0.536821 0.003161 0.459746 0.000272 0.014393 0.000240 0.956852 0.028515 0.000272 0.021423 0.978033 0.000272 0.992187 0.000240 0.007301 0.000272 0.952607 0.029838 0.014362 0.003193 0.985144 0.007301 0.007283 0.000272 0.000272 0.999216 0.000240 0.000272 0.000272 0.848393 0.077916 0.073419 0.072363 0.358389 0.568976 0.000272 Consensus sequence: GGRGGAAACCS Reverse complement motif 0.072363 0.568976 0.358389 0.000272 0.000272 0.077916 0.848393 0.073419 0.000272 0.000240 0.999216 0.000272 0.000272 0.007301 0.007283 0.985144 0.003193 0.029838 0.014362 0.952607 0.000272 0.000240 0.007301 0.992187 0.000272 0.978033 0.021423 0.000272 0.014393 0.956852 0.000240 0.028515 0.000272 0.003161 0.459746 0.536821 0.007332 0.992156 0.000240 0.000272 0.000272 0.996295 0.003161 0.000272 Consensus sequence: SGGTTTCCKCC Alignment: SGGTTTCCKCC --YGDTTTCCK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 97 Motif name: Motif 97 Original motif 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 Consensus sequence: CGTGGGAA Reserve complement motif 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 Consensus sequence: TTCCCACG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 97 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 16 Motif 16 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 8 0.037002 Original motif 0.029204 0.007477 0.934116 0.029203 0.977537 0.000246 0.014708 0.007509 0.036434 0.007477 0.934118 0.021971 0.970305 0.000246 0.007477 0.021972 0.007509 0.963042 0.000246 0.029203 0.007509 0.948580 0.007477 0.036434 0.948611 0.000246 0.029172 0.021971 0.014741 0.948579 0.014708 0.021972 0.919682 0.007477 0.000246 0.072595 0.050901 0.000246 0.007477 0.941376 0.065361 0.000246 0.912421 0.021972 0.021973 0.000246 0.963040 0.014741 0.043673 0.000246 0.955803 0.000278 0.970306 0.007477 0.007477 0.014740 0.970306 0.014708 0.014708 0.000278 Consensus sequence: GAGACCACATGGGAA Reverse complement motif 0.000278 0.014708 0.014708 0.970306 0.014740 0.007477 0.007477 0.970306 0.043673 0.955803 0.000246 0.000278 0.021973 0.963040 0.000246 0.014741 0.065361 0.912421 0.000246 0.021972 0.941376 0.000246 0.007477 0.050901 0.072595 0.007477 0.000246 0.919682 0.014741 0.014708 0.948579 0.021972 0.021971 0.000246 0.029172 0.948611 0.007509 0.007477 0.948580 0.036434 0.007509 0.000246 0.963042 0.029203 0.021972 0.000246 0.007477 0.970305 0.036434 0.934118 0.007477 0.021971 0.007509 0.000246 0.014708 0.977537 0.029204 0.934116 0.007477 0.029203 Consensus sequence: TTCCCATGTGGTCTC Alignment: GAGACCACATGGGAA -------CGTGGGAA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 98 Motif name: Motif 98 Original motif 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 Consensus sequence: ATGACGCA Reserve complement motif 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.929219 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 0.025327 0.929219 0.020127 0.025327 0.934419 0.020127 0.020127 0.025327 0.025327 0.020127 0.020127 0.934419 Consensus sequence: TGCGTCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 98 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 143 Motif 143 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 8 0.034990 Original motif 0.592812 0.057334 0.322688 0.027166 0.000175 0.004891 0.000167 0.994767 0.004908 0.000167 0.958430 0.036495 0.933479 0.045428 0.007447 0.013646 0.019821 0.979837 0.000167 0.000175 0.000175 0.006482 0.973699 0.019644 0.048914 0.000167 0.000167 0.950752 0.999491 0.000167 0.000167 0.000175 0.027936 0.288710 0.552121 0.131233 0.219724 0.093803 0.270734 0.415739 Consensus sequence: RTGACGTASD Reverse complement motif 0.415739 0.093803 0.270734 0.219724 0.027936 0.552121 0.288710 0.131233 0.000175 0.000167 0.000167 0.999491 0.950752 0.000167 0.000167 0.048914 0.000175 0.973699 0.006482 0.019644 0.019821 0.000167 0.979837 0.000175 0.013646 0.045428 0.007447 0.933479 0.004908 0.958430 0.000167 0.036495 0.994767 0.004891 0.000167 0.000175 0.027166 0.057334 0.322688 0.592812 Consensus sequence: DSTACGTCAK Alignment: DSTACGTCAK --TGCGTCAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 99 Motif name: Motif 99 Original motif 0.970192 0.000453 0.014619 0.014736 0.970192 0.000453 0.014619 0.014736 0.043068 0.889646 0.024218 0.043068 0.024335 0.042951 0.000453 0.932261 0.000570 0.000453 0.014619 0.984358 0.856864 0.000453 0.127947 0.014736 0.014732 0.899249 0.014619 0.071400 0.000570 0.006330 0.000453 0.992647 0.085566 0.028785 0.000453 0.885196 0.000570 0.000453 0.000453 0.998524 0.974759 0.000453 0.000453 0.024335 0.014732 0.000453 0.028785 0.956030 Consensus sequence: AACTTACTTTAT Reserve complement motif 0.956030 0.000453 0.028785 0.014732 0.024335 0.000453 0.000453 0.974759 0.998524 0.000453 0.000453 0.000570 0.885196 0.028785 0.000453 0.085566 0.992647 0.006330 0.000453 0.000570 0.014732 0.014619 0.899249 0.071400 0.014736 0.000453 0.127947 0.856864 0.984358 0.000453 0.014619 0.000570 0.932261 0.042951 0.000453 0.024335 0.043068 0.024218 0.889646 0.043068 0.014736 0.000453 0.014619 0.970192 0.014736 0.000453 0.014619 0.970192 Consensus sequence: ATAAAGTAAGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 99 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 160 Motif 160 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 12 0.058739 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AATAAGCTAGTT Reverse complement motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AACTAGCTTATT Alignment: AACTAGCTTATT AACTTACTTTAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 100 Motif name: Motif 100 Original motif 0.965289 0.007898 0.007576 0.019237 0.000177 0.988618 0.007694 0.003511 0.786053 0.111204 0.084653 0.018090 0.790939 0.000140 0.167099 0.041822 0.895171 0.000140 0.088040 0.016649 0.000177 0.000140 0.983633 0.016050 0.035556 0.786472 0.033235 0.144737 0.818723 0.007468 0.116426 0.057383 0.839629 0.009536 0.125256 0.025579 0.529359 0.198367 0.209002 0.063272 Consensus sequence: ACAAAGCAAA Reserve complement motif 0.063272 0.198367 0.209002 0.529359 0.025579 0.009536 0.125256 0.839629 0.057383 0.007468 0.116426 0.818723 0.035556 0.033235 0.786472 0.144737 0.000177 0.983633 0.000140 0.016050 0.016649 0.000140 0.088040 0.895171 0.041822 0.000140 0.167099 0.790939 0.018090 0.111204 0.084653 0.786053 0.000177 0.007694 0.988618 0.003511 0.019237 0.007898 0.007576 0.965289 Consensus sequence: TTTGCTTTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 100 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 58 Motif 58 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 10 0.059007 Original motif 0.000662 0.017776 0.017776 0.963786 0.998168 0.000585 0.000585 0.000662 0.000662 0.980900 0.017776 0.000662 0.963786 0.000585 0.034967 0.000662 0.946591 0.052162 0.000585 0.000662 0.895021 0.017776 0.017776 0.069427 0.035045 0.000585 0.946517 0.017853 0.103816 0.000585 0.894937 0.000662 0.121003 0.034968 0.843367 0.000662 0.946594 0.017776 0.034968 0.000662 0.000662 0.000585 0.963709 0.035044 0.998168 0.000585 0.000585 0.000662 0.963786 0.000585 0.017776 0.017853 Consensus sequence: TACAAAGGGAGAA Reverse complement motif 0.017853 0.000585 0.017776 0.963786 0.000662 0.000585 0.000585 0.998168 0.000662 0.963709 0.000585 0.035044 0.000662 0.017776 0.034968 0.946594 0.121003 0.843367 0.034968 0.000662 0.103816 0.894937 0.000585 0.000662 0.035045 0.946517 0.000585 0.017853 0.069427 0.017776 0.017776 0.895021 0.000662 0.052162 0.000585 0.946591 0.000662 0.000585 0.034967 0.963786 0.000662 0.017776 0.980900 0.000662 0.000662 0.000585 0.000585 0.998168 0.963786 0.017776 0.017776 0.000662 Consensus sequence: TTCTCCCTTTGTA Alignment: TACAAAGGGAGAA -ACAAAGCAAA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 101 Motif name: Motif 101 Original motif 0.998850 0.000353 0.000353 0.000444 0.074200 0.806171 0.039986 0.079643 0.966609 0.000353 0.000353 0.032685 0.949379 0.000353 0.049824 0.000444 0.000444 0.000353 0.150505 0.848698 0.917725 0.000353 0.081478 0.000444 0.000444 0.000353 0.998759 0.000444 0.650801 0.232286 0.056351 0.060562 Consensus sequence: ACAATAGA Reserve complement motif 0.060562 0.232286 0.056351 0.650801 0.000444 0.998759 0.000353 0.000444 0.000444 0.000353 0.081478 0.917725 0.848698 0.000353 0.150505 0.000444 0.000444 0.000353 0.049824 0.949379 0.032685 0.000353 0.000353 0.966609 0.074200 0.039986 0.806171 0.079643 0.000444 0.000353 0.000353 0.998850 Consensus sequence: TCTATTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 101 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 124 Motif 124 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 8 0.026186 Original motif 0.854702 0.012527 0.115718 0.017053 0.903549 0.096316 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.982813 0.000066 0.017052 0.977594 0.000066 0.019236 0.003104 0.999799 0.000066 0.000066 0.000069 0.233541 0.052302 0.000066 0.714091 0.656501 0.000066 0.343364 0.000069 0.045220 0.000066 0.954645 0.000069 0.299646 0.304924 0.389900 0.005529 Consensus sequence: AACAATRGV Reverse complement motif 0.299646 0.389900 0.304924 0.005529 0.045220 0.954645 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.000066 0.343364 0.656501 0.714091 0.052302 0.000066 0.233541 0.000069 0.000066 0.000066 0.999799 0.003104 0.000066 0.019236 0.977594 0.000069 0.000066 0.982813 0.017052 0.000069 0.096316 0.000066 0.903549 0.017053 0.012527 0.115718 0.854702 Consensus sequence: VCKATTGTT Alignment: AACAATRGV -ACAATAGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 102 Motif name: Motif 102 Original motif 0.005960 0.000328 0.993299 0.000413 0.170571 0.808155 0.010596 0.010678 0.010681 0.988578 0.000328 0.000413 0.010681 0.010596 0.010593 0.968130 0.000413 0.160218 0.010596 0.828773 0.000413 0.031132 0.968042 0.000413 0.963870 0.010593 0.004588 0.020949 0.963867 0.020864 0.010596 0.004673 0.041485 0.908187 0.000328 0.050000 0.000413 0.978310 0.000328 0.020949 0.036097 0.891286 0.031132 0.041485 Consensus sequence: GCCTTGAACCC Reserve complement motif 0.036097 0.031132 0.891286 0.041485 0.000413 0.000328 0.978310 0.020949 0.041485 0.000328 0.908187 0.050000 0.004673 0.020864 0.010596 0.963867 0.020949 0.010593 0.004588 0.963870 0.000413 0.968042 0.031132 0.000413 0.828773 0.160218 0.010596 0.000413 0.968130 0.010596 0.010593 0.010681 0.010681 0.000328 0.988578 0.000413 0.170571 0.010596 0.808155 0.010678 0.005960 0.993299 0.000328 0.000413 Consensus sequence: GGGTTCAAGGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 102 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 11 Motif 11 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 1 11 0.024422 Original motif 0.179906 0.082327 0.727301 0.010466 0.015601 0.937819 0.015577 0.031003 0.041272 0.164505 0.061788 0.732435 0.005332 0.000175 0.989161 0.005332 0.010466 0.005309 0.978893 0.005332 0.005332 0.025846 0.000175 0.968647 0.005332 0.005309 0.005309 0.984050 0.005332 0.794040 0.015578 0.185050 0.118295 0.010443 0.848403 0.022859 0.984050 0.000175 0.010443 0.005332 0.072078 0.015578 0.655388 0.256956 0.087509 0.539354 0.058778 0.314359 0.020735 0.958355 0.005309 0.015601 Consensus sequence: GCTGGTTCGAGYC Reverse complement motif 0.020735 0.005309 0.958355 0.015601 0.087509 0.058778 0.539354 0.314359 0.072078 0.655388 0.015578 0.256956 0.005332 0.000175 0.010443 0.984050 0.118295 0.848403 0.010443 0.022859 0.005332 0.015578 0.794040 0.185050 0.984050 0.005309 0.005309 0.005332 0.968647 0.025846 0.000175 0.005332 0.010466 0.978893 0.005309 0.005332 0.005332 0.989161 0.000175 0.005332 0.732435 0.164505 0.061788 0.041272 0.015601 0.015577 0.937819 0.031003 0.179906 0.727301 0.082327 0.010466 Consensus sequence: GKCTCGAACCAGC Alignment: GCTGGTTCGAGYC GGGTTCAAGGC-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 103 Motif name: Motif 103 Original motif 0.068484 0.073037 0.819542 0.038937 0.077004 0.038214 0.875279 0.009503 0.921255 0.026612 0.007306 0.044827 0.077811 0.000210 0.901509 0.020470 0.976839 0.000376 0.018556 0.004229 0.063504 0.001401 0.890729 0.044366 0.956636 0.002691 0.038268 0.002405 0.771458 0.026284 0.189558 0.012700 Consensus sequence: GGAGAGAA Reserve complement motif 0.012700 0.026284 0.189558 0.771458 0.002405 0.002691 0.038268 0.956636 0.063504 0.890729 0.001401 0.044366 0.004229 0.000376 0.018556 0.976839 0.077811 0.901509 0.000210 0.020470 0.044827 0.026612 0.007306 0.921255 0.077004 0.875279 0.038214 0.009503 0.068484 0.819542 0.073037 0.038937 Consensus sequence: TTCTCTCC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 103 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 5 Motif 5 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 5 8 0.043917 Original motif 0.908345 0.000039 0.089165 0.002451 0.012522 0.000039 0.981729 0.005710 0.936094 0.014772 0.040686 0.008448 0.215119 0.100667 0.637976 0.046238 0.906618 0.014771 0.075167 0.003444 0.086089 0.001858 0.912009 0.000044 0.950581 0.018168 0.008091 0.023160 0.098147 0.098589 0.772398 0.030866 0.853933 0.002989 0.140102 0.002976 0.125435 0.021870 0.852651 0.000044 0.867090 0.059275 0.054990 0.018645 0.111169 0.068610 0.793337 0.026884 0.886251 0.034803 0.053951 0.024995 0.092887 0.009349 0.893656 0.004108 0.845618 0.006360 0.104467 0.043555 Consensus sequence: AGAGAGAGAGAGAGA Reverse complement motif 0.043555 0.006360 0.104467 0.845618 0.092887 0.893656 0.009349 0.004108 0.024995 0.034803 0.053951 0.886251 0.111169 0.793337 0.068610 0.026884 0.018645 0.059275 0.054990 0.867090 0.125435 0.852651 0.021870 0.000044 0.002976 0.002989 0.140102 0.853933 0.098147 0.772398 0.098589 0.030866 0.023160 0.018168 0.008091 0.950581 0.086089 0.912009 0.001858 0.000044 0.003444 0.014771 0.075167 0.906618 0.215119 0.637976 0.100667 0.046238 0.008448 0.014772 0.040686 0.936094 0.012522 0.981729 0.000039 0.005710 0.002451 0.000039 0.089165 0.908345 Consensus sequence: TCTCTCTCTCTCTCT Alignment: AGAGAGAGAGAGAGA ----GGAGAGAA--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 104 Motif name: Motif 104 Original motif 0.044328 0.000351 0.943908 0.011413 0.044328 0.746420 0.011322 0.197930 0.022384 0.000351 0.011322 0.965943 0.011413 0.022294 0.943909 0.022384 0.011413 0.987795 0.000351 0.000441 0.000441 0.000351 0.000351 0.998857 0.965943 0.011322 0.022294 0.000441 0.000441 0.965852 0.000351 0.033356 0.000441 0.921966 0.000351 0.077242 0.976914 0.000351 0.011322 0.011413 0.022384 0.055209 0.000351 0.922056 0.000441 0.011322 0.000351 0.987886 0.055299 0.011322 0.921966 0.011413 0.022384 0.044237 0.011322 0.922057 Consensus sequence: GCTGCTACCATTGT Reserve complement motif 0.922057 0.044237 0.011322 0.022384 0.055299 0.921966 0.011322 0.011413 0.987886 0.011322 0.000351 0.000441 0.922056 0.055209 0.000351 0.022384 0.011413 0.000351 0.011322 0.976914 0.000441 0.000351 0.921966 0.077242 0.000441 0.000351 0.965852 0.033356 0.000441 0.011322 0.022294 0.965943 0.998857 0.000351 0.000351 0.000441 0.011413 0.000351 0.987795 0.000441 0.011413 0.943909 0.022294 0.022384 0.965943 0.000351 0.011322 0.022384 0.044328 0.011322 0.746420 0.197930 0.044328 0.943908 0.000351 0.011413 Consensus sequence: ACAATGGTAGCAGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 104 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 57 Motif 57 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 14 0.095540 Original motif 0.015698 0.000514 0.983206 0.000582 0.000582 0.907626 0.000514 0.091278 0.968158 0.015630 0.000514 0.015698 0.030813 0.000514 0.952975 0.015698 0.000582 0.937859 0.030746 0.030813 0.953041 0.000514 0.015630 0.030815 0.000582 0.000514 0.000514 0.998390 0.000582 0.968091 0.000514 0.030813 0.015698 0.922742 0.000514 0.061046 0.892576 0.015630 0.000514 0.091280 0.015698 0.968090 0.000514 0.015698 0.000582 0.257527 0.015630 0.726261 0.000582 0.015630 0.000514 0.983274 0.106394 0.030746 0.832045 0.030815 0.136628 0.015630 0.847160 0.000582 Consensus sequence: GCAGCATCCACTTGG Reverse complement motif 0.136628 0.847160 0.015630 0.000582 0.106394 0.832045 0.030746 0.030815 0.983274 0.015630 0.000514 0.000582 0.726261 0.257527 0.015630 0.000582 0.015698 0.000514 0.968090 0.015698 0.091280 0.015630 0.000514 0.892576 0.015698 0.000514 0.922742 0.061046 0.000582 0.000514 0.968091 0.030813 0.998390 0.000514 0.000514 0.000582 0.030815 0.000514 0.015630 0.953041 0.000582 0.030746 0.937859 0.030813 0.030813 0.952975 0.000514 0.015698 0.015698 0.015630 0.000514 0.968158 0.000582 0.000514 0.907626 0.091278 0.015698 0.983206 0.000514 0.000582 Consensus sequence: CCAAGTGGATGCTGC Alignment: CCAAGTGGATGCTGC -ACAATGGTAGCAGC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 105 Motif name: Motif 105 Original motif 0.957561 0.014109 0.027780 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.068908 0.000437 0.930105 0.000550 0.971233 0.000437 0.027780 0.000550 0.000550 0.984792 0.000437 0.014221 0.984905 0.000437 0.000437 0.014221 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.014221 0.041452 0.000437 0.943890 0.971232 0.014109 0.014109 0.000550 0.000550 0.930105 0.014109 0.055236 0.027893 0.000437 0.957449 0.014221 0.000550 0.957448 0.014109 0.027893 0.000550 0.971120 0.000437 0.027893 Consensus sequence: AAGGACACATACGCC Reserve complement motif 0.000550 0.000437 0.971120 0.027893 0.000550 0.014109 0.957448 0.027893 0.027893 0.957449 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.014109 0.930105 0.055236 0.000550 0.014109 0.014109 0.971232 0.943890 0.041452 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.014221 0.000437 0.000437 0.984905 0.000550 0.000437 0.984792 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.027780 0.971233 0.068908 0.930105 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.000550 0.014109 0.027780 0.957561 Consensus sequence: GGCGTATGTGTCCTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 105 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 16 Motif 16 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 15 0.100056 Original motif 0.029204 0.007477 0.934116 0.029203 0.977537 0.000246 0.014708 0.007509 0.036434 0.007477 0.934118 0.021971 0.970305 0.000246 0.007477 0.021972 0.007509 0.963042 0.000246 0.029203 0.007509 0.948580 0.007477 0.036434 0.948611 0.000246 0.029172 0.021971 0.014741 0.948579 0.014708 0.021972 0.919682 0.007477 0.000246 0.072595 0.050901 0.000246 0.007477 0.941376 0.065361 0.000246 0.912421 0.021972 0.021973 0.000246 0.963040 0.014741 0.043673 0.000246 0.955803 0.000278 0.970306 0.007477 0.007477 0.014740 0.970306 0.014708 0.014708 0.000278 Consensus sequence: GAGACCACATGGGAA Reverse complement motif 0.000278 0.014708 0.014708 0.970306 0.014740 0.007477 0.007477 0.970306 0.043673 0.955803 0.000246 0.000278 0.021973 0.963040 0.000246 0.014741 0.065361 0.912421 0.000246 0.021972 0.941376 0.000246 0.007477 0.050901 0.072595 0.007477 0.000246 0.919682 0.014741 0.014708 0.948579 0.021972 0.021971 0.000246 0.029172 0.948611 0.007509 0.007477 0.948580 0.036434 0.007509 0.000246 0.963042 0.029203 0.021972 0.000246 0.007477 0.970305 0.036434 0.934118 0.007477 0.021971 0.007509 0.000246 0.014708 0.977537 0.029204 0.934116 0.007477 0.029203 Consensus sequence: TTCCCATGTGGTCTC Alignment: GAGACCACATGGGAA AAGGACACATACGCC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 106 Motif name: Motif 106 Original motif 0.022543 0.932550 0.022364 0.022543 0.976071 0.022364 0.000693 0.000872 0.976071 0.000693 0.000693 0.022543 0.000872 0.997563 0.000693 0.000872 0.000872 0.975892 0.000693 0.022543 0.000872 0.975892 0.000693 0.022543 0.997742 0.000693 0.000693 0.000872 0.000872 0.022364 0.000693 0.976071 0.022543 0.044035 0.000693 0.932729 0.997742 0.000693 0.000693 0.000872 0.000872 0.000693 0.997563 0.000872 0.000872 0.022364 0.022364 0.954400 0.022543 0.000693 0.975892 0.000872 Consensus sequence: CAACCCATTAGTG Reserve complement motif 0.022543 0.975892 0.000693 0.000872 0.954400 0.022364 0.022364 0.000872 0.000872 0.997563 0.000693 0.000872 0.000872 0.000693 0.000693 0.997742 0.932729 0.044035 0.000693 0.022543 0.976071 0.022364 0.000693 0.000872 0.000872 0.000693 0.000693 0.997742 0.000872 0.000693 0.975892 0.022543 0.000872 0.000693 0.975892 0.022543 0.000872 0.000693 0.997563 0.000872 0.022543 0.000693 0.000693 0.976071 0.000872 0.022364 0.000693 0.976071 0.022543 0.022364 0.932550 0.022543 Consensus sequence: CACTAATGGGTTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 106 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 114 Motif 114 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 13 0.079981 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reverse complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM Alignment: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM -CACTAATGGGTTG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 107 Motif name: Motif 107 Original motif 0.029598 0.057818 0.000909 0.911675 0.997038 0.000909 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.996803 0.001144 0.997038 0.000909 0.000909 0.001144 0.968584 0.000909 0.000909 0.029598 0.001144 0.939895 0.029363 0.029598 0.001144 0.000909 0.968349 0.029598 0.001144 0.996803 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.996803 0.001144 0.001144 0.939895 0.000909 0.058052 0.997038 0.000909 0.000909 0.001144 0.456410 0.000909 0.000909 0.541772 0.001144 0.968349 0.000909 0.029598 0.001144 0.029363 0.000909 0.968584 Consensus sequence: TAGAACGCGCAWCT Reserve complement motif 0.968584 0.029363 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.968349 0.029598 0.541772 0.000909 0.000909 0.456410 0.001144 0.000909 0.000909 0.997038 0.001144 0.000909 0.939895 0.058052 0.001144 0.996803 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.996803 0.001144 0.001144 0.968349 0.000909 0.029598 0.001144 0.029363 0.939895 0.029598 0.029598 0.000909 0.000909 0.968584 0.001144 0.000909 0.000909 0.997038 0.001144 0.996803 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.000909 0.997038 0.911675 0.057818 0.000909 0.029598 Consensus sequence: AGWTGCGCGTTCTA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 107 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 206 Motif 206 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 14 0.085132 Original motif 0.019964 0.786885 0.134835 0.058316 0.000789 0.767703 0.058127 0.173381 0.000789 0.000598 0.000598 0.998015 0.115847 0.000598 0.844415 0.039140 0.000789 0.000598 0.997824 0.000789 0.978839 0.000598 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.019774 0.000598 0.978839 0.039140 0.959473 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.959473 0.019774 0.019964 0.000789 0.019774 0.959473 0.019964 0.000789 0.959473 0.000598 0.039140 0.039142 0.671802 0.211564 0.077492 0.480225 0.403329 0.096482 0.019964 0.000789 0.978648 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.000598 0.019774 0.978839 Consensus sequence: CCTGGATCCGCCMCT Reverse complement motif 0.978839 0.000598 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.019774 0.978648 0.000789 0.019964 0.403329 0.096482 0.480225 0.039142 0.211564 0.671802 0.077492 0.000789 0.000598 0.959473 0.039140 0.000789 0.959473 0.019774 0.019964 0.000789 0.019774 0.959473 0.019964 0.039140 0.000598 0.959473 0.000789 0.978839 0.019774 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.000598 0.019774 0.978839 0.000789 0.997824 0.000598 0.000789 0.115847 0.844415 0.000598 0.039140 0.998015 0.000598 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.058127 0.767703 0.173381 0.019964 0.134835 0.786885 0.058316 Consensus sequence: AGYGGCGGATCCAGG Alignment: CCTGGATCCGCCMCT -TAGAACGCGCAWCT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 108 Motif name: Motif 108 Original motif 0.017809 0.929186 0.000279 0.052726 0.017809 0.937916 0.017737 0.026538 0.789593 0.096299 0.087570 0.026538 0.026538 0.061383 0.009008 0.903071 0.017809 0.946645 0.000279 0.035267 0.030160 0.113757 0.009008 0.847075 0.026538 0.035195 0.000279 0.937988 0.728489 0.201048 0.043925 0.026538 0.043997 0.868082 0.052654 0.035267 0.061455 0.876811 0.000279 0.061455 0.017809 0.623668 0.017737 0.340786 0.061455 0.859353 0.017737 0.061455 0.431699 0.410547 0.131216 0.026538 Consensus sequence: CCATCTTACCYCM Reserve complement motif 0.026538 0.410547 0.131216 0.431699 0.061455 0.017737 0.859353 0.061455 0.017809 0.017737 0.623668 0.340786 0.061455 0.000279 0.876811 0.061455 0.043997 0.052654 0.868082 0.035267 0.026538 0.201048 0.043925 0.728489 0.937988 0.035195 0.000279 0.026538 0.847075 0.113757 0.009008 0.030160 0.017809 0.000279 0.946645 0.035267 0.903071 0.061383 0.009008 0.026538 0.026538 0.096299 0.087570 0.789593 0.017809 0.017737 0.937916 0.026538 0.017809 0.000279 0.929186 0.052726 Consensus sequence: YGKGGTAAGATGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 108 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 159 Motif 159 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 13 0.087809 Original motif 0.920402 0.000551 0.047303 0.031744 0.000576 0.998297 0.000551 0.000576 0.016160 0.000551 0.982713 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.016134 0.982739 0.000576 0.935956 0.062892 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.000551 0.998322 0.016160 0.343505 0.000551 0.639784 0.998322 0.000551 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.998297 0.000551 0.000576 0.951570 0.000551 0.047303 0.000576 0.000576 0.016134 0.000551 0.982739 0.000576 0.935959 0.000551 0.062914 0.094084 0.000551 0.904789 0.000576 Consensus sequence: ACGTCTYACATCG Reverse complement motif 0.094084 0.904789 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.935959 0.062914 0.982739 0.016134 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.047303 0.951570 0.000576 0.000551 0.998297 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.000551 0.998322 0.639784 0.343505 0.000551 0.016160 0.998322 0.000551 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.062892 0.935956 0.000576 0.982739 0.000551 0.016134 0.000576 0.016160 0.982713 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.998297 0.000576 0.031744 0.000551 0.047303 0.920402 Consensus sequence: CGATGTMAGACGT Alignment: CGATGTMAGACGT YGKGGTAAGATGG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 109 Motif name: Motif 109 Original motif 0.886761 0.025276 0.037715 0.050248 0.050257 0.923970 0.012837 0.012936 0.007220 0.000398 0.986721 0.005661 0.005661 0.974287 0.019552 0.000500 0.008053 0.000398 0.062594 0.928955 0.037818 0.075033 0.000398 0.886751 0.019655 0.871567 0.083399 0.025379 0.865887 0.021266 0.099911 0.012936 0.012931 0.055577 0.913497 0.017995 0.012936 0.000398 0.012833 0.973833 0.012936 0.012837 0.973727 0.000500 Consensus sequence: ACGCTTCAGTG Reserve complement motif 0.012936 0.973727 0.012837 0.000500 0.973833 0.000398 0.012833 0.012936 0.012931 0.913497 0.055577 0.017995 0.012936 0.021266 0.099911 0.865887 0.019655 0.083399 0.871567 0.025379 0.886751 0.075033 0.000398 0.037818 0.928955 0.000398 0.062594 0.008053 0.005661 0.019552 0.974287 0.000500 0.007220 0.986721 0.000398 0.005661 0.050257 0.012837 0.923970 0.012936 0.050248 0.025276 0.037715 0.886761 Consensus sequence: CACTGAAGCGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 109 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 217 Motif 217 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 11 0.063410 Original motif 0.122864 0.855328 0.000634 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.041511 0.000634 0.936681 0.021174 0.021174 0.020971 0.957019 0.000836 0.957221 0.041309 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.875868 0.102324 0.000634 0.021174 0.102526 0.041309 0.000634 0.855531 0.957221 0.000634 0.000634 0.041511 0.000836 0.997694 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.041310 0.916342 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.020971 0.957221 Consensus sequence: CGTGGACTGATACGT Reverse complement motif 0.957221 0.000634 0.020971 0.021174 0.021174 0.916342 0.041310 0.021174 0.000836 0.000634 0.997694 0.000836 0.041511 0.000634 0.000634 0.957221 0.855531 0.041309 0.000634 0.102526 0.021174 0.102324 0.000634 0.875868 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.041309 0.000634 0.957221 0.021174 0.957019 0.020971 0.000836 0.041511 0.936681 0.000634 0.021174 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.122864 0.000634 0.855328 0.021174 Consensus sequence: ACGTATCAGTCCACG Alignment: CGTGGACTGATACGT ----CACTGAAGCGT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 110 Motif name: Motif 110 Original motif 0.001274 0.001012 0.001012 0.996702 0.996702 0.001012 0.001012 0.001274 0.001274 0.001012 0.001012 0.996702 0.498988 0.101769 0.001012 0.398231 0.398231 0.001012 0.101769 0.498988 0.996702 0.001012 0.001012 0.001274 0.001274 0.001012 0.001012 0.996702 0.996702 0.001012 0.001012 0.001274 Consensus sequence: TATWWATA Reserve complement motif 0.001274 0.001012 0.001012 0.996702 0.996702 0.001012 0.001012 0.001274 0.001274 0.001012 0.001012 0.996702 0.498988 0.001012 0.101769 0.398231 0.398231 0.101769 0.001012 0.498988 0.996702 0.001012 0.001012 0.001274 0.001274 0.001012 0.001012 0.996702 0.996702 0.001012 0.001012 0.001274 Consensus sequence: TATWWATA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 110 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 133 Motif 133 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 8 0.029771 Original motif 0.290155 0.069748 0.190793 0.449304 0.319026 0.242842 0.336811 0.101321 0.000078 0.007491 0.000075 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.000078 0.965744 0.000075 0.034103 0.541215 0.013846 0.007491 0.437448 0.437448 0.007491 0.013846 0.541215 0.034103 0.000075 0.965744 0.000078 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.000075 0.007491 0.000078 0.101321 0.336811 0.242842 0.319026 0.449304 0.190793 0.069748 0.290155 Consensus sequence: DVTACWWGTABH Reverse complement motif 0.290155 0.190793 0.069748 0.449304 0.101321 0.242842 0.336811 0.319026 0.000078 0.000075 0.007491 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.034103 0.965744 0.000075 0.000078 0.541215 0.007491 0.013846 0.437448 0.437448 0.013846 0.007491 0.541215 0.000078 0.000075 0.965744 0.034103 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.007491 0.000075 0.000078 0.319026 0.336811 0.242842 0.101321 0.449304 0.069748 0.190793 0.290155 Consensus sequence: HBTACWWGTAVD Alignment: DVTACWWGTABH --TATWWATA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 111 Motif name: Motif 111 Original motif 0.030274 0.909894 0.038228 0.021604 0.998188 0.000438 0.000372 0.001002 0.001412 0.066529 0.894394 0.037665 0.001026 0.002993 0.029963 0.966018 0.003089 0.007954 0.979863 0.009094 0.026791 0.108927 0.004687 0.859595 0.018413 0.001316 0.001316 0.978955 0.005270 0.085093 0.769182 0.140455 0.052596 0.925800 0.021135 0.000469 0.086910 0.863420 0.000372 0.049298 Consensus sequence: CAGTGTTGCC Reserve complement motif 0.086910 0.000372 0.863420 0.049298 0.052596 0.021135 0.925800 0.000469 0.005270 0.769182 0.085093 0.140455 0.978955 0.001316 0.001316 0.018413 0.859595 0.108927 0.004687 0.026791 0.003089 0.979863 0.007954 0.009094 0.966018 0.002993 0.029963 0.001026 0.001412 0.894394 0.066529 0.037665 0.001002 0.000438 0.000372 0.998188 0.030274 0.038228 0.909894 0.021604 Consensus sequence: GGCAACACTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 111 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 108 Motif 108 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 10 0.079221 Original motif 0.017809 0.929186 0.000279 0.052726 0.017809 0.937916 0.017737 0.026538 0.789593 0.096299 0.087570 0.026538 0.026538 0.061383 0.009008 0.903071 0.017809 0.946645 0.000279 0.035267 0.030160 0.113757 0.009008 0.847075 0.026538 0.035195 0.000279 0.937988 0.728489 0.201048 0.043925 0.026538 0.043997 0.868082 0.052654 0.035267 0.061455 0.876811 0.000279 0.061455 0.017809 0.623668 0.017737 0.340786 0.061455 0.859353 0.017737 0.061455 0.431699 0.410547 0.131216 0.026538 Consensus sequence: CCATCTTACCYCM Reverse complement motif 0.026538 0.410547 0.131216 0.431699 0.061455 0.017737 0.859353 0.061455 0.017809 0.017737 0.623668 0.340786 0.061455 0.000279 0.876811 0.061455 0.043997 0.052654 0.868082 0.035267 0.026538 0.201048 0.043925 0.728489 0.937988 0.035195 0.000279 0.026538 0.847075 0.113757 0.009008 0.030160 0.017809 0.000279 0.946645 0.035267 0.903071 0.061383 0.009008 0.026538 0.026538 0.096299 0.087570 0.789593 0.017809 0.017737 0.937916 0.026538 0.017809 0.000279 0.929186 0.052726 Consensus sequence: YGKGGTAAGATGG Alignment: YGKGGTAAGATGG ---GGCAACACTG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 112 Motif name: Motif 112 Original motif 0.057207 0.809719 0.000601 0.132473 0.885141 0.038235 0.000601 0.076023 0.885141 0.000601 0.038235 0.076023 0.019573 0.884986 0.019418 0.076023 0.960407 0.000601 0.038235 0.000757 0.941590 0.019418 0.038235 0.000757 0.000757 0.884985 0.057051 0.057207 0.922775 0.000601 0.057051 0.019573 0.941591 0.000601 0.000601 0.057207 0.019573 0.809719 0.094685 0.076023 0.960408 0.019418 0.000601 0.019573 0.885141 0.000601 0.113501 0.000757 0.000757 0.847352 0.000601 0.151290 0.998041 0.000601 0.000601 0.000757 0.960408 0.000601 0.019418 0.019573 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACAACAA Reserve complement motif 0.019573 0.000601 0.019418 0.960408 0.000757 0.000601 0.000601 0.998041 0.000757 0.000601 0.847352 0.151290 0.000757 0.000601 0.113501 0.885141 0.019573 0.019418 0.000601 0.960408 0.019573 0.094685 0.809719 0.076023 0.057207 0.000601 0.000601 0.941591 0.019573 0.000601 0.057051 0.922775 0.000757 0.057051 0.884985 0.057207 0.000757 0.019418 0.038235 0.941590 0.000757 0.000601 0.038235 0.960407 0.019573 0.019418 0.884986 0.076023 0.076023 0.000601 0.038235 0.885141 0.076023 0.038235 0.000601 0.885141 0.057207 0.000601 0.809719 0.132473 Consensus sequence: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 112 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 174 Motif 174 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.086169 Original motif 0.266991 0.010473 0.712690 0.009846 0.981269 0.000014 0.018699 0.000018 0.916033 0.017174 0.060521 0.006272 0.236348 0.021194 0.726173 0.016285 0.702133 0.008055 0.241179 0.048633 0.765617 0.020486 0.112814 0.101083 0.324797 0.016466 0.645132 0.013605 0.851205 0.020116 0.108559 0.020120 0.680124 0.046583 0.188050 0.085243 0.482973 0.043427 0.435241 0.038359 0.657142 0.020933 0.257842 0.064083 0.679967 0.063817 0.144004 0.112212 0.430176 0.091884 0.434482 0.043458 0.791122 0.019408 0.111430 0.078040 0.665273 0.068916 0.151740 0.114071 Consensus sequence: GAAGAARAARAARAA Reverse complement motif 0.114071 0.068916 0.151740 0.665273 0.078040 0.019408 0.111430 0.791122 0.430176 0.434482 0.091884 0.043458 0.112212 0.063817 0.144004 0.679967 0.064083 0.020933 0.257842 0.657142 0.038359 0.043427 0.435241 0.482973 0.085243 0.046583 0.188050 0.680124 0.020120 0.020116 0.108559 0.851205 0.324797 0.645132 0.016466 0.013605 0.101083 0.020486 0.112814 0.765617 0.048633 0.008055 0.241179 0.702133 0.236348 0.726173 0.021194 0.016285 0.006272 0.017174 0.060521 0.916033 0.000018 0.000014 0.018699 0.981269 0.266991 0.712690 0.010473 0.009846 Consensus sequence: TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC Alignment: TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 2 Motif ID: 113 Motif name: Motif 113 Original motif 0.000456 0.000363 0.942000 0.057181 0.091216 0.907965 0.000363 0.000456 0.919403 0.023053 0.000363 0.057181 0.953438 0.011708 0.011708 0.023146 0.091216 0.000363 0.907965 0.000456 0.874023 0.023053 0.091123 0.011801 0.000456 0.998725 0.000363 0.000456 0.998818 0.000363 0.000363 0.000456 0.000456 0.998725 0.000363 0.000456 0.034491 0.000363 0.000363 0.964783 0.023146 0.000363 0.000363 0.976128 0.953438 0.000363 0.011708 0.034491 0.930748 0.057088 0.011708 0.000456 0.000456 0.953345 0.000363 0.045836 Consensus sequence: GCAAGACACTTAAC Reserve complement motif 0.000456 0.000363 0.953345 0.045836 0.000456 0.057088 0.011708 0.930748 0.034491 0.000363 0.011708 0.953438 0.976128 0.000363 0.000363 0.023146 0.964783 0.000363 0.000363 0.034491 0.000456 0.000363 0.998725 0.000456 0.000456 0.000363 0.000363 0.998818 0.000456 0.000363 0.998725 0.000456 0.011801 0.023053 0.091123 0.874023 0.091216 0.907965 0.000363 0.000456 0.023146 0.011708 0.011708 0.953438 0.057181 0.023053 0.000363 0.919403 0.091216 0.000363 0.907965 0.000456 0.000456 0.942000 0.000363 0.057181 Consensus sequence: GTTAAGTGTCTTGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 113 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 68 Motif 68 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 14 0.099864 Original motif 0.022495 0.000737 0.000737 0.976031 0.044156 0.910949 0.000737 0.044158 0.824401 0.022398 0.130706 0.022495 0.000834 0.022398 0.000737 0.976031 0.000834 0.000737 0.975934 0.022495 0.044156 0.000737 0.954273 0.000834 0.000834 0.975934 0.022398 0.000834 0.000834 0.997595 0.000737 0.000834 0.000834 0.932610 0.000737 0.065819 0.000834 0.022398 0.022398 0.954370 0.000834 0.022398 0.022398 0.954370 0.044156 0.044059 0.000737 0.911048 0.976031 0.022398 0.000737 0.000834 0.954370 0.022398 0.000737 0.022495 Consensus sequence: TCATGGCCCTTTAA Reverse complement motif 0.022495 0.022398 0.000737 0.954370 0.000834 0.022398 0.000737 0.976031 0.911048 0.044059 0.000737 0.044156 0.954370 0.022398 0.022398 0.000834 0.954370 0.022398 0.022398 0.000834 0.000834 0.000737 0.932610 0.065819 0.000834 0.000737 0.997595 0.000834 0.000834 0.022398 0.975934 0.000834 0.044156 0.954273 0.000737 0.000834 0.000834 0.975934 0.000737 0.022495 0.976031 0.022398 0.000737 0.000834 0.022495 0.022398 0.130706 0.824401 0.044156 0.000737 0.910949 0.044158 0.976031 0.000737 0.000737 0.022495 Consensus sequence: TTAAAGGGCCATGA Alignment: TCATGGCCCTTTAA GCAAGACACTTAAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 114 Motif name: Motif 114 Original motif 0.074552 0.269075 0.130930 0.525443 0.009757 0.509887 0.110731 0.369625 0.520650 0.049223 0.424470 0.005657 0.605970 0.007194 0.352777 0.034059 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.999944 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.005657 0.878766 0.110945 0.004632 0.948177 0.000018 0.051786 0.000019 0.059900 0.198717 0.697072 0.044311 0.599114 0.209699 0.164515 0.026672 0.257411 0.043285 0.527528 0.171776 0.225894 0.299314 0.316254 0.158538 Consensus sequence: YYRRCCAATCAGAGV Reserve complement motif 0.225894 0.316254 0.299314 0.158538 0.257411 0.527528 0.043285 0.171776 0.026672 0.209699 0.164515 0.599114 0.059900 0.697072 0.198717 0.044311 0.000019 0.000018 0.051786 0.948177 0.005657 0.110945 0.878766 0.004632 0.999945 0.000018 0.000018 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.000018 0.999945 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.000019 0.000018 0.999944 0.000019 0.034059 0.007194 0.352777 0.605970 0.005657 0.049223 0.424470 0.520650 0.009757 0.110731 0.509887 0.369625 0.525443 0.269075 0.130930 0.074552 Consensus sequence: VCTCTGATTGGKKKM ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 114 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 24 Motif 24 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 15 0.110048 Original motif 0.091154 0.862665 0.011725 0.034456 0.964774 0.023065 0.011725 0.000436 0.000436 0.000386 0.964723 0.034455 0.000436 0.011725 0.023066 0.964773 0.045795 0.908022 0.000386 0.045797 0.011776 0.908025 0.023065 0.057134 0.964774 0.000386 0.011725 0.023115 0.976114 0.011725 0.011725 0.000436 0.964773 0.023065 0.000386 0.011776 0.011776 0.215944 0.737825 0.034455 0.987452 0.000386 0.000386 0.011776 0.000436 0.976063 0.011725 0.011776 0.942095 0.023065 0.011725 0.023115 0.034455 0.000386 0.000386 0.964773 0.045795 0.000386 0.953383 0.000436 Consensus sequence: CAGTCCAAAGACATG Reverse complement motif 0.045795 0.953383 0.000386 0.000436 0.964773 0.000386 0.000386 0.034455 0.023115 0.023065 0.011725 0.942095 0.000436 0.011725 0.976063 0.011776 0.011776 0.000386 0.000386 0.987452 0.011776 0.737825 0.215944 0.034455 0.011776 0.023065 0.000386 0.964773 0.000436 0.011725 0.011725 0.976114 0.023115 0.000386 0.011725 0.964774 0.011776 0.023065 0.908025 0.057134 0.045795 0.000386 0.908022 0.045797 0.964773 0.011725 0.023066 0.000436 0.000436 0.964723 0.000386 0.034455 0.000436 0.023065 0.011725 0.964774 0.091154 0.011725 0.862665 0.034456 Consensus sequence: CATGTCTTTGGACTG Alignment: CAGTCCAAAGACATG YYRRCCAATCAGAGV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 115 Motif name: Motif 115 Original motif 0.604108 0.033729 0.354128 0.008035 0.002973 0.001014 0.871554 0.124459 0.003952 0.000035 0.951913 0.044100 0.001421 0.017084 0.057802 0.923693 0.001015 0.836140 0.066773 0.096072 0.973219 0.000035 0.026710 0.000036 0.587432 0.029330 0.326513 0.056725 0.857762 0.004040 0.136777 0.001421 0.001015 0.001014 0.991267 0.006704 0.011211 0.000035 0.856914 0.131840 0.000036 0.001014 0.050375 0.948575 0.010231 0.687100 0.146505 0.156164 0.876860 0.000035 0.118174 0.004931 Consensus sequence: RGGTCARAGGTCA Reserve complement motif 0.004931 0.000035 0.118174 0.876860 0.010231 0.146505 0.687100 0.156164 0.948575 0.001014 0.050375 0.000036 0.011211 0.856914 0.000035 0.131840 0.001015 0.991267 0.001014 0.006704 0.001421 0.004040 0.136777 0.857762 0.056725 0.029330 0.326513 0.587432 0.000036 0.000035 0.026710 0.973219 0.001015 0.066773 0.836140 0.096072 0.923693 0.017084 0.057802 0.001421 0.003952 0.951913 0.000035 0.044100 0.002973 0.871554 0.001014 0.124459 0.008035 0.033729 0.354128 0.604108 Consensus sequence: TGACCTKTGACCK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 115 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 24 Motif 24 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 3 13 0.086707 Original motif 0.091154 0.862665 0.011725 0.034456 0.964774 0.023065 0.011725 0.000436 0.000436 0.000386 0.964723 0.034455 0.000436 0.011725 0.023066 0.964773 0.045795 0.908022 0.000386 0.045797 0.011776 0.908025 0.023065 0.057134 0.964774 0.000386 0.011725 0.023115 0.976114 0.011725 0.011725 0.000436 0.964773 0.023065 0.000386 0.011776 0.011776 0.215944 0.737825 0.034455 0.987452 0.000386 0.000386 0.011776 0.000436 0.976063 0.011725 0.011776 0.942095 0.023065 0.011725 0.023115 0.034455 0.000386 0.000386 0.964773 0.045795 0.000386 0.953383 0.000436 Consensus sequence: CAGTCCAAAGACATG Reverse complement motif 0.045795 0.953383 0.000386 0.000436 0.964773 0.000386 0.000386 0.034455 0.023115 0.023065 0.011725 0.942095 0.000436 0.011725 0.976063 0.011776 0.011776 0.000386 0.000386 0.987452 0.011776 0.737825 0.215944 0.034455 0.011776 0.023065 0.000386 0.964773 0.000436 0.011725 0.011725 0.976114 0.023115 0.000386 0.011725 0.964774 0.011776 0.023065 0.908025 0.057134 0.045795 0.000386 0.908022 0.045797 0.964773 0.011725 0.023066 0.000436 0.000436 0.964723 0.000386 0.034455 0.000436 0.023065 0.011725 0.964774 0.091154 0.011725 0.862665 0.034456 Consensus sequence: CATGTCTTTGGACTG Alignment: CATGTCTTTGGACTG --TGACCTKTGACCK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 116 Motif name: Motif 116 Original motif 0.228594 0.472591 0.077948 0.220868 0.170586 0.783108 0.032422 0.013884 0.997310 0.001762 0.000896 0.000032 0.948827 0.003494 0.003494 0.044185 0.259257 0.247341 0.436230 0.057171 0.999040 0.000031 0.000031 0.000898 0.001763 0.002628 0.000896 0.994713 0.000032 0.000031 0.999905 0.000032 0.003495 0.001762 0.975665 0.019078 0.014750 0.967006 0.000031 0.018213 0.030333 0.136316 0.745518 0.087833 0.095624 0.074485 0.729432 0.100459 0.260986 0.603536 0.059767 0.075711 0.144105 0.445607 0.233641 0.176646 0.273973 0.212860 0.361775 0.151391 Consensus sequence: HCAAVATGGCGGCBV Reserve complement motif 0.273973 0.361775 0.212860 0.151391 0.144105 0.233641 0.445607 0.176646 0.260986 0.059767 0.603536 0.075711 0.095624 0.729432 0.074485 0.100459 0.030333 0.745518 0.136316 0.087833 0.014750 0.000031 0.967006 0.018213 0.003495 0.975665 0.001762 0.019078 0.000032 0.999905 0.000031 0.000032 0.994713 0.002628 0.000896 0.001763 0.000898 0.000031 0.000031 0.999040 0.259257 0.436230 0.247341 0.057171 0.044185 0.003494 0.003494 0.948827 0.000032 0.001762 0.000896 0.997310 0.170586 0.032422 0.783108 0.013884 0.228594 0.077948 0.472591 0.220868 Consensus sequence: VBGCCGCCATVTTGD ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 116 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 177 Motif 177 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 15 0.088234 Original motif 0.088021 0.518176 0.249523 0.144280 0.224563 0.286686 0.402124 0.086626 0.145098 0.304646 0.490810 0.059446 0.000026 0.796570 0.173985 0.029419 0.049647 0.274490 0.359196 0.316667 0.039348 0.472661 0.455411 0.032580 0.425078 0.245412 0.329484 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.329484 0.245412 0.425078 0.032580 0.455411 0.472661 0.039348 0.316667 0.359196 0.274490 0.049647 0.029419 0.173985 0.796570 0.000026 0.059446 0.490810 0.304646 0.145098 0.086626 0.402124 0.286686 0.224563 0.144280 0.249523 0.518176 0.088021 Consensus sequence: CVSCBSRGCYSVGSBG Reverse complement motif 0.144280 0.518176 0.249523 0.088021 0.086626 0.286686 0.402124 0.224563 0.059446 0.304646 0.490810 0.145098 0.029419 0.796570 0.173985 0.000026 0.316667 0.274490 0.359196 0.049647 0.032580 0.472661 0.455411 0.039348 0.425078 0.329484 0.245412 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.245412 0.329484 0.425078 0.039348 0.455411 0.472661 0.032580 0.049647 0.359196 0.274490 0.316667 0.000026 0.173985 0.796570 0.029419 0.145098 0.490810 0.304646 0.059446 0.224563 0.402124 0.286686 0.086626 0.088021 0.249523 0.518176 0.144280 Consensus sequence: CBSCVSMGCKSBGSVG Alignment: CBSCVSMGCKSBGSVG VBGCCGCCATVTTGD- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 117 Motif name: Motif 117 Original motif 0.156402 0.383176 0.198104 0.262319 0.161481 0.279260 0.372435 0.186823 0.415599 0.129516 0.408899 0.045987 0.004256 0.029660 0.009937 0.956147 0.001247 0.002464 0.933357 0.062932 0.991796 0.000029 0.000840 0.007335 0.000030 0.976780 0.001246 0.021944 0.021944 0.001246 0.976780 0.000030 0.007335 0.000840 0.000029 0.991796 0.062932 0.933357 0.002464 0.001247 0.956147 0.009937 0.029660 0.004256 0.045987 0.408899 0.129516 0.415599 0.186823 0.372435 0.279260 0.161481 0.262319 0.198104 0.383176 0.156402 Consensus sequence: BBRTGACGTCAYVV Reserve complement motif 0.262319 0.383176 0.198104 0.156402 0.186823 0.279260 0.372435 0.161481 0.415599 0.408899 0.129516 0.045987 0.004256 0.009937 0.029660 0.956147 0.062932 0.002464 0.933357 0.001247 0.991796 0.000840 0.000029 0.007335 0.021944 0.976780 0.001246 0.000030 0.000030 0.001246 0.976780 0.021944 0.007335 0.000029 0.000840 0.991796 0.001247 0.933357 0.002464 0.062932 0.956147 0.029660 0.009937 0.004256 0.045987 0.129516 0.408899 0.415599 0.161481 0.372435 0.279260 0.186823 0.156402 0.198104 0.383176 0.262319 Consensus sequence: VVMTGACGTCAKBB ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 117 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 69 Motif 69 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 14 0.025757 Original motif 0.090536 0.264405 0.104824 0.540235 0.113804 0.077129 0.111701 0.697366 0.402674 0.032545 0.558096 0.006685 0.000018 0.003923 0.000015 0.996044 0.001628 0.002084 0.857899 0.138389 0.983904 0.000015 0.001164 0.014917 0.000708 0.960120 0.004498 0.034674 0.034674 0.004498 0.960120 0.000708 0.014917 0.001164 0.000015 0.983904 0.138389 0.857899 0.002084 0.001628 0.996044 0.000015 0.003923 0.000018 0.006685 0.558096 0.032545 0.402674 0.697366 0.111701 0.077129 0.113804 0.540235 0.104824 0.264405 0.090536 Consensus sequence: TTRTGACGTCAYAA Reverse complement motif 0.090536 0.104824 0.264405 0.540235 0.113804 0.111701 0.077129 0.697366 0.006685 0.032545 0.558096 0.402674 0.000018 0.000015 0.003923 0.996044 0.138389 0.002084 0.857899 0.001628 0.983904 0.001164 0.000015 0.014917 0.034674 0.960120 0.004498 0.000708 0.000708 0.004498 0.960120 0.034674 0.014917 0.000015 0.001164 0.983904 0.001628 0.857899 0.002084 0.138389 0.996044 0.003923 0.000015 0.000018 0.402674 0.558096 0.032545 0.006685 0.697366 0.077129 0.111701 0.113804 0.540235 0.264405 0.104824 0.090536 Consensus sequence: TTKTGACGTCAMAA Alignment: TTRTGACGTCAYAA BBRTGACGTCAYVV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 118 Motif name: Motif 118 Original motif 0.018027 0.948244 0.030758 0.002971 0.003490 0.974176 0.000967 0.021367 0.025298 0.971351 0.001513 0.001838 0.000050 0.998168 0.001732 0.000050 0.050443 0.067747 0.189964 0.691846 0.005797 0.994106 0.000047 0.000050 0.000050 0.996131 0.000825 0.002994 0.015371 0.933319 0.003112 0.048198 0.189734 0.735530 0.013820 0.060916 0.176968 0.648148 0.052400 0.122484 0.161842 0.423218 0.074422 0.340518 Consensus sequence: CCCCTCCCCCY Reserve complement motif 0.161842 0.074422 0.423218 0.340518 0.176968 0.052400 0.648148 0.122484 0.189734 0.013820 0.735530 0.060916 0.015371 0.003112 0.933319 0.048198 0.000050 0.000825 0.996131 0.002994 0.005797 0.000047 0.994106 0.000050 0.691846 0.067747 0.189964 0.050443 0.000050 0.001732 0.998168 0.000050 0.025298 0.001513 0.971351 0.001838 0.003490 0.000967 0.974176 0.021367 0.018027 0.030758 0.948244 0.002971 Consensus sequence: KGGGGGAGGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 118 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 172 Motif 172 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 11 0.038479 Original motif 0.000037 0.999898 0.000028 0.000037 0.000037 0.732047 0.000028 0.267888 0.006213 0.899787 0.007240 0.086760 0.035417 0.545417 0.030682 0.388484 0.003489 0.856923 0.016629 0.122959 0.013560 0.548067 0.009945 0.428428 0.000037 0.955332 0.006339 0.038292 0.000939 0.642895 0.003634 0.352532 0.035173 0.831685 0.000028 0.133114 0.003643 0.541174 0.031692 0.423491 0.052677 0.851469 0.032981 0.062873 0.054512 0.356404 0.027630 0.561454 0.007426 0.986417 0.000028 0.006129 0.029829 0.596854 0.001741 0.371576 Consensus sequence: CCCYCYCYCYCYCY Reverse complement motif 0.029829 0.001741 0.596854 0.371576 0.007426 0.000028 0.986417 0.006129 0.561454 0.356404 0.027630 0.054512 0.052677 0.032981 0.851469 0.062873 0.003643 0.031692 0.541174 0.423491 0.035173 0.000028 0.831685 0.133114 0.000939 0.003634 0.642895 0.352532 0.000037 0.006339 0.955332 0.038292 0.013560 0.009945 0.548067 0.428428 0.003489 0.016629 0.856923 0.122959 0.035417 0.030682 0.545417 0.388484 0.006213 0.007240 0.899787 0.086760 0.000037 0.000028 0.732047 0.267888 0.000037 0.000028 0.999898 0.000037 Consensus sequence: KGMGKGKGKGKGGG Alignment: CCCYCYCYCYCYCY -CCCCTCCCCCY-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 119 Motif name: Motif 119 Original motif 0.950956 0.029202 0.001287 0.018555 0.001289 0.001289 0.000044 0.997378 0.023089 0.019749 0.000044 0.957118 0.190448 0.001289 0.000044 0.808219 0.148421 0.030735 0.815985 0.004859 0.070206 0.924266 0.000044 0.005484 0.996860 0.001289 0.001805 0.000046 0.000046 0.005693 0.000044 0.994217 0.787713 0.030430 0.119742 0.062115 0.539414 0.116508 0.050547 0.293531 0.195900 0.437322 0.164896 0.201882 0.605422 0.102847 0.080866 0.210865 Consensus sequence: ATTTGCATAWHA Reserve complement motif 0.210865 0.102847 0.080866 0.605422 0.195900 0.164896 0.437322 0.201882 0.293531 0.116508 0.050547 0.539414 0.062115 0.030430 0.119742 0.787713 0.994217 0.005693 0.000044 0.000046 0.000046 0.001289 0.001805 0.996860 0.070206 0.000044 0.924266 0.005484 0.148421 0.815985 0.030735 0.004859 0.808219 0.001289 0.000044 0.190448 0.957118 0.019749 0.000044 0.023089 0.997378 0.001289 0.000044 0.001289 0.018555 0.029202 0.001287 0.950956 Consensus sequence: TDWTATGCAAAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 119 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 197 Motif 197 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 12 0.090748 Original motif 0.013949 0.970058 0.015804 0.000189 0.818743 0.018490 0.110224 0.052543 0.000189 0.009317 0.018490 0.972004 0.000189 0.949029 0.046007 0.004775 0.738082 0.013903 0.211132 0.036883 0.000189 0.078118 0.023077 0.898616 0.018536 0.900309 0.041424 0.039731 0.921551 0.004730 0.073530 0.000189 0.013949 0.091878 0.036837 0.857336 0.050643 0.726963 0.105635 0.116759 0.658997 0.056300 0.224887 0.059816 0.055230 0.082705 0.055185 0.806880 0.050642 0.780102 0.073530 0.095726 0.561885 0.258901 0.087291 0.091923 Consensus sequence: CATCATCATCATCA Reverse complement motif 0.091923 0.258901 0.087291 0.561885 0.050642 0.073530 0.780102 0.095726 0.806880 0.082705 0.055185 0.055230 0.059816 0.056300 0.224887 0.658997 0.050643 0.105635 0.726963 0.116759 0.857336 0.091878 0.036837 0.013949 0.000189 0.004730 0.073530 0.921551 0.018536 0.041424 0.900309 0.039731 0.898616 0.078118 0.023077 0.000189 0.036883 0.013903 0.211132 0.738082 0.000189 0.046007 0.949029 0.004775 0.972004 0.009317 0.018490 0.000189 0.052543 0.018490 0.110224 0.818743 0.013949 0.015804 0.970058 0.000189 Consensus sequence: TGATGATGATGATG Alignment: TGATGATGATGATG -TDWTATGCAAAT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 120 Motif name: Motif 120 Original motif 0.000104 0.000099 0.999693 0.000104 0.132582 0.663035 0.183477 0.020906 0.990120 0.000099 0.009677 0.000104 0.002907 0.153738 0.000099 0.843256 0.001505 0.111395 0.816347 0.070753 0.346943 0.650987 0.001966 0.000104 0.002903 0.257109 0.000099 0.739889 0.001267 0.001262 0.997367 0.000104 0.000104 0.000099 0.999693 0.000104 0.002907 0.002900 0.992222 0.001971 0.891133 0.002902 0.002902 0.103063 Consensus sequence: GCATGMTGGGA Reserve complement motif 0.103063 0.002902 0.002902 0.891133 0.002907 0.992222 0.002900 0.001971 0.000104 0.999693 0.000099 0.000104 0.001267 0.997367 0.001262 0.000104 0.739889 0.257109 0.000099 0.002903 0.346943 0.001966 0.650987 0.000104 0.001505 0.816347 0.111395 0.070753 0.843256 0.153738 0.000099 0.002907 0.000104 0.000099 0.009677 0.990120 0.132582 0.183477 0.663035 0.020906 0.000104 0.999693 0.000099 0.000104 Consensus sequence: TCCCARCATGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 120 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 73 Motif 73 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 2 11 0.068734 Original motif 0.000159 0.928450 0.000126 0.071265 0.012010 0.000126 0.964004 0.023860 0.213060 0.772127 0.000126 0.014687 0.000159 0.991655 0.000126 0.008060 0.739541 0.189068 0.071232 0.000159 0.039662 0.475021 0.000126 0.485191 0.000159 0.999556 0.000126 0.000159 0.118255 0.068921 0.112374 0.700450 0.485998 0.179895 0.141666 0.192441 0.075212 0.200684 0.723945 0.000159 0.000159 0.979804 0.000126 0.019911 0.012010 0.000126 0.987705 0.000159 Consensus sequence: CGCCAYCTHGCG Reverse complement motif 0.012010 0.987705 0.000126 0.000159 0.000159 0.000126 0.979804 0.019911 0.075212 0.723945 0.200684 0.000159 0.192441 0.179895 0.141666 0.485998 0.700450 0.068921 0.112374 0.118255 0.000159 0.000126 0.999556 0.000159 0.485191 0.475021 0.000126 0.039662 0.000159 0.189068 0.071232 0.739541 0.000159 0.000126 0.991655 0.008060 0.213060 0.000126 0.772127 0.014687 0.012010 0.964004 0.000126 0.023860 0.000159 0.000126 0.928450 0.071265 Consensus sequence: CGCHAGMTGGCG Alignment: CGCCAYCTHGCG -TCCCARCATGC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 121 Motif name: Motif 121 Original motif 0.283115 0.000095 0.716691 0.000099 0.000099 0.072475 0.036502 0.890924 0.122406 0.877400 0.000095 0.000099 0.999711 0.000095 0.000095 0.000099 0.000099 0.897273 0.000095 0.102533 0.102533 0.000095 0.897273 0.000099 0.000099 0.000095 0.000095 0.999711 0.000099 0.000095 0.877400 0.122406 0.890924 0.036502 0.072475 0.000099 0.000099 0.716691 0.000095 0.283115 Consensus sequence: GTCACGTGAC Reserve complement motif 0.000099 0.000095 0.716691 0.283115 0.000099 0.036502 0.072475 0.890924 0.000099 0.877400 0.000095 0.122406 0.999711 0.000095 0.000095 0.000099 0.102533 0.897273 0.000095 0.000099 0.000099 0.000095 0.897273 0.102533 0.000099 0.000095 0.000095 0.999711 0.122406 0.000095 0.877400 0.000099 0.890924 0.072475 0.036502 0.000099 0.283115 0.716691 0.000095 0.000099 Consensus sequence: GTCACGTGAC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 121 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 72 Motif 72 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 10 0.009439 Original motif 0.310214 0.051844 0.440164 0.197779 0.387833 0.090267 0.510679 0.011221 0.042128 0.185913 0.034102 0.737857 0.000118 0.999670 0.000094 0.000118 0.996037 0.003751 0.000094 0.000118 0.000118 0.996609 0.003155 0.000118 0.000118 0.003155 0.996609 0.000118 0.000118 0.000094 0.003751 0.996037 0.000118 0.000094 0.999670 0.000118 0.737857 0.034102 0.185913 0.042128 0.011221 0.510679 0.090267 0.387833 0.197779 0.440164 0.051844 0.310214 Consensus sequence: RRTCACGTGAYY Reverse complement motif 0.197779 0.051844 0.440164 0.310214 0.011221 0.090267 0.510679 0.387833 0.042128 0.034102 0.185913 0.737857 0.000118 0.999670 0.000094 0.000118 0.996037 0.000094 0.003751 0.000118 0.000118 0.996609 0.003155 0.000118 0.000118 0.003155 0.996609 0.000118 0.000118 0.003751 0.000094 0.996037 0.000118 0.000094 0.999670 0.000118 0.737857 0.185913 0.034102 0.042128 0.387833 0.510679 0.090267 0.011221 0.310214 0.440164 0.051844 0.197779 Consensus sequence: KKTCACGTGAMM Alignment: RRTCACGTGAYY -GTCACGTGAC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 122 Motif name: Motif 122 Original motif 0.025112 0.869543 0.105231 0.000114 0.000114 0.985234 0.014538 0.000114 0.000114 0.000109 0.999663 0.000114 0.000114 0.000109 0.999663 0.000114 0.999668 0.000109 0.000109 0.000114 0.803318 0.000109 0.000109 0.196464 0.038430 0.000109 0.961347 0.000114 0.000114 0.000109 0.000109 0.999668 0.346729 0.054491 0.556464 0.042316 0.526447 0.201069 0.228759 0.043725 Consensus sequence: CCGGAAGTRA Reserve complement motif 0.043725 0.201069 0.228759 0.526447 0.346729 0.556464 0.054491 0.042316 0.999668 0.000109 0.000109 0.000114 0.038430 0.961347 0.000109 0.000114 0.196464 0.000109 0.000109 0.803318 0.000114 0.000109 0.000109 0.999668 0.000114 0.999663 0.000109 0.000114 0.000114 0.999663 0.000109 0.000114 0.000114 0.014538 0.985234 0.000114 0.025112 0.105231 0.869543 0.000114 Consensus sequence: TMACTTCCGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 122 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 40 Motif 40 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 10 0.041908 Original motif 0.912075 0.054603 0.022060 0.011262 0.000417 0.004856 0.022060 0.972667 0.043803 0.000369 0.944566 0.011262 0.011262 0.937253 0.032907 0.018578 0.032955 0.966259 0.000369 0.000417 0.032955 0.904745 0.000369 0.061931 0.000417 0.000369 0.000369 0.998845 0.000417 0.000369 0.004856 0.994358 0.004904 0.918376 0.000369 0.076351 0.011262 0.933717 0.000369 0.054652 0.983513 0.000369 0.004856 0.011262 0.043803 0.000369 0.933720 0.022108 Consensus sequence: ATGCCCTTCCAG Reverse complement motif 0.043803 0.933720 0.000369 0.022108 0.011262 0.000369 0.004856 0.983513 0.011262 0.000369 0.933717 0.054652 0.004904 0.000369 0.918376 0.076351 0.994358 0.000369 0.004856 0.000417 0.998845 0.000369 0.000369 0.000417 0.032955 0.000369 0.904745 0.061931 0.032955 0.000369 0.966259 0.000417 0.011262 0.032907 0.937253 0.018578 0.043803 0.944566 0.000369 0.011262 0.972667 0.004856 0.022060 0.000417 0.011262 0.054603 0.022060 0.912075 Consensus sequence: CTGGAAGGGCAT Alignment: CTGGAAGGGCAT --CCGGAAGTRA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 123 Motif name: Motif 123 Original motif 0.013243 0.819188 0.108398 0.059171 0.714007 0.243108 0.036203 0.006682 0.000121 0.000116 0.000116 0.999647 0.003402 0.996361 0.000116 0.000121 0.009962 0.000116 0.000116 0.989806 0.052608 0.016518 0.930753 0.000121 0.003402 0.996361 0.000116 0.000121 0.013243 0.000116 0.003396 0.983245 0.006682 0.023080 0.006677 0.963561 0.023084 0.013238 0.914347 0.049331 0.124788 0.004756 0.860494 0.009962 0.950441 0.000116 0.039481 0.009962 0.039489 0.006677 0.914348 0.039486 0.858577 0.059170 0.039483 0.042770 Consensus sequence: CATCTGCTTGGAGA Reserve complement motif 0.042770 0.059170 0.039483 0.858577 0.039489 0.914348 0.006677 0.039486 0.009962 0.000116 0.039481 0.950441 0.124788 0.860494 0.004756 0.009962 0.023084 0.914347 0.013238 0.049331 0.963561 0.023080 0.006677 0.006682 0.983245 0.000116 0.003396 0.013243 0.003402 0.000116 0.996361 0.000121 0.052608 0.930753 0.016518 0.000121 0.989806 0.000116 0.000116 0.009962 0.003402 0.000116 0.996361 0.000121 0.999647 0.000116 0.000116 0.000121 0.006682 0.243108 0.036203 0.714007 0.013243 0.108398 0.819188 0.059171 Consensus sequence: TCTCCAAGCAGATG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 123 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 24 Motif 24 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 2 14 0.078187 Original motif 0.091154 0.862665 0.011725 0.034456 0.964774 0.023065 0.011725 0.000436 0.000436 0.000386 0.964723 0.034455 0.000436 0.011725 0.023066 0.964773 0.045795 0.908022 0.000386 0.045797 0.011776 0.908025 0.023065 0.057134 0.964774 0.000386 0.011725 0.023115 0.976114 0.011725 0.011725 0.000436 0.964773 0.023065 0.000386 0.011776 0.011776 0.215944 0.737825 0.034455 0.987452 0.000386 0.000386 0.011776 0.000436 0.976063 0.011725 0.011776 0.942095 0.023065 0.011725 0.023115 0.034455 0.000386 0.000386 0.964773 0.045795 0.000386 0.953383 0.000436 Consensus sequence: CAGTCCAAAGACATG Reverse complement motif 0.045795 0.953383 0.000386 0.000436 0.964773 0.000386 0.000386 0.034455 0.023115 0.023065 0.011725 0.942095 0.000436 0.011725 0.976063 0.011776 0.011776 0.000386 0.000386 0.987452 0.011776 0.737825 0.215944 0.034455 0.011776 0.023065 0.000386 0.964773 0.000436 0.011725 0.011725 0.976114 0.023115 0.000386 0.011725 0.964774 0.011776 0.023065 0.908025 0.057134 0.045795 0.000386 0.908022 0.045797 0.964773 0.011725 0.023066 0.000436 0.000436 0.964723 0.000386 0.034455 0.000436 0.023065 0.011725 0.964774 0.091154 0.011725 0.862665 0.034456 Consensus sequence: CATGTCTTTGGACTG Alignment: CAGTCCAAAGACATG TCTCCAAGCAGATG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 124 Motif name: Motif 124 Original motif 0.854702 0.012527 0.115718 0.017053 0.903549 0.096316 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.982813 0.000066 0.017052 0.977594 0.000066 0.019236 0.003104 0.999799 0.000066 0.000066 0.000069 0.233541 0.052302 0.000066 0.714091 0.656501 0.000066 0.343364 0.000069 0.045220 0.000066 0.954645 0.000069 0.299646 0.304924 0.389900 0.005529 Consensus sequence: AACAATRGV Reserve complement motif 0.299646 0.389900 0.304924 0.005529 0.045220 0.954645 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.000066 0.343364 0.656501 0.714091 0.052302 0.000066 0.233541 0.000069 0.000066 0.000066 0.999799 0.003104 0.000066 0.019236 0.977594 0.000069 0.000066 0.982813 0.017052 0.000069 0.096316 0.000066 0.903549 0.017053 0.012527 0.115718 0.854702 Consensus sequence: VCKATTGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 124 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 71 Motif 71 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 9 0.025355 Original motif 0.752388 0.128936 0.078298 0.040378 0.962287 0.000056 0.029817 0.007840 0.970220 0.000056 0.029654 0.000070 0.000070 0.999804 0.000056 0.000070 0.999818 0.000056 0.000056 0.000070 0.989495 0.000056 0.010379 0.000070 0.495169 0.000056 0.000056 0.504719 0.157451 0.063316 0.779163 0.000070 0.122334 0.148495 0.729101 0.000070 0.398749 0.228683 0.285523 0.087045 Consensus sequence: AAACAAWGGV Reverse complement motif 0.087045 0.228683 0.285523 0.398749 0.122334 0.729101 0.148495 0.000070 0.157451 0.779163 0.063316 0.000070 0.504719 0.000056 0.000056 0.495169 0.000070 0.000056 0.010379 0.989495 0.000070 0.000056 0.000056 0.999818 0.000070 0.000056 0.999804 0.000070 0.000070 0.000056 0.029654 0.970220 0.007840 0.000056 0.029817 0.962287 0.040378 0.128936 0.078298 0.752388 Consensus sequence: BCCWTTGTTT Alignment: AAACAAWGGV -AACAATRGV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 125 Motif name: Motif 125 Original motif 0.032627 0.908456 0.058839 0.000078 0.225018 0.002186 0.748615 0.024181 0.006413 0.993434 0.000075 0.000078 0.863754 0.063423 0.045294 0.027529 0.014859 0.071869 0.069759 0.843513 0.002190 0.000075 0.997657 0.000078 0.008525 0.991322 0.000075 0.000078 0.002190 0.000075 0.995545 0.002190 0.010636 0.710437 0.004298 0.274629 0.833319 0.029635 0.062186 0.074860 0.029641 0.482557 0.430712 0.057091 0.194347 0.064298 0.079079 0.662276 0.297679 0.191005 0.336335 0.174981 0.140320 0.284975 0.488412 0.086294 Consensus sequence: CGCATGCGCASTVS Reserve complement motif 0.140320 0.488412 0.284975 0.086294 0.297679 0.336335 0.191005 0.174981 0.662276 0.064298 0.079079 0.194347 0.029641 0.430712 0.482557 0.057091 0.074860 0.029635 0.062186 0.833319 0.010636 0.004298 0.710437 0.274629 0.002190 0.995545 0.000075 0.002190 0.008525 0.000075 0.991322 0.000078 0.002190 0.997657 0.000075 0.000078 0.843513 0.071869 0.069759 0.014859 0.027529 0.063423 0.045294 0.863754 0.006413 0.000075 0.993434 0.000078 0.225018 0.748615 0.002186 0.024181 0.032627 0.058839 0.908456 0.000078 Consensus sequence: SVASTGCGCATGCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 125 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 175 Motif 175 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 14 0.088345 Original motif 0.000081 0.988333 0.004007 0.007579 0.931094 0.002034 0.066791 0.000081 0.031648 0.933150 0.009266 0.025936 0.900863 0.000061 0.098995 0.000081 0.007974 0.921312 0.000061 0.070653 0.896697 0.016828 0.066188 0.020287 0.062021 0.912191 0.000061 0.025727 0.822069 0.000061 0.177789 0.000081 0.012811 0.853559 0.008772 0.124858 0.813024 0.045057 0.126058 0.015861 0.044014 0.887934 0.004007 0.064045 0.912512 0.000061 0.040830 0.046597 0.089513 0.846209 0.053667 0.010611 0.618945 0.127862 0.126785 0.126408 Consensus sequence: CACACACACACACA Reverse complement motif 0.126408 0.127862 0.126785 0.618945 0.089513 0.053667 0.846209 0.010611 0.046597 0.000061 0.040830 0.912512 0.044014 0.004007 0.887934 0.064045 0.015861 0.045057 0.126058 0.813024 0.012811 0.008772 0.853559 0.124858 0.000081 0.000061 0.177789 0.822069 0.062021 0.000061 0.912191 0.025727 0.020287 0.016828 0.066188 0.896697 0.007974 0.000061 0.921312 0.070653 0.000081 0.000061 0.098995 0.900863 0.031648 0.009266 0.933150 0.025936 0.000081 0.002034 0.066791 0.931094 0.000081 0.004007 0.988333 0.007579 Consensus sequence: TGTGTGTGTGTGTG Alignment: CACACACACACACA CGCATGCGCASTVS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 126 Motif name: Motif 126 Original motif 0.523602 0.134025 0.281755 0.060618 0.297767 0.265740 0.241995 0.194498 0.023912 0.045496 0.008789 0.921803 0.032548 0.964980 0.000153 0.002319 0.088687 0.023904 0.002312 0.885097 0.000160 0.997368 0.000153 0.002319 0.022646 0.010949 0.966245 0.000160 0.000160 0.966245 0.010949 0.022646 0.002319 0.000153 0.997368 0.000160 0.885097 0.002312 0.023904 0.088687 0.002319 0.000153 0.964980 0.032548 0.921803 0.008789 0.045496 0.023912 0.194498 0.241995 0.265740 0.297767 0.060618 0.281755 0.134025 0.523602 Consensus sequence: RVTCTCGCGAGABY Reserve complement motif 0.523602 0.281755 0.134025 0.060618 0.297767 0.241995 0.265740 0.194498 0.023912 0.008789 0.045496 0.921803 0.002319 0.964980 0.000153 0.032548 0.088687 0.002312 0.023904 0.885097 0.002319 0.997368 0.000153 0.000160 0.000160 0.010949 0.966245 0.022646 0.022646 0.966245 0.010949 0.000160 0.000160 0.000153 0.997368 0.002319 0.885097 0.023904 0.002312 0.088687 0.032548 0.000153 0.964980 0.002319 0.921803 0.045496 0.008789 0.023912 0.194498 0.265740 0.241995 0.297767 0.060618 0.134025 0.281755 0.523602 Consensus sequence: MVTCTCGCGAGABK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 126 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 42 Motif 42 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 14 0.051350 Original motif 0.938066 0.000678 0.060489 0.000767 0.878256 0.040552 0.060489 0.020703 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 0.000767 0.020614 0.000678 0.977941 0.000767 0.020614 0.000678 0.977941 0.000767 0.000678 0.997788 0.000767 0.020703 0.000678 0.977852 0.000767 0.000767 0.997788 0.000678 0.000767 0.000767 0.957916 0.020614 0.020703 0.977941 0.000678 0.020614 0.000767 0.000767 0.000678 0.977852 0.020703 0.060578 0.020614 0.858230 0.060578 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.000767 0.678683 0.000678 0.319872 Consensus sequence: AATTTGGCCAGGAC Reverse complement motif 0.000767 0.000678 0.678683 0.319872 0.000767 0.000678 0.000678 0.997877 0.060578 0.858230 0.020614 0.060578 0.000767 0.977852 0.000678 0.020703 0.000767 0.000678 0.020614 0.977941 0.000767 0.020614 0.957916 0.020703 0.000767 0.000678 0.997788 0.000767 0.020703 0.977852 0.000678 0.000767 0.000767 0.997788 0.000678 0.000767 0.977941 0.020614 0.000678 0.000767 0.977941 0.020614 0.000678 0.000767 0.997877 0.000678 0.000678 0.000767 0.020703 0.040552 0.060489 0.878256 0.000767 0.000678 0.060489 0.938066 Consensus sequence: GTCCTGGCCAAATT Alignment: AATTTGGCCAGGAC RVTCTCGCGAGABY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 127 Motif name: Motif 127 Original motif 0.871094 0.000188 0.128521 0.000197 0.894854 0.000188 0.021707 0.083251 0.204073 0.622296 0.114001 0.059630 0.999427 0.000188 0.000188 0.000197 0.979664 0.000188 0.019951 0.000197 0.185798 0.797218 0.016787 0.000197 0.999427 0.000188 0.000188 0.000197 0.919910 0.021157 0.036584 0.022349 0.000197 0.983726 0.015880 0.000197 0.999427 0.000188 0.000188 0.000197 Consensus sequence: AACAACAACA Reserve complement motif 0.000197 0.000188 0.000188 0.999427 0.000197 0.015880 0.983726 0.000197 0.022349 0.021157 0.036584 0.919910 0.000197 0.000188 0.000188 0.999427 0.185798 0.016787 0.797218 0.000197 0.000197 0.000188 0.019951 0.979664 0.000197 0.000188 0.000188 0.999427 0.204073 0.114001 0.622296 0.059630 0.083251 0.000188 0.021707 0.894854 0.000197 0.000188 0.128521 0.871094 Consensus sequence: TGTTGTTGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 127 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 112 Motif 112 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 5 10 0.012460 Original motif 0.057207 0.809719 0.000601 0.132473 0.885141 0.038235 0.000601 0.076023 0.885141 0.000601 0.038235 0.076023 0.019573 0.884986 0.019418 0.076023 0.960407 0.000601 0.038235 0.000757 0.941590 0.019418 0.038235 0.000757 0.000757 0.884985 0.057051 0.057207 0.922775 0.000601 0.057051 0.019573 0.941591 0.000601 0.000601 0.057207 0.019573 0.809719 0.094685 0.076023 0.960408 0.019418 0.000601 0.019573 0.885141 0.000601 0.113501 0.000757 0.000757 0.847352 0.000601 0.151290 0.998041 0.000601 0.000601 0.000757 0.960408 0.000601 0.019418 0.019573 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.019573 0.000601 0.019418 0.960408 0.000757 0.000601 0.000601 0.998041 0.000757 0.000601 0.847352 0.151290 0.000757 0.000601 0.113501 0.885141 0.019573 0.019418 0.000601 0.960408 0.019573 0.094685 0.809719 0.076023 0.057207 0.000601 0.000601 0.941591 0.019573 0.000601 0.057051 0.922775 0.000757 0.057051 0.884985 0.057207 0.000757 0.019418 0.038235 0.941590 0.000757 0.000601 0.038235 0.960407 0.019573 0.019418 0.884986 0.076023 0.076023 0.000601 0.038235 0.885141 0.076023 0.038235 0.000601 0.885141 0.057207 0.000601 0.809719 0.132473 Consensus sequence: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG Alignment: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG -TGTTGTTGTT---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 128 Motif name: Motif 128 Original motif 0.000074 0.850641 0.014976 0.134309 0.000074 0.995643 0.000071 0.004212 0.852861 0.122145 0.006935 0.018059 0.019000 0.051316 0.000071 0.929613 0.208673 0.000071 0.791182 0.000074 0.020178 0.000071 0.979677 0.000074 0.020980 0.751451 0.006102 0.221467 0.665656 0.000071 0.260192 0.074081 0.997774 0.000071 0.002081 0.000074 0.000074 0.999781 0.000071 0.000074 0.252834 0.320671 0.376279 0.050216 0.185062 0.123658 0.635099 0.056181 Consensus sequence: CCATGGCAACVG Reserve complement motif 0.185062 0.635099 0.123658 0.056181 0.252834 0.376279 0.320671 0.050216 0.000074 0.000071 0.999781 0.000074 0.000074 0.000071 0.002081 0.997774 0.074081 0.000071 0.260192 0.665656 0.020980 0.006102 0.751451 0.221467 0.020178 0.979677 0.000071 0.000074 0.208673 0.791182 0.000071 0.000074 0.929613 0.051316 0.000071 0.019000 0.018059 0.122145 0.006935 0.852861 0.000074 0.000071 0.995643 0.004212 0.000074 0.014976 0.850641 0.134309 Consensus sequence: CVGTTGCCATGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 128 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 89 Motif 89 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 2 12 0.077590 Original motif 0.037681 0.831702 0.000590 0.130027 0.000743 0.000590 0.997924 0.000743 0.979608 0.000590 0.019059 0.000743 0.000743 0.000590 0.997924 0.000743 0.000743 0.037529 0.000590 0.961138 0.019212 0.000590 0.000590 0.979608 0.924199 0.037529 0.037529 0.000743 0.000743 0.887109 0.019059 0.093089 0.000743 0.979455 0.019059 0.000743 0.831854 0.055998 0.055998 0.056150 0.148496 0.129874 0.074467 0.647163 0.000743 0.000590 0.979455 0.019212 0.000743 0.019059 0.000590 0.979608 0.887262 0.055998 0.000590 0.056150 Consensus sequence: CGAGTTACCATGTA Reverse complement motif 0.056150 0.055998 0.000590 0.887262 0.979608 0.019059 0.000590 0.000743 0.000743 0.979455 0.000590 0.019212 0.647163 0.129874 0.074467 0.148496 0.056150 0.055998 0.055998 0.831854 0.000743 0.019059 0.979455 0.000743 0.000743 0.019059 0.887109 0.093089 0.000743 0.037529 0.037529 0.924199 0.979608 0.000590 0.000590 0.019212 0.961138 0.037529 0.000590 0.000743 0.000743 0.997924 0.000590 0.000743 0.000743 0.000590 0.019059 0.979608 0.000743 0.997924 0.000590 0.000743 0.037681 0.000590 0.831702 0.130027 Consensus sequence: TACATGGTAACTCG Alignment: TACATGGTAACTCG -CCATGGCAACVG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 129 Motif name: Motif 129 Original motif 0.000556 0.000531 0.000531 0.998382 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.884567 0.114321 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.464555 0.223038 0.254710 0.057697 0.634016 0.000531 0.000531 0.364922 Consensus sequence: TCCCGCCVW Reserve complement motif 0.364922 0.000531 0.000531 0.634016 0.057697 0.223038 0.254710 0.464555 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.998357 0.000531 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.000556 0.114321 0.884567 0.000556 0.000556 0.000531 0.998357 0.000556 0.998382 0.000531 0.000531 0.000556 Consensus sequence: WBGGCGGGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 129 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 47 Motif 47 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 9 0.044440 Original motif 0.100152 0.014687 0.884960 0.000201 0.108350 0.792172 0.000177 0.099301 0.035393 0.869662 0.007519 0.087426 0.403968 0.593053 0.000177 0.002802 0.000201 0.993358 0.006240 0.000201 0.053502 0.000177 0.946120 0.000201 0.012410 0.916866 0.031674 0.039050 0.000201 0.999421 0.000177 0.000201 0.000201 0.959344 0.000177 0.040278 0.699165 0.266151 0.000177 0.034507 Consensus sequence: GCCMCGCCCA Reverse complement motif 0.034507 0.266151 0.000177 0.699165 0.000201 0.000177 0.959344 0.040278 0.000201 0.000177 0.999421 0.000201 0.012410 0.031674 0.916866 0.039050 0.053502 0.946120 0.000177 0.000201 0.000201 0.006240 0.993358 0.000201 0.403968 0.000177 0.593053 0.002802 0.035393 0.007519 0.869662 0.087426 0.108350 0.000177 0.792172 0.099301 0.100152 0.884960 0.014687 0.000201 Consensus sequence: TGGGCGRGGC Alignment: TGGGCGRGGC WBGGCGGGA- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 130 Motif name: Motif 130 Original motif 0.882197 0.013080 0.085812 0.018911 0.139869 0.051935 0.808123 0.000073 0.000073 0.001053 0.994863 0.004011 0.000073 0.006810 0.014123 0.978994 0.000073 0.000070 0.999784 0.000073 0.195484 0.097474 0.000070 0.706972 0.043827 0.003232 0.934915 0.018026 0.999787 0.000070 0.000070 0.000073 0.947931 0.037325 0.014671 0.000073 0.541093 0.128626 0.164340 0.165941 0.452987 0.064182 0.162829 0.320002 0.407393 0.232107 0.263998 0.096501 Consensus sequence: AGGTGTGAAAWV Reserve complement motif 0.096501 0.232107 0.263998 0.407393 0.320002 0.064182 0.162829 0.452987 0.165941 0.128626 0.164340 0.541093 0.000073 0.037325 0.014671 0.947931 0.000073 0.000070 0.000070 0.999787 0.043827 0.934915 0.003232 0.018026 0.706972 0.097474 0.000070 0.195484 0.000073 0.999784 0.000070 0.000073 0.978994 0.006810 0.014123 0.000073 0.000073 0.994863 0.001053 0.004011 0.139869 0.808123 0.051935 0.000073 0.018911 0.013080 0.085812 0.882197 Consensus sequence: BWTTTCACACCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 130 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 137 Motif 137 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 12 0.054079 Original motif 0.034110 0.037242 0.029187 0.899461 0.036959 0.118935 0.834263 0.009843 0.008663 0.000101 0.991131 0.000105 0.102578 0.887233 0.000101 0.010088 0.007541 0.000101 0.992253 0.000105 0.032572 0.218687 0.742933 0.005808 0.002951 0.004136 0.989955 0.002958 0.984251 0.000101 0.001283 0.014365 0.918863 0.000101 0.065485 0.015551 0.726083 0.082826 0.121080 0.070011 0.427098 0.113963 0.187310 0.271629 0.176926 0.187680 0.136022 0.499372 Consensus sequence: TGGCGGGAAADH Reverse complement motif 0.499372 0.187680 0.136022 0.176926 0.271629 0.113963 0.187310 0.427098 0.070011 0.082826 0.121080 0.726083 0.015551 0.000101 0.065485 0.918863 0.014365 0.000101 0.001283 0.984251 0.002951 0.989955 0.004136 0.002958 0.032572 0.742933 0.218687 0.005808 0.007541 0.992253 0.000101 0.000105 0.102578 0.000101 0.887233 0.010088 0.008663 0.991131 0.000101 0.000105 0.036959 0.834263 0.118935 0.009843 0.899461 0.037242 0.029187 0.034110 Consensus sequence: HDTTTCCCGCCA Alignment: HDTTTCCCGCCA BWTTTCACACCT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 131 Motif name: Motif 131 Original motif 0.000147 0.000140 0.999566 0.000147 0.443904 0.420321 0.094367 0.041407 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.041391 0.100559 0.114564 0.743486 0.770238 0.003210 0.193532 0.033020 Consensus sequence: GMTAATTA Reserve complement motif 0.033020 0.003210 0.193532 0.770238 0.743486 0.100559 0.114564 0.041391 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.000147 0.000140 0.000140 0.999573 0.999573 0.000140 0.000140 0.000147 0.041407 0.420321 0.094367 0.443904 0.000147 0.999566 0.000140 0.000147 Consensus sequence: TAATTAYC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 131 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 6 Motif 6 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 8 0.029879 Original motif 0.877876 0.035703 0.048912 0.037509 0.000186 0.018649 0.007669 0.973496 0.019998 0.003333 0.955374 0.021295 0.026522 0.827351 0.054953 0.091174 0.467344 0.000175 0.000403 0.532078 0.993596 0.000037 0.000037 0.006330 0.986021 0.001748 0.008403 0.003828 0.009121 0.035121 0.000175 0.955583 0.121836 0.072264 0.613446 0.192454 0.613268 0.115904 0.119071 0.151757 Consensus sequence: ATGCWAATGA Reverse complement motif 0.151757 0.115904 0.119071 0.613268 0.121836 0.613446 0.072264 0.192454 0.955583 0.035121 0.000175 0.009121 0.003828 0.001748 0.008403 0.986021 0.006330 0.000037 0.000037 0.993596 0.532078 0.000175 0.000403 0.467344 0.026522 0.054953 0.827351 0.091174 0.019998 0.955374 0.003333 0.021295 0.973496 0.018649 0.007669 0.000186 0.037509 0.035703 0.048912 0.877876 Consensus sequence: TCATTWGCAT Alignment: ATGCWAATGA --GMTAATTA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 132 Motif name: Motif 132 Original motif 0.000166 0.999509 0.000159 0.000166 0.000166 0.976138 0.006245 0.017451 0.781168 0.000159 0.003512 0.215161 0.390222 0.000159 0.000159 0.609460 0.988173 0.003432 0.004591 0.003804 0.003804 0.004591 0.003432 0.988173 0.609460 0.000159 0.000159 0.390222 0.215161 0.003512 0.000159 0.781168 0.017451 0.006245 0.976138 0.000166 0.000166 0.000159 0.999509 0.000166 Consensus sequence: CCAWATWTGG Reserve complement motif 0.000166 0.999509 0.000159 0.000166 0.017451 0.976138 0.006245 0.000166 0.781168 0.003512 0.000159 0.215161 0.390222 0.000159 0.000159 0.609460 0.988173 0.004591 0.003432 0.003804 0.003804 0.003432 0.004591 0.988173 0.609460 0.000159 0.000159 0.390222 0.215161 0.000159 0.003512 0.781168 0.000166 0.006245 0.976138 0.017451 0.000166 0.000159 0.999509 0.000166 Consensus sequence: CCAWATWTGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 132 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 16 Motif 16 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 10 0.061285 Original motif 0.029204 0.007477 0.934116 0.029203 0.977537 0.000246 0.014708 0.007509 0.036434 0.007477 0.934118 0.021971 0.970305 0.000246 0.007477 0.021972 0.007509 0.963042 0.000246 0.029203 0.007509 0.948580 0.007477 0.036434 0.948611 0.000246 0.029172 0.021971 0.014741 0.948579 0.014708 0.021972 0.919682 0.007477 0.000246 0.072595 0.050901 0.000246 0.007477 0.941376 0.065361 0.000246 0.912421 0.021972 0.021973 0.000246 0.963040 0.014741 0.043673 0.000246 0.955803 0.000278 0.970306 0.007477 0.007477 0.014740 0.970306 0.014708 0.014708 0.000278 Consensus sequence: GAGACCACATGGGAA Reverse complement motif 0.000278 0.014708 0.014708 0.970306 0.014740 0.007477 0.007477 0.970306 0.043673 0.955803 0.000246 0.000278 0.021973 0.963040 0.000246 0.014741 0.065361 0.912421 0.000246 0.021972 0.941376 0.000246 0.007477 0.050901 0.072595 0.007477 0.000246 0.919682 0.014741 0.014708 0.948579 0.021972 0.021971 0.000246 0.029172 0.948611 0.007509 0.007477 0.948580 0.036434 0.007509 0.000246 0.963042 0.029203 0.021972 0.000246 0.007477 0.970305 0.036434 0.934118 0.007477 0.021971 0.007509 0.000246 0.014708 0.977537 0.029204 0.934116 0.007477 0.029203 Consensus sequence: TTCCCATGTGGTCTC Alignment: TTCCCATGTGGTCTC -CCAWATWTGG---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 133 Motif name: Motif 133 Original motif 0.290155 0.069748 0.190793 0.449304 0.319026 0.242842 0.336811 0.101321 0.000078 0.007491 0.000075 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.000078 0.965744 0.000075 0.034103 0.541215 0.013846 0.007491 0.437448 0.437448 0.007491 0.013846 0.541215 0.034103 0.000075 0.965744 0.000078 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.000075 0.007491 0.000078 0.101321 0.336811 0.242842 0.319026 0.449304 0.190793 0.069748 0.290155 Consensus sequence: DVTACWWGTABH Reserve complement motif 0.290155 0.190793 0.069748 0.449304 0.101321 0.242842 0.336811 0.319026 0.000078 0.000075 0.007491 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.034103 0.965744 0.000075 0.000078 0.541215 0.007491 0.013846 0.437448 0.437448 0.013846 0.007491 0.541215 0.000078 0.000075 0.965744 0.034103 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.007491 0.000075 0.000078 0.319026 0.336811 0.242842 0.101321 0.449304 0.069748 0.190793 0.290155 Consensus sequence: HBTACWWGTAVD ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 133 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 173 Motif 173 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 12 0.025441 Original motif 0.262458 0.173978 0.135023 0.428541 0.259590 0.326515 0.341322 0.072574 0.000053 0.000040 0.000040 0.999867 0.999867 0.000040 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.999854 0.000053 0.410867 0.000040 0.589040 0.000053 0.000053 0.589040 0.000040 0.410867 0.000053 0.999854 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.000040 0.999867 0.999867 0.000040 0.000040 0.000053 0.072574 0.341322 0.326515 0.259590 0.428541 0.135023 0.173978 0.262458 Consensus sequence: HVTAGRYCTABD Reverse complement motif 0.262458 0.135023 0.173978 0.428541 0.072574 0.326515 0.341322 0.259590 0.000053 0.000040 0.000040 0.999867 0.999867 0.000040 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.999854 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.589040 0.410867 0.410867 0.589040 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.999854 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.000040 0.999867 0.999867 0.000040 0.000040 0.000053 0.259590 0.341322 0.326515 0.072574 0.428541 0.173978 0.135023 0.262458 Consensus sequence: DBTAGKMCTAVH Alignment: DBTAGKMCTAVH HBTACWWGTAVD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 134 Motif name: Motif 134 Original motif 0.098587 0.007268 0.813627 0.080518 0.087706 0.005158 0.888466 0.018670 0.040132 0.899861 0.020531 0.039476 0.017541 0.954333 0.006998 0.021128 0.939320 0.016395 0.031420 0.012865 0.000727 0.991624 0.000177 0.007472 0.000185 0.008489 0.956274 0.035052 0.000727 0.984964 0.000189 0.014120 0.000441 0.997171 0.001529 0.000859 0.026255 0.860189 0.001883 0.111673 Consensus sequence: GGCCACGCCC Reserve complement motif 0.026255 0.001883 0.860189 0.111673 0.000441 0.001529 0.997171 0.000859 0.000727 0.000189 0.984964 0.014120 0.000185 0.956274 0.008489 0.035052 0.000727 0.000177 0.991624 0.007472 0.012865 0.016395 0.031420 0.939320 0.017541 0.006998 0.954333 0.021128 0.040132 0.020531 0.899861 0.039476 0.087706 0.888466 0.005158 0.018670 0.098587 0.813627 0.007268 0.080518 Consensus sequence: GGGCGTGGCC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 134 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 25 Motif 25 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 1 10 0.051200 Original motif 0.993157 0.000210 0.006395 0.000238 0.031144 0.006395 0.962223 0.000238 0.000238 0.980761 0.006395 0.012606 0.968420 0.006395 0.012579 0.012606 0.012606 0.000210 0.962209 0.024975 0.086831 0.000210 0.906537 0.006422 0.049712 0.018763 0.900363 0.031162 0.024975 0.900366 0.024947 0.049712 0.006422 0.006395 0.024947 0.962236 0.037344 0.000210 0.956024 0.006422 0.547251 0.284783 0.024947 0.143019 0.136298 0.008953 0.848327 0.006422 0.006422 0.931287 0.018763 0.043528 0.000238 0.875616 0.012579 0.111567 Consensus sequence: AGCAGGGCTGMGCC Reverse complement motif 0.000238 0.012579 0.875616 0.111567 0.006422 0.018763 0.931287 0.043528 0.136298 0.848327 0.008953 0.006422 0.143019 0.284783 0.024947 0.547251 0.037344 0.956024 0.000210 0.006422 0.962236 0.006395 0.024947 0.006422 0.024975 0.024947 0.900366 0.049712 0.049712 0.900363 0.018763 0.031162 0.086831 0.906537 0.000210 0.006422 0.012606 0.962209 0.000210 0.024975 0.012606 0.006395 0.012579 0.968420 0.000238 0.006395 0.980761 0.012606 0.031144 0.962223 0.006395 0.000238 0.000238 0.000210 0.006395 0.993157 Consensus sequence: GGCYCAGCCCTGCT Alignment: AGCAGGGCTGMGCC GGGCGTGGCC---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 135 Motif name: Motif 135 Original motif 0.707249 0.049454 0.154135 0.089162 0.038998 0.614849 0.232283 0.113870 0.000193 0.929217 0.070397 0.000193 0.988971 0.000185 0.010651 0.000193 0.999437 0.000185 0.000185 0.000193 0.005427 0.010651 0.983729 0.000193 0.047293 0.005418 0.947096 0.000193 0.999437 0.000185 0.000185 0.000193 0.000193 0.089165 0.910449 0.000193 0.110106 0.000185 0.884283 0.005426 0.010660 0.089161 0.000185 0.899994 0.021126 0.038988 0.026351 0.913535 0.694946 0.000185 0.047286 0.257583 Consensus sequence: ACCAAGGAGGTTA Reserve complement motif 0.257583 0.000185 0.047286 0.694946 0.913535 0.038988 0.026351 0.021126 0.899994 0.089161 0.000185 0.010660 0.110106 0.884283 0.000185 0.005426 0.000193 0.910449 0.089165 0.000193 0.000193 0.000185 0.000185 0.999437 0.047293 0.947096 0.005418 0.000193 0.005427 0.983729 0.010651 0.000193 0.000193 0.000185 0.000185 0.999437 0.000193 0.000185 0.010651 0.988971 0.000193 0.070397 0.929217 0.000193 0.038998 0.232283 0.614849 0.113870 0.089162 0.049454 0.154135 0.707249 Consensus sequence: TAACCTCCTTGGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 135 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 116 Motif 116 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 13 0.092124 Original motif 0.228594 0.472591 0.077948 0.220868 0.170586 0.783108 0.032422 0.013884 0.997310 0.001762 0.000896 0.000032 0.948827 0.003494 0.003494 0.044185 0.259257 0.247341 0.436230 0.057171 0.999040 0.000031 0.000031 0.000898 0.001763 0.002628 0.000896 0.994713 0.000032 0.000031 0.999905 0.000032 0.003495 0.001762 0.975665 0.019078 0.014750 0.967006 0.000031 0.018213 0.030333 0.136316 0.745518 0.087833 0.095624 0.074485 0.729432 0.100459 0.260986 0.603536 0.059767 0.075711 0.144105 0.445607 0.233641 0.176646 0.273973 0.212860 0.361775 0.151391 Consensus sequence: HCAAVATGGCGGCBV Reverse complement motif 0.273973 0.361775 0.212860 0.151391 0.144105 0.233641 0.445607 0.176646 0.260986 0.059767 0.603536 0.075711 0.095624 0.729432 0.074485 0.100459 0.030333 0.745518 0.136316 0.087833 0.014750 0.000031 0.967006 0.018213 0.003495 0.975665 0.001762 0.019078 0.000032 0.999905 0.000031 0.000032 0.994713 0.002628 0.000896 0.001763 0.000898 0.000031 0.000031 0.999040 0.259257 0.436230 0.247341 0.057171 0.044185 0.003494 0.003494 0.948827 0.000032 0.001762 0.000896 0.997310 0.170586 0.032422 0.783108 0.013884 0.228594 0.077948 0.472591 0.220868 Consensus sequence: VBGCCGCCATVTTGD Alignment: VBGCCGCCATVTTGD TAACCTCCTTGGT-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 136 Motif name: Motif 136 Original motif 0.026202 0.914786 0.001623 0.057389 0.010933 0.951299 0.000395 0.037373 0.039093 0.899441 0.030339 0.031127 0.059420 0.000246 0.005402 0.934932 0.002541 0.947455 0.000246 0.049758 0.000258 0.945538 0.000962 0.053242 0.012405 0.870351 0.063684 0.053560 0.048845 0.823294 0.077233 0.050628 Consensus sequence: CCCTCCCC Reserve complement motif 0.048845 0.077233 0.823294 0.050628 0.012405 0.063684 0.870351 0.053560 0.000258 0.000962 0.945538 0.053242 0.002541 0.000246 0.947455 0.049758 0.934932 0.000246 0.005402 0.059420 0.039093 0.030339 0.899441 0.031127 0.010933 0.000395 0.951299 0.037373 0.026202 0.001623 0.914786 0.057389 Consensus sequence: GGGGAGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 136 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 118 Motif 118 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 8 0.015803 Original motif 0.018027 0.948244 0.030758 0.002971 0.003490 0.974176 0.000967 0.021367 0.025298 0.971351 0.001513 0.001838 0.000050 0.998168 0.001732 0.000050 0.050443 0.067747 0.189964 0.691846 0.005797 0.994106 0.000047 0.000050 0.000050 0.996131 0.000825 0.002994 0.015371 0.933319 0.003112 0.048198 0.189734 0.735530 0.013820 0.060916 0.176968 0.648148 0.052400 0.122484 0.161842 0.423218 0.074422 0.340518 Consensus sequence: CCCCTCCCCCY Reverse complement motif 0.161842 0.074422 0.423218 0.340518 0.176968 0.052400 0.648148 0.122484 0.189734 0.013820 0.735530 0.060916 0.015371 0.003112 0.933319 0.048198 0.000050 0.000825 0.996131 0.002994 0.005797 0.000047 0.994106 0.000050 0.691846 0.067747 0.189964 0.050443 0.000050 0.001732 0.998168 0.000050 0.025298 0.001513 0.971351 0.001838 0.003490 0.000967 0.974176 0.021367 0.018027 0.030758 0.948244 0.002971 Consensus sequence: KGGGGGAGGGG Alignment: KGGGGGAGGGG --GGGGAGGG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 137 Motif name: Motif 137 Original motif 0.034110 0.037242 0.029187 0.899461 0.036959 0.118935 0.834263 0.009843 0.008663 0.000101 0.991131 0.000105 0.102578 0.887233 0.000101 0.010088 0.007541 0.000101 0.992253 0.000105 0.032572 0.218687 0.742933 0.005808 0.002951 0.004136 0.989955 0.002958 0.984251 0.000101 0.001283 0.014365 0.918863 0.000101 0.065485 0.015551 0.726083 0.082826 0.121080 0.070011 0.427098 0.113963 0.187310 0.271629 0.176926 0.187680 0.136022 0.499372 Consensus sequence: TGGCGGGAAADH Reserve complement motif 0.499372 0.187680 0.136022 0.176926 0.271629 0.113963 0.187310 0.427098 0.070011 0.082826 0.121080 0.726083 0.015551 0.000101 0.065485 0.918863 0.014365 0.000101 0.001283 0.984251 0.002951 0.989955 0.004136 0.002958 0.032572 0.742933 0.218687 0.005808 0.007541 0.992253 0.000101 0.000105 0.102578 0.000101 0.887233 0.010088 0.008663 0.991131 0.000101 0.000105 0.036959 0.834263 0.118935 0.009843 0.899461 0.037242 0.029187 0.034110 Consensus sequence: HDTTTCCCGCCA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 137 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 130 Motif 130 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 12 0.052214 Original motif 0.882197 0.013080 0.085812 0.018911 0.139869 0.051935 0.808123 0.000073 0.000073 0.001053 0.994863 0.004011 0.000073 0.006810 0.014123 0.978994 0.000073 0.000070 0.999784 0.000073 0.195484 0.097474 0.000070 0.706972 0.043827 0.003232 0.934915 0.018026 0.999787 0.000070 0.000070 0.000073 0.947931 0.037325 0.014671 0.000073 0.541093 0.128626 0.164340 0.165941 0.452987 0.064182 0.162829 0.320002 0.407393 0.232107 0.263998 0.096501 Consensus sequence: AGGTGTGAAAWV Reverse complement motif 0.096501 0.232107 0.263998 0.407393 0.320002 0.064182 0.162829 0.452987 0.165941 0.128626 0.164340 0.541093 0.000073 0.037325 0.014671 0.947931 0.000073 0.000070 0.000070 0.999787 0.043827 0.934915 0.003232 0.018026 0.706972 0.097474 0.000070 0.195484 0.000073 0.999784 0.000070 0.000073 0.978994 0.006810 0.014123 0.000073 0.000073 0.994863 0.001053 0.004011 0.139869 0.808123 0.051935 0.000073 0.018911 0.013080 0.085812 0.882197 Consensus sequence: BWTTTCACACCT Alignment: BWTTTCACACCT HDTTTCCCGCCA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 138 Motif name: Motif 138 Original motif 0.130504 0.675408 0.144489 0.049599 0.000144 0.000138 0.007940 0.991778 0.089873 0.824021 0.043052 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.004039 0.004045 0.000144 0.004039 0.000138 0.995679 0.046961 0.097671 0.749889 0.105479 0.921555 0.066459 0.011842 0.000144 0.980073 0.011842 0.000138 0.007947 0.000144 0.000138 0.000138 0.999580 0.958945 0.000138 0.036872 0.004045 0.464732 0.019644 0.039151 0.476473 0.043058 0.035249 0.109374 0.812319 0.074270 0.339926 0.039150 0.546654 0.874740 0.074262 0.015743 0.035255 Consensus sequence: CTCATGAATAWTYA Reserve complement motif 0.035255 0.074262 0.015743 0.874740 0.546654 0.339926 0.039150 0.074270 0.812319 0.035249 0.109374 0.043058 0.476473 0.019644 0.039151 0.464732 0.004045 0.000138 0.036872 0.958945 0.999580 0.000138 0.000138 0.000144 0.007947 0.011842 0.000138 0.980073 0.000144 0.066459 0.011842 0.921555 0.046961 0.749889 0.097671 0.105479 0.995679 0.004039 0.000138 0.000144 0.004045 0.000138 0.004039 0.991778 0.089873 0.043052 0.824021 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.007940 0.000144 0.130504 0.144489 0.675408 0.049599 Consensus sequence: TMAWTATTCATGAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 138 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 33 Motif 33 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 14 0.070692 Original motif 0.032796 0.000547 0.949949 0.016708 0.064973 0.000547 0.917772 0.016708 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.000619 0.998215 0.000547 0.000619 0.740825 0.016636 0.241920 0.000619 0.048884 0.048813 0.032724 0.869579 0.000619 0.032724 0.000547 0.966110 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.805224 0.097078 0.000547 0.097151 0.933932 0.016636 0.016636 0.032796 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.048814 0.000547 0.950020 0.064973 0.869507 0.000547 0.064973 0.129328 0.805151 0.000547 0.064974 Consensus sequence: GGTCATTAAAAATCC Reverse complement motif 0.129328 0.000547 0.805151 0.064974 0.064973 0.000547 0.869507 0.064973 0.950020 0.048814 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.032796 0.016636 0.016636 0.933932 0.097151 0.097078 0.000547 0.805224 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.966110 0.032724 0.000547 0.000619 0.869579 0.048813 0.032724 0.048884 0.000619 0.016636 0.241920 0.740825 0.000619 0.000547 0.998215 0.000619 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.064973 0.917772 0.000547 0.016708 0.032796 0.949949 0.000547 0.016708 Consensus sequence: GGATTTTTAATGACC Alignment: GGTCATTAAAAATCC -CTCATGAATAWTYA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 139 Motif name: Motif 139 Original motif 0.083420 0.895974 0.007905 0.012701 0.001776 0.003786 0.000432 0.994006 0.005484 0.005476 0.985636 0.003404 0.002390 0.035513 0.000187 0.961910 0.007913 0.980705 0.003043 0.008339 0.934068 0.053149 0.009064 0.003719 0.971161 0.028456 0.000187 0.000196 0.000196 0.000187 0.000187 0.999430 0.021363 0.975046 0.000187 0.003404 0.991318 0.000187 0.006105 0.002390 0.202954 0.581148 0.000187 0.215711 Consensus sequence: CTGTCAATCAC Reserve complement motif 0.202954 0.000187 0.581148 0.215711 0.002390 0.000187 0.006105 0.991318 0.021363 0.000187 0.975046 0.003404 0.999430 0.000187 0.000187 0.000196 0.000196 0.028456 0.000187 0.971161 0.003719 0.053149 0.009064 0.934068 0.007913 0.003043 0.980705 0.008339 0.961910 0.035513 0.000187 0.002390 0.005484 0.985636 0.005476 0.003404 0.994006 0.003786 0.000432 0.001776 0.083420 0.007905 0.895974 0.012701 Consensus sequence: GTGATTGACAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 139 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 2 Motif 2 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 11 0.074622 Original motif 0.059438 0.585946 0.091172 0.263444 0.624536 0.064511 0.301494 0.009459 0.345785 0.005464 0.568599 0.080152 0.000040 0.996623 0.000036 0.003301 0.000040 0.999884 0.000036 0.000040 0.989422 0.000036 0.000036 0.010506 0.999888 0.000036 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.026310 0.000036 0.973614 0.033555 0.872012 0.084401 0.010032 0.905954 0.016751 0.077255 0.000040 0.128196 0.173103 0.666947 0.031754 0.661210 0.199354 0.099767 0.039669 Consensus sequence: CARCCAATCAGA Reverse complement motif 0.039669 0.199354 0.099767 0.661210 0.128196 0.666947 0.173103 0.031754 0.000040 0.016751 0.077255 0.905954 0.033555 0.084401 0.872012 0.010032 0.973614 0.026310 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.000036 0.999888 0.010506 0.000036 0.000036 0.989422 0.000040 0.000036 0.999884 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.996623 0.003301 0.345785 0.568599 0.005464 0.080152 0.009459 0.064511 0.301494 0.624536 0.059438 0.091172 0.585946 0.263444 Consensus sequence: TCTGATTGGMTG Alignment: CARCCAATCAGA CTGTCAATCAC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 140 Motif name: Motif 140 Original motif 0.057628 0.886005 0.054916 0.001451 0.982880 0.006696 0.009911 0.000513 0.020869 0.000259 0.975452 0.003420 0.002599 0.003387 0.993802 0.000212 0.000191 0.000505 0.001634 0.997670 0.702081 0.000183 0.283578 0.014158 0.866434 0.045273 0.036173 0.052120 0.104797 0.034038 0.857650 0.003515 Consensus sequence: CAGGTAAG Reserve complement motif 0.104797 0.857650 0.034038 0.003515 0.052120 0.045273 0.036173 0.866434 0.014158 0.000183 0.283578 0.702081 0.997670 0.000505 0.001634 0.000191 0.002599 0.993802 0.003387 0.000212 0.020869 0.975452 0.000259 0.003420 0.000513 0.006696 0.009911 0.982880 0.057628 0.054916 0.886005 0.001451 Consensus sequence: CTTACCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 140 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 199 Motif 199 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 3 8 0.031046 Original motif 0.020033 0.919286 0.040126 0.020555 0.032779 0.010519 0.028017 0.928685 0.097400 0.891971 0.003581 0.007048 0.885943 0.035291 0.065132 0.013634 0.003881 0.001740 0.990604 0.003775 0.045541 0.877438 0.001980 0.075041 0.000637 0.003250 0.000481 0.995632 0.083690 0.861205 0.013621 0.041484 0.855139 0.077269 0.036685 0.030907 0.069772 0.017419 0.895004 0.017805 Consensus sequence: CTCAGCTCAG Reverse complement motif 0.069772 0.895004 0.017419 0.017805 0.030907 0.077269 0.036685 0.855139 0.083690 0.013621 0.861205 0.041484 0.995632 0.003250 0.000481 0.000637 0.045541 0.001980 0.877438 0.075041 0.003881 0.990604 0.001740 0.003775 0.013634 0.035291 0.065132 0.885943 0.097400 0.003581 0.891971 0.007048 0.928685 0.010519 0.028017 0.032779 0.020033 0.040126 0.919286 0.020555 Consensus sequence: CTGAGCTGAG Alignment: CTGAGCTGAG CTTACCTG-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 141 Motif name: Motif 141 Original motif 0.895024 0.021137 0.083690 0.000149 0.009544 0.014725 0.975582 0.000149 0.000149 0.971247 0.000143 0.028461 0.000149 0.000143 0.999559 0.000149 0.224858 0.774850 0.000143 0.000149 0.000149 0.999559 0.000143 0.000149 0.249556 0.424734 0.290531 0.035178 0.000149 0.838028 0.000143 0.161680 0.000149 0.999559 0.000143 0.000149 0.053713 0.063813 0.028826 0.853648 0.619472 0.000143 0.341664 0.038721 Consensus sequence: AGCGCCVCCTR Reserve complement motif 0.038721 0.000143 0.341664 0.619472 0.853648 0.063813 0.028826 0.053713 0.000149 0.000143 0.999559 0.000149 0.000149 0.000143 0.838028 0.161680 0.249556 0.290531 0.424734 0.035178 0.000149 0.000143 0.999559 0.000149 0.224858 0.000143 0.774850 0.000149 0.000149 0.999559 0.000143 0.000149 0.000149 0.000143 0.971247 0.028461 0.009544 0.975582 0.014725 0.000149 0.000149 0.021137 0.083690 0.895024 Consensus sequence: KAGGVGGCGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 141 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 107 Motif 107 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 4 11 0.083845 Original motif 0.029598 0.057818 0.000909 0.911675 0.997038 0.000909 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.996803 0.001144 0.997038 0.000909 0.000909 0.001144 0.968584 0.000909 0.000909 0.029598 0.001144 0.939895 0.029363 0.029598 0.001144 0.000909 0.968349 0.029598 0.001144 0.996803 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.996803 0.001144 0.001144 0.939895 0.000909 0.058052 0.997038 0.000909 0.000909 0.001144 0.456410 0.000909 0.000909 0.541772 0.001144 0.968349 0.000909 0.029598 0.001144 0.029363 0.000909 0.968584 Consensus sequence: TAGAACGCGCAWCT Reverse complement motif 0.968584 0.029363 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.968349 0.029598 0.541772 0.000909 0.000909 0.456410 0.001144 0.000909 0.000909 0.997038 0.001144 0.000909 0.939895 0.058052 0.001144 0.996803 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.996803 0.001144 0.001144 0.968349 0.000909 0.029598 0.001144 0.029363 0.939895 0.029598 0.029598 0.000909 0.000909 0.968584 0.001144 0.000909 0.000909 0.997038 0.001144 0.996803 0.000909 0.001144 0.001144 0.000909 0.000909 0.997038 0.911675 0.057818 0.000909 0.029598 Consensus sequence: AGWTGCGCGTTCTA Alignment: AGWTGCGCGTTCTA AGCGCCVCCTR--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 142 Motif name: Motif 142 Original motif 0.019154 0.759638 0.088523 0.132685 0.044380 0.879480 0.012837 0.063303 0.012847 0.006523 0.006530 0.974100 0.000233 0.000223 0.999311 0.000233 0.050689 0.000223 0.948855 0.000233 0.025461 0.000223 0.974083 0.000233 0.588128 0.063304 0.145293 0.203275 0.955173 0.000223 0.000223 0.044381 0.000233 0.983213 0.016321 0.000233 0.044390 0.000223 0.955154 0.000233 0.980399 0.000223 0.019145 0.000233 0.000233 0.038065 0.955162 0.006540 0.690161 0.063292 0.158013 0.088534 Consensus sequence: CCTGGGAACGAGA Reserve complement motif 0.088534 0.063292 0.158013 0.690161 0.000233 0.955162 0.038065 0.006540 0.000233 0.000223 0.019145 0.980399 0.044390 0.955154 0.000223 0.000233 0.000233 0.016321 0.983213 0.000233 0.044381 0.000223 0.000223 0.955173 0.203275 0.063304 0.145293 0.588128 0.025461 0.974083 0.000223 0.000233 0.050689 0.948855 0.000223 0.000233 0.000233 0.999311 0.000223 0.000233 0.974100 0.006523 0.006530 0.012847 0.044380 0.012837 0.879480 0.063303 0.019154 0.088523 0.759638 0.132685 Consensus sequence: TCTCGTTCCCAGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 142 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 206 Motif 206 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 13 0.078160 Original motif 0.019964 0.786885 0.134835 0.058316 0.000789 0.767703 0.058127 0.173381 0.000789 0.000598 0.000598 0.998015 0.115847 0.000598 0.844415 0.039140 0.000789 0.000598 0.997824 0.000789 0.978839 0.000598 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.019774 0.000598 0.978839 0.039140 0.959473 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.959473 0.019774 0.019964 0.000789 0.019774 0.959473 0.019964 0.000789 0.959473 0.000598 0.039140 0.039142 0.671802 0.211564 0.077492 0.480225 0.403329 0.096482 0.019964 0.000789 0.978648 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.000598 0.019774 0.978839 Consensus sequence: CCTGGATCCGCCMCT Reverse complement motif 0.978839 0.000598 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.019774 0.978648 0.000789 0.019964 0.403329 0.096482 0.480225 0.039142 0.211564 0.671802 0.077492 0.000789 0.000598 0.959473 0.039140 0.000789 0.959473 0.019774 0.019964 0.000789 0.019774 0.959473 0.019964 0.039140 0.000598 0.959473 0.000789 0.978839 0.019774 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.000598 0.019774 0.978839 0.000789 0.997824 0.000598 0.000789 0.115847 0.844415 0.000598 0.039140 0.998015 0.000598 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.058127 0.767703 0.173381 0.019964 0.134835 0.786885 0.058316 Consensus sequence: AGYGGCGGATCCAGG Alignment: AGYGGCGGATCCAGG --TCTCGTTCCCAGG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 143 Motif name: Motif 143 Original motif 0.592812 0.057334 0.322688 0.027166 0.000175 0.004891 0.000167 0.994767 0.004908 0.000167 0.958430 0.036495 0.933479 0.045428 0.007447 0.013646 0.019821 0.979837 0.000167 0.000175 0.000175 0.006482 0.973699 0.019644 0.048914 0.000167 0.000167 0.950752 0.999491 0.000167 0.000167 0.000175 0.027936 0.288710 0.552121 0.131233 0.219724 0.093803 0.270734 0.415739 Consensus sequence: RTGACGTASD Reserve complement motif 0.415739 0.093803 0.270734 0.219724 0.027936 0.552121 0.288710 0.131233 0.000175 0.000167 0.000167 0.999491 0.950752 0.000167 0.000167 0.048914 0.000175 0.973699 0.006482 0.019644 0.019821 0.000167 0.979837 0.000175 0.013646 0.045428 0.007447 0.933479 0.004908 0.958430 0.000167 0.036495 0.994767 0.004891 0.000167 0.000175 0.027166 0.057334 0.322688 0.592812 Consensus sequence: DSTACGTCAK ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 143 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 77 Motif 77 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 10 0.033124 Original motif 0.378818 0.215764 0.232901 0.172516 0.000260 0.018592 0.000207 0.980941 0.000260 0.000207 0.923682 0.075851 0.985128 0.000207 0.000207 0.014458 0.000260 0.927581 0.034388 0.037771 0.037771 0.034388 0.927581 0.000260 0.014458 0.000207 0.000207 0.985128 0.075851 0.923682 0.000207 0.000260 0.980941 0.000207 0.018592 0.000260 0.172516 0.232901 0.215764 0.378818 Consensus sequence: VTGACGTCAB Reverse complement motif 0.378818 0.232901 0.215764 0.172516 0.000260 0.000207 0.018592 0.980941 0.075851 0.000207 0.923682 0.000260 0.985128 0.000207 0.000207 0.014458 0.037771 0.927581 0.034388 0.000260 0.000260 0.034388 0.927581 0.037771 0.014458 0.000207 0.000207 0.985128 0.000260 0.923682 0.000207 0.075851 0.980941 0.018592 0.000207 0.000260 0.172516 0.215764 0.232901 0.378818 Consensus sequence: VTGACGTCAB Alignment: VTGACGTCAB RTGACGTASD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 144 Motif name: Motif 144 Original motif 0.085342 0.902116 0.000539 0.012003 0.000456 0.956309 0.018423 0.024812 0.022883 0.942353 0.007912 0.026852 0.987096 0.004120 0.003773 0.005011 0.029767 0.910491 0.046969 0.012773 0.943272 0.021586 0.012744 0.022398 0.946310 0.050673 0.000436 0.002581 0.000456 0.002279 0.000436 0.996829 0.032323 0.226246 0.723814 0.017617 0.000456 0.998652 0.000436 0.000456 Consensus sequence: CCCACAATGC Reserve complement motif 0.000456 0.000436 0.998652 0.000456 0.032323 0.723814 0.226246 0.017617 0.996829 0.002279 0.000436 0.000456 0.002581 0.050673 0.000436 0.946310 0.022398 0.021586 0.012744 0.943272 0.029767 0.046969 0.910491 0.012773 0.005011 0.004120 0.003773 0.987096 0.022883 0.007912 0.942353 0.026852 0.000456 0.018423 0.956309 0.024812 0.085342 0.000539 0.902116 0.012003 Consensus sequence: GCATTGTGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 144 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 120 Motif 120 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 2 10 0.044647 Original motif 0.000104 0.000099 0.999693 0.000104 0.132582 0.663035 0.183477 0.020906 0.990120 0.000099 0.009677 0.000104 0.002907 0.153738 0.000099 0.843256 0.001505 0.111395 0.816347 0.070753 0.346943 0.650987 0.001966 0.000104 0.002903 0.257109 0.000099 0.739889 0.001267 0.001262 0.997367 0.000104 0.000104 0.000099 0.999693 0.000104 0.002907 0.002900 0.992222 0.001971 0.891133 0.002902 0.002902 0.103063 Consensus sequence: GCATGMTGGGA Reverse complement motif 0.103063 0.002902 0.002902 0.891133 0.002907 0.992222 0.002900 0.001971 0.000104 0.999693 0.000099 0.000104 0.001267 0.997367 0.001262 0.000104 0.739889 0.257109 0.000099 0.002903 0.346943 0.001966 0.650987 0.000104 0.001505 0.816347 0.111395 0.070753 0.843256 0.153738 0.000099 0.002907 0.000104 0.000099 0.009677 0.990120 0.132582 0.183477 0.663035 0.020906 0.000104 0.999693 0.000099 0.000104 Consensus sequence: TCCCARCATGC Alignment: TCCCARCATGC CCCACAATGC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 145 Motif name: Motif 145 Original motif 0.955089 0.010536 0.019260 0.015115 0.992318 0.000121 0.000121 0.007440 0.690570 0.074094 0.155609 0.079727 0.000127 0.640177 0.252280 0.107416 0.961750 0.000886 0.005874 0.031490 0.940555 0.000121 0.017280 0.042044 0.916933 0.000121 0.030628 0.052318 0.805746 0.051856 0.106621 0.035777 0.000127 0.911309 0.039461 0.049103 0.770662 0.128915 0.074635 0.025788 0.757024 0.195689 0.013608 0.033679 Consensus sequence: AAACAAAACAA Reserve complement motif 0.033679 0.195689 0.013608 0.757024 0.025788 0.128915 0.074635 0.770662 0.000127 0.039461 0.911309 0.049103 0.035777 0.051856 0.106621 0.805746 0.052318 0.000121 0.030628 0.916933 0.042044 0.000121 0.017280 0.940555 0.031490 0.000886 0.005874 0.961750 0.000127 0.252280 0.640177 0.107416 0.079727 0.074094 0.155609 0.690570 0.007440 0.000121 0.000121 0.992318 0.015115 0.010536 0.019260 0.955089 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTTGTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 145 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 20 Motif 20 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 4 11 0.030678 Original motif 0.999824 0.000056 0.000056 0.000064 0.973289 0.000056 0.024938 0.001717 0.607204 0.019896 0.226734 0.146166 0.863290 0.005012 0.111303 0.020395 0.924268 0.043728 0.029463 0.002541 0.609517 0.041784 0.256867 0.091832 0.840968 0.006352 0.141047 0.011633 0.928227 0.002026 0.036743 0.033004 0.643642 0.097087 0.152305 0.106966 0.893427 0.023648 0.058211 0.024714 0.728525 0.084915 0.137041 0.049519 0.493649 0.201973 0.210328 0.094050 0.869835 0.003988 0.050565 0.075612 0.942927 0.030390 0.017648 0.009035 Consensus sequence: AAAAAAAAAAAVAA Reverse complement motif 0.009035 0.030390 0.017648 0.942927 0.075612 0.003988 0.050565 0.869835 0.094050 0.201973 0.210328 0.493649 0.049519 0.084915 0.137041 0.728525 0.024714 0.023648 0.058211 0.893427 0.106966 0.097087 0.152305 0.643642 0.033004 0.002026 0.036743 0.928227 0.011633 0.006352 0.141047 0.840968 0.091832 0.041784 0.256867 0.609517 0.002541 0.043728 0.029463 0.924268 0.020395 0.005012 0.111303 0.863290 0.146166 0.019896 0.226734 0.607204 0.001717 0.000056 0.024938 0.973289 0.000064 0.000056 0.000056 0.999824 Consensus sequence: TTBTTTTTTTTTTT Alignment: TTBTTTTTTTTTTT TTGTTTTGTTT--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 146 Motif name: Motif 146 Original motif 0.998602 0.000459 0.000459 0.000480 0.951342 0.047719 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.000459 0.998581 0.000480 0.998602 0.000459 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.946719 0.000459 0.052342 0.859002 0.000459 0.018716 0.121823 0.998602 0.000459 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.909107 0.000459 0.089954 0.638504 0.000459 0.054530 0.306507 Consensus sequence: AAGACAACA Reserve complement motif 0.306507 0.000459 0.054530 0.638504 0.000480 0.000459 0.909107 0.089954 0.000480 0.000459 0.000459 0.998602 0.121823 0.000459 0.018716 0.859002 0.000480 0.000459 0.946719 0.052342 0.000480 0.000459 0.000459 0.998602 0.000480 0.998581 0.000459 0.000480 0.000480 0.047719 0.000459 0.951342 0.000480 0.000459 0.000459 0.998602 Consensus sequence: TGTTGTCTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 146 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 16 Motif 16 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 9 0.056431 Original motif 0.029204 0.007477 0.934116 0.029203 0.977537 0.000246 0.014708 0.007509 0.036434 0.007477 0.934118 0.021971 0.970305 0.000246 0.007477 0.021972 0.007509 0.963042 0.000246 0.029203 0.007509 0.948580 0.007477 0.036434 0.948611 0.000246 0.029172 0.021971 0.014741 0.948579 0.014708 0.021972 0.919682 0.007477 0.000246 0.072595 0.050901 0.000246 0.007477 0.941376 0.065361 0.000246 0.912421 0.021972 0.021973 0.000246 0.963040 0.014741 0.043673 0.000246 0.955803 0.000278 0.970306 0.007477 0.007477 0.014740 0.970306 0.014708 0.014708 0.000278 Consensus sequence: GAGACCACATGGGAA Reverse complement motif 0.000278 0.014708 0.014708 0.970306 0.014740 0.007477 0.007477 0.970306 0.043673 0.955803 0.000246 0.000278 0.021973 0.963040 0.000246 0.014741 0.065361 0.912421 0.000246 0.021972 0.941376 0.000246 0.007477 0.050901 0.072595 0.007477 0.000246 0.919682 0.014741 0.014708 0.948579 0.021972 0.021971 0.000246 0.029172 0.948611 0.007509 0.007477 0.948580 0.036434 0.007509 0.000246 0.963042 0.029203 0.021972 0.000246 0.007477 0.970305 0.036434 0.934118 0.007477 0.021971 0.007509 0.000246 0.014708 0.977537 0.029204 0.934116 0.007477 0.029203 Consensus sequence: TTCCCATGTGGTCTC Alignment: TTCCCATGTGGTCTC ------TGTTGTCTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 147 Motif name: Motif 147 Original motif 0.631628 0.070065 0.060582 0.237725 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.999278 0.000237 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.000237 0.999278 0.047183 0.952332 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.130430 0.000237 0.869085 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.314845 0.073991 0.186833 0.424331 0.414847 0.465124 0.000237 0.119792 0.313698 0.598649 0.000237 0.087416 0.000248 0.146025 0.027058 0.826669 Consensus sequence: ACATCCGGGDMMT Reserve complement motif 0.826669 0.146025 0.027058 0.000248 0.313698 0.000237 0.598649 0.087416 0.414847 0.000237 0.465124 0.119792 0.424331 0.073991 0.186833 0.314845 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.999267 0.000237 0.000248 0.130430 0.869085 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.047183 0.000237 0.952332 0.000248 0.999278 0.000237 0.000237 0.000248 0.000248 0.000237 0.000237 0.999278 0.000248 0.000237 0.999267 0.000248 0.237725 0.070065 0.060582 0.631628 Consensus sequence: ARRDCCCGGATGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 147 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 15 Motif 15 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 2 13 0.042484 Original motif 0.021795 0.934631 0.000184 0.043390 0.983235 0.000184 0.005580 0.011001 0.011001 0.005580 0.950831 0.032588 0.027191 0.005580 0.000184 0.967045 0.918474 0.021771 0.021770 0.037985 0.016398 0.869870 0.010977 0.102755 0.011001 0.956227 0.021771 0.011001 0.005604 0.000184 0.016374 0.977838 0.059576 0.010977 0.902256 0.027191 0.097360 0.032564 0.832091 0.037985 0.913077 0.037961 0.016374 0.032588 0.021795 0.010977 0.016374 0.950854 0.043385 0.027167 0.918447 0.011001 0.048780 0.021772 0.907652 0.021796 Consensus sequence: CAGTACCTGGATGG Reverse complement motif 0.048780 0.907652 0.021772 0.021796 0.043385 0.918447 0.027167 0.011001 0.950854 0.010977 0.016374 0.021795 0.032588 0.037961 0.016374 0.913077 0.097360 0.832091 0.032564 0.037985 0.059576 0.902256 0.010977 0.027191 0.977838 0.000184 0.016374 0.005604 0.011001 0.021771 0.956227 0.011001 0.016398 0.010977 0.869870 0.102755 0.037985 0.021771 0.021770 0.918474 0.967045 0.005580 0.000184 0.027191 0.011001 0.950831 0.005580 0.032588 0.011001 0.000184 0.005580 0.983235 0.021795 0.000184 0.934631 0.043390 Consensus sequence: CCATCCAGGTACTG Alignment: CAGTACCTGGATGG ARRDCCCGGATGT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 148 Motif name: Motif 148 Original motif 0.594971 0.133285 0.062151 0.209593 0.906540 0.074799 0.000157 0.018504 0.949239 0.000157 0.050440 0.000164 0.873819 0.000157 0.125860 0.000164 0.000164 0.576703 0.000157 0.422976 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.000164 0.971186 0.000157 0.028493 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.790493 0.118223 0.000157 0.091127 Consensus sequence: AAAAYAAACAA Reserve complement motif 0.091127 0.118223 0.000157 0.790493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.971186 0.028493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.576703 0.422976 0.000164 0.000157 0.125860 0.873819 0.000164 0.000157 0.050440 0.949239 0.018504 0.074799 0.000157 0.906540 0.209593 0.133285 0.062151 0.594971 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTKTTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 148 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 145 Motif 145 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 11 0.044710 Original motif 0.955089 0.010536 0.019260 0.015115 0.992318 0.000121 0.000121 0.007440 0.690570 0.074094 0.155609 0.079727 0.000127 0.640177 0.252280 0.107416 0.961750 0.000886 0.005874 0.031490 0.940555 0.000121 0.017280 0.042044 0.916933 0.000121 0.030628 0.052318 0.805746 0.051856 0.106621 0.035777 0.000127 0.911309 0.039461 0.049103 0.770662 0.128915 0.074635 0.025788 0.757024 0.195689 0.013608 0.033679 Consensus sequence: AAACAAAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.033679 0.195689 0.013608 0.757024 0.025788 0.128915 0.074635 0.770662 0.000127 0.039461 0.911309 0.049103 0.035777 0.051856 0.106621 0.805746 0.052318 0.000121 0.030628 0.916933 0.042044 0.000121 0.017280 0.940555 0.031490 0.000886 0.005874 0.961750 0.000127 0.252280 0.640177 0.107416 0.079727 0.074094 0.155609 0.690570 0.007440 0.000121 0.000121 0.992318 0.015115 0.010536 0.019260 0.955089 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTTGTTT Alignment: TTGTTTTGTTT TTGTTTKTTTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 149 Motif name: Motif 149 Original motif 0.965138 0.000241 0.034369 0.000252 0.984666 0.000241 0.014841 0.000252 0.000252 0.000241 0.000241 0.999266 0.999266 0.000241 0.000241 0.000252 0.000252 0.987812 0.000241 0.011695 0.985616 0.007066 0.000241 0.007077 0.000252 0.999255 0.000241 0.000252 0.971979 0.000241 0.000241 0.027539 0.000252 0.090385 0.000241 0.909122 0.000252 0.716824 0.163372 0.119552 0.144210 0.333372 0.015079 0.507339 Consensus sequence: AATACACATCY Reserve complement motif 0.507339 0.333372 0.015079 0.144210 0.000252 0.163372 0.716824 0.119552 0.909122 0.090385 0.000241 0.000252 0.027539 0.000241 0.000241 0.971979 0.000252 0.000241 0.999255 0.000252 0.007077 0.007066 0.000241 0.985616 0.000252 0.000241 0.987812 0.011695 0.000252 0.000241 0.000241 0.999266 0.999266 0.000241 0.000241 0.000252 0.000252 0.000241 0.014841 0.984666 0.000252 0.000241 0.034369 0.965138 Consensus sequence: MGATGTGTATT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 149 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 105 Motif 105 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 11 0.072688 Original motif 0.957561 0.014109 0.027780 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.068908 0.000437 0.930105 0.000550 0.971233 0.000437 0.027780 0.000550 0.000550 0.984792 0.000437 0.014221 0.984905 0.000437 0.000437 0.014221 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.014221 0.041452 0.000437 0.943890 0.971232 0.014109 0.014109 0.000550 0.000550 0.930105 0.014109 0.055236 0.027893 0.000437 0.957449 0.014221 0.000550 0.957448 0.014109 0.027893 0.000550 0.971120 0.000437 0.027893 Consensus sequence: AAGGACACATACGCC Reverse complement motif 0.000550 0.000437 0.971120 0.027893 0.000550 0.014109 0.957448 0.027893 0.027893 0.957449 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.014109 0.930105 0.055236 0.000550 0.014109 0.014109 0.971232 0.943890 0.041452 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.014221 0.000437 0.000437 0.984905 0.000550 0.000437 0.984792 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.027780 0.971233 0.068908 0.930105 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.000550 0.014109 0.027780 0.957561 Consensus sequence: GGCGTATGTGTCCTT Alignment: AAGGACACATACGCC -AATACACATCY--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 150 Motif name: Motif 150 Original motif 0.952012 0.000309 0.038628 0.009051 0.888827 0.012260 0.016229 0.082684 0.048811 0.109366 0.687312 0.154511 0.039820 0.006633 0.919991 0.033556 0.000324 0.010876 0.009012 0.979788 0.956090 0.036662 0.000601 0.006647 0.974971 0.000309 0.024153 0.000567 0.978671 0.001491 0.000309 0.019529 0.009036 0.918368 0.036291 0.036305 0.964863 0.024153 0.000556 0.010428 Consensus sequence: AAGGTAAACA Reserve complement motif 0.010428 0.024153 0.000556 0.964863 0.009036 0.036291 0.918368 0.036305 0.019529 0.001491 0.000309 0.978671 0.000567 0.000309 0.024153 0.974971 0.006647 0.036662 0.000601 0.956090 0.979788 0.010876 0.009012 0.000324 0.039820 0.919991 0.006633 0.033556 0.048811 0.687312 0.109366 0.154511 0.082684 0.012260 0.016229 0.888827 0.009051 0.000309 0.038628 0.952012 Consensus sequence: TGTTTACCTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 150 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 145 Motif 145 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 10 0.063088 Original motif 0.955089 0.010536 0.019260 0.015115 0.992318 0.000121 0.000121 0.007440 0.690570 0.074094 0.155609 0.079727 0.000127 0.640177 0.252280 0.107416 0.961750 0.000886 0.005874 0.031490 0.940555 0.000121 0.017280 0.042044 0.916933 0.000121 0.030628 0.052318 0.805746 0.051856 0.106621 0.035777 0.000127 0.911309 0.039461 0.049103 0.770662 0.128915 0.074635 0.025788 0.757024 0.195689 0.013608 0.033679 Consensus sequence: AAACAAAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.033679 0.195689 0.013608 0.757024 0.025788 0.128915 0.074635 0.770662 0.000127 0.039461 0.911309 0.049103 0.035777 0.051856 0.106621 0.805746 0.052318 0.000121 0.030628 0.916933 0.042044 0.000121 0.017280 0.940555 0.031490 0.000886 0.005874 0.961750 0.000127 0.252280 0.640177 0.107416 0.079727 0.074094 0.155609 0.690570 0.007440 0.000121 0.000121 0.992318 0.015115 0.010536 0.019260 0.955089 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTTGTTT Alignment: TTGTTTTGTTT -TGTTTACCTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 151 Motif name: Motif 151 Original motif 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.073234 0.706346 0.000570 0.219850 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.909080 0.004724 0.085600 0.798002 0.000570 0.200832 0.000596 Consensus sequence: CGCCGCCA Reserve complement motif 0.000596 0.000570 0.200832 0.798002 0.000596 0.004724 0.909080 0.085600 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 0.073234 0.000570 0.706346 0.219850 0.000596 0.998238 0.000570 0.000596 0.000596 0.000570 0.998238 0.000596 Consensus sequence: TGGCGGCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 151 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 189 Motif 189 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 8 0.037366 Original motif 0.971670 0.000215 0.027831 0.000284 0.909537 0.027830 0.000215 0.062418 0.606639 0.217962 0.100360 0.075039 0.923340 0.055450 0.014023 0.007187 0.000284 0.034733 0.000215 0.964768 0.000284 0.000215 0.999217 0.000284 0.007187 0.014023 0.975645 0.003145 0.000284 0.964697 0.034735 0.000284 0.034804 0.000215 0.964697 0.000284 0.641172 0.072108 0.178207 0.108513 0.007187 0.902570 0.007119 0.083124 0.152163 0.194155 0.333275 0.320407 Consensus sequence: AAAATGGCGACB Reverse complement motif 0.152163 0.333275 0.194155 0.320407 0.007187 0.007119 0.902570 0.083124 0.108513 0.072108 0.178207 0.641172 0.034804 0.964697 0.000215 0.000284 0.000284 0.034735 0.964697 0.000284 0.007187 0.975645 0.014023 0.003145 0.000284 0.999217 0.000215 0.000284 0.964768 0.034733 0.000215 0.000284 0.007187 0.055450 0.014023 0.923340 0.075039 0.217962 0.100360 0.606639 0.062418 0.027830 0.000215 0.909537 0.000284 0.000215 0.027831 0.971670 Consensus sequence: BGTCGCCATTTT Alignment: BGTCGCCATTTT CGCCGCCA---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 152 Motif name: Motif 152 Original motif 0.000354 0.000339 0.975654 0.023653 0.886037 0.027036 0.060805 0.026122 0.942588 0.024686 0.027348 0.005378 0.000354 0.000339 0.995375 0.003932 0.840909 0.027463 0.041496 0.090132 0.927373 0.010257 0.039062 0.023308 0.000354 0.000339 0.969032 0.030275 0.925046 0.021751 0.011717 0.041486 0.760183 0.099095 0.067264 0.073458 Consensus sequence: GAAGAAGAA Reserve complement motif 0.073458 0.099095 0.067264 0.760183 0.041486 0.021751 0.011717 0.925046 0.000354 0.969032 0.000339 0.030275 0.023308 0.010257 0.039062 0.927373 0.090132 0.027463 0.041496 0.840909 0.000354 0.995375 0.000339 0.003932 0.005378 0.024686 0.027348 0.942588 0.026122 0.027036 0.060805 0.886037 0.000354 0.975654 0.000339 0.023653 Consensus sequence: TTCTTCTTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 152 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 174 Motif 174 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 7 9 0.023461 Original motif 0.266991 0.010473 0.712690 0.009846 0.981269 0.000014 0.018699 0.000018 0.916033 0.017174 0.060521 0.006272 0.236348 0.021194 0.726173 0.016285 0.702133 0.008055 0.241179 0.048633 0.765617 0.020486 0.112814 0.101083 0.324797 0.016466 0.645132 0.013605 0.851205 0.020116 0.108559 0.020120 0.680124 0.046583 0.188050 0.085243 0.482973 0.043427 0.435241 0.038359 0.657142 0.020933 0.257842 0.064083 0.679967 0.063817 0.144004 0.112212 0.430176 0.091884 0.434482 0.043458 0.791122 0.019408 0.111430 0.078040 0.665273 0.068916 0.151740 0.114071 Consensus sequence: GAAGAARAARAARAA Reverse complement motif 0.114071 0.068916 0.151740 0.665273 0.078040 0.019408 0.111430 0.791122 0.430176 0.434482 0.091884 0.043458 0.112212 0.063817 0.144004 0.679967 0.064083 0.020933 0.257842 0.657142 0.038359 0.043427 0.435241 0.482973 0.085243 0.046583 0.188050 0.680124 0.020120 0.020116 0.108559 0.851205 0.324797 0.645132 0.016466 0.013605 0.101083 0.020486 0.112814 0.765617 0.048633 0.008055 0.241179 0.702133 0.236348 0.726173 0.021194 0.016285 0.006272 0.017174 0.060521 0.916033 0.000018 0.000014 0.018699 0.981269 0.266991 0.712690 0.010473 0.009846 Consensus sequence: TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC Alignment: GAAGAARAARAARAA GAAGAAGAA------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 153 Motif name: Motif 153 Original motif 0.011012 0.010995 0.977601 0.000392 0.042872 0.754552 0.053474 0.149102 0.000392 0.988221 0.000375 0.011012 0.032251 0.010995 0.000375 0.956379 0.011012 0.010995 0.966981 0.011012 0.011012 0.053473 0.871405 0.064110 0.011012 0.032234 0.032235 0.924519 0.680209 0.010995 0.276545 0.032251 0.021631 0.010995 0.956362 0.011012 0.988238 0.000375 0.010995 0.000392 0.011012 0.021614 0.935123 0.032251 0.170341 0.021614 0.797033 0.011012 0.000392 0.966982 0.000375 0.032251 0.000392 0.021614 0.000375 0.977619 0.945759 0.010995 0.021615 0.021631 Consensus sequence: GCCTGGTAGAGGCTA Reserve complement motif 0.021631 0.010995 0.021615 0.945759 0.977619 0.021614 0.000375 0.000392 0.000392 0.000375 0.966982 0.032251 0.170341 0.797033 0.021614 0.011012 0.011012 0.935123 0.021614 0.032251 0.000392 0.000375 0.010995 0.988238 0.021631 0.956362 0.010995 0.011012 0.032251 0.010995 0.276545 0.680209 0.924519 0.032234 0.032235 0.011012 0.011012 0.871405 0.053473 0.064110 0.011012 0.966981 0.010995 0.011012 0.956379 0.010995 0.000375 0.032251 0.000392 0.000375 0.988221 0.011012 0.042872 0.053474 0.754552 0.149102 0.011012 0.977601 0.010995 0.000392 Consensus sequence: TAGCCTCTACCAGGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 153 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 21 Motif 21 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 15 0.089800 Original motif 0.007732 0.909817 0.037486 0.044965 0.999207 0.000253 0.000253 0.000287 0.976870 0.007699 0.007699 0.007732 0.984316 0.007699 0.000253 0.007732 0.007732 0.976856 0.007680 0.007732 0.015177 0.000253 0.000253 0.984317 0.022623 0.902376 0.007699 0.067302 0.015177 0.924713 0.044932 0.015178 0.954534 0.007699 0.022589 0.015178 0.015177 0.954501 0.007699 0.022623 0.947089 0.022589 0.000253 0.030069 0.022623 0.894932 0.037484 0.044961 0.969426 0.000253 0.015144 0.015177 0.022623 0.000253 0.961947 0.015177 0.947088 0.015144 0.022590 0.015178 Consensus sequence: CAAACTCCACACAGA Reverse complement motif 0.015178 0.015144 0.022590 0.947088 0.022623 0.961947 0.000253 0.015177 0.015177 0.000253 0.015144 0.969426 0.022623 0.037484 0.894932 0.044961 0.030069 0.022589 0.000253 0.947089 0.015177 0.007699 0.954501 0.022623 0.015178 0.007699 0.022589 0.954534 0.015177 0.044932 0.924713 0.015178 0.022623 0.007699 0.902376 0.067302 0.984317 0.000253 0.000253 0.015177 0.007732 0.007680 0.976856 0.007732 0.007732 0.007699 0.000253 0.984316 0.007732 0.007699 0.007699 0.976870 0.000287 0.000253 0.000253 0.999207 0.007732 0.037486 0.909817 0.044965 Consensus sequence: TCTGTGTGGAGTTTG Alignment: CAAACTCCACACAGA TAGCCTCTACCAGGC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 154 Motif name: Motif 154 Original motif 0.958323 0.020473 0.000699 0.020505 0.040280 0.020473 0.938516 0.000731 0.918775 0.040247 0.020473 0.020505 0.020505 0.950095 0.000699 0.028701 0.899001 0.000699 0.079795 0.020505 0.978097 0.020473 0.000699 0.000731 0.000731 0.040247 0.020473 0.938549 0.000731 0.020473 0.938517 0.040279 0.020505 0.000699 0.000699 0.978097 0.020505 0.839627 0.119363 0.020505 0.060057 0.158928 0.780284 0.000731 0.997871 0.000699 0.000699 0.000731 0.000731 0.000699 0.978065 0.020505 Consensus sequence: AGACAATGTCGAG Reserve complement motif 0.000731 0.978065 0.000699 0.020505 0.000731 0.000699 0.000699 0.997871 0.060057 0.780284 0.158928 0.000731 0.020505 0.119363 0.839627 0.020505 0.978097 0.000699 0.000699 0.020505 0.000731 0.938517 0.020473 0.040279 0.938549 0.040247 0.020473 0.000731 0.000731 0.020473 0.000699 0.978097 0.020505 0.000699 0.079795 0.899001 0.020505 0.000699 0.950095 0.028701 0.020505 0.040247 0.020473 0.918775 0.040280 0.938516 0.020473 0.000731 0.020505 0.020473 0.000699 0.958323 Consensus sequence: CTCGACATTGTCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 154 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 197 Motif 197 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 2 13 0.104359 Original motif 0.013949 0.970058 0.015804 0.000189 0.818743 0.018490 0.110224 0.052543 0.000189 0.009317 0.018490 0.972004 0.000189 0.949029 0.046007 0.004775 0.738082 0.013903 0.211132 0.036883 0.000189 0.078118 0.023077 0.898616 0.018536 0.900309 0.041424 0.039731 0.921551 0.004730 0.073530 0.000189 0.013949 0.091878 0.036837 0.857336 0.050643 0.726963 0.105635 0.116759 0.658997 0.056300 0.224887 0.059816 0.055230 0.082705 0.055185 0.806880 0.050642 0.780102 0.073530 0.095726 0.561885 0.258901 0.087291 0.091923 Consensus sequence: CATCATCATCATCA Reverse complement motif 0.091923 0.258901 0.087291 0.561885 0.050642 0.073530 0.780102 0.095726 0.806880 0.082705 0.055185 0.055230 0.059816 0.056300 0.224887 0.658997 0.050643 0.105635 0.726963 0.116759 0.857336 0.091878 0.036837 0.013949 0.000189 0.004730 0.073530 0.921551 0.018536 0.041424 0.900309 0.039731 0.898616 0.078118 0.023077 0.000189 0.036883 0.013903 0.211132 0.738082 0.000189 0.046007 0.949029 0.004775 0.972004 0.009317 0.018490 0.000189 0.052543 0.018490 0.110224 0.818743 0.013949 0.015804 0.970058 0.000189 Consensus sequence: TGATGATGATGATG Alignment: CATCATCATCATCA -CTCGACATTGTCT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 155 Motif name: Motif 155 Original motif 0.127996 0.107061 0.036596 0.728347 0.133268 0.865993 0.000361 0.000378 0.940721 0.000361 0.010554 0.048364 0.000378 0.919889 0.079355 0.000378 0.000378 0.108257 0.890987 0.000378 0.000378 0.000361 0.000361 0.998900 0.000378 0.000361 0.865993 0.133268 0.956612 0.000361 0.042649 0.000378 0.000378 0.916339 0.000361 0.082922 0.000378 0.941795 0.000361 0.057466 Consensus sequence: TCACGTGACC Reserve complement motif 0.000378 0.000361 0.941795 0.057466 0.000378 0.000361 0.916339 0.082922 0.000378 0.000361 0.042649 0.956612 0.000378 0.865993 0.000361 0.133268 0.998900 0.000361 0.000361 0.000378 0.000378 0.890987 0.108257 0.000378 0.000378 0.079355 0.919889 0.000378 0.048364 0.000361 0.010554 0.940721 0.133268 0.000361 0.865993 0.000378 0.728347 0.107061 0.036596 0.127996 Consensus sequence: GGTCACGTGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 155 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 72 Motif 72 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 10 0.025958 Original motif 0.310214 0.051844 0.440164 0.197779 0.387833 0.090267 0.510679 0.011221 0.042128 0.185913 0.034102 0.737857 0.000118 0.999670 0.000094 0.000118 0.996037 0.003751 0.000094 0.000118 0.000118 0.996609 0.003155 0.000118 0.000118 0.003155 0.996609 0.000118 0.000118 0.000094 0.003751 0.996037 0.000118 0.000094 0.999670 0.000118 0.737857 0.034102 0.185913 0.042128 0.011221 0.510679 0.090267 0.387833 0.197779 0.440164 0.051844 0.310214 Consensus sequence: RRTCACGTGAYY Reverse complement motif 0.197779 0.051844 0.440164 0.310214 0.011221 0.090267 0.510679 0.387833 0.042128 0.034102 0.185913 0.737857 0.000118 0.999670 0.000094 0.000118 0.996037 0.000094 0.003751 0.000118 0.000118 0.996609 0.003155 0.000118 0.000118 0.003155 0.996609 0.000118 0.000118 0.003751 0.000094 0.996037 0.000118 0.000094 0.999670 0.000118 0.737857 0.185913 0.034102 0.042128 0.387833 0.510679 0.090267 0.011221 0.310214 0.440164 0.051844 0.197779 Consensus sequence: KKTCACGTGAMM Alignment: RRTCACGTGAYY --TCACGTGACC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 156 Motif name: Motif 156 Original motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GACAGAGGGTCAGAC Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GTCTGACCCTCTGTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 156 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 92 Motif 92 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 15 0.122026 Original motif 0.982631 0.016773 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.999072 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.999072 0.000264 0.000332 0.371790 0.049792 0.074555 0.503863 0.025096 0.974308 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.000264 0.000264 0.999140 0.091133 0.008518 0.900017 0.000332 0.140660 0.049792 0.800961 0.008587 0.148915 0.008518 0.842235 0.000332 0.000332 0.107574 0.041537 0.850557 0.000332 0.000264 0.000264 0.999140 0.627682 0.066301 0.305685 0.000332 0.074624 0.280921 0.487286 0.157170 0.924849 0.000264 0.074555 0.000332 0.058114 0.000264 0.825725 0.115897 Consensus sequence: ACCWCTGGGTTASAG Reverse complement motif 0.058114 0.825725 0.000264 0.115897 0.000332 0.000264 0.074555 0.924849 0.074624 0.487286 0.280921 0.157170 0.000332 0.066301 0.305685 0.627682 0.999140 0.000264 0.000264 0.000332 0.850557 0.107574 0.041537 0.000332 0.148915 0.842235 0.008518 0.000332 0.140660 0.800961 0.049792 0.008587 0.091133 0.900017 0.008518 0.000332 0.999140 0.000264 0.000264 0.000332 0.025096 0.000264 0.974308 0.000332 0.503863 0.049792 0.074555 0.371790 0.000332 0.000264 0.999072 0.000332 0.000332 0.000264 0.999072 0.000332 0.000332 0.016773 0.000264 0.982631 Consensus sequence: CTSTAACCCAGWGGT Alignment: ACCWCTGGGTTASAG GACAGAGGGTCAGAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 157 Motif name: Motif 157 Original motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GCTCCGCCC Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: GGGCGGAGC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 157 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 25 Motif 25 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 2 9 0.045605 Original motif 0.993157 0.000210 0.006395 0.000238 0.031144 0.006395 0.962223 0.000238 0.000238 0.980761 0.006395 0.012606 0.968420 0.006395 0.012579 0.012606 0.012606 0.000210 0.962209 0.024975 0.086831 0.000210 0.906537 0.006422 0.049712 0.018763 0.900363 0.031162 0.024975 0.900366 0.024947 0.049712 0.006422 0.006395 0.024947 0.962236 0.037344 0.000210 0.956024 0.006422 0.547251 0.284783 0.024947 0.143019 0.136298 0.008953 0.848327 0.006422 0.006422 0.931287 0.018763 0.043528 0.000238 0.875616 0.012579 0.111567 Consensus sequence: AGCAGGGCTGMGCC Reverse complement motif 0.000238 0.012579 0.875616 0.111567 0.006422 0.018763 0.931287 0.043528 0.136298 0.848327 0.008953 0.006422 0.143019 0.284783 0.024947 0.547251 0.037344 0.956024 0.000210 0.006422 0.962236 0.006395 0.024947 0.006422 0.024975 0.024947 0.900366 0.049712 0.049712 0.900363 0.018763 0.031162 0.086831 0.906537 0.000210 0.006422 0.012606 0.962209 0.000210 0.024975 0.012606 0.006395 0.012579 0.968420 0.000238 0.006395 0.980761 0.012606 0.031144 0.962223 0.006395 0.000238 0.000238 0.000210 0.006395 0.993157 Consensus sequence: GGCYCAGCCCTGCT Alignment: GGCYCAGCCCTGCT ----GCTCCGCCC- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 158 Motif name: Motif 158 Original motif 0.000296 0.986675 0.000283 0.012746 0.908360 0.000283 0.091061 0.000296 0.075190 0.890025 0.034489 0.000296 0.765810 0.012306 0.221588 0.000296 0.104313 0.884446 0.010945 0.000296 0.799679 0.027660 0.116249 0.056412 0.121477 0.703706 0.000283 0.174534 0.986234 0.000283 0.013187 0.000296 0.000296 0.991748 0.000283 0.007673 0.754153 0.000283 0.169793 0.075771 0.263760 0.735661 0.000283 0.000296 0.847695 0.000283 0.139792 0.012230 0.000296 0.999125 0.000283 0.000296 Consensus sequence: CACACACACACAC Reserve complement motif 0.000296 0.000283 0.999125 0.000296 0.012230 0.000283 0.139792 0.847695 0.263760 0.000283 0.735661 0.000296 0.075771 0.000283 0.169793 0.754153 0.000296 0.000283 0.991748 0.007673 0.000296 0.000283 0.013187 0.986234 0.121477 0.000283 0.703706 0.174534 0.056412 0.027660 0.116249 0.799679 0.104313 0.010945 0.884446 0.000296 0.000296 0.012306 0.221588 0.765810 0.075190 0.034489 0.890025 0.000296 0.000296 0.000283 0.091061 0.908360 0.000296 0.000283 0.986675 0.012746 Consensus sequence: GTGTGTGTGTGTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 158 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 1 Motif 1 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 13 0.004630 Original motif 0.968740 0.000040 0.004511 0.026709 0.013922 0.977456 0.002402 0.006220 0.966168 0.006638 0.025047 0.002147 0.067219 0.903090 0.000040 0.029651 0.961372 0.021134 0.007929 0.009565 0.020212 0.973719 0.006024 0.000045 0.943908 0.005041 0.022813 0.028238 0.060825 0.882025 0.000040 0.057110 0.945290 0.000716 0.053949 0.000045 0.004759 0.900920 0.000040 0.094281 0.982955 0.004217 0.000788 0.012040 0.049706 0.873612 0.019164 0.057518 0.969511 0.000040 0.030404 0.000045 0.000045 0.999870 0.000040 0.000045 Consensus sequence: ACACACACACACAC Reverse complement motif 0.000045 0.000040 0.999870 0.000045 0.000045 0.000040 0.030404 0.969511 0.049706 0.019164 0.873612 0.057518 0.012040 0.004217 0.000788 0.982955 0.004759 0.000040 0.900920 0.094281 0.000045 0.000716 0.053949 0.945290 0.060825 0.000040 0.882025 0.057110 0.028238 0.005041 0.022813 0.943908 0.020212 0.006024 0.973719 0.000045 0.009565 0.021134 0.007929 0.961372 0.067219 0.000040 0.903090 0.029651 0.002147 0.006638 0.025047 0.966168 0.013922 0.002402 0.977456 0.006220 0.026709 0.000040 0.004511 0.968740 Consensus sequence: GTGTGTGTGTGTGT Alignment: GTGTGTGTGTGTGT GTGTGTGTGTGTG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 159 Motif name: Motif 159 Original motif 0.920402 0.000551 0.047303 0.031744 0.000576 0.998297 0.000551 0.000576 0.016160 0.000551 0.982713 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.016134 0.982739 0.000576 0.935956 0.062892 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.000551 0.998322 0.016160 0.343505 0.000551 0.639784 0.998322 0.000551 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.998297 0.000551 0.000576 0.951570 0.000551 0.047303 0.000576 0.000576 0.016134 0.000551 0.982739 0.000576 0.935959 0.000551 0.062914 0.094084 0.000551 0.904789 0.000576 Consensus sequence: ACGTCTYACATCG Reserve complement motif 0.094084 0.904789 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.935959 0.062914 0.982739 0.016134 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.047303 0.951570 0.000576 0.000551 0.998297 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.000551 0.998322 0.639784 0.343505 0.000551 0.016160 0.998322 0.000551 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.062892 0.935956 0.000576 0.982739 0.000551 0.016134 0.000576 0.016160 0.982713 0.000551 0.000576 0.000576 0.000551 0.998297 0.000576 0.031744 0.000551 0.047303 0.920402 Consensus sequence: CGATGTMAGACGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 159 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 51 Motif 51 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 13 0.064168 Original motif 0.016435 0.887461 0.000538 0.095566 0.966663 0.000538 0.016364 0.016435 0.966662 0.000538 0.000538 0.032262 0.016435 0.982418 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.000538 0.016364 0.982489 0.000609 0.934939 0.016364 0.048088 0.000609 0.016364 0.000538 0.982489 0.000609 0.950765 0.000538 0.048088 0.998315 0.000538 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.998244 0.000538 0.000609 0.998315 0.000538 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.000538 0.000538 0.998315 0.048088 0.000538 0.919112 0.032262 0.063920 0.048019 0.871626 0.016435 Consensus sequence: CAACTCTCACATGG Reverse complement motif 0.063920 0.871626 0.048019 0.016435 0.048088 0.919112 0.000538 0.032262 0.998315 0.000538 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.000538 0.000538 0.998315 0.000609 0.000538 0.998244 0.000609 0.000609 0.000538 0.000538 0.998315 0.000609 0.000538 0.950765 0.048088 0.982489 0.016364 0.000538 0.000609 0.000609 0.016364 0.934939 0.048088 0.982489 0.000538 0.016364 0.000609 0.016435 0.000538 0.982418 0.000609 0.032262 0.000538 0.000538 0.966662 0.016435 0.000538 0.016364 0.966663 0.016435 0.000538 0.887461 0.095566 Consensus sequence: CCATGTGAGAGTTG Alignment: CAACTCTCACATGG -ACGTCTYACATCG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 160 Motif name: Motif 160 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AATAAGCTAGTT Reserve complement motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: AACTAGCTTATT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 160 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 99 Motif 99 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 12 0.069415 Original motif 0.970192 0.000453 0.014619 0.014736 0.970192 0.000453 0.014619 0.014736 0.043068 0.889646 0.024218 0.043068 0.024335 0.042951 0.000453 0.932261 0.000570 0.000453 0.014619 0.984358 0.856864 0.000453 0.127947 0.014736 0.014732 0.899249 0.014619 0.071400 0.000570 0.006330 0.000453 0.992647 0.085566 0.028785 0.000453 0.885196 0.000570 0.000453 0.000453 0.998524 0.974759 0.000453 0.000453 0.024335 0.014732 0.000453 0.028785 0.956030 Consensus sequence: AACTTACTTTAT Reverse complement motif 0.956030 0.000453 0.028785 0.014732 0.024335 0.000453 0.000453 0.974759 0.998524 0.000453 0.000453 0.000570 0.885196 0.028785 0.000453 0.085566 0.992647 0.006330 0.000453 0.000570 0.014732 0.014619 0.899249 0.071400 0.014736 0.000453 0.127947 0.856864 0.984358 0.000453 0.014619 0.000570 0.932261 0.042951 0.000453 0.024335 0.043068 0.024218 0.889646 0.043068 0.014736 0.000453 0.014619 0.970192 0.014736 0.000453 0.014619 0.970192 Consensus sequence: ATAAAGTAAGTT Alignment: ATAAAGTAAGTT AATAAGCTAGTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 161 Motif name: Motif 161 Original motif 0.000199 0.999412 0.000190 0.000199 0.999421 0.000190 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.000190 0.999412 0.000199 0.999421 0.000190 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.999412 0.000190 0.000199 0.470915 0.000190 0.408044 0.120851 0.999421 0.000190 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.919099 0.000190 0.080512 Consensus sequence: CAGACRAC Reserve complement motif 0.000199 0.000190 0.919099 0.080512 0.000199 0.000190 0.000190 0.999421 0.120851 0.000190 0.408044 0.470915 0.000199 0.000190 0.999412 0.000199 0.000199 0.000190 0.000190 0.999421 0.000199 0.999412 0.000190 0.000199 0.000199 0.000190 0.000190 0.999421 0.000199 0.000190 0.999412 0.000199 Consensus sequence: GTKGTCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 161 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 181 Motif 181 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 8 0.008084 Original motif 0.710753 0.098364 0.018885 0.171998 0.037860 0.000165 0.961758 0.000217 0.000217 0.999401 0.000165 0.000217 0.941806 0.000165 0.035698 0.022331 0.000217 0.000165 0.999401 0.000217 0.941053 0.038657 0.000165 0.020125 0.000217 0.999401 0.000165 0.000217 0.000217 0.000165 0.896238 0.103380 0.976728 0.022890 0.000165 0.000217 0.034796 0.838958 0.000165 0.126081 Consensus sequence: AGCAGACGAC Reverse complement motif 0.034796 0.000165 0.838958 0.126081 0.000217 0.022890 0.000165 0.976728 0.000217 0.896238 0.000165 0.103380 0.000217 0.000165 0.999401 0.000217 0.020125 0.038657 0.000165 0.941053 0.000217 0.999401 0.000165 0.000217 0.022331 0.000165 0.035698 0.941806 0.000217 0.000165 0.999401 0.000217 0.037860 0.961758 0.000165 0.000217 0.171998 0.098364 0.018885 0.710753 Consensus sequence: GTCGTCTGCT Alignment: AGCAGACGAC --CAGACRAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 162 Motif name: Motif 162 Original motif 0.868968 0.000271 0.092181 0.038580 0.000283 0.153455 0.015589 0.830673 0.011117 0.000271 0.789189 0.199423 0.669827 0.000271 0.237708 0.092194 0.000283 0.030908 0.015589 0.953220 0.064732 0.015589 0.789187 0.130492 0.976198 0.023248 0.000271 0.000283 0.069216 0.015589 0.099841 0.815354 0.007942 0.023248 0.914912 0.053898 0.953220 0.000271 0.015589 0.030920 0.000283 0.253027 0.030908 0.715782 0.000283 0.000271 0.876615 0.122831 0.999175 0.000271 0.000271 0.000283 0.122830 0.344938 0.053886 0.478346 0.378763 0.053885 0.452181 0.115172 Consensus sequence: ATGATGATGATGAYR Reserve complement motif 0.378763 0.452181 0.053885 0.115172 0.478346 0.344938 0.053886 0.122830 0.000283 0.000271 0.000271 0.999175 0.000283 0.876615 0.000271 0.122831 0.715782 0.253027 0.030908 0.000283 0.030920 0.000271 0.015589 0.953220 0.007942 0.914912 0.023248 0.053898 0.815354 0.015589 0.099841 0.069216 0.000283 0.023248 0.000271 0.976198 0.064732 0.789187 0.015589 0.130492 0.953220 0.030908 0.015589 0.000283 0.092194 0.000271 0.237708 0.669827 0.011117 0.789189 0.000271 0.199423 0.830673 0.153455 0.015589 0.000283 0.038580 0.000271 0.092181 0.868968 Consensus sequence: MMTCATCATCATCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 162 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 112 Motif 112 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 15 0.068080 Original motif 0.057207 0.809719 0.000601 0.132473 0.885141 0.038235 0.000601 0.076023 0.885141 0.000601 0.038235 0.076023 0.019573 0.884986 0.019418 0.076023 0.960407 0.000601 0.038235 0.000757 0.941590 0.019418 0.038235 0.000757 0.000757 0.884985 0.057051 0.057207 0.922775 0.000601 0.057051 0.019573 0.941591 0.000601 0.000601 0.057207 0.019573 0.809719 0.094685 0.076023 0.960408 0.019418 0.000601 0.019573 0.885141 0.000601 0.113501 0.000757 0.000757 0.847352 0.000601 0.151290 0.998041 0.000601 0.000601 0.000757 0.960408 0.000601 0.019418 0.019573 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.019573 0.000601 0.019418 0.960408 0.000757 0.000601 0.000601 0.998041 0.000757 0.000601 0.847352 0.151290 0.000757 0.000601 0.113501 0.885141 0.019573 0.019418 0.000601 0.960408 0.019573 0.094685 0.809719 0.076023 0.057207 0.000601 0.000601 0.941591 0.019573 0.000601 0.057051 0.922775 0.000757 0.057051 0.884985 0.057207 0.000757 0.019418 0.038235 0.941590 0.000757 0.000601 0.038235 0.960407 0.019573 0.019418 0.884986 0.076023 0.076023 0.000601 0.038235 0.885141 0.076023 0.038235 0.000601 0.885141 0.057207 0.000601 0.809719 0.132473 Consensus sequence: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG Alignment: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG ATGATGATGATGAYR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 163 Motif name: Motif 163 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 Consensus sequence: ACAGGTGCA Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: TGCACCTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 163 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 28 Motif 28 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 9 0.050431 Original motif 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: ACTGGGGCATTAGGA Reverse complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 Consensus sequence: TCCTAATGCCCCAGT Alignment: TCCTAATGCCCCAGT ------TGCACCTGT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 164 Motif name: Motif 164 Original motif 0.000757 0.000724 0.997762 0.000757 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.997762 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.959597 0.000724 0.038922 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.997762 0.000724 0.000757 0.667588 0.000724 0.330931 0.000757 Consensus sequence: GACCAATCA Reserve complement motif 0.000757 0.000724 0.330931 0.667588 0.000757 0.000724 0.997762 0.000757 0.997795 0.000724 0.000724 0.000757 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.000724 0.959597 0.038922 0.000757 0.000724 0.997762 0.000757 0.000757 0.000724 0.000724 0.997795 0.000757 0.997762 0.000724 0.000757 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 164 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 213 Motif 213 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 1 9 0.009479 Original motif 0.000478 0.070090 0.000362 0.929070 0.000478 0.000362 0.998682 0.000478 0.998798 0.000362 0.000362 0.000478 0.000478 0.000362 0.000362 0.998798 0.000478 0.000362 0.000362 0.998798 0.000478 0.000362 0.998682 0.000478 0.000478 0.000362 0.998682 0.000478 0.000478 0.000362 0.000362 0.998798 0.000478 0.743290 0.046846 0.209386 0.564654 0.058459 0.278620 0.098267 0.841840 0.059535 0.098147 0.000478 0.534316 0.192727 0.000362 0.272595 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGTCAAW Reverse complement motif 0.272595 0.192727 0.000362 0.534316 0.000478 0.059535 0.098147 0.841840 0.098267 0.058459 0.278620 0.564654 0.000478 0.046846 0.743290 0.209386 0.998798 0.000362 0.000362 0.000478 0.000478 0.998682 0.000362 0.000478 0.000478 0.998682 0.000362 0.000478 0.998798 0.000362 0.000362 0.000478 0.998798 0.000362 0.000362 0.000478 0.000478 0.000362 0.000362 0.998798 0.000478 0.998682 0.000362 0.000478 0.929070 0.070090 0.000362 0.000478 Consensus sequence: WTTGACCAATCA Alignment: TGATTGGTCAAW TGATTGGTC--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 165 Motif name: Motif 165 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 Consensus sequence: AGCTGTTTTGG Reserve complement motif 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: CCAAAACAGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 165 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 38 Motif 38 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 11 0.075360 Original motif 0.024789 0.901924 0.044299 0.028988 0.787544 0.023776 0.097025 0.091655 0.870274 0.082379 0.008898 0.038449 0.023023 0.851569 0.054571 0.070837 0.768396 0.036660 0.071395 0.123549 0.843333 0.019889 0.061040 0.075738 0.005171 0.903282 0.029152 0.062395 0.938961 0.000096 0.025303 0.035640 0.896126 0.002676 0.026142 0.075056 0.008834 0.842327 0.045687 0.103152 0.741908 0.134222 0.058095 0.065775 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACA Reverse complement motif 0.065775 0.134222 0.058095 0.741908 0.008834 0.045687 0.842327 0.103152 0.075056 0.002676 0.026142 0.896126 0.035640 0.000096 0.025303 0.938961 0.005171 0.029152 0.903282 0.062395 0.075738 0.019889 0.061040 0.843333 0.123549 0.036660 0.071395 0.768396 0.023023 0.054571 0.851569 0.070837 0.038449 0.082379 0.008898 0.870274 0.091655 0.023776 0.097025 0.787544 0.024789 0.044299 0.901924 0.028988 Consensus sequence: TGTTGTTGTTG Alignment: CAACAACAACA CCAAAACAGCT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 166 Motif name: Motif 166 Original motif 0.140933 0.787464 0.025762 0.045841 0.859932 0.082981 0.000919 0.056168 0.000420 0.000401 0.919979 0.079200 0.000420 0.998759 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.991875 0.007285 0.000420 0.965961 0.000401 0.002291 0.031347 0.998778 0.000401 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.000401 0.998778 0.011734 0.950590 0.000401 0.037275 0.834598 0.135241 0.029741 0.000420 Consensus sequence: CAGCCAATCA Reserve complement motif 0.000420 0.135241 0.029741 0.834598 0.011734 0.000401 0.950590 0.037275 0.998778 0.000401 0.000401 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.000401 0.998778 0.031347 0.000401 0.002291 0.965961 0.000420 0.007285 0.991875 0.000420 0.000420 0.000401 0.998759 0.000420 0.000420 0.919979 0.000401 0.079200 0.056168 0.082981 0.000919 0.859932 0.140933 0.025762 0.787464 0.045841 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 166 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 2 Motif 2 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 10 0.003375 Original motif 0.059438 0.585946 0.091172 0.263444 0.624536 0.064511 0.301494 0.009459 0.345785 0.005464 0.568599 0.080152 0.000040 0.996623 0.000036 0.003301 0.000040 0.999884 0.000036 0.000040 0.989422 0.000036 0.000036 0.010506 0.999888 0.000036 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.026310 0.000036 0.973614 0.033555 0.872012 0.084401 0.010032 0.905954 0.016751 0.077255 0.000040 0.128196 0.173103 0.666947 0.031754 0.661210 0.199354 0.099767 0.039669 Consensus sequence: CARCCAATCAGA Reverse complement motif 0.039669 0.199354 0.099767 0.661210 0.128196 0.666947 0.173103 0.031754 0.000040 0.016751 0.077255 0.905954 0.033555 0.084401 0.872012 0.010032 0.973614 0.026310 0.000036 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.000036 0.999888 0.010506 0.000036 0.000036 0.989422 0.000040 0.000036 0.999884 0.000040 0.000040 0.000036 0.996623 0.003301 0.345785 0.568599 0.005464 0.080152 0.009459 0.064511 0.301494 0.624536 0.059438 0.091172 0.585946 0.263444 Consensus sequence: TCTGATTGGMTG Alignment: CARCCAATCAGA CAGCCAATCA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 167 Motif name: Motif 167 Original motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: ATGCAAAT Reserve complement motif 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 0.023236 0.022218 0.931310 0.023236 0.023236 0.931310 0.022218 0.023236 0.932328 0.022218 0.022218 0.023236 0.023236 0.022218 0.022218 0.932328 Consensus sequence: ATTTGCAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 167 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 119 Motif 119 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 8 0.017984 Original motif 0.950956 0.029202 0.001287 0.018555 0.001289 0.001289 0.000044 0.997378 0.023089 0.019749 0.000044 0.957118 0.190448 0.001289 0.000044 0.808219 0.148421 0.030735 0.815985 0.004859 0.070206 0.924266 0.000044 0.005484 0.996860 0.001289 0.001805 0.000046 0.000046 0.005693 0.000044 0.994217 0.787713 0.030430 0.119742 0.062115 0.539414 0.116508 0.050547 0.293531 0.195900 0.437322 0.164896 0.201882 0.605422 0.102847 0.080866 0.210865 Consensus sequence: ATTTGCATAWHA Reverse complement motif 0.210865 0.102847 0.080866 0.605422 0.195900 0.164896 0.437322 0.201882 0.293531 0.116508 0.050547 0.539414 0.062115 0.030430 0.119742 0.787713 0.994217 0.005693 0.000044 0.000046 0.000046 0.001289 0.001805 0.996860 0.070206 0.000044 0.924266 0.005484 0.148421 0.815985 0.030735 0.004859 0.808219 0.001289 0.000044 0.190448 0.957118 0.019749 0.000044 0.023089 0.997378 0.001289 0.000044 0.001289 0.018555 0.029202 0.001287 0.950956 Consensus sequence: TDWTATGCAAAT Alignment: ATTTGCATAWHA ----ATTTGCAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 168 Motif name: Motif 168 Original motif 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.078917 0.000691 0.039791 0.880601 0.685088 0.313499 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.000691 0.958766 0.000722 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.958799 0.039788 0.000691 0.000722 0.020271 0.000691 0.958767 0.020271 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.606892 0.000691 0.039788 0.352629 0.000722 0.020239 0.000691 0.978348 0.039820 0.509008 0.000691 0.450481 0.098467 0.020239 0.880572 0.000722 0.000722 0.020239 0.978317 0.000722 0.000722 0.939219 0.020239 0.039820 Consensus sequence: ATAGTAGAAWTYGGC Reserve complement motif 0.000722 0.020239 0.939219 0.039820 0.000722 0.978317 0.020239 0.000722 0.098467 0.880572 0.020239 0.000722 0.039820 0.000691 0.509008 0.450481 0.978348 0.020239 0.000691 0.000722 0.352629 0.000691 0.039788 0.606892 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.020271 0.958767 0.000691 0.020271 0.000722 0.039788 0.000691 0.958799 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.958766 0.000691 0.000722 0.000722 0.313499 0.000691 0.685088 0.880601 0.000691 0.039791 0.078917 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 Consensus sequence: GCCKAWTTCTACTAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 168 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 28 Motif 28 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 15 0.094924 Original motif 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: ACTGGGGCATTAGGA Reverse complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 Consensus sequence: TCCTAATGCCCCAGT Alignment: TCCTAATGCCCCAGT GCCKAWTTCTACTAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 169 Motif name: Motif 169 Original motif 0.249579 0.178396 0.130910 0.441115 0.402694 0.223106 0.374016 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.374016 0.223106 0.402694 0.441115 0.130910 0.178396 0.249579 Consensus sequence: HRCTGCAGYD Reserve complement motif 0.249579 0.130910 0.178396 0.441115 0.402694 0.374016 0.223106 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.000176 0.999464 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.999456 0.000176 0.000184 0.999464 0.000176 0.000176 0.000184 0.000184 0.000176 0.999456 0.000184 0.000184 0.223106 0.374016 0.402694 0.441115 0.178396 0.130910 0.249579 Consensus sequence: DMCTGCAGKH ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 169 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 179 Motif 179 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 10 0.043677 Original motif 0.007924 0.817232 0.050814 0.124030 0.893136 0.019978 0.040528 0.046358 0.111548 0.029415 0.842597 0.016440 0.004696 0.016025 0.132084 0.847195 0.005084 0.021140 0.932148 0.041628 0.004273 0.989376 0.000049 0.006302 0.998400 0.001486 0.000049 0.000065 0.038874 0.000998 0.957003 0.003125 0.043468 0.079689 0.015563 0.861280 0.058326 0.067572 0.859854 0.014248 0.150011 0.517357 0.173827 0.158805 0.417136 0.204738 0.167891 0.210236 Consensus sequence: CAGTGCAGTGCH Reverse complement motif 0.210236 0.204738 0.167891 0.417136 0.150011 0.173827 0.517357 0.158805 0.058326 0.859854 0.067572 0.014248 0.861280 0.079689 0.015563 0.043468 0.038874 0.957003 0.000998 0.003125 0.000065 0.001486 0.000049 0.998400 0.004273 0.000049 0.989376 0.006302 0.005084 0.932148 0.021140 0.041628 0.847195 0.016025 0.132084 0.004696 0.111548 0.842597 0.029415 0.016440 0.046358 0.019978 0.040528 0.893136 0.007924 0.050814 0.817232 0.124030 Consensus sequence: HGCACTGCACTG Alignment: HGCACTGCACTG --HRCTGCAGYD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 3 Motif ID: 170 Motif name: Motif 170 Original motif 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.036008 0.000625 0.018301 0.945066 0.000653 0.000625 0.990742 0.007980 0.018330 0.000625 0.000625 0.980420 0.230489 0.000625 0.000625 0.768261 0.000653 0.000625 0.000625 0.998097 0.838999 0.071335 0.035979 0.053687 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.821299 0.018301 0.142070 0.018330 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.089048 0.000625 0.909674 0.000653 0.000653 0.945035 0.000625 0.053687 Consensus sequence: ACTGTTTACAAGC Reserve complement motif 0.000653 0.000625 0.945035 0.053687 0.089048 0.909674 0.000625 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 0.018330 0.018301 0.142070 0.821299 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.053687 0.071335 0.035979 0.838999 0.998097 0.000625 0.000625 0.000653 0.768261 0.000625 0.000625 0.230489 0.980420 0.000625 0.000625 0.018330 0.000653 0.990742 0.000625 0.007980 0.945066 0.000625 0.018301 0.036008 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 Consensus sequence: GCTTGTAAACAGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 170 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 60 Motif 60 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 13 0.075915 Original motif 0.000958 0.000846 0.997238 0.000958 0.000958 0.997238 0.000846 0.000958 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.922699 0.000846 0.000846 0.075609 0.000958 0.997238 0.000846 0.000958 0.972468 0.000846 0.000846 0.025840 0.000958 0.000846 0.997238 0.000958 0.000958 0.947473 0.000846 0.050723 Consensus sequence: GCATTAAAACAGC Reverse complement motif 0.000958 0.000846 0.947473 0.050723 0.000958 0.997238 0.000846 0.000958 0.025840 0.000846 0.000846 0.972468 0.000958 0.000846 0.997238 0.000958 0.075609 0.000846 0.000846 0.922699 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.997350 0.000846 0.000846 0.000958 0.000958 0.000846 0.000846 0.997350 0.000958 0.000846 0.997238 0.000958 0.000958 0.997238 0.000846 0.000958 Consensus sequence: GCTGTTTTAATGC Alignment: GCTGTTTTAATGC ACTGTTTACAAGC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 171 Motif name: Motif 171 Original motif 0.296516 0.244232 0.420550 0.038702 0.000041 0.076260 0.000031 0.923668 0.668784 0.000031 0.331144 0.000041 0.000041 0.999887 0.000031 0.000041 0.895204 0.000031 0.104724 0.000041 0.000041 0.104724 0.000031 0.895204 0.000041 0.000031 0.999887 0.000041 0.000041 0.331144 0.000031 0.668784 0.923668 0.000031 0.076260 0.000041 0.038702 0.420550 0.244232 0.296516 Consensus sequence: VTACATGTAB Reserve complement motif 0.038702 0.244232 0.420550 0.296516 0.000041 0.000031 0.076260 0.923668 0.668784 0.331144 0.000031 0.000041 0.000041 0.999887 0.000031 0.000041 0.895204 0.104724 0.000031 0.000041 0.000041 0.000031 0.104724 0.895204 0.000041 0.000031 0.999887 0.000041 0.000041 0.000031 0.331144 0.668784 0.923668 0.076260 0.000031 0.000041 0.296516 0.420550 0.244232 0.038702 Consensus sequence: BTACATGTAV ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 171 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 133 Motif 133 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 10 0.000000 Original motif 0.290155 0.069748 0.190793 0.449304 0.319026 0.242842 0.336811 0.101321 0.000078 0.007491 0.000075 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.000078 0.965744 0.000075 0.034103 0.541215 0.013846 0.007491 0.437448 0.437448 0.007491 0.013846 0.541215 0.034103 0.000075 0.965744 0.000078 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.000075 0.007491 0.000078 0.101321 0.336811 0.242842 0.319026 0.449304 0.190793 0.069748 0.290155 Consensus sequence: DVTACWWGTABH Reverse complement motif 0.290155 0.190793 0.069748 0.449304 0.101321 0.242842 0.336811 0.319026 0.000078 0.000075 0.007491 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.034103 0.965744 0.000075 0.000078 0.541215 0.007491 0.013846 0.437448 0.437448 0.013846 0.007491 0.541215 0.000078 0.000075 0.965744 0.034103 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.007491 0.000075 0.000078 0.319026 0.336811 0.242842 0.101321 0.449304 0.069748 0.190793 0.290155 Consensus sequence: HBTACWWGTAVD Alignment: HBTACWWGTAVD -BTACATGTAV- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 172 Motif name: Motif 172 Original motif 0.000037 0.999898 0.000028 0.000037 0.000037 0.732047 0.000028 0.267888 0.006213 0.899787 0.007240 0.086760 0.035417 0.545417 0.030682 0.388484 0.003489 0.856923 0.016629 0.122959 0.013560 0.548067 0.009945 0.428428 0.000037 0.955332 0.006339 0.038292 0.000939 0.642895 0.003634 0.352532 0.035173 0.831685 0.000028 0.133114 0.003643 0.541174 0.031692 0.423491 0.052677 0.851469 0.032981 0.062873 0.054512 0.356404 0.027630 0.561454 0.007426 0.986417 0.000028 0.006129 0.029829 0.596854 0.001741 0.371576 Consensus sequence: CCCYCYCYCYCYCY Reserve complement motif 0.029829 0.001741 0.596854 0.371576 0.007426 0.000028 0.986417 0.006129 0.561454 0.356404 0.027630 0.054512 0.052677 0.032981 0.851469 0.062873 0.003643 0.031692 0.541174 0.423491 0.035173 0.000028 0.831685 0.133114 0.000939 0.003634 0.642895 0.352532 0.000037 0.006339 0.955332 0.038292 0.013560 0.009945 0.548067 0.428428 0.003489 0.016629 0.856923 0.122959 0.035417 0.030682 0.545417 0.388484 0.006213 0.007240 0.899787 0.086760 0.000037 0.000028 0.732047 0.267888 0.000037 0.000028 0.999898 0.000037 Consensus sequence: KGMGKGKGKGKGGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 172 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 175 Motif 175 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 14 0.035011 Original motif 0.000081 0.988333 0.004007 0.007579 0.931094 0.002034 0.066791 0.000081 0.031648 0.933150 0.009266 0.025936 0.900863 0.000061 0.098995 0.000081 0.007974 0.921312 0.000061 0.070653 0.896697 0.016828 0.066188 0.020287 0.062021 0.912191 0.000061 0.025727 0.822069 0.000061 0.177789 0.000081 0.012811 0.853559 0.008772 0.124858 0.813024 0.045057 0.126058 0.015861 0.044014 0.887934 0.004007 0.064045 0.912512 0.000061 0.040830 0.046597 0.089513 0.846209 0.053667 0.010611 0.618945 0.127862 0.126785 0.126408 Consensus sequence: CACACACACACACA Reverse complement motif 0.126408 0.127862 0.126785 0.618945 0.089513 0.053667 0.846209 0.010611 0.046597 0.000061 0.040830 0.912512 0.044014 0.004007 0.887934 0.064045 0.015861 0.045057 0.126058 0.813024 0.012811 0.008772 0.853559 0.124858 0.000081 0.000061 0.177789 0.822069 0.062021 0.000061 0.912191 0.025727 0.020287 0.016828 0.066188 0.896697 0.007974 0.000061 0.921312 0.070653 0.000081 0.000061 0.098995 0.900863 0.031648 0.009266 0.933150 0.025936 0.000081 0.002034 0.066791 0.931094 0.000081 0.004007 0.988333 0.007579 Consensus sequence: TGTGTGTGTGTGTG Alignment: TGTGTGTGTGTGTG KGMGKGKGKGKGGG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 173 Motif name: Motif 173 Original motif 0.262458 0.173978 0.135023 0.428541 0.259590 0.326515 0.341322 0.072574 0.000053 0.000040 0.000040 0.999867 0.999867 0.000040 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.999854 0.000053 0.410867 0.000040 0.589040 0.000053 0.000053 0.589040 0.000040 0.410867 0.000053 0.999854 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.000040 0.999867 0.999867 0.000040 0.000040 0.000053 0.072574 0.341322 0.326515 0.259590 0.428541 0.135023 0.173978 0.262458 Consensus sequence: HVTAGRYCTABD Reserve complement motif 0.262458 0.135023 0.173978 0.428541 0.072574 0.326515 0.341322 0.259590 0.000053 0.000040 0.000040 0.999867 0.999867 0.000040 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.999854 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.589040 0.410867 0.410867 0.589040 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.999854 0.000040 0.000053 0.000053 0.000040 0.000040 0.999867 0.999867 0.000040 0.000040 0.000053 0.259590 0.341322 0.326515 0.072574 0.428541 0.173978 0.135023 0.262458 Consensus sequence: DBTAGKMCTAVH ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 173 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 133 Motif 133 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 12 0.014604 Original motif 0.290155 0.069748 0.190793 0.449304 0.319026 0.242842 0.336811 0.101321 0.000078 0.007491 0.000075 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.000078 0.965744 0.000075 0.034103 0.541215 0.013846 0.007491 0.437448 0.437448 0.007491 0.013846 0.541215 0.034103 0.000075 0.965744 0.000078 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.000075 0.007491 0.000078 0.101321 0.336811 0.242842 0.319026 0.449304 0.190793 0.069748 0.290155 Consensus sequence: DVTACWWGTABH Reverse complement motif 0.290155 0.190793 0.069748 0.449304 0.101321 0.242842 0.336811 0.319026 0.000078 0.000075 0.007491 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.034103 0.965744 0.000075 0.000078 0.541215 0.007491 0.013846 0.437448 0.437448 0.013846 0.007491 0.541215 0.000078 0.000075 0.965744 0.034103 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.007491 0.000075 0.000078 0.319026 0.336811 0.242842 0.101321 0.449304 0.069748 0.190793 0.290155 Consensus sequence: HBTACWWGTAVD Alignment: HBTACWWGTAVD DBTAGKMCTAVH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 174 Motif name: Motif 174 Original motif 0.266991 0.010473 0.712690 0.009846 0.981269 0.000014 0.018699 0.000018 0.916033 0.017174 0.060521 0.006272 0.236348 0.021194 0.726173 0.016285 0.702133 0.008055 0.241179 0.048633 0.765617 0.020486 0.112814 0.101083 0.324797 0.016466 0.645132 0.013605 0.851205 0.020116 0.108559 0.020120 0.680124 0.046583 0.188050 0.085243 0.482973 0.043427 0.435241 0.038359 0.657142 0.020933 0.257842 0.064083 0.679967 0.063817 0.144004 0.112212 0.430176 0.091884 0.434482 0.043458 0.791122 0.019408 0.111430 0.078040 0.665273 0.068916 0.151740 0.114071 Consensus sequence: GAAGAARAARAARAA Reserve complement motif 0.114071 0.068916 0.151740 0.665273 0.078040 0.019408 0.111430 0.791122 0.430176 0.434482 0.091884 0.043458 0.112212 0.063817 0.144004 0.679967 0.064083 0.020933 0.257842 0.657142 0.038359 0.043427 0.435241 0.482973 0.085243 0.046583 0.188050 0.680124 0.020120 0.020116 0.108559 0.851205 0.324797 0.645132 0.016466 0.013605 0.101083 0.020486 0.112814 0.765617 0.048633 0.008055 0.241179 0.702133 0.236348 0.726173 0.021194 0.016285 0.006272 0.017174 0.060521 0.916033 0.000018 0.000014 0.018699 0.981269 0.266991 0.712690 0.010473 0.009846 Consensus sequence: TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 174 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 112 Motif 112 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.057493 Original motif 0.057207 0.809719 0.000601 0.132473 0.885141 0.038235 0.000601 0.076023 0.885141 0.000601 0.038235 0.076023 0.019573 0.884986 0.019418 0.076023 0.960407 0.000601 0.038235 0.000757 0.941590 0.019418 0.038235 0.000757 0.000757 0.884985 0.057051 0.057207 0.922775 0.000601 0.057051 0.019573 0.941591 0.000601 0.000601 0.057207 0.019573 0.809719 0.094685 0.076023 0.960408 0.019418 0.000601 0.019573 0.885141 0.000601 0.113501 0.000757 0.000757 0.847352 0.000601 0.151290 0.998041 0.000601 0.000601 0.000757 0.960408 0.000601 0.019418 0.019573 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.019573 0.000601 0.019418 0.960408 0.000757 0.000601 0.000601 0.998041 0.000757 0.000601 0.847352 0.151290 0.000757 0.000601 0.113501 0.885141 0.019573 0.019418 0.000601 0.960408 0.019573 0.094685 0.809719 0.076023 0.057207 0.000601 0.000601 0.941591 0.019573 0.000601 0.057051 0.922775 0.000757 0.057051 0.884985 0.057207 0.000757 0.019418 0.038235 0.941590 0.000757 0.000601 0.038235 0.960407 0.019573 0.019418 0.884986 0.076023 0.076023 0.000601 0.038235 0.885141 0.076023 0.038235 0.000601 0.885141 0.057207 0.000601 0.809719 0.132473 Consensus sequence: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG Alignment: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG TTMTTKTTMTTCTTC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 175 Motif name: Motif 175 Original motif 0.000081 0.988333 0.004007 0.007579 0.931094 0.002034 0.066791 0.000081 0.031648 0.933150 0.009266 0.025936 0.900863 0.000061 0.098995 0.000081 0.007974 0.921312 0.000061 0.070653 0.896697 0.016828 0.066188 0.020287 0.062021 0.912191 0.000061 0.025727 0.822069 0.000061 0.177789 0.000081 0.012811 0.853559 0.008772 0.124858 0.813024 0.045057 0.126058 0.015861 0.044014 0.887934 0.004007 0.064045 0.912512 0.000061 0.040830 0.046597 0.089513 0.846209 0.053667 0.010611 0.618945 0.127862 0.126785 0.126408 Consensus sequence: CACACACACACACA Reserve complement motif 0.126408 0.127862 0.126785 0.618945 0.089513 0.053667 0.846209 0.010611 0.046597 0.000061 0.040830 0.912512 0.044014 0.004007 0.887934 0.064045 0.015861 0.045057 0.126058 0.813024 0.012811 0.008772 0.853559 0.124858 0.000081 0.000061 0.177789 0.822069 0.062021 0.000061 0.912191 0.025727 0.020287 0.016828 0.066188 0.896697 0.007974 0.000061 0.921312 0.070653 0.000081 0.000061 0.098995 0.900863 0.031648 0.009266 0.933150 0.025936 0.000081 0.002034 0.066791 0.931094 0.000081 0.004007 0.988333 0.007579 Consensus sequence: TGTGTGTGTGTGTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 175 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 172 Motif 172 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 14 0.059343 Original motif 0.000037 0.999898 0.000028 0.000037 0.000037 0.732047 0.000028 0.267888 0.006213 0.899787 0.007240 0.086760 0.035417 0.545417 0.030682 0.388484 0.003489 0.856923 0.016629 0.122959 0.013560 0.548067 0.009945 0.428428 0.000037 0.955332 0.006339 0.038292 0.000939 0.642895 0.003634 0.352532 0.035173 0.831685 0.000028 0.133114 0.003643 0.541174 0.031692 0.423491 0.052677 0.851469 0.032981 0.062873 0.054512 0.356404 0.027630 0.561454 0.007426 0.986417 0.000028 0.006129 0.029829 0.596854 0.001741 0.371576 Consensus sequence: CCCYCYCYCYCYCY Reverse complement motif 0.029829 0.001741 0.596854 0.371576 0.007426 0.000028 0.986417 0.006129 0.561454 0.356404 0.027630 0.054512 0.052677 0.032981 0.851469 0.062873 0.003643 0.031692 0.541174 0.423491 0.035173 0.000028 0.831685 0.133114 0.000939 0.003634 0.642895 0.352532 0.000037 0.006339 0.955332 0.038292 0.013560 0.009945 0.548067 0.428428 0.003489 0.016629 0.856923 0.122959 0.035417 0.030682 0.545417 0.388484 0.006213 0.007240 0.899787 0.086760 0.000037 0.000028 0.732047 0.267888 0.000037 0.000028 0.999898 0.000037 Consensus sequence: KGMGKGKGKGKGGG Alignment: KGMGKGKGKGKGGG TGTGTGTGTGTGTG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 176 Motif name: Motif 176 Original motif 0.897875 0.000062 0.018048 0.084015 0.000082 0.000062 0.991780 0.008076 0.783139 0.095985 0.120794 0.000082 0.000082 0.008056 0.272675 0.719187 0.000082 0.000062 0.999774 0.000082 0.012073 0.000062 0.987783 0.000082 0.012901 0.970967 0.014051 0.002081 0.006077 0.000062 0.993779 0.000082 0.056038 0.797929 0.083995 0.062038 0.090841 0.089990 0.026041 0.793128 0.573644 0.256346 0.139952 0.030058 0.107996 0.042029 0.199908 0.650067 0.425753 0.058022 0.083996 0.432230 0.207583 0.380599 0.165931 0.245888 0.355466 0.442548 0.099985 0.102001 Consensus sequence: AGATGGCGCTATWHM Reserve complement motif 0.355466 0.099985 0.442548 0.102001 0.207583 0.165931 0.380599 0.245888 0.432230 0.058022 0.083996 0.425753 0.650067 0.042029 0.199908 0.107996 0.030058 0.256346 0.139952 0.573644 0.793128 0.089990 0.026041 0.090841 0.056038 0.083995 0.797929 0.062038 0.006077 0.993779 0.000062 0.000082 0.012901 0.014051 0.970967 0.002081 0.012073 0.987783 0.000062 0.000082 0.000082 0.999774 0.000062 0.000082 0.719187 0.008056 0.272675 0.000082 0.000082 0.095985 0.120794 0.783139 0.000082 0.991780 0.000062 0.008076 0.084015 0.000062 0.018048 0.897875 Consensus sequence: RDWATAGCGCCATCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 176 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 93 Motif 93 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 15 0.084045 Original motif 0.969123 0.000469 0.029818 0.000590 0.044614 0.029818 0.924978 0.000590 0.029940 0.939651 0.000469 0.029940 0.000590 0.029818 0.176566 0.793026 0.103313 0.000469 0.895628 0.000590 0.015265 0.000469 0.983676 0.000590 0.000590 0.851604 0.000469 0.147337 0.793026 0.015144 0.191240 0.000590 0.000590 0.910302 0.015144 0.073964 0.044614 0.015144 0.939652 0.000590 0.925098 0.015144 0.044493 0.015265 0.073964 0.015144 0.895627 0.015265 0.015265 0.000469 0.983676 0.000590 0.044614 0.161891 0.000469 0.793026 0.000590 0.044493 0.954327 0.000590 Consensus sequence: AGCTGGCACGAGGTG Reverse complement motif 0.000590 0.954327 0.044493 0.000590 0.793026 0.161891 0.000469 0.044614 0.015265 0.983676 0.000469 0.000590 0.073964 0.895627 0.015144 0.015265 0.015265 0.015144 0.044493 0.925098 0.044614 0.939652 0.015144 0.000590 0.000590 0.015144 0.910302 0.073964 0.000590 0.015144 0.191240 0.793026 0.000590 0.000469 0.851604 0.147337 0.015265 0.983676 0.000469 0.000590 0.103313 0.895628 0.000469 0.000590 0.793026 0.029818 0.176566 0.000590 0.029940 0.000469 0.939651 0.029940 0.044614 0.924978 0.029818 0.000590 0.000590 0.000469 0.029818 0.969123 Consensus sequence: CACCTCGTGCCAGCT Alignment: AGCTGGCACGAGGTG AGATGGCGCTATWHM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 177 Motif name: Motif 177 Original motif 0.088021 0.518176 0.249523 0.144280 0.224563 0.286686 0.402124 0.086626 0.145098 0.304646 0.490810 0.059446 0.000026 0.796570 0.173985 0.029419 0.049647 0.274490 0.359196 0.316667 0.039348 0.472661 0.455411 0.032580 0.425078 0.245412 0.329484 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.329484 0.245412 0.425078 0.032580 0.455411 0.472661 0.039348 0.316667 0.359196 0.274490 0.049647 0.029419 0.173985 0.796570 0.000026 0.059446 0.490810 0.304646 0.145098 0.086626 0.402124 0.286686 0.224563 0.144280 0.249523 0.518176 0.088021 Consensus sequence: CVSCBSRGCYSVGSBG Reserve complement motif 0.144280 0.518176 0.249523 0.088021 0.086626 0.286686 0.402124 0.224563 0.059446 0.304646 0.490810 0.145098 0.029419 0.796570 0.173985 0.000026 0.316667 0.274490 0.359196 0.049647 0.032580 0.472661 0.455411 0.039348 0.425078 0.329484 0.245412 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.245412 0.329484 0.425078 0.039348 0.455411 0.472661 0.032580 0.049647 0.359196 0.274490 0.316667 0.000026 0.173985 0.796570 0.029419 0.145098 0.490810 0.304646 0.059446 0.224563 0.402124 0.286686 0.086626 0.088021 0.249523 0.518176 0.144280 Consensus sequence: CBSCVSMGCKSBGSVG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 177 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 176 Motif 176 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 15 0.048277 Original motif 0.897875 0.000062 0.018048 0.084015 0.000082 0.000062 0.991780 0.008076 0.783139 0.095985 0.120794 0.000082 0.000082 0.008056 0.272675 0.719187 0.000082 0.000062 0.999774 0.000082 0.012073 0.000062 0.987783 0.000082 0.012901 0.970967 0.014051 0.002081 0.006077 0.000062 0.993779 0.000082 0.056038 0.797929 0.083995 0.062038 0.090841 0.089990 0.026041 0.793128 0.573644 0.256346 0.139952 0.030058 0.107996 0.042029 0.199908 0.650067 0.425753 0.058022 0.083996 0.432230 0.207583 0.380599 0.165931 0.245888 0.355466 0.442548 0.099985 0.102001 Consensus sequence: AGATGGCGCTATWHM Reverse complement motif 0.355466 0.099985 0.442548 0.102001 0.207583 0.165931 0.380599 0.245888 0.432230 0.058022 0.083996 0.425753 0.650067 0.042029 0.199908 0.107996 0.030058 0.256346 0.139952 0.573644 0.793128 0.089990 0.026041 0.090841 0.056038 0.083995 0.797929 0.062038 0.006077 0.993779 0.000062 0.000082 0.012901 0.014051 0.970967 0.002081 0.012073 0.987783 0.000062 0.000082 0.000082 0.999774 0.000062 0.000082 0.719187 0.008056 0.272675 0.000082 0.000082 0.095985 0.120794 0.783139 0.000082 0.991780 0.000062 0.008076 0.084015 0.000062 0.018048 0.897875 Consensus sequence: RDWATAGCGCCATCT Alignment: RDWATAGCGCCATCT- CVSCBSRGCYSVGSBG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 178 Motif name: Motif 178 Original motif 0.718992 0.116804 0.134593 0.029611 0.007297 0.000045 0.947724 0.044934 0.022373 0.965941 0.001493 0.010193 0.000060 0.178662 0.125984 0.695294 0.999850 0.000045 0.000045 0.000060 0.000060 0.000045 0.999835 0.000060 0.001507 0.984760 0.000045 0.013688 0.029612 0.245129 0.171343 0.553916 0.701612 0.118879 0.078368 0.101141 0.072439 0.111015 0.810696 0.005850 0.091115 0.571635 0.270001 0.067249 0.132742 0.360538 0.270031 0.236690 0.390261 0.291257 0.207282 0.111200 Consensus sequence: AGCTAGCTAGCBV Reserve complement motif 0.111200 0.291257 0.207282 0.390261 0.132742 0.270031 0.360538 0.236690 0.091115 0.270001 0.571635 0.067249 0.072439 0.810696 0.111015 0.005850 0.101141 0.118879 0.078368 0.701612 0.553916 0.245129 0.171343 0.029612 0.001507 0.000045 0.984760 0.013688 0.000060 0.999835 0.000045 0.000060 0.000060 0.000045 0.000045 0.999850 0.695294 0.178662 0.125984 0.000060 0.022373 0.001493 0.965941 0.010193 0.007297 0.947724 0.000045 0.044934 0.029611 0.116804 0.134593 0.718992 Consensus sequence: BBGCTAGCTAGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 178 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 126 Motif 126 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 13 0.071630 Original motif 0.523602 0.134025 0.281755 0.060618 0.297767 0.265740 0.241995 0.194498 0.023912 0.045496 0.008789 0.921803 0.032548 0.964980 0.000153 0.002319 0.088687 0.023904 0.002312 0.885097 0.000160 0.997368 0.000153 0.002319 0.022646 0.010949 0.966245 0.000160 0.000160 0.966245 0.010949 0.022646 0.002319 0.000153 0.997368 0.000160 0.885097 0.002312 0.023904 0.088687 0.002319 0.000153 0.964980 0.032548 0.921803 0.008789 0.045496 0.023912 0.194498 0.241995 0.265740 0.297767 0.060618 0.281755 0.134025 0.523602 Consensus sequence: RVTCTCGCGAGABY Reverse complement motif 0.523602 0.281755 0.134025 0.060618 0.297767 0.241995 0.265740 0.194498 0.023912 0.008789 0.045496 0.921803 0.002319 0.964980 0.000153 0.032548 0.088687 0.002312 0.023904 0.885097 0.002319 0.997368 0.000153 0.000160 0.000160 0.010949 0.966245 0.022646 0.022646 0.966245 0.010949 0.000160 0.000160 0.000153 0.997368 0.002319 0.885097 0.023904 0.002312 0.088687 0.032548 0.000153 0.964980 0.002319 0.921803 0.045496 0.008789 0.023912 0.194498 0.265740 0.241995 0.297767 0.060618 0.134025 0.281755 0.523602 Consensus sequence: MVTCTCGCGAGABK Alignment: MVTCTCGCGAGABK BBGCTAGCTAGCT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 179 Motif name: Motif 179 Original motif 0.007924 0.817232 0.050814 0.124030 0.893136 0.019978 0.040528 0.046358 0.111548 0.029415 0.842597 0.016440 0.004696 0.016025 0.132084 0.847195 0.005084 0.021140 0.932148 0.041628 0.004273 0.989376 0.000049 0.006302 0.998400 0.001486 0.000049 0.000065 0.038874 0.000998 0.957003 0.003125 0.043468 0.079689 0.015563 0.861280 0.058326 0.067572 0.859854 0.014248 0.150011 0.517357 0.173827 0.158805 0.417136 0.204738 0.167891 0.210236 Consensus sequence: CAGTGCAGTGCH Reserve complement motif 0.210236 0.204738 0.167891 0.417136 0.150011 0.173827 0.517357 0.158805 0.058326 0.859854 0.067572 0.014248 0.861280 0.079689 0.015563 0.043468 0.038874 0.957003 0.000998 0.003125 0.000065 0.001486 0.000049 0.998400 0.004273 0.000049 0.989376 0.006302 0.005084 0.932148 0.021140 0.041628 0.847195 0.016025 0.132084 0.004696 0.111548 0.842597 0.029415 0.016440 0.046358 0.019978 0.040528 0.893136 0.007924 0.050814 0.817232 0.124030 Consensus sequence: HGCACTGCACTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 179 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 25 Motif 25 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 12 0.066086 Original motif 0.993157 0.000210 0.006395 0.000238 0.031144 0.006395 0.962223 0.000238 0.000238 0.980761 0.006395 0.012606 0.968420 0.006395 0.012579 0.012606 0.012606 0.000210 0.962209 0.024975 0.086831 0.000210 0.906537 0.006422 0.049712 0.018763 0.900363 0.031162 0.024975 0.900366 0.024947 0.049712 0.006422 0.006395 0.024947 0.962236 0.037344 0.000210 0.956024 0.006422 0.547251 0.284783 0.024947 0.143019 0.136298 0.008953 0.848327 0.006422 0.006422 0.931287 0.018763 0.043528 0.000238 0.875616 0.012579 0.111567 Consensus sequence: AGCAGGGCTGMGCC Reverse complement motif 0.000238 0.012579 0.875616 0.111567 0.006422 0.018763 0.931287 0.043528 0.136298 0.848327 0.008953 0.006422 0.143019 0.284783 0.024947 0.547251 0.037344 0.956024 0.000210 0.006422 0.962236 0.006395 0.024947 0.006422 0.024975 0.024947 0.900366 0.049712 0.049712 0.900363 0.018763 0.031162 0.086831 0.906537 0.000210 0.006422 0.012606 0.962209 0.000210 0.024975 0.012606 0.006395 0.012579 0.968420 0.000238 0.006395 0.980761 0.012606 0.031144 0.962223 0.006395 0.000238 0.000238 0.000210 0.006395 0.993157 Consensus sequence: GGCYCAGCCCTGCT Alignment: AGCAGGGCTGMGCC --CAGTGCAGTGCH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 180 Motif name: Motif 180 Original motif 0.000515 0.000390 0.000390 0.998705 0.998705 0.000390 0.000390 0.000515 0.000515 0.998580 0.000390 0.000515 0.571977 0.084190 0.343318 0.000515 0.000515 0.000390 0.998580 0.000515 0.000515 0.000390 0.000390 0.998705 0.998705 0.000390 0.000390 0.000515 0.000515 0.998580 0.000390 0.000515 0.682830 0.000390 0.316265 0.000515 Consensus sequence: TACRGTACA Reserve complement motif 0.000515 0.000390 0.316265 0.682830 0.000515 0.000390 0.998580 0.000515 0.000515 0.000390 0.000390 0.998705 0.998705 0.000390 0.000390 0.000515 0.000515 0.998580 0.000390 0.000515 0.000515 0.084190 0.343318 0.571977 0.000515 0.000390 0.998580 0.000515 0.000515 0.000390 0.000390 0.998705 0.998705 0.000390 0.000390 0.000515 Consensus sequence: TGTACKGTA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 180 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 218 Motif 218 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 5 9 0.044560 Original motif 0.977553 0.020977 0.000634 0.000836 0.021179 0.895978 0.000634 0.082209 0.957211 0.000634 0.041319 0.000836 0.021179 0.936665 0.020977 0.021179 0.021179 0.977351 0.000634 0.000836 0.957209 0.041321 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.997694 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.041319 0.041321 0.916524 0.021179 0.000634 0.957008 0.021179 0.021179 0.020977 0.020977 0.936867 0.977553 0.000634 0.000634 0.021179 0.021179 0.957008 0.000634 0.021179 0.875839 0.020977 0.061663 0.041521 0.896181 0.020977 0.041321 0.041521 Consensus sequence: ACACCACTGTACAA Reverse complement motif 0.041521 0.020977 0.041321 0.896181 0.041521 0.020977 0.061663 0.875839 0.021179 0.000634 0.957008 0.021179 0.021179 0.000634 0.000634 0.977553 0.936867 0.020977 0.020977 0.021179 0.021179 0.957008 0.000634 0.021179 0.916524 0.041319 0.041321 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.997694 0.000836 0.000836 0.041321 0.000634 0.957209 0.021179 0.000634 0.977351 0.000836 0.021179 0.020977 0.936665 0.021179 0.000836 0.000634 0.041319 0.957211 0.021179 0.000634 0.895978 0.082209 0.000836 0.020977 0.000634 0.977553 Consensus sequence: TTGTACAGTGGTGT Alignment: TTGTACAGTGGTGT -TGTACKGTA---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 181 Motif name: Motif 181 Original motif 0.710753 0.098364 0.018885 0.171998 0.037860 0.000165 0.961758 0.000217 0.000217 0.999401 0.000165 0.000217 0.941806 0.000165 0.035698 0.022331 0.000217 0.000165 0.999401 0.000217 0.941053 0.038657 0.000165 0.020125 0.000217 0.999401 0.000165 0.000217 0.000217 0.000165 0.896238 0.103380 0.976728 0.022890 0.000165 0.000217 0.034796 0.838958 0.000165 0.126081 Consensus sequence: AGCAGACGAC Reserve complement motif 0.034796 0.000165 0.838958 0.126081 0.000217 0.022890 0.000165 0.976728 0.000217 0.896238 0.000165 0.103380 0.000217 0.000165 0.999401 0.000217 0.020125 0.038657 0.000165 0.941053 0.000217 0.999401 0.000165 0.000217 0.022331 0.000165 0.035698 0.941806 0.000217 0.000165 0.999401 0.000217 0.037860 0.961758 0.000165 0.000217 0.171998 0.098364 0.018885 0.710753 Consensus sequence: GTCGTCTGCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 181 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 217 Motif 217 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 2 10 0.058559 Original motif 0.122864 0.855328 0.000634 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.041511 0.000634 0.936681 0.021174 0.021174 0.020971 0.957019 0.000836 0.957221 0.041309 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.875868 0.102324 0.000634 0.021174 0.102526 0.041309 0.000634 0.855531 0.957221 0.000634 0.000634 0.041511 0.000836 0.997694 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.041310 0.916342 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.020971 0.957221 Consensus sequence: CGTGGACTGATACGT Reverse complement motif 0.957221 0.000634 0.020971 0.021174 0.021174 0.916342 0.041310 0.021174 0.000836 0.000634 0.997694 0.000836 0.041511 0.000634 0.000634 0.957221 0.855531 0.041309 0.000634 0.102526 0.021174 0.102324 0.000634 0.875868 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.041309 0.000634 0.957221 0.021174 0.957019 0.020971 0.000836 0.041511 0.936681 0.000634 0.021174 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.122864 0.000634 0.855328 0.021174 Consensus sequence: ACGTATCAGTCCACG Alignment: CGTGGACTGATACGT -GTCGTCTGCT---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 182 Motif name: Motif 182 Original motif 0.090739 0.789609 0.092967 0.026685 0.104065 0.856567 0.036662 0.002706 0.969568 0.005980 0.019692 0.004760 0.000980 0.025552 0.020858 0.952610 0.039597 0.004144 0.927471 0.028788 0.010102 0.835254 0.141517 0.013127 0.963563 0.033497 0.002254 0.000686 0.043081 0.814586 0.077455 0.064878 Consensus sequence: CCATGCAC Reserve complement motif 0.043081 0.077455 0.814586 0.064878 0.000686 0.033497 0.002254 0.963563 0.010102 0.141517 0.835254 0.013127 0.039597 0.927471 0.004144 0.028788 0.952610 0.025552 0.020858 0.000980 0.004760 0.005980 0.019692 0.969568 0.104065 0.036662 0.856567 0.002706 0.090739 0.092967 0.789609 0.026685 Consensus sequence: GTGCATGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 182 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 63 Motif 63 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 7 8 0.032091 Original motif 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.931207 0.022898 0.022898 0.022997 0.000852 0.953254 0.000753 0.045141 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.000852 0.798180 0.000753 0.200215 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 0.022997 0.975398 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.022997 0.067192 0.000753 0.909058 0.886908 0.000753 0.089342 0.022997 0.022997 0.931108 0.022898 0.022997 0.953352 0.022898 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 Consensus sequence: AAACACCCATACAC Reverse complement motif 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.022997 0.022898 0.000753 0.953352 0.022997 0.022898 0.931108 0.022997 0.022997 0.000753 0.089342 0.886908 0.909058 0.067192 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.022997 0.000753 0.975398 0.000852 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.798180 0.200215 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.953254 0.045141 0.022997 0.022898 0.022898 0.931207 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 Consensus sequence: GTGTATGGGTGTTT Alignment: AAACACCCATACAC ------CCATGCAC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 183 Motif name: Motif 183 Original motif 0.380276 0.091632 0.281576 0.246516 0.619167 0.031999 0.291416 0.057418 0.019820 0.032307 0.040945 0.906928 0.016986 0.000112 0.944289 0.038613 0.961327 0.000112 0.012632 0.025929 0.000147 0.919281 0.009052 0.071520 0.071520 0.009052 0.919281 0.000147 0.025929 0.012632 0.000112 0.961327 0.038613 0.944289 0.000112 0.016986 0.906928 0.040945 0.032307 0.019820 0.057418 0.291416 0.031999 0.619167 0.246516 0.281576 0.091632 0.380276 Consensus sequence: DATGACGTCATH Reserve complement motif 0.380276 0.281576 0.091632 0.246516 0.619167 0.291416 0.031999 0.057418 0.019820 0.040945 0.032307 0.906928 0.038613 0.000112 0.944289 0.016986 0.961327 0.012632 0.000112 0.025929 0.071520 0.919281 0.009052 0.000147 0.000147 0.009052 0.919281 0.071520 0.025929 0.000112 0.012632 0.961327 0.016986 0.944289 0.000112 0.038613 0.906928 0.032307 0.040945 0.019820 0.057418 0.031999 0.291416 0.619167 0.246516 0.091632 0.281576 0.380276 Consensus sequence: HATGACGTCATD ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 183 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 117 Motif 117 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 12 0.004859 Original motif 0.156402 0.383176 0.198104 0.262319 0.161481 0.279260 0.372435 0.186823 0.415599 0.129516 0.408899 0.045987 0.004256 0.029660 0.009937 0.956147 0.001247 0.002464 0.933357 0.062932 0.991796 0.000029 0.000840 0.007335 0.000030 0.976780 0.001246 0.021944 0.021944 0.001246 0.976780 0.000030 0.007335 0.000840 0.000029 0.991796 0.062932 0.933357 0.002464 0.001247 0.956147 0.009937 0.029660 0.004256 0.045987 0.408899 0.129516 0.415599 0.186823 0.372435 0.279260 0.161481 0.262319 0.198104 0.383176 0.156402 Consensus sequence: BBRTGACGTCAYVV Reverse complement motif 0.262319 0.383176 0.198104 0.156402 0.186823 0.279260 0.372435 0.161481 0.415599 0.408899 0.129516 0.045987 0.004256 0.009937 0.029660 0.956147 0.062932 0.002464 0.933357 0.001247 0.991796 0.000840 0.000029 0.007335 0.021944 0.976780 0.001246 0.000030 0.000030 0.001246 0.976780 0.021944 0.007335 0.000029 0.000840 0.991796 0.001247 0.933357 0.002464 0.062932 0.956147 0.029660 0.009937 0.004256 0.045987 0.129516 0.408899 0.415599 0.161481 0.372435 0.279260 0.186823 0.156402 0.198104 0.383176 0.262319 Consensus sequence: VVMTGACGTCAKBB Alignment: BBRTGACGTCAYVV -DATGACGTCATH- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 184 Motif name: Motif 184 Original motif 0.070237 0.043724 0.885890 0.000149 0.000149 0.054781 0.033332 0.911738 0.833926 0.112737 0.031650 0.021687 0.999625 0.000113 0.000113 0.000149 0.988801 0.010937 0.000113 0.000149 0.000149 0.999589 0.000113 0.000149 0.968847 0.021515 0.000113 0.009525 0.859554 0.140184 0.000113 0.000149 0.625570 0.148946 0.149277 0.076207 Consensus sequence: GTAAACAAA Reserve complement motif 0.076207 0.148946 0.149277 0.625570 0.000149 0.140184 0.000113 0.859554 0.009525 0.021515 0.000113 0.968847 0.000149 0.000113 0.999589 0.000149 0.000149 0.010937 0.000113 0.988801 0.000149 0.000113 0.000113 0.999625 0.021687 0.112737 0.031650 0.833926 0.911738 0.054781 0.033332 0.000149 0.070237 0.885890 0.043724 0.000149 Consensus sequence: TTTGTTTAC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 184 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 170 Motif 170 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 5 9 0.052795 Original motif 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.036008 0.000625 0.018301 0.945066 0.000653 0.000625 0.990742 0.007980 0.018330 0.000625 0.000625 0.980420 0.230489 0.000625 0.000625 0.768261 0.000653 0.000625 0.000625 0.998097 0.838999 0.071335 0.035979 0.053687 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.821299 0.018301 0.142070 0.018330 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.089048 0.000625 0.909674 0.000653 0.000653 0.945035 0.000625 0.053687 Consensus sequence: ACTGTTTACAAGC Reverse complement motif 0.000653 0.000625 0.945035 0.053687 0.089048 0.909674 0.000625 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 0.018330 0.018301 0.142070 0.821299 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.053687 0.071335 0.035979 0.838999 0.998097 0.000625 0.000625 0.000653 0.768261 0.000625 0.000625 0.230489 0.980420 0.000625 0.000625 0.018330 0.000653 0.990742 0.000625 0.007980 0.945066 0.000625 0.018301 0.036008 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 Consensus sequence: GCTTGTAAACAGT Alignment: GCTTGTAAACAGT GTAAACAAA---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 185 Motif name: Motif 185 Original motif 0.024108 0.908725 0.056054 0.011113 0.244530 0.539914 0.083188 0.132368 0.884974 0.000104 0.104802 0.010120 0.087016 0.018762 0.894085 0.000137 0.000137 0.000104 0.999622 0.000137 0.000137 0.939421 0.060305 0.000137 0.040575 0.826110 0.074588 0.058727 0.971014 0.025418 0.000104 0.003464 0.198903 0.000104 0.800856 0.000137 0.052905 0.119099 0.827859 0.000137 0.046376 0.491782 0.427383 0.034460 Consensus sequence: CCAGGCCAGGS Reserve complement motif 0.046376 0.427383 0.491782 0.034460 0.052905 0.827859 0.119099 0.000137 0.198903 0.800856 0.000104 0.000137 0.003464 0.025418 0.000104 0.971014 0.040575 0.074588 0.826110 0.058727 0.000137 0.060305 0.939421 0.000137 0.000137 0.999622 0.000104 0.000137 0.087016 0.894085 0.018762 0.000137 0.010120 0.000104 0.104802 0.884974 0.244530 0.083188 0.539914 0.132368 0.024108 0.056054 0.908725 0.011113 Consensus sequence: SCCTGGCCTGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 185 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 190 Motif 190 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 11 0.060253 Original motif 0.000241 0.993479 0.000183 0.006097 0.852989 0.023607 0.111451 0.011953 0.926692 0.041176 0.029464 0.002668 0.023665 0.058745 0.037746 0.879844 0.035378 0.011895 0.944203 0.008524 0.047093 0.838786 0.061173 0.052948 0.008524 0.746047 0.029464 0.215965 0.946687 0.000183 0.047033 0.006097 0.876415 0.058744 0.047032 0.017809 0.043654 0.061171 0.047033 0.848142 0.017809 0.006039 0.961772 0.014380 0.117365 0.600419 0.188275 0.093941 0.134936 0.504932 0.254478 0.105654 Consensus sequence: CAATGCCAATGCS Reverse complement motif 0.134936 0.254478 0.504932 0.105654 0.117365 0.188275 0.600419 0.093941 0.017809 0.961772 0.006039 0.014380 0.848142 0.061171 0.047033 0.043654 0.017809 0.058744 0.047032 0.876415 0.006097 0.000183 0.047033 0.946687 0.008524 0.029464 0.746047 0.215965 0.047093 0.061173 0.838786 0.052948 0.035378 0.944203 0.011895 0.008524 0.879844 0.058745 0.037746 0.023665 0.002668 0.041176 0.029464 0.926692 0.011953 0.023607 0.111451 0.852989 0.000241 0.000183 0.993479 0.006097 Consensus sequence: SGCATTGGCATTG Alignment: CAATGCCAATGCS CCAGGCCAGGS-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 186 Motif name: Motif 186 Original motif 0.859097 0.103493 0.009133 0.028277 0.805515 0.016127 0.016001 0.162357 0.907322 0.018081 0.006528 0.068069 0.921996 0.048674 0.007046 0.022284 0.000358 0.915386 0.000271 0.083985 0.897658 0.010238 0.006519 0.085585 0.979979 0.000271 0.019309 0.000441 0.933745 0.037868 0.026232 0.002155 Consensus sequence: AAAACAAA Reserve complement motif 0.002155 0.037868 0.026232 0.933745 0.000441 0.000271 0.019309 0.979979 0.085585 0.010238 0.006519 0.897658 0.000358 0.000271 0.915386 0.083985 0.022284 0.048674 0.007046 0.921996 0.068069 0.018081 0.006528 0.907322 0.162357 0.016127 0.016001 0.805515 0.028277 0.103493 0.009133 0.859097 Consensus sequence: TTTGTTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 186 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 148 Motif 148 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 4 8 0.022520 Original motif 0.594971 0.133285 0.062151 0.209593 0.906540 0.074799 0.000157 0.018504 0.949239 0.000157 0.050440 0.000164 0.873819 0.000157 0.125860 0.000164 0.000164 0.576703 0.000157 0.422976 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.000164 0.971186 0.000157 0.028493 0.999522 0.000157 0.000157 0.000164 0.790493 0.118223 0.000157 0.091127 Consensus sequence: AAAAYAAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.091127 0.118223 0.000157 0.790493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.971186 0.028493 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.000157 0.999522 0.000164 0.000157 0.576703 0.422976 0.000164 0.000157 0.125860 0.873819 0.000164 0.000157 0.050440 0.949239 0.018504 0.074799 0.000157 0.906540 0.209593 0.133285 0.062151 0.594971 Consensus sequence: TTGTTTKTTTT Alignment: TTGTTTKTTTT ---TTTGTTTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 187 Motif name: Motif 187 Original motif 0.092883 0.157433 0.068941 0.680743 0.000037 0.704045 0.018721 0.277197 0.063844 0.738230 0.057991 0.139935 0.844595 0.033724 0.059624 0.062057 0.007304 0.010091 0.001166 0.981439 0.000037 0.133101 0.114177 0.752685 0.000037 0.848791 0.149803 0.001369 0.940865 0.051808 0.001764 0.005563 0.161868 0.111060 0.065427 0.661645 0.136793 0.165057 0.153485 0.544665 Consensus sequence: TCCATTCATT Reserve complement motif 0.544665 0.165057 0.153485 0.136793 0.661645 0.111060 0.065427 0.161868 0.005563 0.051808 0.001764 0.940865 0.000037 0.149803 0.848791 0.001369 0.752685 0.133101 0.114177 0.000037 0.981439 0.010091 0.001166 0.007304 0.062057 0.033724 0.059624 0.844595 0.063844 0.057991 0.738230 0.139935 0.000037 0.018721 0.704045 0.277197 0.680743 0.157433 0.068941 0.092883 Consensus sequence: AATGAATGGA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 187 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 52 Motif 52 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 10 0.034936 Original motif 0.888118 0.000157 0.111547 0.000178 0.000178 0.000157 0.999487 0.000178 0.000178 0.052143 0.000157 0.947522 0.000178 0.105688 0.893956 0.000178 0.974460 0.000157 0.000157 0.025226 0.920968 0.078697 0.000157 0.000178 0.216753 0.000157 0.662127 0.120963 0.134322 0.000157 0.865343 0.000178 0.116153 0.000157 0.751084 0.132606 0.085857 0.025267 0.828103 0.060773 0.954931 0.000157 0.000157 0.044755 Consensus sequence: AGTGAAGGGGA Reverse complement motif 0.044755 0.000157 0.000157 0.954931 0.085857 0.828103 0.025267 0.060773 0.116153 0.751084 0.000157 0.132606 0.134322 0.865343 0.000157 0.000178 0.216753 0.662127 0.000157 0.120963 0.000178 0.078697 0.000157 0.920968 0.025226 0.000157 0.000157 0.974460 0.000178 0.893956 0.105688 0.000178 0.947522 0.052143 0.000157 0.000178 0.000178 0.999487 0.000157 0.000178 0.000178 0.000157 0.111547 0.888118 Consensus sequence: TCCCCTTCACT Alignment: AGTGAAGGGGA -AATGAATGGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 188 Motif name: Motif 188 Original motif 0.843858 0.055041 0.038122 0.062979 0.000207 0.000157 0.018692 0.980944 0.935112 0.031895 0.024088 0.008905 0.964446 0.009257 0.014827 0.011470 0.000207 0.112778 0.004588 0.882427 0.744161 0.030751 0.081231 0.143857 0.958428 0.022917 0.013803 0.004852 0.000207 0.034712 0.019652 0.945429 0.901445 0.013008 0.038203 0.047344 Consensus sequence: ATAATAATA Reserve complement motif 0.047344 0.013008 0.038203 0.901445 0.945429 0.034712 0.019652 0.000207 0.004852 0.022917 0.013803 0.958428 0.143857 0.030751 0.081231 0.744161 0.882427 0.112778 0.004588 0.000207 0.011470 0.009257 0.014827 0.964446 0.008905 0.031895 0.024088 0.935112 0.980944 0.000157 0.018692 0.000207 0.062979 0.055041 0.038122 0.843858 Consensus sequence: TATTATTAT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 188 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 33 Motif 33 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 9 0.060881 Original motif 0.032796 0.000547 0.949949 0.016708 0.064973 0.000547 0.917772 0.016708 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.000619 0.998215 0.000547 0.000619 0.740825 0.016636 0.241920 0.000619 0.048884 0.048813 0.032724 0.869579 0.000619 0.032724 0.000547 0.966110 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.998287 0.000547 0.000547 0.000619 0.805224 0.097078 0.000547 0.097151 0.933932 0.016636 0.016636 0.032796 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.048814 0.000547 0.950020 0.064973 0.869507 0.000547 0.064973 0.129328 0.805151 0.000547 0.064974 Consensus sequence: GGTCATTAAAAATCC Reverse complement motif 0.129328 0.000547 0.805151 0.064974 0.064973 0.000547 0.869507 0.064973 0.950020 0.048814 0.000547 0.000619 0.000619 0.016636 0.000547 0.982198 0.032796 0.016636 0.016636 0.933932 0.097151 0.097078 0.000547 0.805224 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.000619 0.000547 0.000547 0.998287 0.966110 0.032724 0.000547 0.000619 0.869579 0.048813 0.032724 0.048884 0.000619 0.016636 0.241920 0.740825 0.000619 0.000547 0.998215 0.000619 0.982198 0.016636 0.000547 0.000619 0.064973 0.917772 0.000547 0.016708 0.032796 0.949949 0.000547 0.016708 Consensus sequence: GGATTTTTAATGACC Alignment: GGATTTTTAATGACC -TATTATTAT----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 189 Motif name: Motif 189 Original motif 0.971670 0.000215 0.027831 0.000284 0.909537 0.027830 0.000215 0.062418 0.606639 0.217962 0.100360 0.075039 0.923340 0.055450 0.014023 0.007187 0.000284 0.034733 0.000215 0.964768 0.000284 0.000215 0.999217 0.000284 0.007187 0.014023 0.975645 0.003145 0.000284 0.964697 0.034735 0.000284 0.034804 0.000215 0.964697 0.000284 0.641172 0.072108 0.178207 0.108513 0.007187 0.902570 0.007119 0.083124 0.152163 0.194155 0.333275 0.320407 Consensus sequence: AAAATGGCGACB Reserve complement motif 0.152163 0.333275 0.194155 0.320407 0.007187 0.007119 0.902570 0.083124 0.108513 0.072108 0.178207 0.641172 0.034804 0.964697 0.000215 0.000284 0.000284 0.034735 0.964697 0.000284 0.007187 0.975645 0.014023 0.003145 0.000284 0.999217 0.000215 0.000284 0.964768 0.034733 0.000215 0.000284 0.007187 0.055450 0.014023 0.923340 0.075039 0.217962 0.100360 0.606639 0.062418 0.027830 0.000215 0.909537 0.000284 0.000215 0.027831 0.971670 Consensus sequence: BGTCGCCATTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 189 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 116 Motif 116 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 12 0.007060 Original motif 0.228594 0.472591 0.077948 0.220868 0.170586 0.783108 0.032422 0.013884 0.997310 0.001762 0.000896 0.000032 0.948827 0.003494 0.003494 0.044185 0.259257 0.247341 0.436230 0.057171 0.999040 0.000031 0.000031 0.000898 0.001763 0.002628 0.000896 0.994713 0.000032 0.000031 0.999905 0.000032 0.003495 0.001762 0.975665 0.019078 0.014750 0.967006 0.000031 0.018213 0.030333 0.136316 0.745518 0.087833 0.095624 0.074485 0.729432 0.100459 0.260986 0.603536 0.059767 0.075711 0.144105 0.445607 0.233641 0.176646 0.273973 0.212860 0.361775 0.151391 Consensus sequence: HCAAVATGGCGGCBV Reverse complement motif 0.273973 0.361775 0.212860 0.151391 0.144105 0.233641 0.445607 0.176646 0.260986 0.059767 0.603536 0.075711 0.095624 0.729432 0.074485 0.100459 0.030333 0.745518 0.136316 0.087833 0.014750 0.000031 0.967006 0.018213 0.003495 0.975665 0.001762 0.019078 0.000032 0.999905 0.000031 0.000032 0.994713 0.002628 0.000896 0.001763 0.000898 0.000031 0.000031 0.999040 0.259257 0.436230 0.247341 0.057171 0.044185 0.003494 0.003494 0.948827 0.000032 0.001762 0.000896 0.997310 0.170586 0.032422 0.783108 0.013884 0.228594 0.077948 0.472591 0.220868 Consensus sequence: VBGCCGCCATVTTGD Alignment: HCAAVATGGCGGCBV --AAAATGGCGACB- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 190 Motif name: Motif 190 Original motif 0.000241 0.993479 0.000183 0.006097 0.852989 0.023607 0.111451 0.011953 0.926692 0.041176 0.029464 0.002668 0.023665 0.058745 0.037746 0.879844 0.035378 0.011895 0.944203 0.008524 0.047093 0.838786 0.061173 0.052948 0.008524 0.746047 0.029464 0.215965 0.946687 0.000183 0.047033 0.006097 0.876415 0.058744 0.047032 0.017809 0.043654 0.061171 0.047033 0.848142 0.017809 0.006039 0.961772 0.014380 0.117365 0.600419 0.188275 0.093941 0.134936 0.504932 0.254478 0.105654 Consensus sequence: CAATGCCAATGCS Reserve complement motif 0.134936 0.254478 0.504932 0.105654 0.117365 0.188275 0.600419 0.093941 0.017809 0.961772 0.006039 0.014380 0.848142 0.061171 0.047033 0.043654 0.017809 0.058744 0.047032 0.876415 0.006097 0.000183 0.047033 0.946687 0.008524 0.029464 0.746047 0.215965 0.047093 0.061173 0.838786 0.052948 0.035378 0.944203 0.011895 0.008524 0.879844 0.058745 0.037746 0.023665 0.002668 0.041176 0.029464 0.926692 0.011953 0.023607 0.111451 0.852989 0.000241 0.000183 0.993479 0.006097 Consensus sequence: SGCATTGGCATTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 190 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 125 Motif 125 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 2 13 0.069920 Original motif 0.032627 0.908456 0.058839 0.000078 0.225018 0.002186 0.748615 0.024181 0.006413 0.993434 0.000075 0.000078 0.863754 0.063423 0.045294 0.027529 0.014859 0.071869 0.069759 0.843513 0.002190 0.000075 0.997657 0.000078 0.008525 0.991322 0.000075 0.000078 0.002190 0.000075 0.995545 0.002190 0.010636 0.710437 0.004298 0.274629 0.833319 0.029635 0.062186 0.074860 0.029641 0.482557 0.430712 0.057091 0.194347 0.064298 0.079079 0.662276 0.297679 0.191005 0.336335 0.174981 0.140320 0.284975 0.488412 0.086294 Consensus sequence: CGCATGCGCASTVS Reverse complement motif 0.140320 0.488412 0.284975 0.086294 0.297679 0.336335 0.191005 0.174981 0.662276 0.064298 0.079079 0.194347 0.029641 0.430712 0.482557 0.057091 0.074860 0.029635 0.062186 0.833319 0.010636 0.004298 0.710437 0.274629 0.002190 0.995545 0.000075 0.002190 0.008525 0.000075 0.991322 0.000078 0.002190 0.997657 0.000075 0.000078 0.843513 0.071869 0.069759 0.014859 0.027529 0.063423 0.045294 0.863754 0.006413 0.000075 0.993434 0.000078 0.225018 0.748615 0.002186 0.024181 0.032627 0.058839 0.908456 0.000078 Consensus sequence: SVASTGCGCATGCG Alignment: SVASTGCGCATGCG CAATGCCAATGCS- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 191 Motif name: Motif 191 Original motif 0.570585 0.069933 0.154814 0.204668 0.504727 0.108555 0.114285 0.272433 0.652298 0.059677 0.282881 0.005144 0.750343 0.032754 0.216812 0.000091 0.000091 0.000069 0.000069 0.999771 0.024186 0.889417 0.034277 0.052120 0.902793 0.000069 0.097047 0.000091 0.910495 0.000069 0.000069 0.089367 0.000091 0.000069 0.000069 0.999771 0.969435 0.018241 0.000069 0.012255 Consensus sequence: AWAATCAATA Reserve complement motif 0.012255 0.018241 0.000069 0.969435 0.999771 0.000069 0.000069 0.000091 0.089367 0.000069 0.000069 0.910495 0.000091 0.000069 0.097047 0.902793 0.024186 0.034277 0.889417 0.052120 0.999771 0.000069 0.000069 0.000091 0.000091 0.032754 0.216812 0.750343 0.005144 0.059677 0.282881 0.652298 0.272433 0.108555 0.114285 0.504727 0.204668 0.069933 0.154814 0.570585 Consensus sequence: TATTGATTWT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 191 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 138 Motif 138 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 10 0.068236 Original motif 0.130504 0.675408 0.144489 0.049599 0.000144 0.000138 0.007940 0.991778 0.089873 0.824021 0.043052 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.004039 0.004045 0.000144 0.004039 0.000138 0.995679 0.046961 0.097671 0.749889 0.105479 0.921555 0.066459 0.011842 0.000144 0.980073 0.011842 0.000138 0.007947 0.000144 0.000138 0.000138 0.999580 0.958945 0.000138 0.036872 0.004045 0.464732 0.019644 0.039151 0.476473 0.043058 0.035249 0.109374 0.812319 0.074270 0.339926 0.039150 0.546654 0.874740 0.074262 0.015743 0.035255 Consensus sequence: CTCATGAATAWTYA Reverse complement motif 0.035255 0.074262 0.015743 0.874740 0.546654 0.339926 0.039150 0.074270 0.812319 0.035249 0.109374 0.043058 0.476473 0.019644 0.039151 0.464732 0.004045 0.000138 0.036872 0.958945 0.999580 0.000138 0.000138 0.000144 0.007947 0.011842 0.000138 0.980073 0.000144 0.066459 0.011842 0.921555 0.046961 0.749889 0.097671 0.105479 0.995679 0.004039 0.000138 0.000144 0.004045 0.000138 0.004039 0.991778 0.089873 0.043052 0.824021 0.043054 0.991778 0.000138 0.007940 0.000144 0.130504 0.144489 0.675408 0.049599 Consensus sequence: TMAWTATTCATGAG Alignment: TMAWTATTCATGAG ----TATTGATTWT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 192 Motif name: Motif 192 Original motif 0.085123 0.571679 0.277660 0.065538 0.060212 0.057253 0.026871 0.855664 0.999432 0.000171 0.000171 0.000226 0.000226 0.000171 0.999377 0.000226 0.396314 0.103686 0.103686 0.396314 0.000226 0.999377 0.000171 0.000226 0.000226 0.000171 0.000171 0.999432 0.855664 0.026871 0.057253 0.060212 0.065538 0.277660 0.571679 0.085123 Consensus sequence: CTAGWCTAG Reserve complement motif 0.065538 0.571679 0.277660 0.085123 0.060212 0.026871 0.057253 0.855664 0.999432 0.000171 0.000171 0.000226 0.000226 0.000171 0.999377 0.000226 0.396314 0.103686 0.103686 0.396314 0.000226 0.999377 0.000171 0.000226 0.000226 0.000171 0.000171 0.999432 0.855664 0.057253 0.026871 0.060212 0.085123 0.277660 0.571679 0.065538 Consensus sequence: CTAGWCTAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 192 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 26 Motif 26 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 9 0.003110 Original motif 0.020400 0.025191 0.954108 0.000301 0.000301 0.000266 0.133302 0.866131 0.999167 0.000266 0.000266 0.000301 0.118978 0.010362 0.870359 0.000301 0.041264 0.033617 0.898313 0.026806 0.000301 0.999132 0.000266 0.000301 0.000301 0.004985 0.020494 0.974220 0.999167 0.000266 0.000266 0.000301 0.564183 0.169783 0.036597 0.229437 0.665223 0.054977 0.015905 0.263895 Consensus sequence: GTAGGCTAAA Reverse complement motif 0.263895 0.054977 0.015905 0.665223 0.229437 0.169783 0.036597 0.564183 0.000301 0.000266 0.000266 0.999167 0.974220 0.004985 0.020494 0.000301 0.000301 0.000266 0.999132 0.000301 0.041264 0.898313 0.033617 0.026806 0.118978 0.870359 0.010362 0.000301 0.000301 0.000266 0.000266 0.999167 0.866131 0.000266 0.133302 0.000301 0.020400 0.954108 0.025191 0.000301 Consensus sequence: TTTAGCCTAC Alignment: TTTAGCCTAC CTAGWCTAG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 193 Motif name: Motif 193 Original motif 0.051174 0.254031 0.006158 0.688637 0.018498 0.000190 0.977471 0.003841 0.032898 0.939633 0.006050 0.021419 0.903844 0.016886 0.073768 0.005502 0.005502 0.073768 0.016886 0.903844 0.021419 0.006050 0.939633 0.032898 0.003841 0.977471 0.000190 0.018498 0.688637 0.006158 0.254031 0.051174 Consensus sequence: TGCATGCA Reserve complement motif 0.051174 0.006158 0.254031 0.688637 0.003841 0.000190 0.977471 0.018498 0.021419 0.939633 0.006050 0.032898 0.903844 0.073768 0.016886 0.005502 0.005502 0.016886 0.073768 0.903844 0.032898 0.006050 0.939633 0.021419 0.018498 0.977471 0.000190 0.003841 0.688637 0.254031 0.006158 0.051174 Consensus sequence: TGCATGCA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 193 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 31 Motif 31 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 3 8 0.033044 Original motif 0.079345 0.056057 0.856592 0.008006 0.000535 0.998457 0.000473 0.000535 0.000535 0.028263 0.970667 0.000535 0.000535 0.998457 0.000473 0.000535 0.923288 0.000473 0.069956 0.006283 0.042221 0.014369 0.000473 0.942937 0.000535 0.028263 0.970667 0.000535 0.000535 0.998457 0.000473 0.000535 0.000535 0.055974 0.942956 0.000535 0.000535 0.928974 0.000473 0.070018 0.895381 0.020175 0.083909 0.000535 Consensus sequence: GCGCATGCGCA Reverse complement motif 0.000535 0.020175 0.083909 0.895381 0.000535 0.000473 0.928974 0.070018 0.000535 0.942956 0.055974 0.000535 0.000535 0.000473 0.998457 0.000535 0.000535 0.970667 0.028263 0.000535 0.942937 0.014369 0.000473 0.042221 0.006283 0.000473 0.069956 0.923288 0.000535 0.000473 0.998457 0.000535 0.000535 0.970667 0.028263 0.000535 0.000535 0.000473 0.998457 0.000535 0.079345 0.856592 0.056057 0.008006 Consensus sequence: TGCGCATGCGC Alignment: GCGCATGCGCA -TGCATGCA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 194 Motif name: Motif 194 Original motif 0.208153 0.791483 0.000157 0.000207 0.000207 0.000157 0.999429 0.000207 0.923478 0.000157 0.076158 0.000207 0.000207 0.014294 0.000157 0.985342 0.000207 0.975224 0.024362 0.000207 0.000207 0.000157 0.999429 0.000207 0.772091 0.227545 0.000157 0.000207 0.000207 0.258260 0.614571 0.126962 0.230127 0.139963 0.423587 0.206323 Consensus sequence: CGATCGAGD Reserve complement motif 0.230127 0.423587 0.139963 0.206323 0.000207 0.614571 0.258260 0.126962 0.000207 0.227545 0.000157 0.772091 0.000207 0.999429 0.000157 0.000207 0.000207 0.024362 0.975224 0.000207 0.985342 0.014294 0.000157 0.000207 0.000207 0.000157 0.076158 0.923478 0.000207 0.999429 0.000157 0.000207 0.208153 0.000157 0.791483 0.000207 Consensus sequence: HCTCGATCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 194 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 7 Motif 7 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 1 9 0.030865 Original motif 0.010510 0.665276 0.028435 0.295779 0.080364 0.763172 0.150701 0.005763 0.078821 0.039434 0.071070 0.810675 0.005931 0.739026 0.000058 0.254985 0.023012 0.949793 0.019121 0.008074 0.846475 0.000058 0.151557 0.001910 0.000066 0.021940 0.037607 0.940387 0.000066 0.876249 0.000058 0.123627 0.498355 0.249311 0.122438 0.129896 Consensus sequence: CCTCCATCH Reverse complement motif 0.129896 0.249311 0.122438 0.498355 0.000066 0.000058 0.876249 0.123627 0.940387 0.021940 0.037607 0.000066 0.001910 0.000058 0.151557 0.846475 0.023012 0.019121 0.949793 0.008074 0.005931 0.000058 0.739026 0.254985 0.810675 0.039434 0.071070 0.078821 0.080364 0.150701 0.763172 0.005763 0.010510 0.028435 0.665276 0.295779 Consensus sequence: HGATGGAGG Alignment: CCTCCATCH HCTCGATCG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 195 Motif name: Motif 195 Original motif 0.271367 0.104528 0.538980 0.085125 0.000286 0.000216 0.007642 0.991856 0.985393 0.000216 0.014105 0.000286 0.001322 0.991323 0.007069 0.000286 0.047406 0.924980 0.000216 0.027398 0.027398 0.000216 0.924980 0.047406 0.000286 0.007069 0.991323 0.001322 0.000286 0.014105 0.000216 0.985393 0.991856 0.007642 0.000216 0.000286 0.085125 0.538980 0.104528 0.271367 Consensus sequence: RTACCGGTAY Reserve complement motif 0.085125 0.104528 0.538980 0.271367 0.000286 0.007642 0.000216 0.991856 0.985393 0.014105 0.000216 0.000286 0.000286 0.991323 0.007069 0.001322 0.027398 0.924980 0.000216 0.047406 0.047406 0.000216 0.924980 0.027398 0.001322 0.007069 0.991323 0.000286 0.000286 0.000216 0.014105 0.985393 0.991856 0.000216 0.007642 0.000286 0.271367 0.538980 0.104528 0.085125 Consensus sequence: KTACCGGTAM ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 195 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 133 Motif 133 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 10 0.003271 Original motif 0.290155 0.069748 0.190793 0.449304 0.319026 0.242842 0.336811 0.101321 0.000078 0.007491 0.000075 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.000078 0.965744 0.000075 0.034103 0.541215 0.013846 0.007491 0.437448 0.437448 0.007491 0.013846 0.541215 0.034103 0.000075 0.965744 0.000078 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.000075 0.007491 0.000078 0.101321 0.336811 0.242842 0.319026 0.449304 0.190793 0.069748 0.290155 Consensus sequence: DVTACWWGTABH Reverse complement motif 0.290155 0.190793 0.069748 0.449304 0.101321 0.242842 0.336811 0.319026 0.000078 0.000075 0.007491 0.992356 0.999772 0.000075 0.000075 0.000078 0.034103 0.965744 0.000075 0.000078 0.541215 0.007491 0.013846 0.437448 0.437448 0.013846 0.007491 0.541215 0.000078 0.000075 0.965744 0.034103 0.000078 0.000075 0.000075 0.999772 0.992356 0.007491 0.000075 0.000078 0.319026 0.336811 0.242842 0.101321 0.449304 0.069748 0.190793 0.290155 Consensus sequence: HBTACWWGTAVD Alignment: DVTACWWGTABH -RTACCGGTAY- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 196 Motif name: Motif 196 Original motif 0.460476 0.021836 0.517495 0.000193 0.000193 0.203614 0.000146 0.796047 0.000193 0.000146 0.950028 0.049633 0.000193 0.000146 0.999468 0.000193 0.000193 0.000146 0.999468 0.000193 0.999515 0.000146 0.000146 0.000193 0.000193 0.999468 0.000146 0.000193 0.000193 0.255213 0.000146 0.744448 0.354971 0.000146 0.644690 0.000193 0.431389 0.192924 0.175649 0.200038 Consensus sequence: RTGGGACTRH Reserve complement motif 0.200038 0.192924 0.175649 0.431389 0.354971 0.644690 0.000146 0.000193 0.744448 0.255213 0.000146 0.000193 0.000193 0.000146 0.999468 0.000193 0.000193 0.000146 0.000146 0.999515 0.000193 0.999468 0.000146 0.000193 0.000193 0.999468 0.000146 0.000193 0.000193 0.950028 0.000146 0.049633 0.796047 0.203614 0.000146 0.000193 0.460476 0.517495 0.021836 0.000193 Consensus sequence: HMAGTCCCAM ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 196 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 217 Motif 217 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 10 0.060303 Original motif 0.122864 0.855328 0.000634 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.041511 0.000634 0.936681 0.021174 0.021174 0.020971 0.957019 0.000836 0.957221 0.041309 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.875868 0.102324 0.000634 0.021174 0.102526 0.041309 0.000634 0.855531 0.957221 0.000634 0.000634 0.041511 0.000836 0.997694 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.041310 0.916342 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.020971 0.957221 Consensus sequence: CGTGGACTGATACGT Reverse complement motif 0.957221 0.000634 0.020971 0.021174 0.021174 0.916342 0.041310 0.021174 0.000836 0.000634 0.997694 0.000836 0.041511 0.000634 0.000634 0.957221 0.855531 0.041309 0.000634 0.102526 0.021174 0.102324 0.000634 0.875868 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.041309 0.000634 0.957221 0.021174 0.957019 0.020971 0.000836 0.041511 0.936681 0.000634 0.021174 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.122864 0.000634 0.855328 0.021174 Consensus sequence: ACGTATCAGTCCACG Alignment: ACGTATCAGTCCACG -----HMAGTCCCAM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 197 Motif name: Motif 197 Original motif 0.013949 0.970058 0.015804 0.000189 0.818743 0.018490 0.110224 0.052543 0.000189 0.009317 0.018490 0.972004 0.000189 0.949029 0.046007 0.004775 0.738082 0.013903 0.211132 0.036883 0.000189 0.078118 0.023077 0.898616 0.018536 0.900309 0.041424 0.039731 0.921551 0.004730 0.073530 0.000189 0.013949 0.091878 0.036837 0.857336 0.050643 0.726963 0.105635 0.116759 0.658997 0.056300 0.224887 0.059816 0.055230 0.082705 0.055185 0.806880 0.050642 0.780102 0.073530 0.095726 0.561885 0.258901 0.087291 0.091923 Consensus sequence: CATCATCATCATCA Reserve complement motif 0.091923 0.258901 0.087291 0.561885 0.050642 0.073530 0.780102 0.095726 0.806880 0.082705 0.055185 0.055230 0.059816 0.056300 0.224887 0.658997 0.050643 0.105635 0.726963 0.116759 0.857336 0.091878 0.036837 0.013949 0.000189 0.004730 0.073530 0.921551 0.018536 0.041424 0.900309 0.039731 0.898616 0.078118 0.023077 0.000189 0.036883 0.013903 0.211132 0.738082 0.000189 0.046007 0.949029 0.004775 0.972004 0.009317 0.018490 0.000189 0.052543 0.018490 0.110224 0.818743 0.013949 0.015804 0.970058 0.000189 Consensus sequence: TGATGATGATGATG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 197 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 162 Motif 162 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 1 14 0.018434 Original motif 0.868968 0.000271 0.092181 0.038580 0.000283 0.153455 0.015589 0.830673 0.011117 0.000271 0.789189 0.199423 0.669827 0.000271 0.237708 0.092194 0.000283 0.030908 0.015589 0.953220 0.064732 0.015589 0.789187 0.130492 0.976198 0.023248 0.000271 0.000283 0.069216 0.015589 0.099841 0.815354 0.007942 0.023248 0.914912 0.053898 0.953220 0.000271 0.015589 0.030920 0.000283 0.253027 0.030908 0.715782 0.000283 0.000271 0.876615 0.122831 0.999175 0.000271 0.000271 0.000283 0.122830 0.344938 0.053886 0.478346 0.378763 0.053885 0.452181 0.115172 Consensus sequence: ATGATGATGATGAYR Reverse complement motif 0.378763 0.452181 0.053885 0.115172 0.478346 0.344938 0.053886 0.122830 0.000283 0.000271 0.000271 0.999175 0.000283 0.876615 0.000271 0.122831 0.715782 0.253027 0.030908 0.000283 0.030920 0.000271 0.015589 0.953220 0.007942 0.914912 0.023248 0.053898 0.815354 0.015589 0.099841 0.069216 0.000283 0.023248 0.000271 0.976198 0.064732 0.789187 0.015589 0.130492 0.953220 0.030908 0.015589 0.000283 0.092194 0.000271 0.237708 0.669827 0.011117 0.789189 0.000271 0.199423 0.830673 0.153455 0.015589 0.000283 0.038580 0.000271 0.092181 0.868968 Consensus sequence: MMTCATCATCATCAT Alignment: ATGATGATGATGAYR TGATGATGATGATG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 198 Motif name: Motif 198 Original motif 0.918470 0.046788 0.028995 0.005747 0.931282 0.022023 0.017450 0.029245 0.001724 0.969378 0.008718 0.020180 0.890246 0.024240 0.058603 0.026911 0.903772 0.014546 0.019428 0.062254 0.053088 0.882759 0.013559 0.050594 0.955900 0.004259 0.038851 0.000990 0.948124 0.004913 0.024923 0.022040 0.066065 0.900950 0.016463 0.016522 0.834279 0.048160 0.069315 0.048246 Consensus sequence: AACAACAACA Reserve complement motif 0.048246 0.048160 0.069315 0.834279 0.066065 0.016463 0.900950 0.016522 0.022040 0.004913 0.024923 0.948124 0.000990 0.004259 0.038851 0.955900 0.053088 0.013559 0.882759 0.050594 0.062254 0.014546 0.019428 0.903772 0.026911 0.024240 0.058603 0.890246 0.001724 0.008718 0.969378 0.020180 0.029245 0.022023 0.017450 0.931282 0.005747 0.046788 0.028995 0.918470 Consensus sequence: TGTTGTTGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 198 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 112 Motif 112 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 2 10 0.006077 Original motif 0.057207 0.809719 0.000601 0.132473 0.885141 0.038235 0.000601 0.076023 0.885141 0.000601 0.038235 0.076023 0.019573 0.884986 0.019418 0.076023 0.960407 0.000601 0.038235 0.000757 0.941590 0.019418 0.038235 0.000757 0.000757 0.884985 0.057051 0.057207 0.922775 0.000601 0.057051 0.019573 0.941591 0.000601 0.000601 0.057207 0.019573 0.809719 0.094685 0.076023 0.960408 0.019418 0.000601 0.019573 0.885141 0.000601 0.113501 0.000757 0.000757 0.847352 0.000601 0.151290 0.998041 0.000601 0.000601 0.000757 0.960408 0.000601 0.019418 0.019573 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.019573 0.000601 0.019418 0.960408 0.000757 0.000601 0.000601 0.998041 0.000757 0.000601 0.847352 0.151290 0.000757 0.000601 0.113501 0.885141 0.019573 0.019418 0.000601 0.960408 0.019573 0.094685 0.809719 0.076023 0.057207 0.000601 0.000601 0.941591 0.019573 0.000601 0.057051 0.922775 0.000757 0.057051 0.884985 0.057207 0.000757 0.019418 0.038235 0.941590 0.000757 0.000601 0.038235 0.960407 0.019573 0.019418 0.884986 0.076023 0.076023 0.000601 0.038235 0.885141 0.076023 0.038235 0.000601 0.885141 0.057207 0.000601 0.809719 0.132473 Consensus sequence: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG Alignment: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG ----TGTTGTTGTT- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 199 Motif name: Motif 199 Original motif 0.020033 0.919286 0.040126 0.020555 0.032779 0.010519 0.028017 0.928685 0.097400 0.891971 0.003581 0.007048 0.885943 0.035291 0.065132 0.013634 0.003881 0.001740 0.990604 0.003775 0.045541 0.877438 0.001980 0.075041 0.000637 0.003250 0.000481 0.995632 0.083690 0.861205 0.013621 0.041484 0.855139 0.077269 0.036685 0.030907 0.069772 0.017419 0.895004 0.017805 Consensus sequence: CTCAGCTCAG Reserve complement motif 0.069772 0.895004 0.017419 0.017805 0.030907 0.077269 0.036685 0.855139 0.083690 0.013621 0.861205 0.041484 0.995632 0.003250 0.000481 0.000637 0.045541 0.001980 0.877438 0.075041 0.003881 0.990604 0.001740 0.003775 0.013634 0.035291 0.065132 0.885943 0.097400 0.003581 0.891971 0.007048 0.928685 0.010519 0.028017 0.032779 0.020033 0.040126 0.919286 0.020555 Consensus sequence: CTGAGCTGAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 199 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 25 Motif 25 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 3 10 0.021284 Original motif 0.993157 0.000210 0.006395 0.000238 0.031144 0.006395 0.962223 0.000238 0.000238 0.980761 0.006395 0.012606 0.968420 0.006395 0.012579 0.012606 0.012606 0.000210 0.962209 0.024975 0.086831 0.000210 0.906537 0.006422 0.049712 0.018763 0.900363 0.031162 0.024975 0.900366 0.024947 0.049712 0.006422 0.006395 0.024947 0.962236 0.037344 0.000210 0.956024 0.006422 0.547251 0.284783 0.024947 0.143019 0.136298 0.008953 0.848327 0.006422 0.006422 0.931287 0.018763 0.043528 0.000238 0.875616 0.012579 0.111567 Consensus sequence: AGCAGGGCTGMGCC Reverse complement motif 0.000238 0.012579 0.875616 0.111567 0.006422 0.018763 0.931287 0.043528 0.136298 0.848327 0.008953 0.006422 0.143019 0.284783 0.024947 0.547251 0.037344 0.956024 0.000210 0.006422 0.962236 0.006395 0.024947 0.006422 0.024975 0.024947 0.900366 0.049712 0.049712 0.900363 0.018763 0.031162 0.086831 0.906537 0.000210 0.006422 0.012606 0.962209 0.000210 0.024975 0.012606 0.006395 0.012579 0.968420 0.000238 0.006395 0.980761 0.012606 0.031144 0.962223 0.006395 0.000238 0.000238 0.000210 0.006395 0.993157 Consensus sequence: GGCYCAGCCCTGCT Alignment: GGCYCAGCCCTGCT --CTCAGCTCAG-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 200 Motif name: Motif 200 Original motif 0.000255 0.934656 0.064834 0.000255 0.000255 0.000194 0.000194 0.999357 0.031293 0.968258 0.000194 0.000255 0.000255 0.111445 0.548486 0.339814 0.931073 0.000194 0.000194 0.068539 0.000255 0.073434 0.842783 0.083528 0.009035 0.972181 0.000194 0.018590 0.056122 0.123286 0.012609 0.807983 0.000255 0.974466 0.018816 0.006463 0.012670 0.109069 0.252572 0.625689 0.188114 0.131112 0.612722 0.068052 0.102143 0.652610 0.105724 0.139523 Consensus sequence: CTCKAGCTCTGC Reserve complement motif 0.102143 0.105724 0.652610 0.139523 0.188114 0.612722 0.131112 0.068052 0.625689 0.109069 0.252572 0.012670 0.000255 0.018816 0.974466 0.006463 0.807983 0.123286 0.012609 0.056122 0.009035 0.000194 0.972181 0.018590 0.000255 0.842783 0.073434 0.083528 0.068539 0.000194 0.000194 0.931073 0.000255 0.548486 0.111445 0.339814 0.031293 0.000194 0.968258 0.000255 0.999357 0.000194 0.000194 0.000255 0.000255 0.064834 0.934656 0.000255 Consensus sequence: GCAGAGCTYGAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 200 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 5 Motif 5 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 2 12 0.068989 Original motif 0.908345 0.000039 0.089165 0.002451 0.012522 0.000039 0.981729 0.005710 0.936094 0.014772 0.040686 0.008448 0.215119 0.100667 0.637976 0.046238 0.906618 0.014771 0.075167 0.003444 0.086089 0.001858 0.912009 0.000044 0.950581 0.018168 0.008091 0.023160 0.098147 0.098589 0.772398 0.030866 0.853933 0.002989 0.140102 0.002976 0.125435 0.021870 0.852651 0.000044 0.867090 0.059275 0.054990 0.018645 0.111169 0.068610 0.793337 0.026884 0.886251 0.034803 0.053951 0.024995 0.092887 0.009349 0.893656 0.004108 0.845618 0.006360 0.104467 0.043555 Consensus sequence: AGAGAGAGAGAGAGA Reverse complement motif 0.043555 0.006360 0.104467 0.845618 0.092887 0.893656 0.009349 0.004108 0.024995 0.034803 0.053951 0.886251 0.111169 0.793337 0.068610 0.026884 0.018645 0.059275 0.054990 0.867090 0.125435 0.852651 0.021870 0.000044 0.002976 0.002989 0.140102 0.853933 0.098147 0.772398 0.098589 0.030866 0.023160 0.018168 0.008091 0.950581 0.086089 0.912009 0.001858 0.000044 0.003444 0.014771 0.075167 0.906618 0.215119 0.637976 0.100667 0.046238 0.008448 0.014772 0.040686 0.936094 0.012522 0.981729 0.000039 0.005710 0.002451 0.000039 0.089165 0.908345 Consensus sequence: TCTCTCTCTCTCTCT Alignment: AGAGAGAGAGAGAGA -GCAGAGCTYGAG-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 201 Motif name: Motif 201 Original motif 0.918929 0.038335 0.023619 0.019117 0.000458 0.000347 0.976477 0.022718 0.961529 0.000347 0.037666 0.000458 0.011575 0.044867 0.611347 0.332211 0.000458 0.000347 0.998737 0.000458 0.011587 0.000347 0.987608 0.000458 0.000458 0.998737 0.000347 0.000458 0.830884 0.038349 0.089390 0.041377 0.000458 0.000347 0.998737 0.000458 0.000458 0.866467 0.000347 0.132728 0.944678 0.054517 0.000347 0.000458 Consensus sequence: AGAKGGCAGCA Reserve complement motif 0.000458 0.054517 0.000347 0.944678 0.000458 0.000347 0.866467 0.132728 0.000458 0.998737 0.000347 0.000458 0.041377 0.038349 0.089390 0.830884 0.000458 0.000347 0.998737 0.000458 0.011587 0.987608 0.000347 0.000458 0.000458 0.998737 0.000347 0.000458 0.011575 0.611347 0.044867 0.332211 0.000458 0.000347 0.037666 0.961529 0.000458 0.976477 0.000347 0.022718 0.019117 0.038335 0.023619 0.918929 Consensus sequence: TGCTGCCYTCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 201 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 116 Motif 116 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 2 11 0.062336 Original motif 0.228594 0.472591 0.077948 0.220868 0.170586 0.783108 0.032422 0.013884 0.997310 0.001762 0.000896 0.000032 0.948827 0.003494 0.003494 0.044185 0.259257 0.247341 0.436230 0.057171 0.999040 0.000031 0.000031 0.000898 0.001763 0.002628 0.000896 0.994713 0.000032 0.000031 0.999905 0.000032 0.003495 0.001762 0.975665 0.019078 0.014750 0.967006 0.000031 0.018213 0.030333 0.136316 0.745518 0.087833 0.095624 0.074485 0.729432 0.100459 0.260986 0.603536 0.059767 0.075711 0.144105 0.445607 0.233641 0.176646 0.273973 0.212860 0.361775 0.151391 Consensus sequence: HCAAVATGGCGGCBV Reverse complement motif 0.273973 0.361775 0.212860 0.151391 0.144105 0.233641 0.445607 0.176646 0.260986 0.059767 0.603536 0.075711 0.095624 0.729432 0.074485 0.100459 0.030333 0.745518 0.136316 0.087833 0.014750 0.000031 0.967006 0.018213 0.003495 0.975665 0.001762 0.019078 0.000032 0.999905 0.000031 0.000032 0.994713 0.002628 0.000896 0.001763 0.000898 0.000031 0.000031 0.999040 0.259257 0.436230 0.247341 0.057171 0.044185 0.003494 0.003494 0.948827 0.000032 0.001762 0.000896 0.997310 0.170586 0.032422 0.783108 0.013884 0.228594 0.077948 0.472591 0.220868 Consensus sequence: VBGCCGCCATVTTGD Alignment: HCAAVATGGCGGCBV ---AGAKGGCAGCA- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 202 Motif name: Motif 202 Original motif 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 Consensus sequence: CAATGCAA Reserve complement motif 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 Consensus sequence: TTGCATTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 202 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 190 Motif 190 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 8 0.034755 Original motif 0.000241 0.993479 0.000183 0.006097 0.852989 0.023607 0.111451 0.011953 0.926692 0.041176 0.029464 0.002668 0.023665 0.058745 0.037746 0.879844 0.035378 0.011895 0.944203 0.008524 0.047093 0.838786 0.061173 0.052948 0.008524 0.746047 0.029464 0.215965 0.946687 0.000183 0.047033 0.006097 0.876415 0.058744 0.047032 0.017809 0.043654 0.061171 0.047033 0.848142 0.017809 0.006039 0.961772 0.014380 0.117365 0.600419 0.188275 0.093941 0.134936 0.504932 0.254478 0.105654 Consensus sequence: CAATGCCAATGCS Reverse complement motif 0.134936 0.254478 0.504932 0.105654 0.117365 0.188275 0.600419 0.093941 0.017809 0.961772 0.006039 0.014380 0.848142 0.061171 0.047033 0.043654 0.017809 0.058744 0.047032 0.876415 0.006097 0.000183 0.047033 0.946687 0.008524 0.029464 0.746047 0.215965 0.047093 0.061173 0.838786 0.052948 0.035378 0.944203 0.011895 0.008524 0.879844 0.058745 0.037746 0.023665 0.002668 0.041176 0.029464 0.926692 0.011953 0.023607 0.111451 0.852989 0.000241 0.000183 0.993479 0.006097 Consensus sequence: SGCATTGGCATTG Alignment: SGCATTGGCATTG -----TTGCATTG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 203 Motif name: Motif 203 Original motif 0.000285 0.999214 0.000216 0.000285 0.000285 0.924021 0.000216 0.075478 0.976891 0.022608 0.000216 0.000285 0.257207 0.240213 0.384315 0.118265 0.000285 0.854385 0.145045 0.000285 0.000285 0.000216 0.137925 0.861574 0.000285 0.999214 0.000216 0.000285 0.000285 0.999214 0.000216 0.000285 0.735514 0.208314 0.055887 0.000285 Consensus sequence: CCAVCTCCA Reserve complement motif 0.000285 0.208314 0.055887 0.735514 0.000285 0.000216 0.999214 0.000285 0.000285 0.000216 0.999214 0.000285 0.861574 0.000216 0.137925 0.000285 0.000285 0.145045 0.854385 0.000285 0.257207 0.384315 0.240213 0.118265 0.000285 0.022608 0.000216 0.976891 0.000285 0.000216 0.924021 0.075478 0.000285 0.000216 0.999214 0.000285 Consensus sequence: TGGAGVTGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 203 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 204 Motif 204 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 2 9 0.034466 Original motif 0.999505 0.000149 0.000149 0.000197 0.000197 0.954907 0.000149 0.044747 0.000197 0.999457 0.000149 0.000197 0.821493 0.000149 0.090270 0.088088 0.190818 0.703846 0.060333 0.045003 0.000197 0.616762 0.094906 0.288135 0.844215 0.000149 0.144599 0.011037 0.040161 0.806190 0.068211 0.085438 0.000197 0.986901 0.000149 0.012753 0.960805 0.000149 0.038849 0.000197 Consensus sequence: ACCACCACCA Reverse complement motif 0.000197 0.000149 0.038849 0.960805 0.000197 0.000149 0.986901 0.012753 0.040161 0.068211 0.806190 0.085438 0.011037 0.000149 0.144599 0.844215 0.000197 0.094906 0.616762 0.288135 0.190818 0.060333 0.703846 0.045003 0.088088 0.000149 0.090270 0.821493 0.000197 0.000149 0.999457 0.000197 0.000197 0.000149 0.954907 0.044747 0.000197 0.000149 0.000149 0.999505 Consensus sequence: TGGTGGTGGT Alignment: ACCACCACCA -CCAVCTCCA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 204 Motif name: Motif 204 Original motif 0.999505 0.000149 0.000149 0.000197 0.000197 0.954907 0.000149 0.044747 0.000197 0.999457 0.000149 0.000197 0.821493 0.000149 0.090270 0.088088 0.190818 0.703846 0.060333 0.045003 0.000197 0.616762 0.094906 0.288135 0.844215 0.000149 0.144599 0.011037 0.040161 0.806190 0.068211 0.085438 0.000197 0.986901 0.000149 0.012753 0.960805 0.000149 0.038849 0.000197 Consensus sequence: ACCACCACCA Reserve complement motif 0.000197 0.000149 0.038849 0.960805 0.000197 0.000149 0.986901 0.012753 0.040161 0.068211 0.806190 0.085438 0.011037 0.000149 0.144599 0.844215 0.000197 0.094906 0.616762 0.288135 0.190818 0.060333 0.703846 0.045003 0.088088 0.000149 0.090270 0.821493 0.000197 0.000149 0.999457 0.000197 0.000197 0.000149 0.954907 0.044747 0.000197 0.000149 0.000149 0.999505 Consensus sequence: TGGTGGTGGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 204 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 112 Motif 112 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 6 10 0.053460 Original motif 0.057207 0.809719 0.000601 0.132473 0.885141 0.038235 0.000601 0.076023 0.885141 0.000601 0.038235 0.076023 0.019573 0.884986 0.019418 0.076023 0.960407 0.000601 0.038235 0.000757 0.941590 0.019418 0.038235 0.000757 0.000757 0.884985 0.057051 0.057207 0.922775 0.000601 0.057051 0.019573 0.941591 0.000601 0.000601 0.057207 0.019573 0.809719 0.094685 0.076023 0.960408 0.019418 0.000601 0.019573 0.885141 0.000601 0.113501 0.000757 0.000757 0.847352 0.000601 0.151290 0.998041 0.000601 0.000601 0.000757 0.960408 0.000601 0.019418 0.019573 Consensus sequence: CAACAACAACAACAA Reverse complement motif 0.019573 0.000601 0.019418 0.960408 0.000757 0.000601 0.000601 0.998041 0.000757 0.000601 0.847352 0.151290 0.000757 0.000601 0.113501 0.885141 0.019573 0.019418 0.000601 0.960408 0.019573 0.094685 0.809719 0.076023 0.057207 0.000601 0.000601 0.941591 0.019573 0.000601 0.057051 0.922775 0.000757 0.057051 0.884985 0.057207 0.000757 0.019418 0.038235 0.941590 0.000757 0.000601 0.038235 0.960407 0.019573 0.019418 0.884986 0.076023 0.076023 0.000601 0.038235 0.885141 0.076023 0.038235 0.000601 0.885141 0.057207 0.000601 0.809719 0.132473 Consensus sequence: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG Alignment: TTGTTGTTGTTGTTG TGGTGGTGGT----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 205 Motif name: Motif 205 Original motif 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 Consensus sequence: TAGACCGAA Reserve complement motif 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 Consensus sequence: TTCGGTCTA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 205 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 53 Motif 53 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 6 9 0.039299 Original motif 0.914196 0.032902 0.036276 0.016626 0.000314 0.917532 0.008434 0.073720 0.917569 0.008434 0.057371 0.016626 0.024782 0.000277 0.974627 0.000314 0.958351 0.000277 0.024746 0.016626 0.016627 0.909375 0.024746 0.049252 0.000314 0.958313 0.000277 0.041096 0.620505 0.008434 0.370747 0.000314 0.008470 0.942002 0.024746 0.024782 0.974663 0.008434 0.000277 0.016626 0.081876 0.000277 0.893065 0.024782 0.000314 0.024746 0.966470 0.008470 0.024782 0.016590 0.000277 0.958351 0.024783 0.000277 0.024746 0.950194 0.077100 0.016590 0.897840 0.008470 Consensus sequence: ACAGACCRCAGGTTG Reverse complement motif 0.077100 0.897840 0.016590 0.008470 0.950194 0.000277 0.024746 0.024783 0.958351 0.016590 0.000277 0.024782 0.000314 0.966470 0.024746 0.008470 0.081876 0.893065 0.000277 0.024782 0.016626 0.008434 0.000277 0.974663 0.008470 0.024746 0.942002 0.024782 0.000314 0.008434 0.370747 0.620505 0.000314 0.000277 0.958313 0.041096 0.016627 0.024746 0.909375 0.049252 0.016626 0.000277 0.024746 0.958351 0.024782 0.974627 0.000277 0.000314 0.016626 0.008434 0.057371 0.917569 0.000314 0.008434 0.917532 0.073720 0.016626 0.032902 0.036276 0.914196 Consensus sequence: CAACCTGKGGTCTGT Alignment: ACAGACCRCAGGTTG -TAGACCGAA----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 206 Motif name: Motif 206 Original motif 0.019964 0.786885 0.134835 0.058316 0.000789 0.767703 0.058127 0.173381 0.000789 0.000598 0.000598 0.998015 0.115847 0.000598 0.844415 0.039140 0.000789 0.000598 0.997824 0.000789 0.978839 0.000598 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.019774 0.000598 0.978839 0.039140 0.959473 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.959473 0.019774 0.019964 0.000789 0.019774 0.959473 0.019964 0.000789 0.959473 0.000598 0.039140 0.039142 0.671802 0.211564 0.077492 0.480225 0.403329 0.096482 0.019964 0.000789 0.978648 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.000598 0.019774 0.978839 Consensus sequence: CCTGGATCCGCCMCT Reserve complement motif 0.978839 0.000598 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.019774 0.978648 0.000789 0.019964 0.403329 0.096482 0.480225 0.039142 0.211564 0.671802 0.077492 0.000789 0.000598 0.959473 0.039140 0.000789 0.959473 0.019774 0.019964 0.000789 0.019774 0.959473 0.019964 0.039140 0.000598 0.959473 0.000789 0.978839 0.019774 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.000598 0.019774 0.978839 0.000789 0.997824 0.000598 0.000789 0.115847 0.844415 0.000598 0.039140 0.998015 0.000598 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.058127 0.767703 0.173381 0.019964 0.134835 0.786885 0.058316 Consensus sequence: AGYGGCGGATCCAGG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 206 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 23 Motif 23 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 1 15 0.090365 Original motif 0.888489 0.018735 0.000313 0.092463 0.630571 0.313496 0.018735 0.037198 0.018776 0.879238 0.037156 0.064830 0.009565 0.870021 0.009524 0.110890 0.943755 0.027945 0.018735 0.009565 0.009565 0.925293 0.009524 0.055618 0.009565 0.018735 0.009524 0.962176 0.055618 0.018735 0.897661 0.027986 0.599128 0.230595 0.096231 0.074046 0.092465 0.000313 0.906868 0.000354 0.009565 0.971346 0.000313 0.018776 0.000354 0.934504 0.037156 0.027986 0.971387 0.009524 0.018735 0.000354 0.037198 0.943713 0.009524 0.009565 0.046408 0.700419 0.000313 0.252860 Consensus sequence: AACCACTGAGCCACC Reverse complement motif 0.046408 0.000313 0.700419 0.252860 0.037198 0.009524 0.943713 0.009565 0.000354 0.009524 0.018735 0.971387 0.000354 0.037156 0.934504 0.027986 0.009565 0.000313 0.971346 0.018776 0.092465 0.906868 0.000313 0.000354 0.074046 0.230595 0.096231 0.599128 0.055618 0.897661 0.018735 0.027986 0.962176 0.018735 0.009524 0.009565 0.009565 0.009524 0.925293 0.055618 0.009565 0.027945 0.018735 0.943755 0.009565 0.009524 0.870021 0.110890 0.018776 0.037156 0.879238 0.064830 0.037198 0.313496 0.018735 0.630571 0.092463 0.018735 0.000313 0.888489 Consensus sequence: GGTGGCTCAGTGGTT Alignment: AACCACTGAGCCACC AGYGGCGGATCCAGG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 207 Motif name: Motif 207 Original motif 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.054820 0.042184 0.035727 0.867269 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.963128 0.024106 0.011848 0.000918 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.000918 0.011848 0.024106 0.963128 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.867269 0.035727 0.042184 0.054820 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 Consensus sequence: CTGCAGCTGCAG Reserve complement motif 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.054820 0.035727 0.042184 0.867269 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.963128 0.011848 0.024106 0.000918 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.000918 0.024106 0.011848 0.963128 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 0.000918 0.997468 0.000696 0.000918 0.867269 0.042184 0.035727 0.054820 0.000918 0.000696 0.997468 0.000918 Consensus sequence: CTGCAGCTGCAG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 207 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 206 Motif 206 Reverse Complement Original Motif Backward 2 12 0.088193 Original motif 0.019964 0.786885 0.134835 0.058316 0.000789 0.767703 0.058127 0.173381 0.000789 0.000598 0.000598 0.998015 0.115847 0.000598 0.844415 0.039140 0.000789 0.000598 0.997824 0.000789 0.978839 0.000598 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.019774 0.000598 0.978839 0.039140 0.959473 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.959473 0.019774 0.019964 0.000789 0.019774 0.959473 0.019964 0.000789 0.959473 0.000598 0.039140 0.039142 0.671802 0.211564 0.077492 0.480225 0.403329 0.096482 0.019964 0.000789 0.978648 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.000598 0.019774 0.978839 Consensus sequence: CCTGGATCCGCCMCT Reverse complement motif 0.978839 0.000598 0.019774 0.000789 0.000789 0.019774 0.978648 0.000789 0.019964 0.403329 0.096482 0.480225 0.039142 0.211564 0.671802 0.077492 0.000789 0.000598 0.959473 0.039140 0.000789 0.959473 0.019774 0.019964 0.000789 0.019774 0.959473 0.019964 0.039140 0.000598 0.959473 0.000789 0.978839 0.019774 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.000598 0.019774 0.978839 0.000789 0.997824 0.000598 0.000789 0.115847 0.844415 0.000598 0.039140 0.998015 0.000598 0.000598 0.000789 0.000789 0.058127 0.767703 0.173381 0.019964 0.134835 0.786885 0.058316 Consensus sequence: AGYGGCGGATCCAGG Alignment: CCTGGATCCGCCMCT --CTGCAGCTGCAG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 208 Motif name: Motif 208 Original motif 0.264306 0.000074 0.191308 0.544312 0.000097 0.307321 0.000074 0.692508 0.105544 0.491129 0.362949 0.040379 0.816222 0.000074 0.183607 0.000097 0.999755 0.000074 0.000074 0.000097 0.000097 0.499903 0.499903 0.000097 0.000097 0.000074 0.000074 0.999755 0.000097 0.183607 0.000074 0.816222 0.040379 0.362949 0.491129 0.105544 0.692508 0.000074 0.307321 0.000097 0.544312 0.191308 0.000074 0.264306 Consensus sequence: TTSAASTTSAA Reserve complement motif 0.264306 0.191308 0.000074 0.544312 0.000097 0.000074 0.307321 0.692508 0.040379 0.491129 0.362949 0.105544 0.816222 0.183607 0.000074 0.000097 0.999755 0.000074 0.000074 0.000097 0.000097 0.499903 0.499903 0.000097 0.000097 0.000074 0.000074 0.999755 0.000097 0.000074 0.183607 0.816222 0.105544 0.362949 0.491129 0.040379 0.692508 0.307321 0.000074 0.000097 0.544312 0.000074 0.191308 0.264306 Consensus sequence: TTSAASTTSAA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 208 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 72 Motif 72 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 11 0.050208 Original motif 0.310214 0.051844 0.440164 0.197779 0.387833 0.090267 0.510679 0.011221 0.042128 0.185913 0.034102 0.737857 0.000118 0.999670 0.000094 0.000118 0.996037 0.003751 0.000094 0.000118 0.000118 0.996609 0.003155 0.000118 0.000118 0.003155 0.996609 0.000118 0.000118 0.000094 0.003751 0.996037 0.000118 0.000094 0.999670 0.000118 0.737857 0.034102 0.185913 0.042128 0.011221 0.510679 0.090267 0.387833 0.197779 0.440164 0.051844 0.310214 Consensus sequence: RRTCACGTGAYY Reverse complement motif 0.197779 0.051844 0.440164 0.310214 0.011221 0.090267 0.510679 0.387833 0.042128 0.034102 0.185913 0.737857 0.000118 0.999670 0.000094 0.000118 0.996037 0.000094 0.003751 0.000118 0.000118 0.996609 0.003155 0.000118 0.000118 0.003155 0.996609 0.000118 0.000118 0.003751 0.000094 0.996037 0.000118 0.000094 0.999670 0.000118 0.737857 0.185913 0.034102 0.042128 0.387833 0.510679 0.090267 0.011221 0.310214 0.440164 0.051844 0.197779 Consensus sequence: KKTCACGTGAMM Alignment: KKTCACGTGAMM TTSAASTTSAA- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 209 Motif name: Motif 209 Original motif 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 Consensus sequence: AACAATAG Reserve complement motif 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 Consensus sequence: CTATTGTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 209 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 124 Motif 124 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 8 0.020128 Original motif 0.854702 0.012527 0.115718 0.017053 0.903549 0.096316 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.982813 0.000066 0.017052 0.977594 0.000066 0.019236 0.003104 0.999799 0.000066 0.000066 0.000069 0.233541 0.052302 0.000066 0.714091 0.656501 0.000066 0.343364 0.000069 0.045220 0.000066 0.954645 0.000069 0.299646 0.304924 0.389900 0.005529 Consensus sequence: AACAATRGV Reverse complement motif 0.299646 0.389900 0.304924 0.005529 0.045220 0.954645 0.000066 0.000069 0.000069 0.000066 0.343364 0.656501 0.714091 0.052302 0.000066 0.233541 0.000069 0.000066 0.000066 0.999799 0.003104 0.000066 0.019236 0.977594 0.000069 0.000066 0.982813 0.017052 0.000069 0.096316 0.000066 0.903549 0.017053 0.012527 0.115718 0.854702 Consensus sequence: VCKATTGTT Alignment: VCKATTGTT -CTATTGTT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 210 Motif name: Motif 210 Original motif 0.758360 0.044125 0.124107 0.073408 0.000599 0.961949 0.036853 0.000599 0.000599 0.007733 0.969231 0.022437 0.016014 0.000454 0.047148 0.936384 0.932979 0.044130 0.000454 0.022437 0.000599 0.998348 0.000454 0.000599 0.000599 0.000454 0.998348 0.000599 0.022437 0.000454 0.044130 0.932979 0.936384 0.047148 0.000454 0.016014 0.022437 0.969231 0.007733 0.000599 0.000599 0.036853 0.961949 0.000599 0.073408 0.124107 0.044125 0.758360 Consensus sequence: ACGTACGTACGT Reserve complement motif 0.758360 0.124107 0.044125 0.073408 0.000599 0.961949 0.036853 0.000599 0.022437 0.007733 0.969231 0.000599 0.016014 0.047148 0.000454 0.936384 0.932979 0.000454 0.044130 0.022437 0.000599 0.998348 0.000454 0.000599 0.000599 0.000454 0.998348 0.000599 0.022437 0.044130 0.000454 0.932979 0.936384 0.000454 0.047148 0.016014 0.000599 0.969231 0.007733 0.022437 0.000599 0.036853 0.961949 0.000599 0.073408 0.044125 0.124107 0.758360 Consensus sequence: ACGTACGTACGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 210 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 44 Motif 44 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 12 0.082986 Original motif 0.020692 0.048377 0.826140 0.104791 0.000197 0.991024 0.000174 0.008605 0.034192 0.010421 0.939819 0.015568 0.000197 0.989185 0.000174 0.010444 0.000197 0.000174 0.994308 0.005321 0.014684 0.772127 0.025793 0.187396 0.012999 0.010421 0.811439 0.165141 0.002317 0.966570 0.015545 0.015568 0.449159 0.089371 0.262574 0.198896 0.025815 0.889223 0.033037 0.051925 0.002317 0.061650 0.894844 0.041189 0.160435 0.111504 0.125115 0.602946 Consensus sequence: GCGCGCGCDCGT Reverse complement motif 0.602946 0.111504 0.125115 0.160435 0.002317 0.894844 0.061650 0.041189 0.025815 0.033037 0.889223 0.051925 0.198896 0.089371 0.262574 0.449159 0.002317 0.015545 0.966570 0.015568 0.012999 0.811439 0.010421 0.165141 0.014684 0.025793 0.772127 0.187396 0.000197 0.994308 0.000174 0.005321 0.000197 0.000174 0.989185 0.010444 0.034192 0.939819 0.010421 0.015568 0.000197 0.000174 0.991024 0.008605 0.020692 0.826140 0.048377 0.104791 Consensus sequence: ACGDGCGCGCGC Alignment: ACGDGCGCGCGC ACGTACGTACGT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 211 Motif name: Motif 211 Original motif 0.032339 0.025008 0.043775 0.898878 0.854086 0.022000 0.058291 0.065623 0.043847 0.909071 0.000226 0.046856 0.014815 0.036517 0.007484 0.941184 0.981726 0.007484 0.010492 0.000298 0.000298 0.839497 0.145390 0.014815 0.014815 0.014742 0.029259 0.941184 0.838429 0.039525 0.060058 0.061988 0.080139 0.724607 0.104850 0.090404 0.036589 0.058293 0.051033 0.854085 0.977475 0.022001 0.000226 0.000298 0.036589 0.775411 0.133884 0.054116 0.101917 0.084697 0.094582 0.718804 Consensus sequence: TACTACTACTACT Reserve complement motif 0.718804 0.084697 0.094582 0.101917 0.036589 0.133884 0.775411 0.054116 0.000298 0.022001 0.000226 0.977475 0.854085 0.058293 0.051033 0.036589 0.080139 0.104850 0.724607 0.090404 0.061988 0.039525 0.060058 0.838429 0.941184 0.014742 0.029259 0.014815 0.000298 0.145390 0.839497 0.014815 0.000298 0.007484 0.010492 0.981726 0.941184 0.036517 0.007484 0.014815 0.043847 0.000226 0.909071 0.046856 0.065623 0.022000 0.058291 0.854086 0.898878 0.025008 0.043775 0.032339 Consensus sequence: AGTAGTAGTAGTA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 211 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 168 Motif 168 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 1 13 0.046456 Original motif 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.078917 0.000691 0.039791 0.880601 0.685088 0.313499 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.000691 0.958766 0.000722 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.958799 0.039788 0.000691 0.000722 0.020271 0.000691 0.958767 0.020271 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.606892 0.000691 0.039788 0.352629 0.000722 0.020239 0.000691 0.978348 0.039820 0.509008 0.000691 0.450481 0.098467 0.020239 0.880572 0.000722 0.000722 0.020239 0.978317 0.000722 0.000722 0.939219 0.020239 0.039820 Consensus sequence: ATAGTAGAAWTYGGC Reverse complement motif 0.000722 0.020239 0.939219 0.039820 0.000722 0.978317 0.020239 0.000722 0.098467 0.880572 0.020239 0.000722 0.039820 0.000691 0.509008 0.450481 0.978348 0.020239 0.000691 0.000722 0.352629 0.000691 0.039788 0.606892 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 0.020271 0.958767 0.000691 0.020271 0.000722 0.039788 0.000691 0.958799 0.997896 0.000691 0.000691 0.000722 0.039821 0.958766 0.000691 0.000722 0.000722 0.313499 0.000691 0.685088 0.880601 0.000691 0.039791 0.078917 0.000722 0.000691 0.000691 0.997896 Consensus sequence: GCCKAWTTCTACTAT Alignment: ATAGTAGAAWTYGGC AGTAGTAGTAGTA-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 212 Motif name: Motif 212 Original motif 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 Consensus sequence: ACAATGGA Reserve complement motif 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 Consensus sequence: TCCATTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 212 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 29 Motif 29 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 1 8 0.018669 Original motif 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 Consensus sequence: ACAATGCA Reverse complement motif 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.930419 0.021327 0.024127 0.933219 0.021327 0.021327 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 0.024127 0.021327 0.930419 0.024127 0.024127 0.021327 0.021327 0.933219 Consensus sequence: TGCATTGT Alignment: ACAATGCA ACAATGGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 213 Motif name: Motif 213 Original motif 0.000478 0.070090 0.000362 0.929070 0.000478 0.000362 0.998682 0.000478 0.998798 0.000362 0.000362 0.000478 0.000478 0.000362 0.000362 0.998798 0.000478 0.000362 0.000362 0.998798 0.000478 0.000362 0.998682 0.000478 0.000478 0.000362 0.998682 0.000478 0.000478 0.000362 0.000362 0.998798 0.000478 0.743290 0.046846 0.209386 0.564654 0.058459 0.278620 0.098267 0.841840 0.059535 0.098147 0.000478 0.534316 0.192727 0.000362 0.272595 Consensus sequence: TGATTGGTCAAW Reserve complement motif 0.272595 0.192727 0.000362 0.534316 0.000478 0.059535 0.098147 0.841840 0.098267 0.058459 0.278620 0.564654 0.000478 0.046846 0.743290 0.209386 0.998798 0.000362 0.000362 0.000478 0.000478 0.998682 0.000362 0.000478 0.000478 0.998682 0.000362 0.000478 0.998798 0.000362 0.000362 0.000478 0.998798 0.000362 0.000362 0.000478 0.000478 0.000362 0.000362 0.998798 0.000478 0.998682 0.000362 0.000478 0.929070 0.070090 0.000362 0.000478 Consensus sequence: WTTGACCAATCA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 213 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 219 Motif 219 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 1 12 0.094463 Original motif 0.000953 0.881516 0.023891 0.093640 0.047293 0.000722 0.951032 0.000953 0.000953 0.997372 0.000722 0.000953 0.000953 0.000722 0.000722 0.997603 0.418063 0.000722 0.000722 0.580493 0.070465 0.000722 0.927860 0.000953 0.000953 0.000722 0.000722 0.997603 0.000953 0.023891 0.000722 0.974434 0.000953 0.997372 0.000722 0.000953 0.997603 0.000722 0.000722 0.000953 0.024122 0.000722 0.951034 0.024122 0.951265 0.023891 0.000722 0.024122 0.974434 0.023891 0.000722 0.000953 Consensus sequence: CGCTWGTTCAGAA Reverse complement motif 0.000953 0.023891 0.000722 0.974434 0.024122 0.023891 0.000722 0.951265 0.024122 0.951034 0.000722 0.024122 0.000953 0.000722 0.000722 0.997603 0.000953 0.000722 0.997372 0.000953 0.974434 0.023891 0.000722 0.000953 0.997603 0.000722 0.000722 0.000953 0.070465 0.927860 0.000722 0.000953 0.580493 0.000722 0.000722 0.418063 0.997603 0.000722 0.000722 0.000953 0.000953 0.000722 0.997372 0.000953 0.047293 0.951032 0.000722 0.000953 0.000953 0.023891 0.881516 0.093640 Consensus sequence: TTCTGAACWAGCG Alignment: CGCTWGTTCAGAA TGATTGGTCAAW- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 214 Motif name: Motif 214 Original motif 0.183007 0.816249 0.000321 0.000423 0.000423 0.000321 0.966540 0.032716 0.010040 0.911295 0.021692 0.056973 0.025050 0.004807 0.895608 0.074535 0.006914 0.962848 0.014331 0.015907 0.041155 0.051503 0.875384 0.031958 0.006148 0.970661 0.005467 0.017724 0.000423 0.000321 0.877662 0.121594 0.084550 0.877048 0.003323 0.035079 Consensus sequence: CGCGCGCGC Reserve complement motif 0.084550 0.003323 0.877048 0.035079 0.000423 0.877662 0.000321 0.121594 0.006148 0.005467 0.970661 0.017724 0.041155 0.875384 0.051503 0.031958 0.006914 0.014331 0.962848 0.015907 0.025050 0.895608 0.004807 0.074535 0.010040 0.021692 0.911295 0.056973 0.000423 0.966540 0.000321 0.032716 0.183007 0.000321 0.816249 0.000423 Consensus sequence: GCGCGCGCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 214 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 44 Motif 44 Original Motif Reverse Complement Forward 1 9 0.014490 Original motif 0.020692 0.048377 0.826140 0.104791 0.000197 0.991024 0.000174 0.008605 0.034192 0.010421 0.939819 0.015568 0.000197 0.989185 0.000174 0.010444 0.000197 0.000174 0.994308 0.005321 0.014684 0.772127 0.025793 0.187396 0.012999 0.010421 0.811439 0.165141 0.002317 0.966570 0.015545 0.015568 0.449159 0.089371 0.262574 0.198896 0.025815 0.889223 0.033037 0.051925 0.002317 0.061650 0.894844 0.041189 0.160435 0.111504 0.125115 0.602946 Consensus sequence: GCGCGCGCDCGT Reverse complement motif 0.602946 0.111504 0.125115 0.160435 0.002317 0.894844 0.061650 0.041189 0.025815 0.033037 0.889223 0.051925 0.198896 0.089371 0.262574 0.449159 0.002317 0.015545 0.966570 0.015568 0.012999 0.811439 0.010421 0.165141 0.014684 0.025793 0.772127 0.187396 0.000197 0.994308 0.000174 0.005321 0.000197 0.000174 0.989185 0.010444 0.034192 0.939819 0.010421 0.015568 0.000197 0.000174 0.991024 0.008605 0.020692 0.826140 0.048377 0.104791 Consensus sequence: ACGDGCGCGCGC Alignment: ACGDGCGCGCGC CGCGCGCGC--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 215 Motif name: Motif 215 Original motif 0.998221 0.000536 0.000536 0.000707 0.000707 0.998050 0.000536 0.000707 0.963845 0.017724 0.017724 0.000707 0.035085 0.000536 0.963672 0.000707 0.000707 0.963672 0.000536 0.035085 0.017895 0.912105 0.017724 0.052276 0.981033 0.017724 0.000536 0.000707 0.017895 0.000536 0.980862 0.000707 0.000707 0.000536 0.980862 0.017895 0.929459 0.000536 0.069298 0.000707 0.017895 0.017724 0.000536 0.963845 0.981033 0.000536 0.000536 0.017895 0.069469 0.000536 0.860526 0.069469 Consensus sequence: ACAGCCAGGATAG Reserve complement motif 0.069469 0.860526 0.000536 0.069469 0.017895 0.000536 0.000536 0.981033 0.963845 0.017724 0.000536 0.017895 0.000707 0.000536 0.069298 0.929459 0.000707 0.980862 0.000536 0.017895 0.017895 0.980862 0.000536 0.000707 0.000707 0.017724 0.000536 0.981033 0.017895 0.017724 0.912105 0.052276 0.000707 0.000536 0.963672 0.035085 0.035085 0.963672 0.000536 0.000707 0.000707 0.017724 0.017724 0.963845 0.000707 0.000536 0.998050 0.000707 0.000707 0.000536 0.000536 0.998221 Consensus sequence: CTATCCTGGCTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 215 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 12 Motif 12 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 3 13 0.090142 Original motif 0.990640 0.000288 0.008746 0.000326 0.017242 0.939851 0.000288 0.042619 0.034162 0.914469 0.000288 0.051081 0.017242 0.000288 0.000288 0.982182 0.008784 0.008746 0.000288 0.982182 0.034160 0.922932 0.008746 0.034162 0.008784 0.042585 0.008746 0.939885 0.008784 0.000288 0.000288 0.990640 0.051084 0.017204 0.931386 0.000326 0.008784 0.931394 0.042580 0.017242 0.008784 0.008746 0.000288 0.982182 0.025701 0.000288 0.948310 0.025701 0.008784 0.000288 0.017204 0.973724 0.084917 0.008746 0.897553 0.008784 0.956806 0.000288 0.017205 0.025701 Consensus sequence: ACCTTCTTGCTGTGA Reverse complement motif 0.025701 0.000288 0.017205 0.956806 0.084917 0.897553 0.008746 0.008784 0.973724 0.000288 0.017204 0.008784 0.025701 0.948310 0.000288 0.025701 0.982182 0.008746 0.000288 0.008784 0.008784 0.042580 0.931394 0.017242 0.051084 0.931386 0.017204 0.000326 0.990640 0.000288 0.000288 0.008784 0.939885 0.042585 0.008746 0.008784 0.034160 0.008746 0.922932 0.034162 0.982182 0.008746 0.000288 0.008784 0.982182 0.000288 0.000288 0.017242 0.034162 0.000288 0.914469 0.051081 0.017242 0.000288 0.939851 0.042619 0.000326 0.000288 0.008746 0.990640 Consensus sequence: TCACAGCAAGAAGGT Alignment: TCACAGCAAGAAGGT ACAGCCAGGATAG-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 216 Motif name: Motif 216 Original motif 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 Consensus sequence: CACTCCAGCAAAG Reserve complement motif 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 Consensus sequence: CTTTGCTGGAGTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 216 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 12 Motif 12 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 2 13 0.084541 Original motif 0.990640 0.000288 0.008746 0.000326 0.017242 0.939851 0.000288 0.042619 0.034162 0.914469 0.000288 0.051081 0.017242 0.000288 0.000288 0.982182 0.008784 0.008746 0.000288 0.982182 0.034160 0.922932 0.008746 0.034162 0.008784 0.042585 0.008746 0.939885 0.008784 0.000288 0.000288 0.990640 0.051084 0.017204 0.931386 0.000326 0.008784 0.931394 0.042580 0.017242 0.008784 0.008746 0.000288 0.982182 0.025701 0.000288 0.948310 0.025701 0.008784 0.000288 0.017204 0.973724 0.084917 0.008746 0.897553 0.008784 0.956806 0.000288 0.017205 0.025701 Consensus sequence: ACCTTCTTGCTGTGA Reverse complement motif 0.025701 0.000288 0.017205 0.956806 0.084917 0.897553 0.008746 0.008784 0.973724 0.000288 0.017204 0.008784 0.025701 0.948310 0.000288 0.025701 0.982182 0.008746 0.000288 0.008784 0.008784 0.042580 0.931394 0.017242 0.051084 0.931386 0.017204 0.000326 0.990640 0.000288 0.000288 0.008784 0.939885 0.042585 0.008746 0.008784 0.034160 0.008746 0.922932 0.034162 0.982182 0.008746 0.000288 0.008784 0.982182 0.000288 0.000288 0.017242 0.034162 0.000288 0.914469 0.051081 0.017242 0.000288 0.939851 0.042619 0.000326 0.000288 0.008746 0.990640 Consensus sequence: TCACAGCAAGAAGGT Alignment: TCACAGCAAGAAGGT -CACTCCAGCAAAG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 217 Motif name: Motif 217 Original motif 0.122864 0.855328 0.000634 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.041511 0.000634 0.936681 0.021174 0.021174 0.020971 0.957019 0.000836 0.957221 0.041309 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.000634 0.997896 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.875868 0.102324 0.000634 0.021174 0.102526 0.041309 0.000634 0.855531 0.957221 0.000634 0.000634 0.041511 0.000836 0.997694 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.041310 0.916342 0.021174 0.021174 0.000634 0.020971 0.957221 Consensus sequence: CGTGGACTGATACGT Reserve complement motif 0.957221 0.000634 0.020971 0.021174 0.021174 0.916342 0.041310 0.021174 0.000836 0.000634 0.997694 0.000836 0.041511 0.000634 0.000634 0.957221 0.855531 0.041309 0.000634 0.102526 0.021174 0.102324 0.000634 0.875868 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.000634 0.977356 0.000836 0.000836 0.041309 0.000634 0.957221 0.021174 0.957019 0.020971 0.000836 0.041511 0.936681 0.000634 0.021174 0.997896 0.000634 0.000634 0.000836 0.021174 0.977356 0.000634 0.000836 0.122864 0.000634 0.855328 0.021174 Consensus sequence: ACGTATCAGTCCACG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 217 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 23 Motif 23 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.130486 Original motif 0.888489 0.018735 0.000313 0.092463 0.630571 0.313496 0.018735 0.037198 0.018776 0.879238 0.037156 0.064830 0.009565 0.870021 0.009524 0.110890 0.943755 0.027945 0.018735 0.009565 0.009565 0.925293 0.009524 0.055618 0.009565 0.018735 0.009524 0.962176 0.055618 0.018735 0.897661 0.027986 0.599128 0.230595 0.096231 0.074046 0.092465 0.000313 0.906868 0.000354 0.009565 0.971346 0.000313 0.018776 0.000354 0.934504 0.037156 0.027986 0.971387 0.009524 0.018735 0.000354 0.037198 0.943713 0.009524 0.009565 0.046408 0.700419 0.000313 0.252860 Consensus sequence: AACCACTGAGCCACC Reverse complement motif 0.046408 0.000313 0.700419 0.252860 0.037198 0.009524 0.943713 0.009565 0.000354 0.009524 0.018735 0.971387 0.000354 0.037156 0.934504 0.027986 0.009565 0.000313 0.971346 0.018776 0.092465 0.906868 0.000313 0.000354 0.074046 0.230595 0.096231 0.599128 0.055618 0.897661 0.018735 0.027986 0.962176 0.018735 0.009524 0.009565 0.009565 0.009524 0.925293 0.055618 0.009565 0.027945 0.018735 0.943755 0.009565 0.009524 0.870021 0.110890 0.018776 0.037156 0.879238 0.064830 0.037198 0.313496 0.018735 0.630571 0.092463 0.018735 0.000313 0.888489 Consensus sequence: GGTGGCTCAGTGGTT Alignment: GGTGGCTCAGTGGTT CGTGGACTGATACGT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 218 Motif name: Motif 218 Original motif 0.977553 0.020977 0.000634 0.000836 0.021179 0.895978 0.000634 0.082209 0.957211 0.000634 0.041319 0.000836 0.021179 0.936665 0.020977 0.021179 0.021179 0.977351 0.000634 0.000836 0.957209 0.041321 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.997694 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.041319 0.041321 0.916524 0.021179 0.000634 0.957008 0.021179 0.021179 0.020977 0.020977 0.936867 0.977553 0.000634 0.000634 0.021179 0.021179 0.957008 0.000634 0.021179 0.875839 0.020977 0.061663 0.041521 0.896181 0.020977 0.041321 0.041521 Consensus sequence: ACACCACTGTACAA Reserve complement motif 0.041521 0.020977 0.041321 0.896181 0.041521 0.020977 0.061663 0.875839 0.021179 0.000634 0.957008 0.021179 0.021179 0.000634 0.000634 0.977553 0.936867 0.020977 0.020977 0.021179 0.021179 0.957008 0.000634 0.021179 0.916524 0.041319 0.041321 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.997694 0.000836 0.000836 0.041321 0.000634 0.957209 0.021179 0.000634 0.977351 0.000836 0.021179 0.020977 0.936665 0.021179 0.000836 0.000634 0.041319 0.957211 0.021179 0.000634 0.895978 0.082209 0.000836 0.020977 0.000634 0.977553 Consensus sequence: TTGTACAGTGGTGT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 218 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 63 Motif 63 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 14 0.097119 Original motif 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.931207 0.022898 0.022898 0.022997 0.000852 0.953254 0.000753 0.045141 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.000852 0.798180 0.000753 0.200215 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 0.022997 0.975398 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.022997 0.067192 0.000753 0.909058 0.886908 0.000753 0.089342 0.022997 0.022997 0.931108 0.022898 0.022997 0.953352 0.022898 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 Consensus sequence: AAACACCCATACAC Reverse complement motif 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.022997 0.022898 0.000753 0.953352 0.022997 0.022898 0.931108 0.022997 0.022997 0.000753 0.089342 0.886908 0.909058 0.067192 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.022997 0.000753 0.975398 0.000852 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.798180 0.200215 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.953254 0.045141 0.022997 0.022898 0.022898 0.931207 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 Consensus sequence: GTGTATGGGTGTTT Alignment: GTGTATGGGTGTTT TTGTACAGTGGTGT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 219 Motif name: Motif 219 Original motif 0.000953 0.881516 0.023891 0.093640 0.047293 0.000722 0.951032 0.000953 0.000953 0.997372 0.000722 0.000953 0.000953 0.000722 0.000722 0.997603 0.418063 0.000722 0.000722 0.580493 0.070465 0.000722 0.927860 0.000953 0.000953 0.000722 0.000722 0.997603 0.000953 0.023891 0.000722 0.974434 0.000953 0.997372 0.000722 0.000953 0.997603 0.000722 0.000722 0.000953 0.024122 0.000722 0.951034 0.024122 0.951265 0.023891 0.000722 0.024122 0.974434 0.023891 0.000722 0.000953 Consensus sequence: CGCTWGTTCAGAA Reserve complement motif 0.000953 0.023891 0.000722 0.974434 0.024122 0.023891 0.000722 0.951265 0.024122 0.951034 0.000722 0.024122 0.000953 0.000722 0.000722 0.997603 0.000953 0.000722 0.997372 0.000953 0.974434 0.023891 0.000722 0.000953 0.997603 0.000722 0.000722 0.000953 0.070465 0.927860 0.000722 0.000953 0.580493 0.000722 0.000722 0.418063 0.997603 0.000722 0.000722 0.000953 0.000953 0.000722 0.997372 0.000953 0.047293 0.951032 0.000722 0.000953 0.000953 0.023891 0.881516 0.093640 Consensus sequence: TTCTGAACWAGCG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 219 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 92 Motif 92 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 1 13 0.093643 Original motif 0.982631 0.016773 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.999072 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.999072 0.000264 0.000332 0.371790 0.049792 0.074555 0.503863 0.025096 0.974308 0.000264 0.000332 0.000332 0.000264 0.000264 0.999140 0.091133 0.008518 0.900017 0.000332 0.140660 0.049792 0.800961 0.008587 0.148915 0.008518 0.842235 0.000332 0.000332 0.107574 0.041537 0.850557 0.000332 0.000264 0.000264 0.999140 0.627682 0.066301 0.305685 0.000332 0.074624 0.280921 0.487286 0.157170 0.924849 0.000264 0.074555 0.000332 0.058114 0.000264 0.825725 0.115897 Consensus sequence: ACCWCTGGGTTASAG Reverse complement motif 0.058114 0.825725 0.000264 0.115897 0.000332 0.000264 0.074555 0.924849 0.074624 0.487286 0.280921 0.157170 0.000332 0.066301 0.305685 0.627682 0.999140 0.000264 0.000264 0.000332 0.850557 0.107574 0.041537 0.000332 0.148915 0.842235 0.008518 0.000332 0.140660 0.800961 0.049792 0.008587 0.091133 0.900017 0.008518 0.000332 0.999140 0.000264 0.000264 0.000332 0.025096 0.000264 0.974308 0.000332 0.503863 0.049792 0.074555 0.371790 0.000332 0.000264 0.999072 0.000332 0.000332 0.000264 0.999072 0.000332 0.000332 0.016773 0.000264 0.982631 Consensus sequence: CTSTAACCCAGWGGT Alignment: CTSTAACCCAGWGGT TTCTGAACWAGCG-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 220 Motif name: Motif 220 Original motif 0.021698 0.976795 0.000650 0.000857 0.893636 0.000650 0.104857 0.000857 0.092837 0.000650 0.863973 0.042540 0.021698 0.872588 0.000650 0.105064 0.021698 0.738885 0.000650 0.238767 0.042540 0.000650 0.955953 0.000857 0.042540 0.893429 0.063174 0.000857 0.997843 0.000650 0.000650 0.000857 0.000857 0.042332 0.000650 0.956161 0.000857 0.997636 0.000650 0.000857 0.000857 0.000650 0.997636 0.000857 0.355177 0.000650 0.643316 0.000857 0.176226 0.801426 0.000650 0.021698 Consensus sequence: CAGCCGCATCGRC Reserve complement motif 0.176226 0.000650 0.801426 0.021698 0.355177 0.643316 0.000650 0.000857 0.000857 0.997636 0.000650 0.000857 0.000857 0.000650 0.997636 0.000857 0.956161 0.042332 0.000650 0.000857 0.000857 0.000650 0.000650 0.997843 0.042540 0.063174 0.893429 0.000857 0.042540 0.955953 0.000650 0.000857 0.021698 0.000650 0.738885 0.238767 0.021698 0.000650 0.872588 0.105064 0.092837 0.863973 0.000650 0.042540 0.000857 0.000650 0.104857 0.893636 0.021698 0.000650 0.976795 0.000857 Consensus sequence: GMCGATGCGGCTG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 220 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 197 Motif 197 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 13 0.068711 Original motif 0.013949 0.970058 0.015804 0.000189 0.818743 0.018490 0.110224 0.052543 0.000189 0.009317 0.018490 0.972004 0.000189 0.949029 0.046007 0.004775 0.738082 0.013903 0.211132 0.036883 0.000189 0.078118 0.023077 0.898616 0.018536 0.900309 0.041424 0.039731 0.921551 0.004730 0.073530 0.000189 0.013949 0.091878 0.036837 0.857336 0.050643 0.726963 0.105635 0.116759 0.658997 0.056300 0.224887 0.059816 0.055230 0.082705 0.055185 0.806880 0.050642 0.780102 0.073530 0.095726 0.561885 0.258901 0.087291 0.091923 Consensus sequence: CATCATCATCATCA Reverse complement motif 0.091923 0.258901 0.087291 0.561885 0.050642 0.073530 0.780102 0.095726 0.806880 0.082705 0.055185 0.055230 0.059816 0.056300 0.224887 0.658997 0.050643 0.105635 0.726963 0.116759 0.857336 0.091878 0.036837 0.013949 0.000189 0.004730 0.073530 0.921551 0.018536 0.041424 0.900309 0.039731 0.898616 0.078118 0.023077 0.000189 0.036883 0.013903 0.211132 0.738082 0.000189 0.046007 0.949029 0.004775 0.972004 0.009317 0.018490 0.000189 0.052543 0.018490 0.110224 0.818743 0.013949 0.015804 0.970058 0.000189 Consensus sequence: TGATGATGATGATG Alignment: TGATGATGATGATG -GMCGATGCGGCTG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 221 Motif name: Motif 221 Original motif 0.938051 0.000918 0.030369 0.030662 0.925880 0.000918 0.071991 0.001211 0.996953 0.000918 0.000918 0.001211 0.001211 0.996660 0.000918 0.001211 0.001211 0.996660 0.000918 0.001211 0.001211 0.000918 0.996660 0.001211 0.001211 0.000918 0.000918 0.996953 0.001211 0.902689 0.000918 0.095182 0.879199 0.000918 0.030312 0.089571 0.001211 0.000918 0.000918 0.996953 0.996953 0.000918 0.000918 0.001211 Consensus sequence: AAACCGTCATA Reserve complement motif 0.001211 0.000918 0.000918 0.996953 0.996953 0.000918 0.000918 0.001211 0.089571 0.000918 0.030312 0.879199 0.001211 0.000918 0.902689 0.095182 0.996953 0.000918 0.000918 0.001211 0.001211 0.996660 0.000918 0.001211 0.001211 0.000918 0.996660 0.001211 0.001211 0.000918 0.996660 0.001211 0.001211 0.000918 0.000918 0.996953 0.001211 0.000918 0.071991 0.925880 0.030662 0.000918 0.030369 0.938051 Consensus sequence: TATGACGGTTT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 221 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 63 Motif 63 Original Motif Original Motif Backward 4 11 0.070156 Original motif 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.931207 0.022898 0.022898 0.022997 0.000852 0.953254 0.000753 0.045141 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.000852 0.798180 0.000753 0.200215 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 0.022997 0.975398 0.000753 0.000852 0.997642 0.000753 0.000753 0.000852 0.022997 0.067192 0.000753 0.909058 0.886908 0.000753 0.089342 0.022997 0.022997 0.931108 0.022898 0.022997 0.953352 0.022898 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.975398 0.000753 0.022997 Consensus sequence: AAACACCCATACAC Reverse complement motif 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.022997 0.022898 0.000753 0.953352 0.022997 0.022898 0.931108 0.022997 0.022997 0.000753 0.089342 0.886908 0.909058 0.067192 0.000753 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.022997 0.000753 0.975398 0.000852 0.000852 0.000753 0.975398 0.022997 0.000852 0.000753 0.798180 0.200215 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.953254 0.045141 0.022997 0.022898 0.022898 0.931207 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 0.000852 0.000753 0.000753 0.997642 Consensus sequence: GTGTATGGGTGTTT Alignment: AAACACCCATACAC AAACCGTCATA--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 222 Motif name: Motif 222 Original motif 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 Consensus sequence: AATCTAAAAGTCCCT Reserve complement motif 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 Consensus sequence: AGGGACTTTTAGATT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 222 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 2 105 Motif 105 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 1 15 0.123824 Original motif 0.957561 0.014109 0.027780 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.068908 0.000437 0.930105 0.000550 0.971233 0.000437 0.027780 0.000550 0.000550 0.984792 0.000437 0.014221 0.984905 0.000437 0.000437 0.014221 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.998576 0.000437 0.000437 0.000550 0.014221 0.041452 0.000437 0.943890 0.971232 0.014109 0.014109 0.000550 0.000550 0.930105 0.014109 0.055236 0.027893 0.000437 0.957449 0.014221 0.000550 0.957448 0.014109 0.027893 0.000550 0.971120 0.000437 0.027893 Consensus sequence: AAGGACACATACGCC Reverse complement motif 0.000550 0.000437 0.971120 0.027893 0.000550 0.014109 0.957448 0.027893 0.027893 0.957449 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.014109 0.930105 0.055236 0.000550 0.014109 0.014109 0.971232 0.943890 0.041452 0.000437 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.027893 0.000437 0.971120 0.000550 0.014221 0.000437 0.000437 0.984905 0.000550 0.000437 0.984792 0.014221 0.000550 0.000437 0.027780 0.971233 0.068908 0.930105 0.000437 0.000550 0.027893 0.971120 0.000437 0.000550 0.000550 0.000437 0.000437 0.998576 0.000550 0.014109 0.027780 0.957561 Consensus sequence: GGCGTATGTGTCCTT Alignment: GGCGTATGTGTCCTT AATCTAAAAGTCCCT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 223 Motif name: Motif 223 Original motif 0.967417 0.020444 0.011323 0.000816 0.000816 0.000619 0.934420 0.064145 0.926426 0.048517 0.004431 0.020626 0.000816 0.000619 0.997749 0.000816 0.690742 0.000619 0.238894 0.069745 0.000816 0.000619 0.000619 0.997946 0.000816 0.977923 0.000619 0.020642 0.958252 0.020466 0.020466 0.000816 0.000816 0.000619 0.997749 0.000816 0.000816 0.048517 0.000619 0.950048 0.000816 0.000619 0.997749 0.000816 Consensus sequence: AGAGATCAGTG Reserve complement motif 0.000816 0.997749 0.000619 0.000816 0.950048 0.048517 0.000619 0.000816 0.000816 0.997749 0.000619 0.000816 0.000816 0.020466 0.020466 0.958252 0.000816 0.000619 0.977923 0.020642 0.997946 0.000619 0.000619 0.000816 0.069745 0.000619 0.238894 0.690742 0.000816 0.997749 0.000619 0.000816 0.020626 0.048517 0.004431 0.926426 0.000816 0.934420 0.000619 0.064145 0.000816 0.020444 0.011323 0.967417 Consensus sequence: CACTGATCTCT ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 223 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 1 59 Motif 59 Original Motif Reverse Complement Backward 2 11 0.084328 Original motif 0.000629 0.998186 0.000556 0.000629 0.000629 0.932798 0.000556 0.066017 0.016976 0.981839 0.000556 0.000629 0.098710 0.000556 0.000556 0.900178 0.000629 0.965491 0.000556 0.033324 0.000629 0.000556 0.016903 0.981912 0.016976 0.065945 0.900103 0.016976 0.998259 0.000556 0.000556 0.000629 0.016976 0.000556 0.016903 0.965565 0.000629 0.000556 0.981839 0.016976 0.916524 0.033250 0.049597 0.000629 0.000629 0.998186 0.000556 0.000629 0.867482 0.033250 0.065945 0.033323 0.000629 0.622160 0.000556 0.376655 Consensus sequence: CCCTCTGATGACAY Reverse complement motif 0.000629 0.000556 0.622160 0.376655 0.033323 0.033250 0.065945 0.867482 0.000629 0.000556 0.998186 0.000629 0.000629 0.033250 0.049597 0.916524 0.000629 0.981839 0.000556 0.016976 0.965565 0.000556 0.016903 0.016976 0.000629 0.000556 0.000556 0.998259 0.016976 0.900103 0.065945 0.016976 0.981912 0.000556 0.016903 0.000629 0.000629 0.000556 0.965491 0.033324 0.900178 0.000556 0.000556 0.098710 0.016976 0.000556 0.981839 0.000629 0.000629 0.000556 0.932798 0.066017 0.000629 0.000556 0.998186 0.000629 Consensus sequence: KTGTCATCAGAGGG Alignment: KTGTCATCAGAGGG --AGAGATCAGTG- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 224 Motif name: Motif 224 Original motif 0.000292 0.219045 0.311653 0.469010 0.632608 0.062934 0.304166 0.000292 0.007387 0.000221 0.000221 0.992171 0.062070 0.000221 0.000221 0.937488 0.948133 0.000221 0.051354 0.000292 0.000292 0.846191 0.000221 0.153296 0.153296 0.000221 0.846191 0.000292 0.000292 0.051354 0.000221 0.948133 0.937488 0.000221 0.000221 0.062070 0.992171 0.000221 0.000221 0.007387 0.000292 0.304166 0.062934 0.632608 0.469010 0.311653 0.219045 0.000292 Consensus sequence: KATTACGTAATM Reserve complement motif 0.000292 0.311653 0.219045 0.469010 0.632608 0.304166 0.062934 0.000292 0.007387 0.000221 0.000221 0.992171 0.062070 0.000221 0.000221 0.937488 0.948133 0.051354 0.000221 0.000292 0.153296 0.846191 0.000221 0.000292 0.000292 0.000221 0.846191 0.153296 0.000292 0.000221 0.051354 0.948133 0.937488 0.000221 0.000221 0.062070 0.992171 0.000221 0.000221 0.007387 0.000292 0.062934 0.304166 0.632608 0.469010 0.219045 0.311653 0.000292 Consensus sequence: YATTACGTAATR ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 224 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 183 Motif 183 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Backward 1 12 0.009085 Original motif 0.380276 0.091632 0.281576 0.246516 0.619167 0.031999 0.291416 0.057418 0.019820 0.032307 0.040945 0.906928 0.016986 0.000112 0.944289 0.038613 0.961327 0.000112 0.012632 0.025929 0.000147 0.919281 0.009052 0.071520 0.071520 0.009052 0.919281 0.000147 0.025929 0.012632 0.000112 0.961327 0.038613 0.944289 0.000112 0.016986 0.906928 0.040945 0.032307 0.019820 0.057418 0.291416 0.031999 0.619167 0.246516 0.281576 0.091632 0.380276 Consensus sequence: DATGACGTCATH Reverse complement motif 0.380276 0.281576 0.091632 0.246516 0.619167 0.291416 0.031999 0.057418 0.019820 0.040945 0.032307 0.906928 0.038613 0.000112 0.944289 0.016986 0.961327 0.012632 0.000112 0.025929 0.071520 0.919281 0.009052 0.000147 0.000147 0.009052 0.919281 0.071520 0.025929 0.000112 0.012632 0.961327 0.016986 0.944289 0.000112 0.038613 0.906928 0.032307 0.040945 0.019820 0.057418 0.031999 0.291416 0.619167 0.246516 0.091632 0.281576 0.380276 Consensus sequence: HATGACGTCATD Alignment: HATGACGTCATD YATTACGTAATR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 225 Motif name: Motif 225 Original motif 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.480400 0.019600 0.019600 0.480400 0.480400 0.019600 0.019600 0.480400 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 Consensus sequence: TGTWWACA Reserve complement motif 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.025855 0.019600 0.928690 0.025855 0.025855 0.019600 0.019600 0.934945 0.480400 0.019600 0.019600 0.480400 0.480400 0.019600 0.019600 0.480400 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 0.025855 0.928690 0.019600 0.025855 0.934945 0.019600 0.019600 0.025855 Consensus sequence: TGTWWACA ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 225 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 3 170 Motif 170 Original Motif Original Motif Forward 3 8 0.009752 Original motif 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.036008 0.000625 0.018301 0.945066 0.000653 0.000625 0.990742 0.007980 0.018330 0.000625 0.000625 0.980420 0.230489 0.000625 0.000625 0.768261 0.000653 0.000625 0.000625 0.998097 0.838999 0.071335 0.035979 0.053687 0.000653 0.998069 0.000625 0.000653 0.821299 0.018301 0.142070 0.018330 0.962743 0.000625 0.035979 0.000653 0.089048 0.000625 0.909674 0.000653 0.000653 0.945035 0.000625 0.053687 Consensus sequence: ACTGTTTACAAGC Reverse complement motif 0.000653 0.000625 0.945035 0.053687 0.089048 0.909674 0.000625 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 0.018330 0.018301 0.142070 0.821299 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.053687 0.071335 0.035979 0.838999 0.998097 0.000625 0.000625 0.000653 0.768261 0.000625 0.000625 0.230489 0.980420 0.000625 0.000625 0.018330 0.000653 0.990742 0.000625 0.007980 0.945066 0.000625 0.018301 0.036008 0.000653 0.000625 0.998069 0.000653 0.000653 0.000625 0.035979 0.962743 Consensus sequence: GCTTGTAAACAGT Alignment: ACTGTTTACAAGC --TGTWWACA--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 226 Motif name: Motif 226 Original motif 0.036197 0.903448 0.060109 0.000246 0.000246 0.000187 0.998170 0.001397 0.158512 0.066096 0.078079 0.697313 0.006238 0.894981 0.048122 0.050659 0.000246 0.080563 0.847043 0.072148 0.018222 0.853035 0.128497 0.000246 0.044672 0.000187 0.954895 0.000246 0.056658 0.008662 0.116501 0.818179 0.054173 0.691252 0.048122 0.206453 0.035173 0.062587 0.806123 0.096117 0.048181 0.647846 0.135948 0.168025 0.006238 0.333683 0.501437 0.158642 Consensus sequence: CGTCGCGTCGCS Reserve complement motif 0.006238 0.501437 0.333683 0.158642 0.048181 0.135948 0.647846 0.168025 0.035173 0.806123 0.062587 0.096117 0.054173 0.048122 0.691252 0.206453 0.818179 0.008662 0.116501 0.056658 0.044672 0.954895 0.000187 0.000246 0.018222 0.128497 0.853035 0.000246 0.000246 0.847043 0.080563 0.072148 0.006238 0.048122 0.894981 0.050659 0.697313 0.066096 0.078079 0.158512 0.000246 0.998170 0.000187 0.001397 0.036197 0.060109 0.903448 0.000246 Consensus sequence: SGCGACGCGACG ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 226 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 177 Motif 177 Reverse Complement Reverse Complement Forward 2 12 0.052319 Original motif 0.088021 0.518176 0.249523 0.144280 0.224563 0.286686 0.402124 0.086626 0.145098 0.304646 0.490810 0.059446 0.000026 0.796570 0.173985 0.029419 0.049647 0.274490 0.359196 0.316667 0.039348 0.472661 0.455411 0.032580 0.425078 0.245412 0.329484 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.329484 0.245412 0.425078 0.032580 0.455411 0.472661 0.039348 0.316667 0.359196 0.274490 0.049647 0.029419 0.173985 0.796570 0.000026 0.059446 0.490810 0.304646 0.145098 0.086626 0.402124 0.286686 0.224563 0.144280 0.249523 0.518176 0.088021 Consensus sequence: CVSCBSRGCYSVGSBG Reverse complement motif 0.144280 0.518176 0.249523 0.088021 0.086626 0.286686 0.402124 0.224563 0.059446 0.304646 0.490810 0.145098 0.029419 0.796570 0.173985 0.000026 0.316667 0.274490 0.359196 0.049647 0.032580 0.472661 0.455411 0.039348 0.425078 0.329484 0.245412 0.000026 0.000026 0.000020 0.999928 0.000026 0.000026 0.999928 0.000020 0.000026 0.000026 0.245412 0.329484 0.425078 0.039348 0.455411 0.472661 0.032580 0.049647 0.359196 0.274490 0.316667 0.000026 0.173985 0.796570 0.029419 0.145098 0.490810 0.304646 0.059446 0.224563 0.402124 0.286686 0.086626 0.088021 0.249523 0.518176 0.144280 Consensus sequence: CBSCVSMGCKSBGSVG Alignment: CBSCVSMGCKSBGSVG -SGCGACGCGACG--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset #: 4 Motif ID: 227 Motif name: Motif 227 Original motif 0.217529 0.241056 0.541171 0.000244 0.000244 0.000185 0.000185 0.999386 0.917075 0.056300 0.026381 0.000244 0.000244 0.669651 0.317924 0.012181 0.970730 0.018730 0.010296 0.000244 0.024901 0.475099 0.475099 0.024901 0.000244 0.010296 0.018730 0.970730 0.012181 0.317924 0.669651 0.000244 0.000244 0.026381 0.056300 0.917075 0.999386 0.000185 0.000185 0.000244 0.000244 0.541171 0.241056 0.217529 Consensus sequence: GTACASTGTAC Reserve complement motif 0.000244 0.241056 0.541171 0.217529 0.000244 0.000185 0.000185 0.999386 0.917075 0.026381 0.056300 0.000244 0.012181 0.669651 0.317924 0.000244 0.970730 0.010296 0.018730 0.000244 0.024901 0.475099 0.475099 0.024901 0.000244 0.018730 0.010296 0.970730 0.000244 0.317924 0.669651 0.012181 0.000244 0.056300 0.026381 0.917075 0.999386 0.000185 0.000185 0.000244 0.217529 0.541171 0.241056 0.000244 Consensus sequence: GTACASTGTAC ************************************************************************ Best Matches for Motif ID 227 (Highest to Lowest) ************************************************************************ Dataset # Motif ID Motif name Matching format of first motif Matching format of second motif Direction Position # # of overlap Similarity score 4 218 Motif 218 Reverse Complement Original Motif Forward 3 11 0.042945 Original motif 0.977553 0.020977 0.000634 0.000836 0.021179 0.895978 0.000634 0.082209 0.957211 0.000634 0.041319 0.000836 0.021179 0.936665 0.020977 0.021179 0.021179 0.977351 0.000634 0.000836 0.957209 0.041321 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.997694 0.000634 0.000836 0.000836 0.041319 0.041321 0.916524 0.021179 0.000634 0.957008 0.021179 0.021179 0.020977 0.020977 0.936867 0.977553 0.000634 0.000634 0.021179 0.021179 0.957008 0.000634 0.021179 0.875839 0.020977 0.061663 0.041521 0.896181 0.020977 0.041321 0.041521 Consensus sequence: ACACCACTGTACAA Reverse complement motif 0.041521 0.020977 0.041321 0.896181 0.041521 0.020977 0.061663 0.875839 0.021179 0.000634 0.957008 0.021179 0.021179 0.000634 0.000634 0.977553 0.936867 0.020977 0.020977 0.021179 0.021179 0.957008 0.000634 0.021179 0.916524 0.041319 0.041321 0.000836 0.000836 0.000634 0.997694 0.000836 0.000836 0.041321 0.000634 0.957209 0.021179 0.000634 0.977351 0.000836 0.021179 0.020977 0.936665 0.021179 0.000836 0.000634 0.041319 0.957211 0.021179 0.000634 0.895978 0.082209 0.000836 0.020977 0.000634 0.977553 Consensus sequence: TTGTACAGTGGTGT Alignment: ACACCACTGTACAA --GTACASTGTAC- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------